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  • Birthday 05/08/1986

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  1. Aaaaaaand I always forget the prediction prizes... Three way tie for the month... @John Lions, @AboardTheArk and @Rateddc will all have (terrible) prizes coming soon to their inboxes... As will @MiykaelP for his joint top score with AboardTheArk and Rateddc for Battleground
  2. Monday, March 28th, 2022 Pro Wrestling Reporter – An Article by Greg Sluchinski Coming up this week, on TCW Total Wrestling… The fallout from Battleground continues… Will we find out what the heck is going on with Greg Gauge…?! Or Brent Hill…?! and what about the rest of The Syndicate…?! We ARE going to see Elliot Thomas and Quentin Queen teaming up, to take on the TCW World Tag Team Champions: The Main Event, after Matt Hocking, Roderick Remus and Jeremie Courtney attacked Elliot and Queen after their 1 on 1 match last week… It’s opening night for ‘The Backstage Bar’, as the group known as ‘The Texan Connection’ entertain a large group of wrestlers, and some lucky fans, for what promises to be a fun evening… And a BUMPER Main Event, which will see the winner go on to challenge new TCW World Heavyweight Champion: Greg Gauge at Where Angels Feat To Tread… Presumably… The losing three will go into the 30-Man Rumble Match at that same event… Predictions for: TCW Total Wrestling - Tuesday, March 29th, 2022 Non-Title Match: Elliot Thomas & Quentin Queen [vs] The Main Event Scout w/ Guide [vs] ‘Yoshi’ Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura Benny and The Foxx [vs] Can’t Catch This ‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman w/ Bradley Blaze [vs] Maverick ???? [vs] The Elite Number One Contenders Fatal-4-Way Match: Ace Andrews [vs] Troy Tornado [vs] Jay Chord [vs] Wolf Hawkins We're THREE months in to the diary now... Who are some of your favourite characters...? The more the better...
  3. It's episode 10 babyyyyy PSW Title: Ernest Youngman vs ??? Tag Team Tournament: The Hangman Experience (wJP) vs Samoan Destruction Inc Tag Team Tournament: The Blood Soldiers vs ??? Will the show be higher than the last episode (47): With Ernest in the Main Event - Yup Both of the ??? in the main event and the tag tournament are either a) debut b) someone on original roster c) local jobber Hmmmm... I'll go DEBUT, because I love a debut
  4. Thanks brother. So many ways I could go with The Syndicate after that show... Potential members: Wolf, Greg, Jaylon, Flint, Brent, Human Arsenal... I could have Greg and Human Arsenal BOTH join, making it that supergroup, of six, with two leaders and tension over the Belt... I could kick Wolf out, and have it be Greg's group... I could have Greg feud with Wolf next... or turn Jay face and have a three-way feud... So many ways...
  5. Sunday, March 27th, 2022 **Quotes taken directly from Vibert’s Podcast** Fresh off the back of Battleground, and we are left with some huge questions… I’ll begin at the end… Greg Gauge is the TCW World Heavyweight Champion – and I thought I’d be happier about it!! Here’s a guy, who’s worked his whole career to step out the shadow of his incredible Father (Sam Keith), and FINALLY he wins ‘the big one’, only to do it in such a way that makes the arena turn not only against him, but a lot of them were in SHOCK…!! He’s sold his soul to the Devil himself, and seemingly has aligned with The Syndicate…?! We need clarification on this… I’ve rarely left a wrestling show not knowing how to feel about the Main Event…!! Speaking of The Syndicate – it was a busy night for TCW’s premier stable… Again, lots more questions… Is Brent Hill BACK…?! Is he their new member long-term, or was this a one off…?! Brent is a former member of The Syndicate from back in the day, alongside his best friend Human Arsenal… My goodness… Where does this leave HIM…?! Arsenal left the match, left his partners high and dry and they lost as a result… He’s been showing signs of distrust towards Guide and Scout, but nothing like THIS…!! I guess he didn’t want to fight Hill…?! It’s good to know that Ace (Aaron Andrews) has some friends… Those American Cobras are super talented, but Troy Tornado stuck by his side for the entirety of the match… He has Andrews’ back, against Sammy Bach and co… I