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MHW: Everything in Life is a Hustle...to include WRESTLING!!!

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[quote][b][center][size=7]Preview for [color=blue]HOSTILE INTENT!!![/size][/b][/color] [b]Well after the VERY sucessful premiere showing of Do or DIE!!!, its time for Hostile Intent to take up the rear. But this will be a very SPECIAL show! How special? We have not one...BUT 2 MAIN EVENTS!! Confirmed Matches: Open Challenge from The Black Hart Teddy Hart!! The Black Hart has been on the rampage as of late, with Teddy being the surprise entrant in the tournament, replacing the injured, Insane Dragon! And with a shocking turn of events after a very good match up with Kidman, he was surprisingly defeated by the former WWE,WCW star! How did he show his good sportsmanship? By attacking not only Kidman after the bell, but the referee too! Now he feels that match was a fluke! And he has called out anyone in the back who is brave enough to face him!! And the 2nd Main Event: MHW Tournament Qualifier "The Fracnchise Player" Frankie Kazarian vs The Amazing Red Both of these men have "problems" as of late. Kazarian's problems have been involving a certain "Curb Stomping Machine" known as the Super Dragon. Kazarian has been going back and forth screwing with Super Dragon's head,, and vice versa. Its not like Red is having it any easier! At the Do or Die show, Red was defeated by Kory Chavis, but it appearts the number's game got to him!! So its either gonna be the so called Savior of MHW, or will the underdog pull off an upset? All this and SO much more on the next HOSTILE INTENT SHOW!![/center] [/b][/quote] Will post pics and graphics later please comment!! Ghost
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[quote][b][size=7][center]HOSTILE INTENT!!! RESULTS[/size][/b] [b]Location: Florida Wrestleplex, Fl Attendance: 30 [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/BrookeAdams.jpg[/img] The show starts off with the "Sultry Seductive" stripper from the Do or Die show, Brooke Adams!! And she comes out and welcomes the crowd to the show and introduces her new "Boyfriend" ...and that he is coming up next! Her Boyfriend is none other than......from N**gakeeponrunna, Alabama, [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/HumanTornado2-1.jpg[/img] [color=blue]The HUMAN TORNADO!!![/color] The Tornado came out in his "Pimp" gimmick, doing his lil dance and he pretty much said that the next "Sucka" that comes thru the curtain is in for the "@$$whoopin" of his life!! He introduced his new girlfriend/"employee"- "Peachez" And who would come out? [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheodoreLong2.jpg[/img] [color=red]TEDDY LONG???!! [/color] He said that he wasnt out here to fight, he was here scouting for "talent", and he went to the Color Commentator table, but the next guy who came out..was more to Tornado's liking.. [color=blue][size=7]The Human Tornado w/Brooke "Peachez" Adams[/size] vs ???[/color] The mystery opponent for Tornado was none other than....[color=blue]RON KILLINGS[/color]?? [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/RonKillings2.jpg[/img] We havent seen Killings since that infamous screw job vs The Messiah when Devon Storm interfered on his behalf about 5 weeks back. Killings DEFINATELY didnt show any signs of "ring rust" and then all of a sudden the song "Here Comes the Hotstepper" by INI Kimoze and then they started a "dance off" and the crowd was mixed, cheering for Killings and Tornado, but then Killings took advantage, and hit a Jumping Side Kick and finished him off with the Axe Kick for the win! Winner: Ron Killings Rating: D-/7:53 (Match Notes: Adams had good chemistry with Tornado. Ron Killings definately stood out in the match!) [size=7]Backstage Angle: "Proposal"[/size] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/RonKillings2.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheodoreLong2.jpg[/img] We see Killings cooling down after his match with Tornado, and he is approached by Long. Long: I saw your match just now, Playa, and I must say you definately live up to the hype my friend. I can use a man like you in my "outfit". Killings: What you talkin about Long? I dont got time to play games with you. Long: Games? Trust me ...I aint about no "games", I am about "Bizness", Look I am gonna be real with you... I have been seeing what these "fools" are doing to you, I mean first off you get jumped by that punk, Storm and then the tournament bracket comes out and your NO WHERE ON THE LIST? I mean lets face it, your a former NWA World Champion. And I am telling you for your future here at MHW, the only one getting "Hustled" is you! Long pulls out a business card out of his suit pocket. Long: Look playa, you can roll solo and get stuck on opener matches and get screwed over week after week, or...You can Holla at ya boy, and wear some bling around that waist.....the choice is yours. Long walks off and Killings start to look at Long's Business card. Rating: E [size=7]"Prelude to Madness"[/size] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TeddyHart-1.jpg[/img] Hart came out berating everyone!! The workers, the fans, even former promotions he used to work for!! And he said that he felt sorry for the poor bastard that was coming out to face him.. