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D.O.T.T. My Dream

Guest cmdrsam

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Guest cmdrsam
Well guys I have decided to try the diary world again. I tried with the last one with pics and the likes and just got to burned out. This will be set late 82 coming into 1983. Playing right now on TEW 05. However, I have 07 ordered and waiting for confirmation number anytime now. I do not have the abilty of some of the better minds here on the board. But I still plan on doing this anyway. I hope you enjoy the work. And I look forward to hopefully to keep us entertained.
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Guest cmdrsam
It all started on an unimportant night. In a small hole in the ground bar some place out east, perhaps Virginia, maybe North Carolina. I was on my way home from looking to acquire a new supplier for my gift store. I decided to stop for a beer or two find a small hotel and camp for the night, to finish the trip back to Illinois, The Bar really like any small bar, you know pool table, juke box playing the two ungodliness types of music that make the hair on my back standing straight up. You know country and western. But I’m tired and I just want a quick couple of drinks, find a bed and go to sleep. Then 2 gentlemen walk in, wait, these are no gentlemen. These two are wrestlers. Me being of somewhat of a closet fan, Ok maybe not so closet, decided to 1. Walk over introduce myself ask for autograph and generally making a fool of myself. Downside,,,could get severely beating from these two as they are probably just like me ,,tired,,want a drink,,or two and then possibly crash for the night. Or I could use plan b. Act cool, maybe acknowledge them tell a big fat lie when I got home how about how I meet these two men got their autographs and partied all night long. Result, little white lies hurt no one. Gee where have I heard that before? Conscience, get lost. You see these two men are truly 2 of the biggest men you could see in a place like this. Ok, I’ll throw you a bone. Try this on for size. Sitting right down the bar from me were Dusty Rhodes and Stan Hansen.Both were obviously tired after a match somewhere. Trying to get to the next town for the next show and decided to have drink. I give both of them a nod. O gee, yeah that was slick. Nothing like an obviously northern boy like me giving these two a polite nod. They nod back. Ok that went well. No broken bones yet.Dusty get's up. Walks in my general location, I say long night? His response you don’t know the half of it. Don’t I know you from somewhere friend? I say no, not from around these parts but I guess I just have one of those faces. Dusty chuckles and starts to look for the restroom. He returns and starts talking to Stan. I look preoccupied with the order form from my business. But I do notice they are both looking at me. The bartender brings me a beer and says it’s from the gentlemen down the bar. I say thanks and give them what ever they are drinking in return. They look kind of in between shocked and confused. They both lift their drinks and I in return in a mock celebration toast. After a few rounds of this they motion for me to come down and join them. We start with general hi, how are you? What do you do for a living, etc? Seems as if Dusty and Stan are picking my head as I mention I know who they are and what they do and try to remain calm and collected while trying to show I have some general knowledge of their world. We end the night after what I thought would be a simple 2 drink night. How many times have we all done that? We walk out to our vehicles and Stan yells over to me. MIKE, HOLD ON A FEW, DUSTY HAS SOMETHING FOR YA. I waddle over to their truck. Dusty hand me a card. Here friend, I have a friend of mine from these parts. Don’t get your hopes up, but if you ever thought about getting into the biz. This be the man to talk too. Tell him Dusty and Hansen sent ya. He tips his hat has the truck pulls away. I look down at the card with the dim lights in the parking lot JCP INC. What the hell is this I wander?
