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WLW: LuchaResu to the Rescue!

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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.foolinc.com/pics/WLW/WLW3.png[/IMG] [size="5"][b]World Level Wrestling: LuchaResu to the Rescue![/b][/size][/center] [b][i]OOC Post:[/b][/i] After the file corruption of my NYCW game and the lack of fun of my DOTT Watcher diary (especially after doing a test to see the effects of the AI promotions if they didn't have their weekly non-tv events), I've taken a break from TEW. However, gbasalmon's GCG and Tigerkinney's Burnning Hammer diaries, have inspired me to take a crack at a Japanese promotion this time around. As you can guess by the title, I've chosen everyone's favorite LuchaResu promotion, World Level Wrestling. I just hope my diary will be as half as good as theirs. And if you are looking for a real backstory, about how my in-game character, well.....umm. I guess it started with a phone call and ended with someone with no qualifications ending up as a head booker. ;)
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[center][SIZE="4"]Main Event[/SIZE] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AwesomeThunder.jpg[/img] [b]Awesome Thunder[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/71/72/317172.mp3]End Times[/url] Profile: Yosuke Narita is a veteran Japanese worker, who is highly respected for the level of performances he has achieved over his career, and for being one of the driving forces behind the rise of WLW. He spent his early career traveling, learning his skills in places like Mexico, Canada and Great Britain. After returning to Japan as a better worker, he became best known for his alter ego Awesome Thunder, a character who has dominated WLW and racked up a record six Universal championships. Signature Moves: Thunder Shock (Swanton Bomb) Title History: 6-Time World Level Universal [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BaireiYasujiro.jpg[/img] [b]Bairei Yasujiro[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/72/19/67219.mp3]3rd & Goal[/url] Profile: Bairei Yasujiro is a sensational Japanese wrestler, renowned for his high-risk, daredevil moves. He spent his early career traveling the world to pick up skills, working for promotions from Germany to Mexico. During his time in Mexico he even became a big star for MPWF, holding their main title during 1993. He would sometimes work occasional dates for BHOTWG during this time. In 2006, he decided to settle down in Japan, and surprisingly chose to work for World Level Wrestling. Signature Moves: Yasujiro Suplex Title History: Campeon de Herencia de Mundo MPWF, World Level Universal (Current) [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DarkEagle.jpg[/img] [b]Dark EAGLE[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/08/49/250849.mp3]Danger Lurking[/url] Profile: Dark EAGLE is a veteran of the Super Junior scene in Japan; making his professional debut in 1985, he has recently passed the twenty year mark in his career. Despite his advancing years, he remains one of the most fluid, reliable, exciting junior wrestlers around. Over the course of his career he has worked for nearly every promotion going, but in recent years he has settled down in WLW, where he is a former Universal champion, and leader of the main heel stable, The Circle Of Blood. Signature Moves: Eagle Shock (Krusher Drop) Title History: World Level Universal [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/EmeraldAngel.jpg[/img] [b]Emerald Angel[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/97/83/249783.mp3]Time Race[/url] Profile: Emerald Angel (Hidetoshi Ishibashi) is the younger brother of Koki Ishibashi, and since his debut in 2004 has gone on to become one of the most talked about young stars in Japan. An incredible high flier, what sets him apart from his peers is not only his ability (Angel was the first man to perform a 720 degree splash off the top rope), but also his graceful way of working. WLW, realizing how special his talent is, have made him the face of the company, cemented by a world title win in 2006. Signature Moves: Angel Fury (720), Angel Spike (Leaping DDT), Angel Grace Moonsault, Angel Snap (Arabian Press) Title History: World Level Show Stealer, World Level Universal [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TheGreatHisato.jpg[/img] [b]The Great Hisato[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/86/35/278635.mp3]Fantango[/url] Profile: The Great Hisato is a very talented high flier, who unfortunately has become just as well known for his massive ego as for his incredible performances. Originally he was part of the BHOTWG Junior division, having broken through the youth ranks of the promotion, and even held the prestigious Burning Junior title for a while. His poor attitude saw him eventually get fired though, and he has been left to try and pick up the pieces of his career with World Level Wrestling instead. Signature Moves: Mystic Dragon Wave (Roll-Through Tiger Suplex), Title History: World Level Universal, 3 Time World Level Tag Team, Burning Junior Champion [center][SIZE="4"]Upper Midcard[/SIZE] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/HellMonkey.jpg[/img] [b]Hell Monkey[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/42/69/84269.mp3]Steetfight[/url] Profile: Hell Monkey is a superb fighter from New York City, who is famous for his visually awesome entrance mask (he removes it when he actually wrestles). He has a very modern style to his ring work, blending incredibly stiff strikes with the technical skills and aerial ability of a Super Junior wrestler. He first came to people's attention in USPW, but his style didn't really fit with the promotion, and soon he was off to Japan, where he has become one of World Level Wrestling's favourite foreigners. Signature Moves: Tumbling Monkey (Sky Twister Press), Hell Fire Kick (Backflip to Rolling Scissor Kick), Title History: World Level Show Stealer, World Level Streetfighting (Current) [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KojiKojima.jpg[/img] [b]Koji Kojima[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/98/74/119874.mp3]Wabi[/url] Profile: "The Silent Assassin" Koji Kojima is a solid Super Junior style wrestler, who is best known as being the owner of World Level Wrestling. Prior to setting up WLW in 2000, he had worked for just about every other promotion in the