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TerryFunk.jpg[/img] Then Terry Funk came out .... Funk: Look, I understand you felt screwed over, losing to Kidman, but for you coming out ripping on everyone from your past and present isnt gonna do you any good son! What you need to do, is get your head out of your @$$, and get your head in the game!!! Hart shook his head, mainly in digust. Hart: You see, I guess you didnt listen to what I said at Do or DIE!!! You see I made an open challenge, to anyone out in the lockeroom! And your out here right now, so I am gonna be nice for once, since you are 3 years YOUNGER than JESUS CHRIST himself!! Now I am gonna give you 10 seconds to leave the ring before I get charged with ATTEMPTED MURDER ON AN EDLERLY PERSON!!! Funk turned his back looking as if he was leaving the ring, and Teddy Hart turns to the fans, berating them and shouting "vulgarities" at the fans, when Funk returns to the ring and attacks Hart! A referee runs down to the ring and we have ourselves a match!!! [size=7][color=red]"The Black Hart" Teddy Hart[/size] vs [color=blue]Terry Funk!![/color][/color] For what this was built up to be, the sad reality was, the fans absolutely HATED this match! For so many reasons. Funk and Hart didnt click at all!! But they tried to make the best of what they had. Hart was getting visibly frustrated each time he tried to take out the Hardcore Veteran! He even worked on Funk's Knee and he was taking advantage off the beatdown that he got from Storm and even Messiah a few weeks back! Around the end of the match, Funk was visibly tiring, around the 15 minute mark. Funk tried to mount some offense against Hart, but he was just too quick. Hart hit the Open Hart Surgury, but Funk kicked out with a 2 count! Hart then went for am Shooting Star Elbow Drop, but Funk kicked out at 2 and a half!! Hart is IRATE!!! He goes outside the ring and brings in a chair! The ref was pretty leniant all during the match, but the referee had had enough of Hart bending the rules. He goes to grab the chair from Hart, but Hart blast the referee with the chair!! Then he goes and BUST FUNK WIDE OPEN with the chair!! The referee saw all this..and DISQUALIFIED TEDDY HART!!! Winner by Disqualification: Terry Funk Rating/Time:16:35 E- [size=7]"Mind Games....pt. 2"[/size] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/FrankieKazarian.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/DawnMarieBD5.jpg[/img] Kazarian comes out with Miss Dawn Marie, adding more "fuel" to the Super Dragon situation. He pretty much compared Dragon to a "****roach". The type that you have to stomp on 5 or 6 times to make sure that its dead. Kazarian said that he was bringing in some back up so Dragon would be STOMP PERMENANTLY!!! And if Dragon didnt believe him, he should watch the next match. Rating: E [size=7]MHW Semi-Finals's Qualifier [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheAmazingRed-1.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/FrankieKazarian.jpg[/img] [color=blue]The Amazing Redvs [color=red]Frankie "The Franchise" Kazarian w/Dawn Marie[/color][/size] [/color] Well Kazarian was pretty much confindent in this match with Red, and he was taking it to Red earlier in the match. It didnt help much that Red was CLEARLY off his game tonight. But regardless, Red tried to mount and offense against Kaz, but to no avail, Kazarian clearly had Red scouted. Red almost won the match when he droptoe hold Kaz into the rope and tried for the 718, (same as the 619), but Dawn moved Kaz out of the way! Red was pissed and focused his attention on Dawn but that was clearly a mistake, because Kaz took advantage and hit the "Wave of the Future" for the win! Winner and Advancing to the Semi Finals: Frankie Kazarian Rating/Time: D/16:54 [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/DonCallis2.jpg[/img] The GM of MHW, Don Callis comes out and says that Next Week, [color=blue]SUPER DRAGON[/color] will be in action!! [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/SuperDragon.jpg[/img] Rating: F Final Rating: D- (Despite the Low Segment ratings, we still got a raise in our popularity!)[/quote][/b][/center] Please Comment, I hope you enjoyed.
