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  1. Hello? Anyone home? Too bad this project never got off the ground...
  2. Thank you G-fan. An update status as to if this game is still in development would be nice. Closure can be good sometimes.
  3. I have no beef with you or anyone here. I don't have an agenda. Just wanted to make a point. My opinion. We can agree to disagree. That's all. Have a nice day!
  4. Causing trouble? How so? By stating the obvious?? That this game was announced back in 2006 and here we are in 2010 four years later with no tangible updates, screenshots, specs, etc. You keep taking the "blue pill" my friend (Matrix reference) while I take the red. It is what it is, and if you wish to continue to exist in your fantasy realm go right ahead. I live in reality. Reality is, is that this game is vaporware. I do wish that was not the case. And why should my opinion bother you anyway fanboy?
  5. Well since you asked.....I did not know you were on the Grey Dog payroll. Instead of attacking me, perhaps you should direct your energy or venom to the developers ...where are the updates? What is the status of this game? The development of this game was announced in early 2006...four years ago. Since then, there has been a dearth of updates. Also I never have said this place "sucked" those are your words. What I have said in the past is that it is unacceptable that customers have been led on. I may not post much but I am a customer. I've purchased Bowl Bound and the original TPF game released by the defunct .400 studios company. Why announce a game that is not going to be released???? Four years and no tangible updates, screenshots, specs whatsoever. Additionally to infer that for in order for me to have an opinion whether it be positive or negative I have to be a "regular" of these forums is poor customer marketing. Instead of attacking potential customers why not figure out what Grey Dog can do better to elicit better customer response. Calling me a "prick" does not achieve a positive objective whatsoever. I would have to assume that you must be very limited in your coping skills. Can you rebut my "poof....vaporware" remark? Is it acceptable the lack of updates for 4 years by Mr. Rahn?
  6. I understand that life happens so it may be hard to provide updates periodically but no update in more than a year? Come on! Development on this game is most likely dead.... This thread should be shut down with an announcement that this is not going to happen. Oh well back over to the OOTP and Wolverine Studios boards.
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