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Posts posted by eayragt

  1. Greg Gauge vs Findlay O’Farraday

    Tough blow losing Gauge so I’ll assume he is doing the honors one more time.


    Edd Stone and ??? vs Ground and Pound in the TCW Tag Tournament


    Hammond & Brown vs Chris Flynn and Nick Booth in the TCW Tag Tournament


    Akima Brave vs Killer Shark

    Big win over Bach so the big man needs to keep it going


    Seth Whitehead vs Ernest Youngman

    The Hitman is on the rise


    One Man Army vs Mighty Mo

    Do we know Mo? Gotta go with him


    Mainstream Hernandez vs Matt Hocking vs Joshua Taylor

    I’ll go with Hocking just to be different


    Are you sure you've predicted that first match right ;)?

  2. TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


    Match of the Night was mid show, when Spencer Spade defeated Doc Hammond in a great contest with an assist from Dazzling Dave Diamond. It was another part in the putting together of the Tag Team Tournament which kicks off next week, as Lenny Brown came out to save Doc Hammond, solidifying them as a team for the tournament.


    I wasn’t expecting the match to be quite so good, otherwise I wouldn’t have put the technical masterclass between Greg Gauge and Ernest Youngman on afterwards, which killed the crowd a little. Greg Gauge was not happy to be asked to put Youngman over, so I’ll let you guess how well contract negotiations are going. Speaking of that, Killer Shark slammed Sammy Bach off stage after their opening match….


    Flying Jimmy Foxx will team with Joffy Laine in the Tag Team Tournament following their victory over perennial TCW jobbers Maverick and Nate Johnson, as will The New Syndicate. Edd Stone promised Hannah Potter something exciting, while Angelle negotiated with Floyd Goldworthy to see Nick Booth and Chris Flynn teaming up.


    In other matches, Huggins and Andrews teamed to defeat Human Arsenal and Benny Benson in… the main event? Look, this adhoc heel team has done well, but they’ve been defeated by lesser men far quicker recently. The faces were attacked by Killer Shark after the match, and a T-Bone Bright attempted save was stopped by Titan and Danny Darkness. Andrews and Killer Shark fought through the crowd, allowing Mighty Mo to appear to hit a Plunging Spinebuster to champion Freddy Huggins.


    The earlier match between Enygma’s masked men and Camp Tornado never really happened – Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton left El Hijo Del Neutron, and Enygma wasn’t going to fight with those odds. Del Neutron left the ring and was counted out, and when he got backstage received a Chord Cutter from Jay Chord (Del Neutron is now a face). Chord and Enygma made their match official for Where Angels Fear to Tread, when the second generation star will once more be fit enough to wrestle (thank goodness). Findlay O’Farraday defeated Kurt Laramee, and it looks like we’re heading to a Tag Title match at Where Angels Fear to Tread between champions Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus, Shockura, and Syndicate members Wolf Hawkins and Joshua Taylor.


    Killer Shark defeated Sammy Back in 5:49 (73)

    Flying Jimmy Foxx and Joffy Laine defeated Maverick and Nate Johnson in 7:13 (56)

    Enygma, Masked Cougar and Tigre Salvaje defeated Camp Tornado by count out in 4:33 (50)

    Findlay O’Farraday defeated Kurt Laramee in 5:46 (69)

    Spencer Spade defeated Doc Hammond in 12:06 (86)

    Ernest Youngman defeated Greg Gauge in 15:46 (73)

    Freddy Huggins and Aaron Andrews defeated Human Arsenal and Benny Benson in 11:21 (77)


    Overall Rating 85


    Online Hot Threads:

    Big stars to leave TCW

    Kurt Laramee not joining TCW long term

    Alistair Shufflebottom lands in MAW

    Angry Gimore takes SWF North American Title for fifth time

    Matthew Keith drops BHOTWG Tag Titles

    Brute Kikuchi breaks neck


    There’s a lot to get into there. Kurt Laramee, who recently left SWF, appeared on a one night deal, reluctantly jobbing to Findlay O’Farraday. El Hijo Del Neutron turned face and Enygma was once more involved in an awful match.


    However… contract news. Greg Gauge just has one more show in TCW after signing for USPW in a $325k a month deal. I matched it, fully expecting him to re-sign with me, and I am absolutely gutted that he chose the opposition, although they are admittedly still the bigger organisation. I’ll talk about Gauge a little more after the next show, as we are also losing Sammy Bach. I was originally happy to release him, as I couldn’t justify his $200k contract, but after Gauge signed with USPW I offered a deal. That’s when USPW came in, and he’s also joining them for $240k a month. I might have to get more aggressive with them (although I refused to pay that for Bach). Bach has been happy putting over Killer Shark and Spencer Spade in the last few weeks, and has now gone, leaving with a 44-25 record under my booking, with PPV singles defeats to Jay Chord, Wolf Hawkins, Greg Gauge, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Spencer Spade. Despite being clearly past his best, he can still go in the ring, is supremely charismatic and leaves as the fifth most popular wrestler on my roster. USPW put him straight into a feud with Rich Money.


    With two top faces gone (one expected, one not), there’s a few changes in line in the build up to Total Mayhem. Greg Gauge gets a DQ victory over Nick Booth on Saturday Night Wrestling after being attacked by Findlay O’Farraday and… you can see where this is going.


    TCW Saturday Night Wrestling:

    Roderick Remus defeated Brimstone in 4:14 (58)

    Shockura defeated Elliot Thomas and Jaylon Martin in 8:25 (58)

    Edd Stone © defeated Troy Tornado to retain the TCW TV title in 8:53 (73)

    Greg Gauge defeated Nick Booth by disqualification in 9:26 (76)


    Overall Rating 77


    Wait, we’ve previously discovered that Greg Gauge and Findlay have awful chemistry before on the house circuit? Well, this’ll just hurt Gauge a little more… We will also have the beginning of the early rounds of the Tag Team Tournament.


    TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

    Greg Gauge vs Findlay O’Farraday

    Edd Stone and ??? vs Ground and Pound in the TCW Tag Tournament

    Hammond & Brown vs Chris Flynn and Nick Booth in the TCW Tag Tournament

    Akima Brave vs Killer Shark

    Seth Whitehead vs Ernest Youngman

    One Man Army vs Mighty Mo

    Mainstream Hernandez vs Matt Hocking vs Joshua Taylor

  3. [*]Edit added - There was a segment that was run on the show that I forgot to add into the written show. The Great Higa had a short video highlight show that was aired during the show. She was the prediction contest winning pick of Eayragt for All in All and will be on the roster going forward....as long as she behaves herself.


    I didn't suggest her because she'd play nice :p


    Prediction Card

    Fire With In



    Emma May vs Sprite

    -For some reason I've got a soft spot for Sprite, which is really going to kill me in prediction contests...


    Jaime Quine vs Nurse Hope Daye

    -No-one is accepting bets for Jamie here


    The Great Higa & Vampella vs Sweet as Sugar


    Jeri Behr vs Ellie May Walton-NO DQ



    The SuperStar vs Power Girl

    -Oh, um, but I wanted a Power Girl push after her Battle Royale performance? Oh well


    Carol Singer & Roxy Kitten vs Dharma and Olivia

    -Who doesn't love Dharma?


    Girl Power Tag Team Title Match (Former Champions Rematch)

    The Neptune Twins w/Sienna DeVille vs America's Darlings ©

    -No time for a move here


    Semi Main Event

    Hi-Roller Title Match

    Toni Parissi © w/Boss Sawyer vs Miss American Pie

    -Like the look of this title reign


    Main Event

    Tag Team Tornado Match

    The Family (Millie the Minx & Pamela Rojo) vs Tamara McFly & Kate Avatar

    -Booking logic says The Family win to set up a title match. But Minx over either of these two? I expect there will be some serious Shane Hanigins here to cause the heels to win... but I can't do it. The faces win.


    Bonus Question - There will be a surprise star appearing on this show. Who will the surprise wrestler be that challenges Tamara McFly for a title match at Heat Check? Geena the Warrior Princess! It's not, and it really shouldn't be, but I'm sticking with her as my choice.

  4. TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


    To summarise this show – some stuff happened, and then Greg Gauge and Wolf Hawkins pulled out the best match seen in TCW for many years. The match was set up earlier in the night when Wolf and Joshua Taylor claimed that they were deserving of a Tag Team Title shot, before belittling the champions. Greg Gauge stood up for his colleagues, reminding Wolf Hawkins that he was banned from competing for the World Heavyweight Title, but stated that this didn’t mean that he was first in line for any other title that wanted to challenge for. They agreed to meet one on one in the ring and it was amazing, and Greg Gauge showed that he was man to build a company around for years to come. He did fall to the leader of The Syndicate, who used his colleagues to the fullest in an end to the match that saw Ernest Youngman land The Hit on Greg Gauge as the ref tried to get Ranger / Taylor / Hernandez and Remus to leave the side of the ring.


    Earlier in the show Matt Hocking and Pretty Okakura claimed that after their near miss at Battleground IV they deserved another Tag Title shot, a declaration that the tag champions seemed to be happy with, with respect earned between all four men. Shockura did have a victory over Elliot Thomas and Tigre Salvaje, which had the double effect of reminding the crowd how they normally perform and making Thomas and Salvaje not seem worthwhile picks for anyone trying to find a tag partner for the upcoming tournament.


    On that, Hannah Potter and Angelle started their search for tag teams, and the main focus of attention was Lenny Brown. Originally he was approached by Hannah Potter, but he as he seemed ready to agree Angelle poured herself over Brown, seemingly leaving him confused about where to go.


    Freddy Huggins and Mighty Mo both earned victories – Mo opening the show against Akima Brave, and the champion Huggins teaming with Enygma against Team Tornado in a match which continues to suggest that Enygma is past it. Mo demanded another title shot, but Killer Shark also threw his hat into the ring – a challenge that Andrews was not happy with at all.


    In a rematch from Battleground IV Spencer Spade took a clean victory over Sammy Bach with a Supreme Stunner, while Marc Speed unsuccessfully challenged for the TCW TV Title in an awkward match. Finally, Jay Chord cost El Hijo Del Neutron against Steven Parker, with the King of Kings blaming Del Neutron for Team Chord’s defeat against Team Enygma, even though he was only ringside. Troy Tornado tried to defend his man, but Jay Chord told Tornado that unless he ends his association with the masked man, he will make an enemy out of him.