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[b][size=7]PREVIEW FOR DO OR DIE!!! SHOW #2[/size][/b] [b] So its the second "episode" of Do or DIE!! and if you thought it was wild and rowdy last week, this one isnt much different!! So we know for a fact that the Semi Finalists who have made it this far in the tournament are Terry Funk, Kidman and Kazarian. And this week final slot for the tournament is none other than the conroversial Messiah, and the "King of the Curb Stomp", Super Dragon! Speaking of Super Dragon, Kazarian must have been really pissed off at Dragon! So much so that he implied that he was gonna bring in some "outside" help to deal with his "problem"? So who did Kazarian get? Because Kazarian has ties to such promotions as PWG and even TNA! And he says that his hired gun will make his debut on this edition of Do or Die! We also heard some rumors that MHW isnt very happy the way that the fed is being run under the direction of Don Callis. Now Callis is NOT being fired or even removed from the position. But they are bringing in someone to "Counteract" his influence so to speak. All this and so much more on the next "Do or DIE!!!" Show!! [center] Confirmed Matches: Super Dragon vs Messiah for the last Semi Final Spot, in the tournament! And Kazarian's "Hired Gun" will make his debut! Also we will also find out who the new Co-Gm of MHW is? [/b][/center] Bonus Questions: 1. Who does Kazarian bring in to take out Super Dragon? 2. Who is coming in as Co-GM? 3. Will Ron Killings join up with Teddy Long or will he go solo? Please Predict and answer questions...ThanX Ghost
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[center][b][size=7][color=blue]MHW PRESENTS DO OR DIE!!!![/size] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/MHW.jpg[/img] SHOW #2[/b][/color] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheAmazingRed-1.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/EZMoney2.jpg[/img] [size=7][color=blue][b]The Amazing Red vs Jason Jett[/b][/size][/color] This is a good opener match between everyone favorite underdog and Jett. Jett isnt a new talent. He was originally "EZ Money", just now he is repackaged in the "Showstealer" gimmick. Anyway not a bad opener match as both Red and Jett exchanged some high flying moves, but the end came when Red countered a top rope Hurracanrana and pushed Jett down, and hit the "Infa-Red" for the win. Winner: The Amazing Red Rating/Time: D+/6:33 [size=7]"The Answer"[/size] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheodoreLong2.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/RonKillings4.jpg[/img] So we see Theodore Long in the backstage area and then Ron Killings come to him. Killings: Look, I have been giving alot of thought to you offer. And I am basically saying this. YOU BETTER BE LIGIT! IF NOT..ME AND YOU GONNA HAVE SOME DRAMA. Long: No doubt. You definately made a smart move my friend. Rating: E [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/CapriceColeman-1.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/unknown_black-1.gif[/img] [b][size=7][color=blue]Caprice Coleman[/size][/b] vs [b][color=red]??? (Frankie Kazarian's Hired Gun)[/color][/b][/color] The crowd stood in Anticipation waiting on who Kazarian's assassin was, when Barbie Blank (formerly WWE's Kelly Kelly) came out. And then she was followed by none other than..... [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/MichaelShane2.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/KellyKelly2.jpg[/img] [size=7][b][color=red]MATT BENTLEY!!!![/size][/b][/color] Bentley took it to Coleman very early in the match. Now despite the awkwardness of these two styles, this was still not a bad match. Coleman tried to take out Bentley with the "Thermal Shock" but Barbie distacted him which Bentley set up the "Head On Collision Superkick" and finished him off with the "Picture Perfect Elbow for the win! After the match Kazarian came down to the ring...and celebrated with Barbie and Bentley. Winner: Matt Bentley Rating/Time: D/14:08 [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheMessiah2.jpg[/img] [size=7]"The Messiah Promo" [/size] Messiah was cutting a promo on himself saying why he was the obvious choice for being the first MHW Champion. Not much to go on..because the crowd was HATING this segment. Rating:F [size=7]Main Event Semi-Finals Qualifier [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheMessiah2.