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TFAW: Dynasty Warrior (C-Verse)

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It was a usual Saturday evening. Gemma, my girlfriend, was washing the dishes after cooking another bland tasting dinner. Bart, our son, was running havoc up and down the hallway and I was slouched in front of the PC drowning out this mundane existence with my fifth can of Stella while drunkenly attempting to book a super card on Total Extreme Wrestling 2007. “Bart! Stop picking the wallpaper,” Gemma screamed. Bart laughed at her and ran into his bedroom. I couldn’t think. My mind was half-drunk, my girlfriend’s shrill voice was piercing the very parts of my brain that controls thought and I was supposed to be working out how Runaway Train was going to effectively lose his title. Oh, the pressure of life! For the zillionth time the damned anti-virus checker popped up telling me, in its pointless way, that I should run a virus scan because I hadn’t done one for two months. I DON’T CARE. I want to finish booking this show! And guess what? The game goes and freezes on me. Ctrl, Alt, Delete. Close program. I know it’s not bloody responding! Hang on. What’s this? Another pop up flickers on screen. This time it’s a email reminder from National Lottery. I clicked it. The email loaded up. Cool. I’ve won something. I followed the link to the Lottery website, entered my details. “BART!” Gemma screamed again. “SHUT UP!” I screamed. “Both of you!” I checked my numbers and my life seemed to crawl to a slow motion pace as the minutes dragged and the news sank in. I had just won a million quid. *** A month later, with the million pounds sitting nicely in my bank account; the missus and kid playing in our shiny new house; debts freed, I sat in the local greasy spoon tucking into an egg and bacon sandwich (with HP sauce) opposite a greasy-haired ex-dentist. This ex-dentist was, supposedly, going to help me realise my dreams of running a wrestling promotion just like on that game. His name was Tyler Baker, founder of 21st Centruy Wrestling. He’d said he had sold the company to Jeff Nova for a sizeable profit and was looking for investors to stat up a new promotion. That was where I, and my million, came in. “So you see, Geoff, you would be the majority shareholder. You would have the majority of profit and the final say on how things are run,” Tyler explained. “What do you get out of it?” I asked, a sticky yellow dribble of egg yolk crawled from the corner of my mouth. “I get my name on another success story and I get to work back in the business I love. What d’you say?” “And I have the final say?” “Mostly. I’ll lend you my experience and such. I’ll put you on the right track, introduce you to a few workers. You know the kind of thing,” he handed me a sheet of paper. “What’s this?” “A list of initial contacts. They may or may not be interested, but they’re my recommendations.” I nodded, my head growing with thoughts and fantastic ideas. “Cool. You got a deal,” I said, stuffing the paper into my trouser pocket.. “Great,” said Tyler, offering his hand. “Get your people to write up a contract, I’ll get my people to read it over, you pay for my brunch and we’ve got a deal,” I said. I stood up and left the café, leaving Tyler searching his pockets for his wallet. *** I got home and checked the list of phone numbers Tyler had handed me. The list consisted of: Manny Morton Joan Evans Jake Panic Psycho Ripper Lestat Brilliant White Chris Everton Manchester Fly Boy Nate Manchester Thunderbolt Bad News Bruno Gabriel Green Herschel The Hammer Jeff Amazon Menace The Landlord To be honest, the names meant nothing to me, but Tyler had the experience, who was I to doubt him.
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[B][U]Tuesday, Week 1, January 2007[/U][/B] Not much happened today. I phoned everyone on the list Tyler Baker gave me and left messages for them to get back to me. Just have to play the waiting game now. Also, today, I sat down with Gemma and Tyler (by video-phone) to discuss the important stuff like the name of our promotion. We came up with Totally Freakin’ Awesome Wrestling (TFAW) a high-flying, hardcore based fed. We realise we’re going to be competing against MOSC, but so what… we’re going to be a zillion times better. Other important decision made in the meeting concerned the belts. For our main attractions we have the TFAW He Who Dares, Wins Championship belt and each August we will hold a tournament for the up-and-comers: TFAW Tournament of Blood. Gemma and myself celebrated this important occasion by opening a crate of Stella. Bart was scampering around somewhere. But, I had more important things to be thinking about. [B][U]Friday, Week 1, January 2007[/U][/B] I was starting to get anxious about Tyler’s contacts this morning. I hadn’t heard from any of them. But, at ten o’clock this morning I got my first reply. The Landlord called me to say he must regretfully decline my offer because he didn’t feel our promotion was big enough. Well, at least he had the decency to call me himself. Over the next six hours I received nine calls. I managed to negotiate contracts with all of them and so far our roster looks like this: Manny Morhan (Announcer) Joan Evans (Colour Commentator) Tyler Baker (Referee) Me (Road Agent) Jake Panic Psycho Ripper Lestat Manchester Fly Boy Nate Manchester Bad News Bruno Herschel The Hammer I’ve already got me first tag team: Manchester Fly Boy and Nate Manchester = The Manchester Massive. Also discovered that Tyler had made up some posters and had started distributing them amongst local gym clubs and pubs and on lamp-posts. We didn’t have any workers on our payroll when he had them printed, yet he’s booked a venue for two weeks time and promised a title match. God, the deadline hits me and now I feel under pressure. The roster we have now is way too small to hold a show. I just hope Tyler knows what he’s doing.