thought on paper that Sammy’s team was THE strongest of all the 4 on 4 Battleground teams tonight, but Killer Shark and Titan made some terrible mistakes, and got themselves disqualified…!! I guess I didn’t factor in temperament… T-Bone Bright is your new Television Champion… His second outing against Mighty Mo, was much stronger than their first… Bright still didn’t hit the ‘T-Bone Lariat’, despite multiple attempts, but ultimately he still won, and is now the Champion… Final point from me… BART BIGGINS…?! Biggins is the man who filmed Matt Hocking misbehaving on his drinks ‘date’ with Vita… Side note, PLEASE can we start calling it what it was… A ‘Date’… Biggins is the one who filmed them, and The Main Event are out for BLOOD… They’ll start by fighting the two men they attacked last week: Elliot Thomas and Quentin Queen – it’ll be interesting to see if they get along… But then they’ll turn their attention to Biggins… ‘Where Angels Fear To Tread’ is next for TCW… and the 30-Man Rumble Match… My favourite event of the YEAR…!!
  6. Haha, ahh thanks man, great compliment! I think the trick is, to keep it short Two 4 on 4 matches seems like plenty, with three other meaningful matches, and a couple of big twists. Thank you my friend. I think I made a rule where I wouldn't be asking a bunch of retired people to come out of retirement... but Brent said yeah, and it was too good to turn down really. The question is, does Human Arsenal JOIN him in The Syndicate, or is he in the Ric Flair role as Hawkins' right hand man...? Hawkins to win the Rumble you say? Good early pick. He'll be one of the favourites for sure! You'd think so wouldn't you...? Jay treated like that by both Gauge and Wolf... He'll be pissed, but he'll be pissed at two 'bad guys'... Two men who treated him like he was inconsequential, even though he was the World Heavyweight Champion... I'd be mad too... But would the fans get behind a mad Jay Chord? Or will he be another heel, too scared to stand up to The Syndicate, so might as well fight alongside them / nowhere near them.
  7. TCW Presents: Calling the action: Shawn Doakes, Kyle Rhodes and Jasmine Saunders Overall Rating: 87 We kicked off Battleground V with a video package, showing the career of Greg Gauge, and the TCW World Heavyweight Title reign of Jay Chord… Both of these things are on the line in the Main Event… Career versus Title…!! Greg Gauge was FORCED to come up with some collateral in order for Jay Chord to accept his challenge, to a third TCW World Heavyweight Title match this year…!! The second generation star decided to put his Career up… and Chord, somewhat reluctantly, accepted… Tonight, something’s got to give… Either Greg Gauge leaves as Champion… or he leaves TCW forever…!! The first match though, was the first of two Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Matches… Team Tana versus Team Wolf… The first matter at hand, was bringing out The Syndicate’s Fourth Man… With all seven other team members in the ring, out came… BRENT HILL…?! The 51 year old retired four years ago, and transitioned into a backstage role… but he walked to the ring IN HIS GEAR… to a large applause, despite him joining the team that the fans can’t stand… Human Arsenal’s face was a picture… Hill’s former partner couldn’t believe what was happening… Human Arsenal was due to start this match against Jaylon Martins, but when Brent Hill tagged in right after the opening bell rung, Arsenal had other ideas. He was clearly torn about what to do, and eventually did the unthinkable. He climbed out of the ring, and walked to the back!! Guide and Scout pleaded with him from the apron, as a wry, smile crept across Tana The Mighty’s face - accepting his fate. Human Arsenal was eventually counted out, and we were already at 4 to 3 in The Syndicate’s favour. Tana stepped in, and began cleaning house. Unfortunately for him, he hadn’t noticed a tag to Wolf Hawkins and while he squashed both Flint Slater and Jaylon Martins with a slam and splash combo, he turned around to meet a ‘Full Moon Rising’ Claymore from Wolf, and was pinned before The New Wave could intervene. Suddenly, Guide and Scout were down 4 to 2. Tana had done some damage, but now their captain was gone. For the next few minutes, Guide was dominated by Wolf and Brent