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Everything posted by diamondium

  1. Those are great suggestions all around! Thank you very much! The insight is huge, especially for a region like that where I've mostly been working somewhat blind.
  2. Thanks for the note! That's partly intentional, partly an area to look at. As far as the intentional parts, PX is one of the companies barely into the threshold of Medium - with how TEW20 handles perceptions based on company size and not relative to the roster, companies on the low-end of their particular size I see as being expected to lack lots of the top-end there. Having no stars or major stars is 100% intentional with that being said, especially with 'talent being stretched extremely thinly across the American companies in particular' being one of the themes of the database. PX in its current state very much intentionally lacks a true major draw and that's one of their built-in limiting factors as things stand holding them back from being on par with the other biggest American companies at the start. Having said that, having the majority being low pop enough to be tagged as unimportant is an area to look at - the low end should be boosted a bit for companies of that size to avoid that, especially with the penalty TEW gives for having multiple people unimportant in a match. So that's an area I'll definitely add to the list to go over - PX is one of the companies which I've still got marked as 'in progress' so that's an area to be somewhat expected. Regarding losing guys to rivals - The data was built to have the majority of guys for most companies on PPE contracts outside of a few top stars, even for the big companies, mostly as a continuation of the contract structures from previous idom mods, but I've noticed through playing as well that most companies, some more than others, could definitely use a few extra exclusive written deals. I'll add that as a note to address for the next update as well.
  3. Oh man, I didn't even begin to realize until I was knee-deep in the data how much of a hassle job histories would be haha. I just naively assumed I'd be able to mass-delete them all down the line from the IRL data then start fresh as part of a future update, only to find that's one that can't be mass deleted and has to be manually done on a worker by worker basis. I suspect job histories will never quite be perfect. The Okada being an AJPW guy in the 2010 data is an interesting note - I can take blame for him being in NJPW in the first place, that first version of the Japan data was really sketch on the details, and ATA was surely just building on what I provided, putting out my fires as he went. I think as I've made more and more changes in America and whatnot, I've knowingly conflicted with the history on the 2010 data a few times elsewhere on a couple details, so I'm just assuming at this point that this version of the universe has a point of divergence from the canon data that's somewhere pre-2010, with the 2010 data being 'basically the same universe' but with a few small differences. So I'll leave it out of my hands how Okada is handled, if that stays at it is and conflicts with 2010 at this point that cat's already out of the bag so all good there.
  4. Thanks! Bear Country definitely is intended to be united like suggested & just slipped through the cracks there, I'll add a note to get them in the next update - if anyone wants in the meantime, they can feel free to unite Bear Country in ESW for their own version of the data.
  5. Very pleased to announce that the 0.2.0 update is released! Thank you to @AboardTheArk, @Chikbot, @eriatarka, and @The Lloyd for the huge help in contributions thus far. Database Pictures (Includes 0.2.0 additions and changes - make sure to grab the updated pack) Change notes included below - I have updated the OP with all the new lore for the 0.2.0 update, as well as included a lore word doc in the data to refer to if one wishes. I hope you all enjoy! Had lots of fun putting it all together. Let me know if I did something silly like upload the wrong data or something.
  6. Sounds good, thanks for the input - if that remains the concensus I'm definitely on board with that. I've grown fairly attached to the collapse scenario myself so that's the way I personally lean as well. Figured that before this next update is the last reasonable time to make really major lore pivots of that caliber so it's worth at least exploring if there's appetite for the change before committing to the path.