    Mighty Mo defeated Akima Brave in 6:01 (74)

    Steven Parker defeated El Hijo Del Neutron in 8:46 (78)

    Shockura defeated Elliot Thomas and Tigre Salvaje in 7:42 (69)

    Ranger defeated High Flyin Hawaiian in 7:09 (76)

    Spencer Spade defeated Sammy Bach in 10:30 (83)

    Edd Stone © defeated Marc Speed in 7:54 to retain the TCW TV Title (73)

    Freddy Huggins and Enygma defeated Team Tornado in 9:29 (75)

    Wolf Hawkins defeated Greg Gauge in 20:46 (98)


    Overall Rating 94


    Online Hot Threads:

    Gauge / Hawkins to go down in TCW history

    Lenny Brown set for Tag Tournament

    New signings at HGC

    Huge contracts offered


    Yes, that was a PPV quality match thrown away for free on television. Reasons. Lenny Brown looks a lock for the Tag Tournament, but with who is still unknown. The recruitment drive continued on Saturday Night Showcase, with Angelle telling Nick Booth that he needed her to become a big name in TCW, while Flying Jimmy Foxx and Joffy Laine wanted to prove to Hannah Potter that they could team up together.


    TCW Saturday Night Showcase:

    Doc Hammond defeated Nick Booth (55)

    -Didn’t click

    Ground and Pound defeated Jaylon Martins and Yuri Yoshihara (50)

    -Faces didn’t click

    The New Syndicate defeated Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas (66)

    T-Bone Bright defeated Nate Johnson (73)


    Overall Rating 79


    TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

    Flying Jimmy Foxx and Joffy Laine vs Maverick and Nate Johnson

    Enygma, Masked Cougar and Tigre Salvaje vs Camp Tornado

    Doc Hammond vs Spencer Spade

    Kurt Laramee vs Findlay O’Farraday

    Sammy Bach vs Killer Shark

    Greg Gauge vs Ernest Youngman

    Freddy Huggins and Aaron Andrews vs Human Arsenal and Benny Benson

  5. QOTR Title Match -Tamara McFly © vs Kathy Neptune

    -Now I've got no idea who will eventually win the title...


    Hi-Roller Title Match - Danielle Sweetheart vs Toni Parissi ©

    -You don't go through what Toni sent through just to drop the title, unless the boss is giving her heat too.


    Juana Huracan vs Amy Galaxy

    -Her good start to continue


    Millie the Minx vs Amber Allen

    -One night the family will win it all. Not tonight


    Ellie May Walton & Roxy Kitten vs Jeri Behr & Miss American Pie


    Power Girl vs Pamela Rojo


    Foxxy LaRue vs Sprite


    (PS) Nurse Hope Daye & Sister Beth Mercy vs Olivia Diamond & Dharma Gregg


    (PS) Lindsay Sugar vs Vampella

  6. Main Event - For the Queen of the Ring Title

    Tamara McFly © defends against The Mob Assassin

    If the Mob Assassin loses, she must unmask

    -Not sure how you'll pull this off, but I don't see Assassin unmasked. Perhaps a no-result? That's not great for the big show of the year, so I'm not entirely confident about this one


    Tag Team Title Match - 2 out of 3 falls

    The Neptune Twins with Sienna DeVille vs America’s Darling’s (Amber Allen & Danielle Sweetheart)

    -I think one title will change hands - not 100% sure it's this one, but we'll see


    Grudge Match -

    20-Time Limit

    “The Swedish Sensation” Jeri Behr vs “The crazy hillbilly” Ellie May Walton


    6-woman Ladder match for the newly created BSC Hi -Roller Title

    Miss American Pie vs Toni Parissi vs Dharma Gregg vs Alina America vs Alexis Littlefeather vs ??? (See below in the battle Royal)


    Tag Match

    20-minute Time Limit

    Pamela Rojo & Millie the Minx (Members of the Family) vs Hollywood Magic


    BSC Contract Match

    Winner gets a BSC Contract

    15-minute Time Limit

    Foxxy LaRue vs Connie Morris


    10 woman battle Royal with the winner getting the 6th spot in the new BSC Hi-Roller Ladder match

    Sister Beth Mercy, Vampella, Olivia Diamond, Roxy Kitten, Power Girl, Coco De La Soleil, Lindsay Sugar, Nurse Hope Daye, ???1 and ???2


    Bonus Questions

    Who are the two battle Royal surprise entrants? Juana Huracan (to win) and someone else

    There will be one new champion in the Hi-Roller match. Will either of the other 2 titles change hands? 1

    What’s the match of the Night? Main Event, by over 10 points


    Tie-breaker Question (Price is Right Rules)

    What will the time of the match be in the Main Event (60-minute time limit)?

  7. TCW Battleground IV


    Battleground IV was an event that started slowly (with Team Enygma getting a victory after Enygma hit an Enygma Cutter on Marc Speed in a match which would have been forgettable on TV), but one when hit Andrews / Bright / Brown defeating the Sinner Society the show really got going. Their victory was regulation, before Killer Shark appeared to hit a Shark Bite on Aaron Andrews. Spencer Spade got an upset victory over Sammy Bach before Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus retained their Tag Titles over Matt Hocking and Pretty Okaura in THE BEST MATCH I HAVE EVER BOOKED IN TCW. That's a match featuring Matt Hocking, who's highlight under me has been a disappointing TV Title run, and Pretty Okura who hasn’t hit 30 overness yet. They had a phenomenal high flying match with Hernandez (who is the second most popular worker in the US, only behind Aaron Andrews) getting the pin after an Apparition #14 on Pretty Okura.


    The Syndicate then defeated Gauge / Parker / Doc Hammond and One Man Army, in a match which I had to ignore the claims that it was over exposing Ernest Youngman. He can handle it. Wolf Hawkins took the victory in another great match, delivering a Full Moon Rising on One Man Army.


    Compared to the previous two bouts the Main Event was slightly less finessed, but still a decent battle. There’s still a question over Mighty Mo’s psychology for longer matches, but this needed to be this long to tell the story. Mo really worked over Freddy Huggins, with the champion having to swing the momentum by taking to the ropes. Mo tried to finish the match with a Plunging Spinebuster, but Huggins managed to grab a leg, making the challenger collapse during the move, and Huggins rolled Mo up for the quick pin.


    Noticeably elsewhere Queen Emily announced that there would be a tag team tournament going into Where Eagles Fear To Tread, and she wanted to see teams with at least one youngster in to develop the Tag Division. The two ladies she put in putting together the teams where debuting superstars Hannah Potter (as a girl next door face) and Angelle (Chrissie Angelle, as the polar opposite heel to Potter in a rather more risqué outfit). If this doesn’t help my tag division nothing will (although given that the division has just pulled out my best match ever, maybe it’s not in as bad as a state as I thought).


    Team Enygma (Enygma, Edd Stone, Cougar Stone and Mystery Man) defeated Team Chord (Findlay O’Farraday, Marc Speed, Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton) in 11:30 (62)

    High Flyin Hawaiian, Flying Jimmy Foxx and Joffy Laine defeated Human Arsenal, Benny Benson and Maverick in 9:16 (67)

    Aaron Andrews, T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown defeated The Sinner Society (Titan, Chris Flynn and Danny Darkness in 10:34 (87)

    Spencer Spade defeated Sammy Bach in 15:08 (77)

    Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus © defeated Shockura to retain the TCW Tag Team Titles in 11:51 (94)

    The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins, Joshua Taylor, Ranger and Ernest Youngman) defeated Greg Gauge, Steven Parker, Doc Hammond and One Man Army in 17:26 (91)

    Freddy Huggins © defeated Mighty Mo to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title in 17:51 (85)


    Overall Rating 86


    Online Hot Threads:

    Freddy Huggins squeezes victory to continue reign

    Phenomenal match in Tag Division

    Hannah Potter and Angelle tasked with putting together tag teams

    The enigma that is Enygma - why?


    Much of the show happened as I expected - without Jay Chord in the opener, and him watching on without impacting, the match dragged, and we'll blame that one fully on the aging superstar Enygma. At the other end of the spectrum Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus proved that that can have superb matches with any talented wrestlers, however well known they are, but even then the result was better than expected. Can I resist moving them back into singles action? We'll see,


    In the main event Mighty Mo still proved he has a thing or two to learn about psychology, and Freddy Huggins isn't quite as able to walk an opponent through a longer match as Aaron Andrews of Wolf Hawkins did. The champion did retain, although it is expected not to be the last he sees of Mo.


    Oh, there was another match that I didn't mention in the write-up - the remaining midcarders left on my roster combined for another TV quality match, with High Flyin Hawaiian actually getting a PPV victory - Nate Johnson unsurprisingly taking the defeat.


    TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

    Akima Brave vs Mighty Mo

    Steven Parker vs El Hijo Del Neutron

    Spencer Spade vs Sammy Bach

    High Flyin Hawaiian vs Ranger

    Edd Stone © vs Marc Speed for the TCW TV Title

    Elliot Thomas and Tigre Salvaje vs Shockura

    Freddy Huggins and Enygma vs Team Tornado (Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton)

    Greg Gauge vs Wolf Hawkins

  8. BSC Queen of the Ring Title Match

    Vixxen vs Tamara McFly ©

    -McFly taking the pin will happen at the end of an epic feud - not here


    Tag Team Title Match

    No masks allowed and Sienna DeVille locked in a cage and hung above the ring

    Sweet as Sugar vs Neptune Sisters ©

    -Despite the stipulation, I reckon we'll see a screwy finish


    Tag Team Match - Winner of the fall advances to 6-way Title match at All in All

    Toni Parissi & Pamela Rojo vs Hollywood Magic

    -They need to win - but I thought that last time, so what do I know?



