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Everything posted by FellaLibby

  1. Lloyd I actually have some questions that this diary has given me. #1: With the fall of 21CW, what do you think of the British landscape now? From #2 Company IN THE WORLD! To being now a footnote. Do you think NOTBPW could've bought them out had you known? #2: With the partnership of PGHW, do you think they could help your wounded Tag division? I could think that a team as young as Dunn & Strong can develop quite a reputation if you sent them to Japan for a little. #3: If you had access to all the workers in the known world, who in your mind would be the true heir to the DeColt Throne? Last question: Can The Monster TRULY be beaten by anyone, NOT, named, Bruce The Giant??
  2. <p><strong>'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer</strong> [vs] 'The Assassin of the Squared Circle' Ernest Youngman</p><p> Comment: While i think this will be a good showcase for Youngman, he is out of his depth against Cut Throat. Still, should be good. </p><p> </p><p> Donte Dunn & Erik Strong [vs] <strong>'The Mavericks' (John Maverick & Julian Watson) </strong></p><p> Comment: The Mavericks are a real team. Dunn & Strong aren't. (yet!) They could be a nice bandage for your wrecked division. We'll see how it plays tho. </p><p> </p><p> Thrill Seeker [vs] <strong> 'The Man Beast' Akima Brave </strong></p><p> Comment: Seeker is a tag teamer, whilst Brave is a legit BEAST! Brave could use the momentum too. </p><p> </p><p> Robin DaLay & Logan [vs] <strong>'Mayhem' Aldous Blackfriar & Mutant </strong></p><p> Comment: Again, out of depth. Mutant alone could eat Robin and Logan for lunch and still have room left. </p><p> </p><p> <strong> 'The Ace' Aaron Andrews </strong> [vs] 'The Enforcer' Tim Westybrook</p><p> Comment: Triple A is a man with no friends, but least of all, momentum. He'll have a tough hill to climb but he can overcome the big bad Westybrook. </p><p> </p><p> 'Awesome' Wade Orson [vs] <strong> 'Wild Man' Jack DeColt</strong></p><p> Comment: This is going to be a fun match. And a nice showcase for Orson. To see if he can hang around the DeColts. I can't imagine him winning, with whom hes facing. And potential new feud he may have after beating Poison.</p>
  3. Hey I just read this entire diary last night and I love it. But I do have a question about Wade Orson. What about... a new finisher? Now his current one is truly awesome. But what happens if someone closthlines him, and they are out of place like, at where his head is? I'd imagine he could kick up and do a stunner or maybe a cutter! Call it "Bounce Back #2"! Just a thought lol keep up the great work!!
  4. <p>Name: Skelton Stanczyk</p><p> Age: 18 (Rookie Year)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Toned Lightweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Russian (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Japan, Europe, British Isles</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Eastern Europe</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Decay Crazy Steve</p><p> Style: Entertainer</p><p> Finisher: Last Laugh (Axe Kick)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: Unemployed</p><p> </p><p> Bio: This mysterious clown figure who hails from Vladivostok, Russia is one odd individual. His mannerisms and acts in both real and in character are straight up weird. Skelton Stanczyk (literally meaning 'Clown Jesture') uses real joking tactics to psychologically play with his foes, like fainting attacks, and pulling their jocks. Despite this joking demeanor and act, he is a devious and vicious clown that can strike fear even into the youngest of young hearts.</p><p> </p><p> (I'm back baby!)</p>
  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="FellaLibby" data-cite="FellaLibby" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hello, I'm currently looking for a "owner" to run my child company but I don't understand all of the Style Preferences. Can someone help me in giving a brief description of each? It would gladly be appreciated.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Bump</p>
  6. Sytle preference Hello, I'm currently looking for a "owner" to run my child company but I don't understand all of the Style Preferences. Can someone help me in giving a brief description of each? It would gladly be appreciated.
  7. <p>I got some Europeans.</p><p> </p><p> Name: White Panther</p><p> Age: 25 (Set to debut in 2018)</p><p> Gender: Male </p><p> Size: Muscular Light Heavyweight</p><p> Country: Spainish (Hispanic)</p><p> Active Areas: USA, Canada, Mexico, British Isles, Europe</p><p> Home Area/Region: Mexico</p><p> Role: Active Wrestler</p><p> Style: Entertainer</p><p> Finisher: Muscle Breaker (Muscle Buster)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: King from Tekken in white</p><p> Works for: Unemployed</p><p> </p><p> Bio: White Panther is a Spanish wrestler who came to North America with his parents. Unfortunately times were tough for him growing up and he stole and robbed just so he and his family could eat. Sadly it was never enough, and his parents gave him and his brother up for an orphanage, simply so they could have a home and shelter. Growing up around other orphans he learned to adore wrestling, and wanted to become a wrestler. Eventually he started wrestling but never became an official professional until he dawned the mask of the deadly White Panther. This mask helped make him, whoever he is an attraction to children all over Mexico. During promos he growls like a Panther, and he usually has a manager with him to translate what he said. Along with his brother Black Panther, the are an incredibly effective team but they are more than capable on their own.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Black Panther</p><p> Age: 25 (Set to debut in 2018)</p><p> Gender: Male </p><p> Size: Ripped Middleweight</p><p> Country: Spanish (Hispanic)</p><p> Active Areas: USA, Canada, Mexico, British Isles, Europe</p><p> Home Area/Region: Mexico</p><p> Role: Active Wrestler</p><p> Style: Entertainer</p><p> Finisher: Panther Attack (Spear)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Armor King From Tekken</p><p> Works for: Unemployed</p><p> </p><p> Bio: Black Panther is a Spanish wrestler who came to North America with his parents. Unfortunately times were tough for his family and while he never stole or robbed, he tried working for small labor work for funds. Sadly this wasn't enough and his parents gave him and his brother up for an orphanage. Growing up around other orphans he grew up strongly being a fighter for the weak and defended other children. When his brother, White Panther wanted to be a wrestler to help the kids, he was more than happy to join him. Eventually they decided to go pro and they dawned similarly look but very different colored masks them being of animals. He dawned the Black Panther and in promos, like his brother growl to speak, though they sometimes have a manager to speak for them. Together they are a great tag team, but on his own he is a terrific singles worker.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Promstein</p><p> Age: 22 (Rookie Year)</p><p> Gender: Male </p><p> Size: Toned Lightweight</p><p> Country: Norwegian (White)</p><p> Active Areas: USA, Canada, British Isles, Europe</p><p> Home Area/Region: Scandinavia</p><p> Role: Wrestler/Manager</p><p> Style: Entertainer</p><p> Finisher: Soul Steal (Death Grip)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: TBA</p><p> Works for: Unemployed</p><p> </p><p> Bio: Promstein is a man that... No one really knows. No name, no social security, no relations to anyone. All that is known, is what he says. Simply put, whoever he is, he lives and breathes this character. Never seen without a hooded cloth or something to cover his face outside of wrestling, he is stupidly charismatic and his words make you want to listen to him. While not the best wrestler in the world by any means, his "associates" Deadman and Stephan De Boone of Afterlife, follow his every word. Without them, he can hold his own. Hes also one of the most intimidating small folk around, with his art work on his body and eyes he's a sight.