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Everything posted by Ultimate

  1. Is it possible to edit gimmick ratings in the save game? Also same question about pros and cons of certain gimmick.
  2. If I put "Interference" note in the match, does that itself have effect on winner's/loser's popularity changes or does that need "Tainted Win" note too?
  3. Is there possibility to modify the time when wrestler gets back from the injury after beginning the game?
  4. One of my wrestler's contract ended and he left the company. Is there anyway to modify or add contracts when I'm editing data? I was hoping to get that wrestler back to my company. (Worker isn't willing to negotiate with me so that is not an option)
  5. Does Pre-Show matches have effect on worker's popularity or momentum? At least it seems that Pre-Show matches are not counted on the storylines.
  6. So, what I have understood, low surgical risk is quite the save option where as the high risk operation can quite easily go wrong. What about the medium risk? Is it really 50/50 or is it more likely to fail or be successful?
  7. When worker hands in notice that he is unhappy with the company, is there anything to do to change his mind about staying the company and renegotiate his contract?
  8. How does the pre-show and the pre-show matches affect the main show? For example if I use "Work The Crowd" note in pre-show match does it have any affect in the main show and the matches there?
  9. Is it possible to make "Kevin Owens ending" in the tag team match, meaning one partner leaves the ring but the other partner is the one who gets pinned?
  10. In the save game, is there possibility to edit workers disposition (face/heel) in the editor or the fact when the worker was turned last time?
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