    Tag Team Match

    Roxy Kitten & Vampella vs America’s Darlings


    Winner advances to 6-way title match at All in All

    “Wildfire” Dharma Gregg vs Ellie May Walton


    Winner advances to 6-way title match at All in All

    Jeri Behr vs Miss American Pie


    Winner advances to 6-way title match at All in All

    Alina America vs Power Girl


    Winner advances to 6-way title match

    Millie the Minx vs Alexis Lee Littlefeather


    Opening Match

    The Angel vs Becca Barton


    Bonus Questions-

    What will be rated the Best Match of the night? Queen of the Ring match

    Will either of the 2 titles change hands? (Both, None, or just 1) None

    What will the final rating of the show be? (First show below 25, the last two have been in the 30’s) 33

    Who is The Boss (it is a male manager in the Cverse data)? Er... can't think of any from 2010 without stealing a previous answer, so pass

  9. I've loved this backstory, really investing me in sine if the characters. I'd love to know how many of the big events happened in game, and how many were you being creative.



    6-Woman Tag Team Match

    The Family (Toni Parissi, Pamela Rojo and the Mob Assassin) vs America's Darlings (Danielle Sweetheart & Amber Allen) and Miss American Pie

    -The Family are going to be strong for a while, and although they might lose occasionally by DQ, not here


    BSC - Queen of the Ring Title Rematch

    Tamara McFly © vs former champion Alison Capone

    -This feud can end quickly... although maybe Capone hangs around for a multi-lady match next month


    Undercard Matches

    Alexis Lee Littlefeather vs Sister Beth Mercy


    Tag Team Match

    Hollywood Magic (Brittany Hollywood & Sprite) vs Ellie May Walton & Jeri Behr


    BSC Contract Match - Winner gets a BSC deal

    Alina America vs Faith McGee


    Captain's Match - If Coco wins Sweet as Sugar gets another crack at the Tag Team Titles next month

    Coco De La Soleil w/ Lindsay Sugar vs Kathy Neptune w/Sienna DeVille & Jen Neptune


    "Wildfire" Dharma Gregg vs Millie the Minx

  10. <p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> Mighty Mo and Freddy Huggins almost came to blows after Mo squashed Elliot Thomas, but they saved themselves for Battegrounds, which is a lot more than can be said for the rest of the roster. Despite being warned to be on his best behaviour, Killer Shark took out the referee in his match with Sammy Bach before smashing the veteran around with a variety of objects from around the ring. When he made the pin Spencer Spade came out to “assist” the referee in making the three count (which, as the ref was unconscious, involved him picking him his hand and hitting the mat three times in quick succession). That brought Shark a ban from the arena for the rest of the night, but even then he <em>still </em>showed up during the match between Andrews and his colleague Titan. This caused Queen Emily to come out mid-match to ban him from Battlegrounds, and Andrews heaped on the misery by throwing Titan out of the ring onto Shark, earning himself the count out victory as The Sinner Society members argued with Queen Emily. The Sinner Society will now be represented by Titan, Danny Darkness and Chris Flynn at Battlegrounds.</p><p> </p><p> Elsewhere Jay Chord “surprisingly” (if you didn’t know he was carrying an injury) announced that he would not be part of Team Chord at Battlegrounds - his team will consist of Findlay O’Farraday, Marc Speed, Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton. They are due to face Enygma, Mystery Man, Masked Cougar and Tigre Salvaje, but after O’Farraday beat down Salvaje brutally after their match and Edd Stone made the save, there’s a distinct possibility that there may be a substitution <em>(spoiler: Edd Stone will wrestle instead of Tigre Salvaje)</em>.</p><p> </p><p> The best match of the night was Wolf Hawkins defeating One Man Army in the Main Event, ahead of the Syndicate vs Gauge / Parker, Doc Hammond and One Man Army Battlegrounds matchup, but running it close was Matt Hocking having his best singles match ever, defeating Roderick Remus in advance of his tag title shot with Pretty Okakura. Elsewhere, Greg Gauge took a regulation victory over Nate Johnson, while High Flyin Hawaiian continued his role of working hard in matches while taking defeat. Will the guy get a break?</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Greg Gauge defeated Nate Johnson</strong></span> in 6:04 (74)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Mighty Mo squashed Elliot Thomas</strong></span> in 3:03 (74)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Danny Darkness and Chris Flynn defeated High Flyin Hawaiian and Joffy Laine</strong></span> in 7:34 (61)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Killer Shark defeated Sammy Bach</strong></span> in 7:45 (76)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Findlay O’Farrady and Troy Tornado defeated Mystery Man and Tigre Salvaje</strong></span> in 7:11 (59)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Matt Hocking defeated Roderick Remus</strong></span> in 11:03 (81)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Aaron Andrews defeated Titan</strong></span> by count out in 8:24 (76)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Wolf Hawkins defeated One Man Army</strong></span> in 11:42 (86)</p><p> </p><p> <em>Overall Rating 88</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Online Hot Threads:</strong></p><p><strong> Killer Shark banned from Battleground IV!</strong></p><p><strong> Four multi-man matches set for Battleground IV</strong></p><p><strong> Hellion injures back at HGC</strong></p><p><strong> MAW growing!</strong></p><p><strong> Cost cutting measures for TCW?</strong></p><p> </p><p> That sets the card for Battleground IV, setting a new high with 36 wrestlers booked on the main card (excluding shows with a battle royale). Normally on Saturday Night Showcase before the PPV I don’t book any wrestlers who are wrestling the following night, but I’m simply running out of wrestlers people recognise, so Human Arsenal, Benny Benson, Flying Jimmy Foxx and Joffy Laine all were booked.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51391" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>TCW Saturday Night Showcase:</strong><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Human Arsenal and Benny Benson defeated Bart Biggins and Jaylon Martins</strong></span> (56)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Flying Jimmy Foxx and Joffy Laine defeated Ground and Pound</strong></span> (58)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Akima Brave</strong></span> (70)</p><p> </p><p> <em>Overall Rating 77</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This year Battlegrounds looks much more like it should do, with plenty of multi-man matches as we begin the run up to Total Mayhem. Can Mighty Mo prove he is the top man in TCW? Will the tag title match by MOTN despite having an unknown wrestler involved (yes, Pretty Okakura is still unknown). Can the Sinner Society succeed without Killer Shark - and will the monster stay away? Can Enygma wrestle a half decent match (look, we've put seven other men in the match, surely they can carry him)? With battles including The Syndicate, Gauge, Bach, Spencer up and down the card, it could be a classic night of wrestling.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>TCW Battlegrounds IV:</strong></p><p> High Fyin Hawaiian, Flying Jimmy Foxx and Joffy Laine vs Human Arsenal, Benny Benson and Maverick</p><p> Sammy Bach vs Spencer Spade</p><p> Aaron Andrews, T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown vs Titan, Danny Darkness and Chris Flynn</p><p> Team Enygma (Enygma, Edd Stone, Masked Cougar, Mystery Man) vs Team Jay Chord (Findlay O’Farraday, Marc Speed, Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton)</p><p> Greg Gauge, Steven Parker, Doc Hammond and One Man Army vs The Syndicate</p><p> Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus © vs Shockura for the <strong>TCW Tag Team Titles</strong></p><p> Freddy Huggins © vs Mighty Mo for the <strong>TCW World Heavyweight Title</strong></p>
  11. TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


    The confrontation between Freddy Huggins and Mighty Mo continued during this show, but the person with the biggest impact was Killer Shark. After defeating Bart Biggins he attacked Flying Jimmy Foxx during Danny Darkness’s match and received a warning from Queen Emily about his behaviour. However, he also came out during during the Main Event, a large distraction that cost the face team the victory. Shark attacked Sammy Bach after the match, and although Andrews and Bright were out for the save Killer Shark could barely be contained.


    The best match of the night was Joshua Taylor defeating Doc Hammond, while Mainstream Hernandez had an even contest with Pretty Okakura in the openers. Aaron Andrews and Lenny Brown teamed awkwardly to defeat Ground and Pound, as Andrews, Bright and Brown were announced as the three-man team to take on a group of three from The Sinner Society.


    During the show Jay Chord recruited Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton to his team at Battlegrounds but told Tornado that he did not want masked man El Hijo Del Neutron on his team as he did not trust him. Masked Cougar and Tigre Salvaje had an audition for Enygma’s team but showed absolutely zero chemistry as partners, falling to The New Syndicate.


    Mainstream Hernandez defeated Pretty Okakura in 11:20 (77)

    The New Syndicate defeated Masked Cougar and Tigre Salvaje in 7:47 (67)

    Killer Shark defeated Bart Biggins in 6:18 (70)

    Aaron Andrew and Lenny Brown defeated Ground and Pound in 7:56 (75)

    Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Danny Darkness by DQ in 3:44 (43)

    Joshua Taylor defeated Doc Hammond in 15:55 (87)

    Mighty Mo, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Spencer Spade defeated Freddy Huggins, Sammy Bach and Enygma in 11:35 (83)


    Overall Rating 86


    Online Hot Threads:

    USPW bring in Pablo Rodriguez

    Greg Gauge offered contracts worldwide


    Greg Gauge, who if things had gone to original plans would be champion now instead of Freddy Huggins, got offers from six different promotions around the world, and if he signs the deal I’ve offered him will earn over £400k a month if he wrestles on the PPV, while taking home a 55% cut of his merchandise sale. Not cheap. His brother’s contract came up at the same time, but with Stallings limiting what what I can pay for him due to his low US overness, I’ve gone for a 100% bonus offer, and even then the BHOTWG deal looks better.


    Saturday Night Showcase:

    Human Arsenal and Ground and Pound defeated Akima Brave, Jaylon Martin and Tom Eisen (52)

    High Flyin Hawaiian defeated El Hijo Del Neutron (69)

    Findlay O’Farraday and Marc Speed defeated Elliot Thomas and Yuri Yoshihara (43)

    Steven Parker defeated Benny Benson (79)


    Overall Rating 77


    USPW look to add HGC Road Agent Craig Prince to their roster – I send down Dylan Sidle in anticipation of him leaving, as he’s not required on the roster now I’ve also got Johnny Bloodstone.


    TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

    High Flyin Hawaiian and Joffy Laine vs Danny Darkness and Chris Flynn

    Roderick Remus vs Matt Hocking

    Greg Gauge vs Nate Johnson

    Mystery Man and Tigre Salvaje vs Findlay O’Farraday and Troy Tornado

    Sammy Bach vs Killer Shark

    Aaron Andrews vs Titan

    One Man Army vs Wolf Hawkins

  12. <p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> The show kicked off with Freddie Huggins calling out Mighty Mo, demanding to know why Mo attacked him last week. Mo came out to tell Huggins that he never thought beyond himself – he thought he was a special case in TCW. But there’s a world revolving outside his sphere, and he’s not so different to everyone else. Mo said that he was born and bred in TCW, fighting day in day out for the fans. Last year Mo revealed that his contract was expiring, and he also got approached to go elsewhere. However, unlike Freddy Huggins he never considered moving– he didn’t hold TCW to ransom. And you know what – Mo said he had made the wrong choice. He thought he’d done the right thing, the loyal thing, but Freddie Huggins got the record-breaking contract, Freddie Huggins was the one who got given a title shot. Mighty Mo said that he was done with doing loyalty to the company – that got him nowhere, and he was now out for himself. By the end of the night Queen Emily had got them to agree to a title match at Battlegrounds IV.</p><p> </p><p> There were a few other matches signed up for Battlegrounds IV – Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus accepted Shockura’s challenge for the Tag Team Titles, while it was announced that Enygma and Jay Chord would be putting teams together to fight in the traditional multi man Battlegrounds match up. Quite what that match will end up like after Enygma debuted in a bang average match we will see. Sammy Bach has also demanded to face Spencer Spade, a challenge which has not yet been accepted.</p><p> </p><p> Half the card was distinctly average, but Edd Stone and Human Arsenal delivered again in a TV Title match where Stone retained. The main event was fantastic, Joshua Taylor making the pin on Steven Parker after interference from The New Syndicate. The youngsters had done well in the opener against former champions Doc Hammond and One Man Army, but a loss of control from Ranger saw him attack Hammond with a chair outside the ring, causing the DQ.</p><p> </p><p> Finally, after The Sinner Society won their match Killer Shark went on a rampage, only being stopped by Aaron Andrews and T-Bone Bright. We had a full scale bundle in the ring, which took a while to clear and again pushed Killer Shark as a threat.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Doc Hammond and One Man Army defeated The New Syndicate</strong></span> by DQ in 11:12 (75)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Shockura defeated Bart Biggins and Yuri Yoshihara</strong></span> in 6:34 (61)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Enygma and Mystery Man defeated Ground and Pound</strong></span> in 6:35 (59)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Sammy Bach defeated Nick Booth</strong></span> in 5:31 (75)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>The Sinner Society (Killer Shark, Danny Darkness and Chris Flynn) defeated High Flyin Hawaiian, Flying Jimmy Foxx and Joffy Laine</strong></span> (60)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Edd Stone © defeated Human Arsenal</strong></span> to retain the <strong>TCW TV Title</strong> in 12:53 (81)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Wolf Hawkins and Joshua Taylor defeated Greg Gauge and Steven Parker</strong></span> in 19:47 (89)</p><p> </p><p><em> Overall Rating 89</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Online Hot Threads:</strong></p><p><strong> Jealous Mighty Mo set for title shot</strong></p><p><strong> Killer Shark still on rampage</strong></p><p><strong> Worst signing of the year – Enygma?</strong></p><p><strong> TCW fail to bring in Alicia Strong</strong></p><p><strong> Akima Brave and Clark Alexander take L-Ring titles on debut</strong></p><p><strong> School of Pro Wrestling graduates to head to indies</strong></p><p><strong> Shooter Dean Deeley takes first CWA World Title at WrestleFestival 4</strong></p><p> </p><p> Thanks to my investment in my training facilities we had 12 graduates this year, but there was still a lot of chaff to weed through. AP Backlund is showing superb technical skills for an 18 year old (but nothing else to show he could make it as a wrestler), and was the first to be offered a development deal. Bobby Dahl is slightly older at 21 with decent technical skills, but he also adds a bit of Puro in. I ignored his <strong>ZERO </strong>Star Quality, and signed him up. Gilbert Vessey was pretty much the only one of the bunch who looked like a wrestler, so I choose to completely overlook his lack of skills and sign him up. Finally, Herman Erickson somehow convinced me to sign him up – despite being slightly overweight, the heavyweight shows good physical skills, and has a slight chance of developing into something. The rest of the graduates (six males and two females) have been told they’ll be welcome back in the future after they develop elsewhere. Which was probably a lie.</p><p> </p><p> I had stepped completely away from Rock God Alvarez, so it came as a huge shock to discover the USPW had joined the bidding war for him and have signed him to a deal that makes him their second best paid wrestler after Nicky Champion. I’ll be keeping an eye on that one. I had hoped to poach Alicia Strong and was hopeful that my offer was going to bring her in. However, she decided to ink a new deal with USPW, and I can now unshortlist some of the women I’ve recently added to my shortlist.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51391" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>TCW Saturday Night Presents:</strong><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Camp Tornado (Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton) defeated Tigre Salvaje and Jaylon Martins</strong></span> in 7:35 (52)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Steven Parker defeated Marc Speed</strong></span> in 8:50 (74)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Spencer Spade and Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated High Flyin Hawaiian and Flying Jimmy Foxx</strong></span> in 7:54 (67)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>T-Bone Bright defeated Maverick</strong></span> in 8:50 (72)</p><p> </p><p> <em>Overall Rating 75</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</strong></p><p> Mainstream Hernandez vs Pretty Okakura</p><p> Bart Biggins vs Killer Shark</p><p> Aaron Andrews and Lenny Brown vs Ground and Pound</p><p> Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Danny Darkness</p><p> Masked Cougar and Tigre Salvaje vs The New Syndicate</p><p> Doc Hammond vs Joshua Taylor</p><p> Freddy Huggins, Sammy Bach and Enygma vs Mighty Mo, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Spencer Spade</p>
  13. <p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> The Main Event of the show was effectively an angle, with Freddy Huggins proclaiming his love and respect for the fans before inking his new deal. Mighty Mo was the first man out to congratulate him on his deal before… smashing him through a table to end the show. Mo’s a heel now, funnily enough, and we wait to hear an explanation in due course.</p><p> </p><p> The main match of the night saw Wolf Hawkins and Joshua Taylor defeat former tag champions Doc Hammond and One Man Army as they begun a mission to prove that they were worthy of World Heavyweight Title shots, even though the terms of Hawkins PPV match meant this now could not happen. It was a great match, while Hernandez, Remus and Parker also pulled a nice match out of Camp Tornado.</p><p> </p><p> Jay Chord finally came face to face with the man who had been tormenting him for the last few weeks. He had targeted Mystery Man earlier in the night, but was accusing El Hijo Del Neutron of messing with him the green smoke appeared. As Chord looked around <strong>ENYGMA </strong>rose from the smoke to hit an Enygma Cutter on the King of Kings to announce his arrival in TCW.</p><p> </p><p> Elsewhere, a Killer Shark attack saw T-Bone Bright earn a DQ victory over Titan, before Bright returned to cost Shark’s Sinner Society colleagues their tag match against High Flyin Hawaiian and Joffy Laine. Aaron Andrews’ battles with the Society are not over, and we got a hint that there might just be a match at Battleground IV. Sammy Bach took a victory over veteran road agent Johnny Bloodstone before calling out Spencer Spade, who only came out with Dazzling Dave Diamond. DDD claimed that Bach was finished and needed to move over for the Ace of Spades, a declaration that Bach was unsurprisingly unwilling to accept.</p><p> </p><p> Human Arsenal proved that his mic skills weren’t nearly as bad as I thought they were by carrying the crowd along with him as he challenged Edd Stone to a TV Title shot next week, and Shockura interacted with the Tag Champions in a way that suggests that they may be next in line for a tag title shot. Stone them teamed with Mystery Man and Tigre Salvaje in a big victory for the masked men, albeit against a team consisting of the heels most likely to lose matches in TCW. Finally, Greg Gauge opened the show with a perfectly alright match with Benny Benson, which should have probably been better.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Greg Gauge defeated Benny Benson</strong></span> in 6:52 (75)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Cougar Stone, Mystery Man and Tigre Salvaje defeated Ground and Pound, Maverick and Nate Johnson</strong></span> in 7:57 (71)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>T-Bone Bright defeated Titan</strong></span> by DQ in 5:42 (74)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>High Flyin Hawaiian and Joffy Laine defeated Chris Flynn and Danny Darkness</strong></span> in 6:49 (66)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Sammy Bach defeated Johnny Bloodstone</strong></span> in 5:42 (75)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Mainstream Hernandez, Roderick Remus and Steven Parker defeated Camp Tornado</strong></span> in 12:15 (84)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Wolf Hawkins and Joshua Taylor defeated Doc Hammond and One Man Army</strong></span> in 13:43 (89)</p><p> </p><p> <em>Overall Rating 91</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Online Hot Threads:</strong></p><p><strong> Mighty Mo turns heel – set to explain his actions next week!</strong></p><p><strong> Free Agent Enygma joins TCW – can he still deliver?</strong></p><p><strong> Robert Oxford and Seth Whitehead sign new deals</strong></p><p><strong> Death Row reunite in USPW</strong></p><p> </p><p> Enygma joins Queen Emily in having worked for the Big 3 US promotions – not a common occurrence. His feud with Jay Chord has been much changed following Chord’s injury, without which he would have appeared on screen ages ago, but it will keep Chord busy in some way.</p><p> </p><p> Meanwhile, BCG and HGC star Razan Okamoto has returned from his broken leg and has instantly increased the quality of BCG shows. He is a star – will he get the recognition outside Japan that he truly deserves? In contract news Road Agent Robert Oxford and Seth Whitehead, who’s been my most reliable HGC worker for a while, sign new deals. I did explore a contract with Rock God Alvarez, but EILL threw a huge amount of cash at him, and I left him to be a star there.</p><p> </p><p> At Saturday Night Showcase it’s… Aaron Andrews in the Main Event? Wow, others really are getting a chance to shine on Total Wrestling at the moment. We did bring in prospects Waylon Walls and Ray Cavalero for a run out – both men would need a period in development, but I’ll keep my eyes on them.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51391" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>TCW Saturday Night Showcase:</strong><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>High Flyin Hawaiian and Joffy Laine defeated Nate Johnson and Nick Booth</strong></span> in 7:51 (56)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Ranger defeated Jaylon Martins</strong></span> in 4:14 (56)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Findlay O’Farraday and Marc Speed defeated Waylon Walls and Ray Cavalero</strong></span> in 5:43 (46)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Lenny Brown defeated El Hijo Del Neutron</strong></span> in 7:17 (66)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Aaron Andrews defeated Maverick</strong></span> in 8:20 (76)</p><p> </p><p> <em>Overall Rating 74</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</strong></p><p> Edd Stone © vs Human Arsenal for the <strong>TCW TV Title</strong></p><p> Enygma and Masked Man vs Ground and Pound</p><p> Bart Biggins and Yuri Yoshihara vs Shockura</p><p> Sammy Bach vs Nick Booth</p><p> High Flyin Hawaiian, Flying Jimmy Foxx and Joffy Laine vs Killer Shark, Danny Darkness and Chris Flynn</p><p> Doc Hammond and One Man Army vs The New Syndicate</p><p> Greg Gauge and Steven Parker vs Wolf Hawkins and Joshua Taylor</p>
  14. FCW Puerto Rican Championship

