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gazwefc83 last won the day on March 20

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About gazwefc83

  • Birthday 12/12/1983


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    Liverpool, England


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    Office Manager

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  1. Tried to send a PM and couldn't. So once again, thanks for these renders. They look very sweet in the game. 

    Curious on what you using to generate them? I am thinking they have to be AI, given the depth of detail. If so, you have clearly mastered the art of the prompt to get such... life. I've toyed with using AI to generate renders for a historical Real World mod project at some point, so I may ask for some prompt tips and tricks at some point. 

    As for requests, just a few of the SWF workers that haven't been done quite yet. No rush, but would love to see your takes on Spencer Spade, Matty Faith, Marshall Dillon, Paul Huntingdon, etc. Also an entirely selfish thought, but I do tend to play the CV across versions, so doing "past" versions of a few workers who have gone thru major gimmick changes would be cool. Like a Lobster Warrior version of Cripple, Big Cat version of Brandon James, manager version of Emma Chase, Machines versions of Brent Hill and Human Arsenal, Guide & Scout versions of OMA and Doc, even Syndicate version of Cornell, Wolf, Keith... I have no idea how easy something like alts are, so it may not be workable, but its a thought. 

    Appreciate all you post, good sir

    1. gazwefc83


      I'll clear out my inbox for future bud. Im using dezgo.com and putting a mix of two people, i put each prompt on a seperate line, Model DreamerShaper8, a typical prompt might look like this (The plus seems to make sure it happens):

      Solo bust+

      King Kong Bundy

      Mick Foley





      I'll get onto those requests. Ohh also dezgo isn't very good with face paint or masks so I have used Bing Image Creator for those but that one don't accept real name prompts.

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