  7. Howdy all, just as a heads up things are still very much alive for this mod. The upcoming update, having fielded a great many suggestions/ideas/reworks from people, when it does come will see pretty wide-ranging revamps across the board. With it will eventually come re-done lore in the first posts and whatnot. I think it should come together quite well, lots of the stuff people have contributed has been incredible. But the extent of how much of a revamp this update will be opens up one more big change, I figured I'd field opinions from people at large: The NWA's collapse as a premise It was noted in OP that I used this as the premise as a matter of necessity due to how TEW's mechanics work and how alliance titles become straight-up garbage with the AI in charge, with stuff like NWA World title immediately being passed off to some rando with 20 popularity. On the other hand, one of the biggest selling points of the premise at large is the NWA's domination on the world, and having it scaled back with most of the big companies independent is a bit of a shame. Early on, TheWho87 floated the idea of NWA A/B divisions being a potential solution to that issue, with all the large companies being in an NWA-A alliance while all the regional ones are in an NWA-B alliance. I have since had the opportunity to do some test sims on a setup like this (one of which I even let run for 50 years for fun), and by and large it does improve things. It's not perfect, and the AI still handles it generally worse than they do regular company world titles, but by and large I saw people generally in the upper half of the large company's popularities holding the NWA World title, with similarly reasonable holders for the Womens/Tag/etc. You still see slightly silly NWA World title holders relative to it's in-universe lore prestige being only the absolute biggest stars holding it, but it's acceptable enough that if people voted yes on keeping NWA alive, it can work. So, all that said, I'll field question for people to vote on: Would you prefer NWA to be as it was in older iDOM mods, at full strength with everybody still in it, or would you prefer to stick to the original premise of this version of the data, with NWA having fallen on life support with most large companies independent? I'm happy to go either direction, and with things being in the state of big revamps across the board, now is the time to do it if people do prefer to go that route.
  8. Good notes for sure, insight appreciated. Regarding the CS stuff - interestingly, I believe @eriatarka , who has been doing some Canada work, was looking to position the newly-founded MLW as being the canadian company most influenced by TNA/Impact, based on the Scott D'Amore influence, so if that goes through then CS would definitely occupy a more traditional niche.
  9. Hey folks, just fielding some thoughts on a couple bigger potential changes to the mod that I'm floating (these might not make the first update, but could be a focus on the one after), figure I'd open up discussion on these topics to the public. First, the bigger one: This originally comes as a suggestion from eriatarka and I personally quite like the concept - what do people think about fusing NWA:EW and RFP in this database? Essentially the history is pretty similar, RFP faces nonstop struggles and scandals throughout the 2010s - instead of Khan opening a new promotion, he buys out RFP and rebrands it. Come the collapse of the NWA, it is still in the same position except with RFP at the 'head' of it rather than NWA:EW. It fits thematically, with IRL Khan's fanboying of WCW and Flair, with RFP being a WCW mirror and the Flair connections being obvious, so it stands to reason he'd love the opportunity to run his childhood favorite company. RFP has historically been seen as the 'home company' of the NWA in this universe, so keeping the weakened NWA alive under RFP is more in-line with the history of the mod. There's definite merit to all of that. Downsides are that it is, of course, one less company in the mod to play, and I like the idea of there being a 'fallen giant' promotion to play as in the data which RFP was previously taking the role of. I think the pros outweigh those cons by a sizeable margin, but am curious on people's thoughts. Specific questions I'm curious about regarding the above: Do people like the above idea in concept as a change to make in the data and lore? If this scenario goes through, what do people like as the name of the re-branded RFP? Options include: Rising Force Promotions (or another name that utilizes the same letters, so as to keep it's 'brand' while dumping association with Flair, same name as it currently is) NWA: Elite Wrestling (an option to just utilize the branding that is more on-the-nose with the real-world mirror - assuming they go more 'full rebrand') National Wrestling Alliance (just going NWA - assuming it's RFP until the collapse, then the rebrand happens then, with the company assuming the branding of the NWA as it's own) Other (I'm sure others have ideas that work better) Second discussion point: I've heard from a couple people actually, that they think Calgary Stampede is not a fitting name for a company that has been at fully national prominence for so long. I've for a long time had the same thought that it seems odd to have such a regionally specific name for a company that is, at this point, the promotion for Canada, but I personally didn't want to ruffle feathers on that front in case it is just me that thought that until I started hearing similar positions from others. With that said, the questions are as follows: Would you prefer Calgary Stampede rebrand to something more fitting of a national promotion for Canada or do you prefer the charm of it as it currently is? If it rebranded, what do you have in mind for new names? The following are the options currently in the running: Canadian Stampede (an obvious but minor rebrand which doesn't shake things up too much) Stampede Wrestling (borrowing from the IRL naming of the company it's based off of) Other (Again, I'm sure others have better ideas than myself)
  10. Sounds good! TWE is a key part to the universe so I'm excited to see what you've got in mind! As far as the roster moves note, I think a middle ground approach is fine. I think if you or anyone else working on a company wants to throw out suggestions for roster moves ontop of the rest, they're happy welcome, as long as people are cool acknowledging that those are at the end of the day suggestions and not guaranteed to make the final cut (which I guess applies to other areas as well, but roster moves moreso). For example Chikbot gave some big roster adjustment suggestions, which will likely pretty much all go through since nothing conflicts with the overarching mod vision and there was a strong basis for them, but if somebody suggested plucking Cody Rhodes from WCCW for the company they're fleshing out then that might require some hard convincing.