Hill, while the two younger Syndicate members regained their composure and breathe. Somehow, Guide managed to put Jaylon Martins down with his ‘Guided Missile’ (Northern Lights Bomb) and pinned the youngster. But then a rough moment happened. Guide was crawling to his corner, and Scout – (the former Syndicate member Doc Hammond), was taking some stick from Jaylon and Flint Slater on the floor below him. Scout stepped down the stairs, seemingly leaving his tag team partner high and dry! The crowd were shocked! Was Scout turning back to the dark side, and re-joining The Syndicate?! Wolf dragged Guide back to the his corner, and as soon as Scout realised what had happened, he was straight back on the apron. Moments later, Scout tagged in off the ‘hot-tag’ and the building erupted. He put Brent Hill down, before knocking Wolf off the apron, and delivering a body shaking spinebuster to Flint Slater. Scout locked in a Texas Cloverleaf, and Slater had to tap out – right before Brent Hill came back in and assaulted him. An even fight, but one which ended with Scout getting eliminated following a ‘King of the Hill’ (Leg Drop). A chaotic finish, included Guide coming in and rolling Brent Hill up to eliminate the returning veteran – before Wolf Hawkins once again landed his deadly ‘Full Moon Rising’ Claymore Kick, to win the match, and be the sole survivor for his team! Winners: Wolf Hawkins, Flint Slater, Jaylon Martins & Brent Hill Rating: 70 Huge win for The Syndicate and Brent Hill… But where on earth did Human Arsenal go…?! In the back, one half of the TCW World Tag Team Champions: Roderick Remus, was FaceLooking with injured star: Freddy Huggins!! Things were jovial between the two Main Event members, as Freddy explained that he was having his Walking Boot off in one week…!! He said that his Torn Achillies surgery was a success, but it’s still a long road to recovery… and he’ll begin physical therapy once the boot is off… He also congratulated Remus for winning / retaining the TCW World Tag Team Titles… You could hear Freddy pretty clearly, despite the slight muffled sound due to the call quality… Freddy Huggins: “Hey… Rod… Don’t suppose Matt's (Hocking) around, is he…? I’ve been tryin’ ta reach him…” Remus made excuses for Matt’s whereabouts… saying he’s not here right now… Freddy asked after Laura, his sister… but Remus left the call in a hurry, when he heard a bit of commotion going on in the next room… As Remus burst into the room, Matt Hocking, Laura Hocking, Vita and Jeremie Courtney, looked at first as though they were arguing… However, it quickly became clear that they were all on the same page… as Matt Hocking had discovered who gave the incriminating video tape to the production truck two weeks ago on Total Wrestling…!! Matt Hocking: “BART BIGGINS…?! What the HELL does this have to do with him…?! How the Hell did you know that, Courtney…?!” Jeremie Courtney: “I have my sources… Matt… I’ve told you before… I’m a very resourceful, and very well connected man…” Matt Hocking: “BART BIGGINS…?!” Courtney confirmed it again… Apparently Biggins had seen Matt and Vita out for their ‘drinks rendezvous’, and pulled his camera out to film the evidence… Hocking was so mad…!! A far better outing than their previous clash, this one teased the ‘T-Bone Lariat’ throughout. In their first contest, T-Bone just couldn’t hit his finisher, with Mo avoiding the devastating clothesline no fewer than FOUR times. Tonight, the announce team ended up losing count of the amount of times Bright missed the move, or Mo got out of the ring to avoid it, or something else stopped it from happening. The crowd were desperate to see him hit the move – where he whips his opponent off the ropes, and then hits them with the collision, coming off the side ropes at a 90 Degree Angle! Mo used every trick in the book to not be hit with the move, but eventually, he was still put down, even without it! T-Bone used a Powerslam and scored a SHOCK three count to win his second TCW Television Title! Much to the disappointment of the outgoing Champion, Mighty Mo. Winner: and NEW TCW Television Champion: T-Bone Bright Rating: 75 Next up, we learned when the next pay-per-view: Where Angels Fear To Tread, and the 30-Man Rumble Match, will take place… The 30-Man Over The Top Rope Match is