country, but had never really gotten anywhere above midcard level. This is probably because while talented, he is not as spectacular or flashy as many other junior wrestlers, instead having consistency and a strong work ethic as his selling points. Signature Moves: Koji Crossface Title History: 2 Time World Level Universal, 2 Time World Level Tag Team [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KokiIshibashi.jpg[/img] [b]KOKI Ishibashi[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/08/49/250849.mp3]Danger Lurking[/url] Profile: KOKI Ishibashi is a Japanese wrestler, noted for eschewing the usual flashy aerial attacks of other wrestlers his size, instead using fine wrestling as the base for his attacks. A friend of Koji Kojima for many years - they were trained in the same dojo - he has found his niche in wrestling working for his friend's WLW promotion, where he is one of the company's main heels. One thing that he is particularly famous for is his ever-increasing collection of colorful masks. Signature Moves: Koki Revolution (Spinning Fisherman's Suplex) Title History: 2 Time World Level Revolution, World Level Tap Out, 4 Time World Level Tag Team [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TheIncredibleKoyama.jpg[/img] [b]The Incredible KOYAMA[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/08/49/250849.mp3]Danger Lurking[/url] Profile: The Incredible KOYAMA (Masutaro Koyama) is a daredevil high flier, and one of World Level Wrestling's fastest rising stars. A master of using the ropes to springboard himself into a variety of attacking moves, his short time in WLW has already seen him win the Show Stealer title on two occasions, and more famously, become a record-setting four time world tag team champion alongside his regular partner and fellow Circle Of Blood member, Koki Ishibashi. Signature Moves: Incredible Death Spike (Destroyer Piledriver), Koyama Grip (Death Lock STF) Title History: 2-Time World Level Show Stealer (Current), 4 Time World Level Tag Team (Current) [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/SilverShark.jpg[/img] [b]Silver Shark[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/71/39/287139.mp3]Fist In The Air[/url] Profile: Silver Shark is a good masked high flier, who is extremely well travelled, having had runs with companies in just about every corner of the globe. Currently he is best known for his Japanese work, as he is a regular with both BHOTWG and WLW, and is doing well in both companies. Prior to that, he was best known for a short run as part of the TCW (then called HGC) cruiserweight division, where he was champion at one point, and for his independent work on the East Coast. Signature Moves: Jaws Of Life (Cross-Armed Surfboard), Fin Attack Title History: RPW World, TCW Cruiserweight [center][SIZE="4"]Midcard[/SIZE] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DeanoMachino.jpg[/img] [b]Dean Daniels[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/69/40/76940.mp3]Maniac In A Factory[/url] Profile: Dean "The Machine" Daniels is a solid all-round competitor, who doesn't really have any weak elements to his game, but equally doesn't excel at anything enough to ever be a true superstar. He spent his early career on the US independent circuit, but has achieved his most fame in Japan, where he is a regular with the WLW promotion. He used to work under the name Deano Machino, but he dropped that moniker in the summer of 2006, attempting to promote a more serious image of himself. Signature Moves: Cradle Piledriver Title History: World Level Tag Team [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/HaruKurofuji.jpg[/img] [b]Haru Kurofuji[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/98/74/119874.mp3]Wabi[/url] Profile: Haru Kurofuji is a solidly consistent high flier, who has become one of the major power players in World Level Wrestling, both in front of and behind the cameras. He has been with the promotion since the start, and is both a former Universal champion and two time tag team title holder (alongside his friend and regular partner Koji Kojima). He is famed for his suicidal top rope diving headbutt, which he has perfected to be incredibly graceful, and his deadly Kurofuji Crab finisher. Signature Moves: Kurofuji Crab (Single Leg Boston Crab) Title History: World Level Universal, 2 Time World Level Tag Team [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KazumaNarato.jpg[/img] [b]Kazuma Narato[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/39/36/153936.mp3]Singapore Express[/url] Profile: Kazuma Narato is a young Japanese worker who moved to the US very early in his career to be part of the cruiserweight division that TCW were setting up. He became Fumihiro Ota's "sidekick" in storylines, and also won the cruiserweight tag team titles on three occasions alongside him. When the division was cut in 2005, so was Narato, and he returned home to Japan. He was swiftly picked up by World Level Wrestling, and he has gone on to become one of their most consistent performers. Signature Moves: Narato Sunner Title History: World Level Streetfighting, 3 Time TCW Cruiserweight [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BloodRaven.jpg[/img] [b]Ketsueki Karasu[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/92/38/79238.mp3]Trash[/url] Profile: Ketsueki Karasu is a fine young worker, whose ability to blend traditional Mexican Lucha Libre with the Japanese Super Junior style has resulted in him being seen as a future star both countries. He usually works under the name Blood Raven while outside of Japan, Ketsueki Karasu being the Eastern translation. His gothic, nightmarish character is very unique, and seems very popular, especially with male teenage fans. Signature Moves: Darkness DDT (Evenflow DDT) Title History: World Level Streetfighting, Campeon de Monor SOTBPW (Current) [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/MagnumKobe.jpg[/img] [b]Magnum KOBE[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/08/49/250849.mp3]Danger Lurking[/url] Profile: Magnum KOBE is one of World Level Wrestling's most prized assets, and one of their big hopes for the future. KOBE debuted for them in 2005, and quickly showed the talent that had made him such a hot prospect. He got a huge boost when he was added as the junior member to The Circle Of Blood, a stable which also included some of the biggest names in WLW, but it was when he started displayed a new