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Hollyweird Grappling Company: Revenge Of The Nerd

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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;231705]This is an excellent diary, but I can see how the writeup complexity (esp. for weekly shows) would be intimidating. The trick is how to keep the awesome content without burning yourself out. It's a balancing act, and I have no real answer. I find it isn't the writing that slows me down, it's the [i]coding[/i]. I don't know what the answer is.[/QUOTE] Yeah the coding is quite time consuming (despite this layout being relatively simple) although it's a necessary evil to a point. I doubt I'll change much unless the gap between event postings increases each time. I just want to avoid a situation where by the time the next set of results are posted, people have completely forgotten what transpired on the show prior. Having said that, the show write-ups should get easier the more events are clocked up, so I guess we'll see what happens.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/tewweb.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]The Online Home Of The Hollyweird Grappling Company[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[U][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/Dread.jpg[/IMG][/U] [SIZE="2"][COLOR=Black][B][U]Tidings Of Dread?[/U] [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] The disturbing visual of Tommy Cornell and Ricky Dale Johnson laying motionless next to the staging certainly wasn't the celluloid moment management would have wanted the first edition of Tuesday Night Wrestling to end on, but in reality the conclusion of their main event bout will undoubtedly remain the most prominent memory of HGC's inaugural event. One week later and despite an announcement that would have implifications for every member of the roster, TNW again ended on a controversial note that management would not have found desirable. Seemingly confined to crutches, Cornell interjected himself in the final contest of the night and snapped one of his walking implements across the back of Dread's neck to clinch victory for RDJ.
Eye witnesses described Dread's mood as one of silent rage when he came back round, his eyes burning with a vengeful gaze as he refused any assistance from officials. Whilst Cornell is having trouble adapting to the new regime in charge of what was once his promotion, 'Rough Justice' would be ill-advised to continue racking up powerful foes at the rate he is, his motivation for assisting Johnson still unclear. Already at odds with Phil Vibert, Cornell now finds himself in the crosshairs of former PGHW behemoth, Dread. With the pair scheduled to feature in Battle Royal qualification matches on this week's edition of TNW, along with four other superstars, the proverbial faecal matter could well hit the fan. Will Dread exact his revenge by derailing the former World Champion's quest to regain his belt?
[U][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/JKStalkingsJr-1.jpg[/IMG][/U] [SIZE="2"][COLOR=Black][B][U]A Billion Reasons To Tune In.[/U] [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] When J.K. Stallings Jr announced the return of HGC, it's unlikely the first two instalments of TNW would have transpired exactly to his wishes. Sources suggest that the billionaire has cancelled a series of high profile conferences in Tokyo in order instigate a sit down meeting with Phil Vibert. It's no secret that the transition to the former DAVE Owner's tenure has not gone smoothly as expected, but few would have believed a 'summit' with Stallings would have arisen so quickly.
The General Manager was quick to dismiss notions that his reign was in jeopardy, stating that both he and the HGC founder shared 'concerns' about the direction of the promotion, including its method of operation and the deteriorating atmosphere backstage. Vibert added that he had several proposals to put to his employer on Tuesday night, including a new recruitment drive. Given the billionaire's insistence on retaining the Hollyweird roster of old, it remains to be seen whether he can be swayed on this issue and this week's event could go a long way to confirming just how tied the General Manager's hands are and what the future holds for the re-launched brand... even whether that future includes Phil Vibert. In other news relating to this week’s broadcast, only one match has been announced ahead of the show, with management maintaining the theme of withholding a majority of the card from the public. Rick Law and Chance Fortune will be pitted against their respective adversaries Rocky Golden and Freddy Huggins who are understood to have adopted the team moniker of Gold & Delicious. We are also led to believe however that Rip Chord will once again lay down an open challenge to anyone on the payroll who wishes to face him, buoyed by his dubious victory over Bruce The Giant this past week. With Malice In Wonderland on the horizon, the upcoming edition of Tuesday Night Wrestling is one of only two chances left for the superstars of HGC to prove their credentials as the race to the vacant World Heavyweight Championship intensifies. [B][SIZE="1"]TUESDAY NIGHT WRESTLING (9:00-11:00PM EST, LIVE on GNN Total Sports)[/SIZE][/B]
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[QUOTE=Bye1918;231874]THE FOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRCCCCCEEEEEEEEEE has come to HGC, and I'm loving it.[/QUOTE] Well just for a little while. It looks like it'll be a one-off appearance since the ingrate just went and signed a written deal with SWF. :( [QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;231874]This diary is the best on the boards right now... The length of the write ups would drive most people away but you are such a good writer that it maintains the readers interest. Good job and I look forward to seeing how Dread is going to react.[/QUOTE] Thanks. It's handy to hear a couple of opinions on the write up length, because one my main concerns with using such lengthy write-ups are people just turning due to the amount of text that appears in front of them. I was toying with posting the events in two parts, a bit like Monkeypox's PPV post in his DAVE dynasty, but it seems a bit much just for the weekly shows.
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;232488]Thanks. It's handy to hear a couple of opinions on the write up length, because one my main concerns with using such lengthy write-ups are people just turning due to the amount of text that appears in front of them. I was toying with posting the events in two parts, a bit like Monkeypox's PPV post in his DAVE dynasty, but it seems a bit much just for the weekly shows.[/QUOTE] pffft Short Attention Span Theater has its place, but not with this diary. I've enjoyed reading so far because it isn't just a massive block of unpunctuated text. It's broken up logically and is thus easy to read, no matter how long it is. Then again, I've read 'War and Peace' cover to cover 16 times so maybe I'm the oddball. :p The Rick Law-Rocky Huggins thing was gold! As soon as they got stopped, the first thing I thought of was the taillight thing. I was telling Rocky, "Keep your mouth shu...doh". Fun to read for sure, regardless of the length.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;232496]pffft Short Attention Span Theater has its place, but not with this diary. I've enjoyed reading so far because it isn't just a massive block of unpunctuated text. It's broken up logically and is thus easy to read, no matter how long it is. Then again, I've read 'War and Peace' cover to cover 16 times so maybe I'm the oddball. :p[/QUOTE] ... did... did... did Remianen just diss me?!> :eek:
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;232570]... did... did... did Remianen just diss me?!> :eek:[/QUOTE] lol naw, I agree with some of what you said. But I think it's good to have a variety of different formats amongst the diaries. More stuff for me to steal....errr, did I say that out loud? :o Many of the diaries are short and succinct but we don't have too many that go into detail developing characters longhand. The story format of this diary is different, wouldn't you say?
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Thanks for the input guys. I've decided to split the next TNW in into two halves since it's a heavily story-driven show, which is looking like the longest yet. Whether this is a continuing theme, I don't yet know, but in TNW 003's case, it's definitely easier to consume in two portions. The first half will be posted later today along with a little graphical eyecandy to help set the scene.
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The fans took their seats, their attention drawn by the ring crew as they unwrapped a large rolled tarp beside the ramp. They were banners, intended to line the front of the temporary staging to their left. Those lucky enough to claim a ticket knew the night that lay in store for them could be the most pivotal in the Hollyweird Grappling Company's second run thus far. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B][U]Dark Match: Aaron Andrews versus. T.J. Bailey [/U][/B] T.J. Bailey's lot in HGC was fairly simple. He turned up, he put his heart into his matches, he wore a visor and more often than not he got beaten. Having performed well in some of HGC's more throwaway bouts with opponents the calibre of Ricky Dale Johnson and Liberty, he was surprisingly tied down to a written contract by the Stallings Corporation as their figurehead sought to rebuild his promotion’s former roster in its entirety. Before the TV cameras rolled, Bailey fought Aaron Andrews in a solid contest that saw Double A take the convincing victory... not that the crowd fully appreciated the bout's conclusion as their attention was draw towards the big screen during the final moments. [B]Winner: Aaron Andrews (via pinfall) Match Rating: D+ [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TNWlogo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][COLOR="Black"]Tuesday Night Wrestling:[/COLOR][COLOR="Gray"]Scene 003[/COLOR][/I][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT][COLOR="Gray"]Dark storms brew over California skies. On a night where the most significant actions are not those transpiring inside the ring, the World Heavyweight Championship exists as the property no man and amidst administrative turmoil, the scramble to claim the top title begins. [/COLOR][/CENTER] Tuesday Night Wrestling began outside of the Stallings International Entertainment Arena where the sign hoarding read 'TNW SOLD OUT' in all its florescent glory to form a glare until the camera angle receded to capture a long shot view of the state-of-the-art structure. A chopper hovered over the building whilst the masses seated inside observed via the jumbo-tron. They knew the identity of the passenger, much like they knew the significance of his presence. Jason Azaria introduced the broadcast, confirming that J.K. Stallings Jr was concealed inside the aircraft as several agents are shown waving glowsticks into the air to guide its final descent. Picking up on this, Jillefski commented on the emergence of several company employees who bore a similar resemblance to presidential bodyguards, kitted out in futuristic shades and 'wired up' to the same inside message that seemed exclusive those working for what he described as a soulless corporation... one that he happily took a generous paycheck home from. The former USPW owner's observation was accurate, however. The promotion had been consumed with what could only be construed as an oppressive force, even when the smothering atmosphere that had been present since the season premiere had been taken into account. Large men in dark suits and darker glasses were placed like statues in strategic positions around the complex, large heads and emotionless eyes took everything in. The all seeing eye of security had been complimented by the extensive network of CCTV cameras that seemed to capture anything that transpired within the four walls of Stalling's multi-million dollar facility, more than the HGC performers were likely aware. Beyond that, those employees designated as production or creative staff seemed to vastly outnumber the workers who actually featured on air, to such a degree that few had rarely seen the same assistant twice. The era of Total Champion Wrestling had passed. This new incarnation of Hollyweird had taken the form of an unrecognised beast, one that tore through the binds of tradition the industry was steeped in. Right and wrong could no longer be considered factors... instead it had become every man for himself under the watch of a very much involved corporate system. Emma Chase inhaled and exhaled deeply, watching her breath hang in the chilled air briefly before being promptly dispersed by the ferocious whirring of the rotor blades above. She stood as Phil Vibert's first and only hire, trying to emulate the confidence of the other smartly dressed staff that she'd passed in the numerous halls. The former DAVE Owner himself had arrived at the arena hours ago in order to prepare. Vibert had circled the premises nearly a dozen times on foot (at least the parts his key card granted him access to) yet was no less restless and uneasy than when he had first entered the building. He was one of the new players to emerge at the head of this transitional stage, a time where those beneath him were battling to establish their positions in the new world order and those above him sought to direct the traffic. Clutching a black leather briefcase to his chest, Stallings disembarked from the helicopter and paid the waiting Charlie Thatcher the briefest of acknowledgements as an entourage formed behind the aforementioned billionaire. He laid eyes on the shapely form of 'Easy Emma' who returned one of her more saccharine smiles. [I]"I hope you haven't been standing out here all this time?"