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Posts posted by Hashasheen

  1. Who does entertain you in WWE?


    CM Punk - most of the time, but this New Nexus thing has me souring on him.


    Cody Rhodes - His Dashing gimmick really drew me in, and this feud with Rey seems to be looking pretty good.


    Jack Swagger - He's decent if not good in the ring and he showed glimmers of being a great heel during his fun as champ. Might do better as a goofy face though.


    Zack Ryder - Do I need to explain this?


    Justin Gabriel - He's got a nice mix of aerial and ground skills and if he works on his promo skills, he'd be just fine.


    Daniel Bryan - Epic in the ring, and I've seen some of his promos with Paul London. He's got a lot to offer.


    Christian - Good on the mic and in the ring.


    Sin Cara - Have you seen this guy in CMLL. Because you should. Like now.

  2. He's not a great wrestler from a traditional standard but he is for the modern-day product for the WWE; one much like the late 80's and early 90's where Entertainment was FAR more important than anything else. Hulk Hogan, and the Ultimate Warrior, are two examples of guys who were terrible in the ring but became big due to their persona's. Now, I'm not saying the Miz will EVER get to that point, as it's almost impossible, but what I am saying is that he's done a great job of conveying a unique persona within a mold of luke-warm standards as of late.

    1. It's not because of a traditional standard or what not. I just don't like him based on my standards for liking a wrestler or not. Also, Hogan used to be epic in the ring. Look for his Japan/early stuff.


    Will he wrestle circles around people? No. Then again, given the WWE's product style, such a fact isn't needed really. The bigger draw from a WWE standpoint is whether or not you can entertain....


    In my eyes, he does exactly that... Entertain.

    I'm no ROHbot demanding wrestling 24/7 (Though Final Countdown did introduce me to them). I'm just not entertained by The Miz, like I'm not entertained by Triple H, or Randy Orton or Matt Hardy, or Rey Mysterio. His character is not entertaining, his ring work - while improving - is not entertaning, and the same goes for his mic-work. I'm just not a fan. *shrugs*


    But if you don't think he's a a good to great heel mic skill wise....I just don't know what your looking for out of a brash heel playing the "****y kid" gimmick to prefection.

    ****y kid? And here I thought he was playing the egomaniac.
  3. I have to say.... I disliked him A LOT at first.... I thought he would amount to nothing when he first joined the WWE... Hell, I didn't even think he would make it this far as an active competitor in the company as a whole.... BUT...


    I believe the Miz is Awesome!


    Call me a full-fledged convert; I love this guy. He plays his heel-schtick perfectly every time. Tonight, he took it to a whole new level in my mind. Sure, he did mess up slightly on his promo at one point but overall he blew it out of the water. Honestly, with Jericho gone now, the Miz really stands as THE best Heel in the WWE (maybe only challenged by CM Punk; who I love soooo very much as well).


    I've always been a heel guy; however, he really proved his worth to me; and has for quite some time really.


    That is all.






    ... We'll agree to disagree.

  4. The WWE is doing this obviously to promote the next upcoming masked superstar, Sin Cara because Rey Mysterio is near the end of his leash and they know the Mexican fans need someone to cheer and Sin Cara is going to be the new man.


    Indeed. I say they have Rey introduce Sin Cara to the fans, and then team Rey & Sin Cara as a tag-team and give them a run with the titles before Rey leaves the WWE. Then, catapult Sin Cara to the title, preferably held by Alberto Del Rio.

  5. Booker T, Trish Stratus & Steve Austin on Tough Enough? Yeah, Impact just got kicked off my schedule.


    Cena winning was disappointing. Guess we're not getting Rock vs. Cena at Wrestlemania. Morrison vs. Miz would have been so much better.


    Michael Cole was okay, until the Trish Stratus segment. Then he was complete ****.


    Alberto winning was meh.


    Corre winning was all right, though I'm not sure what the point of it will be. Can't see an interesting feud develop from this. Also, they're now two time tag team champions. Man the belts have gone down.


    Kelly Kelly coming back was expected, though there could have been something decent coming out of her "firing". Respect for taking the crazy bumps and Trish intervening was also expected, but this time welcomed. She hasn't lost a step.


    Miz remains as bland as ever to me. He needs to expand on what he's talking about. About the differences between his hard work ethic and what his opponents had handed to them perhaps. Things like that.


    CM Punk needs to go back to spiky hair. He looks retarded like this.

  6. One word: Kizarney.


    Vince has day-to-day approval of everything that goes on in a WWE ring, but by no means is he said to pay that close attention to it. Even back in the mid-90s, Vince signed Mick Foley on the recommendation of his advisors.


    There's a story going around that Vince didn't know that the Major Brothers (Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins) weren't actually brothers. When he found that out, he ordered that they be repackaged. Eight months on TV and he didn't know?


    I've also heard hedidn't know Paul London & Brian Kendrick wore masks till they entered the ring for that same amount of time. I think he just might not pay close attention to the tag-team division. :p

  7. first ppv I ever bout, waste of money. they spent so long hyping how hall of famers win the rumble, how winning it is a huge deal, then put some guy that was cleaning the stands a year ago over as winner.


    at least if santino had thrown him out, I could have seen a sudden character shift, and Santina suddenly getting a push he sure as heck has earned.


    glad I had friends over to watch it, that was worth the money. The PPV's first two matches, ok the rumble on the whole good. but the finish soured the whole night.


    ... You feel like explaining that remark? Because it comes off as more than a little racist.

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