arrogant personality that he really started to shine, as his heel act is simply brilliant. Signature Moves: Magnum Deathlock (Indian Deathlock), KOBE Bomb (Top Rope Power Bomb) Title History: World Level Show Stealer, World Level Tap Out [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/ToyokuniHardcore.jpg[/img] [b]Toyokuni Hardcore[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/73/80/87380.mp3]Rapture[/url] Profile: Toyokuni Hardcore used to strictly be a comedy worker, impersonating US worker Sam Strong ("Toyokuni Strong") on the independent scene. He reinvented himself as a serious brawler in early 2006 - perhaps forced into the change due to Sam Strong's retirement - complete with a sleek new look and updated moves. The new fire that he displayed when wrestling was clearly impressive, as within months he had been hired by World Level Wrestling. Signature Moves: Toyokuni Drill (Samoan Driver) Title History: None [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/UKDragon.jpg[/img] [b]UK Dragon[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/06/54/250654.mp3]Inside Violence[/url] Profile: Steven "UK Dragon" Ambrose is a vastly experienced all-rounder, who has worked all around the globe since his professional debut at the age of 16 in 1991. Over time he has developed a reputation for versatility and reliability, and that has made him a highly in-demand worker. While he is probably best known for his run with World Level Wrestling in Japan, he has also had great runs with UCR in Europe (where he is a former champion) and ROF in the UK, amongst others. Signature Moves: Dragon Drop (Inverted Sleeper into Diving DDT), Dragon Sleeper Title History: World Level Tap Out (Current), UCR World Combat, Ring Of Fire Championship (Current), Ring Of Fire #1 Contender [center][SIZE="4"]The Undercard[/SIZE] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AmericanElemental.jpg[/img] [b]Americana[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/11/61/61161.mp3]Herio As Hell[/url] Profile: American Elemental is one of the new breed of North American workers who have been heavily influenced by the Japanese Super Junior style; his character and costume are an obvious homage to the original Elemental. After six years of hard work on the independent scene, he finally got a break in 2006, when he joined World Level Wrestling, working under the name Americana. A fantastic worker, there has even been rumblings that he may be in the frame to play Elemental III for BHOTWG. Signature Moves: Inferno Splash (450) Title History: Coastal Zone Championship, World Level Show Stealer [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BeetleKimura.jpg[/img] [b]Beetle Kimura[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/92/38/79238.mp3]Trash[/url] Profile: Yosuke "Beetle" Kimura is a speedy rookie looking to make an impact in the sport of pro wrestling. He was trained by The Great Hisato, and uses several of his mentor's trademark spots during matches as a tribute. With Hisato's influence clear, he started working regularly for World Level Wrestling in 2004, and while he has not really broken out of the opening match scene of the promotion since, he has shown signs that he is improving into a fairly decent worker. Signature Moves: Ocean Crush (Corkscrew Legdrop) Title History: None [center][img]http://www.foolinc.com/pics/WLW/Cyber%20Fighter%203000.jpg[/img] [b]Cyber Fighter 3000[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/63/19/96319.mp3]The Future[/url] Profile: A product of the World Level Wrestling youth system, Hachigoro Maeda made his debut for the company at the tail end of 2005. Hoping to hide his inexperience and weak skills, he was given the outlandish gimmick of Cyber Fighter 3000, "The New Generation Of Wrestler", complete with futuristic entrance and costume. 2006 saw him makes some strides in terms of improving his in-ring performances, but as 2007 begins he is still working opening matches and getting soundly beaten. Signature Moves: Cyber Hack (Moonsault) Title History: None [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/InsaneMachine.jpg[/img] [b]Insane Machine[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/69/40/76940.mp3]Maniac In A Factory[/url] Profile: Insane Machine is a highly rated cruiserweight, best known for his work with CZCW. Prior to joining them in 2002, he worked without a mask under his real name, Chris Perkins, but had little success. Once he donned the outrageously cool mask though, his career seemed to take off, and he soon became quite popular. In 2004, his successes with CZCW led him to be invited over to WLW in Japan, and he has slowly built up quite a fan base over there, making him an international wrestling star. Signature Moves: Termination Kick (Superkick to the Back of the Neck), Insanity Tsunami (450) Title History: World Level Streetfighting, World Level Tag Team, Coastal Zone Championship, 2 Time Coastal Zone Tag Team, and Coastal Zone Xtreme (Current) [center][img]http://www.foolinc.com/pics/WLW/Panda%20Mask.jpg[/img] [b]Panda Mask II[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/71/39/287139.mp3]Fist In The Air[/url] Profile: The original Panda Mask was played by the wrestler now known as Harrison Hash; this is the second incarnation of the character, and is played by Joseph Jerome, a rookie wrestler from Wyoming. Making his pro debut in 2006, Jerome found it difficult to get established in the business, and so, in order to boost his popularity, decided to try purchasing the rights to the Panda Mask character from Hash. It clearly worked, as soon he was signed by WLW in Japan for a try-out. Signature Moves: Pandamonium (Shooting Star Press) Title History: None [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TheTic.jpg[/img] [b]The Tic[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/71/39/287139.mp3]Fist In The Air[/url] Profile: Alexander "The Tic" McCallum is an American worker who made his pro debut in 2004. Having gained the nickname "The Tic" during his training, as a reference to his extremely small physical size, he decided to try and turn that to his advantage, and utilized a crazy mask and costume to create a goofy super hero style character. While it did little for his career in his homeland, it was interesting enough to attract the attention of WLW in Japan, and he has been working for them ever since. Signature Moves: Parasite Paralysis (Ankle Lock), Tic Leap (Frog Splash) Title History: None [center][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/YukiHorigoshi.jpg[/img] [b]Yuki Horigoshi[/b][/center] Theme Music: [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/92/34/79234.mp3]Extreme Violence[/url] Profile: "100% Machine" Yuki Horigoshi is a rookie worker from Japan, who came through the World Level Wrestling youth ranks to make his pro debut in 2004. He is one of the promotion's most promising talents, which is mainly down to his natural athletic ability, in particular his unbelievable cardio conditioning with which he could probably wrestle all night if he wanted. He won his first ever professional title, the WLW Street Fighting championship, in August 2006. Signature Moves: Yuki Rush Lariat Title History: World Level Streetfighting