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/SuperDragon.jpg[/img] [b][color=red]The Messiah[/size][/b] vs[b] [color=blue]Super Dragon[/color][/b] [/color] Dragon took it to him VERY early in this match! He hit Messiah with some pretty vicious forearm Strikes and a Roaring elbow. But then some very familiar music play thru the P.A. It was Frankie Kazarian coming out...and apparantly he was the guest color commentator for the match. Messiah took advantage of the distraction and the tide DEFINATELY TURNED in this match. Messiah hit him with a DDT and then a "Facewash" into the corner. But only for a 2 count. The finish of the match came when Dragon made his comeback and hit him with the "Violence Party" combo, and then he hit the infamous "CURB STOMP!!!" He then tried to finish off Messiah with the "PSYCHO DRIVER #2", but Messiah slipped out of it, pushed him into the ropes and he gets attacked with a "BIG BOOT" by a hooded man!! Messiah takes advantage and hits him with the "GODSMACK" for the win!!! Winner and Advancing to the Semi Finals: The Messiah Rating/Time:E+/ 21:07 "Beatdown" After the match the hooded guy tried to beat down Dragon some more, and he tried for a clothesline, and missed, and Dragon hit the Roaring Elbow, knocking the guy down. Dragon pulls off his mask to reveal, that it was none other than..... [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/LanceHoyt.jpg[/img] [b][color=red][size=7]LANCE HOYT!!![/size][/b][/color] So Dragon is fighting with Hoyt, then Kazarian hits the ring. Dragon is still trying to fight off Kazarian and Hoyt, but then Bentley goes into the mix and Dragon is completely over powered. They each do thier finishers. Hoyt with the "Texas Tower Bomb" and then Kazarian and Bentley do thier finisher "Xtream Domination" (Thier version of the Total Elimination) then after Dragon is down..Kazarian gets on the mic. Kazarian: "Oh ..it aint over you SON OF A BITCH!!! In fact ..I got someone from your past that kicked your ass once before! Please give a warm welcome to the guy that gonna take your ASS OUT PERMENANTLY ... [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/B-Boy2.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/LeiaMeow2.jpg[/img] [b][color=red][size=7]B-BOY!!!![/size][/b]"[/color] B-Boy comes out with it looks like Leia Meow from former WCW. Hoyt, Bentley and Kazarian hold Dragon up and B-Boy runs and does his finisher the "Shining Wizard" taking him out completely! The 4 men and 2 Women start to do thier poses and signal victory which signals the end of the show. Rating:F Final Rating: D- (It raised our popularity)[/center] GHOST
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[CENTER][b][i][size=7]MHW WRESTLER PROFILE OF THE WEEK- MARCH-WEEK 3, 2007 [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/Super_Dragon_4.jpg[/img] SUPER DRAGON!!!! [/size][/i][/b][/CENTER] [b] Real Name: [i]Daniel Lyons[/i] Height: [i]6'0"[/i] Weight:[i] 200 lbs[/i] Date Debuted: [i]vs Tiger Joe in 1997[/i] Finishers: [i]Psycho Driver (Argentine piledriver),Psycho Driver #2 (Pumphandle reverse piledriver),Psycho Driver #3(Cutthroat Argentine piledriver),Psycho Driver #4(Argentine lift into a Wrist-clutch fisherman driver).[/i] Favorite Moves: [i]The Curb Stomp (Standing reverse Indian deathlock surfboard with a head stomp), Violence Party (Chop / forearm strike combination in the corner, continued with headbutts, football kicks, knee strikes, Kawada kicks, and ending with a Lariat), Rolling Elbow (Discus elbow smash), and countless others....[/i] Match Standings:[i] 0/2- Loss to Messiah in Semi Finals, Lost to Logan Anthony (Dark Match, due to interference from Kazarian)[/i] Summary:[i] Super Dragon is nothing short than a Indy legend!! Working for such promotions such as PWG, WCW, Rev Pro, CZW, ROH just to name a few. This guy has had countless titles as well as fueds!!! And to say that he hasnt made an impact in MHW would also be an understatement! He made his presence felt on the very first Hostile Intent show, when he got into an altercation with Frankie "the Franchise" Kazarian! Feeling that Kazarian didnt take him "seriously" enough, Dragon made sure that Kazarian got the message, when he interefered on Kidman's behalf when he delievered the Psycho Driver off