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About OneWingedAngel

  • Birthday 03/12/1987

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I don't have enough opinions to make a full list, but I did want to state that Masashi Takeda is a top 3 brawler and hardcore wrestler, if I did make a list.
  2. Some minor puro notes I've noticed: Jay White has improved a lot since earlier this year, especially in his character work, and he has psychology to work to his character, and he is a fantastic heel. He is probably an upper-midcarder popularity wise. Masashi Takeda deserves a boost to his brawling and hardcore as he is easily the best deathmatch wrestler out there. I'd boost the Japan popularities of Zack Sabre Jr. and Hangman Page as both are very over in Japan now thanks to the G1 and in Sabre's case, the Okada title defense. US popularities for NJPW guys could be given a closer look, but that is up to you. I feel like some of the guys are higher than E's and D's, but that's me. Also, Naito should be close to Okada and Omega in pop, as he's easily the most popular wrestler among the hardcores in Japan and casuals. One last thing, Hiromu deserves a massive boost in charisma and star quality, as he oozes it. Excited for you to take over this mod, and like the idea of you adding Tokyo Joshi, one of my favorite promotions.
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