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Guest cmdrsam
Two weeks went by as I carried the card in my wallet. I wandered what to do. I told no one and it slowly built inside of me. The curiosity eating at my mind. The one day I decided to call. Let’s quench this thirst. I dialed to J.C.P. INC. The Operator answers the phone and I ask for Jim Crockett JR. She asks who this is and I state my name and the reason for calling. I get put on hold. Damn you Dusty I think I have just been set up for a joke. Hello Mr. Cooper. I have been expecting your call sir. I think to myself ok now what do I do. Crap answer back you idiot. Mr. Crockett sir, I really don’t know why Mr. Rhodes gave me that card. And to be honest sir, I really don’t know why I called. Crockett interrupts, because son, you got the hunger. Look Dusty was impressed with you; I still need to probe more myself. I’m very busy right now as I have a meeting with my staff in a few minutes, can you come down here next week. And before you answer I will pick up the tab. I respond what day? How about next Thursday, say 10? I agree. Excellent I look forward to meeting you sir. We both hang up. Then it dawns me. Meeting, meeting for what. Now what have I gotten myself into. The week drags as all kinds of scenarios played out in my head. To the point where I begin to think maybe I should cancel the meeting. But I go anyway I think well at least I can go revisit the shop and place an order. I show up to J.C.P. Headquarters, and make my way to the inside. I see all kinds of nostalgia. Belts, trophies, pics of some of greatest wresters to ever grace to squared ring. People like Lou Thesz, Buddy Rogers, Dory Funk, Terry Funk, Ric Flair, Harley Race, The Brisco Brothers to name a few. I make my way to the receptionist and state my name. She asks me to take a seat and Mr. Crockett will be with me in a few minutes. My heart beats faster and faster. The main office door opens and Mr. Crockett and I exchange pleasantries. He asks me to enter and take a seat. We make some idol chit chat as we both attempt to get a feel for each other. Well sir I bet you are wandering what you are doing here Sir. That is an understatement Mr. Crockett. Well as you are aware sir I run the organization here, maybe you may have heard of it. It’s Mid Atlantic Wrestling. I own it and we are part of the great N.W.A. which I might also say I sit on the board of directors in which I am the president. Anyway sir I have been taken stock of the big picture. Things are stale. I have completion from the north, from The McMahon’s. I have to contend with Vern Gagne and his boys in Minnesota. Mean while I am cramped for space in Georgia and Florida. I’m looking for a head booker. Somebody with some knowledge of the scene but not blinded by the past. I need to refreshen the scene altogether. So Mike what do you think so far? I am dumb founded to say the least. Mr. Crockett, I haven’t the foggiest idea what the hell a head booker does let alone what I could do to help. That’s my point, says Crockett. Do you know those individuals were in the hall? I respond yes. That’s half the battle then. I am going to say some names to you and give me your thoughts, Mr. Crockett says. McMahon for one. Evil I respond. Not the answer he was hoping for I guess. Mr. Cooper I have known Vincent McMahon for years. He is an honorable gentleman, a tough competor, and a former board member. I agree with Mr. Crockett, but it is his son I would be concerned about. The word is out. He no longer wants to stay in his area. He wishes to promote his brand where ever he wishes. Buying up the TV time that the regional have been using for years to setup the events where the real money is at. The gate receipts. Now he has sorta super channel in the name of the USA network where he can show people, lets see here for example, his type of product. What do I mean a super channel? Mr. Crocket looks at me with a clear interest. USA I would consider one, I have one back in my home are that is starting to take off its call WGN. You have one right next door to you in the neighboring state, WTBS. That must of hit home because it now dawns on Mr. Crockett of what I am talking about We continue to talk and throw out name like Hogan, Backland, Buzz Sawyer and the likes. I am enchanted with the conversation and can confidence with each of my statements. Mr. Crockett then goes on and tells me some of the duties of what a head booker does. Then the following words come out of his mouth. I would like to offer you this position of head booker. That does it. Now my mouth goes dry. I say can I think about it? Mr. Crockett says yes but I can have a week as he wants to find someone fast. He reaches in his drawer and pulls out folders and some tapes. Here, take these with you. Go over them. Watch the tapes and get back with me in one week. Yes I know it’s almost Christmas but as I said I really would like to find an individual for this position as soon as I can.
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Hey, CMD, good luck with this. All I will say at this early stage is please, please, please, break your text up a bit. It is all just mixing up with itself. Paragraph things out and indicate where someone is speaking and where you are narrating.
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Guest cmdrsam
Thank you I will see if I can do a better job at that. Need some help here. Some how I am confused on how to have the script somewhat spaced out. Anybody want to walk me thru on how to make this better looking so its easier on the eyes.