the top rope to Kazarian! A few weeks later Kazarian warned Dragon that he was gonna return the favor to Dragon with some outside "help". Normally everyone thought that he would bring in 1 person. Turns out....he brought in 3!!! During Dragons qualifying match vs The Messiah, he was cheated out his tournament slot by a masked man. Later to be revealed as Lance Hoyt! And then later he would be attacked and destroyed by Kazarian, Hoyt and 2 other men, Matt Bentley and one time Rival/Nemisis B-Boy!! After that heinous attack, we have been told that Dragon is in the hospital for some pretty serious injuries, but to say that he is totally out of Major Hustle Wrestling would definately be putting the cart before the horse. [/i] -L.A.[/b] (Thanks to Wikipedia and Onlineworldofwrestling.com)
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[quote][size=7]MHW REPORTS AND RUMORS [/size][center] [b][i] It has been an interesting week for Major Hustle Wrestling so without further ado lets get to the DIRT!! -First off it has been made official that the new stable that took out Super Dragon last week is known only as the "Kollective". When we spoke to the "Kollective" Leader, Frankie Kazarian. He had this to say. "I told you, just like I told Dragon. If you play with fire, you GONNA GET BURNED!! And he pretty much got his ASS CHAR BROILED!!" Let this be a lesson to ANYONE who wishes to stand in our way!!" -Congratulations to Teddy Hart for recently being promoted from Upper Midcarder to Main Eventer status! The booking team felt that Hart has been delivering in his matches as of late, and they are hoping that he can "step up" for some memorable Main Event matches. -We have recently speculated that someone from the outside would be brought in to be the "co-GM' of MHW. As of late Don Callis has made some "questionable" decision as far as title rankings and what not. It will be revealed on the very next show of Hostile Intent. -Speaking of New Co-Gm, it was also speculated that "his" very first act will to have a fatal 4 way to decide the newly instated "MHW Lightweight" title. Now who the participants are at this time are unknown. [size=7]Preview Card for Hostile Intent. [/size] [size=7]Lance Hoyt's Open Challenge[/size] After Hoyt's appearance in the last show of Do or Die!! Hoyt wanted to solidify his status as being the "Big Man" in MHW! So he is laying down an open challenge to anyone in the locker room! [size=7]A fatal four way to crown the New MHW Lightweight Champion![/size] As mentioned earlier, the new "Co-GM" will have a fatal 4 way to determine the brand new Lightweight Champion. Problem is...NO ONE KNOWS WHO THE PARTICIPANTS ARE! [size=7]The Debut of B-Boy!![/size] "The New Age Punisher" is gonna be in action against none other than MHW own, Danny Havoc!! [size=7]And The MAIN EVENT!!! Kidman and Terry Funk vs Kazarian w/Dawn Marie and The Messiah!![/size] Its gonna be hot tag team action between the Final Four men in the Semi Final's in the MHW World title tournament!! The only question that remain is will these two teams work with cohesion, or will one take advantage of the other, and take thier partner out before the finals? All this and so much more and on a special 90 minute edition of Hostile Intent!![/i][/b][/quote][/center] Confirmed Matches: B-Boy vs Danny Havoc Lance Hoyt's Open challenge Kidman and Funk vs Messiah and Kazarian Please Comment..Thank you
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[Center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/MHWlogo.jpg[/img] [b]PRESENTS [/b] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/MHW-1.jpg[/img] [b][size=7] Location: Florida Wrestleplex (South East) Attendence: 50 [/size] [size=7]Xavier vs Matrix [/size] This was not the first time these two have met up. But this time..the equasion would be different, becauase Xavier didnt come out alone! He came out with his new Manager, Bobby Hennan!!! Matrix and Xavier did a decent job doing the show, but the finsh came when Xavier reversed the "Touch of Reality" and hit his finisher, "Kiss Your X Goodbye" (Pumphandle sitout facebuster) for the 1,2,3!! After the match, Hennan and Xavier celebrated!! Winner: Xavier Rating/Time: D-/9:47 [size=7]So Who is it?? [/size] Don Callis comes out and runs down the Newly Appointed General Manager of MHW, despite not knowing who it is. He says that