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Posts posted by TheCrippler

  1. But Tyronne Lue? Just let LeBron coach.


    Isn't that what is going on? LOL.


    The latest rumor around here is that Lebron wanted Mark Jackson but the team wasn't interested in him, so they promoted Lue (another of Lebron's boys) to compromise with Lebron.

  2. In regards to the whole David Blatt situation. it looks like the inmates are running the asylum there in Cleveland.


    As a Cavs fan since the early 80's I was not surprised he was let go. Blatt was not hired to coach THIS Cavs team, he was hired to coach a team with Wiggins, Irving, Waiters and other young guys....his style didn't mesh with the veteran "win now" team they have out there (and of course Lebron)....I think it was the right move, but we won't know until this time next month.


    Blatt is no doubt a great basketball coach and I liked the hire when they made it, but remember he was hired before Lebron came back here. In my opinion he needed to be on a team that was full of young guys that were willing to listen and grow as players while he grew and learned as a NBA coach. The stories of him backing down to Lebron in the huddle, freezing during time outs and his insistence to only play 7 or 8 guys in December was head scratching. I am not saying the players were innocent or didn't play a role in his firing....but as I said above, I think it was the right more for this a team that is clearly the most talented in the East and should win it going away and they still have half a the season to figure it out and see if Lue is really worth all this hype.

  3. I haven't watched the product in years now, but I was wondering if there were any websites out there that actually posted "quick" results. Just a who beat who type of thing. Basically everywhere I've looked they want to go into super detail of every show.


    I usually check out Bleacher Report's recap of the Raw's and PPVs, they usually have quick synopsis of the segment/match and usually include a short YouTube clip of the segment of match. You just have to get past the slideshow presentation.


    I usually ignore the grade but the writer's opinion is usually fair and doesn't sound like a Fanboy.

  4. WWE Management has gotten lazy and complacent since there is no competition. WCW & ECW were the best things to happen to WWE/F and once they bought them out and the shock that Vince bought his competition out wore off, things slowly went downhill.


    While the product has had its moments and gotten better as of late, they continue to make head scratching moves and seem to have the attitude that the fans will come and watch no matter what they toss out there.

  5. If that's your vision, best to go with MAW. There is very little change needed to get over to your vision.


    One thing that annoys me personally is when a dynasty starts with a known promotion and then suddenly a rush of changes happen. I get that people want to put their own stamp on things but it's just a massive turn-off for me to see sweeping changes right at the start. I'm much more interested in gradual evolution.


    Yeah I also feel that way about sweeping changes, but the thought of having to go through the build up with the current MAW rules (Only Unemployed guys and no one over 30) isn't what I want to write about since I am doing that with them in my solo game.


    I forgot to mention in that save that MAW reached Regional in September 2015 and somehow ended up with Andre Jones. I will have to play around with a couple of test games and see if I can get a TV deal with MAW, because in my head their show will be a lot like the current ROH Television show that is on Destination America.


    I do appreciate the feedback.

  6. So I have not done a diary in over a year (this having to be an adult is not all it's cracked up to be :D). Anyway I am kicking around a couple of ideas and wanted to see what the community thought.


    In my watcher save game, it's 2016 and both SWF and USPW have fallen to Cult leaving TCW as the #1 company in the world but NOTBW and CGC are close (in North America).


    1) Mid Atlantic Wrestling - Sam Keith decides to hang up the boots and leaves the company to his son Matthew, but does not want the company to remain a feeder for the rest of the world and (with some editing) they get to High Regional or Cult (to sign some bigger names to written) and make a run at getting larger.


    2) USPW - Dean Daniels has taken the company over but they are really treading water and a lot of their top talent have either signed elsewhere or their contracts were left to expire and they are unemployed. The idea is they lose their TV and PPV deals and are forced to sell to an unknown group (user character TBD) who comes in and tried to rebuild the company.


    My vision is to model either option as a Ring of Honor style of product but mix in a little of TNA's product from 2002/2004 and see what I can do there.


    Any feedback is welcome!

  7. I could totally understand people getting annoyed or angry if I was posting ads for my thread all over the place here.


    But it's only on two threads.


    I post twice a week in the DPAQ thread (ad for the upcoming show and a brief blurb to let people know when it's posted).


    Anyway, as I said in my last post here, a show/diary advert thread wouldn't be a bad idea.




    I hope you did not take my comment as an attack towards you. I was trying to help defuse a possible situation between you and R0x4ry becoming more than it should be.


