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Posts posted by ZMAN

  1. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to account for missed TV viewers. I know I watch most of TNA through youtube, and all of WWE through other methods.


    It's no wonder they reach out to social networks, because it's becoming the only way to pull big numbers.


    I haven't touched a TV in 6 years. All my viewing is through the internet either by netflix or other, unspeakable means. I wonder how many people are in the same boat.


    TV just needs to die already. Internet is the way to go.

  2. Eh, he'll be fine as long as it's one of those legends contracts. I don't see him fitting in with the current WWE. The guy is probably 3x the age of most of the guys on the roster. For that reason though, he might actually make an interesting personality on the show if he were to compete full time.


    Glad to see Shelly and Morgan leave. Surprisingly, they have a better shot at making it big in WWE. Yep, that's how bad it is in TNA right now.

  3. Yeah, it would be cool if they put as much effort into Bryan/Sheamus as they did Bryan/Show. It seems like a waste at this point to even put the belt on Sheamus at WM if the "moment" doesn't feel that special.


    I like Rock/Cena, even though I wish it had something else going on other than the same trash talk every time.


    HHH/HBK/Taker great as expected.


    I really like these long term match build ups. I hope they do the same thing in 2012. Give us a Rock/??? announcement for Summer Slam.

  4. I don't really see why people want to see guys from the 90's take on a full time schedule anyway. It's such a different atmosphere now that I would prefer to not have guys like Rock, Taker, HHH, and Foley wrestling full time. Just bring them out once or twice a year for the occasional dream match.


    This is actually a WM that I've looked forward to all year because of The Rock. It will be the first PPV that I've paid for in eight years. I hope WWE doesn't listen to the idiots who are complaining, because I would love to see SCSA in the main event next year.

  5. Chris Hero is on the FCW website now. That's kind of cool if they held Cesaro in dev. just so they could sign Hero, and put them on TV as a tag team.


    WWE's roster is starting to look really interesting. A lot of guys now that I never thought would make it into WWE are showing up. I guess it's kind of a good thing that WWE didn't really build up any strong midcarders 4-8 years ago. Now the pool of Attitude Era talent is nearly depleted due to injuries and age. And mid-2000's guys like Benjamin, Dinsmore, and Lashley aren't going to help them at all.


    I wonder who's next. I'm pulling for Joe. No, not Just Joe, but Samoa Joe. Idc about his current role in TNA; Put 20 tag titles on him and I still won't.

  6. Well, they did rush him into main storylines really fast. He should have continued his work in the midcard. His transition from jobber to midcarder/US Title holder was smooth, but they're overdoing his push by a little bit. Bring him back down some, WWE. Get him a feud with Clay, Miz, or someone we haven't seen in a while. Right now the US Title just seems like an ornament he carries around while dealing with Cena/Kane stuff.
  7. So far I see no problems with Clay funkin' it up. When I first heard it announced I had low expectations, but once he came out I couldn't help but to like it. Hopefully they can still make him look like a legit threat, and he doesn't end up jobbing on Superstars.


    Good Raw, IMO. A lot of developing storylines and characters. I've been very impressed lately by how much content WWE is packing into their shows. I rly can't complain. There's wrestling, good champions, and story progression. People seem to ignore the past, and don't realize just how much WWE has improved.

  8. What is he supposed to do? Interrupt CM Punk like all the IWC wanted him to, and cut a standard Y2J promo with all the catchphrases and typical explanation as to why he's back? I mean, I'm all for a Jericho promo, but the stunt he pulled was so much better. I'll admit, I was even a bit semi-pissed half way through when he wouldn't just speak. But then I saw what he was doing, and how well he was at mocking the fans. Eh, w/e, either you'll watch it and enjoy/complain about it, or you'll go away. Either way I'm happy.


    Kane has always been a part of dumb angles and stunts. This is standard Kane here. He's done worse things for those of you who missed 2002, and whatever year it was that he chased Lita around.

