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  • Birthday 06/25/1992

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  1. Where do I start? Kanzen Pro Well I started by creating my own company Cult level with the idea of being a mix between ROH and NJPW and signing guys to written who I plan on using as cornerstones that Idea worked way to well and quickly started doing the best shows in North America due to the help of Jo-Rod, Frankie-P, Kirk Jameson, Greg Gauge, Marc Dubois, Bryan Holmes, Ricky DeColt, American Demolition, and Sara Marie York. I named this company Kanzen Pro (Same graphics as the in game but completely different product. and idea) This led me to expand my game so that Super Matches happen way more often along with cross promotional battles. So what did I do? L-Ring Euroresu First I decided that Europe needed a face lift and opened a Euro company just like I did in America cult n what not but with a bit more emphasis on sex and pure wrestling (cause I feel Europe would gravitate towards that kinda product rather than any entertainment based product.) To go along with this I made the standard match type a match based purely on the old school ROH Pure title rules. You only get 3 rope breaks any attack on refs gets a dq. This has worked well as guys like Merle o'curle, Nigel svensson, and other solid but generally unexciting euro workers are able to be presented well. I'm building around Louis Figo Manico (Who I play as the owner) due to his solid overall skillet not to mention his ability to speak Mediterranean which is an absolute must to have any sort of success trying to have shows in multiple countries. Other major players include Byron, Beauchamp (gatekeepers) The New USSR led By Anna Ki (most useful person in Europe if you take her out of retirement) and joined by Oleg Dorosklov and Marat Khoklov (Got super cheap due to his ironically low pop figures in Europe). And yes again I used the basis of a pre made c-verse company mainly for visuals. But that was not all I expanded my game even more by becoming Dan Dalay and taking over CGC on a bet by Alex DeColt which became the greatest thing to ever happen to CGC as they went from being mediocre to being a legit player mainly due to the anti-DeColt storyline that is still currently going as Joey Poison and the American cobras have started a revolution in CGC within months getting them over and Joey Poison became the first non-decolt to win the CGC Canadian Heavyweight (Unified the Canadian and world titles as I'm not a fan of two singles titles without any gimmick type or weight restrictions on 1 show.) After successfully doing these two I decided to own a company in each country and there's a legit story between each one. Manuel Prieto and Ollie Nicolas Lopez & Marco Flores decided to become loyal to Ollie after seeing what SOTBPW is doing to Lucha libre basically bastardizing it (Though some argue it is the best Lucha ever produced especially after the legendary multimillionairio vs Champagne match that not only won MOTY but caused Champagne to go into movie making along with the acquisition of REMO) Ollie has a mega young and inexperienced roster with zero entertainment ability (but great potential) so it's been pretty challenging so regardless how well I do SOTBPW is better in everyway and no way to win a national battle anytime soon. APW BECOMES DINGO (Thunderverse graphics) APW needed a rebrand imo RAW isn't doing so well in the ratings at this point so I decided to takeover APW under the idea that the alliance that I have created in this long process is becoming super influential around the planet and aims to change the world of professional wrestling. So APW decides to become the anti-Raw that it always has been and turn it up a notch while also adding in the more Aussie style of wrestling that includes hardcore and the zany influences of ZEN creating a style called Land of AUS basically ECW on a acid trip. With the product change a name change had to come so I settled on DINGO (I like the single word non generic names). This has been successful as RAW in need of dumping salary couldn't afford to keep SWOOP, LUKE STEELE, NICKY GILBERT, or Quizzical Mark so along with them Tombstone, Warmonger, McKenzie Halloween Knight (Master of the Zenverse) have made this an ultra fun project. Also after those hits I decided I don't want to keep pouching RAW guys so I boosted their finances as they are now scared of losing there top spot to DINGO (IF they haven't already) Also have a working relationship with Zen as I am a massive fan of the product. GCG DIES AND IS REBORN as DRAGON Following the Tsunami Kudo of CGC who has already broken CGC tradition before realized the traditional Japanese product of CGC wasn't going to work anymore as the only way for anyone in Japan to survive is to 1 reduce the workload on it's stars and two having a product that can be promoted outside of japan. With the blessing of the locker room Kudo killed the Lion and a Dragon was born. A Junior & Joshi division was added and most battles are stable oriented much like NJPW with singles boutes becoming rarer but more impactful to overall stories. SUKI started SUKI-Gun based on the real life Suzuki-Gun stable in NJPW with basically the same goal in mind just as an example. Tag Team is massively important and on par with the World Championship in importance (I really do this with all of my promotions as I promote people being masters of tag, singles, trio's in