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Deadman</p><p> Age: 33 (Rookie Year)</p><p> Gender: Male </p><p> Size: Bulky Big Heavyweight</p><p> Country: American (Black)</p><p> Active Areas: USA, Canada, Mexico, Europe</p><p> Home Area/Region: Scandinavia</p><p> Role: Wrestler</p><p> Style: Entertainer</p><p> Finisher: Deathbed Pildriver (Jumping Tombstone)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: A chard Undertaker</p><p> Works for: Unemployed</p><p> </p><p> Bio: Deadman is... Someone who has no real name that is known. While he looks aged he started in the business late apart of the Afterlife stable with Promstein and Stephan De Boone. He makes up the muscle and walks literally like an undead zombie. Though it is known he can be fallen he will make anyone work for it to put him down. The story of Deadman, from Promstein, is that he was "found" in Death Valley. Whether or not this is true remains unclear. Still being around 6'8 is surely to make anyone see this man coming. He and De Boone make up the tag team of the stable.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Stephan De Boone</p><p> Age: 20 (Rookie Year)</p><p> Gender: Male </p><p> Size: Skinny Lightweight</p><p> Country: Sweedish (White)</p><p> Active Areas: USA, Canada, British Isles, Europe</p><p> Home Area/Region: Scandinavia</p><p> Role: Wrestler</p><p> Style: Crusierweight</p><p> Finisher: Skull Fracture (Full-Nelson Face Crusher)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Skull DeBones from CVerse with paint of a Skull and black shirt</p><p> Works for: Unemployed</p><p> </p><p> Bio: Stephan De Boone is... The only known member of Afterlife to have a name. Regular team member of Deadman, De Boone is the embodiment of bizarre. He constantly laughs, mocks and poses to the crowd all while systematically out witting his opponents. A talented Cruiserweight in his own right, De Boone has said he was once a pirate... I guess? De Boone is the only member of Afterlife to not show complete loyalty but still is a vital part of them. He has went on to say (and prove) that he searches for riches. He always wrestles in full clothing, and if someone manages to rip off his clothes, they find the full body paint of work on his own body to show how dedicated he is to his gimmick.</p>
  8. <p>Name: Sir Lee Christopher</p><p> Age: 23 (Future Worker April 2018)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Average Lightweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: English (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): U.K. & Europe</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): North England</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Young Sir Christopher Lee</p><p> Style: Never Wrestles</p><p> Finisher: None</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Liam Christoph is a young wealthy rich man who plays a gimmick that is very close to his real life self. He uses very harsh words to crowds, even in those with local crowds who are too cheap to be in bigger, more expensive arenas. Despite being full of money to make his own promotion, he chooses to escort and entertain crowds with his rich and "smarter" words.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Bolshivik</p><p> Age: 20 (Future Worker October 2017)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Muscular Lightheavyweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Russian (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): Europe</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Eastern Europe</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Viktor Rznov <a href="http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/square_small/8/80630/1664151-449px_reznovfromgamespot.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/square_small/8/80630/1664151-449px_reznovfromgamespot.jpg</a></p><p> Style: Entertainer</p><p> Finisher: Motherland</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Dimitri Obernov was born in St. Petersburg Russia. He is a very strong human being, and very, VERY Russian. Being born in the city where Communism was born, he learned very much about how it was, and brought it to the center stage to show it. He has been able to show what it meant to be a true Stalinist while also can play it very comically.</p><p> </p><p> Name: North</p><p> Age: 21 (Future Worker January 2018)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Toned Middleweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Northern Irish (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): All Areas</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Ireland</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: WCW Fit Finley</p><p> Style: Technical</p><p> Finisher: Four Leaf Clover (Figure Four)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): North (Nigel Array) is a member of the British Isles stable group known as "Compass". He named himself North being from Belfast Northern Ireland and is a technical practitioner. Being that however he lacks personality but one must always second guess their chances when facing him.</p><p> </p><p> Name: East</p><p> Age: 21 (Future Worker January 2018)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Toned Light Heavyweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Irish (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): All Areas </p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Ireland</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Ireland flag waving Dave Taylor</p><p> Style: Regular Style</p><p> Finisher: Bombs Away (Senton Bomb)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): East (Robbie Grady) is a member of the British Isles stable known as "Compass". He named himself East from being born in the east of Ireland from Dublin. He is an all Irish patroit and regularly teams with West from the stable.</p><p> </p><p> Name: West</p><p> Age: 22 (Future Worker January 2018)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Toned Heavyweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Scottish (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): All Areas</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Scotland</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Scottish flag waving Drew Galloway</p><p> Style: Regular Wrestler</p><p> Finisher: From the Highlands (Jackhammer)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): West (Greggory McCinsington) is a member of the British Isles stable known as "Compass". He is as tough as they come from Scotland and regularly teams with East from the stable.</p><p> </p><p> Name: South</p><p> Age: 18 (Future Worker January 2018)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Toned Lightweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Welsh (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): All Areas</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): South (British Isles)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Less toned down Mason Ryan</p><p> Style: Spot Monkey</p><p> Finisher: Cardiff Waves (Moonsault)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): South (Richard Davies) is a member of the British Isles stable known as "Compass". He is a young high flyer from Cardiff Wales. While his size diffrence from the rest of the stable is noticeable, he really makes up for it with very flashy and high risk moves.</p>
  9. Hey Laddies, its ol FellaLibby here. Just a quick update to you all, my living situation still is the same, but I can still help out in anyway. If you gotta Discord mine is the same as it is here, and I'm always on there. Contributing I know can always be helpful here. So if I can help out just let me know. Happy New Year to you all!