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.foolinc.com/pics/WLW/WLW3.png[/IMG] [size="5"][b]The Dark Prophecy[/b][/size] [quote][center][b][i]It is the time for all the world to see. It's the Dawn of the Age of the Dark Prophecy. By the eve of the third month all gold with be one. Under the flag of The Circle Of Blood. So it's been said, so it'll be done. So is the way of The Circle of Blood.[/b][/i][/center][/quote] Welcome back WLW fans. Coming off of the successful Blood Moon Rising Tour, the inventors of LuchaResu are proud to bring yet another two months of exciting action with the Dark Prophecy Tour! During our last tour we saw the "Show Stealer" Bairei Yasukiro fulfill his dream and become World Level Universal Champion, pinning The Great Hisato in a Fatal Fourway along with Dark Eagle and the former champion Emerald Angel. Will Bairei be able to hold on to the title he's fought so to win or will another wrestler be able to knock him off the mountain top? The Circle of Blood has once again been given a prophecy from their mysterious unknown Oracle. Known as the Dark Prophecy, it predicts that the faction will be the holders of all the titles by the end of the tour. While some pundits believe these prophecies as hogwash, other site the success of CoB member Koyama as fulfillment of their last prophecy, The Blood Moon. There are three young (ok two young and one whose young in heart) wrestlers who are taking this prophecy as a serious threat. Silver Shark, The Tic, and a new member to the WLW family, Panda Mask II, have banded together to form the Land Animal Alliance (LAA) to take down the villainous and immoral Circle of Blood. Also appearing on this year's tour: The Power Trip: Koji Kojima and Haru Hurofuji UK Dragon Awesome Thunder Hell Monkey and many more! [quote][center][b][i]Scheduled Matches for The Dark Prophecy Tour: Show One[/b][/i] Emerald Angel vs. Bairei Yasukiro vs. Dark EAGLE for the World Level Universal Title Hell Monkey vs. Toyokuni Hardcore in a Non-Title Tables match UK Dragon vs. Americana for the World Level Tap Out Title [b][i]Scheduled Matches for The Dark Prophecy Tour: Show Two[/b][/i] The Great Hisato vs. Silver Shark The Avalanche Effect vs. Split Personality for the World Level Tag Team Titles Awesome Thunder vs. Americana [/center][/quote][/center]
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I'll definately be following this one. I think this is maybe the third or fourth attempt at a WLW diary, hopefully this one will last out a bit longer than the others..I'm saying this like I'm someone who's diary's ever last beyond the 4th month ;) I like WLW's roster, the only criticism I would have of them is too many titles for a company of their size. [I]Anyway I'll be the first to make some predictions[/I] [B][/B][LEFT][B]Show 1:[/B] Emerald Angel vs. [B][COLOR=darkred]Bairei Yasukiro[/COLOR][/B] vs. Dark EAGLE for the World Level Universal Title I'm a big Emerald Angel fan but I don't see Yasukiro dropping the title on the first night of the tour [B][COLOR=darkred]Hell Monkey[/COLOR][/B] vs. Toyokuni Hardcore in a Non-Title Tables match This match will be Hardcore, but it won't be the man called Hardcore that wins it [B][COLOR=darkred]UK Dragon[/COLOR][/B] vs. Americana for the World Level Tap Out Title I like Americana but Dragon is probably more adept at working the style needed to win matches for the Tap Out Title. [B]Show 2: [/B] [COLOR=darkred][B]The Great Hisato[/B] [/COLOR]vs. Silver Shark I believe that Shark is treated alot less like a jobber in WLW than he is in Burning Hammer, but I've got to with Hisato for this one. Plus the fact that Hisato will use his creative control clause anyway. [B][COLOR=darkred]The Avalanche Effect[/COLOR][/B] vs. Split Personality for the World Level Tag Team Titles Unless the Gaijin (SP) are getting a massive push, I'm not going to bet against the champions. [B][COLOR=darkred]Awesome Thunder[/COLOR][/B] vs. Americana A win here for the talented Americana would catapult him up the ranking in WLW, but I just don't see that happening and he needs to gets wins against the lower end before he gets win over the likes of Awesome Thunder. [/LEFT]
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OCC: Since not everyone is familiar with WLW I thought I might like to see their title history as well. And I don't think they have too many titles. With the Young Lion rule in effect there really needs to be two belts for vets and two for young lions (along with the tag titles). [code] [b]World Level Wrestling Universal Championship[/b] Date Of Victory Champion December 2006 Bairei Yasujiro April 2006 Emerald Angel August 2005 Awesome Thunder (6) April 2005 The Great Hisato January 2005 Koki Ishibashi August 2004 Dark Eagle May 2004 Haru Kurofuji February 2004 Awesome Thunder (5) October 2003 Burning Taka****a (2) February 2003 Awesome Thunder (4) February 2003 Koji Kojima (2) January 2003 Awesome Thunder (3) July 2002 Burning Taka****a February 2002 Koki Ishibashi August 2001 Awesome Thunder (2) April 2001 Koji Kojima January 2001 Awesome Thunder (wins tournament to claim title) [b]World Level Wrestling Tag Team Championship[/b] Date Of Victory Champion August 2006 Koki Ishibashi and The Incredible Koyama (4) May 2006 Deano Machino and Insane Machine October 2005 Koki Ishibashi and The Incredible Koyama (3) April 2005 The Great Hisato and Burning Taka****a (3) December 2004 Koki Ishibashi and The Incredible Koyama (2) August 2004 Haru Kurofuji and Koji Kojima (2) March 2004 Koki Ishibashi and Masutaro Koyama October 2003 The Great Hisato and Burning Taka****a (2) September 2003 Ken Shimedzu and Natsu Miyamae (2) June 2003 The Great Hisato and Burning Taka****a February 2003 Ken Shimedzu and Natsu Miyamae November 2002 Haru Kurofuji and Koji Kojima (win tournament to become first champions) [b]World Level Wrestling Show Stealer Title[/b] Date Of Victory Champion December 2006 The Incredible Koyama (2) September 2006 Americana July 2006 The Incredible Koyama February 2006 Magnum KOBE October 2005 Hell Monkey July 2005 Emerald Angel (wins tournament to claim new title) [b]World Level Wrestling Streetfighting Title[/b] Date Of Victory Champion December 2006 Hell Monkey August 2006 Yuki Horigoshi March 2006 Kasuma Narato November 2005 Insane Machine August 2005 Ketsueki Karasu (wins battle royal to become first champion) [b]World Level Wrestling Tap Out Title[/b] Date Of Victory Champion October 2006 UK Dragon April 2006 Koki Ishibashi November 2005 Magnum KOBE (wins tournament to claim new title)[/code]
