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Posts posted by Paxlux

  1. 1 hour ago, ColossusPT said:

    There is a huge difference there though. The C-Verse is, for all intents and purposes, Adam's IP. It was created by him, it contains his original work. The incredibly valuable work done by modders is not your original work. You are, for all the work that you do, collecting existing data and putting it in the game

    I agree and disagree with this. Even while doing real world mods, you're still putting a good amount of creative work into it. There are no online references where you can easily decide "okay this guy's mic skills should be X and his charisma should be Y." Mod makers have to eyeball that sorta thing and put their own creativity into it. Things like skills and attributes breathe life into mods and they do take quite a bit of creative work to get done. However I wouldn't make a big deal out of people importing things like title lineages because title lineages are basically just importing a Wikipedia list into your mod. At most it just saves people an hour of going back and forth between Wikipedia and TEW. In theory someone could do it on their own and have the exact same title lineages as another mod.

    But in general people should be asking for permission and giving credit if they're going to use other people's work. That goes for any creative work in any medium. Where I dissent from other people in this thread is that I think at a certain point mods should become abandonware regardless of the author's feelings about it. If we came back to this when TEW2035 releases, odds are someone who's been gone for 10+ years isn't going to be around to care if other people are using their mod as a base, making their feelings about the concept of abandonware kinda irrelevant.

  2. To be honest, for me it was getting rid of my aversion to "cheating." For example in my 1992 save I wanted to simulate Kane's debut by giving him a major popularity bump in the editor. Normally I'd feel kinda guilty about it since it's cheating, but at the end of the day it's your save and how you play it impacts nobody but yourself.

    So I guess my advice is to not take the game too seriously. Do what you want with it even if it involves using the in-game editor to work some things in your favor.

    • Like 4
  3. 2 hours ago, hammerglenn said:

    Modders should be able to claim their work as abandonware and nobody can use that data unless they get permission, regardless if the modder is working on it right now or not. They probably will when they have time. No need to announce that they are.

    As for the same year as the abandon mod that people want to use, they can make the same year but create your own by scratch or use a mod that's freeware. Simple as that and if you don't have permission of the abandonware, then don't use it.

    Again, that defeats the purpose of considering something "abandonware." If you have no time to work on your mod at all in 3+ years, the mod's abandoned. There's no valid reason to hoard data you don't plan on finishing. If you can't take any time at all to provide an update in 3 years, there's no reason for you to get mad that someone else is using your data (provided that credit is given). It doesn't even have to be an update to the mod itself to prevent it from becoming abandonware, just a single text post showing that you're still around within 3 years. If you don't have time to do any work on a mod or even make a single text post within 3 years, the odds of you ever having time to work on it are slim to none. It's abandoned.

    Posting a mod on this forum to spark interest in your mod, then disappearing for 3 years while telling people "you can never finish this mod" is unfair to the people you're advertising your mod to. If you want to slowly work on a mod and don't want anyone using the data while you disappear for 3 years, either remove the links or don't advertise the mod here in the first place.

    In my opinion, giving someone 3 years (along with an additional 3 months to respond to PMs) before their mod becomes free to use is more than fair. Any active modmaker will be able to protect their mods however long they want. All it takes is responding to a single PM to prevent people from using it. People who disappear for over 3 years won't be around to care, so whether or not they want their mod to become abandonware is irrelevant.

    • Like 5
  4. 33 minutes ago, Fleisch said:

    Honestly I have no issue with people building off of my mods. I've no issue with them doing the same year as me either. I just don't like this "entitlement complex" some people have where they credit no one despite taking 80% of someone's work, 20% of someone else's and claiming it as their own despite minimal to no work going into it.

    Fully agree with you, it's just kinda scummy to take someone's work and not give them any credit at all. I wonder if it would be difficult to implement a co-author feature into TEW. If you import data from someone else's DB, anyone named as an author from that DB is automatically added as a co-author to the new DB and can't be removed. This would effectively force people who import data to credit the authors of their imported data.

  5. Quote

    Additionally, if a mod maker has explicitly said that they never want their project to become abandonware then it isn't, even if meets the criteria above.

    Tbh I think this kinda makes the Abandonware proposal a little redundant. I think this should only be a rule if the modder is still working on their mod elsewhere, even if they're making the mod for a different fantasy booking game. So people like the TEW2016 modders who switched to different games can still protect their data if they want to.

    In my opinion, someone shouldn't be able to say they never want their mod to become abandonware then disappear forever. Way too many people claim interesting time periods in wrestling then abandon the project without saying a word. If you're gone for 3+ years without saying a word, it'd be a bit ridiculous to come back and get mad that people continued working on your data. Personally I don't think it's very fair for a modder to advertise their mod on here, release an unfinished database, then abandon it after sparking interest in the mod while telling everyone they can't continue working on it. It's different if they're actively working on the mod on another game, but if they've left the community and abandoned their mod for years, it should be considered abandonware regardless of how they feel about it. Credit to the original creator should absolutely still be required if their mod becomes abandonware, but I don't think it's the right decision to give people a pass to hoard data they never plan to finish.

    Additionally, I'd say move all mods considered abandonware into an abandonware subforum. Way too many abandoned mods clutter the modding subforum.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, WWEAEWFAN said:

    Remove the Austin neck injury unlike irl. Too unnessary and I can't see 2001 without Austin. Keep him in ring action until 2009 if you choose to go more into the save years.