  10. <p>Name: Gerald Stephens</p><p> Age: 58 (30 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Light Heavyweight (Flabby)</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Iranian (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): USA</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Great Lakes (USA)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Iron Sheik</p><p> Style: Retired Wrestler</p><p> Finisher: The StrongBow</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: Available for any American promotion in need </p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Gerald Stephens (better known as Gerry Strong) was a old rugged tough shot, take it to your face, funky like a monkey whose fame is still remembered threw old fans. His legacy is that of great matches in low key matches. He is the son of promoter Mark Andrew Stephens, of the past North East Wrestling. Stephens joined GCW in 1980 and after four years of hard work, he finally gained the GCW Triple Crown Championship. However his reign was short lived as on New Years Eve of that year, he lost the title to Sterling Spade. While he continued to pursue the title but realizing he was never going to defeat Spade, grew a long known hatred for him. Despite never regaining his lost glory, he stayed true to his character, in both in the ring and out of the arena. He retired in 2010 when a StrongBow Diving Elbow from the top rope where he broke his hip. In interviews, he claims his retirement is only temporary though, but with his age and how hard he keeps his grudges its very unlikely we'll see The Strong Man ever in the ring again.</p>
  11. <p>Name: Antonio Badavachi</p><p> Age: 29 (6 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Middleweight (Average)</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Spanish (Hispanic)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): Europe, British Isles, Mexico (Speaks fluent Spanish, passable English)</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Central Europe</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Carlos Cabrera </p><p> Style: Non-Wrestler (Announcer)</p><p> Finisher: None</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: Any European, Britannia or Mexican promotion that needs a announcer</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Antonio Badavachi is a Spanish announcer from Madrid, Spain and has a voice that many football announcers have. He spent three years speaking for local Spanish football team matches. He then ventured off into the wrestling business, which at first was a hobby for him, but decided to do it full time. He brings energy and excitement to many wrestlers and make them sound and feel important.</p>
  12. <p>Adding to the extinct</p><p> </p><p> Name: Mike Bell</p><p> Age: 26 (6 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Small (Average)</p><p> Nationality and complexion: American (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Canada</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): New England</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: John Doan</p><p> Style: Non-Wrestler (Referee)</p><p> Finisher: THE 3 COUNT! lol</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: Available for any American, or Canadian promotion that needs a Ref.</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Mike Bell (Micheal Belon) is a relatively decent referee who started out as a wrestler, but due to his unimpressive frame, he trained to be a referee. </p><p> </p><p> Name: Joshua Burke</p><p> Age: 22 (4 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Lightweight (Average)</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Canadian (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Canada</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Quebec (Canada)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Young Jimmy Korderas</p><p> Style: Non-Wrestler (Referee)</p><p> Finisher: none</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: Available for any Canadian, USA promotions that need a Ref.</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Joshua Burke is the younger brother of the Burke Bros. Joshua just getting in the business following his older brother Jason as a referee, their looks are very similar which sometimes gets commentators confused.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Jason Burke</p><p> Age: 30 (12 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Lightweight (Average)</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Canadian (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Canada</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Quebec (Canada)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Jimmy Korderas (Balding)</p><p> Style: Non-Wrestler (Referee)</p><p> Finisher: None</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: Available for any Canadian, USA promotion that needs a Ref</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character):Jason Burke is the older brother of the Burke Bros. Jason has been in the business for many years and worked for many of promotions at one time or another, making him a very experienced referee. He nowadays gets confused with his younger brother Joshua, who looks a lot like a younger him.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Yuna</p><p> Age: 23 (4 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Female</p><p> Size: Small (skinny)</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Japanese (Asian)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): Japan </p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Kanto (Japan)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Asako Tonaril <a href="http://www.womenboxing.com/IMAGES2015/zzzjapanref3802.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://www.womenboxing.com/IMAGES2015/zzzjapanref3802.jpg</a> (Woman on the right)</p><p> Style: Non-Wrestler (Referee)</p><p> Finisher: None</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: Available for any promotion in Japan that needs a Ref</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Yuna Itō is a young female referee, who started as a ring girl in Japan, but wanted to be more active for live crowds. She turned to be a referee, and found out shes relatively good at it.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Austin Croc</p><p> Age: 32 (13 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Lightweight (Average)</p><p> Nationality and complexion: New Zealandish (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): Australia</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): East Australia</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Nick Patrick (WCW)</p><p> Style: Non-Wrestler (Referee)</p><p> Finisher: None</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: Available for any promotion in Australia that needs a Ref</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Austin Croc, who usually gets called "Crocky" is a experienced referee in the outback regions of Australia. He is very respected as he has been known to take some wrestlers out see the country when they couldn't afford it. He also brings food and drinks over for promotions he works for, as he seems to not have a limit on what he can afford for his fellow worker.</p>