HUGE for the TCW roster… because the winner will go to Mayhem XXVI, and earn a shot at the TCW World Heavyweight Title…!! The rules of the match are simple… But there's a TWIST to a normal over the top rope match of this kind... We also learned, that undefeated Canadian ‘Stud’, Chris Flynn, was the first man to announce his entry into the match… Chris Flynn: “Whatever number I get… I’m going to lock in the ‘Flynn Lock’ (Single Leg Boston Crab)… and end the NONSENSE that is a 30-Man Over The Top Rope Match… by making some poor soul TAP OUT…!!” Diamond and Booth didn’t wait for the opening bell here, and their scrap resembled a hockey fight early on. There were punches in bunches, and a lot of bruises and cuts to both men’s faces. The fists continued to fly throughout the middle portion of the match too, despite Booth’s dominance. He controlled Diamond well, but the veteran Texan was still able to fight back into it with a flurry of strikes on more than one occasion. In the end, Diamond had Booth up for the ‘Dazzle Driver’ (Alabama Slam), but Booth managed to wriggle free, and land on his feet, with Diamond’s head still between his legs. Booth hit a BIG powerbomb, and Diamond landed high on his neck – before hoisting the Cowboy up for his ‘Lake Michigan Plunge’ (F5). Big win for Booth, and a dominant display against a true TCW veteran. Winner: ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth Rating: 66 Despite Dave Diamond’s defeat here, at the hands of his enemy Nick Booth, the ‘Dazzling’ Texan grabbed a microphone… and spoke a little slow and laboured, due to the gruelling match, and finish, he just went through… Dazzling Dave Diamond: “Heh… That old… ‘Nasty Boy’… ain’t gownna stop… me… He ain’t gownna… stop… US… So nex’ week, on Total Wrestling… The Backstage Bar is gownna OPEN…!!! And it’ll be a party like no other… 25 lucky fans, will win the chance to join in the festivities…!! I will see your asses there…!! YEEHAW…!!” Sammy Bach assembled an amazing team here, but they were up against another strong group of four, and it was a compelling battle. Killer Shark got the first elimination, by taking out Marvel Malloy with his ‘Big Bite’ Front Slam. However, moments later, Shark was disqualified for attacking Storm Spillane in the corner, and not responding to the referee’s five count! Strangely, in almost a carbon-copy, Titan did the same thing! Shark and Titan were eliminated, but it didn’t take long for Spillane to follow – as he was badly hurt by The Behemoths stomping on him and crushing him in the corner. Joshua Taylor capitalised on the damage, and locked in his ‘Butterfly Lock’ (Double Underhook Lifting Lock) to make him tap out! We were down to two versus two, as Aaron Andrews only had Troy Tornado on his side – and Troy hadn’t even been in the match yet! Sammy and Joshua Taylor took Andrews to their corner, and controlled ‘Ace’. The crowd begged for Troy to be tagged in, and he was pacing on the apron like a caged animal. Sammy and Taylor did everything they could to keep Andrews in their corner, but eventually he hit a step-up side kick to Taylor’s head. He followed it up with a flying knee as Sammy Bach tagged in, and he crawled to his corner! TAG! In came Troy, and the roof lifted off the building! Straight away, Troy was on fire, knocking down Sammy and Taylor, who had also tagged back in! Within seconds, Taylor was hit with a ‘Star Maker’ Flying Forearm, and was pinned by Tornado! Sammy tried to run, but Troy caught him, and sent him back into the ring. It was a fairly even 1 on 1 fight, but Troy always had ‘Ace’ to tag in, and Sammy had no one! Eventually, Tornado brought Andrews in, and he soon hit his ‘Alpha Drive’ (High Velocity Implant DDT), to pin the man who paid to have him taken out. Andrews and Troy survived, and ‘Ace’ embraced his friend to thank him for his help! Winners: Storm Spillane, Marvel Malloy, Troy Tornado and Aaron Andrews Rating: 73 We saw a short video package next, showing the mini feud between Elliot Thomas and Quentin Queen… Elliot delivered a passionate promo video from his home town a number of weeks ago, and Quentin Queen followed this up by slating Thomas’ acting, and directing skills… It lead to a 1 on 1 match last week, but The Main Event got involved and attacked Elliot… The