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About PDAred

  • Birthday 10/04/1985

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  1. I had always assumed Pop! was supposed to be MTV, because "PoPTV" was what the MTV parody was called in Megas XLR. I dunno why I assumed TEW had a Megas XLR reference in it.
  2. It's not how bad their debts are, it's how long the debts are, IIRC. So, you can't buy out everyone, or even anyone, in the demo because they won't have been in debt long enough to feel like now's the time to be bought out.
  3. I've been playing a CV97 save for quite a while. And by that, I mean, my save is up to mid-2018 in-game. Sheiky (Sheik Ali-al-Avatar, my player character) has been around a lot. From USPW-OZ (US Pro Wrestle (actually an australian promotion) from 1997 to mid-2001; then the CWWF from 2003 to mid-2008; then OLLIE from mid-2008 to mid-2011; then YEPW from mid-2011 to mid-2013; and finally, Supernova NuStyle Wrestling (abbreviated to SNNW), from 2015 to current day (ie, mid-2018).
  4. Okay, I've a few nitpicks as well... Hercule Martel's bio calls him "Liaudin" in the second paragraph . Samantha Foster's favoured roles limit her to being a wrestler, except BSW doesn't have women's wrestling, so the AI leaves her role as "unassigned". ... With the first release, I tried out QALP, got all the way up to the first day of 1992. With this new release, I'Ve decided to start with the IWF as Simon Smithe, with my personnal RP rule: Scheming Simon Shill : Simon Smithe was rehired as HEAD BOOKER, but as the financials show, he is not receiving a salary. To remedy this, at least once every week, book a 6-minute solo promo so Simon can plug his Telephone Hotline (whose profits all go directly in his pockets in lieu of salary).
  5. <p>Ormond Duval's bio makes a big deal out of him having been trained by Dr Pierre Lambert, and how his mentor is trying ot promote him to get him hired.</p><p> </p><p> Ormond Duval and Dr Pierre Lambert currently do not have a mentor/protege relationship in the database.</p><p> </p><p> EDIT : QC-Centre St-Charles is a location that has no languages.</p>
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