  13. <p>These will be a bit of heart breaking characters. :'( So please have respect for them. Also it does happen and we all know it, so I figured even as awesome as Gloryverse currently is, there is room for a bit of this...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Name: Jimmy Hasky</p><p> Age: 42 (22 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Flabby Light Heavyweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: American (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Canada</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Cloumbia, South Caraolina</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Beyond the Mat - Jake "The Snake" Roberts</p><p> Style: Regular Wrestler</p><p> Finisher: Coming from the Hasky! (Diving Headbutt)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: Free Agent</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Jimmy Hasky is one of those wrestlers who had grand opportunities only to find himself at the wrong end of almost everything. In 1996, Hasky debuted in pro wrestling as "The Falling Eagle" while he was a masked character at the time, his gimmick was that of an American patriot and stood for what was right for "Merica!" In 1999, he received a big money contract by GCW to join them, Hasky however turned it down in favor of caring for his newborn child. He then turned into a part time wrestler, a feat he did not earn to the eyes of the fans and they began to resent him. In 2003 Hasky effectively retired from wrestling after the passing of his wife, Maria, but that was the tip of his problems. In 2010 his son was killed in a head on collision. This sent Hasky into a pit of despair, doubt and attempted suicide. Alcohol and illegal medications became a part of Jimmy's life. In 2014 he returned to professional wrestling in the hopes of using his old persona's to find him employment, sadly for him, his "Glory" days are far behind him.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Name: Big Nate</p><p> Age: 40 (22 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Flabby Heavyweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: American (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Canada</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): The Bronx (Tri State)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Big Vito</p><p> Style: Brawler</p><p> Finisher: Big Night (Shoulder Breaker)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: Free Agent</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Big Nate (Nate Aston) was a pretty forgotten wrestler back in the day. In 1997 he had a break into the industry in NYCC when he was first brought in as a big Italian and silent enforcer. Unfortunately for him, the opportunity didn't last long as he got a call from EGO to be a potential break out star. He had a few matches, but nothing ever stood out from his performances. He attempted a comeback to NYCC but the fans rejected his appearances and boo'd him out of the arena, calling him a sell out. One night however in 2005 he had an opportunity to win the New York Championship, but he no-showed the event and was replaced. It later turned out that he was drunk the night before and had a bad hang-over. He was effectively fired from this and was never welcomed back into NYCC by order of Danny Shore. After this, not that much has been seen of Nate. He makes independent appearances (when he can) and tries to live off of what he used to have.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Name: Nicholson Jackson </p><p> Age: 31 (11 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Average Lightweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: English (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): UK&Ireland, Europe</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Nottingham, England</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: A bald Sandman *Plus cigarette*</p><p> Style: Psychopath</p><p> Finisher: Coming Threw (Ropehung Clothesline) </p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: Free Agent</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Nicholson Jackson (Nick DeSuza) is a no good, beer swilling, cigarette smoking, bad ass. He describes himself (and literally quoting this!) as a "Tecknocrap." Whatever he means is completely unknown but he doesn't take any crap from anybody. He does however have problems that he can help but refuses. Such as his drinking habits which he happens to be always seem with some type of lager, in or out of the ring. He also has a smoking habit which he always seems to have a pack with him wherever he goes, and spends most of his money he earns from shows on them and beer. He has shown up at events looking drunk, or worse at times, and has had to not appear for the sake of the audience. His smoking also is a problem, as wherever he goes backstage there is a smoke just below the ceiling from just his smoking alone and he does not see that as a problem. Even if he wins a match, he lights another smoke. He may never be a world champion of anybody, but when hes on point he brings out the very best hardcore or death matches ever.</p>
  14. Name: GTJ Age: 22 (2 year pro) Gender: Male Size: Average Middleweight Nationality and complexion: American (White) Active areas (where the person can sign): USA Home area/region (where the person is from): New York City (Tri-State) Appearance/Comparison in real life: Colin Delaney (ECW) Style: Entertainer Finisher: I BEAT YOU!! (Jumping Enzugri) Company(ies) currently working for: Free Agent (Loyalty is freelance) Bio (give a short backstory to the character): George Thomas Johnson, who is known better as GTJ (which stands for "Get This Jobber") is a relatively poor young upstart wrestler who tried to accomplish a lot of thing when he was training to become a wrestler. His wish was to be a very flashy and have many scary spot moments but his job at the time (A chauffeur) prevented him from ever getting close to learning it. Despite his lack of knowledge he still wrestles as in his mind its good to get paid. Now he is a jobber for any company to hire. He even had a couple stints in promotions such as NYCC, EGO and AOW; All of which he was a jobber for. Name: El Poncho Age: 20 (Rookie Year) Gender: Male Size: Muscular Lightweight Nationality and complexion: Mexican (Hispanic) Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Mexico Home area/region (where the person is from): Dallas Texas (Mid-West) Appearance/Comparison in real life: El Dandy Style: Lunchador Finisher: Whirling Punch Company(ies) currently working for: Free Agent (Loyalty freelance) Bio (give a short backstory to the character): El Poncho (Carlos Perez) is a new comer to the world of wrestling. He came into the business after he learned his tow trucking job was going under. He tried to be a luchador and lost a ton of weight in the time doing so. He has been known to keep himself openly optimistic about his future and holds no real loyalty to any wrestling company, which is a shame with his muscles and sparkle style blends well. He can go far into the business if he so wished.
