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Everything posted by FellaLibby

  1. So Charlotte is legit injured and is pretty likely to miss Mania. Kind of a shame really, she was beginning to have a slight redemption. Saw some people actually liking her for once.
  2. A time they surprised me was this classic thing, was Mark Briscoe getting eliminated in this tournament without getting a win. And while I still expect Briscoe to win at least one in his block, I would've thought they would give the impression he had a chance.
  3. It is really surprising to me how many people would think that Punk would be the devil. Like, sure it would've been cool, but is it really something Punk is known for? To hide his identity while under a mask? To me no, he's a guy who would sooner cut a promo declaring it was him behind the whole thing rather than be the devil. Honestly the choices of the devil are there but it's either Jack Perry, who has justification by being the only one of the "four pillers" to be basically dunked on in that match and overlooked. Or Adam Cole for being someone who promised to get the world championship. I'm not sure there are better options, sans a debuting star.
  4. Honestly, this is quite unprecedented in my opinion. While people would like to say that The Bucks, Elite, Cody, what have you was the driving force for alternative in western wrestling. To me, it was Punk who was the driving force. His Pipebomb, the peek behind the curtain, the cry for an emphasis on wrestling rather than angles and sports entertainment, he was the strong driving force for that alternative. Sure, the Elite finalized it, and it formed into AEW, but Punk was the real initial force. And him leaving how he did, when he did, and how public it was just drove that dagger even more. Especially when time after time we heard how many times Punk hated WWE and would never go back no matter what, this truly proves "Never say never". And impossibility is just not real in wrestling. All time heals everything it seems.
  5. This is why in TEW we have gimmick ratings lol
  6. Something that I think is a lost art in wrestling these days are the new gimmick names and characters. Very rarely (if ever) does the game create a new alter ego for workers. Workers usually have to have a alter ego already when games start. Companies like SWF is well known for giving new names to new signiees and yet it never seems to happen when the game goes on. I think there is a way to implement this for future. An alter ego percentage for companies. My idea is, a company will have a list of chance where the game will make a new alter ego for workers that range from none, weak, sometimes, likely, and heavily likely. This would allow companies that you'd expect to alter ego some people, like SWF and USPW would change some workers and others like CZCW, and other small companies would or wouldn't. There is one additional thing to help with some workers be prevented from having alter ego if they are popular enough in the companies region say... In the 50's or 60's in popularity. If anything, a part of the workers alter ego section could say that they can't normally be given a alter ego.
  7. Alright so I played around with the Bing AI and tried to recreate my favorite and personal stable. The Rock Express "Rock King" Sammy Bach - Leader and world Champion "Rock God" Alvarez Stan "The Man" Manna Rockin' Ryan Turner Marcus "The Kid" Kerr
  8. The signing of Ronda is a terrible idea. Even in a ROH level. The type of person Ronda is, is someone nobody should want on their roster. She showed her colors after she lost her first MMA fight. She knew in wrestling she could get away with winning more and she really leans into the whole "It's who you know" attribute and yeah, those previous comments she said are looking even worse as time passes.
  9. I really want to give this thing a shot, if anybody can, I would love some programs to be recommended.
  10. It all seems that Roman can't even win clean anymore, and its very tiresome. The thing is we all know he is capable of winning alone, but the continuing trend is, babyface gets good run, Roman does Roman things, babyface gets close to win, Solo and Jimmy prove the difference, babyface loses, status quo remains. Its maddening and all kinda ruins the flow. What really needs to happen is the collapse of the Bloodline where its just Roman and Paul Heyman. When that happens, nobody will ever beat Roman for his belt.