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Guest cmdrsam
I get home dog tired from another trip to the Carolina’s. Get to my office and skim thru the folders. I have in front of me roster information, planned events, short listed workers, script ideas. I watch a few tapes and start to dose off. Dreaming of little plans I guess one can say.A few days elapse as I get word to some of my inner circle on what has happened. They of course want me to do it. But I can’t help to feel like they want a free ride or something to that effect. I start wandering about my business with the gift store. How the heck am I going to balance both? I’m not; one is going to have to go. There it is the, knot in my stomach. Oh what do I do? One of my friends steps forward. He has wanted to get into the business I was doing anyway. He says he will run the shop I can pay him whatever I think he is worth. If he likes it he would be interested in possibly taking over. One problem solved. This is a win/win situation. If he doesn’t buy from me I can always fall back if this gig doesn’t work out. Place the call you dummy I think to myself. I take the offer. Mr. Crockett requests that I get back south so I can meet the boys. I find out when and where the next show is and agree to attend. When I show up I am introduced to the crew. Some take to me others don’t cant blame them. Here I am new and wet around the ears and they have been doing this for years. Thanks to Jim for signing the checks has he has the clout to at least ease some of the fears. Dusty Rhodes was in attendance and tried to do his part as well. Jim Crockett and I sit down and start talking business. We agree on wage length of time etc. He agrees He will give a month to get my footing on the ground before he has any goals for me to reach. J.C. asks me when do "I want to start?" I say the beginning of January. J.C. "Any Ideas on a card?" Yes, I have them with me. Let’s keep the title picture the way how it is currently. Let’s start out with this. 1st match Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Dory Funk. I want some leeway and need your help Mr. Crockett has I have someone I want to bring in. He agrees I then respond 2d match Jimmy Valentine and a partner to be named latter vs. Jos Leduc and One man Gang. 3rd match The Hammer vs. Bob Orton for the US title. Maybe a tag match. Main event will be Mr. Flair vs. Piper. J.C "Where do you want to have it at?" I tell him I want to expand in the great lakes and would like to have it in the Chicago area. Jim Crockett says "We don’t have much of a presence there". I agree but it is part of a plan which I now divulge to him.
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Guest cmdrsam
[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] Main Event.NWA champion Ric Flair vs Roddy Piper Sgt Slaughter & Don Kernodle vs Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood for the NWA Tag Team Championship. Greg Valentine vs Bob Orton Jr for The US Belt Jimmy Valiant and a Mystery Partner VS Jos Leduc and One Man Gang Sweet Brown Sugar VS Dory Funk Jr non Title match Predictions welcome.
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;221265]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Main Event.NWA champion [b]Ric Flair[/b] vs Roddy Piper Sgt Slaughter & Don Kernodle vs [b]Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood[/b] for the NWA Tag Team Championship. [b]Greg Valentine[/b] vs Bob Orton Jr for The US Belt Jimmy Valiant and a Mystery Partner VS [b]Jos Leduc and One Man Gang[/b] Sweet Brown Sugar VS [b]Dory Funk Jr[/b] non Title match Predictions welcome and still looking for help on how to space the better for an easier read.[/QUOTE] Break up your paragraphs with a full 2 spaces (Hit return key 2 times instead of one.) Maybe make use of colors for talking (of course separated, and in quotations), and possibly bold/italic important things. I would suggest taking a look at the other diaries on this board, and getting a feel for which style you like best. Other than that, keep up the good work. Smaller chunks also make it a quicker and easier read for most people :)
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Guest cmdrsam
Thank you I appreciate the info. I am trying to get it down. Can someone walk me thru on how to center my wording more of in the middle. As I will be needing this in the near future.
