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Everything posted by siege102

  1. If a worker promises to put another person over, does the loser still lose popularity/overness from the loss if the popularity gap is fairly wide? Or does the promise negate any loss of popularity/overness?
  2. That's good to know thanks. My other question is... you say they gain momentum but would they lose popularity/overness because the rating of the actual match is low? If the answer is yes, then that is sort of reason not to run them. If not, then that's fine/ And by the way, to those that say it shouldn't be a high rating, I understand it shouldn't blow the world away in rating, but I tried a 65 popularity against an unknown and got a 35 rating. I feel like in real life, if you see an effective squash match, it serves a role on the show and would therefore be perceived or even received better by the audience than a 35.
  3. Seems like if you book a short match, set one worker to dominate, have the purpose be storytelling, hire a local worker, etc., none of these tell the game that you are trying to book a squash match intending to either get the worker over or show off his kayfabe dominance, which theoretically could result in a higher rating (within reason obviously). So is there really no way to set up effective squash matches in the game?
  4. Q -- Just ran a PPV event. Several "popular" managers are annoyed that they were left off the show, even though their clients were on the pre-show. Report as a glitch or are they really genuinely mad they weren't on the regular show, even though they were on the pre-show?
  5. Is is accurate that the intent for announcer morale is to decrease if they are not used on shows, when they have their own separate show to announce for? For example, I have A show with three announces and B show with three different announcers... When the B announcers are left off of A, their morale decreases. That is accurate intent? I am sticking this in suggestions because I would suggest a change if that is accurate intent. I can't imagine ever keeping the B announcers happy and eventually I'll skip the headache by just having the A announcers do both, which is less fun for the game as a whole.
  6. Can someone talk to me about Performance Centre vs sending guys away to a different fed for developmental? I signed a bunch of young fellows to put in my performance centre but reached the limit of 14, so I struck a deal with another fed to send the additional people away to develop. Is there anything more to do with performance centre? They will just stay in there until I "promote them," slowly increasing their skills? Which is better for skill development? Performance centre or using a different fed? Lastly, I hate that my performance centre people are still available for main roster shows. Last night, I sent one to the fed I have the relationship with.... Is he wasting a spot in my performance centre now? Or will he double dip in development?
  7. I know this probably has no shot of making TEW2020 but maybe the next game. Instead of one gigantic help doc on a separate screen, it would be wonderful to have hover help text on stuff. Want to know what Kenny Deaths are when you are tweaking settings? Hover over it and it'll explain. Want to know what Menace is when you are editing a worker? Hover. Confused if you should enable Pro mode? Hover. So on and so forth. EDIT: By the way, I think this would make the game much more accessible to novices and maybe help it sell more on Reddit.
  8. The Dojo and Performance Center stuff is cool, but I feel like those guys shouldn't be available to work your weekly TV, PPVs, or shows. If people want them available, can we at least get a filter option to make sure we aren't booking guys that we sent away?
  9. Drag and Drop Is there an option to drag and drop an established tag team into a 2 v 2 match? If so, I can't figure it out.
  10. Seconded Seconded. Using a mod, and being a newbie since 2010, I accidentally advanced too far where I had to book my Large company using workers who weren't over. It killed all my storylines, and now I have no idea how I'm going to get them hot again, which has cooled my company quite a bit.
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