[/I] The computer nerd-turned-entrepreneur asked, his nasally voice hardly befitting of a man who commanded such wealth and authority. Chase introduced herself as 'Mr Vibert's personal assistant' before guiding the HGC founder and his imperial guards down the well illuminated walkway that stretched from the helipad to the over-arching rear entrance of the arena. Her introduction aside, Stallings knew far more about Emma Chase's role in HGC than either she or Vibert had disclosed. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/stallingsarrival.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Tommy Cornell stormed past one of the suited hulks in the corridor, his hand clasped around a company memo. Without an invitation to enter, the former four-time World Heavyweight Champion burst into the locker room occupied by the superstar whom he assisted to topple Dread last week on TNW. Upon entering, he thrust the sheet of paper in front of the seated Ricky Dale Johnson who examined it, despite Cornell revealing the content anyway. Phil Vibert had stuck to his word in seeding both Cornell and Johnson for the Battle Royal at Malice In Wonderland, setting their qualification match for tonight's episode of HGC's flagship show. That was the bone of contention; the pair had been pitted together in the same bout, not as opponents... but partners. Their qualification hinged on the two fierce rivals uniting to overcome the dominant tandem of Wrestling Machine #1 and Wrestling Machine #2. No mean feat for two workers who not only had no experience of teaming together, but no desire to. Cornell already blamed the big Texan for costing him his World title, though to a lesser extent than he blamed Vibert and now it seemed his cerebral game playing had come back to bite him in his British backside. [I]"Do you want to win the World Heavyweight Championship at Malice In Wonderland?"[/I] Johnson asked, his brow creasing as he focused on adjusting his knee pad. [I]"Yes."[/I] Cornell replied. [I]"Do you think I want to?"[/I] [I]"Obviously."[/I] [I]"And do we not [B]both[/B] have to defeat The Machines in order to get there?" "That's what the schedule says."[/I] Having finished with his padding, RDJ finally fixed his gaze on Cornell. [I]"Then what's the problem?"[/I] Cornell smiled and crumpled the memo, before putting on his most (un)convincing Texas drawl as he motioned for the door. [I]"Well then Ricky' boi Jo... youse got yer-self a pard-ner!"[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] For the second week in a succession, the decision had been made to forgo the opening fireworks, for a more memorable opening extravaganza had been arranged to serenade the billionaire's return home. [I]"If ya look'at me like that one more time, I'll jam that damn microphone so far up yer ass, you'll hear static every time ya try and breath through yer stinkin' nose!"[/I] Ronnie V Pain extended a threatening finger towards Troy Tornado, who scowled, concentrating on adjusting the stand his microphone rested in. The former Painful Procedure lead singer thought having to feature in the L.A. Street Fight last week was an insult to his abilities. This though, was even further beneath him. The Hollyweird sugar daddy had touched down and at his request, Painful Procedure were forced to shelve their differences and reform for a one-off performance, LIVE on TNW. [I]"Jack Bruce-wannabe..."[/I] He heard Randall Hopkirk mutter as the bassist tightened the strings of his instrument. Tornado tolerated the verbal abuse for the time being. His sole intention was to get through the song, then exit stage left at the earliest opportunity. Besides, he didn't fancy the three-on-one odds that he'd face should he decide to get physical with his heavily tattooed detractors. 'How did Floyd Goldworthy manage to get out of this?' The former International Champion thought to himself as he scanned the makeshift stage, which had been erected to the left of the entrance set, to see if the weasel who was once his manager had been roped into this nauseating reunion. The lights dimmed, all except for the spotlights that beamed with an increased intensity to expose their reluctant subjects as their performance began. The rumbling bass line could be heard through the corridor as the feed switched backstage to show Emma Chase as she led J.K. Stallings Jr and the security phalanx that flanked the company's founder, towards the conference suite were his 'summit' with Phil Vibert was scheduled to take place. Since greeting the billionaire from the helipad, Chase had toned down the seductive routine that usually won her the overtures of many male admirers and perpetuated herself as a beacon of professionalism whilst in the company of corporation figurehead. Besides, she judged that Stallings would be the type who was more interested in the World Of Warcraft over the Women Of Wrestling. The entourage arrived at the main conference room, its actual location saw it located in the south west corner of the building to the left of the TNW entrance set, nestled amongst the VIP skyboxes that lined the upper reaches of the main arena bowl. The long rectangular window provided a picturesque, isometric view of proceedings below, the scene set intentionally to assist in swaying potential investors and business partners. HGC would be unlikely to ever come up short in the finances department, but with spring television schedules to be compiled in the near future, the long oak table would soon have various network executives seated around it. Currently the table was headed by Phil Vibert who moved forward to shake the hand of his boss, having worn several grooves in the plush carpet pacing backwards and forth in anticipation of his arrival. [I]"Mr Stallings, welcome! Did you have a pleasant flight?"[/I] The Reverend of Hardcore began to creep somewhat, it made for an uncomfortable sight. [I]"Please, take a seat."[/I] The General Manager pulled out a chair, momentarily distracted by a momentary vision of Chris Caulfield watching this somewhere via a broken down TV set and spitting his can of beer due to exaggerated laughter. Chase laid out the paperwork as the billionaire took his place at the table's opposite pole, instructing his minders (inclusive of Charlie Thatcher) to leave and position themselves on the other side of the door to ensure their were no interruptions. Vibert thanked his personal assistant for her 'invaluable' help and ushered her outside also. Stallings flashed a courteous smile as Sammy Bach's ex closed the door behind her. [I]"You can't put a price on efficiency like that."[/I] Stallings mused, his remark clearly unsettling the former DAVE owner who smiled nervously in response. There were after all, a few aspects of Emma Chase's recruitment that weren't wholly above board. Legal? Barely. Ethical? Even less so. When Chase and her former employer held their rendezvous a fortnight ago, his new personal assistant laid a proposal on the table for Vibert. A win/win situation for all parties concerned. Ever cautious of his new environment and the all seeing electrical eye of Hollyweird, the former DAVE Owner instructed her not to reveal a word more until they'd switched to a more neutral location... the car park of the nearest Seven-Eleven as it transpired. Concealed behind the rear of the store outlet, Chase put forward her offer. Her contract was up in two months time and like her former boss, she intended to move onwards and upwards from the trappings of life in DAVE. She'd been informed of the gentleman's agreement Vibert had put in place with John 'Nemesis' Campbell upon his departure where HGC's new General Manager had given his word not to plunder talent from his former stomping ground. Chase though, was insistent. She claimed that Campbell had no real inclination to resign her, which given the former SWF superstars mindset, was believable enough. He'd always given the impression that Chase would be on borrowed time under his watch, viewing her as a destabilising figure behind the scenes. He did however appreciate her potential worth. The plan was simple. Representatives from Hollyweird would arrange to buy out the remaining months of her contract and Campbell would give his authorisation. Chase would get her move and DAVE would be duly compensated... in reality, they'd milk the billionaire who sat across the table to a greater extent. Having falsified the details and duration of Chase's contract, details that Vibert verified as genuine, the deal commanded a far larger fee than necessary, which involved a lot of money due to HGC's nature to pay over the odds regardless in order to secure desired talent at the earliest opportunity. Everyone won and besides, it wasn't like the Stallings Corporation would miss a few extra (hundred) thousand green bills. [I]"Do you have anything else to add? Phil?"[/I] Like the snap of hypnotist's fingers, the former DAVE Owner was 'back in the room'. [I]"Sorry Mr Stallings, I... I couldn't quite hear... the music and all."[/I] Casting an accusing glance towards the window where Painful Procedure were wrapping up their brief set. It only occurred after he spoke that delegating the blame to the in-house band perhaps wasn't the best of tactics since it was his decision for them to lead-in the broadcast. [I]"Indeed."[/I] Stallings replied. [I]"The output of that sound system is really something isn't!"[/I] When it came to technology, the billionaire always spoke with the same high enthusiasm. It was easy to forget sometimes that this powerful industrial figure was only a few years removed from a student locked away in his basement, working on source code in-between Dungeons and Dragons sessions. [I]"I was just asking; do you have anything else to add to the agenda?"[/I] Vibert tried his best not to express his relief too outwardly, examining his notes. [I]"No, I think this covers everything." "Alrighty, then let us begin..."[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B][I]"CRUNCH!"[/I][/B] Billy Jack Shearer crumpled to the floor. A bass guitar blow to the base of the spine will do that to a man. [I]"All these months and you still can't keep a freakin' beat you fat scenester!"[/I] Having terminated any notion that the reformation of Painful Procedure could be a permanent affair, Troy Tornado discarded the now damaged instrument as Ronnie V Pain and Randall Hopkirk chased him from the stage. By far the most agile of the foursome, Tornado sprinted back through the curtain to create some distance between he and his band mates. Trailed by the camera, the former International Champion passed Rocky Golden and Freddy Huggins who were headed in the opposite direction for the opening match of the show. Like Stallings, the newly named team of Gold & Delicious had their own entourage tonight. Theirs though, consisted of a small assortment of vacuous women, not suited rent-a-cops. Golden complained about the damage done to his car last week, but Huggins told his partner not to let 'the man' get him down... highlighting the ring rats around them. Pain, Hopkirk and eventually a very dazed Shearer lumbered past them as Golden promised to treat Law to a little police brutality of his own. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/ChanceFortune.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RockyGolden.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/FreddyHuggins.