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[B][U][CENTER]out of character post[/CENTER][/U][/B] hello all I recieved this pm and think its best to address it to the group [QUOTE][B]From NickC13573[/B] can we write the direction for our character? or give you ideas on business segments?[/QUOTE] If you have an idea for your character write it up. I only ask that you PM me the idea first so I know what you want and I can attempt to write something around the idea. (it also helps keep things in order a bit and it keeps ideas from taking off without my knowledge and I end up with pages of challenges and responses, where I have to go in and sort out who wants what.) I will PM you back when I think you idea will fit best into the diary (don't expect it to instantly be put in unless it fits the storylines at that exact moment) Also I ask that if you have an idea that includes another backyarder, please sort out the idea through PM, then one person send me the completed idea. when sending me the PM put in the title which diary you are talking about [B]BIG EDIT: just so its posted "I reserve the right to say no to any storyline idea sent to me" [/B]
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DSW [QUOTE]Mar week 4 2007 Deep South Wrestling Academy Hall (south east) Attendance: 14 Write-up by C.J. Pain of Pwinsider.com Hello from the Academy Hall, this is C.J. Pain of pwinsider.com reporting for Deep South Wrestling. Tonight DSW was in front of 14 people, that’s right only 14 people. Well lets get to the report. The opening match of the night was Kenny King taking on The One and Only. King came in last week as Too Cold Scorpio’s tag team partner and helped him get the victory over Sonny Siaki and Kevin Matthews. Tonight King picked up another win as he hit The Coronation to get the victory. The One and Only has had an interesting time in Deep South as he will pick up a couple of wins then lose a couple. No matter what he does, the fans still dislike him. For the next match it was former tag team partners Elix Skipper and David Young facing off. As a team many people believed that Skipper was the leader of the team, as Young was just along for the ride. Tonight Skipper showed why he was the leader as he welcomed his former teammate to DSW, beating him 1…2…3. Now it was time for Ray Gordy vs. Ryan O'Reilley. When I read the lineup I was hoping this match would have been good, but these two seemed to be lost in the ring. Oh well can’t have it all. I was going to say something good about the match but I can’t think of anything. The next match featured Justin Credible vs. Jim 'THE OUTLAW' Hart. Much like his previous matches, the Outlaw was booed out of the building and much like his previous matches Justin Credible took one step closer to the DSW heavyweight title as he gained another win. Credible looked great tonight as he superkicked the outlaw’s head off.. As the Outlaw was peeled off the mat we went backstage where the champion, Sonny Siaki was with the Assassin. Siaki was relaxed as he laughed about having to face Too Cold Scorpio tonight, seemingly unfazed by the fact that he lost to Scorpio just one week ago. As we came back to the ring it was time for the main event Sonny Siaki vs. Too Cold Scorpio for the DSW heavyweight title. This match went back and forth as both guys had their opportunity to win the match early. At the midway point Siaki got control of the match using a steel chair, but he took it lightly and only placed a foot on Scorpio allowing Too Cold to kick out at two and a half. As the match continued Siaki continued to beat down on Scorpio until Too Cold found a way to fight back and in the end Too Cold Scorpio hit the Scorpio Splash to become the DSW heavyweight champion! Overall I enjoyed the show and can’t wait to see what happens now that we have a new champion, congrats Scorpio as the new DSW heavyweight champion. [B][U]Quick Results[/U][/B] Kenny King defeated The One and Only: [COLOR="Red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] Elix Skipper defeated David Young: [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Ray Gordy defeated Ryan O'Reilley: [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Justin Credible defeated Jim 'THE OUTLAW' Hart: [COLOR="red"][B]D-[/B][/COLOR] Sonny Siaki is interviewed backstage by The Assassin: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] Too Cold Scorpio defeated Sonny Siaki to win the DSW heavyweight title: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] Overall: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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OVW [QUOTE]Mar week 4 2007 Ohio Valley Wrestling Al Matta Hall (Great Lakes) Attendance: 123 Write-up by Doug Firestorm of Pwinsider.com Hello Ohio Valley fans! This week Ohio Valley Wrestling went to Al Matta Hall for a show in front of 94 fans. I will tell you that the show got off to a rough start but it ended nicely, so lets get started. The first match of the night was a battle of two of Mike’s boys as the undefeated Thomas Salerno, who is also one half of the tag team champions took on "Keen" Kenny Kingman, who after a rough start to his career picked up his first win two weeks ago. This match between the two was fun to watch but not because of what was going on in the ring but what was happening outside of the ring as the fans disliked both men. Salerno looked to have everything going his way until he took his eye off the ball and all it took was three seconds as Kingman rolled him up for the three count. As Thomas Salerno left the ring the camera followed him backstage where his tag team partner Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann was waiting. Both men were talking about the attack Hagemann suffered last week, not knowing who was behind the attack. When we came back to the ring “Wildcat” Nick Gloe defeated Cody Runnels in an ok match. I think fans paid more attention to Wildcat’s manager Beth Phoenix, as she looked good out there tonight. The story behind Runnels and Spears has been an interesting one because it was Spears who cost Runnels the OVW heavyweight title but they seem to still be ok with each other even after losing the tag titles as well. The next match of the evening was the man who has been unstoppable in using people as punching bag, Chuck Palumbo taking on Chris Cage. Tonight was like every other night Paulumbo has been in the ring, as Chris Cage was completely out matched being beaten down into the mat until his head was taken off with a nasty super kick by Palumbo. As Palumbo was walking out of the ring, the backstage cameras picked up someone’s shadow backstage obviously watching his match. Still going strong it was time for tag team action as Mitch and Johnny took on Barradock and Mark Canterbury. Mitch and Johnny needed to go back to the drawing board before the match as they attempted to trade blows with their bigger and stronger opponents, it was almost fun to watch the flying