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Scheduled Matches for The Dark Prophecy Tour: Show One Emerald Angel vs. [B]Bairei Yasukiro[/B] vs. Dark EAGLE for the World Level Universal Title [I]Losing your title on the first day of a show I think not[/I] [B]Hell Monkey[/B] vs. Toyokuni Hardcore in a Non-Title Tables match [I]Toyokuni is a Jobber and Hell Monkey is a wrestling God[/I] UK Dragon vs. [B]Americana[/B] for the World Level Tap Out Title [I]UK Dragon is too good for the Tap Out Title and a win for my man Americana (Emerican Elemental) would be nice[/I] Scheduled Matches for The Dark Prophecy Tour: Show Two [B]The Great Hisato[/B] vs. Silver Shark Hisato might be a backstage problem but he is one of your top workers and this match with Silver Shark should blow the roof off the arena. [B]The Avalanche Effect[/B] vs. Split Personality for the World Level Tag Team Titles [I]KOKI and KOYAMA are great workers and great champions[/I] [B]Awesome Thunder[/B] vs. Americana [I]Americana's got the talent but not the popularity to beat some one like Awesome Thunder but maybe one day[/I]
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[center][size="5"]WLWxtra: Show 1[/size] [size="4"]Thursday, Week 1, Jan 2007 Iwata Hall[/size] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/MagnumKobe.jpg[/img][b]vs.[img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TheTic.jpg[/img] Magnum KOBE vs. The Tic[/b] In our first WLWxtra matchup, we have Magnum KOBE of the dreaded Circle of Blood faction taking on fan favorite and member of WLW's newest faction, The Tic. The Land Animal Alliance has vowed to great rid of the plague that is the Circle of Blood, but it looks like they'll have a mountain to climb as the plucky Tic was unable to overcome a KOBE Bomb 5:31 into the contest. [i]Result: Magnum KOBE defeated The Tic in 5:31 by pinfall with a KOBE Bomb. - D+[/i] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KojiKojima.jpg[/img][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/HaruKurofuji.jpg[/img][b]vs.[img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BloodRaven.jpg[/img][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BeetleKimura.jpg[/img] Power Trip WLW vs. Karasu & Kimura[/b] Our second contest, featured the veteren tag team of Koji Kojima and his best friend, Haru Kurofuji, against the new tag team of Ketsueki Karasu and Beetle Kimura. Kojima and Karasu started it off and for a while, it looked like Karasu and Beetle might be able to score a major upset. However, their inexperience as a team proved their downfall and Beetle Kimura submitted to a Koji Crossface. [i]Result: Power Trip WLW defeated Karasu & Kimura in 5:42 when Koji Kojima defeated Beetle Kimura by submission with a Koji Crossface. - D+[/i] [img]http://www.foolinc.com/pics/WLW/Jack%20Avatar.jpg[/img][IMG]http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o269/TheRenderThread/Cuts/jap1.jpg[/IMG][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AwesomeThunder.jpg[/img] Cutting to the back, we see everyone's "favorite" manager, Mr. Miwa, Miwa's client, Awesome Thunder, and the newest member of the WLW staff, Fentito DeBerg. DeBerg introduces himself and before he can even ask one question, Miwa grabs the microphone from his hands,"Now everyone in WLW listen hard and listen good. My client, Awesome Thunder, has been disrespected! A man of his caliber should be getting Univeral title shots, not wrestling some young punk like Americana! So WLW management, I am giving you one full week for you to decide for when, not if, Awesome Thunders gets his match with Bairei Tasujiro......or else." - [i]D+[/i] [IMG]http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o269/TheRenderThread/Cuts/jap1.jpg[/IMG] "That said, I do have an importance announcement. After months of scouting, the greatest manager in the history of wrestling, yours truly, has signed the next big star of the WLW. And that man is none another than the World Level Tap Out champion.....UK Dragon! - [i]D-[/i][/center] [b]OCC:[/b] If you couldn't tell, this was the dark match time from my first event. I don't know if I am going to post them separately in the future, but I haven't used this format before and wanted to see how it look. Oh, I don't who rendered the pic I used for Mr. Miwa (I went through the photobucket thread), but thank you.
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I really hope you do a better job with WLW than I did in my short lived diary and I'm flattered that you included me in your list of inspirations. That being said, it's time for some predictions. [U]The Great Hisato vs. Silver Shark[/U] The Great Hisato is going over large here. Silver Shark will bump like a madman for him, and even if you wanted him to take the unexpected fall, something tells me Hisato would flip out and hate you forever if you jobbed him out. [U]Avalanche Effect vs. Split Personality[/U] Avalanche Effect is getting the win here for a multitude of reasons. First, they're the champions and it's only night 2. Second, Split Personality really aren't championship material, as Daniels in particular is really pedestrian. Thirdly, you seem to have large plans for the Circle of Blood, and this would throw a serious wrench in that. [U]Awesome Thunder vs. Americana[/U] Awesome Thunder is probably the most established star you have in the whole company, so having him lose to Americana wouldn't make much sense. Also, Americana might not be long for the company, so there's also no sense in putting him over Thunder. Thunder all the way!
