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Posts posted by GUINNC

  1. I don't think the MITB concept is played out, just has to pick who wins the MITB to begin with better. Rollins was PERFECT to hold the briefcase as it made a brand new character and his WM cash in was the best since the Punk days. Sheamus is not a main event talent. It has simple as that. He doesn't need to be Champion, he didn't need to be the MITB winner. Another thing that hurts is that Sheamus hasn't won a match in months, and now, he's World Heavyweight Champion?? I would bet money Kevin Owens will win next year and that can be hit or miss because it's another cowardly heel winning, therefore it'll be the same story "jump from behind post match, cash in, kickout at 2, finisher, new champ." It's all about booking though, which is WWE's biggest problem right now.
  2. I actually really enjoyed EA UFC. Very simple and lacking on game modes, but nonetheless fun with a friend or online if you played with the right people. Hope the next one features some more offline features and gets rid of some of the outlandish strikes and suplexes. By the way, I'm on PSN: kisstopher5 playing mostly WWE2K and Madden if anyone wants an add.
  3. If you didn't enjoy that show, Sports Entertainment isn't for you so might as well get a new hobby because that was a near-perfect Sports Entertainment show. They made the right call with every result IMO.


    So much this. WWE finally showed that they hear their audience. You want more importance to mid-card titles. Boom, your two biggest faces are now IC and US champ. Don't like Roman? We won't put the title on him. Want more title matches with your World Heavyweight Champion? Lesnar loses title. And you want new stars? Seth Rollins new champ. Wyatt lost to The Undertaker, but looked great. Roman is STILL super strong. Ambrose and Sandow are super over.


    Seriously, what more do you want out of one night?? Easy A* show!

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