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[B]Saturday, Week 1, January 2007[/B] As if my prayers were answered by the end of the day I received five more interested calls and the roster was complete. I was just waiting to hear from Gabriel Green, but in all honesty, the roster was at a size I was happy with and Gabriel had probably blown his chance. [CENTER][B][U]Full Roster[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"]Heel[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Face[/COLOR] [B]Main Event[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Psycho[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Ripper Lestat[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]The Mighty Thor (formerly Herschel The Hammer)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Menace[/COLOR] [B]Upper Midcard[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Brilliant White[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Chris Everton[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Thunderbolt[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Jake Panic[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Jeff Amazon[/COLOR] [B]Midcard[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Manchester Fly Boy[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Nate Manchester[/COLOR] [B]Lower Midcard[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Bad News Bruno[/COLOR] [B][I]Tag Teams[/I][/B] [B][I]2-Stoned[/I][/B] – Jeff Amazon & Chris Everton [B][I]Manchester Massive[/I][/B] – Manchester Fly Boy & Nate Manchester [B][I]Gods of Thunder[/I][/B] – The Mighty Thor & Thunderbolt [B][I]Gay Camp[/I][/B] – Brilliant White & Menace[/CENTER] Tyler and I went through the roster discussing the pros and cons and what-nots and called in a meeting for the next day. [B]Sunday, Week 1, January 2007[/B] The meeting today was to introduce everyone to everybody else and to explain the promotion and to run through their gimmicks. The promotion was explained thus: [CENTER]Key Feature: Modern Heavy: Hardcore, Daredevil Medium: Cult, Risque, Lucha[/CENTER] The new gimmicks agreed upon were: [CENTER]Manny Morhan – Happy-Go-Lucky Joan Evans – Pretentious Artist Jake Panic – Man-Beast Psycho – Extremist Ripper Lestat – Vampiric Brilliant White – Gender Bender Chris Everton – Stoner Manchester Fly Boy – Dealer Nate Manchester – Dealer Thunderbolt – Comic Book Hero Bad News Bruno – Monster The Mighty Thor – Comic Book Hero Jeff Amazon – Dude Menace – Gay[/CENTER] We ended the meeting by announcing the date of our first show: Sunday, Week 3, January 2007.
