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Everything posted by Tterrag

  1. You can do that? Nice. Yes. You should be able to just put it in the relevant folder, but if that doesn't work once it's in the database you can import it to your game.
  2. What can I do about bad announcers? Sosa Morri seems to ruin half my segments by just being that bad at colour commentary, but switching out announcers completely tanks your grade because of the team's lack of experience together.
  3. I didn't edit anything, that was a game I started on the demo and which carried over to the retail version. I started off with King's Road on Hyboso; my current guess is that game (and my observer game) are now preserving ghosts of a version of the game that no longer exists post-updates, so that TV deal is gone and so on. A RTG character I'd made vanished from the database too so that would make sense as a guess.
  4. <p>In a game I started as PGHW, they started off with a TV show on PPV called The King's Road, but after I noticed on my observer save they didn't have that show I made a test one, to find <a href="https://i.imgur.com/k6KAPYr.png?1" rel="external nofollow">they don't start with it either</a>. Anyone have any idea what's going on there?</p><p> </p><p> Sort of related, but I also made a deal for a tour highlights tv show, figuring it'd be a good income source, but it doesn't seem to ever broadcast? Or will that only ever happen when off tour? I made the deal in February while off tour.</p>
  5. <p><img alt="fXmFoLs.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/fXmFoLs.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> <img alt="Rxb3yWP.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Rxb3yWP.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> They seem like they'd be a good pair, actually.</p>
  6. What're good resources for someone wanting to look up how to get into wrestling in Japan? I mean, somewhere like NOAH or NJPW probably doesn't want you unless you're at least a moderate star already, but it's something I've found myself thinking about before and not being sure where to start looking. (Though "build up experience in the States first" is probably a good start, and IIRC NJPW has a dojo in LA.)
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