  15. <p>Narritive?</p><p> </p><p> Now I know this is a WORKER submission place... But I've always played around the idea of a #1 top worker in a data *like a John Cena for example* and when they retire, say 2020, they run for their country's presidency, and they win by a gigantic margin, and the company he/she was working for the most would get some prestige because of it. It would comical and enjoyable of a what if, especially since there are some former *current too* wrestlers playing politics. Of course that worker would have to be out of the business by that point, but thanks to Edit Data that would't be a massive issue.</p><p> </p><p> Just a thought <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  16. <p>The final bits of O'Rourke. (I PROMISE!! <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />)</p><p> </p><p> Dojo:</p><p> </p><p> Name: House of O'Rourke</p><p> Bio: A foundation named from Edward O'Rourke, the businessman managed to find himself in the heels of making a wrestling federation. Unfortunately for him, none of his sons knew how to wrestle professionally. With little haste, he founded the House of O'Rourke, here the O'Rourke's and the closest family mates learned from Richard Brennan, who taught the O'Rourkes how to wrestle and teach a select few how to not kill each other, but see how to make it look like it as well. The school however was closed after Edward's death. Despite it however, it still houses the next generation of O'Rourke. All those who prove worthy can step forward.</p><p> Founded: 2010</p><p> Is Open</p><p> Location: Scotland</p><p> Head Trainer: Ned O'Rourke</p><p> Reputation: 55</p><p> Emphasis: General Training</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Begins: January 2010</p><p> Soft Close</p><p> </p><p> Graduates:</p><p> Ned O'Rourke (2010)</p><p> John O'Rourke (2010)</p><p> David O'Rourke (2010)</p><p> Danny O'Rourke (2010)</p><p> Cullen Libby (2010)</p><p> Eric Libby (2010)</p><p> The Brochan (2011)</p><p> Killian Libby (2018) </p><p> Edward Libby (2020)</p><p> </p><p> Who are Killian and Edward Libby?</p><p> </p><p> Name: Killian Libby</p><p> Age: 16 (Debuts in 2018)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Toned Light Heavyweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Scottish (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): British Isles, Europe</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Scotland</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Shannon Moore (First run WWE)</p><p> Style: Regular Wrestler</p><p> Finisher: The Killian (Hurricanrana)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Killian Libby, is the son of Cullen, and Holly Libby. Being a grandson of the late Edward O'Rourke, he was trained in the House of O'Rourke, and taught how to wrestle the SFW way. He is eager and very rebellious, he enjoys learning new things and venturing outside Scotland. He held his mothers charisma and some of his father's skills. Years and experience will be Killian's friend.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Edward Libby</p><p> Age: 14 (Debuts in 2020)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Middleweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Scottish (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, British Isles</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Scotland</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: David Samartino</p><p> Style: Cruiserweight</p><p> Finisher: O-Zone (Running Snapmare)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Edward Libby is the youngest son of Cullen and Holly Libby. Edward's name comes from his grandfather, Edward O'Rourke and behaves like his late grandfather. Being a descendant of the O'Rourke clan, Edward was born into the business learning from the House of O'Rourke, and uses the O-Zone as a finisher. However for Edward Junior, his skills were not that of being the best wrestler ever, but having a very strong voice and having a strong tap of wrestling knowledge as well as playing the game of making others look good and himself. He also looks pretty snazzy in a suit.</p><p> </p><p> And that my friends is the end of my additions for the federation I brought in. But it will not be the last submission I bring in for Gloryverse. Stay tuned!!</p>
  17. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Chikbot" data-cite="Chikbot" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41204" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>NYCC's Sampson Smith is already based on Luger, with him being a main eventer and all. You should pick someone else for Walter</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="kanegan" data-cite="kanegan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41204" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Also Tian-Long i believe is a main eventer in T-Verse's DIASPORA. So, maybe you should change the name..??</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Fixed up! Let me know me know if I need to fix again! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  18. <p>The Journey begins!</p><p> </p><p> What is the Journey? The Journey is a small group of workers who are all friends from a small backyard promotion that closed. They all started working during their teens and are all self taught. However when they ceased doing backyard work, and wanted to make it to the big time. The REAL big time. The winner of the Journey will be that of whom who wins a World championship with a real main company. Main company being of that of National or International federation, any less is just a regular achievement.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Matt Bell</p><p> Age: 18 (Rookie Year)</p><p> Gender: Male </p><p> Size: Toned Middlweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: American (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Canada</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Boston (New England)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Jeff Hardy (First TNA Run)</p><p> Style: Cruiserweight</p><p> Finisher: BellBomb (Flying Senton Bomb)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Matt Bell was born in Boston and worked for the backyard federation called Boston's Finest. He was a standout performer, who regularly put his body on the line many of times and ended up on top. His real weakness is that is voice is so... Mellow, and never seen like a real threat. But if he is allowed to let his actions do his talking he could go far.</p><p> </p><p> He is part of the Journey.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Batter</p><p> Age: 18 (Rookie Year)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Average Light Heavyweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: American (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Mexico</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): New York City (New England)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Abe "Knuckleball" Schwartz</p><p> Style: Entertainer</p><p> Finisher: Batter-Up! (Jumping Clothesline) / Batter-Up *With Bat*</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character):Batter (Bret Macintosh) is a wrestler who has been a lifelong fan of both wrestling and baseball. Macintosh started his "Batter" gimmick in Boston's Finest, where he came to the ring in the rival team's outfit as a heel and the city's favorite team as a face, but would always carry around a bat with him. He definitely has a voice and charisma to work with but his skill in the ring itself can use some work. </p><p> </p><p> He is part of the Journey.