    I doubt Austin goes until 2009 even if he doesn't get dropped on his neck. He had pretty bad knee issues since the 90s. He definitely goes for a few more years but probably not that long full-time.

  7. If @OGpistolpete is okay with it or would want me to do it, I'm willing to help out with making minor depth changes to the mod. On my end I've already removed a lot of unrealistic celebrities and changed some things to match up with worker descriptions, but that's just on my private version of the DB.

    Wouldn't make any major changes because I wouldn't want to interfere with his vision for the mod, but I'd be willing to help out with fixing/tweaking small things.

    • Like 1
  8. On 6/5/2023 at 7:56 AM, Mildly_Amusing said:

    Probably a false flag but Windows Defender detects the People archive as a Trojan virus for some reason. Other two are fine though

  9. On 4/24/2023 at 8:59 AM, mk3kratos said:

    I sincerely hope that an update comes soon to this mod. I feel like a Mexican promotion or two would ultimately be my big way to come back to playing TEW. @OGpistolpete This is probably the only mod I play consistently, I know that real life comes first so I'll continue to be patient until an update becomes available.

    I second this! Would love to see some of the title lineages get filled out. It's not a huge deal, but some wrestler bios don't match up with their lineages or popularities (i.e. Sid Vicious being a 3x USWA champion, Stan Hansen having no popularity in Japan despite spending the majority of his career there, etc.)

    I think content-wise the mod is amazing, just needs some quality of life fixes to round it out

    • Like 1
  10. I've noticed that ChatGPT can be really good for spitting out possible alt-history mod scenarios. For example I typed "What if ECW survived?" and it spit this out: (btw if anyone wants to work on this scenario as a mod, feel free lol, I have no intentions on doing it)


    ECW, or Extreme Championship Wrestling, was a professional wrestling promotion that operated from 1992 until it declared bankruptcy in 2001. If ECW had never gone out of business, it would have had a significant impact on the professional wrestling industry.

    Firstly, ECW was known for its edgier and more violent style of wrestling, which influenced the industry as a whole. If ECW had continued to operate and grow, it would have pushed other promotions to adapt and innovate their own products to stay competitive.

    Secondly, ECW had a loyal fan base, and if it had stayed in business, it may have been able to expand its audience and reach a wider audience. This could have led to more mainstream exposure and potentially even a television deal with a major network.

    Thirdly, if ECW had never gone out of business, some of its top stars may have stayed with the promotion instead of jumping ship to the larger promotions like WWE and WCW. This could have led to a more competitive landscape in the industry, with multiple promotions vying for top talent and viewership.

    In summary, if ECW had never gone out of business, it would have had a significant impact on the professional wrestling industry, potentially leading to more innovation, competition, and a different landscape for wrestling fans.

    While somewhat vague, if someone took the time to continue the convo and get it to spit out more detailed answers, you could definitely make a great alt-history scenario. You'd still have to do the work in TEW to get the mod created, but it could definitely help you with the storybuilding aspect of an alt-history mod.

  11. 2 hours ago, OGpistolpete said:

    Yes, celebrities are an issue I realize now. Apologies to everyone!

    It's not abandoned, because I'm still alive, but I am not actively working on it at the moment.

    Glad to hear it! It's probably my favorite alt-history mod in TEW2020.

    IMO most of the celebrities in the database can easily be removed because most don't really make much sense in a wrestling company. I think celebrities should be limited to people who've appeared in wrestling companies irl like Mike Tyson and Dennis Rodman.

    But overall it's a really fun mod that I've probably enjoyed the most out of any TEW2020 mod I've installed. 

    • Like 1
  12. Great work and having a ton of fun with the mod! One small thing I noticed, and tbh idk if it was just a one time thing or not, is that some wrestlers may have their alter egos listed as their real names. So John Cena, for example, is listed as "The Prototype," and if you want to name him "John Cena," it makes his real name the alter ego. Pretty easy fix though, really just making "The Prototype" an alter ego for John Cena rather than John Cena's real, default name.

  13. On 12/2/2022 at 8:44 AM, Fleisch said:

    Star Quality is going to be looked at because I didn't realise The Sandman & New Jack were so high! Nothing to do with Bret Hart deserving more, it was the fact the SQ on the other guys was way over the top. Both Sandman & New Jacks SQ will be dropped to the 30's/40's (which even then is generous).

    A 79 is more than acceptable for Bret Hart because despite his in ring ability, there is no way his SQ was higher than Hulk Hogan or Ultimate Warrior in 1992. Obviously in your own games you can feel free to edit people higher or lower yourselves (that's the great thing about the editor).

    Love that change! I think if a lot of people are lowered, it makes Bret and Shawn's ratings a lot more fair and accurate. Not sure if it's an ECW-specific thing, but while I was looking at it there were some really questionable SQ ratings there. To me, it looked like the more well-known ECW guys had bloated SQ ratings. RVD, who I think should have the highest SQ on that roster, for example, had a much higher SQ rating than Triple H (Triple H had a 75, while RVD had an 86). While I think RVD does deserve some love SQ-wise, I feel that an 86 is a bit high especially since Ric Flair's only at an 87.

    But I really appreciate you taking the time to look into SQ!

    • Thanks 1
  14. Sorry if this has already been brought up, but why are Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart's star qualities so low? Not sure if it's something that updates later on or was done for balancing reasons, but it's just weird to me how Konnan, New Jack, and the Sandman have equal to or more star quality than Shawn and Bret.

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