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The Next Era: WWF 1993

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[B]Shawn Michaels[/B] vs. Tatanka [B]Lex Luger[/B] vs. Doink The Clown WWF Tag Titles Match: The Quebecers(c) vs.[B] [B] [/B]"The Hitman" Hart[/B] by DQ [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs. Adam Bomb WWF IC Title Match:[B] Razor Ramon(c)[/B] vs. Marty Jannetty WWF World Title Match:[B] Yokozuna (c)[/B] vs. Virgil another jobber for Yoko? i hope your going somewhere with this MAIN EVENT:[B] Mr. Perfect[/B] vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage
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[B]Shawn Michaels[/B] vs. Tatanka For no reason at all. Lex Luger vs. [B]Doink The Clown[/B] Just because the clown gimmick is the best in the world...next to the pirate of course =) WWF Tag Titles Match: [B]The Quebecers(c)[/B] vs. "The Rocket" Owen Hart & Bret "The Hitman" Hart Just because you need to give it some prestige. [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs. Adam Bomb He's the dead man. WWF IC Title Match: [B]Razor Ramon(c)[/B] vs. Marty Jannetty Hey yo...chico WWF World Title Match: Yokozuna (c) vs. Virgil MAIN EVENT: [B]Mr. Perfect[/B] vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage To build momentum for his match against Yokozuna I really am enjoying this man, the low ratings suck but believe me I completly understand.
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[B]Shawn Michaels[/B] vs. Tatanka [B]Lex Luger[/B] vs. Doink The Clown WWF Tag Titles Match: [B]The Quebecers(c)[/B] vs. "The Rocket" Owen Hart & Bret "The Hitman" Hart I'd go the Harts, but I'm thinking perhaps they'd get more value out of singles titles and/or it might be too soon for a title shift and could be very effective at a Pay-Per-View. [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs. Adam Bomb WWF IC Title Match: [B]Razor Ramon(c)[/B] vs. Marty Jannetty WWF World Title Match: [B]Yokozuna[/B] (c) vs. Virgil MAIN EVENT: [B]Mr. Perfect[/B] vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage Love for it to be Savage, but I think he was largely in the slippery slide out of WWF by that stage? It should be a great match anyway, at that stage, both these men could go and put on a great match. Pity about the ratings mate, is this in TEW07? It's the one reason I can't get into it, TEW05's ratings can seem a little easy but 07's confuse the bejesus out of me and often disappoint me that what I would consider to be a good segment gets a very poor rating.
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[QUOTE=tristram;222105]...often disappoint me that what I would consider to be a good segment gets a very poor rating.[/QUOTE] I am sure Vince McMahon often feels the same way in real life thus the beauty of TEW07 is that it recreates the industry down to the "pain" us bookers feel when something we really like just does not go over with the greedy fans who always want more! :D
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[CENTER][FONT="Courier New"][SIZE="4"][B]The New Era Proudly Presents[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/reptilia1996/raw2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Live from the Northwest! Week 2, October, 1993 --- [b]Money, Money, Money, Money, Money![/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Backstage the Steiner Brothers are shown doing some free-lifting and general training when some maniacal laughter is heard [*]As they continue to train, The Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase comes through the door, chuckling to himself aloud. [*]This gets the attention of the Steiners as they raise to their feet and get in the rich guys face [*]"Hey! What the heck do you think you're doing interfering in our match last week?" Rick asked. [*]Scott continued: "Yeah, we coulda been tag team champions!" [*]DiBiase does nothing to response, only giving a smile. Just then, IRS comes in from an adjacent door with briefcase in hand. [*]And oh, he clobbers the Steiners over the back with it. And DiBiase is firing punches now. Money Inc. has just ambushed The Steiner Brothers! [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade:D-[/i] [b]Shawn Michaels vs. Tatanka[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]A real back and forth match-up between the competitors here [*]Michaels, the high flying technician looks good throughout. [*]But Tatanka is having some success with those Tomahawk chops! And he's got Michaels hurt. [*]Oh man, the referee takes a bump!! [*]And in comes Diesel, he's off the ropes and throwing a big boot at Tatanka! [*]But Tatanka ducks and Diesel levels Michaels. [*]The ref comes to and Diesel has no choice but to move out of the ring [*]Tatanka goes for the cover! Yes! 1..2..3! Tatanka wins! [*]Michaels and Diesel are arguing as they had backstage... [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Time: 8:01 Winner: Tatanka Grade: C-[/i] [b]Macho![/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Macho Man cuts a brief promo for his match tonight, backstage. OHHH Yeah! Diggit?!? [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: C-[/i] [b]Lex Luger vs. Doink The Clown[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Luger looks good out there. What a dominant performance. [*]Exhibiting raw power, he's simply throwing Doink around the ring. [*]Doink fights back briefly with some clown shenanigans, but Luger outsmarts him (of all things), and gets him into a Torture Rack! [*]And now he comes with a flying elbow! And the pin! [*]1...2...3! [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Time: 12:27 Winner: Lex Luger Grade: D+[/i] [b]Doink's revenge[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Doink is recovering after the match as Luger prepares to leave, but here comes Ludvig Borga and Giant Gonzales! [*]What