group took Elliot out, believing that he was involved in releasing the video of Matt Hocking and Vita out for drinks… but Quentin Queen took exception to the attack, and tried to save Elliot… before also being attacked… Now, on Total Wrestling this week, Elliot and Queen will battle the TCW World Tag Team Champions: Matt Hocking and Roderick Remus in a non-title match…!! Greg Gauge and Jay Chord know each other very well at this point, and this re-match began with counter, after counter from the second generation stars! There was a lot of mutual respect between the two early on, and a lot of acknowledgement of one another’s skillsets. Both men like to be the most technically savvy in their matches. But both men know the other can more than match them from a technical standpoint. Chord managed to ride the early momentum of the crowd favourite Gauge, who was fighting for his career tonight, and soon the TCW World Heavyweight Champion was in control. He kicked Gauge’s knee out, and then had it all his way for a long time. He controlled the pace, and had all of the meaningful offence. Gauge was able to stop a splash in the corner though, countering it with a drop-toe-hold that sent Chord face first into the corner pads. Soon afterwards, both men came off the ropes and their foreheads cracked off of one another, in a nasty collision. It also lead to Gauge flailing away and knocking the referee out of the ring, via the ropes! Both men down, the referee down, and who should make his way to the ring…? Shawn Doakes: “Wolf Frickin’ Hawkins…?! What the heck has this got to do with The Syndicate…?!” Kyle Rhodes: “You should know by now Shawn, The Syndicate has their finger on the pulse of EVERYTHING…!!” Jasmine Saunders: “What’s he gonna do…?! What is he going to DO…?! He’s going to end Greg Gauge’s career…!!” Saunders was right. It looked as though Hawkins was here to put Greg Gauge down, and have him LOSE – therefore having to quit TCW. Hawkins slid into the ring, fresh off of his victory in the first Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match from earlier in the show. The former 3-time TCW World Heavyweight Champion surveyed the scene, and waited for Greg Gauge to get up! He begged Gauge to get up faster, because he knew his window for this was small, with the referee temporarily incapacitated. Gauge rose to his feet in the corner, and Hawkins was ready to unleash the ‘Full Moon Rising’ Claymore Kick. However, just as Gauge got up, so too did Jay Chord, and Hawkins decided to deliver his devastating finisher to the Champion instead!! Chord fell back hard, his left arm colliding with the bottom rope. Hawkins looked conflicted, and as if he was always going to go for Gauge but something told him to change his mind at the last second! However, Gauge seemed to know he would be out there, and scrambled into the cover, while telling Hawkins to grab the referee!! Hawkins slid Ray Johnson back into the ring, and he slowly but surely counted… 1… Shawn Doakes: “NO…!!” 2… Kyle Rhodes: “Not like this… Oh COME ON…!!” 3… Jasmine Saunders: “They just screwed him… They just screwed Jay Chord… By Gawd…!!” Winner: and NEW TCW World Heavyweight Champion: Greg Gauge Rating: 86 The show ended with Wolf Hawkins raising Greg Gauge’s hand in the middle of the ring, as Jay Chord rolled and fell out of it… The announce team were left wondering what this all means… Is Greg Gauge a member of The Syndicate… Or did he pull in a favour for one night, and now owes Wolf Hawkins…?! Where does Jay Chord go from here…?! More questions than answers here, but this story is just getting started…
  8. I'm going to try not to give too much away here... but aiming to post the show later today. There are still a couple of regulars to predict... So Wolf is better than Tana... but then The New Wave are better than Martins and Flint... So it's a question of, who is the ??? guy, and is he better than Human Arsenal...?! I will say this... So far, some great guesses, but nobody has got the mystery partner right I was surprised to see The Syndicate was still a thing to be honest, and I didn't like the line-up all that much when I first saw it - hence taking Scout out of there. There's more changes afoot... Agreed - they're both awesome. I kind of see Mo as a tiny bit above T-Bone