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Everything posted by tad091

  1. Just saw a pic of her in an anti-Aggie shirt and no one knows how much I like her after that. I had completely forgot that Vickie still lived in El Paso. I hope Shaul does well though, and I can't wait to see what she's capable of.
  2. I just read that Shaul Guerrero was signed last week by WWE and will show up at FCW soon. Anyone have an idea if this is true?
  3. I've already caught myself saying it irl. Didn't see the PPV yesterday, but I heard Byran vs. Ziggler was pretty good. Only thing is that I really came into wrestling when Spirit Squad was stilll around, I think, so I can never believe that Dolph would rise above those horrid, horrid times.
  4. Am I the only one that just saw that UFC commercial during NXT right now?
  5. He was also known as Dameon Duke in WWP. Can't wait for him to make it up from FCW. Storyline just waiting to get started.
  6. Hopefully about the same time this rematch happens, but without the commentary.
  7. I am watching parts of it now too. It really makes me want to get the DVD.
  8. Bryan Danielson just tweeted this: Looks like my return to the independents will be next Saturday for @chikarapro in Detroit, MI. I'm stoked to be working with Chikara again!
  9. I know this is one of my first posts, but highlight below for possible spoilers. Despite the fact that the NXT Season 1 rookies were all portrayed as heels on Monday’s RAW during the NXT invasion, Justin Gabriel wrestled at Thursday’s FCW tapings as a babyface and did not wear his NXT black armband. David Otunga wrestled on the same show, worked as a heel and wore the black & yellow “N” armband the NXT crew wore on RAW. Credit - Wrestling Observer Newsletter & SESCOOPS
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