    Mutant © vs Harlem Haynes


    COTT Tag Team Championship

    The Puerto Rican Boys © vs Canadian Hardcore


    FCW Tag Team Championship

    The Latino Kings vs ???


    FCW People's Championship

    Jesus Chavez © vs Xavi Ferrera


    Other Confirmed Matches

    Bull Wrecker vs Billy Russell

    Davis Wayne Newton vs Joffy Laine

    Ox Mastadon vs ???

    Curtis Shaw vs Marco Gonzales

    Cobra vs King Kong Kennedy

  15. <p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>TCW The War to Settle the Score</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;">Doc Hammond defeated Quentin Queen</span> (70)</p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;">Findlay O’Farraday and Marc Speed defeated Bart Biggins and Yuri Yoshihara</span> (57)</p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;">Steven Parker defeated Nick Booth</span> (65)</p><p>

    <em>Didn’t click</em></p><p> </p><p>

    The PPV kicked off with a fantastic match, where Joshua Taylor inflicted Greg Gauge’s first singles defeat in over four months. He did have assistance in the shape of The New Syndicate, which resulted in Queen Emily banning Ranger and Youngman from the building for the rest of the show. In the main event Freddy Huggins was well off his game (not helped by me forgetting to allow him to use high risk moves), in a match that saw him almost fall due to interference from Joshua Taylor. He showed resilience to just break a pin, and when Greg Gauge evened the odds he was able to retain his title with a Huggins Kiss.</p><p> </p><p>

    Mighty Mo made short work of Titan, but Aaron Andrews had a much tougher time with Killer Shark. The story really should have led to a victory for Killer Shark here, but despite his momentum for the last few weeks there was plenty of damage done to his brand last year. For some reason these two had never faced one another, even on the house show circuit, so I hadn’t discovered how awkwardly that they worked together, and the count out victory that Andrews earned despite being beaten down for long period outside the ring just didn’t really work. T-Bone Bright did come to Andrews rescue after the match as Shark reacted badly to his defeat, so this story keeps on going.</p><p> </p><p>

    Jay Chord didn’t spend too much time in the ring in his six-man match, but was clearly struggling, and another planned multi-man match at Battlegrounds may have to be taken off the card. His main contribution was threatening the two masked men from his opponents, Masked Cougar and Tigre Salvaje, but we saw a debut after the match of…. Mystery Man. Literally. However, he is not our mystery man, but announced that he had been sent but Jay Chord’s rival, and that Chord was not looking in the right places for his enemies.</p><p> </p><p>

    The Tag Champions proved stars once again (Hernandez pulling out another 100 performance) in taking victory over Camp Tornado. Wasted in the Tag Division, or pulling up the quality? A bit of both. Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Sammy Bach with an assist from Spade, in what was meant to be a warm down from Andrews / Shark. It should be considered a shock victory for Dazzling Dave Diamond… especially considering he can barely work ten minutes nowadays. The Shockura vs High Flying Hawaiian and Joffy Laine was perfectly decent, Laine subbing in fairly well for the injured Flying Jimmy Foxx, despite looking the weak link in the match. The same could be said for Brown / Spade, the latter of whom needs a decent feud to justify his claim to be the Ace of Spades.</p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Joshua Taylor defeated Greg Gauge</strong></span> in 17:43 (87)</p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Shockura defeated High Flyin Hawaiian and Joffy Laine</strong></span> in 9:46 (74)</p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Mighty Mo defeated Titan</strong></span> in 5:35 (75)</p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Jay Chord, Human Arsenal and Benny Benson defeated Cougar Stone and Tigre Salvaje</strong></span> (67)</p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Spencer Spade defeated Lenny Brown</strong></span> in 11:08 (77)</p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus © defeated Camp Tornado (Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton)</strong></span> to retain the <strong>TCW Tag Team Titles</strong> in 11:39 (81)</p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Aaron Andrews defeated Killer Shark</strong></span> by count out in 7:26 (73)</p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Sammy Bach</strong></span> in 9:04 (77)</p><p>

    <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Freddy Huggins © defeated Wolf Hawkins</strong></span> to retain the <strong>TCW World Heavyweight Title</strong> in 22:58 (81)</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Overall Rating 83</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Online Hot Threads:</strong></p><p><strong>

    TCW grow to large, although PPV falls a little flat</strong></p><p><strong>

    Jay Chord set for surgery?</strong></p><p><strong>

    Freddy Huggins and Joshua Taylor set to sign bumper contracts</strong></p><p><strong>

    Pistol Pete Hall opens up L-Ring</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    My worst PPV since Battleground III eleven months ago. I’ll have to take some of the blame for that – no high risks moves in the Main Event, Dazzling Dave Diamond in the previous match and Andrews against an opponent he didn’t click with were all decisions that could have been altered, especially with me working around Jay Chord’s injury.</p><p> </p><p>

    However, my Canadian deal has now pushed me over the edge to Large. This doesn’t mean a huge splash of signings – Joshua Taylor’s new contract is $209k a month with a 40% bonus, and Huggins’ deal which he will sign on Tuesday is $235,333 a month with a 30% bonus (my worker costs have over doubled since I took over). Jay Chord’s mystery opponent, who is on the roster but who’s official debut is delayed while he recovers from his back injury, is the only significant signing expected before Total Mayhem. I’m more concentrating on the next batch of graduates who are due this month. Oh, I have signed a couple of non-wrestlers as well, almost forgot them! That excludes Mystery Man, who I signed just for this story to while I'm delaying the Chord's opponent debut.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</strong></p><p>

    T-Bone Bright vs Titan</p><p>

    Cougar Stone, Mystery Man and Tigre Salvaje vs Ground and Pound, Maverick and Nate Johnson</p><p>

    Sammy Bach vs Johnny Bloodstone</p><p>

    High Flying Hawaiian and Joffy Laine vs Chris Flynn and Danny Darkness</p><p>

    Greg Gauge vs Benny Benson</p><p>

    Mainstream Hernandez, Roderick Remus and Steven Parker vs Camp Tornado</p><p>

    Doc Hammond and One Man Army vs Wolf Hawkins and Joshua Taylor</p><p>

    Freddy Huggins signs his new TCW contract</p>

  16. <p>FCW Puerto Rican Championship: Cage Match</p><p>

    Handsome Stranger © vs <strong>Mutant</strong></p><p>

    -<em>Difficult one to predict, but s Mutant win may be the best way of continuing this feud</em></p><p> </p><p>

    COTT Tag Team Championship</p><p>

    <strong>The Puerto Rican Boys</strong> © vs The LA Stars</p><p> </p><p>

    FCW Tag Team Championship</p><p>

    <strong>Relentless</strong> © vs The Latino Kings</p><p> </p><p>

    Six Man Tag</p><p>

    <strong>The Latino Kings</strong> vs House Handsome (Xavi Ferrera and Relentless)</p><p>

    -<em>Assuming this match leads to the title shot? Unless one of Relentless is leaving, in which case a double job is in order.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    FCW People's Championship</p><p>

    <strong>Jesus Chavez</strong> © vs Juggernaut Jones</p><p> </p><p>

    Other Confirmed Matches</p><p>

    Hell's Bouncer vs <strong>Kip Keenan</strong></p><p>

    Giant Brody vs <strong>Bradford Peverell</strong></p><p>

    Kanishoki vs <strong>El Hijo Del Neutron</strong></p><p>

    Doctor Tecnico vs <strong>Jerry Martin</strong></p><p>

    Salvation vs <strong>American Standard</strong></p><p>

    <em>Marco Gonzales</em> vs King Kong Kennedy</p><p> </p><p>

    Where's Bambino going?</p>

  17. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Matt_Black" data-cite="Matt_Black" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>All I know is that it takes a lot of chutzpah to have Roman Reigns go out and say CM Punk wasn't a draw, then bring out the guy who was champion for some of the lowest rated episodes of Monday Night RAW in the show's history.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Although, as already pointed out in this thread, that's not what he said. He also never claimed that he was as big a draw as Cena / Orton.</p>
  18. I dislike Roman, but the actual qoute was he wasn't a draw like Cena or Orton were at the time.


    Agree to disagree, but those are two pretty big centerpieces to be compared against


    I think one of those two in unarguable - Cena was a bigger drawer. People will point to the Summer of Punk as to when Punk was a bigger drawer, but Orton did a lower level than that, but for a much more sustained period.

  19. TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


    Joshua Taylor was determined to prove himself to both Freddy Huggins and Wolf Hawkins by taking on the champion in the Main Event. It was a phenomenal match but being the TV show before our PPV it was not clean – Wolf Hawkins tried to take out Freddy Huggins, but it was Greg Gauge who delivered an Omega Driver on Taylor, clearing the way for Huggins to take the victory and declare that he will be signing a new contract after Sunday Night when he retains his title.