  11. I actually noticed the overlap between those two as well and had similar thoughts about the eventual need to differentiate them a bit - Lucha Underground inspiration for Project X actually sounds like a perfect route to go now that you mention it - I can very much see the company going that route to give it a bit of a refresh somewhere during that stretch. I've got no problem with somebody going at it for 3 companies - especially in cases like this where they all operate under similar overarching themes so a single set of eyes taking a pass at them could be of benefit. I'd be happy to hear it all out when you've got stuff!
  12. No worries! Honestly, it's reassuring to know that something I had a hand in creating is being taken seriously by people. Having seen no released iDom mods in years, I wasn't sure if anybody even still had an attachment to the universe besides myself. I'll take constructive criticism over silence any day, as that shows that people are actually into the concept. Then, as an added bonus, that just spills into extra motivation to get it done better than I ever imagined when I was just maintaining it as a side project for personal use like it originally was. I see AboardTheArk already touched on your note in the last paragraph - I generally agree agree with the sentiment, that's just a case of me having no knowledge of Japan in general and being far from familiar with that situation. Pretty much that whole region was just flat imported with minor tweaks in its current state, just enough to get it to blend in in the background. Part of why I am so appreciative of AboardTheArk's efforts thus far in giving that side of things the level of detail it deserves. Sounds good! That would be wonderful! Pretty much any company is free for somebody to take a swing at - a smaller company there's a higher chance of everything going in without tweaks, a big company might be a bit more collaborative to ensure it all fits within the overall vision As far as lining up with the 2015 data, it definitely doesn't need to match up with that. I see it as the 2010 version being the 'breakoff point' in the timelines, with that one being its own timeline and this one being its own. Some things may shake out similarly, which is why I opted to use it as a 'starting point' for ideas, but this timeline isn't locked in to those decisions by any means. So full creative freedom is available there.
  13. I don't disagree with any of that. There's lots of oversights like that, and I appreciate all of them being pointed out so the next version can be improved. At the end of the day, I figure it's better to release a work in progress and chip away at it rather than add to the endless pile of mods that never release. If somebody isn't happy with the state of it, I perfectly get that and that's no problem, I take no offense to that as I qualified from the get-go that I hold no delusions that the details match the heavy hitter mods by more experienced modmakers out there. Maybe it gets there one day, maybe it doesn't. I figure it's better to exist imperfectly than to not exist at all when it comes to mods. That way it's at least out there and freeware if down the line anybody ever wants to use parts of it, even if this one doesn't get to a finished state. (which I still fully intend it to to eventually get to, for the record) Regarding Benoit though, the situation never happened in this universe but for obvious reasons I'm personally not comfortable with him being an active presence in the mod. So the general lore for him is nothing special since the last idom. He was up there in age even then so he called it a career in the early 2010s and is quietly out of the business.