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[center][b][size="4"]WLW The Dark Prophecy Tour: Show One Thursday, Week 1, Jan 2007 SOLD OUT @ Iwata Hall (Tohoku)[/size] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/UKDragon.jpg[/img]w/[IMG]http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o269/TheRenderThread/Cuts/jap1.jpg[/IMG]vs. [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AmericanElemental.jpg[/img] UK Dragon vs. Americana[/b] The official opening bout of the Dark Prophecy Tour had Americana taking on UK Dragon for his World Level Tap Out title. Thought of as a nice opener, no one knew the match was going to be as close as it was, especially WLW management who decided to put a 10 minute time limit on the match. Known more for his high flying prowess, Americana went step for step with the Tap Out champion, lasting the full ten minutes with UK Dragon. [i]Result: UK Dragon drew with Americana in 10:00 when the time limit expired. UK Dragon makes defense number 1 of his World Level Tap Out title. - D+[/i] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DarkEagle.jpg[/img] In an effort to introduce new fans and hype tonight's main event, a highlight package was shown featuring the leader of the Cult of Blood, Dark EAGLE to his theme song, [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/08/49/250849.mp3]Danger Lurking[/url]. - [i]C+[/i] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/EmeraldAngel.jpg[/img] In the back, we see Emerald Angel wishing his friend and tag partner, Hell Monkey, good luck in his upcoming match. As Monkey leaves, Angel looks to the camera and said, in a most graceful way, that tonight he would reclaim the Universal title, a title which he points out that changed hands without him being pinned. - [i]B-[/i] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/HellMonkey.jpg[/img][b]vs.[img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/ToyokuniHardcore.jpg[/img] Hell Monkey vs. Toyokuni Hardcore[/b] If Americana/UK Dragon was more competitive than what people thought, Hell Monkey/Toyokini Hardcore wasn't. Not to say it wasn't an enjoyable match, but it was more a glorified squash match than anything else. Monkey absolutely destroyed Toyokuni with his powerful offense and if Hardcore didn't put himself through a table to end the match, I'm pretty sure Monkey might still be putting the boot to Hardcore. [i]Result: Hell Monkey defeated Toyokuni Hardcore in 10:50 when Toyokuni Hardcore was put through a table. - C-[/i] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BaireiYasujiro.jpg[/img] Cutting to the back, we see Bairei Yasujiro with the Universal title belt in one hand and a mic in the other. He said that he knows that some people don't see him as the true champion, however tonight he would prove to the world why he holds the Universal title by defending the belt against Emerald Angel and Dark EAGLE. - C+ [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BaireiYasujiro.jpg[/img][b]vs.[img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DarkEagle.jpg[/img]vs.[img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/EmeraldAngel.jpg[/img] Bairei Yasujiro vs. Emerald Angel vs. Dark EAGLE[/b] In a match up that could headline the end of any tour, Dark EAGLE, Emerald Angel and champion, Bairei Yasujiro, went all-out to become the Universal Champion. Showing just how much be wanted to regain "his" title, Angel joined forces with Circle of Blood's Dark EAGLE to take Bairei out of the match. The alliance lasted until almost the end of the match as Dark EAGLE back stabbed Emerald Angel hiting a vicious inverted DDT on him as Angel was measuring up a dazed Bairei with a Angel Snap. This allowed Bairei to surprise EAGLE and hit his patented Yasujiro Suplex for the win. [i]Result: Bairei Yasujiro defeated Dark EAGLE and Emerald Angel in 23:25 when Bairei Yasujiro defeated Dark EAGLE by pinfall with a Yasujiro Suplex. Bairei Yasujiro makes defense number 1 of his World Level Universal title. - B-[/i] [size="4"][b]Overall Rating: C+[/b][/center][/size]
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[center][size="5"]WLWxtra: Show 2[/size] [size="4"]Ibaraki Community Hall[/size] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/UKDragon.jpg[/img][b]vs.[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] UK Dragon vs. Frankie Perez[/b] In the opening bout of the night UK Dragon put his Tap Out title on the line against CZCW's Frankie Perez. Perez put up an excellent effort (espically since only a handful of people in the crowd knew who he was). However, Dragon's experience was just too great. [i]Result: UK Dragon defeated Frankie Perez in 5:37 by pinfall with a Dragon Sleeper. UK Dragon makes defence number 2 of his World Level Tap Out title. - D+[/i] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KojiKojima.jpg[/img][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/HaruKurofuji.jpg[/img] In another attempt to educate the fans, a video highlighting the singles and tag history of Koji Kojima and Haru Kurofuji, Power Trip WLW. Their theme music, [url=http://bmg32.alternetinc.com/98/74/119874.mp3]Wabi[/url], played in the background. - [i]D[/i] [b][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/YukiHorigoshi.jpg[/img]vs.[img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KazumaNarato.jpg[/img] Yuki Horigoshi vs. Kazuma Narato[/b] In a bit of a clash of styles, Kazuma Narato faced off against young lion, Yuki Horigoshi. As conditioned as Yuki is (OOC: Can't wait till he's developed), he was no matched for Narato. [i]Result: Kazuma Narato defeated Yuki Horigoshi in 5:31 by pinfall with a Narato Stunner. - D[/i] [center][b][size="4"]WLW The Dark Prophecy Tour: Show Two Saturday, Week 1, Jan 2007 SOLD OUT @ Ibaraki Community Hall (Kanto)[/size][/b] [IMG]http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o269/TheRenderThread/Cuts/jap1.jpg[/IMG][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AwesomeThunder.jpg[/img] Before the opening bout, Awesome Thunder takes the mic and belittles his opponent, Americana, for not being in his league. Mr. Miwa then takes the mic and once again warns WLW to give Awesome Thunder a title shot or else. - [i]B[/i] [b][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AmericanElemental.jpg[/img]vs.[img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AwesomeThunder.jpg[/img] Americana vs. Awesome Thunder[/b] After Americana drew with with Miwa's other client, UK Dragon, it seemed like Miwa and Thunder were in the mood to send a message to the young masked American. Throughout the match, Awesome Thunder refused to pin Americana, turning the bout into a de-facto Last Man Standing Match. However, Americana's fighting spirit was stronger than anyone thought as he answered the 10 count each and every time, until a frustrated Thunder finally ended the match via pinfall. [i]Result: Awesome Thunder defeated Americana in 7:54 by pinfall with a Thunder Shock. - C-[/i] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/HellMonkey.jpg[/img][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/EmeraldAngel.jpg[/img] Cutting to the back we see Emerald Angel and Hell Monkey along with interviewer, Fentito DeBerg. After getting a cheap "glad to be here in..." pop, Emerald Angel drops an absolute bomb on the audience, Above and Below are back and will be facing The Avalanche Effect next week! - [i]D+[/i] [b][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KokiIshibashi.jpg[/img][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TheIncredibleKoyama.jpg[/img]vs.