    Elsewhere, there was plenty of hype for the PPV, although we decided that Yoshihara / O’Farraday did not justify a place on the card so got it over and done with quickly on television. We had a mass brawl between Andrews, Mo, Brown, The Behemoths and Spencer Spade (who cost Brown his tag match), and High Flyin Hawaiian announced that Joffy Laine would replace Flying Jimmy Foxx as his partner against Shockura.


    Finally, Jay Chord clashed again with Masked Cougar backstage, and when Edd Stone pointed out that Cougar wasn’t the only masked man in TCW Chord attacked Tigre Slavaje after he lost to Aaron Andrews. It wasn’t announced at the show, but Salvaje will cement his face turn by teaming with Cougar Stone against Jay Chord, Human Arsenal and Benny Benson at The War to Settle the Score.


    Greg Gauge and Steven Parker defeated Maverick and Nate Johnson in 9:33 (77)

    Mighty Mo defeated Human Arsenal in 8:25 (75)

    Findlay O’Farraday defeated Yuri Yoshihara in 3:32 (49)

    High Flying Hawaiian and Joffy Laine defeated Ground and Pound in 7:42 (65)

    Aaron Andrews defeated Tigre Salvaje in 5:42 (75)

    The Behemoths defeated Lenny Brown and One Man Army in 6:46 (73)

    Freddy Huggins © defeated Joshua Taylor in a non-title match in 16:06 (92)


    Overall Rating 91


    For those that are counting, that ended up being my best ever show, best ever televised match, and third best match full stop. The quality of angles certainly helped on the show rating. There is the question as to why we gave away the Main Event for free on TV, where it could certainly have been a feud worthy of a PPV match in the future. The reason was simple – not only is Huggins contract up for grabs, but Joshua Taylor has been approached by SWF and they are going after him hard…


    On the pre-show Ernest Youngman and Wolf Hawkins teamed for the first time… and showed zero chemistry with one another. Shame.


    TCW Saturday Night Showcase:

    Doc Hammond defeated Danny Darkness in 7:11 (60)

    Chris Flynn defeated Akima Brave in 6:31 (59)

    Steven Parker defeated Maverick in 7:54 (68)

    T-Bone Bright defeated Marc Speed in 10:12 (80)


    Overall Rating 78


    The New Syndicate (Ernest Youngman and Ranger) teamed together on the preshow to defeat local workers Pepper Pelton and Connor Threepwood, and we were lucky enough to discover that they had great chemistry teaming with one another. The rest of the show was PPV hype, and wrestlers who weren’t working the PPV getting a run out. And to consider Bright was a World Championship contender – he’s slightly fallen to the wayside, despite being hugely over.


    TCW The War to Settle the Score

    Cougar Stone and Tigre Salvaje vs Jay Chord, Human Arsenal and Benny Benson

    Aaron Andrews vs Killer Shark

    Mighty Mo vs Titan

    Lenny Brown vs Spencer Spade

    Sammy Bach vs Dazzling Dave Diamond

    Greg Gauge vs Joshua Taylor

    High Flyin Hawaiian and Joffy Laine vs Shockura

    Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus © vs Camp Tornado for the TCW Tag Team Titles

    Freddy Huggins © vs Wolf Hawkins for the TCW World Heavyweight Title

  20. <p>FCW Puerto Rican Championship</p><p>

    <strong>Handsome Stranger</strong> vs Mutant</p><p>

    <em>-One day, but I feel the path to the title is much longer than this</em></p><p>

    COTT Tag Team Championship</p><p>

    <strong>The Puerto Rican Boys</strong> © vs The Wolf Pack</p><p> </p><p>

    FCW Tag Team Championship Bout</p><p>

    <strong>Relentless</strong> © vs ???</p><p> </p><p>

    FCW People's Championship</p><p>

    <strong>Xavi Ferrera</strong> © vs Jesus Chavez</p><p> </p><p>

    Other Confirmed Matches</p><p> </p><p>

    Rayne Man vs <strong>Bradford Peverell</strong></p><p>

    Tex Tagan vs <strong>Ox Mastadon</strong></p><p>

    <strong>The Harlem Knights</strong> vs The Gonzales Family</p><p>

    <strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong> vs Kanishoki</p><p>

    <strong>Doctor Tecnico</strong> vs El Hijo Del Neutron</p>

  21. TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


    The Main Event of the show saw Wolf Hawkins and Joshua Taylor take victory over Freddy Huggins and Greg Gauge, with Taylor pinning Gauge. Earlier in the show Gauge was trying to get under Taylor’s skin, pointing out that a defeat for Hawkins at The War to Settle The Score would mean he wouldn’t get a World Title shot against Huggins, but that seemed to motivate The Syndicate man to another level. Wolf Hawkins was quick to claim after the match that he would win again at The War to Settle the Score, and Huggins would be out of TCW.


    Elsewhere Aaron Andrews showed a return to full fitness, defeating Sinner Society member Chris Flynn before his match with Killer Shark at TWTSTS was made official. Mighty Mo also joined in, to say that he would be taking out Titan at the PPV.


    Ranger and Ernest Youngman teamed for the first time in what is planned as a semi-permanent unit. Their match was not good – facing Bart Biggins and Yuri Yoshihara Findlay O’Farraday attacked the Japanese man before he even got to the ring, and Biggins didn’t take up the slack. We’re actually building up to Yoshihara vs O’Farrady to the PPV which will be… awful.


    As is traditional building up to a PPV there were other matches with interference – Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Lenny Brown with an assist from Spencer Spade, before accepting a challenge from Sammy Bach to a PPV match. High Flyin Hawaiian defeated Matt Hocking in a match that their on / off partners were at ringside. Pretty Okakura took out Flying Jimmy Foxx out with a viscous kick to the head as we justify a quick change of tag team partner at the PPV. At the PPV the Tag Titles will be defended against Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton, in a match that will surely be worse than last week’s title match. Finally, the TV Title match was a quality battle, slightly ruined by Jay Chord going after Masked Cougar mid match. This distracted Human Arsenal allowing Stone to hit a Party’s Over, before Jay Chord accused Masked Cougar of being the masked man stalking him, something Cougar refuted. This would have led to a PPV match if Chord wasn’t injured…


    Roderick Remus defeated El Hijo Del Neutron in 7:44 (67)

    High Flyin Hawaiian defeated Matt Hocking in 8:22 (71)

    Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Lenny Brown in 6:01 (75)

    Camp Tornado (Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton) defeated Darryl Devine and Elliot Thomas in 7:08 (64)

    Edd Stone defeated Human Arsenal to retain the TCW TV Title in 9:53 (81)

    The New Syndicate (Ranger and Ernest Youngman) defeated Bart Biggins and Yuri Yoshihara in 4:58 (44)

    Aaron Andrews defeated Chris Flynn in 8:24 (81)

    Wolf Hawkins and Joshua Taylor defeated Freddy Huggins and Greg Gauge in 19:22 (86)


    Overall Rating 88


    Down at HGC we got the first title change not forced by me preparing to call up the champions, as Darin Flynn defeated The Masked Mauler VII for the #1 Contender Title. Flynn is a huge talent inexplicably released by 21CW, and I am looking forward to bringing him up to the main roster. Still no HGC Global Champion since Alistair Shufflebottom was allowed to leave at the end of his contract.


    Hollywood Brett Starr signed a bumper contract with SWF, who fought off me, USPW, EILL and CWA to keep the second generation star. I was planning reuniting him with Jay Chord (which would have taken some pressure off him with his injury). At USPW Rogue has debuted and replaces Siale Valhalla in The Olympus Order, which is somewhat of an upgrade. Lead Belly has also joined USPW.


    At Saturday Night Showcase Darryl Devine lost his last match on the way out of TCW to join USPW full time.


    TCW Saturday Night Showcase:

    Spencer Spade defeated Elliot Thomas in 5:57 (66)

    Ernest Youngman defeated Darryl Devine in 5:53 (53)

    Doc Hammond, One Man Army and Akima Brave defeated Maverick, Nate Johnson and Tigre Salvaje in 10:31 (58)

    Mighty Mo defeated Nick Booth in 6:44 (74)


    Overall Rating 80


    TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

    Aaron Andrews vs Tigre Salvaje

    High Flyin Hawaiian and Joffy vs Ground and Pound

    Yuri Yoshihara vs Findlay O’Farraday

    Lenny Brown and One Man Army vs The Behemoths

    Mighty Mo vs Human Arsenal

    Greg Gauge and Steven Parker vs Maverick and Nate Johnson

    Freddy Huggins © vs Joshua Taylor in a non-title match

  22. Handsome Stranger and Rayne Man vs Bradford Peverell and Mutant

    Not sure if Rayne Man eats the pin here - maybe a DQ?