an odd grouping this has become. [*]And oh my, they're beating down on Luger now, 3 on 1 [*]They're annihilating Luger. Oh my goodness. [*]What's this?! Here comes Bob Backlund from the back. And the three attackers scatter! Backlund is going ape**** in the ring! [*]Luger is already hurt though... [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: D-[/i] [b]Luger gains his bearings[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Luger finally gets backstage and looks really hurt. [*]He looks like he might be okay, but oh jeez, here's Bam Bam [*]Luger has made a lot of enemies making a lot of saves recently [*]And Bam Bam beats Luger down, leaving him down and out. [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: D[/i] [b]WWF Tag Team Title Match: The Quebecers (c) vs. Bret "Hitman" Hart and "The Rocket" Owen Hart[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]What a match here. The Hart brothers are taking it to the Quebecers [*]The Quebecers look clearly outclassed here by a former World Champion and his younger brother [*]Pierre and Jacques try some underhanded tactics to hold onto their titles, but Bret Hart is on a roll [*]And he's able to ground them both! [*]Owen takes Jacques to the outside as Bret Hart gets Pierre into a Sharpshooter! [*]And yes!! Pierre quits! He submits! We've got new tag team champions! [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Time: 9:10 Winner: "The Rocket" Owen Hart & Bret "The Hitman" Hart Grade: C-[/i] [b]The Old Foundation[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]After the match, The Hart brothers are celerating, and out comes Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart [*]Former tag partner of Owen, of the New Foundation, Neidhart does not look pleased. [*]He exchanges some words with Owen. He is saying these are "our" belts! [*]Neidhart feels a bit like the third wheel it's obvious! [*]And oh my, he bulldogs Owen! But Bret is witnessing this and chases Jim out of the ring. Owen looks hurt. [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: E+[/i] [b]The Undertaker vs. Adam Bomb[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]A huge display of two powerhouses in this one, it's not a scientific matchup, that's for sure. [*]Adam Bomb with the early advantage, this WWF newcomer looks purely dominate again! [*]Take is struggling, and Bomb hits a huge Power bomb! He has this one won! [*]1...2..No! Taker kicks out! [*]And he rises like a dead man! Oh my! Back to his feet he goes for a chokeslam and hits it! [*]Bomb is staggered and The Undertaker is now going for a tombstone piledriver. And he lands it! [*]1...2....3! The Undertaker wins! His eyes roll into the back of his head. My oh my. [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Time: 11:36 Winner: The Undertaker Grade: D+[/i] [b]WWF IC Title Match: Razor Ramon (c) vs. Marty Jannetty[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Razor Ramon looks simply dominant here, does the reigning champ [*]Jannetty has perhaps seen better days, he's been on a terrible streak lately. [*]Ramon is knocking him back and forth. He hasn't even left his feet yet. [*]Jannetty flies off the ropes and goes for a cross-body block, but no, Razor catches him and drops him on his knee for a backbreaker. [*]He sets him up for the Razor's Edge and lands it. 1....2....3.... [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Time: 9:18 Winner: Razor Ramon Grade: D [/i] [b]The Best There Is...[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Bret Hart comes back down to the ring with his newly won WWF Tag Team strap draped over his shoulder. He grabs a microphone. [*]Bret Hart: "Undertaker. You see this? This is one half of the WWF World Tag Team Championships. And this is just further proof, Undertaker, of what "The Hitman" can do. This is further proof that you're getting yourself involved with The Best There Was... The Best There Is... The Best There Ever Will Be. [*]Just then, the lights go very dim and eerie music starts to play. By itself, a casket rolls down to the ring! [*]Bret Hart doesn't know what to do. And out of the casket pops the dead guy! Boy is he scary! [*]He is trying to stuff Hart into the casket, and they exchange blows. [*]But Hart escapes the Casket before the door closes, and scrambles to the back. [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: C[/i] [b]WWF World Title Match: Yokozuna(c) vs. Virgil[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Utter domination here from the champ. [*]Yep, Virgil never stood a chance. [*]Will Mr. Perfect? [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Time: 4:40 Winner: Yokozuna Grade: D- [/i] [b]Mr. Perfect vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage"[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]This has been a back and forth match-up the entire way through. [*]Perfect and Savage have a tremendous back and forth match-up [*]Multile near-falls. Tremendous displays of speed and agility! [*]Mr. Perfect has got Savage wounded now, though, he looks like he's gonna go for the cover. [*]1...2...What's this? Perfect stands up. He sees Yokozuna coming from the back. [*]Yokozuna enters the ring and oh my god he is decimating Perfect. [*]Savage tries to come to Perfect's rescue but he's no match for the 505 pounder either [*]Yokozuna has left a wake of carnage in the ring! [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Time: 26:44 Winner: No Contest Grade: C[/i] ---- [b]Final Grade:[/b] C-, hurts our popularity overall.
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[QUOTE=mad5226;222384]Well looks like I was horribly off on my predictions still a good show though reguardless of the ratings. I really like the Michales Diesel feud that should boost your ratings.[/QUOTE] hope you dont speed this fued up too fast though
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