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Everything posted by Dawn

  1. And that is a shame. Stardust has also been directionless since Fastlane, and now after this minor bump in that (lack of) direction, I think that he will just continue being Stardust and doing nothing, while looking like a complete moron. If I was booking, he would have been pinned by Amell at SummerSlam, and would have turned back to being Cody Rhodes last night en route to his push, which has been long overdue ever since his Undashing days, where he was the most entertaining part of SmackDown on a constant basis. Heck, if they want Stardust to keep hanging around, have him be just a split personality and Cody alternates between the two, being a face as Cody and a heel as Stardust, because Stardust, and not Cody Rhodes, has been the mind of all the heelish actions that Cody has been performing since 2014. It's more effective, more creative and quite frankly, much better than the way they have been going and will probably keep going with Cody and the Stardust character.
  2. Looking forward to seeing WWE have babyface Barrett as a flop. (Yes, I have heard the ''Stardust is crazy'' excuse before, but no, I think Barrett really turned face. If not, Neville wouldn't have come for his aid, even though they did not interact afterwards. Let's see if he really is in a bit.)
  3. Amazing debut by the new Wyatt Family member...whose identity will not be revealed by me. He has more credibility than Rowan already.
  5. I am for NBA, but how the hell can I be excited for WWE? Still buying it.
  6. I want to throw something off of my window and cry. This is really unbelievable.
  7. Unfortunately, that is confirmed... http://nodq.com/wwe/440386961.shtml
  8. I will be getting it on Pre-Order, not for the Terminator, though. It's just that I'm really hopeful, and it is 2K's last chance with me after...you know. But I'm really curious as to how gameplay will be with him. Mike Tyson actually had some moves that fit him. I'm really, really curious about Arnie. And I wouldn't worry about a ''wasted spot'', since there will be more than 120 unique wrestlers in the game.
  9. Yup, I also love the diversity in the board, even though I got a WWE diary myself Really excited for your diary, Hero.
  10. I'm right after (Spoilers) Oracle's rescue and Jim's kidnapping by Scarecrow. I have done the Serial Killer (Professor Pyg), Hush and Man-Bat side missions. I'm loving the game.
  11. So, who's playing Arkham Knight on the PS4?
  12. I would say ROH. There are few ROH diaries on the board, and it would be fun to see your take on it.
  13. I already knew that. Yeah, I respect Ryder a lot not only for that, but for fighting against the machine, even though he failed miserably.
  14. Bruh. First one since Kafu. I'm excited. http://nodq.com/wwe/437350003.shtml Also, Ziggler has re-signed with the WWE. I want to laugh. If I wasn't a bit sick I would do that really hard right now.
  15. We have lost another one. http://nodq.com/wwe/437012185.shtml
  16. Do something that you are used to. A diary in an era in which you did watch wrestling and was fond of it.
  17. I'm happy for you, TFC. Because my hopes for a new Crash Bandicoot game are gone.
  18. Nah, the fact that Ambrose just kept fighting was the good part of the match...but Seth should have pushed him down and retrieved the title cleanly in the end. I get that they tried to do something unique but it didn't work and Seth looked stupid.
  19. Ladder matches aren't the best suited to nearly pure psychology.
  20. You mean Bryan>Orton>Bryan>Vacant>Orton>Bryan. Can't leave the most decorated champion in history out...and Daniel Bryan. And also, another reign by Orton.
  21. I actually liked Swagger's win. His title reign was handled badly though. His feud with Big Show was actually entertaining but with a shit payoff at Over the Limit there wasn't much help for it. And Sandow winning was great like RKO pointed out, but he won just to say that he did, because to lose the cash-in to JOHN CENA no less you can see they had no plans for him as a champion. Cody Rhodes should have won the briefcase in 2013.
  22. Nah. They weren't doing a Dusty tribute, they were doing a Russo tribute. I think that Russo's rear-end booked the majority of the show.
  23. They have officially ruined my favorite PPV of the year. Worst MITB in history tied with Cena's with a terrible result. Nikki winning in a Russo finish. That was a clear DQ. Also a shit DQ on a shit match. Last thing I need is Owens being buried up next.
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