    COTT Tag Team Championship

    The Puerto Rican Boys © vs Harlem Knights


    FCW Tag Team Championship Bout

    Relentless © vs The Latino Kings


    FCW People's Championship

    Xavi Ferrera © vs Joffy Laine vs Davis Wayne Newton

    The match I'm most looking forward to


    Tables Match

    Giant Brody vs Kip Keenan


    Other Confirmed Matches

    Cobra vs El Hijo Del Neutron

    If Cobra is up for it, Del Neutron's performance deserves a victory here

    Hell's Bouncer vs Kanishoki

    Tex Tagan vs Doctor Tecnico

  23. <p><strong>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</strong></p><p> Live From New York</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Marc Speed defeated Akima Brave</span> (62)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Greg Gauge defeated Johnny Bloodstone</span> (75)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">High Flyin Hawaiian and Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Ground and Pound</span> (66)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>MAIN SHOW:</strong></p><p> </p><p> Queen Emily started the show, demanding that Freddy Huggins comes out – as if he does not sign a new contract, he will have to defend his title again tonight. Out came the World Heavyweight Champion, slapping hands of fans on the way to the ring before asking for the microphone from Queen Emily. Emily told him that she needed to know, before handing over the mic. Freddy Huggins looked around and said they he had been in TCW for many years. He had worked hard, he had great matches, and people notice that sort of thing. Freddy Huggins said it was time to do what was right for him. He had offers from many places, offers far beyond anything he had earned before. What was left for him at TCW? He looked around once more and told the fans that there was one thing less – them. The reason why he performs night in, night out is for the most important people in the industry – the best people around – the TCW fans. Huggins said he could earn more money elsewhere and be offered anything that he wanted – but what he wanted was right here in TCW. Huggins promised that he would continue in TCW performing every night for the fans and become a legacy here, in TCW. As then fans cheered Queen Emily took the mic from the TCW World Heavyweight Champion, and told him he would have his contract ready to sign later tonight (81)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Spencer Spade defeated Bart Biggins</strong></span> in 8:18 (70)</p><p> -Spencer Spade is a great talent, but we need to do a little more to get the crowd invested in him. A mundane victory over Bart Biggins wasn’t it, the win coming with the Supreme Stunner.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Steven Parker defeated Nate Johnson</strong></span> in 5:49 (77)</p><p> -We had time for a bonus all Canadian match with no World Title bout now due. I wasn’t expecting it to be better than the previous match, but despite Johnson’s rapid slip down the card he still has talent. Steven Parker is, of course, full of talent, and he was always going to win with the Future Shock.</p><p> </p><p> Wolf Hawkins was backstage with Joshua Taylor and Eddie Chandler, telling both men that they needed to win tonight. Eddie Chandler asked who he was facing, and Hawkins told him it was a local, who was ready to replace him if he flounders (68)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Ernest Youngman defeated Eddie Chandler</strong></span> in 7:50 (88)</p><p> -And this is why we are in New York. Ernest Youngman is a bona fide star in the Tri-State from his work at NYCW and PSW, and technically one of the best wrestlers in North America. I was hoping for a good match, but I was not expecting the match to be as great as it was. Chandler was not happy with the result, but ever the professional he didn’t let it affect the match one bit. The two gave it everything, with Youngman fighting out of a Fabulous Stretch to deliver The Hit to take victory.</p><p> </p><p> As the bell rung Ernest Youngman grabbed Eddie Chandler and again struck The Hit on the veteran. Ranger dragged Chandler from the ring and dragged him over to the announce table, delivering a Global Meltdown through the table. I don’t think that Chandler is part of The Syndicate anymore (69)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Aaron Andrews and Mighty Mo defeated Chris Flynn and Danny Darkness</strong></span> in 6:43 (79)</p><p> -Aaron Andrews was still suffering from the PPV attack on him by Killer Shark, and it was Mighty Mo who did most of the work in this match. He was more than up for it, and although Flynn got in some offence, Mo took the victory with a Plunging Spinebuster on Danny Darkness.</p><p> </p><p> After the match Eddie Peak come down to the ring flanked by Titan. Peak told Aaron Andrews that he was a broken man, which Andrews refuted, telling Peak that if he thought that one setback was going to stop him, he hadn’t been watching him dominate TCW over the last couple of years. Peak went to get into Andrews’ face, but Mo interjected himself between the two men. Titan squared up to him, with Mo instantly slugging the Sinner Society man. Titan didn’t back down and the two men brawled, as Peak and Andrews kept making digs at one another before Peak pulled Titan away (89)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Human Arsenal defeated Masked Cougar</strong></span> in 6:34 (63)</p><p> -Edd Stone joined the commentary team, revealing that he would be defending his TV Title against Human Arsenal next week. Shockingly enough that meant that Arsenal won here, overcoming some short-lasted spirited offence to take victory with the Ammo Dump, Stone on commentary</p><p> </p><p> Backstage and Troy Tornado caught the Tag Team Champions on the way to the ring to defend their titles, telling them that were unprepared for the challenge that his troops have been preparing for tonight (82)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus defeated Camp Tornado (Davis Wayne Newton and El Hijo Del Neutron)</strong></span> to retain the <strong>TCW Tag Team Titles</strong> in 11:42 (90)</p><p> -Seriously?!? The heel team have great talent but haven’t managed to gain any momentum in their time at TCW. On the other side Mainstream Hernandez has become one of the most over wrestlers in the US, while Roderick Remus is on a run like he hasn’t been on since he left MAW. I was expecting it to be solid, but it was just wonderful. When the match started most of the crowd thought that they were going to see a standard title defence, but Camp Tornado showed off skills that really made people think that they had a legitimate chance of winning the bout. It wasn’t to be, despite some great efforts, and as Hernandez and Newton were laid outside the ring Remus made Del Neutron tap to the Remus Clutch.</p><p> </p><p> Jay Chord was shown backstage, this time talking to the crew. He was demanding to know who was responsible for the smoke and lights that have been plaguing him for the last week. He got more angry as the crew denied knowing anything, when all of a sudden the room begun to fill with smoke. Jay Chord angrily stormed away, and the camera pulled back to see the silhouette of a masked man in the shadows (90)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Killer Shark defeated Darryl Devine</strong></span> in 4:47 (57)</p><p> -Well, we’ve had some good matches tonight – we’ll call this a cool down. After over a year I’ve finally decided to start booking Killer Shark as a threat, and he won easily with a Big Bite</p><p> </p><p> Greg Gauge was backstage in his only appearance of the show approaching Sammy Bach. Gauge told Bach that The Syndicate were falling apart, and a victory for Bach would help send them on their way. Bach told Gauge that he was ready to do his bit, and it was time that The Syndicate were brought down a notch (85)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Joshua Taylor defeated Sammy Bach</strong></span> in 10:38 (85)</p><p> -This could have easily been built into a PPV feud, but instead was kept as a Main Event in a show that I was unduly worried about the overall quality of (especially given that this match was only the third best match on the card). The two veterans did have a quality exchange, and they quickly moved on to going for finishing moves on one another. Bach went for a Bach On Your Back but was too close to the ropes, Taylor managing to pull himself out of the ring. As the ref started the 10 count he was oblivious to Dazzling Dave Diamond entering the ring behind Sammy Bach and delivering a Dazzle Driver before rolling out of the ring. Although Bach recovered, he had no defence for a Super Kick from Taylor, who took the victory.</p><p> </p><p> The ring was set up for contract signing, with Queen Emily coming out with a contract in hand. Freddy Huggins was out with his sister, with the champion fully embracing his new face persona. Huggins sat down to sign his contract when the music of former champion Wolf Hawkins hit, and he came down to the ring with Ranger at his side. Hawkins circled the ring and took a mic, before entering the ring as Huggins lent back in his chair, looking relaxed. Hawkins congratulated Huggins for being offered a new contract – but he had not earned it. Hawkins told Huggins that one victory does not make a legacy, does not make someone a star, and does not make it so you can claim to be the face of TCW. Wolf Hawkins said that if Huggins thought that he was any of those, he would put his contract one the line against him at The War to Settle The Score, where Hawkins said he will finally get his rematch. Huggins asked for a mic, not moving from his chair so Laura Huggins had to pass it to him. Huggins asked Hawkins why he would do that – he has a contract; he has the title. Why would he possible put both on the line? Hawkins lips curled, telling Huggins that it would prove his worth, but Huggins just laughed that off. Hawkins told Huggins that perhaps he would do it to protect his sister, as Ranger towered over her intimidatingly. Freddy Huggins turned to his sister and raised his eyebrows, and his sister slapped Ranger (after the champion turned face in the opening segment this is the segment that his sister turned face too), moving away to put the champion between them. Freddy Huggins told Hawkins that he would have to do better than that. Hawkins thought, before saying that he could sweeten the deal – if Hawkins won Huggins would have to leave TCW, and if Huggins won… Hawkins wouldn’t get another title shot as long as he’s champion. Huggins stood up and raised the odds, telling Hawkins he only had a deal if he extended it so that no member of The Syndicate would get a title shot while he was champion, a deal that Hawkins agreed to. Stare off, end of show (90)</p><p> </p><p> <em>Overall Rating 88</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Online Hot Threads:</strong></p><p><strong> TCW wow with 5* wrestling</strong></p><p><strong> Ernest Youngman wins debut as he finally debuts at TCW</strong></p><p><strong> Eddie Chandler set to join SWF</strong></p><p><strong> Mutant takes FCW Belt</strong></p><p> </p><p> Well, that was some show. Ernest Youngman finally debuted, earning victory over a departing Eddie Chandler in the 13th best match ever since I’ve taken over TCW, and 4th best TV match. Later my 7th best match, and 2nd best TV match occurred as Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus defended their Tag Team Titles against Camp Tornado. The main event looked bland in comparison, even thought that in itself was my 31st best match that I’d run.</p><p> </p><p> Elsewhere, most of my big stars were not wrestling, Andrews being the exception, but even then he was selling his injuries. Jay Chord’s mysterious opponent is keeping him out of the ring without us even having to acknowledge his injury. A warmup for Human Arsenal’s TV Title shot and a few one sided matches match up the card.</p><p> </p><p> Koshiro Ino’s contract came up and we did offer him a deal – it would have meshed in well with one story. BHOTWG fought to keep him, and I didn’t fight too much. I don’t want to deprive other wrestlers of their biggest stars unless ‘ve gone specific plans for them, and only Matthew Keith falls into that category in BHOTWG.</p><p> </p><p> Backstage and Jay Chord and Dean Daniels told me a couple of revelations I could have never worked out myself – Danny Darkness can’t sell, and Ernest Youngman has talent. Thanks guys.</p><p> </p><p> Eddie Chandler has now left to join SWF. He has been fantastic in TCW over the last year, and I would dearly love him to get a singles push in SWF that I just could not give him in TCW. He does start with a singles victory over Jungle Lord, but given it was in Mexico it wasn’t too impressive. Whether Herrbear saw him leaving or not, predicting a Youngman victory was impressive.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51391" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>TCW Saturday Night Showcase:</strong><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Shockura defeated Elliot Thomas and Darryl Devine</strong></span> (57)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Findlay O’Farraday defeated Stevie Grayson</strong></span> (46)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>T-Bone Bright defeated Danny Darkness</strong></span> (75)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Doc Hammond and One Man Army defeated Ground and Pound</strong></span> (61)</p><p> </p><p> <em>Overall Rating 71</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Unfortunately, Flying Jimmy Foxx suffered a separated shoulder in a house show match, which will keep him out for a few weeks. Bad news for him, as he was actually due to wrestle the upcoming PPV. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</strong></p><p> Roderick Remus vs El Hijo Del Neutron</p><p> Lenny Brown vs Dazzling Dave Diamond</p><p> High Flyin Hawaiian vs Matt Hocking</p><p> Darryl Devine and Elliot Thomas vs Camp Tornado (Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton)</p><p> Aaron Andrews vs Chris Flynn</p><p> Bart Biggins and Yuri Yoshihara vs The New Syndicate (Ranger and Ernest Youngman)</p><p> Freddy Huggins and Greg Gauge vs Wolf Hawkins and Joshua Taylor</p>
  24. <p>Glad to see some love for FCW.</p><p> </p><p>