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket From the Rock Island Field House. Mid Atlantic Wrestling.[/CENTER] Where such stars like Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, Ivan Kolloff, Jack Brisco, Ric Fair, Sgt Slaughter, Terry Funk, and Wahoo McDaniel can be seen. Crowd seems to accept the names and it’s a good start. B Rating [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...And...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] The first match of the night is a one fall, 20 minute limit contest. And introducing first Sweet Brown Sugar. Crowd cheers for him as he makes his way down. And his opponent. The reigning Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Dory Funk Jr. Crowd boo’s as Dory makes his way down. Good match to open up with Sweet goes to the air while Dory like to stay on the ground. This is a non title match up. Evenly fought and this is not to the liking of Dory. As he gets disqualified at the 7:57 mark. Winner of the match SWEET BROWN SUGAR. C+ rating. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] Jimmy Valentine the Boogie Woogie Man makes his way down to the ring and he asks for a microphone. Jos Leduc, Me and you go way back brotha. We have battled from the east coast, to Florida, and to parts unknown. You always to find the cheap way to beat me. Well, I’m tired of it. Tonight I have got a surprise for you, Woo, we gonna be jamming tonight folks, crowd waits and cheers Jimmy on. Tonight I decided to dig deep in my pockets and find me an equalizer, a hit man so to speak. Tonight, you and the One Man Chump face me and my hired gun, Abdullah the Butcher. Crowd is stunned at the announcement and The Butcher makes his way to the ring. C+ rating. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...And...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] The 2d match is a one fall, 20 minute limit contest. Already in the ring Jimmy Valiant and Abdullah the Butcher. Crowd is still stunned but still manages to cheer. And their opponents. Being led down the isle by their manager, Sir Oliver Humperdink, Jos Leduc and the One Man Gang. Crowd boos. Power matches here boys and girls. These guys can bring it. But in the end it was the momentum swing of The Boogie Woogie Man’s announcement that wins it. Jimmy Valiant pins One Man Gang as The Butcher keep Jos Leduc busy with e Boogie Woogie Elbow at 5:40. B- Rating. Bob Orton Jr. is back stage. Hammer, tonight this cowboys gonna lasso you in son.Im taking that title. C+ Rating Greg Valentine counters. Cowboy tonight this title aint going anywhere but back on the road with me. Tonight you get to find out why they call me The Hammer. C+ Rating [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...And...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] Tonight’s 3rd match up is for the United States Heavyweight Championship. One fall, 20 minute time limit contest introducing the challenger, Bob Orton Jr. and his opponent. The reigning US Champion Greg the Hammer Valentine. Nice match up here. Yes there use to be a time where Orton did play by the rules. In the end it doesn’t matter. Valentine rolls up Orton with a handful of tights and wins. And still you’re United States Champion. Greg the Hammer Valentine. C+ Rating. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] Sgt Slaughter and Don Kernoodle make their way down to ringside. Let’s listen in. Tonight you maggots get to witness both of those injuns lose their belts to a pair of real Americans. Speaking of maggots, get down here now and bring those belts with you. C+ Rating [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...And...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] The next contest is for the NWA World Tag Team Championship. Already in the ring the challengers, Sgt Slaughter and Don Keernoodle. Both play up the hype as the crowd boos and heckles. And their opponents. The current NWA World Tag Team Champions. Ricky the Dragon Steamboat and Jay Youngblood. They both come down high fiving and playing the good face’s that they are. Sgt and Kernoodle have been past champions before and have faced these two countless of times. Were on the verge of taking back the gold when Jay Youngblood hot tagged his partner. Ricky proceeds to pull it off with a flying body press on the Sarge at 14:38 into it for the win. Winners and still the NWA Tag Team Champions Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood. B Rating. Roddy Piper is backstage. Flair, you know what, you’re a real son of a gun. Your always parting, and kissing and jet flying, I wish I had the time to kiss some jets and wheel and deal. Ah nuts, just bring the title son. Your time has run out tonight the night of the Hot Rod. O and Flair,,,,WOOOOO. B+ Rating Flair responds with this. So Piper, you think you have what it takes to take this title from me. No skirt wearing fool will ever take this belt from me. WOO. Cause me and the girls will be up all night on space mountain parting it up like the jet flying, Woo, Kiss stealing, Woo, son of a gun that I am,,Woo. Flair starts to walk away and come back for one final WOO. B+Rating. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...And...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] Tonight’s Main Event is for the NWA World Heavy Weight Championship. And introducing first Roddy Piper. And his opponent as Flair’s music plays, the reigning NWA Heavy Weight Champion. The Nature Boy, Ric Flair, A Rating for his intro. Great Match up. Two of the dirtiest players in the book. They battled in the ring, out of the ring. Using anything they could to get the advantage. In the end Flair rolls up Piper and Flair has his feet on the ropes to pin Piper at 17:38. And still you’re NWA Heavyweight Champion. RIC FLAIR. A Rating. Show received a B+ Rating and 825 people came to the show. Nice card I thought and I gained in popular at a cost however. I lost money but I need the Great Lakes area if I am going to last. But Orton and Jimmy Valentine showed up late and they almost gave me a heart attack. Free sprits, what to do with them. Make a note let this be a free pass I guess and if it happens I’ll figure out something.
