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Captain Kayfabe

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  1. I haven't encountered it in TEW 2020 because I've only been sending down really low popularity workers. But in 2016 I believe if the worker had more popularity in the home region of the development fed, they didn't want to be sent down.
  2. I believe that it's relative to the wrestler's popularity versus the size of the development territory.
  3. What does "Fans expect important matches to be quite lengthy" mean? Obviously, there would be a minimum time expected. What would that be? 20 minutes? More? Also, what constitutes an important match? Would it be a match with a Major Star?
  4. I've reloaded my save and re-run the same TV show multiple times, with slight variations on the card. The overall show grade keeps rating 5-10 points below what I would expect, based on both the individual segment ratings and what the past few similar cards received. Any thoughts on what the reason would be? The only thing I can think of is that I only have two storylines graded as "hot" when I'm required to have three. I know that can result in penalties, but I didn't think it would be quite that drastic...
  5. Great work as usual! However, is a referee AND priest? lol
  6. Where can I find a download for the default data and graphics? All of the events from my data just mysteriously disappeared today...
  7. Looks more Samoan here than in the original render 👍
  8. Is the download file being updated every time you add more to the thread? Or maybe I'll just wait on downloading until you're 100% done.
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