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About bababooey76

  • Birthday 03/22/1976


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    Indianapolis, IN


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    Sports, Sports Betting, Wrestling


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  1. Yeah, I remember him from WCCW when it was on ESPN back in the late 80's.
  2. January 1992 Week 2 Click HERE to access the WCW Hotline for Spoilers and Breaking News in WCW that we can't release on air
  3. Current Clash of the Champions XVIII Card -Main Event: Sting and Barry Windham vs Rick Rude and Steve Austin -WCW World Tag Team Championship: Dustin Rhodes and Ricky Steamboat © vs The Enforcers -Mr. Hughes vs Ron Simmons -US Tag Team Championship: The Young Pistols (C) vs The Steiner Brothers
  4. Signed Jarrett to a written deal so this must be before Jerry Jarrett's deal with Vince Sending Jericho to the Power Plant, probably to improve. Storm could fit in if I can get Developmental Fed started and stocked up with talent. Going to see if I can find a way to get any kind of heat with el Gigante before I part with him.
  5. (Eric Bischoff meets with his newly formed booking team of Dusty Rhodes, Jim Ross, Paul E Dangerously and Ole Anderson) Bischoff: In front of you are a list of things we need to cover that I want us to make happen and that needs discussion Diamond Studd/Vinnie Vegas Push Finish for Sting/Luger at The Clash New Talent Big Signing Company/Talent Profile Bischoff: Looking to begin pushing Scott Hall and Kevin Nash as their current characters. I’d like to get the tag belts on the Steiners by the end of the summer. Let’s push Studd and Vegas as a team and work toward a championship match between the teams in the fall or maybe even Starrcade depending on what kind of heat we can get for this matchup in the build up. We need a name for Studd and Vegas as a team. Ideas? Dusty: Is Dally still going to manage them, Baby? Bischoff: That’s the plan. I want to get some heat on all 3 of them in the coming weeks. Dusty: Dally’s little group is the “The Diamond Mine” How bout “The Diamond Club” for Scott and Big Kev? Paul E: “The Sin City Studs?” or “The Diamond Connection”? Dusty: “Sin City Studs”, I like that, Baby. Paul E: "Diamond and Dice" Bischoff: THAT'S THE ONE! Now, Sting and Luger at SuperBrawl, Luger is done here. We are putting the belt on Sting and I want Sting to be the face of this company, I want to push him to the moon! Ross: Clean pinfall finish? Bischoff: NO…..I want Luger to tap to the Scorpion Death Lock. Dusty, you’re going to be the agent for that match. You can work out the details. Ole: Do you think Luger is going to need to be persuaded to do business this way? (Clenching his fists) Bischoff: Lex and I have an agreement. I don’t think he is going to give us a problem. (smiles) Bischoff: Now, I have signed some young talent. Chris Jericho, Jeff Jarrett are a couple of youngsters. We are going to send them to The Power Plant along with Marcus Bagwell. I have my eye on a lot young guys that Dusty, Ole and I have been looking at signing. I am looking at starting a smaller promotion, maybe only locally in Atlanta where these young guys get a lot of work and some tv exposure. “Power Plant Wrestling” PPW. I’d love to have some progress on this by the end of the year. Maybe I can even Ted to give us a late night slot on TBS Bischoff: I have signed a very big name in the business. He’s going to play a big role and may end up being able to fill the void left when Flair left last summer. No offense, but I am keeping his identity a secret for now. I don’t want any leaks getting out to the dirt sheets. But, this person will debut, unannounced, at The Clash. Bischoff: Finally, Dusty and I have broken down where exactly we stand as a company as far as top talents, and our strengths. Bischoff: I am a little concerned about the Main Event scene after Luger leaves. I want to add some depth as far as Main Event talent goes. As far as "Franchise Players" go, I think we'll be able to add Vader, Austin and definitely my "Mystery Signing" to this list.