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Ichabod Pain</p><p> Age: 19 (Rookie Year)</p><p> Gender: Male </p><p> Size: Skinny Lightweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: American (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Europe</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): New Hampshire (New England)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Brother Love</p><p> Style: Regular Wrestler</p><p> Finisher: Glory (Spinning Heel Kick)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Ichabod Pain (Ichabod Alvord) Is a wrestler whose name is ironic for his finishers name, "Glory". Despite it being impressive, he is a pretty poor worker. Despite this, his knowledge of selling, and how to work a match to near perfection, makes him the perfect jobber for any monster heel to literally snap him in two. He can however learn over time to be more and more skillful, but it does not seem like he will ever gain any muscles.</p><p> </p><p> He is part of the Journey.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Dr. You</p><p> Age: 18 (Rookie Year)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Toned Middleweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: American (Other)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, British Isles</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Boston (New England)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Vacant (<a href="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/476163865571389441/P1oMUt-r.png" rel="external nofollow">https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/476163865571389441/P1oMUt-r.png</a>) *Yes, I'm srs lol*</p><p> Style: Regular Wrestler</p><p> Finisher: CopyCat *FaceBuster*</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): The Doctor of Unknown. Who is Dr. You? And why is he in wrestling? Well one thing is for sure, he sure knows how to make people second guess who their watching. He impersonates his opponents to near perfection. The near part is he can't impersonate all of their voices or ring work. However if hes stuck in a multi person match, he takes bits and pieces of all his opponents and mesh them together into one weird... looker. Still if he can get his ring work polished, voice fixerup, and a couple years learning how to do moves, The Doctor will officially... be in.</p><p> </p><p> He is part of the Journey.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Walter Wayne Echer (see what I did there? <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />)</p><p> Age: 18 (Rookie Year)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Muscular Heavyweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: American (White)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Australia</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Providence, Rhode Island (New England)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Buff Bagwell (WCW)</p><p> Style: Brawler</p><p> Finisher: The Double W (Cradle Suplex)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Walter Wayne Echer, or just W.W.E for short, is a impressive big man. "Young, dashing and smashing!" Is his motto, and he is right. He can powerlift with the best of them, he is build like an ox and can lift the biggest of big men at his age. Unfortunetly for the "Big W" he knows almost nothing in terms of ring skills. While his reltively safe in the ring, he has been known to cause accidents. He can't really speak but he does have... something that makes people listen. (A hint of charisma maybe?) Only time can improve this beast.</p><p> </p><p> He is part of the Journey</p><p> </p><p> Name: Aat Kasamsun</p><p> Age: 19 (Rookie Year)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Average Middleweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Thai (Asian)</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): USA, Japan</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Boston (New England)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Funaki</p><p> Style: Japanese Junior</p><p> Finisher: Kamikaze (Tornado DDT)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: None</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Aat Kasamsun, is a Thai wrestler in Boston. Born in the US, and regularly took trips to Japan, he has a duel citizenship. His wrestling skill is better than the average backyard promoters, and he can speak English and Japanese with no issues. Unfortunately for him, he has no look of a massive star, and lacking in charisma will be a true hinderance to him.</p><p> </p><p> Aaaaand there you have it folks <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> If there are any issues at all please let me know!</p>
  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MortiSporti" data-cite="MortiSporti" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41204" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Will you come on the doc today? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Name: Dr. FellaLibby</p><p> Age: 22 (22 year pro</p><p> Gender: Male </p><p> Size: Middleweight</p><p> Country: Irish</p><p> Active Areas: Eveywhere</p><p> Home Area/Region: Sky</p><p> Role: Everyrolelol</p><p> Style: Psychipath</p><p> Finisher: I AM ZE BEST!!</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: God</p><p> </p><p> Bio: Dr FellaLibby is the greatest Doctor, Wrestler, announcer, commentator, road agent, and person in the universe of Glory!!</p><p> </p><p> <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  20. <p>Name: Phillip</p><p> Age: 26 (6 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male </p><p> Size: Middleweight</p><p> Country: USA</p><p> Active Areas: USA, Mexico, Canada </p><p> Home Area/Region: Las Vegas</p><p> Role: Active Wrestler</p><p> Style: Entertainer</p><p> Finisher: Phillip's Blade (Sling Blade)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Rico</p><p> </p><p> Bio: Phillip Everson is a very flamboyant wrestler. His gimmick is that of a over exaggerated homosexual, a play on his real life sexual preference. He plays his character to that makes his opponents weary of wrestling against him for his exaggerated holds and maneuvers. Despite this, his skill in the squared circle are anything but silly. His selling is great and he puts others over with no questions and makes an effort to wrestle very well.</p><p> </p><p> Name: The Turshki</p><p> Age: 16 *set to debut in May 2018*</p><p> Gender: Male </p><p> Size: Heavyweight</p><p> Country: USA</p><p> Active Areas: USA, Canada </p><p> Home Area/Region: Worcester Massachusetts </p><p> Role: Active Wrestler</p><p> Style: Regular Wrestler</p><p> Finisher: Turk Krut (Double A Spinebuster)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Bald CM Punk</p><p> </p><p> Bio: The Turshki (Lucas Turchi) is a young up comer wrestler who was trained by backyard wrestling, and been always looked at as a tough kid. From the videos that were taken from his performances, he stood out mostly due to his size and rarity of using weapons. (A trademark backyard wrestling is known for.) He appears to have a certain grasp of charisma and knowledge of putting others over, but hes mostly in the industry because of a paycheck.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Underpants Man</p><p> Age: 21 (Rookie Year)</p><p> Gender: Male </p><p> Size: Light Heavyweight</p><p> Country: USA</p><p> Active Areas: USA, Mexico </p><p> Home Area/Region: Michigan</p><p> Role: Active Wrestler</p><p> Style: Entertainer</p><p> Finisher: The Big Wedgie (Gutwrench PowerBomb)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Captain Underpants (yes this is a thing lol)</p><p> </p><p> Bio: Underpants Man is a gimmick name created straight from a old comic book. Travis Hoff, despite being a weak worker to start, has potential to grow to be an amazing worker, but his Underpants Man gimmick is what he enjoys the most. A guy who litterally wrestles in white underwear, and comes to the ring with a cape, this gimmick is surely just for making people laugh and smile.