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  • Birthday 07/01/1974

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  1. And he just asked for another raise AND moved to Japan while I'm paying for his Travel. So long, Blue Dragon, you were a pain in the ass about 100% of the time.
  2. I just spent far too long coming up with a finisher for a rookie Canadian with zero matches. I'm making Suzanne Corbett into Mal Trudeau, who is an evil, passive-aggressive Canadian. Her finisher is the Scissored armbar (Rings of Saturn) named Ravissement du Roy (after goalie Patrick Roy). It's named that purely so she can berate the announcers or crowd when they mispronounce "Roy."
  3. September 2024 (44 rating 139 attendance) DOOM (Funkenstein) and GRIMM have an extended opening talking about how Papa Swoll can wrestle with such tiny feet. Lyra Starwalker (Merritt Freebush) now has a reluctant vampire gimmick and has another match on the main card, where she is bested by Kate Mishler. Dani Hart (Danielle Sweetheart) confronts Kate Redd (DupliKate) about Mellow Flashhart's lack of dedication to wrestling, but Mellow is back from filming. Mellow and Kate beat down Dani before Velvet Suarez makes the save. In the highest rated bit in HVW history, Papa Swoll crushes unopened soda cans in his biceps while smack talking DOOM. Kamehameha (Rocky Weatherfield) retains the Total Championship in a 4-way against Ghost of Wrestling Past (Masked Stranger), Allie Perks, and Robbie McNamara (Crockett Tubbs). In a botched ending that was supposed to be a draw, DOOM puts Swoll through a table and takes home both the East and West Coast belts.
  4. So in my game, Blue Dragon came at me twice with ridiculous contract requests - both over $200 a night. For an Insignificant company, nearly all my guys are getting $30-$60 a night, unless they are a behind the scenes person (like the ref or a personality) that appears many times on a show. Dragon is decent, but he's like the lowest on the card in a hole-in-the-wall fed. Then surprisingly, I offer him $60 a night (up from $59 a night, because I was giving him 25% of what he asked each time), and he accepted and much happier. Go figure.
  5. August 2024 (49 rating 133 attendance) Joy Ryder returned from Japan and the 5SSW to get on the mic with DOOM (Funkenstein) and GRIMM and lay into Tennessee William and Papa Swoll. Lyra Starwalker (Merrit Freebush) made her main card debut taking a loss to Allie Perks in a three-way involving Dani Hart (Danielle Sweetheart). Kamehameha (Rocky Weatherfield) retains the Total Championship against Ghost of Wrestling Past (Masked Stranger) and Zippy Deverell. Joanna Silver lasts in a five-way elimination involving her real life ex-boyfriend The J.H. (Jack Holder). In his first title defense of the night, Papa Swoll kept the West Coast belt, denying Joy Ryder another title reign. Tennessee William takes the pin. After an epic round of smack talk between DOOM and Swoll, the ladder match is set up with them and Marty Two Guns (Texas Hangman). Joy Ryder distracts Swoll long enough to let DOOM grab the belt and claim the East Coast Championship.
  6. You're right, a lot of people will find it tasteless and they have every right to consider it that. To me, pro wrestling is a unique business, and if Jack Perry wants to get over (because ultimately it's Christian Cage and Jack Perry feuding and anything they do to each other stands to make both of them and AEW more successful), I personally give him a little leeway to do that. Granted, they're also being risky themselves because if they want to use that material to drive their career, they do risk turning off people who find it too tasteless. So they will feel the repercussions of it and own what they do.
  7. Luke Perry, Jack's dad. I would have to think Jack and his family has okayed it though.
  8. I had gotten that for a few months with Joanna Silver. Not sure what its impact is. But like alpha said, I'd be pushing her more if you aren't already. It is after all telling you that part of the fan base really likes her. And we're all about the fans because they put their butts in seats.
  9. I watched WWF from around 85-92, then WCW and WWF during the wars which were fantastic for the business. But after WCW folded and it was clear that its fate after being sold was to be buried under the WWE (clearly a two-fold investment for some of the talent but more for the future nostalgia value), I didn't watch nearly as much, if at all for many years. One of the things that was super-important to the Wars era too was the fantastic AKI videogames on the N64. The first successful series of wrestling games that tried to be less twitchy and more like the actual product. (MicroLeague Wrestling tried, but it was just too ambitious for the time.) The Rock and Stone Cold really made that era special. S-Tier doesn't do justice to their mic skills. I'd be hard-pressed to think of anyone better and have them both together in the same fed at the same time in their prime with their fantastic synergy? It may never happen again. But only having one big dog in the WWE made it difficult, you could really feel the difference with them no longer having to compete. WWF's heyday in the 80s was all about McMahon putting the nail in the coffin that you couldn't run a national promotion. Then when he had to fend off Turner trying to duplicate the national promotion (i.e the wars)... To me it was clear just how critical it was for WWF/WWE to have that hunger to put out the best stuff. I was very happy when AEW came out, and I have watched a bit, but not much since 2022. A lot of it was because I'd watch the Dark shows (I don't have cable) - because I enjoyed seeing what was essentially the equivalent of minor league AEW in those free YouTube shows. And they were a lot like indy level shows with high production values. So seeing Max Caster or Willow Nightingale on there when they were in the "lets see if they stick" phases was cool. A lot of AEW was wanting to see Omega in the US (his 7-star match vs Okada really was incredible - despite having zero investment or background knowledge on Omega and Okada, I was just on the edge of my seat even knowing the outcome since it was several years later). And bless MJF for possibly inventing the new kayfabe. His promos too - the only thing I've seen other than Punk on the level of The Rock and Stone Cold.
  10. C'mon He clearly has skin. Lots of it. He's very skinny.
  11. July 2024 (50 rating 137 attendance) Joanna Silver continues to stay on fire, allying with DOOM (Funkenstein) and trashing Swoll and The J.H. (Jack Holder) in some fantastic promos. And in a tag match, she and Dani Hart (Danielle Sweetheart) beat Kate Redd (DupliKate) and The J.H. Joy Ryder takes out Kate Mishler in a strong opening match. Kamehameha (Rocky Weatherfield) and Robbie McNamara (Crockett Tubbs) team in a Total Championship match against Ghost of Wrestling Past (Masked Stranger) and Richie Riggins. The champ retains. In the main event, Papa Swoll beats DOOM on a countout, but Zippy Deverell convinces Swoll to just take the West Coast belt anyway since nobody is there to stop him. GRIMM comes out post show and stipulates that if Swoll does not return the belts, he will be forced to defend each in separate matches on the next WrestleNation show.
  12. Too cool! In my game in May 2024, Jack Pryde and Papa Swoll are wrestling in front of 100 people in Albany NY.
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