  6. Week 2 January 1992 World Championship Wrestling Venue: Mississippi Coast Coliseum Location: Biloxi, Mississippi Attendance: 8,577 Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Jesse Ventura Schiavone: WE ARE 2 WEEKS AWAY FROM CLASH OF THE CHAMPIONS XVIII!!! The Main Event at the Clash will be Sting and Barry Windham vs Ravishing Rick Rude and Stunning Steve Austin of the Dangerous Alliance Ventura: That’s right Schiavone! And my sources tell me that WCW has signed a major superstar in wrestling business and he WILL appear at Clash of the Champions XVIII Schiavone: And WCW Commissioner, Dusty Rhodes has ordered Stunning Steve Austin to defend his Television Title this week vs Ricky The Dragon Steamboat after being saved by Rick Rude in Austin's match last week vs Dustin Rhodes. Current Clash of the Champions XVIII Card -Main Event: Sting and Barry Windham vs Rick Rude and Steve Austin -WCW World Tag Team Championship: Dustin Rhodes and Ricky Steamboat © vs The Enforcers -Mr. Hughes vs Ron Simmons Schiavone: Our Main Event this week on World Championship Wrestling has Stunning Steve Austin defending his Television Title against Ricky the Dragon Steamboat. Segment 1: Singles Match “Flyin” Brian vs Terrence Taylor (with Alexandra York) Winner: “Flyin” Brian via Air Pillman Schiavone: And Missy Hyatt is out here. She came out last week after a “Flyin” Brian win. Ventura: I think Missy has eyes for Flyin Brian, Schiavone (Brian looks at Missy, shakes his head and walks past her as he returns to the locker room. Missy has a determined look in her eye) Segment 2: Tony Schiavone interviews Paul E. Dangerously and Stunning Steve Austin Schiavone: Steve Austin, 2 straight matches vs Barry Windham and then vs Johnny B. Bad, you have been counted out, what some would say intentionally, when your back was against the wall, in order to retain your WCW Television Title. What do you have to say for yourself? Paul E: OBJECTION “YOUR HONOR”! Badgering the witness. My client does not need to take the easy way out Mr. Schiavone. We do not appreciate your tone, SIR! Austin: When you’re as good as Stunning Steve Austin, you don’t have to take the easy way out! And I won’t have to take any shortcuts tonight against that pathetic excuse for an opponent in Ricky Steamboat. Do you understand me? Segment 3: United States Tag Team Championship The Steiner Brothers vs The Young Pistols © Winners: The Steiner Brothers via DQ after Tracy Smothers hit Rick Steiner with the US Tag belt Segment 4: Backstage Vignette of Sting talking about his match at SuperBrawl vs Lex Luger Sting: Luger, you were my best friend. But when you aligned with Harley Race, you turned your back on your friends and the fans. At SuperBrawl that World Title is going around my waist for all of my little Stingers. Segment 5: Recap of Mr Hughes w/Harley Race attacking Ron Simmons Segment 6: Main Event for the WCW World Television Championship Ricky the Dragon Steamboat vs Stunning Steve Austin © with Paul E. Dangerously Steamboat lands his Dragon Fly Press, has Austin pinned but Paul E puts Austin's foot on the rope. Steamboat exits the ring to chase Paul E, Arn Arnderson and Bobby Eaton along with Rick Rude appear and jump Steamboat. Dustin Rhodes, Barry Windham and STING hit the ring to save their friend Schiavone: Austin escapes another near loss of that World Television Title in suspicious fashion Winner: Ricky Steamboat via DQ END SHOW Note: Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff debuted in a dark match defeating Scott Armstrong 411,394 viewers on TBS
  7. (Bischoff sits in his office at WCW Headquarters. His secretary buzzes him) Secretary: Mr. Bischoff, they are both here. Bischoff: Send them in. (Diamond Studd aka Scott Hall and Vinnie Vegas aka Kevin Nash walk in) Bischoff: (Shakes both of their hands) Gentlemen, first off, thank you for your help and your presence for my meeting with Mr. Luger. I think you both being there convinced him that doing business was in his best interest. (Hands each man an envelope with $5,000 in them). Let’s keep our arrangement between us. There may be occasions when I need your presence again. We don’t need the boys in the back knowing about this. But, this is going to lead to more for you both. I am going to see to it that you both are pushed as a tag team and I want those tag team belts on you by the end of the year. And I see BIG singles pushes for you both down the road. Nash: Alright Mr Bischoff. Whatever you need. Hall: I’ll do whatever you need. I appreciate the opportunity Mr. Bischoff. Bischoff: Please, my friends call me Eric. I’ll see you both at TV this week.
