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Mr Rager

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Everything posted by Mr Rager

  1. Just watched Raw, Punk made that main event. Easily my favourite wrestler right now.
  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="sabataged" data-cite="sabataged" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I thought it was excellent. They gel together really well I think. I am hoping for a Christian heel turn so we can get some more matches</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It certainly looks as if they're slowly building towards a Christian turn with his post-match actions, prior to the handshake. Hopefully their recent matches are proving to WWE officials that Christian can be a top player on Smackdown.</p>
  3. <p>That just left me wondering what sort of direction they're trying to take Orton's character in; I personally thought that the 'viper' gimmick, and pretty much being a face with heel characteristics, suited him. That moment made me think that maybe they're trying to turn him into a more traditional babyface now that he's supposed to be the top guy on Smackdown, and I'm not sure how that will turn out.</p><p> </p><p> A decent lineup for Over The Limit tonight, if you're prepared to disregard Cole/Lawler as 15/20 minutes of garbage from the off. Hopefully Chavo and Sin Cara are given a good amount of time.</p>
  4. <p>Just had the chance to catch Smackdown and, like a couple of other people have said, I've got a very different stance on the Christian/Orton incident having watched it pan out as opposed to when I'd just read the spoiler. Well, I'm still disappointed that he couldn't have had a longer reign, but from the way they built it up it's clear that there's big plans for these two; from Christian welling up during his promo at the start of the show, to the fact that they ended the show with him walking out of the arena a broken man as opposed to ending the show with a shot of the new champion proudly parading the title (like I'd expected them to).</p><p> </p><p> Sure, in an ideal scenario I'd have preferred to see Christian get a chance to prove himself as a worthy champion; and with the likes of Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes and even Mark Henry on the roster, I'm surprised that it seems Christian, or perhaps even Orton, will be turning heel. But having watched the show, I don't think this will be as bad for Christian as I did when I first read about it on Tuesday. Ultimately, this angle could give him the chance to cement himself as either the top face or the top heel in the company, maybe even more so than if he'd defended successfully against a few upper midcarders before losing the strap. As eayragt mentioned on the previous page, I feel there's more potential in the man who is bitter because his career defining moment was ruined than the man who won the title in memory of his outgoing best friend.</p><p> </p><p> Or maybe I'm too much of an optimist.</p>
  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Shape" data-cite="The Shape" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Austin won his first WWE title in 1998 and last in 2001. Rock lasted a similarly brief period of time, due to injuries and other pursuits respectively. What's alarming about Cena is that it's already been 6 years of him as the main guy...only Hogan is comparable.<p> </p><p> Part of it is down to basically a whole generation of stars not materialising; Lesnar, the other big name of the Cena/Batista 2002 debuting crop, didn't last long and after that, basically anybody they tried to push around 05/06 (Carlito, Kennedy, Lashley, MVP) didn't work out, and only Edge rose properly to the top.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> What happened between Kennedy and WWE? When I initially stopped watching wrestling he was my favourite on the roster by a mile, it seemed like he could have been one of the top guys for years.</p>
  6. <p>Wow. I shouldn't be shocked given that this is WWE, but I am.</p><p> </p><p> Isn't Over The Limit in like, three weeks? I don't understand why this had to happen so soon.</p>
  7. Whatever is the reason for Punk's unhappiness, I'll be bitterly disappointed if he chooses to depart. Easily my favourite wrestler currently working for WWE.
  8. WWE just seem to get their kicks from putting together promising stables and then tearing them apart before they have any real impact, huh?
  9. <p>That's the most epic failing of a stream that I've ever experienced first hand. <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Delighted for Christian nevertheless. Even if this is nothing more than a transitional reign, as I suspect it will be, he really deserves that.</p>
  10. Good event so far. I've really enjoyed every match bar the tag match, which - just like every match that Michael Cole has been involved in - was a joke, and hard to watch.
