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Posts posted by tjb000

  1. Only the biggest WWE fanboys and Chris Jericho marks will like this and thats it. It was very poorly done, all the dark hype videos , the girl, and we get a happy go luck silent man that at the end frowns, and that frown signals to the WWE/Jericho marks that it's a heel turn.....RUSSO SWERVE


    Hey people! This guy has an opinion! I wasn't sure it was an opinion at first because he made it sound like a fact, but I saw what he did there. Sneaky!


    I long for the day when wrestling fans or other fans would just agree to disagree and accept that people have different opinions than their own.

  2. But it's like.....hearing the ice cream truck on a hot assed summer day, and you find it's the neighborhood idiot being stupid. You feel let down. Well at least that's how I felt.


    Oh, I'm not trying to argue with how people felt. If you were let down, so be it. I wasn't exactly impressed myself at first. But I'm mostly trying to say is that the goal was to give more questions than answers. Seems they certainly did that.


    If you're not feeling it, you're not feeling it. I just recommend to give it more time before it's crapped on. It might continue to suck, who knows? But you won't know if you don't give it a shot.



  3. Coming from someone who really isn't that high on WWE...


    Isn't it a goal to give more questions than answers? Seems like everyone wanted answers ASAP. Do you guys not watch WWE? This is what they do. They always give more questions than answers. And sometimes, they end up not answering a lot of the questions, but how would you know that since Jericho JUST returned and it's the beginning of the angle.


    EDIT: FTR, I thought it got way too uncomfortable. But I too thought it looked like Jericho turned heel there at the end. If it was a heel turn, it was pretty damn good. Pretty awesome to return with huge babyface pops and turn heel without saying a word or attacking someone.

  4. I never really got into comic books in my childhood, was too busy with sports and video games to really get into them. Just went out and bought my first ever comic books today. I was reading about the New 52 from DC and it seemed like a good point to jump in since I didn't know hugely detailed backstories for most of the comics. I quite a bit about Batman, but that's about it for DC.


    I went ahead and started with 4 series, Detective and Action Comics, Batman and Superman. Those four seemed like the best place to start since Batman and Superman are cornerstones of comic books and the two I'd likely be most interested in. I really enjoyed them a lot and am looking to expand to maybe 8-10 of the DC 52. Anybody have any suggestions on any other one's from DC?


    That's good to hear. I just recently got into comics too and I'm so glad I did.


    As for suggestions of the other DC titles, I have a few. I have 10 DC comics on my pull list myself: Action Comics, Animal Man, Aquaman, Batman, Detective Comics, Flash, Green Lantern, Justice League, Nightwing and Swamp Thing.


    Animal Man is probably my favorite #1 issue I read (next to Batman). It would qualify as a superhero comic but also in the horror genre as well. It's very different from the others I've read and just a very good read. I got Animal Man #2 coming in the mail here in the next few days. Can't wait to read that. To go along with Animal Man, I would also suggest Swamp Thing. It's written by Scott Snyder who also writes the Batman series for the DC New 52 which you have. He's a GREAT writer and made me a fan of Swamp Thing. These two books will be having a crossover story arc starting next year I think, so it's kind of neat to read both, but you don't HAVE to.


    Justice League would probably be a good one for you as it includes the DC's most popular superhero team. Get a little taste of all of them. Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg. I only read issue #1 and hopefully will be getting issue #2 shortly. The first issue was OK. It wasn't bad in my opinion, but it wasn't great either. Seems they are introducing the characters in small portions so it could be awhile before the Justice League team is in full force.


    Nightwing (Dick Grayson) is a Batman related comic. He's part of the 'Bat Family' and use to portray Robin and also had a stint being Batman too while Batman (Bruce Wayne) was 'away'. Nightwing/Grayson is one of my favorite characters of all time (even though I'm still rather new to comics).


    I liked Green Lantern as well. It's a good jumping on point and especially interesting since Sinestro is part of the Green Lantern Corps again. While it's a good jumping on point, if you don't know anything about Green Lantern, it's a little confusing.


    Have yet to read Flash or Aquaman yet, but heard many good things about them that it made me decide to try them out. I'm late at getting them, but they too will arrive shortly.