  11. Sadly it's probably their choice because they are a couple. And while fine on the surface, its even worse when Sammy had a fiance and proposed to her on AEW TV. Which was a great heartfelt moment. And was a moment that led to believability that Sammy is an alright guy. Then... The videos of him and Tay being suspiciously close. So close that they eventually became a couple that rubbed everybody in the wrong way. And yeah you're right, they should be separated on screen, but they won't. And I'll never understand why TK is sooo in love with them and their pairing. I truly think the worst thing about Sammy is he does act like a prima donna HBK. Thing is, guy has it made and he knows it. He acts like he can do anything and fans see it and hear about it. Fans want to see him get humbled, despite him having a good amount of tremendous matches, it still doesn't erase the feel he hasn't earned any of it. Because he keeps getting into incidents involving other wrestlers that fans like more, like Eddie Kingston or Andrade, and in those cases Sammy gets away unscathed (mostly). That's what bothers me the most. The only time he's had to answer for something was what he said in the past about Mercedes Mone, and even then I still don't believe he's sincere or have learned.
  12. Sammy Guevara is born and bleeding a heel. Despite everything he does and how talented he is, he is a heel. To me, he's reached X-Pac go away heat. He is immensely talented, but he runs people badly, is involved in some rough incidents and is heavily protected. It's annoying and until he does a Jack Perry, or CM Punk, he'll always be in AEW.
  13. Except to your exception is, he's the wrong kind of legend. Let me explain. Flair is indeed a wrestling legend. There is no doubt or discussion about it. But, he is the type of legend that has some of the worst kind of allegations against him, which paints him in a negative light. He also has well past his expiration date of relevance. Especially after he said he WANTS to have another match! At HIS AGE!! I won't say he's like Hogan, but he is his own cloud of bad.
  14. You need to go into the editor real quick and add a L between Samuel and Jackson. And just for him forever have the Hot New Catchphrase. You know what it is, I know what it is, just for him he needs it.
  15. Here's another idea I tried back on EWR, MDickie world mod. For those of you who have played an MDickie wrestling game, you know what I'm talking about. I think it can still work with 2020 pretty easy.
  16. Okay I know this might be a bit controversial, but I think to add some more immersion I believe some workers, mostly with those who have the attributes "Chequered Past" "Often In Trouble" and "Most Wanted" will be unable to be available in other game area's except their home area's game area. A prime example, Jeff Hardy. Due to his real past problems, Jeff is unable to leave the United States. This would be a dynamic that could happen to other workers. As we've seen crime can still happen occur to other workers. This could be a benefit to some companies and a hindrance to others. A benefit for say, smaller, not biggest companies, but say a Canadian company thats medium or smaller, has a talented worker, but has Chequered Past, won't be able to be picked up by a big US company because they can't be available to any other game area. Similarly, if the player was said one of those big US companies, they couldn't convince that worker to work in their game area, no matter how good their skill in talking could be. Like I said, I think this one might be tough to work with, but honestly what do you think peoples?
  17. Reminder: She went into TK's office before Collision was set to debut. Thunder Rosa never came out.
  18. I love Starfield I think it's great. And the twists it actually has is pretty respectable. I however only have it on Xbox so I'm patiently waiting for mod support, which I know is already awesome, but it will make an already great game into an even better one imo.
  19. TNA, Impact, TNMpact, its all the same to me. Especially since they already said their not bringing back the 6 sided ring.
  20. It maybe me, but I don't see the character development, or storyline progression, with Skye Blue, or anyone for that matter, becoming heel because they got sprayed with mist. Like, why does it have to be the mist to explain why Skye is turning heel? Why not she just go heel due to all the lack of wins as a good girl? Really shouldn't take Julia Hart to spray her with the same thing that made her go bad. That, and I don't see the upside to Skye Blue who has more marketability as a babyface to go heel at this point. Would be better if she beats out the mist crap and stays true to being a good person. That is character. Not becoming a HoB member.
  21. I'm not gonna tell you how to raise your son because it's not my place, but in my opinion, show him US based wrestling for his early life. Because while Japanese companies are enjoyable, US based are usually more accessible for kids to become fans.
  22. I've always wanted to see a simple WWE based mod with the WWE 12 storymode universe in it.
  23. Mario Party, if you want to teach your kids about DTA. Don't Trust Anybody lol
  24. Ricochet casually reminding everyone that he's a mad lad and does a shooting star press from the stands onto Nakamura. Y'know like it's nothing.
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