</p><p> </p><p> Name: The Roman</p><p> Age: 30 (12 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male </p><p> Size: Light Heavyweight</p><p> Country: Italy</p><p> Active Areas: Europe, Japan</p><p> Home Area/Region: Rome, Italy</p><p> Role: Active Wrestler</p><p> Style: Regular Wrestler</p><p> Finisher: Phalanx Destroyer (Spear)</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Leo Kruger</p><p> </p><p> Bio: The Roman (Piero Roma) Is a strong wrestler in the Europe scene. His gimmick of that of a man out of time, that of being a Roman soldier for Julius Caesar and can play both the face and a heel. He is one of the best the European scene has to offer as his skills in the ring and outside are unquestionable. He also stars in Roma Invicta that airs around Southern Europe and the Mediterranean where Roma plays basically the same as he is in wrestling. The show is massively popular and is considered why Roma is so big in Europe.</p><p> </p><p> And finally a announcer for SFW</p><p> </p><p> Name: Matthew Oswald</p><p> Age: 27 (9 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male </p><p> Size: Lightweight</p><p> Country: Australian</p><p> Active Areas: British Isles, Australia</p><p> Home Area/Region: Nottingham</p><p> Role: Non-Wrestler</p><p> Style: Announcer</p><p> Finisher: nope.jpg</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Kevin Kelly</p><p> </p><p> Bio: Matthew "The Ossie" Oswald is a Australian announcer who came to fame from announcing football during the off season. He is most recognizable for calling shots during a fight when Richie Stanford got a yellow card and Oswald called every jab and punch in detail. He got a call from Edward O'Rourke to be SFW's main announcer. He's been there since.</p><p> </p><p> Enjoys <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  21. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Chikbot" data-cite="Chikbot" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41204" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hey bro, we're trying to avoid too many similar bases, The Mcguirk Twins of CWFC are already based off Devitt, so you might need to change that</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ah, I changed them to Doug and Danny Basham. Hopefully this will workout. If not please let me know.</p>
  22. <p>I'm back! And I am bringing with me the final members and helping with starting storylines for Scottish Fricest Wrestling.</p><p> </p><p> O'Shannon Clan</p><p> </p><p> Name: Connor O'Shannon</p><p> Age: 25 (5 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Light Heavyweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Irish</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): British Isles, USA </p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Dublin</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Doug Basham</p><p> Style: Regular Wrestler</p><p> Finisher: End Game (Michinoku Driver)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: SFW, HBL</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Born in Boston, and raised in Ireland, Connor O'Shannon is the eldest brother of the O'Shannon Clan. He is a well versed wrestler for starting at 20 years old and wrestling in both the US and Ireland. Starting his career in Hibernia Brawl League in 2012 he rose to be one of their hottest acts with his clan. Although he is strong on his own, he shares great chemistry with identical brother Cian. He joined SFW along with his clanmates in 2015 attacking David O'Rourke and ensuing a feud with them.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Cian O'Shannon</p><p> Age: 24 (4 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Middleweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Irish</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): British Isles, USA </p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Dublin</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Danny Basham</p><p> Style: Regular Wrestler</p><p> Finisher: Came to Cian (Spinning Powerbomb)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: SFW, HBL</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): A tough Irish lad who is identical to his older brother Connor, Cian is a pretty decent wrestler who followed his brothers footsteps the same way and has been a staple with him for his entire career. While he is young, he regularly teams with those who are of his generation such as his brother and clan. He started as a regular tag teamer with Connor and rose to the top of ranks, while also competing singles in the US. Impressed by his work, SFW came calling and he along with the O'Shannon clan joined SFW.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Timothy Patrick</p><p> Age: 18 (Rookie)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Lightweight *max weight Light Heavyweight*</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Irish</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): British Isles </p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Galway</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Brian Pillman *WCW*</p><p> Style: Regular Wrestler</p><p> Finisher: Irish Car Bomb (Sunset-Flip Powerbomb)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: HBL</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): A new comer in wrestling, Timothy Patrick has been a fan of wrestling for many years. As he grew up, he played football for the local high school in Galway. Unfortunately he couldn't go pro as a knee injury forced his senior year to sit out all but the final game of the year. Not feeling disheartened, he did amatuer wrestling and enjoyed it so much to join pro wrestling. He got his first stint in HBL, and was adopted in the O'Shannon Clan, and is usually their "Get beat up guy" for them, but he always does the selling well.</p><p> </p><p> Name: Chris Matthews</p><p> Age: 25 (3 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Light Heavyweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: Irish</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): British Isles</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Dublin</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Fit Finley</p><p> Style: Brawler</p><p> Finisher: Canonized (Spear)</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: SFW, HBL</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): "Cannon" Chris Matthews is a Irish wrestler whose main strengths are mindless crazy brawls. A lifelong friend of Connor O'Shannon, he was brought into their clan due to his loyalty. He failed to join wrestling with Connor when they were 20, but a year later he jumped in like a cannon ball of high energy and size. He is viewed as the O'Shannon's equalizer to even odds. In HBL, he exploded into the scene and always showed upwardness even in defeats. In SFW, he is usually the guy to beat up the O'Rourkes or any lesser talents, and its called into question: "When was the last time Matthews talked?" The truth is, he doesn't. As his speaking hurts the speakers. If he can just hone this, he may become his own one day.</p><p> </p><p> Aaand now a Colour Commentator for SFW</p><p> </p><p> Name: Corey Casey</p><p> Age: 30 (12 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Middleweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: American</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): British Isles, Europe, USA </p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): Dublin</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Chris Jericho *suit*</p><p> Style: Retired Wrestler </p><p> Finisher: None</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: SFW</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character):Corey Casey was a very promising wrestler. He had the looks, the voice, the talent and was looking up to becoming one of the industry's most reliable workers. Honing his craft in the US, and Mexico he was on his way to working for AOW. Unfortunately tragedy struck at the worst possible time, as Casey was in a head on collision with a drunk driver. Lucky for Corey, he survived but the incident forced Corey out of the ring for good. After taking a few months off, he started back up in his native land of Scotland and using his voice to get working for SFW.