[img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DeanoMachino.jpg[/img][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/InsaneMachine.jpg[/img] The Avalanche Effect vs. Split Personality[/b] After hearing the announcement of having to face one of the biggest tag teams in the history of WLW, The Avalanche Effect seemed off their game at the start of their match against the team of Dean Daniels and Insane Machine. Split Personality took to offense early and offend making quick tags to keep KOYAMA isolated. However, a tactical mistake by Insane Machine caused for KOYAMA to be able make the tag and caused Dean Daniels to walk off in anger. This left poor Insane Machine to wrestle alone against the Tag Champs. Insane lasted as long as he could, but in the end the numbers game was too much for the young Insane one. [i]Result: The Avalanche Effect defeated Split Personality in 12:39 when The Incredible KOYAMA defeated Insane Machine by submission with a Koyama Grip. During the match we also had Dean Daniels turn on Insane Machine. The Avalanche Effect make defence number 1 of their World Level Tag Team titles. - D+[/i] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TheGreatHisato.jpg[/img] Some wrestlers might have longer entrances, but I'd like to see someone top the entrance of The Great Hisato. It has smoke machines, fireworks, dancing harem girls, and a light show, and that's before Hisato even came out! Coming out on a human carried throne, a robed Hisato threw out fist-fulls of money into the crowd.....with his picture on it...- [i]C[/i] [b][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TheGreatHisato.jpg[/img]vs.[img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/SilverShark.jpg[/img] The Great Hisato vs. Silver Shark[/b] Silver Shark/The Great Hisato doesn't share the same pop as the previous main event of Angel/Bairei/Dark EAGLE, but boy did the match deliver. Silver Shark, leader of the Land Animal Alliance (even though he's a shark...), gave the former Universal champion all he could handle, countering many of Hisato's signatures moves. The tide turned in favor of The Great One, when Hisato sprayed Shark with a green mist attack. This allowed The Great Hisato to finish off Shark with a Mystic Dragon Wave. [i]The Great Hisato defeated Silver Shark in 22:45 by pinfall with a Mystic Dragon Wave. - C+[/i] [size="4"][b]Overall Rating: C[/b][/center][/size][/center]
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[center][size="5"][b]WLW Week One Newswire[/b][/size] The first week of The Dark Prophecy Tour is in the books and what an exciting week it was, in the ring and out of it. We are happy to announce that our own Americana (known as American Elemental in some areas) will be joining US based Total Championship Wrestling at the end of next week. This news has come after WLW management set up this week's cards, however Americana fans will be able to see him one more time on WLWtra when he faces off against an unknown opponent. In other news, it looks like Awesome Thunder will be getting his title shot opportunity at our January Big Show. That is if he can get past Burning Hammer of the Wrestling God's newest member, Hell Monkey, this Thursday night in the hotbed of WLW, Iwata Hall. Also added to this week's card, we'll see Bairei defend his Universal title against The Great Hisato in Night Four's main event. [quote][center][b][i]Scheduled Matches for The Dark Prophecy Tour: Show Three[/b][/i] Power Trip WLW vs. Split Personality Emerald Angel vs. Magnum KOBE Hell Monkey vs. Awesome Thunder ~ #1 Contender's Match [b][i]Scheduled Matches for The Dark Prophecy Tour: Show Four[/b][/i] The Tic vs. Dark EAGLE Above and Below vs. The Avalanche Effect Bairei Yasujiro vs. The Great Hisato for the WLW Universal Title [/center][/quote][/center]
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[B]Predictions[/B] [LEFT][B][I]Scheduled Matches for The Dark Prophecy Tour: Show Three[/I][/B] [B][COLOR=blue]Power Trip WLW[/COLOR][/B] vs. Split Personality [COLOR=blue][B]Emerald Angel[/B][/COLOR] vs. Magnum KOBE Hell Monkey vs. [B][COLOR=blue]Awesome Thunder[/COLOR][/B] ~ #1 Contender's Match [B][I]Scheduled Matches for The Dark Prophecy Tour: Show Four[/I][/B] The Tic vs. [B][COLOR=blue]Dark EAGLE [/COLOR][COLOR=blue]Above and Below[/COLOR][/B] vs. The Avalanche Effect [COLOR=blue][B]Bairei Yasujiro[/B][/COLOR] vs. The Great Hisato for the WLW Universal Title [/LEFT]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.foolinc.com/pics/WLW/WLW3.png[/IMG] [size="5"][b]Special Newswire Update[/b][/size] With the amount of new viewers the newswire has created, the WLW staff has been getting a lot of questions about the history of World Level Wrestling, the most asked question being, what was the Blood Moon Rising prophecy and how did it come to pass. Well, as you can see below, the prophecy mentions the emergence of the "Blood Moon" that will spell the beginning of the end of WLW (and the beginning of the Circle of Blood dominance). This prophecy was thought to have been fulfilled when The Incredible KOYAMA defeated Americana at the of the the tour big show, also called Blood Moon Rising. [quote][center][b][i] [size="4"][b]Blood Moon Rising[/b][/size] By the end of the year, the Blood Moon will rise. And will bring the end of WLW's demise. Surrounded by two stars, yellow in hue. He will leave his opponents black, red, and blue. So it's been said, so it'll be done. So is the way of The Circle of Blood.[/b][/i][/center][/quote][/center]
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[center][size="5"]WLWxtra: Show 3[/size] [size="4"]Iwata Hall[/size] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TheIncredibleKoyama.jpg[/img] Before his upcoming match, The Incredible KOYAMA, enters the ring with a mic in hand. Calling himself the Blood Moon, KOYAMA said that no one is going to take away his Show Stealer title, especially not some retard from the "future." - [i]D[/i] [b][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TheIncredibleKoyama.jpg[/img]vs.[img]http://www.foolinc.com/pics/WLW/Cyber%20Fighter%203000.jpg[/img] The Incredible KOYAMA vs. Cyber Fighter 3000[/b] This match was a lot better than most expected, mostly due to the good chemistry between KOYAMA and Cyber Fighter (OOC Booker Note: Don't fire retard from future). Cyber Fighter went on offense early with his risk taking arsenal. Unfortunately for "The New Generation of Wrestler," he went to the top rope one too many times and ended up on the recieving end of a reactionary superkick. It was all over from their as KOYAMA recovered first and locked in his patented Death Lock STF, the Koyama Grip. [i]Result: The Incredible KOYAMA defeated Cyber Fighter 3000 in 5:58 by submission with a Koyama Grip. The Incredible KOYAMA makes defence number 1 of his World Level Show Stealer title.[/i] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BloodRaven.jpg[/img][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BeetleKimura.jpg[/img][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AmericanElemental.jpg[/img] Cutting to the back we see Americana in front of the camera ready to hype his match against Beetle Kimura. However, before he can say a word, Kimura and his mentor, Karasu, assault Americana, leading him into the ring. - [i]E-[/i] [b][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AmericanElemental.jpg[/img]vs.