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[QUOTE=Clarity;223495]Ah this brings back memories. My first proper diary started just like this with kinda the same ish roster. Be wary of Manchester Fly Boy.. He was a complete dud for me[/QUOTE] Yeah and if you hire Jamie Anderson, I will EAT Bart. EAT HIM, with ketchup & dijon! :p
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[IMG]http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u270/DirtyRuntzBucket/border1.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u270/DirtyRuntzBucket/banner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Sunday, Week 3, January 2007. The Paddington Club. Attendance: 33[/B] [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Announcer: Manny Morhan[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Colour Commentator: Joan Evans[/COLOR][/CENTER] The crowd fidget and murmur in anticipation. The local school band finished playing their derivative style of heavy metal no more than half hour ago. Nobody knows what to expect tonight, least of all the skinny four-eyed geek who enters the ring. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]There’s our esteemed boss. The one and only G W Hardkore. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]He’s a geek, Manny. Nothing esteemed about him. Absolutely no class.[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]If you want class, Joan, you’ve come to the wrong place. Have you seen the crowd here tonight? [/COLOR][/CENTER] “Good evening everyone and thank you all for coming,” says the geek. “My name is G W Hardkore and I am the owner and co-founder of Totally Freakin’ Awesome Wrestling.” [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]Get on with it already.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Hey, give the guy his moment.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Why?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Because he deserves it.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Why?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Because he’s your boss. Now let the guy speak and shut up.[/COLOR][/CENTER] The crowd begins to boo and someone throws a rotten tomato at G W Hardkore’s general direction. He sidesteps the flying missile and looks a bit perturbed by the reaction. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Goddamn, who threw that?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Yeah, Goddamn you. You missed.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Have you no respect for your superiors. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]He may be superior to you, Manny, but Joan Evans looks up to no one. I am top of the pile, baby.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Did you just call me “baby”?[/COLOR][/CENTER] “Let me explain,” he begins nervously, “what our show is all about.” At that point the curtain opens and the giant form of Bad News Bruno lumbers into the ring carrying a steel chair. He smashes the chair into the face of Hardkore sending his glasses flying off the end of his nose and skittering out of the ring. [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]That’s what I call respecting the boss.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]That monster came out of nowhere.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]No he never. He came from backstage.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Shut up, Joan.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Bruno jumps around the ring with his arms raised in victory and growls at the crowd. A silver flash runs through the crowd, hastily followed by a referee. While Bruno is celebrating knocking the owner of TFAW unconscious, Thunderbolt seems to almost fly to the top turnbuckle. The masked spot-monkey launches from the top rope and kicks Bruno in the side of the head, sending the big guy staggering. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]At least somebody stood up for the geek. But the size difference is incredible. Thunderbolt better have something planned to take down that bad, nasty giant.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]So you admit it?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Admit what?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]That the boss is a geek.[/COLOR][/CENTER] The referee drags Hardkore from the ring and signals for the bell. The first match in the history of TFAW has begun. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Hey, ref! You can’t just dump the boss there.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]If you care about him so much, Manny, why don’t you take care of him.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Because I have a job to do and I am a model professional.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]So’s the ref. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u270/DirtyRuntzBucket/Thunderbolt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u270/DirtyRuntzBucket/BadNewsBruno.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Thunderbolt V Bad News Bruno[/B][/CENTER] Thunderbolt runs off the rope and throws himself at Bad News Bruno. The giant barely flinches and stares at Thunderbolt whizzing around the ring. Thunderbolt delivers a kick to the back of Bruno’s leg. Bruno watches on, bemused. He lashes out with a forearm blow, stunning Thunderbolt. While Thunderbolt holds his face, Bruno smacks him hard across the chest, winding the smaller guy. [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]Not the prettiest display I’ve seen, but effective.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]You’re right, there. Two powerful strikes from Bad News Bruno and Thunderbolt is running out of steam.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]That’s what happens when you run around the ring like he did.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]It has nothing to do with the running, Joan, and more to do with the simple fact that Bruno’s fist is roughly the same size as Thunderbolt’s head.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Bad News Bruno turns and roars at the crowd. Thunderbolt recovers his composure and delivers a spinning back kick to the small of Bruno’s back. Growling, Bruno turns to face Thunderbolt who quickly kicks the giant in the groin. [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]Ohh, dirty tactics. I approve.