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Everything posted by redwalrus

  1. Added 2 more stable logos: The Night Shift and the Apex. I see the Night Shift as blue collar type wrestlers. Maybe they are great wrestlers but not great entertainers. The Apex is maybe a top heel stable.
  2. There is a QAW Trios title on the first page of this thread.
  3. Thanks for the complements. Updated the belts for the wrestling promotion. All the belts were created by ReapeR.
  4. I was thinking the apex predators: kings of wrestling
  5. I thought I would try this one with inspiration of flashing the 4 Horseman hand gesture.
  6. Stables: The Black Hawks: Motorcycle Gang House of Pain: Body Builder type wrestlers
  7. Companies: TCW Key to the Future All title belts were made by ReaperR. Graphics created by Redwalrus
  8. I created some graphics and thought I would share. These are the custom stuff that I use in my created companies. Thanks to everyone who creates content for the game it has certainly enriched my playing experience.
  9. Thanks for coming back ReapeR and doing this. I updated my request. to the Victory Wrestling league. Thank you
  10. My suggestion is you could tell a worker that he/she is going to win a title. This could have various affects based on their attributes. For example the worker might except some bookings they normally don’t agree with or make them very happy. Also if they don’t get the title when you say is could have a negative effect.
  11. I like this idea. I also wish the player could have a real say on title changes withd the option of complete control.
  12. The biggest factor in gaining momentum is who you beat. Winning is important but if you only beat enhancement talent your worker won’t gain much if any momentum.
  13. There should be a away for a worker who as great skills or maybe star quality combined with a legendary or great gimmick to rise very fast with overness. I also would say this would be kinda rare. I’ll give an example: The Undertaker He wrestled a few years as Mean Mark Callous and was not really going anywhere. At best he might have been recognizable before he left WCW. He was not a star. He debuts as the Undertaker in WWF and he is an instant star. Very few if anybody made the connection he wrestled in WCW. This would be rare but the right look and abilities some wrestlers would be instant stars.
  14. My suggestion is in the talk to worker section. Add the ability tell a worker they need to be more of a team player ie.. willing to lose to people at least the same perception. The wrestler does not have to agree but it puts them on notice they might be out of a job soon.
  15. I have a tag team that I am high on as they have really good wrestling skills but poor entertainment skills. A similar question was asked in the small questions thread but went unanswered so I thought I start this. I’m not sure how to book them in interview angles. I put them with a manger that can talk. I’m not sure what to have them rated on in the angel or should I leave them as not rated? Also menace is low and pop 1 is rated as star and 1 is well known.
  16. Thanks for the response and your work in creating it. Look forward to seeing the update
  17. Is there any news or update on when or if the 2020 Thunderverse mod is coming?
  18. I was very excited when TEW announced there would be alliances but between 2016 and 2020 I’m still disappointed how the game handles the belts. I wish there was a way for the player to have more influence on the belt. It would be nice if the AI recognized that these belts are higher than there local belts. Maybe in a future TEW.
  19. If anyone is wondering the bear dropped the title to the Missouri Mauler.
  20. I've been playing TEW for many years now but this is the first time I've played a real world mod. I often have played the Thunderverse. I really have enjoyed it. Being from Delaware I took the challenge of playing ECWA. (I don't believe it started it 1967 and I've been to their shows.) In my game it is June 1972. First off it was easy to make money every month because of sponsorships. I try to keep at least 4 guys on the roster who make at least $200. With only one show a month and starting with a 10 pop I am doing shows rating around 65 which is awesome. The biggest problem is keeping talent. Once the AI started hiring guys to exclusive contracts, I lose average of 2 guys per month. That has led to another problem I can't keep a decent tag team division going. That is why I have yet to create a tag team belt. With constantly losing guys its been a challenge to keep storylines going. I'm not complaining about the mod it's been fun. I just wanted to point out some observations about what has happened. Now there are 3 things that I thought I might bring up. The NWA World Heavyweight championship has prestige problem. this is suppose to be one of the most prestige belts and it has a 51 rating and in the middle of the pack as far as belts go. I'm not sure if something is off or is it because the game does not handle the alliance titles well enough like in TEW 2016. Also Ben the Wrestling Bear was the CWF Florida Champion for 1.5 years. I'm not sure that you intended that when the bear was added. Also the game does create a women's title when there is a division but I noticed that they are rarely defended and often vacant. (At least in my game) I've had a good time playing the mod. thank you
  21. AEW product is all over the map. Originally it was the s as alternative to sports entertainment but at times there now SE. Originally there was no hardcore matches (they were only lights out) now I think every match is at least semi hardcore. They spend so much time outside the ring. They are not ECW but they like to flirt with it. The win/lose record is the best concept they got. I’m not always sure what there product really is. I wonder at times if they know what it is. I love AEW (it hit back to watching wrestling) I just wish it was less gimmicky & sports entertainment.
  22. All Out thoughts: Britt Baker vs Big Swole: I thought the match was terrible. I wish AEW would stop doing the cinema gimmick matches. Jurassic Express vs Young Bucks: this match was very good. It had a good back and forth pace. The Young Bucks had to win. You can’t keep talking about how great they are if they never win a big match. Casino Battle Royal: Over all it was enjoyable. I liked the Darby/Cage/Starks interaction. Sonny Kiss taking out Hagar was a huge surprise. Even the little push they gave Will Hobbs was nice By having him last so long. I thought Lance Archer or the mystery person was going to win. Matt Sydal did not impress. My wife and I are finding ourselves rooting for Archer even though he is a heel. Look forward to seeing Moxley vs Archer. Hardy vs Guevara: Another terrible gimmick match. The whole stop restart was lame. The worst part is they keep trying to clarify it later on in the show. Shida vs Rosa: the match was awesome. The best women’s match so far. Dark Order vs Natural Nightmares, Sky, Cardona: the match was awesome. Really happy (and surprised) at the finish. I thought the Dark Order was going to turn on Colt Cabana. Looking forward to Brodie vs Dustin. Omega & Page vs FTR: I was not surprised at the outcome. Only surprise was I thought Tully would have interfered for the finish. Really enjoyed the match but I hope Omega doesn’t turn heel. Jericho vs Cassidy: This gimmick match I actually enjoyed. After Cassidy gets this huge push I’m curious to see where it goes. Moxley vs MJF: This match was awesome. I agree that MJF has the potential to be a World Champ but not right now. He reminds of a current Ric Flair with a lot more whine. The Moxley hurt arm gave the match a little more credibility that MJF could over come the size difference and win. Looking forward to Moxley vs Archer. Overall I enjoyed the show I just wish they stop or rethink the gimmick matches. They don’t seem to work for a product that wants you to think the wins/loses matter.
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