    I do agree that maybe a sticky thread that is just for Diary Advertisements/Show Previews is a good idea, maybe create one and one of our esteemed mods would sticky it? :D

  8. Greetings All,


    The reason I post my show ads in two different places is because:


    A) The ads posted in my thread are mainly directed at any regular readers I may already have so they know what's coming up on the next program.


    B) I post here in the DPAQ thread in an effort to try an attract some new readers to my thread.


    I don't think most readers of these threads read most of the diary/show threads. They pick and choose a few that they like. So, you have to get out and advertise a little IMO.


    This matter could be resolved if a permanent show/diary advertisement thread was posted and everyone could use it as a vehicle to post what's coming up on their next show.


    From the very first post of this thread......


    Yes, this one had to come here sooner rather than later. This is a place to hype your future diaries or to throw out ideas and see if they stick. A great (I hope) place to get some feedback on what your ideas may be.


    While I understand what you are trying to do, it has been my experience that the people who try the hardest to get "viewers" usually are the ones that turn people off and people will tend to avoid your diaries.


    Best advice I saw one of the veteran writers tell a newer person was to write for yourself and have fun, people will see that you are enjoying your diary and you will gain followers. In fact there is a whole thread on diary writing tips somewhere around the forums, and while the content may be a couple years old, there is some really good advice and information in there.

  9. <p>In April 2001, the pro wrestling video-distribution company RF Video needed a new promotion to lead its video sales when its best-seller — <span>Extreme Championship Wrestling</span> (ECW) — went out of business, and the rights to its brand name were purchased by <span>WWE</span>. RF Video also videotaped events held by other, less-popular, regional wrestling promotions; it sold these through its catalog and website. After months of trying to join CZW, RF Video's owner, Rob Feinstein, decided to fill the ECW void by starting his own pro wrestling promotion, and distributing its made-for-DVD/<span>VHS</span> productions exclusively through RF Video. </p><p> </p><p>

    The first event, titled <strong><em>The Era of Honor Begins</em></strong>, took place on February 23, 2002 in <span>Philadelphia, Pennsylvania</span>, the former home area of ECW. It featured nine matches, including a match between <span>Eddie Guerrero</span> and <span>Super Crazy</span> for the IWA Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship; and, a <span>triple threat match</span> between <span>Christopher Daniels</span>, <span>Bryan Danielson</span> and <span>Low Ki</span> (who would become known as the "founding fathers of ROH"). ROH would then begin stealing top talents from other promotions such as JAPW and CZW. In its first year of operation, Ring Of Honor confined itself to staging live events in a limited number of venues and cities — primarily in the northeastern U.S.A. Ten shows were run in <span>Philadelphia, Pennsylvania</span>; two in <span>Wakefield, Massachusetts</span>; one in metro <span>Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania</span>; and, one in <span>Queens, New York</span>.</p><p> </p><p>

    By the end of 2002, however Feinstein started to notice that some of his top stars were missing dates with ROH to work shows for NWA-TNA, MLW and ECWA. Feinstein put feelers out to attract some investors and for someone that could help keep the talent in ROH. The first offer he received was the one that even he couldn't turn down.....</p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Ring of Honor: The Franchise</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

    </strong><a href="http://s1076.photobucket.com/user/ohiodevil/media/ROH/RobFeinstein_zps432894a7.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/ROH/RobFeinstein_zps432894a7.jpg</span></a><strong> </strong><span>http://i873.photobucket.com/albums/ab296/Lancelot66/ROH.gif</span><a href="http://s1076.photobucket.com/user/ohiodevil/media/ROH/ShaneDouglas_zpsd153039c.jpg.html" rel="external nofollow"><span>http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/ROH/ShaneDouglas_zpsd153039c.jpg</span></a></p><p><strong>



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  10. As a huge wrestling fan in the 90s, I remember a night coming home from the bars at 2am and turining on the TV and stumbling upon this wrestling show from a company I have never heard of and was instantly hooked. So like most ECW fans I was very upset when they were purchased by Vince's Evil Empire, and even more pissed by that poor excuse of a show they tried to run.


    So I had a couple of ideas:


    First would be to take over in 1994 and relive the history in my own eyes.


    Second would have Vince taking a big financial hit and in his desperation to recoup some money, sell the ECW name and assets (titles, lineage, etc..) to an unknown investor who would reopen the company,

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