for now - but in six months, T-Bone may have leapfrogged Mo again. For now, they'll feud for a bit I think, and own the TV Title division, as whilst they do deserve to go up, there are guys above them who don't deserve to go down. The ageing pair of Sammy and Troy won't be above them for long, but they're useful in the Main Events for now... Either T-Bone or Mo will replace one of them... and then perhaps I have my eye on someone else to replace the other The 'Flair' of the group, interesting. I think if I had an Evolution style line up, it'd be a veteran in more of a manager role rather than a veteran performer, but I totally hear you. I'm glad you mentioned the totem pole, because the line-up was odd when I first saw it. Wolf, Scout, Flint, Martins was kind of the 'order', but they're all singles guys and none of them meshed well in a tag team for me. I'm making some changes to the line-up, so hopefully you'll agree that it comes out 'better' I've thought of a better example of the what's next, three guys in a 1 on 1 feud example I gave... Seth, Bronson, Braun... The monsters didn't settle a thing in their war... and now Seth's back, Miz is also involved potentially, there's loads going on! So this time I've worded it carefully... If Greg Fails to win the Championship, he will leave TCW... It's win the Title, or go bye-bye... I had three major contracts all come up together, and everyone came in for two of them, so the price just got whacked up. I had to decide, is Greg really worth keeping...? When I could make space for a big statement signing as there's a few contracts up in the next month or two... I have dabbled yes. I'll be honest, I don't get a huge amount of time to read other diaries. Every now and then I'll spend an hour just looking through a bunch, and 619's is one of my favourites!
  9. Saturday, March 26th, 2022 Pro Wrestling Reporter – An Article by Greg Sluchinski We take a look at the matches and plans for TCW Battleground 2022… It’s your chance to predict the winners… And it’s my chance to explain how we got here for each match… Starting, with the first Traditional 4 on 4 Battleground Elimination Match… As Tana The Mighty brings his experienced unit to battle Wolf Hawkins, The Syndicate, and a currently unknown fourth partner… Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match: Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ??? How we got here: A number of weeks ago, Tana The Mighty was jumped backstage by The Syndicate, and the big Samoan veteran took it very personal. A very honourable man, Tana has made it his mission to stop The Syndicate, especially now that they are weakened by the departure of Doc Hammond (Scout). For months, One Man Army (Guide) attempted to convince Scout to quit and reform The New Wave, and now Guide and Scout are BACK. Their fourth partner is Human Arsenal – a former rival, turned friend... but one who has shown a few signs of distrust of The New Wave in recent weeks. Meanwhile The Syndicate, are on the same page, but are yet to confirm their fourth man. TCW Television Title Match: T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c) How we got here: Another chance for T-Bone Bright to win the TCW Television Title against the excellent Champion, Mighty Mo. At the War To Settle The Score, Mo not only defeated T-Bone, but he avoided the devastating ‘T-Bone Lariat’ FOUR times. This match isn’t just about the Television Title though. These two men both have the potential to take the next step in their careers, and head for the Main Event of the roster! Unusually, Champion Mo challenged Bright for their first match. This time, T-Bone won a Battle Royale to earn a re-match. Grudge Match: Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth How we got here: For weeks, Nick Booth has been targeting Dave Diamond, and his two young fellow Texans: Bradley Blaze and Duke Freeman. Diamond beat Booth a few weeks ago, and it looked as though this feud was over. However, this past week on Total Wrestling, Diamond and his friends confirmed their new ‘Business Venture’ as ‘The Backstage Bar’ – a fully portable bar, where wrestlers, TCW employees, and sometimes fans, can hang out before, during and after a show. Booth took it upon himself to try to destroy the bar, and Diamond challenged him to another match here at Battleground! Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match: Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths How we got here: Where do we start here? 2022 was said to be a ‘year of transition’ for Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach. The two fan favourites have seen amazing times, as former TCW World Heavyweight Champions. But with the likes of Jay Chord, Greg Gauge and others, rising up the card, Ace and Bach had to find something new, in order to stay on top. Back at the start of the year, The Behemoths promised the world they would take ‘someone’ out, and a few weeks later, they showed up for a match with Aaron Andrews INSIDE a body bag! Sammy saved him from further damage, but in the following weeks, some strange things happened. The American Cobras found The Behemoths with a SECOND body bag, this time full of CASH. When Troy Tornado came back to TCW, he said he had SEEN Sammy Bach doing something he shouldn’t! We got a ladder match last month between Troy and Sammy. Troy won, and the stipulation dictated that he could tell the world what he had seen. The Behemoths attacked him, but he eventually got to tell the world, he’d seen Sammy talking with Floyd Goldworthy and The Behemoths and GIVEN them an empty body bag, right before the cash in a body bag scene, leading to speculation that Sammy had PAID Killer Shark and Titan for ‘the hit’ on Andrews. Ace challenged Sammy to pick a team for a 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match, and naturally The Behemoths signed up first. Ace has Troy, and The American Cobras for company, while Sammy’s fourth partner Joshua Taylor may well be the ‘dark horse’ in this one! CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match: Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c) How we got here: For the third time in 2022, Greg Gauge will take on Jay Chord for the TCW World Heavyweight Title. However, since Jay won the first match, and only lost the second by disqualification, he told Gauge he needed to come back with some ‘collateral’ in order to get a third attempt. Gauge was supposed to get no more Title shots if he failed to win the Title at The War To Settle The Score, but has convinced Jay to accept a third match, IF Gauge puts his TCW Career on the line! Now, we are STILL yet to confirm if this is storyline, or if Gauge’s TCW contract is indeed running down. We were told there was a lot of interest in him from around the world earlier this year, but that Gauge had re-signed with TCW. Will Chord retain the Gold once again, or will Gauge, with EVERYTHING on the line, find a way to win the big one, and remain a TCW wrestler? Predictions for: TCW Battleground - Sunday, March 27th, 2022 Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match: Tana The Mighty, Guide, Scout & Human Arsenal [vs] Wolf Hawkins, Jaylon Martins, Flint Slater and ??? TCW Television Title Match: T-Bone Bright [vs] Mighty Mo (c) Grudge Match: Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth Traditional 4 on 4 Elimination Battleground Match: Aaron Andrews, Troy Tornado and The American Cobras [vs] Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor and The Behemoths CAREER vs TITLE – TCW World Heavyweight Title Match: Greg Gauge [vs] Jay Chord (c) BONUS: 1). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? (Within 5, one point. Spot on, two points)… ________________ 2). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night…? ________________ 3). Who will be the fourth man in Team Syndicate…? ________________
  10. I started to think the Main Event could be a draw? But then, no way, right? Masterfully done, and it would be very interesting to hear if he's gone somewhere else. Couldn't call many of the matches, which is great in my opinion. If it's too obvious all the way down the card, you've done something wrong. Wouldn't have called who was under the hood either, even though now it seems obvious! There was a moment in the six man, where someone took a 'Flapjack Off Jesus' and I read it as a move name, and thought, that's a weird name for a move. Someone religious perhaps?! Great show, and looking forward to where Buck, Xavi, Chip, Pinn and a few others go... Oooo... Chip and Pinn... New tag team anyone?