  11. I've only watched NXT twice since he's been on it, but both times I've thought he did a good job as colour commentator. Booker T just doesn't sound right on commentary to me, he gets way too excited at times and his words just become jumbles of sounds. Triple Threat Cage Match for the WWE Title John Cena vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz I've enjoyed Miz's reign as champ and would like to see it continue, but I wouldn't be surprised if Cena won tonight. Now that The Rock is only going to be making occasional appearance, and looking at the number of top heels Raw has, I just have a feeling that they'll have Cena win the strap again tonight. Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Title Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio I don't anticipate things being complicated just for the sake of a swerve, I think Christian will win and keep the title on Smackdown. Last Man Standing Match Randy Orton vs. CM Punk If CM Punk is on the verge of leaving I don't see any chance of him winning here. Falls Count Anywhere Match Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes Not sure who will win this one, so I've gone for who I hope wins it. No DQ, No Count-out, Loser Leaves WWE Match Layla vs. Michelle McCool Country Whipping Match Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole & Jack Swagger I see something similar to WrestleMania happening; Lawler and JR getting all of the revenge that they want, Cole getting the crap beat out of him, but then something happening - potentially involving the GM once again - so that Cole can keep bragging like a moron afterwards. I'm also half expecting a midcard title match to be thrown in somewhere so that Raw has either the US or IC title; after what happened on Smackdown I'd say there's a decent chance of it being Kofi/Sheamus. I think it needs to happen either tonight or on Smackdown next week, it's the only reason I can see for that segment on Friday.
  12. Is it just me or is Regal easily the best commentator in WWE?
  13. Interested to see what they do with the championships from here. I can't help but think that they might throw together an IC title match for this Sunday with Kofi taking it back to Raw.
  14. My only real issue with the draft is that the World Heavyweight Championship match just seems a given now, unless a giant swerve is thrown in. Surely it would have been logical to wait a week and do it before title matches have been arranged?
  15. Just watched Raw. Sad to see Edge retired. Having started watching wrestling circa 2000, I could possibly say that he made up one half of the best tag teams that I've ever had the pleasure of watching - one of my favourites, at least. I've always admired Edge, while I wouldn't say that he's ever been one of my real favourites since his singles career kicked off, I've enjoyed his work. Heel or face, he's been a stellar component of the main event scene since he got there. It's a real shame that he's been forced to retire, but like others have touched on, it's a good thing that he was diagnosed and advised to retire before he ended up in a wheelchair. It's really strange for me, from the top of my head I can't think of somebody who has been so prominent in the WWE since the day that I started watching, for such a long time, who I've watched had so much success, retiring.
  16. I genuinely thought that I was witnessing some sort of absurd inside joke until the last 15 seconds.
  17. Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes United States Title Match: Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan The Corre (Wade Barrett, Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel) vs. Big Show, Kane, Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella Randy Orton vs. CM Punk John Morrison, Trish Stratus and Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler and Lay-Cool Special Guest Referee: Steve Austin: Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole World Heavyweight Title Match: Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio No Holds Barred Match: The Undertaker vs. Triple H WWE Title Match: The Miz vs. John Cena
  18. I reckon Michaels will make an appearance, but not a decisive one. Maybe give Taker a Superkick to help HHH, then realise that the streak doesn't deserve to be killed like that and Superkick HHH as well, leaving both men down. My most anticipated match is that and also Punk/Orton, just because they're two of my favourite guys on the roster right now.
  19. The only thing you can say is certain is that Michael Cole's ass is getting a Stunner.
  20. I wasn't remotely interested in the prospect of Taker/HHH until they made it No Holds Barred. Now you know it's gonna be awesome.
  21. I think my only disappointment in the build up to Mania this year is that there's no MITB match. Sure, maybe it's a match which doesn't have the same build-up to the rest of the matches on the card, but year after year it's been a highlight of the show for me. If you look at the roster you've got Bourne, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase, Kofi and McIntyre who aren't involved in the show at all at this point, as well as Morrison and Ziggler who are involved in that joke of a match with the girl from Jersey Shore. I know that MITB has its own event now, but I thought it was a lot more exciting when it was on the undercard of WM (in fact, I hate all of the gimmick match themed PPVs).
  22. This is surreal. I know Cena has been getting hate for years, but I don't remember seeing almost an entire arena against him like this.
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