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U] Opening Match: Rick Law & Chance Fortune versus. Rocky Golden & Freddy Huggins[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Despite the conflicting personalities, both these teams shared a lot in common. On one side, Chance Fortune held the All Action Championship and his partner strove to relieve Rocky Golden of his International belt whereas Golden was the title carrying member of his team and Freddy Huggins had designs on the his opposing number's strap. As both teams made their entrances, Azaria highlighted the steel cage suspended from the rafters, not knowing the purpose for its inclusion. Rick Law started off in the ring, which meant Golden quickly secured his place on the apron... not quite as keen for retribution regarding his BMW as he had led his partner to believe earlier. Law against Huggins wasn't the fairest of face offs, the former International Champion overpowering 'Huggy' with ease. Fortune was tagged in following an overhead fallaway slam after Law had softened the All Action Championship hopeful up. Sent sprawling from a rana and then a monkey flip, Huggins managed to bring himself back into the game by crotching the now ‘un-Lucky’ Chance Fortune. Huggins secured a near fall off the back of a thrust kick, which might have been more had he not posed for his female admirers at ringside (all of whom were possibly being paid to attend) instead of immediately covering his prone foe. Golden finally tagged in around the six minute mark, picking at the proverbial bones of Fortune. He and Huggins displayed signs of promise as a team, isolating the fighting All Action Champion and making frequent tags whilst Law watched on, nearly tearing the tag rope from the post in his frustration to get his hands on the evasive Golden. The fortunes of Fortune took an upward turn when he delivered a leaping DDT to Golden, laced with desperation, before crawling across to tag in his fresh partner. Law hit the ring and despite Golden barely tagging out himself, dragged the young hoss back towards the centre of the ring for a pumphandle slam. Huggins tried in vain to capitalise as Law focussed his fury on the current International Champion, only to find himself the object of Law's aggression. With the official time standing at just under the ten minute mark, Huggins felt the 'Long Arm Of The Law' whilst Golden retreated up the rampway, watching 'Huggy' succumb to the three count. [B] Winners: Rick Law & Chance Fortune (via pinfall on Freddy Huggins) Match Rating: C [/B] Having gathered the women, Golden retrieved the limp body of his partner and bid a tactical retreat leaving Law and Fortune to savour their win. Jillefski remarked that far be it for him to question the integrity of the women accompanying Gold & Delicious, but he suspected they could be due a ticket from Law for 'loitering'. As pleasing as the victory was, Rick Law wouldn't be fully satisfied until the International Championship was back around his waist. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] The camera's focus returned to the ongoing pursuit backstage. Troy Tornado emerged from the stairwell that led down to the 'D Section' of the underground parking garage and took a moment to catch his breath before rounding the corner where he suddenly stopped in his tracks. He stumbled forward and almost collided with the four hundred pound man who approached. Apologising furiously, Tornado regained his balance and darted beyond the glaring Dread. It was no secret in the Hollyweird Back Lot that the former PGHW would be a man best to avoid this week on TNW, a so-called ticking timebomb who was temperamental at the best of times. Tornado could just thank his lucky stars that he hadn't been a few seconds or so later in crossing Dread's path, unlike the chasing trio of Pain Procedure members. Without blinking, Dread ploughed his fist into the unsuspecting cranium of Randall Hopkirk and then threw Ronnie V Pain against the nearby wall. With downed colleagues around him, BJ Shearer lunged forward, but his blows didn't even faze Dread. Shearer's bulky frame however, did faze the side panel of the nearby Ford that the enraged veteran hurled the PP drummer against. The vehicle's alarm sounded in the background as Dread scraped Pain up and Dread Bombed him awkwardly on the concrete, before he continued on his path into the Back Lot, booting Hopkirk aside as he went. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Unaware of the force of destruction that had just entered the vicinity; Rip Chord slapped Erik Strong on the back and reminded his MAW pupil of the opportunity that lay ahead of him tonight. There were hundreds of workers out there who'd give their left arm for a televised match in front of the audience that GNN Total Sports provided. Strong was grateful, wetting his hair in the sink nearby before slicking it behind his ears. The magnitude of the whole thing had only began to settle once he'd set foot in HGC's massive purpose-built arena. It didn't even matter which opponent had been booked to face him, the fact remained that he was here and he was ready. [I]"Kid, this will be a night you'll never forget."[/I] Chord promised as he watched his pupil warm up. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] J.K. Stallings grabbed a glass of wine that had been set up on the catering table and returned to his seat. Despite the scale of the conference room, it still seemed rather close for comfort to Vibert as he proposed his next initiative. To this point the meeting had been rather routine. The pair had discussed marketing strategy, something that the software mogul was far more adept at than a little league, East Coast promoter. His forte was what happened inside the squared circle, not how they pitched the product to the punters beyond the three sets of ropes. They had yet to broach the more delicate subject of how well received the first two editions of Tuesday Night Wrestling were, especially by the billionaire founder. Before they entered that minefield, there were several other items to cover. The next, a restricted assignment of locker rooms. Personal dressing space should be a privilege given to only the main eventers, the guys who put backsides in seats and serve as an incentive to those lower down the card aiming to displace them. It was rather fruitless to try and breed an atmosphere of healthy competitive jealousy when the likes of T.J. Bailey and Paul Steadyfast enjoyed the same comforts as the Bryan Vessey's and Tommy Cornell's of this world. [I]"You're proposing a communal locker area for the lower ranked wrestlers?"[/I] Stallings asked, squinting for a moment as he examined the written details the General Manager had provided him with. [I]"We can do that, sure thing…"[/I] [I]"It doesn't seem logical to have the n00bs getting ready with the more established talent."[/I] The billionaire added as he turned the page to the next item. [I]"Nubes?"[/I] Vibert echoed, perplexed by the term. [I]"No, [B]n00bs[/B]... forgive me. You're probably not familiar with the terminology."[/I] Stallings answered with a dorky smile. [I]"What do we have next?"[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [I]"Alright, alright... five hundred dollars!"[/I] Troy Tornado said, brandishing a handful of green bills. [I]"Do we have a deal?"[/I] The corporate enforcer’s smile was perfunctory, automatic with no emotion behind it. He nodded to his similarly well built colleague and then turned back to Tornado. [I]"We have a deal."[/I] He replied, taking the cash from the former International Champion. It may have dealt a blow to Tornado's wallet, but he was unwilling to put his qualification match in jeopardy. This wasn't just protection money, it was piece of mind. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U] Qualification Match: Troy Tornado versus. Bryan Vessey [/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Bryan Vessey made his way to the ring, flanked by his brother. The graphic that appeared on the screen confirmed this was the first qualification match of the broadcast, with the winner securing his spot in the World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal a little over two weeks away. Troy Tornado's entrance followed, he too was flanked to the ring, but not by a sibling. The second lead singer of Painful Procedure had his hired help with him, his suited bodyguards positioning themselves at the base of the ramp as their temporary employer slid into the ring. The match itself was an open affair. Both men only controlling proceedings for patches at a time, neither of which encouraged the support of the crowd who jeered both competitors. Seven minutes and a few near falls later, Vessey connected with his signature Vessey Line, which brought the first interruption of the bout. Minus Billy Jack Shearer (currently receiving medical treatment) a battered Randall Hopkirk and Ronnie V Pain walked purposefully down the ramp, only to be cut off by the two suited hulks whose services Tornado had acquired. Although he suspected he was missing a tooth, Tornado couldn't help but smirk as he pulled himself up via the ropes, content with the knowledge that at least one of the guards was armed with a taser and hoping he was rather trigger-happy when it came to utilising it. A stand off developed in the aisle, but on the adjacent side of the ring, Stevie Grayson blindsided Larry Vessey, dropkicking him into the ringsteps. No one was quite sure where the cap-wearing cruiserweight had emerged from, but referee Sam Sparrow was keen to maintain some semblance of order for such a crucial match, especially with the HGC head-honcho in the building. The official's head was turned when a hooded figure hurdled the barricade on the opposing side and dived into the ring, knocking Bryan Vessey senseless with a running enzuigiri. The mystery assailant fled the scene and headed up the ramp with Grayson, skipping beyond the guards and Painful Procedure members. That left Tornado with the irresistible opportunity to drop Vessey with the Star Maker and confirm his participation at Malice In Wonderland. [B] Winner: Troy Tornado (via pinfall) Match Rating: B [/B] From the distance of the stage, Wolf Hawkins pulled back his hood and revealed himself to the unanimous approval of the crowd. Both he and Grayson had an axe to grind with the tag team legends who'd gone beyond the call of duty to leave the members of Youth Gone Wild with lasting physical memories of their first show encounter. Back inside the ring, Tornado took the rapturous reaction as his own, mocking Pain and Hopkirk as they yielded before the hired help, opting to fight another day. Jillefski prophesised that we could be looking at the next World Champion... predictably Azaria hoped this wasn't the case. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Backstage, Aaron Andrews fell to the floor. The blow to head had probably knocked him unconscious. Blonde Bombshell tried to reason with the behemoth who had just ended her interview before it had begun, but Dread was never the world's best listener. The massive worker stepped over Andrews and swatted a hapless backstage assistant to one side as if the man were a circling mosquito. Fearing the body count was set to increase in the very immediate future, Double B called for help as Andrews spat a mouthful of blood on the marble floor. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Elsewhere behind the scenes, Wolf Hawkins and Stevie Grayson jogged towards the latter’s vehicle. Their work for the night already completed. [I]"Man, I'm surprised they haven't got this place on lockdown or somethin'..."[/I] Grayson commented, having passed numerous security personnel on their journey. [I]"There are goons in suits everywhere!"[/I] [I]"Don't look now Steve-o, but I think someone's clipped your car!"[/I] Hawkins cut in, noticing the large, Billy Jack Shearer-sized dent in the driver-side door. [I]"Figures... L.A. drivers!"[/I] Grayson sighed, pressing the key fob to unlock the vehicle. [I]"Just as well this baby's a rental!"[/I] The pair climbed inside and drove off into the night, leaving their issues with the Vessey Brothers far from resolved. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TanaTheMighty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]Six Man Tag Team Match: Liberty, Giant Tana & Donnie J versus. The Tokyo Express & Donnie J[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] The action returned to the squared circle where the next match of the night was already underway. The new super-best friends Liberty and Tana had teamed up with Donnie J as an exercise in cohesive teamwork, something that was absent from the pair's last outing against The Machines. Their opponents were no mugs. Fumihiro Ota in particular could be considered a dangerous customer. Meanwhile Narato appeared keen to return the favour for Donnie pinning him on the season premiere of TNW, whilst the storied rivalry between he and his former partner James Prudence, needed no recapping. Prudence had Liberty pinned in the corner, the crowd had cottoned on to the fact that their ironic 'Jimmy' chants were unsettling the former Fly Boy. Like your standard six man tag team match between unfamiliar partners, the exhibition degenerated to a point where it became hard to track the legal men. Donnie J took his former partner over the top rope with a clothesline leaving the ring clear for Giant Tana to bound across the canvas and sandwich Narato in the corner with the Big Fat Samoan Squash. The move did what it said on the tin and ensured Narato would have no chance of responding to the referee's count. [B] Winners: Liberty, Giant Tana & Donnie J (via pinfall on Kazuma Narato) Match Rating: C+ [/B] Prudence made sure he got in a post match cheapshot on his former partner before Tana chased him off and celebrated with his bodacious buddies. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Once again the announcers engaged in the 'guess the purpose of the steel cage' game. It was an activity that was of little interest to Tommy Cornell as he knocked back another drink from the bar inside the corporate lounge. Phil Vibert wasn't the only personality with access to the area. Like the other promoters who'd united for the Hollyweird cause, Cornell had his own keycard, which meant he could enjoy a drink from the secure comfort of the suite and in the company of an old acquaintance. An acquaintance like Rip Chord, for example. [I]"Rough night?"[/I] The MAW Owner enquired, taking the steel stool next to Cornell. [I]"I'm sure I'll have worse."[/I] Cornell replied, yet to actually acknowledge Chord's presence with a cursory glance. [I]"Drink?"[/I] Chord shook his head. [I]"The wagon's just fine, thanks all the same."[/I] [I]"Suit yourself, Rip..."[/I] There was a silence between the two wrestling icons for a moment before a wry smile worked its way across Chord's face. [I]"Then again, if I had four hundred pound wrecking machine tearing up the Back Lot just to get to me, I might drown my sorrows too."[/I] [I]"Dread doesn't concern me... I've got a spare pair of crutches in the trunk of my car."[/I] Cornell retorted, pivoting in his seat to face the MAW Owner. [I]"Then again, I don't have half the locker room wanting smear my brains over the canvas for DDT'ing Sam Strong straight into the hospital..."[/I] [I]"Do you wanna smear my brains, Tommy?"[/I] [I]"Why? I've got bigger things than 'feuds of the yonder years' to focus my energy on... I couldn't give a damn about Sam Strong, he's just one less voice influencing the booking sheet. You realise Peter Valentine has a qualification match later right? The guy who pumps iron in the gym and then pumps himself while watching the other roid-monkeys in the shower has been seeded for the Battle Royal..."[/I] Cornell paused, swigging back some more of his drink. [I]"...ahead of you no less."[/I] Chord rose from his stool, straightening his suit jacket to maintain the 'Pulp Fiction' aura his appearance and garb conveyed. [I]"Oh... don't you worry about me Tommy, I'll find my way to Malice In Wonderland."[/I] [I]"Yeah, I heard they were still selling tickets."[/I] [I]"I like you Tommy..."[/I] The MAW Owner smirked, slapping his hand on Cornell's back. [I]"Enjoy your drink."[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [I]"Duuuuuude, juice me!"[/I] The vague instruction meant little to Donnie J who looked across to Tana, hoping that the he could fulfil Liberty's dubious sounding demand. The giant Samoan rummaged through his tights, returning a look of dejection. [I]"Tana has no quarters... Tana has no pockets."[/I] [I]"No need for negative vibes my man, just give it a bit of that... WHAM! POW! Mongolian chop treatment."[/I] Liberty made a point of including the karate-style gestures as he spoke. [I]"I just... I need some Dew, dude."[/I] Tana grinned as they walked through the corridor in search of a soft drinks machine, 'doo-doo’ed' sounded amusing. Sophisticated humour wasn't the Samoan's strongest suit. [I]"Here we g..."[/I] Donnie J began when he spotted the first vending machine, trailing off as he took in the full picture of carnage that had been painted before them. Harry Allen was splayed out on the floor, a bloody downward smear on the far wall directed them to the other Young Gun, Steve Gumble was slumped below it. The soft drinks machine was there, although its operational capacity was hindered by the fact Paul Steadyfast's body was jutting out of the facia. The flickering internal light didn't exactly fill Liberty with hope. [I]"Bummer."[/I] The Floridian concluded as Donnie J tried to rouse Gumble for an explanation behind the gratuitous violence. [I]"Do you think the buttons still work?"[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Floyd Goldworthy heaved a sigh of relief as he bolted the locker room door behind him. Having just witnessed the indiscriminate rage of Dread firsthand, he was thankful to be in the company of his formidable client... even if the American Buffalo didn't give him the warmest of welcomes. [I]"Whew!"[/I] Goldworth exclaimed, dabbing the sweat from his brow with the cuff of his shirt. [I]"You don't want to know what's going on out there!"[/I] [I]"No and I don't couldn't give two craps either, Floyd!"[/I] Buffalo snapped, grabbing a memo that closely resembled the one that Tommy Cornell was shown confronting Ricky Dale Johnson with earlier on. The over-zealous production assistants made sure each performer received written notification on their schedule for the event, including other notes such as brainstormed creative suggestions, tips on interacting better with the fans and several other details that the likes of American Buffalo didn't bother to read. BLZ Bubb's former indy partner did however care greatly about what match awaited him. [I]"I'm in a qualification match for the Battle Royal... only I'm not the one who stands to qualify!"[/I] He roared, batting the nearby steel chair across the room. [I]"Give me one good reason why I should even bother going out there!"[/I] [I]"W-well..."[/I] Goldworthy stammered. [I]"You can't qualify tonight... but think how much easier it'll be to win the Battle Royal having already removed one of the participants. I mean, if you... [B]when[/B] you flatten Peter Valentine tonight, that's one less body you've got to toss over the top rope when you [B]do[/B] qualify!"[/I] [I]"Perhaps you're right."[/I] Buffalo contemplated as his manager continued. [I]"And just think... by beating Valentine, it strengthens our case to involve you in the International Title scene. You've already beaten Rick Law! That means that at Malice In Wonderland, you could win the International Championship and in turn qualify for the main event later that night... and then you could walk out the World Champion as well!"[/I] [I]"Dual Champion... that has a nice ring to it."[/I] The American Buffalo moved closer to his agent to the point where he towered over the former manager of Painful Procedure. [I]"MAKE IT HAPPEN!"[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Back in the main arena, Rip Chord introduced Erik Strong as one of the many jewels in the MAW crown. It seemed curious that given the talent of Mainstream Hernandez, Des Davids and MJ Cattley, Strong was the one handpicked above the others. With a conspiracy theory of his own, Azaria wondered how Dread's continued rampage was allowed to continue with the massive security presence at the Stallings International Entertainment Arena for tonight's TNW. As Strong climbed into the ring, Jillefski pointed out to his fellow announcer that their interests lay with protecting the figureheads of HGC, not the grunts backstage. [I]"Now Erik, I know you're rearing to go..."[/I] The suited MAW Owner began as his pupil loosened his shoulders, then cracked his knuckles. [I]"...so let me introduce your opponent!"[/I] Naturally expecting the other participant to emerge from the entrance, Strong turned his back to Chord. It was a rookie error. [I][B]"BBBBBBZZZZZZZZZTTTTTTTTT!"[/B][/I] Static pierced the air as Chord drove the microphone into the side of youngster's head. Strong dropped to the canvas like a sack of potatoes and the crowd watched in distain as the MAW Owner laid into the prone wrestler as he tried to cover up. Removing his suit jacket with a disturbing casualness, Chord demanded the timekeeper sound the bell. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/ErikStrong.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U] Rip Chord Invitational: Rip Chord versus. Erik Strong [/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Jillefski wondered if Erik Strong's unfortunate surname had sealed his fate, provoking Chord into making an example out of him. Azaria on the other hand, chose to attack the MAW Owner's sickening abuse of his position, stating that the youngster had done nothing to warrant this treatment. Chord wasted little time putting his pupil to the sword and planted him with a Rip Chord DDT to end the debacle a few seconds beyond the one minute mark. [B] Winner: Rip Chord (via pinfall) Match Rating: C- [/B] The disdain of the crowd held no bounds as they verbally laid into wrestling legend whilst he retrieved his jacket from the corner post. Placing one foot through the ropes, Chord looked set to leave until he heard an unexpected voice call his name. [I]"Maybe you'd like to try your luck against a real opponent?"[/I] Adjusting his posture, Chord sat on the ropes and beckoned his challenger inside. Joel Bryant obliged and walked down the ramp as TNW headed into the commercials. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="1"][B]END OF PART I (10:00PM EST) TUESDAY NIGHT WRESTLING, LIVE on GNN Total Sports[/B][/SIZE] In Part II - Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson face The Machines, Dread's onslaught on the HGC roster continues, Vibert and Stallings reach the more pressing items on their agenda, The Vessey Brothers seek retribution and the steel cage is lowered from the rafters... but for what purpose? All this and more in the final hour of Tuesday Night Wrestling![/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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Finally caught up on this one, and glad to have. You're doing a great job of keeping everyone on your roster in the spotlight, whether it be in a main storyline or with comedic sideshows backstage... it's an important thing for a huge fed to do. Rip Chord remains the most interesting character in my books. I'm excited for Malice, and to see who ends up making the battle royal. You're doing a great job of making it seem like the biggest thing that has ever occurred, ever. At least for this month. I'll be reading!
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[QUOTE=Jehovah;236024]Finally caught up on this one, and glad to have. You're doing a great job of keeping everyone on your roster in the spotlight, whether it be in a main storyline or with comedic sideshows backstage... it's an important thing for a huge fed to do. Rip Chord remains the most interesting character in my books. I'm excited for Malice, and to see who ends up making the battle royal. You're doing a great job of making it seem like the biggest thing that has ever occurred, ever. At least for this month. I'll be reading![/QUOTE] Yeah, the HGC roster is rather bloated to say the least. I did have a rough plan on which characters I wanted to flesh out initially, but as always TEW has given me a little food for thought with a couple of workers who I wasn't intending to focus on at first. For instance in most of my TCW games, Liberty was a so-so member of the upper-midcard, but so far he's been my MVP as well as putting on my best match thus far with Wrestling Machine #2/Brent Hill. That's made me rethink my plans for him somewhat, especially for post-Malice In Wonderland. Thanks for the input, because it's always helpful to see how things and characters are being received even if it is fairly early days yet. You're right, I think Rip Chord is probably the most interesting and most developed subject at the moment, even if his best in-ring days are behind him. As for the second half of TNW 003, that's in the pipeline. Work has been wearing me down a bit for the last week or so, but nevertheless I'm striving to get back on track soon enough.