Amishman knock around Mitch and Johnny. In the end Barracdock and Canterbury were just to strong and took care of Mitch and Johnny to get the victory. After the match we went backstage and watched as Beth Phoenix, Sosay, Synn and Victoria Crawford were yelling at each other. The only audible thing we heard was that Phoenix told Synn that she was better than her as Crawford threatened to slap Synn. Sosay was attempting to say something but no one was listening. (funny but odd). As we finally came back to the ring it was time for the main event as Mike Kruel defended his TV title against Harry Smith. The fans were solidly behind Smith for the entire match. Kruel and Smith fought hard with the champion beating down Smith for most of the match. Somehow Smith fought back and with the crowd behind him and hit the running powerslam but could not get the victory as Kruel kicked out at 2 and 7/8 as the crowd booed. In the end Smith was cheated out of the title as the champ used a pair of brass knuckles to knock out the young star and get the victory to retain his title. Overall as I said in the beginning the start of the show was weak, but the show ended nicely with a good TV title match. [B][U]Quick Results[/U][/B] Keen" Kenny Kingman defeated Thomas Salerno: [COLOR="Red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann and Thomas Salerno talk backstage: [COLOR="red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] Wildcat" Nick Gloe defeated Cody Runnels: [COLOR="red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] Chuck Palumbo defeated Chris Cage: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Backstage we find someone watching Chuck Palumbo on a monitor: [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Barradock \ Mark Canterbury defeated Mitch \ Johnny: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Beth Phoenix, Sosay, Synn and Victoria Crawford yell at each other: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] Mike Kruel defeated Harry Smith: [COLOR="red"][B]D-[/B][/COLOR] Overall: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[B][U]March week 4 2007 (thur)[/U][/B] Mike is currently sitting at home reading over the latest shows and relaxing, watching tape of Turning Point 2004 from TNA. [B]Mike:[/B] Wow, hall looks bad in this match, I wonder what condition he’s in now….I need to talk with John because, Charles Zulas should not be winning all of these matches….I should send an e-mail for a meeting. [QUOTE]TO: John Zandig, Tom Pritchard, and Al Snow FROM: Mike Hello to the three of you, Mike here. With the end of the month here I would like for the three of you to come to the main office so I can talk with each of you. Don’t worry, your jobs are safe, I just want to talk about how you are handling these promotions and what you think your next moves are going to be. Please come Saturday morning and see you later.[/QUOTE] Al Snow is sitting in his office with Katie Lea [B]Snow:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Katie, Dean Hill told me that you were not at the show last night. I just want to know why.[/COLOR] [B]Katie:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]I was stuck in the U.K. after the KSW show. Even though that was days ago I had to make a stop at home for a personal issue. When I attempted to get to the show any planes coming to the area were delayed.[/COLOR] [B]Snow: [/B][COLOR="red"]You know we don’t like that, but you did not have a spot in the show, so you are not in any major trouble.[/COLOR] [B][U]March week 4 2007 (fri)[/U][/B] Pwinsider news and notes [QUOTE][B][U]ROH goes to Rose Hill[/U][/B] Last night Ring of Honor had a show at Rose Hill. Reports after the show had fans enjoying the show as they like Christopher Daniels the most. We here at pwinsider believe that the show was ok, but not as good as the fans made it out to be. We will agree with the fans though and give Daniels the MVP of the night award as he and Matt Sydal defeated Roderick Strong and Chris Hero to retain the tag titles. We here at pwinsider give the show a “C”.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][U][B]The WWE keeps their Balls intact[/B][/U] Word coming into pwinsider is that Balls Mahony has agreed to a new contract with the WWE. Many believe that this signing was done to keep him from being used by other companies and had nothing to do with his work in the company.[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]out of character post[/U][/B] hello all. Real life is starting to get in the way a bit. Anyway I am getting ready to move out of state at the end of the month but the apartment I am moving to will not be ready until the 2nd. week of june. So in short I will be away from the diaries for a while but they are still going.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[U][B]out of character post part 2[/B][/U] hello to all, mystic here. Well I have some bad news, the "real world" has thrown a major curve ball. to make a long story short, my desktop is in storage and my best guess is that it will be at least 2 months before I can play TEW again (currently at library typing this). Due to this fact I believe that it is best to stop "Real world Wars" and "WWE vs. WSX vs. the world" and let someone else do this. I still plan to continue my DAVE diary, but if that should end (really don't see that happening as I have plans for it) I may do a Real World TNA diary. In case you were wondering originally I was to move to harrisburg, PA with family but now I am in black canyon city, AZ with family, and a friend that put us up in a camper.
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  • 3 weeks later...
[B][U]out of character update[/U][/B] hello to all, mystic here. I have good news for readers. The family (mom and I) have a new place and are scheduled to move july 11 (prescott valley, az). That means my desktop with TEW on it will be out of storage and I can start playing again. Hopefully first posts should return by the end of july once things get finished. [B][U]good news for me[/U][/B] I am going to the raw house show on july 29th. I have a list of four matches scheduled sitting at home which I may post later. (who knows if these will be right by the show date). [B][U]now good news for you[/U][/B] as posted in another thread I had 16 staples in my head and now I am currently resting up (I am fine, as I had a shunt replaced. AKA: tube on the left side of my brain to drain fluid) This is good for you as I really can't do much until september 1, meaning more time playing TEW. [B][U]Current status of diaries (in order of importance)[/U][/B] New Era of Dave (still active) WWE vs. WSX (not currently active) Real World Wars (not currently active) if you would like WWE vs. WSX and real world diaries continued respond to the poll in the general discussion thanks link to poll [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?p=255147#post255147[/url]
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