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] Televised Event Sgt. Slaughter takes on Ricky Steamboat Don Kernoodle battles Jay Youngblood Jack Brisco versus Paul Jones Mike Rotundo battles Dizzy Hogan Jerry Brisco vs Mike Davis Predictions and thoughts welcome.
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Greensboro Sports Center televised event.[/CENTER] We open the show with video images of Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, Ivan Kolloff, Jack Brisco, Ric Flair, Sgt. Slaughter, Terry Funk, and Wahoo Mcdaniel. B+ Rating. Tony Schiavone and Bob Caudle welcome us to Mid-Atlantic Wrestling and talk about how Flair screwed Piper at the house show last night. They show a replay of some of the match along with the ending. The board of directors have just handed them a note saying Piper will get a return match this Friday night. Be there folks you won’t want to miss it. A Rating [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...And...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] 1st match is a one fall 15 minute time limit match. Introducing all ready in the ring, Mike Davis. Mike tries to play the heel part but mostly falls on deaf ears. And his opponent Jerry Brisco. Crowd gives Jerry a round of cheers. Tough match, very back in forth, o shucks, who am I kidding. Squash match all the way. Brisco in a clean pin fall at 3:53. C+ rating. We are taking you backstage where our camera crew has uncovered something. Sgt Slaughter and Don Kernoodle are seen discussing something. Ok, It’s mostly Slaughter yelling and Kernoodle agreeing with him. Sgt Slaughter notices the camera crew and tells them to mind their own business. This cant be good can it. B Rating. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...And...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] Tonight’s second match is a one fall, 15 minute time limit match. In the right corner, Dizzy Hogan. Crowd boos. And his opponent Mike Rotundo. Mike does a little warm up and tugs on the ropes while the crowd claps. Decent little match here. Hogan didn’t botch much and Rotundo who has been working with the higher card appeared to learn something as he dictated the pace. In the end Rotundo lands an airplane spin for the win at 4:32. C- rating. Jay Youngblood is seen warming up for his bout against Don Kernoodle up next. Ricky Steamboat walks in and ask’s Jay is he ready? Jay stops his warm up looks at Steamboat and smiles. They high five as they walk out of the camera view. A Rating. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...And...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] Tonight’s 3rd match is a one fall 20 minute time limit match. Introducing first one half of the NWA Tag Team Champions, Jay Youngblood. Crowd cheers. And his opponent, a former Tag Team champion himself Don Kernoodle. Boo, hiss, boo. A good match. Both have learned well from their partners. Jay was about to win the Kernoodle nails him with set of brass knuckles. Easy roll up and win for Don at 8:02. A Rating. Sgt Slaughter comes to ring side and he and Don start to lay into Jay Youngblood. Ricky Steamboat comes running into the ring where he and Sgt and Kernoodle briefly skirmish. Sgt and Don retreat while making threaten gestures to Steamboat. Ricky tells them they are gonna pay. I can promise you that. B+ Rating. Paul Jones is backstage and starts to complain. You know what; I was the Mid Atlantic heavy weight champion just a few months ago. Now I’m stuck here in the arm pit of Hicksville. And to make matters worse. I got to face one those darned Brisco brothers. Somebody is gonna pay I tell you. And storms off. B+ Rating. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...And...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] Our next match is a one fall 20 minute limit contest. Introducing first. Former Mid Atlantic’s heavy weight champion. Paul Jones. And his opponent Jack Brisco. Paul still has some game left in him but he just can’t stay in the ring for an extended period of time. Brisco starts to make short work of Paul when out of no where The Assassin make his way down and nail Brisco right between the eye’s with a punch. The Ref demands the bell to be rung. And declare Jack Brisco the winner via DQ at 4:40. The Assassin helps Paul Jones walk back to the backstage area as they really don’t seem to care. B Rating. Steamboat is still fuming about how Don cheated to win and how Slaughter is going to pay. He is sick and tired of dealing with those two night in and night out. A Rating. Sgt Slaughter counters. Listen up you maggots your little gutless spineless Wahoo wanna be was first. Now your gonna be next Ricky. Its boot camp night for you. A Rating. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...And...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] Our Main event is a one fall with TV time remaining match. Introducing first. Sgt Slaughter. And his opponent, one half of the NWA tag team champions. Ricky Steamboat. What can I say? Classic match up. Ricky is one of those types you can throw him a mop head and it would be entertaining. Slaughter, speaks for it’s self don’t it. Slaughter’s master plan almost worked to a tee as he nails Steamboat with a set of brass knuckles. But the ref was on it and see's it. Dq’s Sgt right then and there. Winner via DQ Ricky Steamboat at 10:26. Sgt complains to the ref while Steamboat walk back the ramp gloating about his win. A+ rating Good show. Got an A Rating out of it plus made money. Made up for the loss from the house show in the Great Lakes area. 5,000 paid attendance plus 81,089 viewers the 1st half of the show. Picked up even more on the last half hour as 81,641 watched the last part of the show. Well let’s see where this takes us now.
