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About hyretic

  • Birthday 04/19/1988

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Explorer (4/14)

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  1. Would anyone be able to put him in a priest shirt/collar? I'm doing a story where he becomes the protege of Pablo Rodriguez. Thank you! Edit: A friend made this for me, so I thought I'd share it here in case anyone else wants to use it too:
  2. Has anyone done any re-renders of Americana and Americana Jr? I'm still using the same ones from like TEW2010.
  3. Thought I'd share some of the free pictures I made messing around in AI: The framing on the last one cutting off his shoulders meant I couldn't use him as a wrestler so I did my best to put a suit on him to get some use out of what I thought was a good quality face. I'm including the original AI generated picture though in case someone wants to do something else with him, like a referees shirt or whatever: Lastly, this was my attempt at doing an interpretation of a C-Verse character: Fro Sure
  4. I was looking for a new Johnny Bloodstone render and decided to try my hand at adding a red beard and a scar to a spare render I had saved. Didn't turn out too bad so I thought I should share it in case anyone else is looking for one. -> Wish I could credit the render's original creator but I'm not sure whose it is.
  5. Reuploaded them for the people who couldn't download: +(2021-10-03).rar/file"]Data +(2021-10-03).rar/file"]Pictures
  6. Wow, a huge update to one of my favourite mods. Thanks a lot for all the work you put into this Mammoth.
  7. Does anyone have any re-render options for Tom Townsend or Damien Carvill? Edit: If anyone else is looking, I ended up using this free picture by King Bison for Carvill I'm not the best at Photoshop, but I managed to make a few changes to this version of Denny King by shipshirt that I wasn't using to make it suitable for Tom Townsend
  8. I just want to thank all you guys who create these renders. You really help bring the C-Verse to life 👍
  9. I just wanted to say thank you for the great work on Chronicles 1992. I've really enjoyed playing it
  10. I don't remember who made this to credit them, so apologies for that.
  11. Has anyone ever used an ELO or similar type ranking system in their games? To have all your workers ranked and use that to generate stories, or just to determine a sort of general ELO champion? Just interested if anyone has tried that and has any stories about it.
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