  9. You'r on the internet right.....so you're part of the IWC.....Which means you're one of these IWC brats you talk about? It point blank sucked you can't defend it, it just was not done well at all.


    I hope Jericho does a full two hour Raw of high fives, and you watch the whole thing. You know you will even if you say you will not. You know it, I know it, and so does Jericho. It was done amazingly awesome. I know this because we wouldn't be taking the time right now to argue over this if it hadn't been an effective segment. And I hope you keep arguing it because it just makes the return that much better.


    So what if I'm part of the IWC? I can still make up names for you guys.

  10. <p>WWECW was not that bad by the end of their run. No, it wasn't the old ECW, but they eventually made a point that it wasn't supposed to be. The only time they struggled was in the beginning when they tried to be something they weren't (original ECW). But by the time they finally did establish their own identity, their show got terminated. I think it's one of WWE's missed opportunities at keeping a portion of their fanbase. Yeah, there's the PG rated shows of SD and Raw, but what about the rest of your audience (and your biggest audience) who enjoy the non-PG WWE? </p><p> </p><p>

    Instead they gave us NXT or Superstars. Decent shows, but they both could have been integrated into ECW.</p>

  11. I don't see why Cole assisting in getting Bryan over is such a negative thing, anyway. That's his job isn't it? Giving him full credit is garbage, but he does deserve a little bit of recognition. Just like Jr. deserves some credit when it comes to getting guys like SCSA over. Same with Brain / Flair, and several other workers who have received help from announcers in getting their gimmicks over.


    Cole is here for the long-run, okay cool DB shouldn't have a problem remaining WHW champion then, since Cole is the reason he is champion. I think fans can live with that.


    It really is the most pointless argument(with the intent of just stirring up trouble with passionate DB fans), but w/e I guess that's why we have these forums.

  12. Ooh hey look, I'm popping back in again. Just saw the end of the PPV, and I've got to say, although I know its not going to happen, I'd would've gone nuts for a Cena heel turn to end the show. I know Cena is supposed to be the tough as nails, crowd never gets him down guy, but I would have loved to see that be what turned him. Watching him tonight, he knew he was hated, but even after the match the crowd still just dumped all over him.


    Really, any time in the feud he could have the easy turn by saying the old, "All I've ever done is try to give you the best show each and every night, and yet you cheer the guy who left you high and dry." Idk, to me that'd make sense and it'd be a subtle but still obvious change of direction for him where he just starts looking out more for himself and cuts a lot of the antics in his matches and whatnot.


    Yeah, Cena running around as a face makes him look like such a bitch in these types of situations. It makes no sense why he can't be a heel, at least for this feud against The Rock.

  13. I should be be shocked but I'm not...


    Cena's big merchandise numbers are due to his young fanbase. Turning the hero of kids, whilst he is still hot, has rarely if ever turned out to be a good move because the kids turn on the hero and if that happens with Cena, well, apparently you do need to be a rocket scientist to realize that when you alienate the fanbase that moves your numbers, those numbers are taking a hit.


    Hulk turned on us kids back in the 90's, and we still bought his nWo t-shirts. I guess I felt alienated, but I was still tuned in the next night. But I get it, turn Cena heel and WWE loses all its moneyz.

  14. at one point the NWO was moving more merch than most of the rest of the company combined. Also before WM13 when he turned, SCSA was moving loads of merchandise. Not a heel/face issue imo.


    Yeah, I'm so tired of the merchandise argument. Has this ever been an issue in the past? I can't remember a time when Stone Cold, Hogan or Rock turned heel and it was like "d'oh what'd we do? his shirts don' sell" The only type of person I can see this rule apply to is an underdog like Rey Mysterio. The guy is like 5 feet tall and is limited on the mic, so ya, a heel turn would be disastrous. With Cena, the guy is your typical heavyweight, and could easily be a dick on the mic.

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