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Bad Feminist

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About Bad Feminist

  • Birthday 08/28/1990


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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Wow, there it is! Oh my. TY I was thinking of just trying again in Jan 97 anyway, but seeing as its there I could just continue. Hmmmmm decisions!! Thank you again. How come I couldn't find it in the dynasties page?
  2. Hi guys, I set up a dynasty around the end of August and then miraculously got 2 jobs shortly after, I wanted to go back to the dynasty I started but its gone. I know it makes sense to delete idle dynasties for space, my question is: How long do they have to be idle before deleted?
  3. Well my fav year in wrestling ever is WWF 1992, I think its nearly flawless, So I'd love to play the rising storms mod and sculpt a 92 of my own
  4. What is the etiquette on starting a new diary? I was writing a WWF 94 diary but it was just my first and I was getting the hang of it but then work dragged me away from writing it, when I came back to it i didn't seem to have the drive (plus WWF 94 is very slow) But if I start again will people be like "urgh, another one?"
  5. Does fictionplus have a way to save progress? I accidentally lost everything yesterday :/
  6. Yeah I've been doing that too, but its seems to take forever, Oh my goodness, that FictionPlus thing is amazing! It eliminates so much time! I could knock out a show in half an hour by the feel of it!
  7. This is a really rookie question that may have been answered before, but is there a way or program I can use to write out my Dynasties? doing them in the message box and always pressing preview is really putting me off writing them. Plus then i could just swap in pictures etc faster
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