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Everything posted by TDubRaiders

  1. I absolutely agree with you Stennick. I wasn't a huge Diesel fan but the second he switched to WCW I was hooked. I stopped watching WWE altogether when him and Hall came over to WCW. WCW was absolutely huge after he came over. It was pretty much the last BIG and I mean BIG surprise in wrestling. Kurt Angle was a big surprise but hasn't nearly done anything close to resembling what Nash helped WCW do. RVD is a joke to me who thinks because he got one big push in WWE near the end of his time there he's some type of rock star. Maybe in TNA he might be because they probably paid him a lot but he really hasn't done much to help ratings. Nash def helped WCW kill WWE in the ratings his first few months. I'm a huge Nash fan no so much in ring but could def see him as an authority figure at some point on in the broadcast booth.
  2. Lethal can still afford to stick around in the X-Division and help it become strong again, I would bring back Petey Williams as he is someone with a strong history in the X-Division, Austin Aries has done all he can in ROH, so I would bring him back and give him a proper push this time round, whilst Doug Williams provides a nice counter balance to the high Flyers. The two signings that would most give the Division a fresh look is Mistico and whilst trying to sign one of the biggest names in Lucha Libre might not come off, I would try my damnest if I was TNA to bring in a 'name' from either Mexico or Japan to give the X-Division an international flavour once again. I couldn't agree with that more TK. I for the life of me couldn't think of anyones name. I was so tired I threw the list together though so I didn't put as much thought it to it as I should have but I absolutely agree with you about the X Division. The X division needs an international feel to it. I myself loved the X Cup because of all the international talent. There are tons and tons of guys in Japan working there asses of and you could def find someone to steal the show in the X division. Also Mexico has it's share of talent and any kind of international talent in the X division is cool with me. I've said it before but I loved, I mean loved WCW's cruiserweight division back in the day with Liger, Psycosis, Blitzkrieg, Ultimo, Juventud, Mysterio and all the international guys they had. It was just fun to watch and it was one of the main reasons I watched WCW back in the day because of the cruiserweight division.
  3. I love me some Monty Brown trust me but I just assumed that because he really isn't around wrestling right now I would leave him off the list but I loved him back in the day. The Pounce was sweet and I enjoyed the stuff he did with Christian. I don't know if it's just me but I've never ever liked RVD. Just something about him. I can't even really explain it, it's incredibly weird but I just dislike him. In ECW, Raven was always my favorite and I enjoyed Taz, Mike Awesome and Masato Tanaka. And I loved Rhino at the end of ECW when he was the champ. Edit: Oh and I've always hated Hogan...just thought I'd throw that out there haha
  4. I like this and I'll play along Main Event 6: Kurt Angle D'Angelo Dinero Ken Anderson Jeff Hardy AJ Styles Samoa Joe Uppermid 6: Kazarian Morgan Abyss Daniels Austin Aries Carlito X Division 6: Sonjay Dutt Petey Williams Douglas Williams Jay Lethal Eric Young Shannon Moore Tag 6: MMG Beer Money London Brawling Generation Me LAX Paul London and Brian Kendrick Women 10: Kong Flash Rayne Sky Love Sarita Hamada Sara Del Rey Wilde Roxxi Legend/Occasional 5: Foley Jarrett Nash Flair Sting Jobbers 5: X: Amazing Red Reg: Rhino Tag: Team 3D Female: Lacey Commentators 2: Taz Tenay Backstage 2: Borash Hemme Referee 4: Slick Andrew Thomas Mike Posey Jamie Tucker Authority 1: nobody Ring Girl 1: So Cal Val So I pretty much got rid of Hogan, Eric B, EV2 (except for Rhino), RVD and a few others. My reason behind getting rid of the those guys is simply because I don't like them at all. Was never a huge Hogan fan he's not as big a deal as he used to be and Eric B hasn't really done anything really since early WCW. EV2 I can't stand so it was easy to get rid of them. Except for Stevie who I love and Raven who I'm a huge fan of but they don't bring too much to the table anymore. I think adding Kong and Flash back to the Womens division is strong along with Sara Del Rey would make it a damn good division. I like the X division with Petey and Dutt coming back. I put Shannon Moore in there because without Moore, Hardy would be a little baby and since Hardy sells ya gotta keep him. The tag division would be real strong with a returning LAX, and adding London to team with Kendrick rounds out the tag division quite well. The upper midcarders are strong I think with good workers and talkers. I originally had Roderick Strong where Carlito was but Strong is mega bland and Carlito and Aries feud would be great. The Main Eventers is a damn good group and getting rid of RVD is a must because he's a joke to me and is way too full of himself. Very much enjoyed making this list Hyde and would love to see what you think of my list.
  5. Yeah it def seems like that's what they did. I was wondering if it was just my TV because I was having a hard time hearing the entrances.
  6. Haha man you beat me to it. I'm so tired of Tommy Dreamer. He's incredibly annoying and he's making the EV2 stuff an absolute joke. Every promo he does comes off so cheesy and corny and it just doesn't work anymore. AJ was very good on the mic. It's sad but I absolutely enjoy when Flair just destroys EV2 in his promo's because he truly does hate what the old ECW was. I'm also kind of intrigued by what "Them" is at BFG. Hopefully it's good
  7. Very true Hyde theres no truth to the whole Heyman rumors...sadly I want him in TNA bad. I just hope for the sake of TNA that they continue to grow and become a very solid #2 promotion. It's just plain good for wrestling fans and I think it will help wrestling to grow if there are two very good products out there. I've always enjoyed TNA since prob around 2004. I stopped watching wrestling right after the terrible invasion storyline IMO obviously and didn't watch wrestling until I caught a TNA show on PPV one time when I read something about them online. I tend to disagree with a lot of stuff they do but I just can't stop watching for some weird reason. haha.