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket [/CENTER] Coming to the Macon City Auditorium. We will have an action packed card. Wrestlers who are scheduled to appear. NWA Tag Team Championship Sgt Slaughter and Don Kernoodle VS Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood Jerry Brisco and Roddy Piper VS Greg “The Hammer “Valentine and “Dirty” Dick Slater Jack Brisck/Mike Rotundo/Sweat Brown Sugar VS Dory Funk jr/Paul Jones/the Assassin One Man Gang VS Jimmy Valiant The Great Kabuki VS Bugsy McGraw Dont miss it. Predictions welcome. Outlaw 3-5 buddy. Good start. Check is in the mail by the way. LOL.
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NWA Tag Team Championship [B]Sgt Slaughter and Don Kernoodle[/B] VS Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood [B] Jerry Brisco and Roddy Piper[/B] VS Greg “The Hammer “Valentine and “Dirty” Dick Slater Jack Brisck/Mike Rotundo/Sweat Brown Sugar VS [B]Dory Funk jr/Paul Jones/the Assassin[/B] One Man Gang VS [B]Jimmy Valiant[/B] [B]The Great Kabuki[/B] VS Bugsy McGraw
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Guest cmdrsam
Hi Doc, welcome aboard. Ok guys I just got 07 just a few minutes ago. Im gonna tranfer some data. Play around with it for a couple of days just to get used to it. I will be posting the next card no later than friday. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok transfer some data. Played around with it some last night. Wow, thats all I can say. Way harder. Anyways got soem big changes has I had heard that some feds become alot more aggressive. With me playing around a tad with the demo I had no idea. Anyways, I got some thinking to do and will keep you all appraised with what is going on. May not wait till friday to post new card.
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Ok guys here is an update on what is going on. As you may remember I started this with tew 05. Now I have tew 07 (woot). Transfered some data and got myself caught up. Here is the situation. I have heard when they were testing DOTT with the new version it was alot harder, and it is, as WWF grabbed some real stars including a couple of mine. Slaughter and Piper to be exact. So this is how im going to handle the situation. I am in the 3rd week of January Piper and Slaughter have just left. I will be posting what is going on as often as I can. The card I was orginnally going to post is not going to happen. Sorry I know. But we got some new talent coming in anyways. I will be posting an updated preveiw show in the next day or two and will have a card posted by weekend.
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[CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] TV Title Rick Martel 2 defences World Heavyweight Nick Bockwinkle 2 defences Light heavyweight Mike Graham 3 defences World Tag Team Greg Gagne and Jim Brunzel 1 defence. [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] National Champion Buzz Sawyer 1 defence National Tag Team Larry Zybszko and Stan Hansen TV Champion Tommy Rich 2 defences [CENTER]Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket[/CENTER] Heavyweight Bob Backland 2 defences Intercontinental Don Muraco 3 defences Tag Team The Wild Samoan's Afa/Sika 1 defence. On a side note some of the major signings. WWF grabbed not only Slaughter and Piper from me but also snaked Hogan and Ventura from the AWA. A some of the talent I have signed are Rick Rude, Paul Ellering, And the Road Warriors. More news to follow.