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[QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="1"][B] PART II (10:03PM EST) TUESDAY NIGHT WRESTLING, LIVE on GNN Total Sports[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/JoelBryant.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U] Rip Chord Invitational Part 2: Rip Chord versus. Joel Bryant [/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] When Tuesday Night Wrestling returned, Joel Bryant slapped a sleeperhold around the neck of Rip Chord. The prospect of the MAW Owner being deprived of the oxygen to the point that he'd collapse, was one the crowd were keen to witness... not to mention several of the boys in the back. For all of Bryant's experience however, Chord constantly found a way to out-fox his opponent when the situation truly demanded it. Dropping to his knees, the former SWF legend propelled Bryant into the buckle and forced him to remain in the corner with a high knee to the lower lumbar region. Whilst the early stages of the bout had been shrouded from the viewers at home due to GNN Total Sport's commercial scheduling, the fans in attendance had seen Bryant display uncharacteristic habits. Each submission hold seemed to be executed with a certain over zealousness, testing the referee's five count on many occasions. He wanted to turn Chord into a human pretzel, bending his limbs into positions that their maker had never intended. For all these sadistic intentions however, Bryant's lack of true focus was telling. The ending came when the official forced the Tag Team Specialist to break a single leg grapevine on his victim, the brief argument that followed gave the MAW Owner all the time he needed to snag Bryant by the tights and get the fall with a cheap roll-up. [B] Winner: Rip Chord (via pinfall) Match Rating: C+ [/B] Disorientated and boiling over with frustration, Bryant stumbled upward only to be drilled with a Rip Chord DDT before he could fully rise to his feet. With a grin any self-respecting Cheshire cat would envy, Chord rolled out of the ring, clutching his suit jacket which was now the only piece of his outfit that was still in decent condition. Jason Azaria said he couldn't wait for the day when somebody would wipe the smile off of Rip Chord's face... and it seemed the announcer's prayers had been answered when Peter Valentine marched down the aisle, blocking the MAW Owner off. Looking for an alternative route out, Chord threw his jacket into the former bodybuilder's face and made a burst through the crowd after scrambling over the barricade. Valentine gave chase, spurred on by the determination to dismember the man who had placed his best friend (Sam Strong) in a wheelchair for the foreseeable future. Despite this passion, he had little chance of catching his prey as Chord disappeared through the sea of humanity and headed for the nearest fire exit. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] The corporate largesse of HGC took care of every superstar’s general needs, aside from preventing the one-behemoth wrecking spree that had been working its way deeper into the heart of the Stallings International Entertainment Arena. Hunger however, was a problem far more solvable. Of course, bringing large groups of wound up, violent men into close proximity tended to start its own problems, especially with a smattering of more menial or administrative staff included to improve the scope of collateral damage. The Vessey Brothers stormed into the food hall, scanning the area for Emma Chase. They found her sitting near the far wall, surrounded by paperwork as she uncapped her bottled water before realising that the tag team legends had set their sights on her. Bryan and Larry Vessey weaved their way around the tables, occupied by worker and staff alike, before taking a seat across from Phil Vibert's personal assistant. [I]"Can I help you?"[/I] Chase asked, sipping an amount of water so insignificantly small, it was hardly worth opening the bottle in the first place. [I]"Wolf Hawkins and Stevie Grayson."[/I] Bryan Vessey snorted, as if their names alone were a sufficient explanation. [I]"We want them at Malice In Wonderland."[/I] Larry Vessey chipped in. [I]"The Vessey Brothers versus Youth Gone Wild and if we win, we go into the Battle Royal!"[/I] Chase stalled for a moment, despite the elder Vessey Brother developing a slight twitch through impatience as she playfully rang her finger around the rim of the bottle. [I]"Well... Mr Vibert [I]is[/I] currently in a meeting and one of you has [I]already[/I] had a qualifying match..."[/I] She went to take another sip of water, but Bryan Vessey placed his hand around her arm with enough force to convince 'Easy Emma' how important he considered his request to be. [I]"...but I'll see what I can do."[/I] She smiled a self-assured smile as she gently removed Vessey's hand from her wrist, finger by finger. He allowed her to of course, satisfied with the outcome of their conversation, before leading his elder brother away from the table. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] T.J. Bailey began to turn a pale shade of blue as Dread continued to throttle him, raising the youngster from his feet as he pressed him against a stack of equipment crates backstage. [I]"STOP!"[/I] A booming voice commanded, causing Dread to avert his eyes from his far weaker victim to the seven foot form of Bruce The Gaint. The towering Australian approached, planting a firm finger into the chest of his four hundred pound target who had released Bailey in order to free his hands should he decide to strike first. Only a year ago these two massive men were headlining warring promotions in Japan and despite finding their way from the land of the rising sun, to Hollyweird via different routes, they now stood eyeballing one another on TNW. Bailey wisely picked himself up and darted to safety before the two beasts came to blows and he got caught in no mans land. Only Bruce spoke, jamming his finger firmly into Dread's torso with every word. [I]"You."[/I] [I]"Me."[/I] [I]"Out there."[/I] [I]"NOW!"[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/Dread.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U] Qualication Match: Bruce The Giant versus. Dread [/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] The cameras remained with the pair as they walked through the remainder of the backstage area side by side, through to the gorilla position as onlookers observed nervously... most partially hidden behind equipment, lockers or positioned behind doorways. The sight was surreal, enhanced by the sheer size of the individuals in question as well as Dread's sudden restraint whilst he accompanied Bruce The Gaint on their brisk stroll to ringside. There was a quick shot of the announce table where Azaria, Rhodes and Jillefski all gazed into their monitors with amazement, trying to decipher just want was going on. Jillefski hazarded a guess that this was 'some sort of Japanese respect thing', leaving Azaria to focus intently on the information that was being wired to him via his headset. [I]"Folks, I'm being told that this 'match' will determine which one of these men automatically qualifies for the World Heavyweight Title Battle Royal at Malice In Wonderland..."[/I] He turned to his two colleagues, who shared his bemusement. [I]"Was this booked already!?"[/I] Hollyweird management had made it company policy to disclose as little about the upcoming events as they deemed necessary, but failing to disclose the same information to their announce team made it difficult to call the night ahead. Azaria and co. expected to it an extent for the season premiere, maybe even the second show, but this professional secrecy act was becoming a habit. Dread and Bruce The Giant made their way down the ramp with no music and no fanfare besides the confused mumblings and clamoured cheers of the fifteen thousand L.A. residents who had sold out the Stallings International Entertainment Arena. The match itself was a short, but had hitting affair. Once the two monstrous workers had stepped inside the squared circle, the fists flew with abandonment. Ricky Dale Johnson was no small man himself, but even he had not been able to shift Dread around the ring as easily last week as Bruce The Giant had during tonight's bout. The massive Australian took his opponent down with a huge boot to the cranium, but the move was barely enough to generate a near fall. Slapping his hand around Dread's thick neck, much like he had choked the air from T.J. Bailey minutes prior, Bruce backed the four hundred pounder into the corner and perched him on the top buckle. A Giant Chokeslam of epic proportions was in the making, but whilst Azaria and Jillefski were discussing whether the ring structure could sustain the combined weight and impact that such a manoeuvre would inflict on the squared circle itself, Dread was plotting a reversal of fortunes. Slamming his skull against that of BTG's, Dread drove the giant back with a head butt before he readjusted his footing and felled the upright seven footer with the mightiest of Dreadsaults. The whole arena shook as the carcasses of both huge men crashed to the canvas, with Dread resting over his foe in a pinning predicament. Even a superstar of BTG's stature was unable to shift the four hundred pound aggressor as the count followed. [B]Winner: Dread (via pinfall) Match Rating: B+ [/B] The announcers discussed whether this victory might quell Dread's appetite for destruction now that he'd secured his place at the pay-per-view. Their question was soon answered as the referee unwisely attempted to raise the former PGHW superstar's hand, only to be hoisted into the air and Dread Bombed to the mat for his troubles. Tommy Cornell would have to vacate his corporate sanctuary sooner or later and when he did, there'd be a four hundred pound man-mountain bearing down on the former TCW figurehead… his mood unaltered. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [I]"Northwest Championship Wrestling... our own developmental territory?"[/I] Phil Vibert double-checked the portfolio J.K. Stallings Jr had placed on the table in front of him. He had no experience of working with a developmental system outside of his own promotion and dark match time, in fact apart from the SWF’s relationship with Rhode Island Pro Wrestling, nobody else in the States had either. The billionaire confirmed the promotion was already building up a steady roster of performers, although only those granted a developmental contract would be exclusive property of HGC. The other workers would be paid-per-appearance in order to pad out the first few events until enough potential diamonds-in-the-rough had bought into the Hollyweird dream. Archie Judge and former International Champion Craig Prince would be responsible for evaluating and guiding their progress, the latter having relocated from Canada in order to take a more hands-on role in wrestling as opposed to the limited backstage duties NOTBPW could delegate to him. When the logistics of NCW were out of the way, it brought the pair into the realm of talent recruitment, a logical follow up that bridged the two agendas. [I]“I’m not going to lie to you Phil, whilst I’m granting you free reign to recruit those workers who you feel with best compliment our product…”[/I] The billionaire continued, having adopted his sternest tone since their conference began. [I]“There may be certain occasions when I feel that the signing of certain workers has to take precedence, even if you might not wholeheartedly support my decision.”[/I] Vibert nodded, far more at ease having spent over an hour in his employer’s company. Truth be told, this was the longest he’d ever sat down with Stallings… in fact, it was the only time he’d really engaged with the software mogul on a face-to-face basis. Everything prior had been handled through his ‘representatives’, to which end he seemed to have hundreds of forgettable individuals who handled his business affairs. The former DAVE owner had anticipated a stance like this from Stallings, however the reassurances that these ‘overruling’ recruitment decisions would only take place in exceptional circumstances didn’t sway him to much at this juncture. The billionaire had built a reputation of cherry-picking big names to build the star-studded HGC roster of old, why should this incarnation have been any different? Besides, he couldn’t think of any big name workers that he would greatly oppose having onboard, at least not from the offset. [I]“Does that mean you’ll overrule any recruitment calls I make if you don’t approve of the worker in question?”[/I] Vibert asked, after-all the necessities of operating to a strict budget earlier in his career had lead to a rather eclectic range of talent additions. [I]“Not at all!”[/I] The billionaire insisted. [I]“I trust your judgement and in the worst cased scenario, we do have adequate funds to terminate any written agreements regardless of the contract duration.”[/I] [I]“Or we could send them to USPW…”[/I] Vibert smirked, although his comment was partially serious. They’d already unloaded a good deal of deadweight on Sam Strong’s promotion, who in most cases had slipped seamlessly into the fold. However that said more about standard of USPW than it did the workers concerned. [I]“Yes, talent relocation is a viable option.”[/I] Stalling replied, not noticing the tongue firmly planted in Vibert’s cheek. [I]“I’ll expect you to complete a shortlist of prospective additions in due course and then my representatives will set about acquiring the talent you want.”[/I] [I]“Ok… it would be helpful you could get your representatives to find out who exactly is available at the moment… it’s not like I can find out by just clicking a button.”[/I] Stallings snickered. It was the kind of nasally laugh that would usually belong to a guy who got a kick out of humorous maths problems. [I]“This is Hollyweird, Phil... anything’s possible!”[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] The main arena buzzed with excitement as the steel cage finally lowered from the ceiling, although Peter Valentine played the roll of the figurative buzz-killer as he occupied the squared circle with a microphone in hand and confirmed that he’d requested the cage to be present to make a point. The former bodybuilder challenged Rip Chord to a steel cage match at Malice In Wonderland, apparently he needed this giant prop to hammer home his point and someone in management unwisely approved its inclusion. If there’s one thing you don’t do in the wrestling business, it’s to tease the fans with something you’re not intending to deliver. The presence of a steel cage implies that a steel cage match is on the horizon, not a bland promo from the likes of Valentine. As such, the crowd’s frustration became evident and as a whole were less receptive of the pay-per-view match that was being put forward. It certainly did Peter Valentine no favours, for despite his membership to the HGC alumni, his popularity had taken a nose dive since his poorly-received World Championship run. The biggest cheer came after the stage manager signalled for the cage to be raised only for the technical problems to prevent it’s ascension from the ring. A few stagehands ran down from beside the ramp, trying to resolve whatever problem was behind the mechanical fault as Peter Valentine looked on. Sam Strong’s best friend put down the microphone and remained in the ring for his imminent bout with the American Buffalo. