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Everything posted by Martino

  1. I accidentally had a contract expire that was I meant to re-sign. They currently say that they are not interested in returning at the moment. Is there any way, even through editor, to get them back in my company?
  2. I've got two shows booked for the same day each week (one live, one taped to be aired later). Currently it's booking the show that airs later in the week first, and the live show second. Is there a way to switch the order of which show is booked first?
  3. For a wrestler that isn't interested in gaining muscle/going up in size at this point in their career, is there anything you can do to convince them otherwise or is that just a personality trait thing? If they say "at this point in my career", does that imply that at a future point they are willing to?
  4. When a wrestler on my roster sends me a mail that says so-and-so "doesn't connect with fans", what does that mean? Does that necessarily matter or is it the game's way of telling me they lack a certain something that they likely won't get?
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