  8. Monday January Week 2 (Eric Bischoff meets with Lex Luger at a dive bar just outside of Atlanta. Eric is 2 beers in, sitting in a booth in the back corner of the bar. Luger enters the bar, Eric is annoyed as he sees that Luger is empty handed. Luger sits down) Bischoff: Where’s the belt ? Luger: I don’t want your belt Eric. I am hanging on to it for security. Once my contract is up next month, you’ll get the belt, without a shadow of a doubt Bischoff: Oh no, no, no. You’re not going to hold me up. I wired a $100,000 advance in good faith last week. You’re ending your hold out, you are coming to SuperBrawl and you are dropping the belt to Sting. Luger: I don’t think that is going to happen, Eric. Sorry Bischoff: I guarantee you it is going to happen or I am going to destroy you to the point that no one will hire you ever again. Luger: Excuse me? Bischoff: (Opens briefcase) Pulls out a folder and hands it to Luger (Luger Opens File) Lex Luger WCW Medical File Luger: Fine. You win. Bischoff: That’s right, I win. Fedex MY BELT to my office. If I don’t have that belt on my desk in 48 hours, I will make sure this report hits all of the dirt sheets and newsletters. (Eric stands up, lays a $20 on the table) Don’t ever fu*k with again. I’ll see you at Super Brawl. (Bischoff walks out. In the other corner of the bar Luger sees Scott Hall (Diamond Studd) and Kevin Nash (Vinnie Vegas) follow Bischoff out and they get in a car with him and drive off
  9. WCW Main Event Sunday January 1992 Week 1 Georgia Mountains Center 2.180 Attendance Announcers: Tony Schiavone and Magnum T.A. Segment 1 The Diamond Studd w Diamond Dallas Page defeats the Italian Stallion w Diamond Death Drop Segment 2 Recap of World Wide match with Austin vs Rhodes where Rude saved Austin from being pinned Segment 3 The Steiner Brothers defeat the The Wall Street Express w Alexandra York Segment 4 Tony Schiavone interviews Ricky the Dragon Steamboat who takes on Bobby Eaton in the Main Event this week (Steamboat says he is tired of the unprofessional, cowardly tactics by Paul E Dangerously’s Dangerous Alliance and that he will beat Zbyszko tonight and The Natural Dragons (Steamboat and Dustin Rhodes) will beat Arn Anderson and Bobby Eaton and retain the WCW World Tag Team Championships at Clash of the Champions XVIII in 2 weeks) Segment 5 Ricky The Dragon Steamboat vs Bobby Eaton with Paul E Dangerously Winner: Ricky Steamboat via DQ after Rick Rude, Steve Austin, Zbyszko and Arn Anderson attack Steamboat as he had Eaton pinned. (Sting, Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham arrive for the save and the Dangerous Alliance flees to the back) End Show Segment 5 WCW Television Title Match: Stunning Steve Austin © w Paul E Dangerously loses via intentional count out to Johnny B. Badd Segment 6 Main Event: Ricky the Dragon Steamboat defeats Larry Zbyszko
  10. WCW WorldWide January Week 1, 1992 Georgia Mountains Center 2,156 Attendance Announcers: Tony Schiavone and Dusty Rhodes Tony Schiavone: Our Main Event this week on World Wide, Dustin Rhodes will take on Stunning Steve Austin for the WCW Television Title Segment 1: Johnny B. Badd vs Terrence Taylor with Alexandra York Winner: Johnny B. Badd Segment 2: The Enforcers (Arn Anderson and Larry Zbyszko) vs The WCW Patriots (Firebreaker Chip and Todd Champion) Winner: The Enforcers via a Spinebuster by Arn Anderson Segment 3: Tony Schiavone interviews Dustin Rhodes Schiavone: Dustin, you just saw your opponents at Clash of the Champions, The Enforcers, who will challenge you for the Tag Team Championships you and Ricky Steamboat beat them for. Now, this week, you have another Dangerous Alliance Member as an opponent and it is also for gold, the WCW Television Championship Dustin: Tony Schiavone, I plan on walking out of here tonight as the Television Champion and keeping this tag team belt as well for a long time. Sting, Ricky Steamboat , Barry Windham and myself are going to band together and stop the Dangerous Alliance. And it starts tonight with you Steve Austin. Segment 4: Vinnie Vegas defeats Z-Man with the Snake Eyes Winner: Vinnie Vegas with the "Snake Eyes" Segment 5: Jim Ross Interviews Steve Austin with Paul E. Dangerously Austin: Dustin Rhodes, tonight, you step in the ring with excellence in Stunning Steve Austin. The Dangerous Alliance is the biggest thing going in professional wrestling today and I aim to be the WCW Television Champion for a LONG TIME! Pack a lunch Dustin. Segment 6: Main Event: WCW Television Title: Stunning Steve Austin© with Paul E. Dangerously and Medusa vs Dustin Rhodes Schiavone: Rhodes with the BULLDGO! HE HAD AUSTIN DOWN FOR THE PIN!!! 1, 2, 3……NO , Rick Rude!!! Rude pulls Austin out of the ring by his feet. Now, the ref is counting Austin out of the ring, 7,8,9, and 10…..Dustin is going to win by count out. Dustin Rhodes had the Television Title won but Rick Rude saves Steve Austin. We’re out of time! Winner: Dustin Rhodes via count out End Show
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