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Unaware of the dilemma facing the ringcrew, the cameras went backstage to Floyd Goldworthy and the American Buffalo. The manager and client combo stood in front of the Hollyweird backdrop, with Goldworthy talking up the menacing figure that stood behind him, snorting heavily. Following some initial hype, BLZ Bubb’s former tag team partner promised to ‘eliminate’ Valentine before the unloved former bodybuilder even made it to Malice In Wonderland. A significant portion of the crowd, along with Jillefski seemed excited by this prospect. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/PeterValentine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/AmericanBuffalo.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U] Qualification Match: Peter Valentine versus. American Buffalo [/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] When TNW returned to the main arena, the steel cage still surrounded the ring, along with several now panicked members of the ringcrew. As the Amercian Buffalo made his entrance, Azaria confirmed that only Peter Valentine stood to automatically qualify for the World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal if he were victorious, something touched upon earlier in the broadcast. American Buffalo had his own motivation, the notion of becoming a dual champion was still a very pleasant one. Despite his desire to see Valentine defeated, Jillefski painted the picture of a superstar who on his day could overcome any opponent with raw power and strength. He would say that of course, seeing as Valentine was one of USPW’s main selling points only a month or so ago and could well be again if his HGC tenure didn’t go to plan. During the contest, Valentine seemed to lack any real game plan, targeting no part of his opponent consistently and seeing as the American Buffalo was a fellow big hitter, it would take more than just a bodyslam here and a clothesline there to put the International title hopeful away. With Goldworthy in his cheerleader role outside, his client did force Valentine on the back foot with a gutwrench powerbomb proving particularly effective. Buffalo drove the former bodybuilder into the side of the cage, which garnered a stern warning from the official seeing as this wasn’t actually a cage match. Valentine however regained control and hoisted his opponent onto his shoulders for the Heart Breaker… That was until the jumbo-tron projected footage of Sam Strong lying in a hospital bed with machinery beeping around him. Even through the rungs of the cage, Valentine could clearly distinguish a figure he assumed was Rip Chord, standing at Strong’s bedside and savouring the sight of his old nemesis so helpless before him. The footage was most likely pre-recorded, but that didn’t blunt its effectiveness of its airing, during which the American Buffalo broke free of Valentines grip and countered with The Stampede or ‘STAMPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDE!’ as Jillefski emphasised it. Having hooked the nearside leg, the American Buffalo took another step towards the championship status he aspired to by pinning Peter Valentine. [B]Winner: American Buffalo (via pinfall) Match Rating: C- [/B] Having clambered through the cage door, Floyd Goldworthy rushed over to his client and raised his hand triumphantly; making motions to the American Buffalo’s waist that suggested gold would soon be adorning it. The brute of a superstar appeared less irritated by his manager’s presence this week, even if he didn’t appreciate how much influence the former Painful Procedure manager had on his current run of form. The jumbo-tron had long since ceased screening the video that had averted Valentine’s eyes and Azaria pointed out that if the former champion hoped to make the Battle Royal, he would have to overcome Rip Chord first… that was [B]if[/B] his proposed match ever came to fruition. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] The Machines were positioned in front of the ever-faithful Hollyweird backdrop with their Tag Team Championships slung over opposite shoulders, in the same spot where American Buffalo and his manager were stood only a segment earlier. Their message was brief, although perhaps not by their own personal standards. They hadn’t adopted the moniker of ‘Wrestling Machine’ due to their love of the stick. The superstar-formerly-known as Brent Hill did the talking, his partner just observed, stroking the faceplate of his title belt as if it were an extension of his own body. [I]“For all of J.K. Stalling’s millions, the most clinical and dominant tag team in professional wrestling are stuck wasting our time with the likes of Liberty and his thick-skulled Samoan puppy dog when we should be taking apart any ‘real’ team in the business…”[/I] Whilst Wrestling Machine #2 continued to bemoan the lack of credible competition they’d experienced since HGC’s inception, they conveniently left out the Vessey Brothers who stood out of eyeshot (but not earshot) at the most opportune of times. Perhaps Bryan’s assault on the singles division wasn’t the only piece of business that lay beyond Malice In Wonderland. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [I]“We’ve got him contained in Section E! I repeat, we have Dread isolated in Section E of the Back Lot.”[/I] Holding his headset in order to make sure his message got through clearly to the rest of his units, Charlie Thatcher eyeballed the former PGHW superstar who had been running amok during the broadcast. The chief of security had taken it upon himself to deal with the four hundred pound ‘breach’ which had threatened to derail TNW had his unmitigated attacks continued. The wounded were piling up in the treatment room, ranging from Bruce The Giants to production assistants and even the unfortunate Sam Sparrow who happened to be the official assigned to referee Dread’s qualification match. Thatcher knew that the General Manager would not have wanted his main event hampered by outside interference as the former PGHW worker would surely seek out Tommy Cornell once he emerged from his bolthole… something that would happen imminently with the main event on the horizon. [I]“Don’t take your eyes off him…”[/I] Thatcher advised his force, three of which had tasers trained on the legendary big man. [I]“…and remember if he makes a move, nail ‘im!”[/I] Dread rotated his jaw, making sure to glare equally at each of the jersey-clad personnel deployed around him. He was surrounded, yet unnervingly, the menacing twinkle in his eye suggested he didn’t plan on spending the remainder of the show hemmed in by the massed ranks of Hollyweird security. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Back in the main arena, there was a more pressing problem. The camera panned up to the rafters to show several workmen examining severed cables in differing states of concern and urgency. This had been no malfunction, they were looking at sabotage. Resident Columbo and announcer Jason Azaria stated the obvious when he declared that somebody intended for the steel cage to remain lowered, though could offer no solid leads on potential suspects. It was difficult to fathom why anybody would desire this predicament, but with airtime ebbing away, there was little anyone could do now. The steel cage was down and it was staying down. Maybe up in the conference room, Vibert and Stallings were ignorant to the problem, either that or the General Manager would be sweating in his budget-friendly suit as TNW headed into its final set of commercials. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TommyCornell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/HumanArsenal.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U] Qualification Match: Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson versus. The Machines[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] The feed followed Tommy Cornell as he approached the gorilla position, then switched back to the Dread who remained penned in by security, before returning to the former TCW figurehead as he parted the curtain. The Machines were already inside the ring, their brief walk went un-televised and proceeded that of their opponents seeing as the Tag Team titles were not on the line. Ricky Dale Johnson followed, still sporting similar taping to that worn last week against Dread. Azaria revealed that RDJ had been cleared by the resident physicians within the last ten minutes, authorising him to compete in the main event, a noble feat considering the punishment he took at the hands of the monstrous former PGHW’er. Cornell immediately buddied up to Johnson when the big Texan entered the squared circle via the cage door, slapping him on the back as if the pair shared some form of friendship. The gesture under whelmed RDJ, who directed Cornell to the apron having decided that he would start the match on behalf of their one-night-only team. The former four-time World Champion fidgeted for a moment, there wasn’t an awful lot of wiggle-room on the apron due to the cage being present. Again, the announcers took the opportunity to remind the viewers that this contest was not taking place under steel cage rules, despite the surroundings. It did however make the atmosphere tenser and more enclosed when the bell sounded. Johnson was the quickest out of the traps, out punching Wrestling Machine #1 and connecting with a shoulder tackle that had the crowd rocking as much as it did Human Arsenal. Wrestling Machine #1 went back to basics, switching from a headlock to a waistlock and back once again until Johnson sent him into the ropes and took his rebounding enemy down with a trademark Leaping Lariat. Cornell definitely approved applauding his partner who viewed the support of his rival as a form of goading. Despite their conversation at the top of the show, it appeared Johnson was currently the member of the unit most uncomfortable with their circumstances. Nevertheless, he wanted to book his ticket to Malice In Wonderland and tagged in ‘Rough Justice’. When it came to dictating the pace of a match, Cornell was a pro, but he came slightly unstuck when Wrestling Machine #1 sidestepped a mafia kick and treated his former promoter to a back suplex throw before tagging in the other half of the Tag Team champions. The-superstar-formerly-known-as-Brent Hill and Cornell engaged in the best wrestling spell of the contest, before RDJ became involved again and thus brought the inevitable turning point when the big Texan missed a spear and slammed into the interior of the cage. The Machines were now in their element, picking apart Johnson as he floundered in enemy territory, a considerable distance from his partner. Despite the distance, Cornell was on hand to ensure RDJ escaped any pinning predicament by hook or by crook and was poised on the apron for the hot tag that would eventually result from a collision between Johnson and Wrestling Machine #1. Spurred on by the unfamiliar crowd support, Cornell hit the ring and sent both members of the opposing team crashing to the canvas with separate European uppercuts. A Rough Ride and a two count followed on Wrestling Machine #2, the legal man at this point, when the cameras reverted suddenly to an ongoing commotion backstage… [I]“You spray painted my board!”[/I] Donnie J bawled, tackling James Prudence backwards, the momentum sending both men tumbling into a collection of steel piping. The clattering sound alerted the nearby security, some of which descended on the ongoing brawl, intent on preventing the former Fly Boys dispute from compromising their containment of Dread. By the time Donnie and Jimmy had been prised apart, those security staff involved turned back to see their remaining four colleagues decked out on the marble flooring… their captive nowhere to be seen. [B][I]“Southern Justice! Guilt Tip! Guilt Trip!”[/I][/B] Azaria was shouting himself hoarse as Cornell tied up Wrestling Machine #2 in his patented finishing hold. Johnson had made sure that the-superstar-formerly-know-as-Human Arsenal was in no position to bail the other Machine out, having dropped the Tag Team champion with his variation of a Nadowa. The referee let Brent Hill’s limp arm drop before calling for the bell. It mattered little, he’d already been choked out and thus guaranteed both Cornell and Johnson were in a prime position to reclaim the World Heavyweight Championship in just over a week’s time. [B]Winners: Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson (via submission) Match Rating: B- [/B] The muted celebrations were cut short as Dread threw the cage door open, nearly breaking it free from its hinges. Like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck, Johnson had too little time to react as the four hundred pounder ran straight through him with a running body smash. Wrestling Machine #1 unwittingly caught a Dread Smack in the face, before Dread actively sought out the other half of The Machines and Dread Bombed Brent Hill to the canvas. Turning his attention back to RDJ, the former PGHW headliner peeled the Texan off of the mat and Dread Bombed him on top of the prone Human Arsenal to maximise the damage. Bodies littered the inside of the steel prison that Cornell now found himself sharing with the man whose debut he so effectively wrecked seven nights ago. Adopting his best fighting stance, a wide-eyed Cornell prepared for an onslaught that never arrived as Dread simply turned his back on the four time champion and exited the steel cage. The announcers and crowd alike were perplexed as Tuesday Night Wrestling closed with Tommy Cornell the only man left standing inside the blood-splattered four sides of steel, a scene of carnage also surveyed by Phil Vibert and J.K. Stallings Jr from their executive vantage point. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/tnwclose.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE="4"][B]FINAL SHOW RATING: [COLOR="royalblue"]B-[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B]TV Rating:[/B] 29.82 [B]Closing Notes:[/B] Ratings-wise, this has been the least successful edition of TNW to date, although probably by a fine margin, however the TV rating was my highest yet a good .60 or so up from the first two shows. Speaking of margins, going by my calculations I think I played this as close as I could to my product settings when it related to non-wrestling portions of the show. Still, there were stories that needed to be told. I was a little disappointed with the main event, as I thought I’d be looking at a nailed-on ‘B’ rating, alas it wasn’t to be. Still, the B- is nothing to be sniffed at. Credit where it’s due to American Buffalo though, carrying the lump of “I see myself as a main eventer” known as Peter Valentine to a passable match and the Tornado/Vessey rating was also pleasing. No real chemistry notes this week other than Rick Law and Chance Fortune totally don’t click as a team… just as well their tag match was the old ‘build-two-feuds-with-one-match’ routine rather than a frequent pairing. I did have another conference segment in mind, but I nixed that seeing as some of the details were too mundane to include and just bridged the more worthwhile notes into the second segment. The 8 days between show parts was a bit brutal, I blame work for that. Hopefully it doesn’t repeat… now for a little breather and some MIW hype ahead of TNW 004. [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;237374]I spent a bit wondering where on earth the Donnie J cutscene came from in the middle of the main event...[/QUOTE] I should really have used a bigger feud or played it in more smoothly, but I realised on my booking sheet that I hadn't done much to further the Fly Boys feud during the show, so lumped a mini-conflict between them in so that I could free up Dread to run-in post match. I also needed something to come out of nowhere to distract security and put Charlie Thatcher in hot water for next week, but maybe it didn't come off as crisply as I'd hoped.