  8. I get what your saying Stennick. Looking back now I actually agree with you. I've been enjoying TNA for awhile and well I was a huge ECW fan I just wish people would let it die. Im a huge Joe and Daniels fan so maybe thats why I enjoyed it last year. I do agree though that TNA had been putting on some damn good shows before the whole EV2 trash started. I like the direction there going now with certain programs except for the EV2 thing. I loved the Beer Money and MMG feud and can't wait to see MMG vs London Calling. I was always hoping Desmond would team with Magnus but didn't expect Desmond to be in a team after he got off to such a hot start. There are obvious things in TNA I don't like, one being EV2 and the second being the whole JJ, Nash and Sting storyline. The only other gripe with TNA is the lack of an X-division but other than that I'm pretty happy with TNA overall. Also Stennick I agree with you AJ was semi boring as TNA champ because they booked him pretty poorely. I also hate RVD so maybe I'm biased but I think AJ has become a damn good heel and I actually look forward to his promos now when before...not so much..haha
  9. No Hyde Smackdown is starting Oct 1st which is a Friday. There are reports that NXT will finish up by then and possibly become an online show. I wish Smackdown was on Tuesday though so I could actually catch it but anyway yeah I'm getting pretty tired of Dixie saying TNA is going to change forever. She failed miserably to get Paul Heyman so now she's trying to do whatever she can to make up another surprise. I don't know if anyone agrees with me but I was really enjoying TNA before Hogan and Eric came on board. I'm in no way blaming Hogan or Eric for anything but I was really enjoying the few months before Eric and Hogan came along.
  10. I agree with you Self. I would def be more inclined to watch Impact if it was live. I always crack and end up reading spoilers and if what I read doesn't look interesting I usually pass. Hopefully they stick with it.
  11. I enjoyed the X division a whole lot in the early years. I liked when they would throw in the multi-man X division match just to showcase the talent. Was a technical masterpiece? Absolutely not but it got to showcase the guys in the division even if they weren't contenders. The X Div title matches were always very good though and were def less spot monkeyish. Jaysin def agree Doug Williams is very underrated. Would love to see him get to perform with actual X division wrestlers but the storyline he's in now won't allow that. Also the tag division could be very very good. Sad to see Homicide go though cause adding LAX to the mix would have been great but can't wait to see how MMG title reign goes and who else challenges them. Also love the team of Desmond and Magnus should be a great addition to the tag ranks.
  12. I agree with most that Dutt was "eh" but when they needed someone to put on a good X division showing I think he did a pretty good job. Would I ever have him be X Div champ prob not. And Petey was so under rated. I liked his look at the end of his TNA run except for the blonde hair. I agree with you Hyde that Petey was def more than just the finisher but I mean damn I've never seen someone so over off just a finisher. The whole crowd would stand up just when it looked like he might hit it. I think he was a damn good wrestler and his matches with AJ over the X div title in I believe '05 or '06 were damn good. I've said it before the X div is an absolute joke. It was absolute favorite part of TNA back in the day and they've made it less and less enjoyable every year. They tried to re-establish it this year but have failed because they have no division to speak of.
  13. Yeah I like Carlito but I agree with Hyde. If this was a few years ago I would say yes but you don't want someone who basically takes days off in the ring if he's not in a good mood. You need someone who will give 110% every time they go out there and I don't see Carlito doing that. They need to stop signing so many new people without letting other people go. And people they do let go are the wrong people...(Kong, ODB, Alissa Flash, Aries, Petey Williams, Sonjay Dutt, Creed etc.)
  14. I've been a Jeff Jarrett fan pretty much since his rise in WCW when he was wrestling Booker T for the title. Did Jeff deserve to be main eventing for the second biggest company in the US? Probably not but WCW was a sinking ship. I am not much of a fan of JJ anymore but I still think he's a good veteran to put over young talent. I don't think he should even be anywhere near the main event and think he would be really good feuding with someone to help put them over in the mid card. TNA really needs to establish the young guys and they are starting to do better but I don't think there doing a good enough job. And they need to focus a lot more on the X division because right now it's a joke
  15. I miss the old X division. I very much enjoyed WCW's cruiserweights division back in the day and I felt like TNA's X Division was right on par with WCW's division a few years ago but they def moved away from it. I would love to see TNA take WCW's approach and have some guys from overseas come over and wrestle. I enojyed the old Japanese and Mexican masked wrestlers in WCW and would nlove to see some of the newer guys intergrated into the X Division
  16. I'm not sure if your aware MichiganHero but Wikipedia is pretty much gospel.. I feel like I might be one of the few wrestling fans who hasn't watched the WCW DVD WWE produced. I was a huge WCW fan back it the day and I prefered it over WWE even though I watched both. I just feel like WWE probably passed over a bunch of stuff because they don't want to look weak. I should probably watch the DVD but I'm not sure if it's any good. I would love to watch the matches though.
  17. Just read that online as well. Pierce seemed to do a good job booking. I like that ROH keeps pushing on even when it loses Main Event talent. ROH is basically a development fed where once guys make a name there WWE and TNA come calling. I would love for there to be a big three in pro wrestling again it would be good for competition and for all the wrestlers out there.
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