  11. Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022 **Quotes taken directly from Vibert’s Podcast** Phil Vibert here… This will be a fairly short review of Total Wrestling… Lots of stories advanced tonight, but Greg Sluchinski over at PWR will be giving a full run down of the Battleground pay-per-view ahead of his Prediction Contest… But let’s start with T-Bone Bright and Mighty Mo… Their match at The War To Settle The Score was frankly, really strong… But their feud has been heating up recently ahead of this re-match for the TCW Television Title… Tonight, Mo insisted that T-Bone can’t win ‘The Big One’, and also can’t hit his ‘T-Bone Lariat’ on Mo, when the lights are on the brightest – having missed it FOUR times in their first match… Bright will be fired up and determined to prove his rival wrong come Sunday… That no good, Nick Booth trying to destroy the ‘Backstage Bar’ on opening night is downright Nasty…!! The Texan Connection trio of Dazzling Dave Diamond, ‘The Dallas Cowboy’ Bradley Blaze and ‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman will have something to say about that… and Diamond and Booth WILL go 1 on 1 at Battleground as a result… Quick comment on Laura Hocking… Laura… Honey… if you’re listening to this… Get OUT of there…!! Her husband Matt (Hocking) has been filmed CHEATING with Vita… and she has just stuck beside Matt, and not said a word about it… She looks in fear as she comes to the ring with the group… Meanwhile, Jeremie Courtney and Vita look to be full-fledged members of The Main Event now… The group believe that someone on the roster is responsible for not only filming Hocking and Vita on their ‘rendezvous’, but also for playing the footage out LIVE on Total Wrestling last week… They attacked Elliot Thomas (as he previously made a promo video in a similar format)… Quentin Queen tried to save his opponent from tonight, and he too took a beating… I’m hearing that on Total Wrestling NEXT week… Elliot and Queen will take on Hocking and Remus in non-title tag team action…!! Greg Gauge’s CAREER is on the line folks, against Jay Chord and his TCW World Heavyweight Title…!! I’m still yet to get clarity on Gauge’s real-life contract status… We were originally told that he had signed up for a contract extension, but now we believe that to be just ‘New Kayfabe’, and he may not have… Could this really be Gauge’s final TCW match…? We saw The Syndicate come to the ring as Greg left it… and Greg and Wolf Hawkins had a ‘conversation’ of some kind a couple of weeks ago… What role, if any, will The Syndicate – and perhaps more accurately – Wolf Hawkins play in all of this…!? Finally, a bit of backstage news… I’ve mentioned them both already tonight… but Mighty Mo and Vita are DATING… which is great… The two are said to be very happy together, which is said to be contributing even further to the ‘family’ feel backstage…
  12. Thanks man, appreciate you That 'not a shock heel turn' thing is something I've really tried to work on in the past couple of diaries. Like, if Marvel Malloy just jumped Storm Spillane, it would be a shock, but if all my turns were like that (as the game says) they'd feel 'less than'. Some need that slow build, with people not really needing to change their character - just be influenced by what's happening around them. Roman Reigns as a babyface IRL is the perfect example of this. He's still Roman Reigns, but he has no bloodline to be a horrible p***k to. I love a breadcrumb too. I feel like I've picked a lot up from Triple H in recent years. He often books in a 'what's next' style, and has three guys involved in a 1 on 1 feud. A good example of this, would be Bronson Reed and Braun Strowman... They're trying to kill each other, but then here's The Miz interacting with both of them. I now want to see Miz/Reed... and also want to see Miz turn on Strowman! There are way better examples, but this one is on my mind at the moment having just watched RAW (late! On to Smackdown tonight! ) American Made/Wyatt Sicks/Alpha Academy is another good example. Oooo which 4 on 4? Yeah would be a huge PPV win for Booth. He's got really solid stats, and I like him a lot. I'm trying to build him up to his ceiling, which I think is mid card Champion, and heel gatekeeper to the Main Event (Joshua Taylor level). It might take a win over DDD to do it, but then again, DDD is the babyface version of that currently, so I might need to keep him strong for a while yet.
  13. Great post from one of the (many) truly nice people on these boards. I feel so lucky to be part of this community, and it's thoughts like this that make it worth it. Feeling grateful for you all right now.
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