</p><p> </p><p> Just wanna throw this guy in just cause</p><p> </p><p> Name: Jack Mac</p><p> Age: 22 (3 year pro)</p><p> Gender: Male</p><p> Size: Middleweight</p><p> Nationality and complexion: English</p><p> Active areas (where the person can sign): British Isles</p><p> Home area/region (where the person is from): London</p><p> Appearance/Comparison in real life: Jack Doan</p><p> Style: Referee</p><p> Finisher:</p><p> Company(ies) currently working for: SFW, BWA, GSG</p><p> </p><p> Bio (give a short backstory to the character): Jack Mac is a very reliable referee. Hes been all over the United Kingdom working for anybody. He prefers freelance, as in his own words "Nobody can have enough Refs mate."</p><p> </p><p> Now for the main starting storyline for SFW</p><p> </p><p> O'Rourke vs O'Shannon</p><p> In 2015 the O'Shannon's popped the bubble of the O'Rourkes when Connor O'Shannon attacked David O'Rourke during a match with Adoh Burns. Overtime, the O'Shannon's have gotten stronger and stronger forcing John to leave his hunt for the Grand Championship to help his brothers.</p><p> </p><p> Hope you guys enjoyed my new folks. If any editing needs to be done let me know and I will edit them. I may have some more but as of now, this is what I got. <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  23. ****Ned O'Rourke EDIT ALERT!!**** With these new plays in 2016, Ned O'Rourke has a minor but big change for the Gloryverse. He is a Billionaire for when his father passed away. This goes with his flashyness to try to woo indys. His style of wrestling favored is Traditional Wrestling and has generally no bias. His hiring and firing styles are Potential and Foresight respectively and changes his titles average. Oh and the SFW Figurehead is John O'Rourke
  24. Well about the guys I've submitted, their ages don't change but their times as pro's do. As for my new people... Name: David O'Rourke Age: 35 (5 years pro) Gender: Male Size: Middleweight Nationality and complexion: Scottish *based in Scotland* Appearance/Comparison in real life: Curt Hawkins Style: Purorseu Style Skills Very good Rumble style, Average technical, Above Average High fly, Very good Flashy, Great performance, Above Average Wrestling basics and Psychology, Decent Entertainment skills, Above Average Charisma, Not the biggest star quality. Finisher: O-Zone Company(ies) currently working for: SWF Bio: David "Bonesy" O'Rourke, is a talented yet very underwhelming worker who is often called "The Forgotten O'Rourke" is a rock in a hard place. The reason for his second nickname is, well simple. Unlike his family he grew a year longer watching his brothers and father run the federation. While he put on strong performances, fans never grew attached with David. Which is a massive shame due to his very out of place style of wrestling. While he has all the skills to be a great star, he just has doesn't have the look or the "It" factor to stand out from his brothers. Name: Aodh Burns Age: 28 (6 Year Pro) Gender: Male Size: Light Heavyweight Nationality and complexion: 2003 Kane Appearance/Comparison in real life: English Style: Regular Wrestler Skill: Good Rumble, Average Technical, Below Average High Fly, Above Average Wrestling basics and Psychology, Good Charisma, Above Average Performance, Very Good Entertainment, Looks like a star in the making. Finisher: Aodh Flame Company(ies) currently working for: SFW Bio: Aodh Burns (Adam Williams) is a English wrestler who is one of Scottish Fiercest Wrestling's best heels. He started out as Addie Calhoun in 2010. But in 2012, he debuted in SFW under Aodh Burns (which Aodh means fire) as a great pyromanic heel. His wrestling style while nothing spectacular, it is strong in the way that suits his gimmick, hard and fast. While he isn't the biggest heel SFW has, he certainly is a rival to the O'Rourke Clan. Name: The Brochan Age: 30 (10 Year Pro) Gender: Male Size: Toned Heavyweight Nationality and complexion: Scottish Appearance/Comparison in real life: Masked Undertaker Style: Brawler Skill: Great Rumble, Average Technical, Weak High Flying, Good Wrestling Basics and Psychology, Above Average Performance, Good Charisma, Looks like a star. Finisher: Snap Piledriver Company(ies) currently working for: SFW Bio: The Brochan (Carson Dunn) whose name means "The Broken" is a amazing big man in SFW. He started out wrestling under his real name for his career. While he was impressive, no one picked him up because he was seen as getting lost in the fold before SFW was born. He was one of their first picks and he was taught by the late Edward O'Rourke who told him to use his charisma to the best he could. He began his "Brochan" gimmick after year within the company. After Edward passed away and a freak accident that happened in a match with Danny O'Rourke which broke his nose, he returned with a mask and trench coat, completing his turn to heel. He is one of SFW most usable main event heels, and the O'Rourke Clan's biggest enemy. Backstage though he is the opposite of his character, for how he sells and how selfless he is and how loyal he is in respect to Edward O'Rourke, it is why when Ned took over, he offered him an exclusive written deal (A deal that only O'Rourkes had uptill him) which Brochan accepted. Name: Holly O'Rourke-Libby Age: 32 (6 Year Pro) Gender: Female Size: Small Nationality and complexion: Scottish Appearance/Comparison in real life: Lita Style: Semi-Active Wrestler, Non-Wrestler (SFW) Skill: Average Rumble, Below Average Technical, Above Average High Flying Average Wrestling basics and Good Psychology, Very good Entertainment, Impressive Charisma, Looks beautiful and above average Star power Finisher: O-Zone Company(ies) currently working for: SFW Bio: Holly O'Rourke is the daughter of the late Edward O'Rourke who was brought into the wrestling business by her father. Despite a urge to wrestle, Edward refused and her eldest brother agreed. Their reasons were that they don't want her to get hurt, and in turn was the reason SFW has no womens division. She still trained to be a wrestler elsewhere however. That said, in SFW she is a great manager and she poses as a great face and could be heel. She is married to Sean Libby and they have one son. Name: Richard Brennan Age: 68 (40 Year Pro) Gender: Male Size: Middleweight Nationality and complexion: Irish based in Scotland Appearance/Comparison in real life: Jim Crockett Senior Style: Non-Wrestler Skill: No wrestling skills, but holds a decent amount of respect Finisher: Company(ies) currently working for: SFW and HBL Bio: Richard Brennan is a old Irish Promoter who ran a Irish federation in the 70's and 80's called Celtic League of Fighters (CLoF). When the promotion closed in 1989, Richard couldn't stay away from the business so he stayed in as a British Isles as a Road Agent. He had strong ties to the O'Rourke clan, as he was a best friend to the late Edward O'Rourke. He is often called "Uncle Dick" from the O'Rourke's and he helps his friends clan and those in HBL who are in his homeland. While he is on borrowed time, he uses what time he has to teach the newer generations of wrestling. Oh and for updated lineages in SFW, The Brochan won 2013 Lord of the Highlands, Danny O'Rourke won the 2014, and John O'Rourke won his third in 2015. The SFW Grand Championship goes like this from 2010: Ned O'Rourke, David O'Rourke, Ned O'Rourke, John O'Rourke, Aodh Burns, John O'Rourke, The Brochan (Current) The SFW Fiercest Championship goes like this from 2013: Danny O'Rourke, Eric Libby, David O'Rourke, Sean Libby, Aodh Burns (Current) The SFW Blood Bound belts goes like this from 2010: Ned and David O'Rourke, TBA, Danny and David O'Rourke, TBA, John and Danny O'Rourke, Sean and Eric Libby, John and Danny O'Rourke, David and TBA, The Brochan and Aodh Burns (The Broken Fire), Danny and David O'Rourke (Current) Thats up to date with the tag belts but there will be a couple more added to the SFW roster soon. As well as a rival clan of the O'Rourke's within the federation and a midcard.
  25. Well then I got some editing to do then Gotta fill up to 2016.
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