    There are a few other books I wanted to get but never did. Hopefully someone else here will have some suggestions.



  5. So today I went to my first comic book shop. It's the nearest one near me and roughly a 30-45 minute drive away. Anyways, it was well worth it. Really neat place. Had tons of other collectible stuff. I will definitely shop there again.


    Anyways, I picked up Justice League #1, Captain American and Bucky #620, Amazing Spider-Man #668 and Criminal Vol. 1 (Coward) 30% off its retail. Really looking forward to reading Ed Brubaker's and Sean Phillips' Criminal series. So happy I found the first volume on sale!

  6. So who are the members of the rebooted JLA


    Since I only knew the main team, I checked Wikipedia to get a more complete list...


    The starting line-up of the team will consist of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Aquaman, the Flash (Barry Allen), and Cyborg, with the Atom (Ryan Choi), Hawkman (Carter Hall), Firestorm, Green Arrow, Aquaman's wife Mera, Deadman, recently created character Element Woman, and Lady Luck, a revamp of the Golden Age character, as additional members.
  7. So has anyone picked up the new Justice League #1 yet or are planning on getting it? I'm curious to see what you guys think of it. I've heard mixed things and I'm tempted to get it myself.


    I'm probably looking forward to Batman, Detective Comics and Green Lantern from the New 52 the most. I have yet to venture into DC but I was a bit skeptical about the 'reboot'. I guess it gives me a good chance to dive in though.

  8. tjb, let me clue you in on something. The reason the Ultimate universe doesn't matter is specifically for the reason you state. The writers are allowed to do whatever the hell pops into their mind at any given time, with little to no editorial control. With 616, Joe Q maintained an almost iron grip on the stories that got told. Look at the list of characters they just killed off. Who's left that anyone's going to care about? The marquee names are all gone so all you have left are gimmicks (like a biracial Spider-Man).


    Fair enough. Like I had mentioned I'm fairly new to comic books so my opinion wasn't very valid to begin with. However, I've heard some good things about the Ultimate Spider-Man series and was given the recommendation. This was before the whole killing off Spider-Man and making him biracial thing. I hadn't realized they've killed off so many characters in the Ultimate Universe until this thread. Again, like I said, I haven't been paying a whole lot of attention to the Ultimate Universe anyways.


    I really hate going off by 'what I hear' about stuff, but I guess that comes with beginning to get into things such as comics.


    I never thought I'd be into Captain America but I thought issue #1 of the new series was pretty good. I don't have a whole lot to compare it to but I enjoyed it. X-Men: Schism has also been pretty good, especially issue #1. Not perfect, as even I noticed some stuff that seemed off, but overall, I'm enjoying the series so far. Find it odd though that the main conflict that's suppose to happen in Schism hasn't even really begun yet and there's only 3 issues left. Seem like a lot the writer (Jason Aaron) will have to add to the next issues to plant it and deliver. I'm expecting issue #3 here shortly along with 5 other comics.

  9. As I said in the previous comic book thread, I'm somewhat new to comic books but I've soaked up so much information (especially as of late) that I feel like I know about them quite well.


    Two weeks ago I got Captain America #1, X-Men: Schism #1 and #2. This week I ordered Captain America #2, X-Men: Schism #3, Daredevil #1 and #2 and the Amazing Spider-Man #666 and #667. I'll probably receive them next wednesday since 3 of them aren't released until next wednesday. Add those to my Walking Dead Book 1 and my collection is finally getting underway.


    As for Miles Morales, I'm very interested in seeing what Brian Michael Bendis can deliver. I'm not sure if it's the race of Miles Morales/Spider-Man that's causing controversy or the fact that Peter Parker was killed off. Bold move. I can easily accept a black/hispanic mixed Spider-Man but I have yet to see how good the character is. I've heard many good things about Brian Michael Bendis, but I haven't read any of his work, YET. I've been wanting to get the Ultimate Spider-Man collection, but collecting all the trade paperbacks could be costly.


    As for the rest of the Ultimate Universe, not sure I'm all that interested, as most of my focus has been on the original Marvel Universe. Makes me sad though when people claim the Ultimate Universe "doesn't matter". I just see it as place where different creative writers have a place where they can tell THEIR stories without worrying about all the continuity of the Marvel Universe. I'm going to keep an eye on the Ultimate X-Men as well since I'm an X-Men fan. Not sure if my opinion means much since I haven't even read anything form the Ultimate Universe yet, but I just thought I'd share.

