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Everything posted by Frobro122

  1. THE CRIPPLER AND THE CARNIE "Happy birthday, kid!" "Thanks, Ray," I said entered the house of the legendary Ray Kingman. I still marked out a bit every time I saw him. Me and Ray had know each other for over two years now, talked for countless hours and I had even been to his house for dinner numerous times but he was still the "Crippler Ray Kingman!" "The big 1-8, huh? It's been a while since I hit that mark but I remember it like it was yesterday. You get anything good this year?" "Eh, not really." It was technically true since I hadn't really received anything. Donavan's Circus had just closed up shop in and was ready to move on to the next stop on their tour that day so I hadn't had much time to celebrate. Not that I really would have anyway, only a few of us had been picked up to continue with the tour when my old troupe had been gutted by Donavan's, so the only people I really knew were a couple of racist clowns and a handful of the Oddities, neither of which made for great company. I had decided to spend what little time I had to myself visiting Ray before I left town. "What? That's ridiculous; you need to have a great present on your eighteenth birthday! I knew mine was gonna outshine them all, but I didn't know it was gonna be this easy," The old man said as he did a half wheeze, half laugh sort of thing. "Come this way I got something to show you!" "Ray, if you got me a stripper one of us is going to have to leave!" I joked following the old man as he excitedly hurried into the other room. On the dining room table was a box wrapped in vintage TCW Rip Chord wrapping paper, the old man had a sense of humor. "Rip Chord, really?" "**** 'em! Just open the damn thing!" Ray told me as he sat down. I didn't trust the gleam in his eye which I had only ever seen before shine whenever we were talking about the old territory days. He was so excited you think he was the one getting the present. I tore into the wrapping and was immediately taken back by what was shinning back at me. "Ray, what the f...?" "Ha!" The old man exclaimed, clapping his hands and leaping to his feet. "Bought it off a collector about a month ago. Guy almost seemed happy to sell it me." "You sure it's legit?" "I carried the damn thing for over a year, trust me that's the genuine article!" "You're right, this was one hell of a present!" I said tearing off the last off remnants of Rip Chord's visage from Ray's gift. "Oh, heh heh, that's not the present," Ray said now grinning ear to ear. "That's just something we're gonna need if we are gonna make your present last." "Huh?" I asked. Ray could sometimes be a little off from all the blows to the head throughout the years, but today he seemed more lucid than ever. Ray reached over and grabbed the twelve pounds of gold from me. Even after almost forty years he still held it like it was made to be worn by no other. "Kid, you and me are putting the APWF back together."
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