he was 'SOLEY" responsible on the sucess of Major Hustle Wrestling that it has to day! And he says whoever comes out, is not worthy to put on his shoes! So he basically baits whoever is back there...to go ahead and come out!! The Answer would be nothing less than shocking. The NEW GM of MHW is none other than legend.....JJ DILLION!! Dillion comes out and says that he is tired the way that "Cyrus" is running this company into the ground, and he says that there are gonna be a few "Changes" around here..starting with tonight....there will be a MHW Lightweight Title Fatal 4 Way Match! The participants are as follows: "The Iceman" Caprice Coleman, JETT (Formerly known as EZ Money), Derranged and a very special "mystery entrant" and that match is NEXT!!! Rating: E+ [size=7]MHW Lightweight Title Match: Fatal 4 Way "The Iceman" Caprice Coleman vs JETT vs Derranged vs ?? [/size] The Mystery Entrant was a shock to everyone!! Especially Derranged, because this person was his one time partner in ROH. The guy is none other than...INSANE DRAGON!!!! All 4 men went at it fast and furiously at it with near falls and some seriously insane high spots!! The finish came when JETT hit the "Slipstream" (A Release midair Suplex) on Derranged, and Coleman hit the "Thermal Shock" (Diamond Cutter), but out of nowhere, Dragon hit the "Kawada Kick" knocking out Coleman for the pinfall and becoming the first ever MHW Lightweight Champion!! Winner and New MHW Lightweight Champion: Insane Dragon Rating/Time: C-/20:40 [size=7]Lance Hoyt vs The Amazing RED [/size] Dispite being litterally DESTROYED by Hoyt, Red and Hoyt had some pretty decent chemistry in the ring together. There was really nothing special about this other than a squash match. The finish when Hoyt hit him with the "Big Boot from Hell" followed by the "Texas Tower Bomb!!" (Single leg one shoulder powerbomb) for the win. Winner: Lance Hoyt Rating/Time:D/5:43 [size=7]"The New Age Punisher" B-Boy w/"Princess" Leia vs Danny Havoc [/size] Despite the last match, Havoc was hardly a pushover for B-Boy, and he took the offense to B-Boy very early. Havoc took the skies after the Heel Kick, and hit the "Sky Twisting Press"! And then he went to go for the Havoc (Dragon) Suplex. But B-Boy slipped out and hit him with the Killer Driller (Reverse DDT)! It was completely downhill from there when B-Boy was doing nothing more than toyed with Havoc! He then One Hitter Quitter (Fireman's carry into sitout facebuster), and then the Cross Special Brainbuster (Cross-legged reverse brainbuster). He tried to finish him off with the Shining Wizard but Havoc moved out of the way..and tried for the "General Order 24" but Leia lowblowed Havoc and B-Boy took advantage and hit the Shining Wizard for the win! Winner: B-Boy Rating/Time: D+/15:34 [size=7]Main Event Terry Funk and Kidman vs The Messiah and Frankie Kazarian w/Dawn Marie. [/size] This was definately a Chaotic match to say the least. And not to mention that the Kollective Members, Matt Bentley and Lance Hoyt was at ringside! But this wouldnt be to long because they tried to interfere but the referee ejected both of them from the match. Messiah and Kazarian took turns taking it to the veteran Funk as he despartely tried to tag in Kidman. Messiah hit a vicious DDT on Funk for a 2 count. Messiah tried for a Running Lariat but Funk ducked and tagged in Kidman! Kidman truely stood out of this match as having an outstanding performance during the match. He hit the BK Bomb on Messiah and hit the Tornado Bulldog on Kazarian! The finish came when Kidman tagged Funk back in and Kidman hit the Shooting Star Press on Messiah, and then Funk did the "Funkersault" on Messiah for the win! Winners: Terry Funk and Kidman Rating/Time: D-/9:39 After the match, Kidman was celebrating in the ring with Terry Funk with out of NOWHERE Teddy Hart came out and blasted both Kidman and Funk with a Chair! He then place one on top of the other and climbed the top rope and hit the "Hart Attack 2.0" (Shooting Star Elbow Drop) on both men with Kidman on top, busting him wide open!! After the attack he go to the crowd and shout vulgarities...as the show ends Rating: F [size=7]Total Rating: D [/size] (Havoc, JETT, and Xavier was slighly over used, but other than that, this show raised our popularity!!) [/b][/CENTER] GHOST
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