  10. What can I add that hasn't already been said? It looks amazing and would love to see a full skin of this myself.


    Holly Smokes, that's frakkin' incredible!!!! It'd be my skin of choice for sure, (though I'd very much want to see some default worker, network and all images made to suit it - the no_logo images in the graphics file I mean). That'd be epic.


    I second the matching no_logo, no_picture, etc. graphics for this skin too. That would be icing on the cake.

  11. I'm starting to think The Network might be TNA's bid for an "anonymous general manager', since no one knows who he is.


    All they'd need is a Michael Cole, and a "Can I have your attention, please?"


    I wouldn't put it past them to do something just like that. Imagine Jeremy Borash coming out...


    "May I have your attention, please?!? I have just received a tweet from The Network..."



  12. Wow man. I praise the hell out of you right now for what you're doing. I didn't know you'd have that many requests. I just hope you don't get burned out on making logos. Yes, maybe for selfish reasons too of course :p. Your logos are probably some of the best I've seen, and obviously I'm not the only one to think that. So again, thanks very much for your work and I think everyone here is grateful for what you're doing. Keep up the good work.



  13. http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/FSPW.jpg


    Absolutely amazing job on it!! Just one thing though... I believe you put Fighting Style when it should be Fighting Spirit :p


    But other than that. I think it's brilliant. Not just mine either, but all your logos. I've even created a folder in my documents file called "Kamchatka Logos" and I'm saving every logo you make. Hopefully I'll put them to use sometime.


    Again... great work. And THANKS a bunch. I'll request some more at a later time if you don't mind. You seem to have a lot of requests though, so I don't want to give you too many.



  14. Just in case Kamchatka doesn't have Japanese fonts installed, I've done a couple of variants of the Toukon kanji that he can grab




    It's a transparent .png so you'll be able to manipulate them easily, should you choose to implement it.


    Thanks for that. I didn't even think about not having the font to use it. D'oh. Thanks a ton, crayon!



  15. Well, after some thinking, I thought I would finally request a logo. The thing is, I've requested this logo before, so I feel kinda bad requesting again. ZMAN made me a very cool logo a while ago, but I have this thing where I need all my logos to have a similar style, and he had a very unique style to his. I really like it, but it doesn't mesh well with other logos. Sadly, he seemed to have disappeared. I think I may have scared him away from logo making. :(


    Anyways the first logo is for Fighting Spirit Pro Wrestling - FSPW


    The colors are red and black mostly, maybe with some yellow (depends on how it looks). It's got a Japanese influenced style to it. One thing I'd really like is to have the kanji for Toukon (Fighting Spirit in Japanese). An idea on what the kanji for Toukon is looks like:




    I'm not sure if this will be difficult or if I'm being too picky. I hope not, but let me know if I am. I don't want to be any trouble at all.


    I'm only going to request one at a time, in case you have too many logo requests to fill already. I feel bad about requesting stuff. Wish there was something I could do in return, but I don't have any specialties.


    Thanks a bunch.



  16. Holy Crap! That CLAW logo is absolutely amazing!


    Now I REALLY want to request some logos. I'll have to decide which 3 to request first though.


    Hope you don't get yourself burned out though. You make some darn good looking logos. That's all I have to say about that.




    Off Topic: Congrats to my good friend dvdWarrior on hitting 500 posts and becoming a Phenom!

  17. No need to thank us...




    Seriously, I appreciate what everybody does to contribute to TEW. To the small things to the big things. Every little bit counts.


    I feel bad that I have to request and receive more than I give. I would do just about anything to have graphic designing skills. I'm really only good at editing stuff in TEW. I'm working on many projects, but I'm sensitive to criticism, so I'm afraid to release any of my stuff. I wish there was a way I could contribute more to the 'TEW Universe' (jab at the WWE...;))


    Once again though, your belts are excellent. I hope you continue to do them because I seriously look forward to every title, even if it isn't a request of my own.


    So thank you guys for putting up with people like me who request a lot. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that we very much appreciate it.



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