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Everything posted by Tterrag

  1. Fortunately I have an NJPW World style broadcaster, so people will actually be able to watch it in posterity as opposed to it being lost in the mists of time like a five star match happening in a 1990 house show. And then the main event of Warrior Globe ended up getting a 100 too lol
  2. omg, my first ever 100 rated match, and on a random tour show at that lol
  3. yeah, hard to argue AEW is a wholly separate company when ROH talent is on every show and ROH titles are defended regularly on them
  4. That makes sense but I'll admit the answer being "get lucky" doesn't reassure me much :V Also, not sure if this is quite a "gameplay" question, but I've seen a few mentions and screenshots around the forum of a wrestler named Zephyr, but she doesn't seem to actually be in the TEW 2020 database; anyone know what the deal with that is? Here's an example
  5. How do you get a match rated 100? Seems like the AI can get one whenever it sees fit but I'm never quite able to get there
  6. Why do dirty tricks always fail? It seems like there's no reason for them to even be in the game
  7. BHOTWG's product says fans expect important matches to be quite lengthy - I know you'll be penalised for important workers doing a match under 20 minutes, but does that mean longer matches will always be graded higher, too? Like should I make all my title bouts 30 minutes or something? Also does that include intro time?
  8. How do you fix the "we would have gained popularity in X regions but gain is limited by the amount of people there" (paraphrased) thing? Upgrading my broadcast coverage doesn't seem to have done it Edit: got a screencap of what I mean
  9. Good to know! At least it runs smoothly enough once I've set it up
  10. That makes some sense, since it never seems to have an effect and every pair of workers I put in there is some variant on "extremely unlikely to do anything" I found myself wondering why the mechanic is even there. For another question, will child companies do anything on their own? I've made one and they aren't hiring anyone, making events, etc. yet so I'm wondering if they'll just stay in stasis unless I do all the setting-up
  11. What's even the point of meddling in relationships, in locker room controls? It never seems to do anything
  12. The thing about the AI is it literally does not play by the rules; it can just give itself whatever cards and segment grades it wants
  13. I have no idea how to book BHOTWG's Best of the Super Juniors or the leadup to it; I have an idea that I want the final to be Sensational Dragon and Crimson Ghost, who seems to be the beneficiary of an insane destiny roll because half the locker room keeps offering to put him over, but I'm not really sure of the best way to book the tournament itself, or how best to use the tour shows to build up to it. I had this thought of using the last couple shows before BOTSJ proper as like a qualifying round and maybe the tournament PPV is like top 8 or top 16 but otherwise I'm a bit stumped and would welcome ideas. Especially because everyone who ISN'T in the tournament is gonna get pissed off even if they aren't super juniors
  14. What even counts as a Super Junior? I'm not sure who to put in for Best of the Super Juniors, or how best to use the rest of my roster leading up to the tournament rather than just ignoring them
  15. It's kind of funny that they made India a region, and then had it be completely empty where you have to wait actual years before you can play at all there
  16. <p>I've found it to be very large indeed on multiple occasions.</p><p> </p><p> Also it's just incredibly annoying considering there's only a few announcers worth a damn in the entire database.</p>
  17. <p>Any chance of reworking weight classes to be a bit less '80s WWF? Real wrestling isn't in the era where you need to be a massive muscleman to get pushed anymore.</p><p> </p><p> Also, maybe messing with announcers a bit? In 2016, they pretty much single handedly nerf show ratings to an extent that's frankly ridiculous.</p>
  18. I'm playing a PGHW game where, while still in 2016, Eisaku Kunomasu suddenly jumped from five years' decline and not terminal to seven years', terminal. What the heck kind of error causes that?
  19. Back in 13 I would just give all newbies a Lower Midcarder push because I thought ET/Opener meant "don't use at all, ever" from the crowd reactions, lol
  20. The crowd seems to hate ETs/Openers being in the show full stop, given you get the "you used X far too much" note almost any time they're in a match.
  21. Can workers only start relationships with people in the same company as them?
  22. Just out of curiosity, do you ever get new Owner Goals after the ones at the start of the game?
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