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]I hate to say this, Joan, but I think that’s going to be the only way Thunderbolt is going to have anything resembling a chance in this match.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Instead of showing any pain, Bruno lifts Thunderbolt up and drops him, gut first, across his knee. Thunderbolt is writhing in pain on the mat when Bruno’s big foot stamps on his face and grinds it into the canvas. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]That’s just not called for.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]That’s what happens when you play dirty. The rulebook goes bye-bye.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]This is just insulting. [/COLOR][/CENTER] Bruno stomps on his opponent who is, by now, begging for mercy. [CENTER][COLOR="red"]Come on, ref, stop the match.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]No way, Manny. I’m enjoying this.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Bad News Bruno heads to the corner while Thunderbolt is down and removes the protection from the turnbuckle. He grabs Thunderbolt by the ankles and begins to swing him around. Bruno laughs as he spins around and lets Thunderbolt go in mid-flight. Thunderbolt flies through the air and crashes into the turnbuckle, his face exploding in a shower of blood. Bruno goes for the pin… 1…2…3! [B]Rated: F+[/B] [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]That’s it?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]That’s it. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]What a bad match up.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Hey, be fair. Thunderbolt came out here to save his boss. His heart was in the right place.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Well that just goes to show what a thicko Thunderbolt really is.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]He’s a super-hero. He’ll be back.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]He’s not a super-hero, Manny. He’s a sidekick. And sidekicks suck.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Backstage, in the dressing room, Chris Everton and Jeff Amazon are in conversation. “Yeah, dude,” began Amazon, “that Nate Manchester is okay.” “Looks like a bit of a chav to me, man,” Everton says. “Maybe, dude, but look what I bagged us,” Amazon digs into his jacket pocket and pulls out a plastic bag full of dry herbs. “Whoa! Cool, man. You got the papers?” “Dude. I’ve always got the papers?” “You rolling?” asked Everton. “Sure. Let’s have a quick toke before the match, dude.” “I’m on your wavelength, man.” Back at ringside the hall goes dark as the lights go out. Sinister organ music begins to play as the dark character of Ripper Lestat crawls, bat-like, towards the ring. “The next match,” comes the weedy voice of G W Hardkore, “is a two-on-one handicap match. On his way to the ring, Ripper Lestat.” The crowd politely claps, unsure of the name being called out but impressed with the eerie entrance. As Ripper waits in the ring some slow generic stoner rock begins to play. “On their way to the ring, 2-Stoned.” However, only Chris Everton manages to drag himself to the match. His eyes are heavy and he moves slowly with a big, cheesy grin across his face. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Where’s Jeff Amazon? [/COLOR][/CENTER] Back in the locker room Thunderbolt enters to find Jeff Amazon asleep on a bench. Thunderbolt shakes him awake. “Hey, Jeff. You’ve got a match. You’re on.” Jeff stares at Thunderbolt, bleary eyed and out of focus. “Okay mum,” he says. “I’ll be up in a minute.” [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]Hey, mum? The guy’s mad.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]He’s gone. He’s so far gone.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Gone where?[/COLOR][/CENTER] Back at ringside the bell rings. [CENTER][IMG]http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u270/DirtyRuntzBucket/RipperLeStat_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u270/DirtyRuntzBucket/ChrisEverton.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Ripper Lestat V Chris Everton[/B][/CENTER] Ripper Lestat with a kick to the gut. He follows up with a quick jab punch and clubs Chris Everton over the back of the head. Everton rolls away as Lestat falls to the canvas with an elbow drop. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Good opening offensive from the vampire there.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]He’s not really a vampire, Manny.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]How can you be so sure?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]‘Cause vampire’s aren’t real, you Dodo.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Chris Everton applies a rear chinlock. Lestat claws at his throat as he gasps for air. Everton lets go and as Lestat struggles to his feet, Everton plants a falling elbow into Lestat’s spine. He picks the pale one up and applies a wrist lock. Lestat kicks backwards and catches Everton’s inner thigh. As Lestat turns around, Chris Everton hits him with a dropkick. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]For one so stoned, Chris Everton is really kicking ass. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]He ain’t stoned, Manny. What you chatting about?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Did you miss something, Joan. We just saw him rolling a joint.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"](laughs) That wasn’t a joint. That was just a roll-up. You’re so naïve. You have a lot to learn.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Chris Everton delivers a jab to Lestat who is looking a bit dazed. Everton runs off the rope and hits Ripper with a flying dropkick. He applies the arm bar, yanking back Lestat’s arm as the vampire yells his agony. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Everton seems to be concentrating on that arm. Does he know something we don’t.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]He probably knows quite a bit you don’t.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Oh, really mature, Joan.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Everton picks Ripper Lestat up from behind and reaches backwards. He drops down. Neckbreaker! Everton goes for the seated dropkick, but Lestat moves in the nick of time. He lands a punch and follows up with a Front Slam, but Chris Everton counters with a Sunset Flip. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Great Counter.