[img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/BeetleKimura.jpg[/img] Americana vs. Beetle Kimura[/b] Ketsueki Kimura and Beetle Kimura roll Americana into the ring to start the match. Thanks to our quick cameramen, referee Kitahachi Sonoda has seen the dasterly attack that has taken place and quickly sends Kimura away to the back. Beetle Kimura dominates the match from the beginning as Americana tries to recover from the pre-match two on one assault. Luckily for Americana, Beetle Kimura isn't the brightest bulb in the bunch starts to taunt Americana before and after every attack. This gives Americana the time he needs to regain the strength to fight back. Once that happened, it was all over for poor Kimura. [i]Result: Americana defeated Beetle Kimura in 5:43 by pinfall with an Inferno Splash. - D+[/i] [center][b][size="4"]WLW The Dark Prophecy Tour: Show Three Thursday, Week 2, Jan 2007 SOLD OUT @ Iwata Hall (Tohoku)[/size][/b] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/TheTic.jpg[/img][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/EmeraldAngel.jpg[/img] As Emerald Angel prepares for his upcoming match, the Land Animal Alliance's mouthpiece (since none of the other members don't speak Japanese well enough) The Tic comes to Angel to remind him that if the Circle of Blood tries anything the LAA has his back. - [i]C[/i] [b][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/EmeraldAngel.jpg[/img]vs.[img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/MagnumKobe.jpg[/img] Emerald Angel vs. Magnum KOBE[/b] Whether it was out of pride or respect (I'm going with the former), Magnum KOBE waved his stablemates to the back to go one-on-one with one of the biggest names on the WLW roster. In a some what of a surprise Magnum KOBE took control of the bout early, working over Angel's legs to take away EA's high flying offense. However, Emerald Angel's knowledge of the basics allowed him to counter out of a couple of KOBE's submissions, including the Magnum Deathlock, turning the tide of the match. One Angel Spike and it was all over. [i]Result: Emerald Angel defeated Magnum KOBE in 7:44 by pinfall with an Angel Spike. - C[/i] [img]http://www.foolinc.com/pics/WLW/Jack%20Avatar.jpg[/img][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/HellMonkey.jpg[/img] In the back Fentito DeBerg interviews Hell Monkey on hsi upcoming Number One Contender's match against Awesome Thunder. Respectful as always, Hell Monkey puts over Awesome Thunder as one of the best wrestlers in the world, but also says it's his time to shine. - [i]C[/i] [b][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KojiKojima.jpg[/img][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/HaruKurofuji.jpg[/img]vs.[img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/DeanoMachino.jpg[/img][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/InsaneMachine.jpg[/img] Power Trip WLW vs. Split Personality[/b] It a mystery why Insane Machine would choose to team up with Dean Daniels after he left Machine in last show's match against The Avalanche Effect, but here they are wrestling against the team of Koji Kojima and Haru Kurofuji. Just like last time Split Personality isolate their opponent, this time Koji Kojima, with quick tags and double teams. The veteran Koji was able to eventually make the hot tag to Haru, who started to lay into Dean Daniels hard with a series of strikes. Daniels quickly looked to make a tag of his own, only to find that Insane Machine was no where near his corner and was instead half way up the ramp laughing like a jackal at his tag partner's situation. Without a partner it only took a thirty seconds before Dean was seeing the lights as the ref counted to three. [i]Result: Power Trip WLW defeated Split Personality in 8:20 when Haru Kurofuji defeated Insane Machine by pinfall with a Suicide Headbutt. During the match we also had Insane Machine turn on Dean Daniels. - D+[/i] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/KojiKojima.jpg[/img][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/HaruKurofuji.jpg[/img] After the match Koji and Haru took the house mic and told Circle of Blood that their prophecy wasn't coming true because at Broken Resolutions (the new name of our January Big Show) the tag titles would be coming home to the Power Trip.- [i]D+[/i] [img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AwesomeThunder.jpg[/img][IMG]http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o269/TheRenderThread/Cuts/jap1.jpg[/IMG] In a taped promo, Awesome Thunder and Mr. Miwa congratulate WLW management for making the right decision in giving Thunder his well deserved title shot at Broken Resolutions. Feinting forgetfulness Mr. Miwa "remembers" that they didn't actually give Thunder a title shot, but instead made a Number One Contender's match against Hell Monkey tonight. Showing they have no respect for Thunder's opponent, the two start to laugh as the promo ends. - [i]B-[/i] [b][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/HellMonkey.jpg[/img]vs.[img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/AwesomeThunder.jpg[/img] Hell Monkey vs. Awesome Thunder[/b] Awesome Thunder might not have been taking this match seriously going in to it, but he sure as hell was after jump-started the match Hell Monkey by dropkicking him off the apron during Thunder's entrance. After Thunder's rude awaking the two went at each other with everything thing they had. In what could only be called a brawl, Thunder and Monkey traded stiff blows until Thunder couldn't take it any more and used a rake to the eyes to take the advantage and slow the pace of the match. As talented as Hell Monkey is in the ring, his biggest asset in the ring has always been his fighting spirit. And in maybe his most important match of his life, his fighting spirit was no more apparent as he kickouted of move after move and fought off count outs that lesser men couldn't have. Near the 30 minute mark it looked like Hell Monkey had a chance to end the match, setting Thunder up for a Tumbling Monkey. Monkey's dreams of a title shot were dashed however when UK Dragon came out from the crowd and pushed Monkey off the top rope while Mr. Miwa had the referee's attention. This allowed Thunder pull off a quick Thunder shock on a stunned Hell Monkey for the win. [i]Awesome Thunder defeated Hell Monkey in 28:12 by pinfall with a Thunder Shock. During the match we also had UK Dragon run in and attack Hell Monkey. - C+[/i] [size="4"][b]Overall Rating: C[/b][/center][/size][/center]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.foolinc.com/pics/WLW/WLW3.png[/IMG] [size="5"][b]Special Show Four Announcements[/b][/size] After the actions of Karasu and Kimura last WLWxtra, WLW has decided to grant Americana and a partner of his choosing to face the team of Karasu & Kimura. It has also come to the attention of management resent problems between Dean Daniels and Insane Machine. Because of their resent match results, their team, Split Personality, will be removed from future tag considerations until the team can show they can work together.[/center]
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