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Mr Rager

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Posts posted by Mr Rager

  1. Again, everyone said the same thing about Miz and RVD. I'm at least willing to give it a few months before I guess if he's gonna lose it, see how much they build him up until then.


    The top brass is in dire need of babyfaces, and I guess things have slightly redeemed themselves by now with the Sheamus face turn, and Punk possibly going down the face road, but there are still so many heel prospects among the upper echelon that need to be treated. A babyface just had to win the MITB.


    To clarify, I wasn't basing that prediction based on Danielson's position on the card; I was basing it on the fact that I think that WWE will try to make the Cena/Rock match as big of a spectacle as possible by having the WWE Championship on the line. Therefore the only way that Danielson would have his title match at Wrestlemania would be if it was a triple threat.


    Otherwise, I think that he'll either lose the briefcase or, for whatever reason, cash it in beforehand.

  2. Hmmm, the triple threat sounds like an interesting idea, actually. The RR winner could challenge for the World Heavyweight Title, only for Bryan to show up and remind everyone of his promise. They'd both have earned a shot at WM, so they both get one at WrestleMania. And booking-wise, I think it'd work out kinda similarly to WM 20, when Shawn Michaels was added to the Benoit/HHH match to make sure it was a big enough match to be a WrestleMania main event.


    Yes, that's the one that I was thinking of. I think it was a similar situation when Rey Mysterio won the WHC at Wrestlemania as well.

  3. I was under the impression he was going to cash it in AFTER the world title match at wrestlemania. Am I mistaken?


    BTW, I also think he will lose the briefcase before WM28


    I guess it could work that way; my interpretation of the situation was that he'd just set a date for the match to happen, like RVD did at One Night Stand a few years ago.


    The briefcase holder cashing in on a weakened opponent is overplayed, in my opinion, and Danielson seems like the kind of character who would want to try to buck that trend by winning the title in a fair contest.

  4. On the topic of Wrestlemania and trying to predict/fantasy book what is going to happen, it's intriguing that WWE have hinted that Danielson will cash in his opportunity at the WHC and that Rock/Cena will be for the WWE Championship; you'd assume that only one of these things will happen, because the Royal Rumble winner needs somebody challenge as well. Unless they made the WHC match a triple threat.


    I'd put my money on Danielson not having MITB by the time Wrestlemania comes round.

  5. I agree with those saying that the storyline could have done with being drawn out off-screen for a few weeks at least, but one of the biggest PPVs of the year being in a few weeks is a bit of an issue. In that sense, it's a shame that the feud couldn't have started a month earlier. Although with MITB being in Chicago, that moment was perfect as it was.


    Raw will be a lot more entertaining with him than without him anyway, so I'm not too bothered; but like I said, being able to build the feud off screen for a few more weeks would have been ideal.

  6. <p>Very, very excited about the event tonight; obviously because of the main event, and also because I enjoy MITB matches.</p><p> </p><p>

    I predict that Cena will retain clean, but then ADR will cash in the MITM briefcase that he's already won and win the title (perhaps with the help of the outgoing CM Punk)? I'd love it to go another way, and as has been said if CM Punk is WWE Champion by the time the show is over I'd absolutely love it. What I'm certain of is that Punk won't be gone for long, if at all, after tonight; the look on Vince's face when Punk tore up the contract on Monday night made him look weak and desperate for Punk to sign on and remain in the WWE, and I don't think they'd make Punk look that powerful and dictating a big contract if there was any way he'd be off screen for a long time.</p><p> </p><p>

    Reckon Orton will retain, with one of Wade Barrett or Cody Rhodes winning Smackdown's MITB but not cashing in right away; for some reason, I'm leaning towards Cody. Sheamus is the obvious choice, but I simply don't think he needs it at all. Having the briefcase wouldn't help him like it would Rhodes or Barrett, because he's practically a main eventer as it stands.</p><p> </p><p>

    And to complete the predictions, Henry to defeat Big Show and Kelly Kelly to defeat whichever Bella she's facing.</p>

  7. Two quick questions if I may - although I'm sure it only vaguely fits the thread.


    This is mainly for UK members - has anyone ever bought anything from Silver Vision? Any good?


    Has anyone watched Very Best of Nitro? Same as above?


    SV is the only distributor that seems to be selling Nitro at the moment, and it isn't too bad a price either.


    I used to, years ago, and had no problems.

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