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Goes for the pin. 1… Kickout. [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]Too early.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Both combatants get to their feet. Chris Everton catches Lestat with a Leg Lariat. Chris Everton goes for the seated dropkick again, but Lestat counters with a low blow. Everton slumps to the ground clutching at his plums. [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]That’s going to hurt for a month and half.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]How would you know? [/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Secrets, Manny. Secrets.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]What are you talking about? What are you implying.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Lestat rolls out the squared-circle and looks beneath the ring. He returns with a fistful of barbed wire and sits atop Everton’s chest. He scratches the stoner’s chest with the sharp barbs, tearing the flesh from him. [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]Oh my God! He’s a monster.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]At last we can agree on something.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Lestat rains repeated punches with his barbed-wired fist to the side of Everton’s face. He goes for the pin. 1… 2… 3…! [B]Rated: E-[/B] [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]You’ve got to ask yourself, did he get beaten unconscious by that madman Lestat, or was he just too stoned to continue.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]I keep telling you, Manny, he wasn’t stoned. The vampire kicked his ass. Beautifully done, too.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Kicked his ass? Were you watching the same match as me.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]I’m here aren’t I?[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]You didn’t answer the question.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Lestat returns to the side of the ring and pulls a brown cloth out from under the apron. He returns to the unconscious Everton and unwraps the cloth. Inside is a syringe and an old clay cup. Lestat inserts the syringe into a bulging vein on Chris Everton’s arm and makes his withdrawal. With a syringe full of blood he empties it’s contents into the cup and drinks it. [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]I told you he was really a vampire.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]My God! That’s just sick.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Lestat closes his eyes to the ecstasy the blood gives him. When he opens his eyes they are heavy and sleepy. “That’s some seriously good s**t,” he tells the audience. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Chris Everton was so high on weed, Lestat’s used him like a bong. [/COLOR][/CENTER] The lights dim and a grainy, shaky video begins to play on the opposite wall. The curly haired figure of Menace is smiling, a groan escaping his lips. He appears to be breathing heavy. Another figure rises from the bottom of the screen. Brilliant White turns to the screen wiping something from the corner of his mouth. “That one’s for the Manchester Massive,” Menace grins sleazily. “We coming to get you, boys,” he blows a kiss and the screen fizzles to white noise. The crowd are shocked into disgusted silence. [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]Now [I]that’s [/I]sick![/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]No comment.[/COLOR][/CENTER] “The next match is a First Blood Tag Team Match. On their way to the ring first, Menace and Brilliant White: Gay Camp.” Gay Camp strut towards the ring amidst a chorus of boos. Menace holds a hand up to the crowd. “Talk to the hand, b***hes.” “And their opponents, Manchester Fly Boy and Nate Manchester: Manchester Massive.” A dubious murmur of approval ripples through the crowd as The Manchester Massive run into the ring. The bell rings. [CENTER][IMG]http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u270/DirtyRuntzBucket/Menace.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u270/DirtyRuntzBucket/BrilliantWhite.jpg[/IMG] [B]V[/B] [IMG]http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u270/DirtyRuntzBucket/ManchesterFlyBoy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u270/DirtyRuntzBucket/NateManchester.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Gay Camp V Manchester Massive[/B][/CENTER] Manchester Fly Boy hits Menace straight away with a flying clothesline. He tries to go for the Arm Bar, but Menace shrugs it off and replies with a head butt. Fly Boy goes down like a sack of potatoes. Menace stamps on Fly Boy’s stomach. [CENTER][COLOR="red"]He nearly crushed the life from him there![/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Come on, Manchester. [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Glad to see you’re not biased.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]The way I see it they beat Gay Camp’s asses, or Gay Camp own theirs.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Ohh, I agree. Not a pretty image.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Menace kicks Fly Boy in the gut and follows through with a clothesline. He jumps up and lands on Fly Boy with a splash. [CENTER][COLOR="blue"]That’s the only kind of splash I want to see Menace do on anyone.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Shut up, Joan. You’re making me think about things I’d rather be too naïve to understand.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Menace goes for the short-arm clothesline, but Fly Boy ducks it and returns with a quick jab in the face of his opponent. He runs off the rope and knocks Menace down with a clothesline. Fly Boy pulls back on Menace’s arm. [CENTER][COLOR="red"]He’s locked in the Arm Bar.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Menace struggles, but slowly manages to bring his arm round with Fly Boy still holding on. He picks up the smaller wrestler, plants a kiss on his lips and falls to the canvas with a Front Slam. As Fly Boy wipes his mouth clean, Menace splashes on him once more. [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]Menace really likes to make a Splash on this young man.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Shut up![/COLOR][/CENTER] Menace picks up the stunned Fly Boy, runs against the rope and goes for the Big Boot. Fly Boy sidesteps the move and places a thrust kick under Menace’s jaw. Menace hits the mat like a felled tree. Fly Boy makes the tag. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Menace hit the mat hard there. Smart tag by Fly Boy.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Nate Manchester runs at the groggy Menace and seemingly springs across the ring with a running Bulldog. As Menace sits up, Nate delivers a seated dropkick. He follows up with an Arm Bar. As he pulls back on the limb Menace reaches out and tag’s Brilliant White. Brilliant White jumps in the ring and slap Nate across the chest with a stinging backhand. White jumps in the air and dropkicks Nate. White runs against the rope and goes for the Cartwheel Splash, but Nate moves just in time. [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]Not Brilliant White as well.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]What?[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]He’s trying to splash over the Manchester Massive. A Brilliant White Splash.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Have you no shame? You’re supposed to be a lady.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]This is the twenty-first century, Manny. Women can be just as loutish as you men.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]I’m not a lout.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Then you belong in the Gay Camp.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Nate attempts a Rear Chin Lock, but White evades it and kicks Nate in the chest with a Side Spinning Kick. As White goes for another kick, Nate moves out the way. Nate delivers a Knife Edge Chop which White blocks and returns with a dropkick. [CENTER][COLOR="red"]Some good fighting there. Two promising youngster on display here tonight.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]So that’s your game, Manny.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Excuse me.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]You like ‘em young.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Brilliant White drags Nate to the edge of the ring and props him up against the ropes. He runs off the opposite ropes and dropkicks Nate to the outside. Again White runs off the ropes and this time dives over the ropes, going for the Rolling Senton. Nat sees it coming and rolls aside. Both competitors are holding their back in pain. [CENTER][COLOR="red"]That miss could’ve cost Brilliant White the match. He may have lost his momentum with that daring move.[/COLOR][/CENTER] To everyone’s surprise, Brilliant White is first to his feet. He drags Nate over to the ring post and attempts a figure-four. Nate cleverly blocks the move with his feet. Menace comes over at this point and stamps on Nate’s head, impacting against the metal ring post. [CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]Is it finished? Is he bleeding?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]I can’t see from here. We’ll have to wait for the ref’s decision.[/COLOR][/CENTER] The ref checks the back of Nate’s head, while Fly Boy looks on. The ref’s hand comes away red. Match over. [B]Rating: F[/B] [CENTER][COLOR="red"]Gay Camp are victorious. But, what’s Menace doing, now?[/COLOR][/CENTER] Menace throws Nate into the ring and sits astride his chest. Brilliant White keeps Fly Boy at bay. Menace rubs his hand in Nate’s hair and smears blood over his face. He licks his hand and spits on it, rubbing it into Nate’s hair. “Well, Lover Boy. I own your arse, now. We’ve exchanged bodily fluids, that makes us joined in a way no other men can be.” [CENTER][COLOR="red"]I’d say that was a good thing.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]What? You don’t like gay porn?[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]No, I don’t![/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Shame. You don’t know what you’re missing.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Menace leaves the ring, Brilliant White following close behind. Fly Boy runs in the ring to check his partner. “The next match is our Main Event and is for the vacant He Who Dares, Wins Championship Title. On his way to the ring, The Mighty Thor!” The sound of a cheaply recorded crack of thunder echoes around the hall. The Mighty Thor stomps towards the ring carrying his trusty hammer. “His opponent this evening, Psycho.” A blast of unintelligible death metal bombasts the audience as Psycho sprints towards the ring. The bell rings. [CENTER][IMG]http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u270/DirtyRuntzBucket/originalbelt07.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]He Who Dares, Wins Title[/B] [IMG]http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u270/DirtyRuntzBucket/HerschelTheHammer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u270/DirtyRuntzBucket/Psycho.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]The Mighty Thor V Psycho[/B][/CENTER] Grabbing Psycho by the neck with both hands, Thor throws him into the corner. Psycho bounces off the turnbuckle and Thor throws a huge arm, clubbing him on the back. He scoops Psycho up with one arm and drops a backbreaker. Thor is immediately astride Psycho raining down a flurry of vicious blows to his face. Thor gets up, spreads Psycho’s legs apart and head butts him in the groin. He sits astride Psycho again and delivers another flurry of hard punches. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]What a strong start to the match from Thor. He looks like he really wants this belt.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]This is why Thunderbolt is just a sidekick.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]I think you’ve won me round on that argument.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]I win. I win. I win.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]You had to spoil it, didn’t you?[/COLOR][/CENTER] The Mighty Thor hits the Full Nelson Butt Bomb. He picks Psycho up and throws him into the corner and follows it up with a clothesline. Thor picks Psycho up and lands the Double Arm DDT. Thor goes for the pin. 1… 2… 3…! [B]Rated E+[/B] [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]That’s it. The show’s over and we have a new champion: The Mighty Thor.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]I don’t know why Psycho bothered to turn up.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]He certainly appeared off his game tonight.[/COLOR][/CENTER]
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