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My first dynasty

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I'm about to start my very first dynasty. I'm going to use my own created fed that focuses on high-flying, hardcore, and big-bumps. These are the product settings I'm thinking of: Cult: Heavy Risque: Heavy Modern: Medium Hardcore: Heavy Daredevil: Key Feature Do these seem okay? or do they need fine tuning? Please help.
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Let me preface this by saying that you may be aware of this already, but just in case. With your product settings the way they are, in particular the high amounts of cult, risque, and hardcore, be prepared for your audience to poop on your workers. Now, it's entirely possible this won't happen, but then again. Just FYI, nothing more. Carry on.
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[QUOTE=WrestleManiac;223094]I'm about to start my very first dynasty. I'm going to use my own created fed that focuses on high-flying, hardcore, and big-bumps. These are the product settings I'm thinking of: Cult: Heavy Risque: Heavy Modern: Medium Hardcore: Heavy Daredevil: Key Feature Do these seem okay? or do they need fine tuning? Please help.[/QUOTE] My advice: 1) Bring the Cult and Risque down some. As Actarus pointed out, the more of those you have, the higher the likelihood your crowd will HATE certain workers, and let you (and them) know about it. Think of it like the original ECW. You're likely to get more "THIS MATCH SUCKS!" than you get "THAT WAS AWE-SOME!". 2) Bring Modern up to at least Heavy. That's the style of wrestling you're looking to promote (as opposed to Pure or Traditional, which are slower paced). Modern is like what you see in X-Division matches in TNA. Fast paced, lots of "OH MY GAWD" spots and the like. Daredevil just adds more spot monkey flavor (i.e. spots done for effect, not so much for match psychology). IMO, Teddy Hart (and Jack Evans and Amazing Red and Jody Fleisch) fits the 'Daredevil' style while an AJ or Christopher Daniels (or Low-Ki or Joe) fit into the Modern style better. 3) You might want to add a little Lucha to your product as well. That style fits with what you're trying to promote as well. Not much, maybe Medium tops. 4) What kinda realism are you going with? That's largely going to determine whether you can use tainted finishes and run-ins and such. 5) You CAN mix in some mainstream. It'll make getting a TV deal a little bit easier (since you won't have to rely on Risky/Cult networks). But maybe you add that later when your roster is set and you've had a few shows to figure out what you like and don't like. That's all I got. :)
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