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[CENTER]NEWS FOR THE DAY[/CENTER] Story #1 Ted Dibiase currently employed with MSW, Jerry Lawler currently employed with CWA, Randy Savage currently employed with ICA all have turned down offers from WLW. Story #2 ICA and WWA are in trouble with ratings problems. A spokesman for WTVQ TV 36 which airs the troubled ICA is said to be very unhappy with the ratings and they are possibly in talks to ending the show in the near future. Story #3 WWF held a show in Tempe AZ. Which drew 1795 fans. The feed back from the show was it was a decent show not a great one. Roddy Piper was to be said the real star of the evening.
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[CENTER]News for the day[/CENTER] WWC held a card in Puerto Rico which drew 2,000 fans. A fan thought the show was excellent and thought the MVP of the show was Carlos Colon. CWA held a card in Macon GA which drew 2,000 fans. Fans thought it was an excellent show and felt the star of the show was Steve Keirn. CWF held a card in Joplin MO which drew 1,000 fans. Fans thought it to be an excellent show with Dusty Rhodes being the main reason why they went. Bad News Brown has just been inked to a pay per appearance with the MLW. This offsets the bad news of several wrestlers not wanting to sign with the fed. AWA has been reported to be actively looking to expand its roster as it possible to be rumors of several signings. On the downside it is being reported that Tully Blanchard has turned down AWA’s offer to sign.
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Guest cmdrsam
With the turn of event’s I knew this meeting was going to take place even before the phone call was being placed. The phone rang and I answered. Yes sir I kept saying as a very agitated Jim Crocket was on the other side of the phone. I demanded that I get into the office first thing in the morning. Yep this isn’t good. Bad enough I’m basically living out of the hotels and motels across this great nation now I get to have my butt handed to me by the owner. Thanks Slaughter, Thank you kindly Mr. Piper for putting me in this situation. I head into the office with coffee in hand. You see I fight no battles I don’t intend to win. Good morning Mr. Crockett. He still isn’t in a good mood and tells me to have a seat. Mr. Crockett precedes to ask me how in the hell can I have not one but two major stars leave this great organization and why he should not fire me now. I respond it’s the nature of the beast. Mr. Crocket is just about ready to come unglued. Jim, I say, hear me out ok? You and I both know who was responsible for those hiring’s that the WWF did. It’s not the McMahon that you know but his kid. I told you he is making a power grab. Nothing more, nothing less. Here is evidence of just that fact alone. He not only hired are two guys, but ran over to the AWA and snagged Jesse Ventura and Hulk Hogan. Now why would he spend that kind of money on 4 major stars if it wasn’t true with what I said it was Jim? It’s a power grab and you know it. He is going National and we had better start doing the same or we aint going to be around much longer. This puts Mr. Crockett in a different state of mind. You could actually almost see the wheels in his head turning as he processing what I just said. Ok he responds. What do we do from here? I told him I had already been on the phone trying to get some new faces. And have already signed for new faces. Who are they Jim asks. I just inked Paul Ellering, Road Warrior Hawk, And Animal from Georgia. Whoa, there big guy! Crockett looks stunned. What did Jim Barnett have to say about this? I respond Jim is fine with it as long as it doesn’t interfere with his cards. I also inked a new guy with a great look just not to much skill and his name is Rick Rude. Never heard of him Jim responds. I throw him a picture of Rude and Jim seems to be impressed. Look Mr. Crockett. I know I haven’t been in the business that long. I understand your concern. However I would like the opportunity here to show you what I can do. For that to happen you have to trust me and my direction for this to work. No matter how hard it may seem. No matter what tradition may have told you to do in the past. This is a whole new ball game here. Mr. Crockett reluctantly agrees but says I am on a short leash. I nod in acceptance. Jim Crockett says since I have thrown him a curve It is now his turn. He says I now do not have a month to get my feet wet he is laying some goals for me right now. I pull out a small tablet and prepare to write. Goal 1. I will never be able to go in debt. I say that is simple enough. Not so fast he responds. You must never, hire a worker with a known drug problem. I agree with that. Less mess for damage control. And he says I must always remember what NWA has always been built around. And that is Athletes. We have a certain standard around here and we must live up to them. Simple enough I say. Is that it? Jim Crockett says yes, for now. I get up and shake the man’s hand. It not as friendly as it was in the past but defiantly with some more respect than what was there.
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