OLLIE, and Intergender tag in Kanzen) 21CW to INFINITY & Beyond Jeff Nova & 21CW we're on the brink of bankruptcy again but struck a deal with TIER-1 to save the company (and British wrestling from SNP) to show his appreciation Nova revamped the 21CW product revolving around better matches a staple in Tier-1 as matches come first but keeping the more traditional entertainment aspects. As well as a name change to match the general theme of TIER-1 promotions being generally 1 words. Renaming 21CW to Infinity and making Pro Wrestling Forever as it's slogan. These changes massively be benefitted top stars Tommy Cornell, Matravers, and Jonathan Faust (Slowly turning back into his spiritual self) and overall 21CW might be the best product outside of NORTH AMERICA. All of these companies come together as the TIER-1 Universal Wrestling Counsil Which hold global grand prix's, sanction champ vs champ matches and hold interpromotional events OTHER CHANGES TO THE WORLD So I'm a year and a month into this project I became L-Ring in August, CGC in September, OLLIE September, APW in August, GCG IN November, and 21CW at the end of December In total I control 7 companies currently and run roughly 9-10 shows a week (in game time) roughly 20 shows are done in real time pending on what I have going on, this has honestly become a hell of an interesting project as I've gotten positively involved with the other major companies as well. And before I get deep into each promotion I just want to say Im turning off national battles for the time being especially since America's wrestling economy is A* I don't want to see any American company go under...... YET NOTBPW Jeremy Stone Died the night of there biggest event of the year and Dan Stone Jr left the business because of it leaving Duane Stone, and Victoria to run the company after some initial struggle there refunding there stride and are competing against Kanzen Pro and SOTBPW for the best shows in NORTH AMERICA on a weekly basis. Sean McFly is goat of NOTBPW SOTBPW as I said before SOTBPW is my biggest overall competition and this has been without champagne (who will be back in 2 months) Remo going there was a massive surprise but man does he fit well with that roster considering his character (at least to me) TCW Immidiate lost Wolf to USPW which proved massive as they quickly began going downhill until...... I edited Kyle Rhodes made him flashy with his cashy gave em a 10+ mil boost from Brian Co (Some last ditch financing to save the company one last time) and made the current Booker have a 100 in the booking skill department. Now Ace and Huggins are having A rated matches which is literally carrying them until either one gets poached by....... USPW USPW started by grabbing anyone under the sun who was relatively over and due to my persistance to get into bidding wars (mainly to drive prices for guys up.) USPW began over paying for decent but unspectacular performers. WHICH LED TO ALICIA STRONG BEING LET GO YAY KANZEN WOMEN DIVISION! So along with this and there generally B rated shows they have been pretty mediocre considering the overall talent on their roster. So I gave their Booker the old 100 treatment and now....... They barely get over a B+ even if they're doing there damdest to push Wolf I'm watching wolf I'm watching. THE F SWF has Been pretty meh along with USPW and personally I may pull the trigger on operation lullaby just to shake shit up. But unlike USPW they've continued to lose stars they didn't rebuttle my initial offer for Sammy Bach which has been a massively fun get as I use Bach kinda in the way Balor was used in NJPW minus bullet club and instead of the Demon I use Deadpool as the big match Rock God within Bach. Bach to SWF though considering I love competition and am not really ready for any major company to go down..... YET SWF. I decided to give there Booker the old 100 to give em a chance and let's just say moderate improvement is about what I'd give em. BHOTWG The Tsunami hit them particularly hard especially considering right before the Tsunami they went about business much like USPW but they're still chugging along. I gave there Booker a 100 to hopefully give em a better chance at survival but the financial situation doesn't look very good. PGHW Injuries pretty much sums them up there first year as they continually underperformed. But man first shows of the new year comes around and boom 2 A* matches go PGHW! Love sending guys on loan to them. WLW Basically the reason why I changed GCG was to compete with these F'ing guys. I keep a working relationship with these guys too because I love Angel, Kobe, Monkey, Acid, and Americana. RAW Sucks They're struggling C+ Ratings never realized them losing Swoop, Steele, Gilbert would hurt so much....... BOOKER GETS A 100...... B- rating. But they're expanding to England good for them. BROADCASTING CHANGES I added a bunch of subscription options so all of these countries now have coverage in multiple countries on some type of level. This really hasn't effected any companies yet too much but it has definitely aided in making bidding wars a hell of alot more interesting as it seems everyone is throwing contracts out at people I forget who it was but there was a 9 company bidding wars at one point and God damn was that interesting because Remo went to SOTBPW and man has winning that paid off for them. Can't wait for Cornell's contract to come up here in the next 6 months.
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