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Posts posted by Tterrag

  1. That makes some sense, since it never seems to have an effect and every pair of workers I put in there is some variant on "extremely unlikely to do anything" I found myself wondering why the mechanic is even there.


    For another question, will child companies do anything on their own? I've made one and they aren't hiring anyone, making events, etc. yet so I'm wondering if they'll just stay in stasis unless I do all the setting-up

  2. I have no idea how to book BHOTWG's Best of the Super Juniors or the leadup to it; I have an idea that I want the final to be Sensational Dragon and Crimson Ghost, who seems to be the beneficiary of an insane destiny roll because half the locker room keeps offering to put him over, but I'm not really sure of the best way to book the tournament itself, or how best to use the tour shows to build up to it. I had this thought of using the last couple shows before BOTSJ proper as like a qualifying round and maybe the tournament PPV is like top 8 or top 16 but otherwise I'm a bit stumped and would welcome ideas. Especially because everyone who ISN'T in the tournament is gonna get pissed off even if they aren't super juniors

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