  14. I definitely agree with the overall sentiment on the initial data being unadventurous. I wouldn't call it intentional per-say, but it was definitely recognized by myself early on and part of why I figure this is an alpha release state. Straight up, I'm not the world's most creative mind. I figure if I get a version of the data out there where I play it safe in lots of regards, it creates a foundation to build upon with suggestions from people if anyone plays it and comes up with ideas, I'm more than happy to consider all of them and as things stand right now, I definitely don't consider any aspect of the data to be 'sacred' so with a good enough idea, any part of it is subject to a complete overhaul if it makes things more interesting and fun. Product variation is a good note - one I am definitely down to give a pass over. I will partially attempt to defend the NWA:EW part though. With the iDOM universe, I always found it an interesting type of alt-history in the sense that it really 'mirrors' ours more than alt-history typically does. For example, in the original one MCW being an obvious mirror of TNA, GLAM a mirrored hybrid of GLOW and SHIMMER, some of the more on-the-nose ones like CZP/CZW, I, personally, always enjoyed the 'mirrored' versions of promotions so I thought it would just be a fun addition to have a mirrored version of AEW have popped up as well. Is this one a bit on-the-nose? Yeah, probably. I'll admit, it started with me just thinking the NWAEW name was a neat play on it and working the lore from there. I figured that particular one being a lot less varied from the real-world would be a somewhat interesting design choice, and as such that influenced making lots of its elements a lot closer to reality than others might opt to do. I've got no problem saying though that if people feel that decision was a miss rather than a hit, I'm totally open to fielding suggestions to revamp that promotion and its lore involved, the ideas you threw out there would definitely be a perfectly reasonable starting spot for those discussions. Oh yeah, agreed for sure. Similar to the note above, I figure getting it out in people's hands in a bare-bones state, with 'safe' choices made in lots of areas, opens up for people's feedback to give ideas I never would have come up with that can flesh out the world. Getting some real written out bios is definitely on the agenda to give the world some more life. I think that's a wonderful idea to source the community for coming up with lore for things. Frankly, I'll commit to that idea right now and adjust the OP with the following note: If anybody who has dipped their toes into the data wants to 'make a company theirs' and flesh out it's lore/lineage/rosters/etc, or wants to create some bios/lore for individual workers, by all means feel free to get in touch with me or just post it in the thread. As far as a general update goes on future updates, I've currently been in discussions with @AboardTheArk who currently has the data in their hands in order to give a more personal touch to the Japan region, so the next update will likely include their work there in taking that from a 'background region' to one on-par with the rest in focus and effort. I'm holding off on making changes on the rest of the data in the meantime so that we don't have 2 people trying to work on different versions of the data, so in the immediate future I'll be mostly keeping note of all the changes needing to be made, as well as potentially using this opportunity to let people weigh in on if anyone thinks there's any big overhauls that seem like they need to be done (For example, getting people's opinions on if NWAEW is too on-the-nose, and if so, suggestions as to alternatives for what that company might look like)
  15. And thanks to those as well! I'll note those to include in the next update as well. A couple of your assumptions lore-wise were correct there. Street prophets never really became a thing in this timeline, so removing their tag team is a fix which I'll definitely do up. Jeff/Matt being separated was definitely due to lore reasons, Jeff bouncing around a bit post-TWE and Matt finding a stable home in MCW. I think they had a stretch together in there and won some titles but as of this moment are off doing their own things. Sami Zayn is indeed intentionally unmasked, and kept the Sami Zayn name more for keeping him recognizable to players. I've floated some other names for him for the next release, but remain undecided there (suggestions welcome). I think Matt Bloom was put in TWE due to him having moved to TWE in TheWho87's 2015 iDOM mod, which although isn't canon (I've got a few conflicts with that one in my title histories but where there's no conflicts it's safe to assume it's semi-canon for this particular timeline of it), I'm using as inspiration for how some people have moved around over the years. I figured he probably retired there and stuck around.
  16. Noted, thanks! Much of the teams were mass-imported from the real world mod, so that's one area that will definitely be rough around the edges. Those particular ones will be adjusted for the next release, and I'll add it to the list to take a pass over teams in general for stuff like that.
  17. That would be an offer I'd happily accept! I'd be happy to pretty much hand off the region off entirely to someone who knows the region better. If you get the desire to tackle it, feel free to take a look at the data and let me know what you think, or even just go wild on it yourself, whatever you prefer.