    Main Event for the Puerto Rican Championship</p><p>

    <strong>Handsome Stranger</strong> © vs Bradford Peverell</p><p> </p><p>

    FCW Tag Team Champioship Bout</p><p>

    <strong>Relentless</strong> © vs Young & Wasted</p><p> </p><p>

    Open Challenge for the FCW People's Championship</p><p>

    <strong>Xavi Ferrera</strong> © vs ???</p><p> </p><p>

    Other Confirmed Matches</p><p>

    Giant Brody and Bull Wrecker vs <strong>Ox Mastadon and Kip Keenan</strong></p><p>

    Carlos Gonzales vs <strong>Hell's Bouncer</strong></p><p>

    Cobra vs <strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong></p><p>

    <strong>Kanishoki</strong> vs King Kong Kennedy</p>

  25. TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


    Chris Flynn defeated Dean Daniels (53)

    Doc Hammond and One Man Army defeated Ground and Pound (62)

    Steven Parker defeated Tigre Salvaje (68)




    The new World Heavyweight Champion, Freddy Huggins started the show with his sister, brandishing his championship belt and slapping hands with the fans. He held up his belt in each of the four corners of the ring before finally taking the mic and looked a little emotional. He said that he had been in TCW for almost 16 years, and now, finally, he had the big one. He said that he would treasure this belt for the rest of his life. That brought out Queen Emily, who told Huggins he would only treasure the belt for as long as he had it – and only for as long as he was at TCW. Queen Emily announced that Freddy Huggins contract was up at the end of the month and demanded that the champion signed a new contract. Laura Huggins grinned, telling Emily that his value had gone up… both here and around the world. Emily told the siblings that she didn’t have the patience for this – if Huggins wouldn’t sign, he would have to defend his title tonight. The champion opened his arms invitingly, before Wolf Hawkins was out limping, flanked by Ranger. Hawkins told Huggins that he would love to win his title back, but after he got his foot twisted in the ropes last week, he was not fit – but he was hoping the doctor would clear him for next week. The Tag Champions, Hernandez and Remus were out to stake claim to the title shot, with Queen Emily deciding that as Hernandez was the man pinned on Sunday, Roderick Remus would take tonight’s title shot (98)


    Greg Gauge defeated Marc Speed in 9:22 (75)

    -Odd that I hadn’t booked this match since Gauge turned face, but I rectified that here. Technical, kept the crowd interested, and continued Gauge’s recent good run of form.


    Wolf Hawkins was backstage with The Syndicate, telling them he was frustrated at not being cleared, but they needed to make a mark tonight. He told Ranger that he was finally allowed a match, so need to take out his frustration on Joffy Laine, and told Eddie Chandler to bring the TCW TV Title to The Syndicate (87)


    Findlay O’Farraday defeated Jaylon Martins in 3:48 (54)

    -A main show debut for Martins, but he was firmly squashed here. However, against a complete unknown O’Farraday looked good here, taking the victory with an Atomic Spinebuster.


    As Martins rolled out of the ring a pumped O’Farraday looked like he was going to chase him, but he was stopped by… Yuri Yoshihara!?! Not sure many people remember him. He did manage to make O’Farraday back down, however (57)


    Human Arsenal and Benny Benson defeated High Flyin Hawaiian and Darryl Devine in 8:53 (72)

    -HFH has taken the roll of making other wrestlers look excellent, a job he is more than capable of, but doesn’t really justify me stealing him from SWF. At least he was time on his side, although I do feel a little guilty that his career may be a little stunted. He did the hard graft in this match before Human Arsenal won with an Ammo Dump on Darryl Devine.


    Jay Chord came down to the ring to declare that regardless of the smoke and mirror tricks that someone is trying to play, he was on the path to becoming World Heavyweight Champion at Total Mayhem. That brought out the dimmed green lights and smoke, and although Chord was ready to fight it cleared, with no sign of what was causing it. Chord threw down the mic and stormed backstage, the shenanigans clearly getting to him (82)


    Ranger defeated Joffy Laine in 6:36 (68)

    -Relatively straightforward match – I’m trying to do something with both men, but Ranger needs to be built up as a threat. He won with a Global Meltdown.


    As Ranger left the ring Dazzling Dave Diamond and Spencer Spade came out, taunting Laine as he recovered from the match. Sammy Bach came out to assist, calling DDD a bully boy, a title which was happily accepted. Diamond told Bach that he was stronger than Laine, stronger than Bach, and he means nothing to him. When Bach pointed out it was Diamond who came out, the larger man got in Bach’s face and told him that it was not wise to push his buttons – he had a lot of anger to let out (86)


    Edd Stone © defeated Eddie Chandler to retain the TCW TV Title in 13:01 (77)

    -I was certainly hoping for better, and with the next match unlikely to impress too much it’s down to the Main Event to save the show. These two men are capable of so much more, but the mix of high flying moves and mat work was just a little bland. It was on the mat where it looked like Chandler would take the victory, but a resurgent Stone took to the ropes before taking the victory with a Party’s Over.


    When Eddie Chandler went backstage he was met be steely glares from The Syndicate. He turned to his tag partner, Joshua Taylor, for support, but he turned his back and walked off, followed by Hawkins and Ranger (74)


    Eddie Peak came down to the ring with Killer Shark, showing shots from Malice in Wonderland of the two of them brutalising Aaron Andrews. Aaron Andrews limped out with Mighty Mo, T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown. Andrews admitted that Peak and Shark did team up to hurt him on Sunday, but he still won. Peak claimed it was a technicality, and promised the next match would be one on one, no interference, and no doubt of the victor (92)


    Killer Shark defeated Lenny Brown in 7:47 (78)

    -Was not expecting this to be the best match of the night so far, although it was well led into. The two men had an all out brawl, but that played into the bigger man’s hands, and although it took him a double Shark Bite, Killer Shark did earn the victory.


    Roderick Remus was backstage preparing for his match, being hyped up be Hernandez, Gauge and Parker. Remus said that he was ready, and looked focusses as he hit the ring (81)


    Freddy Huggins © defeated Roderick Remus to retain the World Heavyweight Title in 14:03 (82)

    -Whereas we gave the night off to a lot our wrestlers from the Pay Per View, we pushed two of the main eventers hard. They went for a different, high-flying match, and it did push the stamina of both men that slightly affected the match. Nonetheless, it was match of the night, and a good showcase for both men. Both men showed off all of their moves, Huggins making sure that the Remus Clutch was not applied, and Huggins took the victory cleanly with a Huggins Kiss.


    As Freddy Huggins celebrated Queen Emily was out to say that the doctor had cleared Wolf Hawkins to wrestle next week, and if Freddy Huggins didn’t sign a new contract he would have to defend his title again next week (84)


    Overall Rating 86


    Online Hot Threads

    Chandler heading out of Syndicate?

    Flying Jimmy Foxx inks new deal – will Huggins follow?

    John Pathlow rips into PGHW

    Chord worry for TCW


    Although my worst TV show since my CBA debut four weeks ago, it was still a positive result, with a small increase in popularity in some areas. Considering I gave a lot of my top workers a night out of the ring, I’m happy with that. Roderick Remus has now managed three World Title shots in the last month – that will be the last for a while.


    Freddy Huggins contract is certainly the main focus of the show, but elsewhere I’m trying to build up Killer Shark as the threat that he should have been a long time ago. Whether I’ve left that too late or not is another matter.


    Meanwhile, Jay Chord is… oh no. In a house match against One Man Army an innocent whip into the corner had Chord feeling a shock through his back, and he collapsed on the floor. He quickly rolled up One Man Army to finish the match but has been diagnosed with a lower back condition which is going to take a couple of months to heal. He can still wrestle, but with a World Title shot coming up I do need to protect him as much as possible. Fortunately, due to the ridiculous length of time between King of Kings and Total Mayhem he will be back to full health for his shot – however, I did have a full program planned for Chord, which was kicking off with the mysterious smoke. Do I bin the whole idea? Not sure…


    Elsewhere, now he’s champion Freddy Huggins spoke up on High Flyin Hawaiian’s behalf, suggesting he should be pushed harder. He’s correct. Elsewhere, Edward Cornell’s push seems to be ending at USPW at he looks set to team with Jeremie Courtney as Wild & Wicked for the near future. In PSW Logan Wolfsbaine has a new partner now that Ernest Youngman has left. Unfortunately for him it’s Doug Peak.


    TCW Saturday Night Showcase:

    Spencer Spade defeated Elliot Thomas (65)

    Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton defeated Akima Brave and Rhino Umaga (48)

    Doc Hammond, One Man Army and Yuri Yoshihara defeated Ground and Pound and Nate Johnson (55)

    Mainstream Hernandez defeated El Hijo Del Neutron (78)

    Overall Rating 80


    Things we learned on Saturday – 1) Yoshihara has a submission move, choking Quentin Queen into submission for his first victory and TCW, 2) T-Bone Bright has great chemistry with Nick Booth. You wouldn’t have seen the second one though, as the second best match of the night happened on the pre-show.


    TCW Total Wrestling:

    Aaron Andrews and Mighty Mo vs Chris Flynn and Danny Darkness

    Bart Biggins vs Spencer Spade

    Darryl Devine vs Killer Shark

    Masked Cougar vs Human Arsenal

    Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus © vs Camp Tornado (Davis Wayne Newton and El Hijo Del Neutron) for the TCW Tag Team Titles

    Eddie Chandler vs Ernest Youngman

    Sammy Bach vs Joshua Taylor

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