  18. After working away at it for the last week or so, I think I'm happy enough with the state of it to release the first public version! I hope you all enjoy! If anyone does play it and want to give some feedback, I'd happily welcome it. you can find a section at the bottom of the notes with areas I'd love to hear people's thoughts in particular. Happy to hear any feedback and areas to improve though, as I'm sure I glossed over some important areas, being my first public mod and all. Current Release - 0.1.0 Alpha Database Pictures Release notes
  19. I agree conceptually, and definitely agree that's a concept that makes sense to have as a large looming factor over the industry. Worth doing some testing to see how well it can be implemented without throwing off the game balance too much - Thus far I've generally leaned towards steering clear of services with large coverage and low requirements, because that is one of the biggest contributing factors of the game struggling to simulate popularity correctly, leading to small companies that have high international popularity. The fact that such things can't be specifically attached to alliances also makes it a bit challenging, having for example an NWA network that has lots of non-NWA companies after a couple years. I kind of like the idea of having it just built into the background without being a factor on the current state - especially if the NWA collapsed, I could see the previous collapse of a network previously having contributed to that - that lets it be a factor on the game world without needing to deal with the game balance implications of networks, allowing the 'current state of things' to still have a more traditional broadcasting situation that simulates better within the game mechanics. This also lets it mirror reality again, what with the creation and eventual slow demise of the WWE network - Part of the iDOM magic I feel is indeed the mirroring of reality in events. There could be some interesting ways to tie that lore into some of the quirks of the NWA too - for example perhaps part of why it didn't work is that it had heavy regional blackouts (as an NHL fan, I can relate to how much that ruins the experience) as a result of local promotions protecting their territory and using outdated NWA rules initially meant to prevent physical shows running in other place's home regions to prevent the network from showing other company's shows, which leads to the network as a whole not catching on as it should and dying out, which can be cited as a contributing factor into dissension among the members and financial struggle of the alliance. A smaller network hosted by a chain of regional promotions such as you noted could be present within the game, but it would have to be region-limited for sure so as not to give everyone an easy path to international popularity gains. Part of the game world's goal here is to really make it a challenge to break out of the status quo of promotions being really nationally limited. Worth exploring, I suspect the initial alpha release will have traditional broadcasters attached to things, with a pass over broadcasting/streaming to be done later before the final release.
  20. That's the general gist of the TL;DR, yeah. Some good suggestions there, very much appreciated. I can't say I'm too familiar with independentwrestling.tv, but I like it conceptually, I know the AWA is still present in this universe and competing (without much success) with NWA - its possible they can make a play like that especially if the NWA is weakened That way of organizing the alliance is an interesting take I hadn't thought of to keeps the titles working. You can absolutely bet I'll be playing with those setups to see if it's possible to get it to play well and potentially making an alternate version that doesn't have the collapse if one can get that to work at a satisfactory level. Perhaps two versions of the universe can be released, one with COVID as above and NWA collapse, one without COVID where NWA stands strong, organized similarly to how you've noted there, because I agree it's a fun setup to work within if it can play well with game mechanics. In the meantime, main focus will for sure remain on getting the current version to an initial alpha release as that's the closest.
  21. Huh, now that's quite the early oversight. Somehow I've went multiple decades just assuming it was association all this time haha. Thanks for the heads up, I've got some tweaks to make in the writeups. Good to know! It's an offer I may happily accept! Once I get the first version out, I'd be happy to see what you think of how it sits as a region and how it can be improved.
  22. Canada SW MLW UK WSW NWA:UK Mexico ILA FMLL Europe UEW Oceania PWA/PWWA Japan NJPW
  23. Promotion Highlights USA WCCW TWE ECW GLAM! RFP Project X RESIST
  24. Hey Everyone! I've long loved to play in Idolizer's iDOMINATION universe, and have made my own versions of the mod for each game update that's come out for personal usage. I personally find iDOM the funnest environment to play in, because you get wrestlers you're familiar with, companies that are very similar to real life ones you can take inspiration from, but it's separated enough from reality that you don't feel limited by the constraints of the real world, allowing more creative freedom. It's a perfect middle ground between real-world databases and the fully fantasy ones like CVerse. I hope you enjoy as much as I have been! For those unfamiliar with the iDOM universe, it was a database originally made for EWR, then ported into TEW, which is based on an alternate universe where WWF collapses following Wrestlemania being a failure, and NWA dominating the wrestling landscape instead. Here is a link to a fan-made wiki for the last official version (2010). https://idomination.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page iDOMINATION 2023 - The Ashes of an Empire It is January 1st, 2023, the wrestling world is finally recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic after years of empty stadiums, and the National Wrestling Alliance, the organization which has dominated the worldwide wrestling landscape for nearly a century, is a shell of its former self after being on the verge of collapse. Most of the large companies of the world have withdrawn from the NWA and for the first time, the lack of NWA governance makes the packed landscape of companies looking to break out a bloodbath waiting to happen. Current Release - 0.2.0 Alpha Database Pictures (Includes 0.2.0 changes - make sure to get the updated version) Release notes 2010-2022 In Review The NWA: Disclaimer: Mod Decisions: Credits:
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