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I think I actually like how the shows are split up into two halves. It's reminiscent of how the WWF used to market the two hours of Raw (Raw is War and War Zone) as two separate entities. It also helps your Hollywood/big business vibe because they only did that to screw with advertisers and claim that they had two shows in the top ten as opposed to one. Getting pretty jacked for Malice in Wonderland. I also have to say that I'm liking the announce team banter, especially your Jillefski.
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[QUOTE=Jehovah;237411]I also have to say that I'm liking the announce team banter, especially your Jillefski.[/QUOTE] I like Danny Jillefski... there's just something about him (and his render) that makes me imagine him as a sarky announcer with a big chip on his shoulder. He's a great addition to the announce table, more enjoyable than trying to write with Kyle Rhodes who incidently, isn't doing the most awesome of jobs on colour commentary during most matches. In fact, I checked his profile earlier and he'd rather be pushed as a personality... ironic seeing as I don't imagine him having much of one.
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[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][COLOR="Black"]act2:[/COLOR][COLOR="Gray"]the need to belong (continued)[/COLOR][/I][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT] [I]“Three weeks in… I don’t think he’s the right guy for the job, y’know?”[/I] Whilst the words of Alexis from Malibu Beach didn’t carry the influential weight behind them needed to topple Phil Vibert from his pedestal of power, her voice joined a growing choir of discontent that had been voicing their dissatisfaction against the former DAVE owner. Since the season premiere, management had arranged for a small cache of employees to gather feedback from various members of the crowd as they departed from venue, usually polling them on a topic particularly relevant at the time of asking. For the company, it provided a glimpse of how well their product was being received by their immediate consumers and those who took part were usually immortalised in a few lines of white Verdana font on hollyweirdgc.com later that evening, providing Alexis and friends a little added incentive to leave their praise or vent their spleen on the night's viewing. With the 'summit' now behind them and despite Phil Vibert's status as General Manager not deemed as under threat as some sources had speculated, the former DAVE Owner's ability to manage a promotion the scale of HGC, still fell under heavy scrutiny from several quarters. [I]"How's he handled things so far? The Battle Royal... yeah, I'm looking forward to it, but what was the deal with the qualification matches? I mean, I'm sitting in the front row, right? I'm watching Dread and Bruce The Giant slappin' fat with each other and I've got no idea who can go through... then you've got Tommy and RDJ tagging up, they can both go through... it's exciting, but where's the structure? Where’s the logic? This sort of on-the-fly booking might have done the job back on the East Coast, but this is Hollyweird... this is the BIG TIME!"[/I] Clad in a 'Rough Justice' t-shirt and clutching a large Styrofoam cup of Mountain Dew, the twenty-something male looked across to his friend who seemed to share an equally un-convinced view. [I]"Yeah, what's the old man doing here anyway? He should have stuck to dealing with barbed wire and thumbtacks... my choice? Man, I'd have got on the phone to Eric Eisen... get him to take Daddy down... or even fly Stone (Dan Snr) down here. At least he’s been in the ring... Harry Flash? Nadda, that doesn’t cut it!”[/I] Slurping on Liberty’s beverage of choice, the two fans return to the mesh of people filtering away from the Stallings International Entertainment Arena. Those in a close enough proximity would have heard J.K. Stalling Jr’s personal chopper taking to the skies, minus the giant spotlights that had tracked it’s descent a little over two hours ago. The giant electronic signboard flashed details of next week’s edition of TNW, the last prior to Malice In Wonderland, which incidentally, the same premises would also host. Their views were typical of those found on hollyweirdgc.com’s forums in recent times. If public opinion could be gauged from internet forums alone, Phil Vibert was the one anomaly in the Hollyweird success story. Whilst their billionaire owner had restored the original HGC roster to the best of his ability, the promotion’s flagship show was headed by a man who had no prior connections to the company. Whatever motivation Stallings had for opening his wallet and landing the mind behind DAVE’s meteoric rise from the East Coast also-rans, those who packed out his purpose-built arena each week, were yet to realise the benefit or the necessity behind Vibert’s appointment. [I]“So it went well?”[/I] Emma Chase had only been in the conference room for a couple of minutes having been prohibited from entering during the meeting, but she knew the mannerisms of her boss well enough to judge his mood. [I]“Better than I expected, I think it’s fair to say.”[/I] Vibert replied as he returned his notes and other belongings to his leather briefcase. [I]“Almost too well…”[/I] Checking over her shoulder to make sure the door was sealed; Chase dragged her hand down the former DAVE Owner’s back, her fingers gracing each of his vertebrae as they descended. It hadn’t escaped Vibert’s attention that she’d unfastened her blouse by a button or two since he had last seen her. [I]“Listen to yourself… I don’t have paranoia listed as one of my turn-ons.”[/I] She smiled, leaning in closer. [I]“Can you blame me? I’ve spent the night locked in here, whilst Stalling’s stormtroopers have been patrolling the corridors and every time I looked out of [B]that[/B] window, something adverse was happening below!”[/I] Snapping his briefcase shut, Vibert stepped towards the glass and took in the isometric view of the emptied main arena as the fleet of janitorial staff set about their night duties. [I]“What’s more, Stallings is going to be here next week… and for Malice In Wonderland.”[/I] Vibert pointed out prominent sky box situated high above the stands in the southern point of the main bowl. He considered it akin to the emperors’ seat, the focal point of the coliseum where the scrawny computer programmer could ultimately end his tenure with the simple downward motion of a thumb, having released the lions that lay behind the curtain. Emma heaved a slight sigh as she reopened the door. [I]“Then you’ll just have to give him something to watch, won’t you?”[/I] The pair left the room and revived their professionalism, knowing that the conference room was one of the few areas not wired up to the Truman Show camera network. When the door sealed for the final time, a darkly clad figure fell from his place of concealment amongst the piping above, landing in a crouching-tiger stance on the conference table. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/otaconference.png[/IMG][/CENTER] His motion was so smooth and fluid that his boots didn’t even scuff the wooden finish. His observation complete.
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/tewweb.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]The Online Home Of The Hollyweird Grappling Company[/B][/SIZE] [B]The Official Tuesday Night Wrestling Preview, January Week 4 (from hollweirdgc.com)[/B][/CENTER] Walled inside a steel cage, Tommy Cornell's life must have flashed before his eyes when Dread bore down on him having already destroyed the other competitors in the immediate vicinity, including championship rival Ricky Dale Johnson. Cornell had already stirred the proverbial hornet's nest last time out on Tuesday Night Wrestling, causing the former PGHW headliner to slump to a debut defeat to RDJ, as the cerebral warfare began ahead of Malice In Wonderland. Few could have predicted that this loss would provoke such a violent reaction as Dread indiscriminatingly assaulted any individual luckless enough to cross his path last night. Yet despite being the catalyst behind such rage, Cornell was left unscathed, suggesting that he might not be the only superstar willing to venture into the field of mind games ahead of next Sunday's pay-per-view. This week on TNW, Tommy Cornell will take on Rick Law in a tune-up match ahead of the pay-per-view whilst his two main rivals are also in action, one of which will feature in a rematch of sorts against Bruce The Giant. This time however, Dread will also have to deal with T.J. Bailey (a prospect unlikely to leave the former PGHW'er shaking in his boots) as he takes on both men in a handicap scenario. Ricky Dale Johnson meanwhile finds himself in a qualification melee, pitted against fellow Battle Royal participant Troy Tornado as well as Bryan Vessey and Peter Valentine, two seeded superstars who will now have to win their respective matches on the night in order to gain entry to the Malice In Wonderland main event. Valentine's prospects in particular will be dependant on whether Rip Chord accepts his challenge for a steel cage match on Sunday night... hardly ideal preparation for a Battle Royal. Also on TNW this week, Liberty and Giant Tana will intend to push their case as viable contenders for the Tag Team titles, Rocky Golden and Freddy Huggins visit the Babes of Sin City, Youth Gone Wild gear up their future encounter with the legendary Vessey Brothers and Phil Vibert finalises the details of the biggest match in HGC to date. [B][SIZE="1"]TUESDAY NIGHT WRESTLING (9:00-11:00PM EST, LIVE on GNN Total Sports)[/SIZE][/B] [/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]Filler here.[/COLOR]
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For the forth time in as many weeks, the beautiful people of L.A. had sold out the Stallings International Entertainment Center, all in the name of Hollyweird. [B][U]Dark Match: Painful Procedure versus. The Young Guns[/U][/B] Apart from a couple of fleeting appearances in the background, the Youngs Guns hadn't featured on Tuesday Night Wrestling in any prominent role until last week. Unfortunately not conscious at the time, their run-in with Dread had left them well prepared for this pre-televised encounter. Harry Allen played the fall guy, falling victim to the Randallism from Randall Hopkirk after Billy Jack Shearer had cleared the ring of the other cowboy, Steve Gumble. [B]Winners: Painful Procedure (via pinfall) Match Rating: D [/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TNWlogo.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][COLOR="Black"]Tuesday Night Wrestling:[/COLOR][COLOR="Gray"]Scene 004[/COLOR][/I][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT][COLOR="Gray"]Vindicated by their e-demigod, Phil Vibert and the Hollyweird Grappling Company brace themselves for their first pay-preview, but with Malice In Wonderland only days away, the contest for the World Heavyweight Championship rages on with every superstar struggling to stake their claim. [/COLOR][/CENTER] The fireworks display that opened TNW had barely started when Dread marched onto the stage, the cool burn from the flowing pyrotechnics not deterring him from making his unannounced arrival. The production crew were too busy dealing with the lead-in to the broadcast to select the appropriate theme that accompanied the former PGHW'er, as the final flares from the display exploded overhead. Drawn to the announce table, Dread grabbed Jason Azaria and led the play-by-play man into the ring by his jacket, demanding to be interviewed on the spot. Nervously, Azaria agreed. He could do little else and proceeded to ask the question that had been on the lips of many following last week's broadcast. Having decimated half the Hollyweird roster, why did Dread spare Tommy Cornell? "Tommy Cornell is man condemned." Dread responded, dryly. "Last week I granted him a stay of execution... but let it be known that I alone, hold the fate of Cornell and every other worker in HGC in the palm of my hand and at Malice In Wonderland... his personal purgatory, will come to its inevitable end." Dread smothered the microphone before Azaria could ask any further questions. The announcer wasn't so much here to conduct an interview, but to hold the microphone. "I returned to Hollyweird for one reason... to reclaim my World Heavyweight Championship and once I've achieved that, the only way that belt will leave my possession is when somebody pries it from my cold, lifeless hands." Short and to the point, Dread took his leave, allowing Azaria to return to his seat at the announce desk. Remarking on the noticeable quivering of his colleague when he stood next to the four hundred pounder, Jillefski said he must have been trembling with excitement for their opening bout of the night, which was coming up next. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Phil Vibert acknowledged Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford as he passed them, forced to relocate from his office, which was a scene of renovation. The interior designers had been drafted in by the General Manager, who now felt more secure in his position following his heart-to-heart discussions with J.K. Stallings Jr. He'd turned down the offer on the season premiere, but he'd decided to enjoy the perks of his occupation, seeing as he'd already had to roll with some of the punches. The upheaval wasn't only restricted to his quarters either as work continued on the communal locker room area that the former DAVE Owner proposed in the same meeting, something that hadn't gone down overly well with the already strained talent roster who were wary of the green light granted to the General Manager to recruit new talent without constraint. Several members of the TCW alumni were already struggling for airtime, seeking out their personal assistants in order to try and further their cause with the management. Other estranged workers, like Texas Pete, preferred to cut out the middle man. The young hoss flagged Vibert down, putting forward his case for inclusion with the second biggest promotion in North America, desperate not to be shipped to USPW with the other faces that didn't quite fit the Hollyweird picture. He piped down at Vibert's request, keen to avoid re-treading history and losing his spot due to verbal diarrhoea again... even if Eric Eisen was not on hand. "Look, we're running to a tight schedule. I can't give you anything tonight..." Vibert explained, before new purpose for the Texan rough-rider suddenly arose. "But don't go anywhere... I might just have a place for you yet." Moving on, the General Manager continued on his trail through the Hollyweird Back Lot, trying to avoid tripping over wooden beams, piping and other construction paraphernalia that littered the marble floors. The focus switched when Vibert cut behind the Hollyweird interview backdrop where Rip Chord and Blonde Bombshell were positioned and disappeared from view. "Rip Chord, last week we saw you win not once, but twice in a single night." Double B began; aware the cameras were now on her and her interviewee who nodded proudly in accordance with her statement. "However your first 'victory' came after you ruthlessly attacked one of your own students after luring him into the ring... the fans want to know, as do I... just what was going through your mind last week?" "Listen, Erik Strong learnt one of the most valuable lessons of life last week... blind faith in one of our greatest vulnerabilities." The MAW Owner explained, speaking with a tone of justification. "As for Joel Bryant... he learnt a lesson too. He learnt that Rip Chord, does not back down from challenges. He learnt that my quest to purify my legacy in this business will not halt in the face of unforeseen obstacles. He learnt..." "Does that mean you'll accept Peter Valentine's challenge for Malice In Wonderland?" The interviewer cut in. Chord scratched at his stubble, a familiar wry smile formed on his face. "His challenge? You mean the one where the winner, having endured the gruelling cage environment, would then walk straight into a fifteen man Battle Royal? I'm sure Valentine's primitive, un-evolved brain can't recognise the obvious drawback with such an arrangement, but then it's not like he's going to be leaving with the World Championship next Sunday is it." "Well in Peter Valentine's defence, he may have lost all sense of rationality in his quest to exact retribution on you for what you did to his best friend, Sam Strong." Double B reasoned. The image of Strong being DDT'ed on the steel rampway was still fresh in the minds of all who witnessed it. "You then pushed the envelope further by having a tape of you standing by Strong's hospital bedside aired during the middle of his match against the American Buffalo last week on TNW..." "Woah... hold that thought, toots. I didn't have anything to do with the recording or airing of that footage... if that had really been me shown on tape, I'd have been bludgeoning Strong with his bedpan, not posing for a photo opportuni... UMPH!" From off camera, Peter Valentine launched himself at Chord and sent the veteran crashing against the backdrop. The former bodybuilder and present meathead sent the MAW Owner sprawling with a haymaker and got in a couple of additional blows before security intervened, restraining him. Picking himself up from the floor, Chord spat out a mouthful of blood and announced over the commotion that he'd reached a decision regarding his aggressor's challenge. "Congratulations, muscles... you've got your match!" [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/StevieGrayson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcvs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U] Opening Match: Youth Gone Wild versus. The Tokyo Express[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] When the feed reverted to the main arena bowl, the Tokyo Express were already inside the squared circle for the first bout of the broadcast. Youth Gone Wild ran out to the strains of Wolf Hawkin's entrance theme with Stevie Grayson riding on the coattails of Hawkin's rapidly increasing popularity as they squared up against the super ninja and his less extravagantly attired partner, Kazuma Narato. Azaria confirmed that the young upstart combo had a date with the legendary Vessey Brothers at Malice In Wonderland as Hawkins tee'd off the contest by tying up with Fumihiro Ota. Azaria got in his "Now here's a little fact you may not know..." catchphrase early tonight, remarking that the Vessey Brothers have held the tag team titles an unparalleled total of six times, their last reign having ended in the early stages of 2004. It didn't take long for the Vessey siblings to make their presence known, strolling down the entrance ramp to get a closer look at their pay-per-view opponents. Whilst distracting to a degree, Youth Gone Wild pulled out the victory after a little over six minutes courtesy of the Full Moon Rising and a cover on Narato, the fall guy for the Tokyo Express in both their tag outings in the past month. [B] Winners: Youth Gone Wild (via pinfall on Kazuma Narato) Match Rating: C [/B] Hawkins could barely draw breath following the match, before Bryan Vessey clattered him from behind. Instructing his elder brother to restrain the dazed Hawkins, Bryan then Vessey Lined the cap clean off of Stevie Grayson's head before Vessey Plexing him as his partner looked on helplessly. "You caused this!" Bryan Vessey barked to Hawkins, before crouching over Grayson and drawing blood with multiple taped fists to the head. For a moment it looked like Hawkins might break free from his captor, but Larry Vessey quickly smothered the youngster, choking him from behind. His younger brother approached, his knuckles coloured crimson from the beating and smeared a bloodstained hand across Hawkins face, before knocking out whatever air remained in the young upstart's body with a stiff knee to the midsection. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Ascending the large stairwell that stretched upward to J.K. Stalling Jr's private skybox (inclusive of his entourage, of course), Phil Vibert took in the sights around him. Unlike most of the bland, sterile passages backstage, the route to the billionaire's personal viewing suite was more elegantly decorated. Numerous commemorative stills lined the walls, each capturing memorable moments of HGC's legacy such as Jack Bruce capturing the International Championship from Peter Valentine or the night Sam Strong became the inaugural World Champion. The latter was a chapter in the promotion's history that the General Manager sought to recreate at Malice In Wonderland and end the top title's period of vacancy, although he could guarantee that Sam Strong wouldn't be the man to lift the belt exactly ten years on. The former DaVE owner reached his destination after what seemed a prolonged journey and was ushered inside by one of the two suited bodyguards placed on either side of the entrance, both partially hidden behind futuristic glasses and lacking any desire to engage in small talk. "How's this for a view, Phil?" Stallings asked, making a sweeping motion of his arm. There was no escaping the fact that the vantage point the room provided was unlikely to be bettered. It hadn't dawned on Vibert just how far up the skybox was actually located until he gazed down upon the squared circle as the ringcrew tried to soak Stevie Grayson's blood from the canvas during the intermission. Then again, it did explain why his legs ached so much from scaling the stairs. "Impressive." Vibert concluded, taking a few seconds to examine the rest of his surroundings before he continued. "You wanted to see me?" "I did indeed. Drink?" Stallings opened the nearby cabinet to reveal a fully stocked mini-bar, the contents of which were now on offer to the General Manager. If he was honest with himself, Vibert had been drinking more heavily than he would have preferred in the past month or so. He had fair reason of course. The last few weeks had been some of the more stressful in his career since the volatile days of the East Coast conflict. Not wanting to appear ungracious in front of his host however, he accepted the offer and tried to disguise any hint of reluctance in his voice. “Sure…” Vibert trailed off a little, noticing a couple of suited individuals seated to his far left. There was a quality about them that distinguished them from anyone else in the room, bodyguards and assistants alike. Perhaps they were highrollers that Stallings had invited to attend the event? Acquaintances or business contacts from the software industry maybe? The smaller of the foursome, a gentleman with slicked black hair in a maroon shirt who swilled a glass of red wine as he spoke, definitely bore a resemblance to someone Vibert felt he should recognise. He didn’t have time to dwell on the man’s identity though, Stallings made sure of that. “Here you go, Phil.” The billionaire said, handing the flute of wine to the General Manager. “I’ve got some good news.” Caressing the expensive leather on his seat briefly before sitting in it, Stallings placed his own glass on the nearby mantle and clasped his hands together. “You recall our conversation last week when I stated that there might be occasions when I feel the signing of certain workers has to take precedence, even if you might not personally view their recruitment as a necessity?” The General Manager nodded. Since being given the green light to sign workers of his own choosing, he’d so far only acquired Dean Daniels on a developmental deal. Understandably he was less than thrilled that his billionaire boss was already weighing in with his personal acquisitions. What if Jillefski had somehow politicked to get Giant Redwood into the frame? The former DaVE owner would rather have contemplated hurling himself from the skybox window than suffer working closely with the fiery-bearded-ratings-killer. “Don’t worry though Phil, this is one guy you’re going to love having onboard!” [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Footage shot from earlier in the week aired, showing Freddy Huggins and Rocky Golden at a recent Babes Of Sin City event, queuing outside the Simmons Center with several other male punters. A poster plastered on the wall behind them advertised a main event featuring Dharma Gregg and Charlize Angelle, something 'Huggy' was keen to witness as he and Golden recalled their recent conflicts with Chance Fortune and Rick Law respectively. Keen to remind any onlookers of his championship status, Golden donned the International gold over his street clothes, which is a somewhat visual odd outside of the wrestling arena. Mentioning that management had informed that the his title would be on the line in some capacity at Malice In Wonderland, Golden told his curly haired running buddy that he had something in store for this week's edition of TNW, a plan of attack against his would-be challengers. "I know what you mean man... I always think better when there's naked chicks around too... wrestling in mud." Quipped Huggins as the pair passed through the turnstile. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] A video replay of the Vessey Brother's post match assault is aired before the live camera picked up backstage in the makeshift office space where Emma Chase had been forced to relocate to. A small tumbler was situated on the table in front of her, its chamber currently empty, with several black balls resting in a multi-holster beside it. "Mr Vibert intends to prove that the Hollyweird Grappling Company is without a shadow of doubt, the land of opportunity." Chase began, once again in her personal assistant role. "For every superstar that wins their respective match tonight, their name will be placed inside this tumbler..." The General Manager’s Personal Assistant held up a piece of paper daubed with ‘Wolf Hawkins’ in black ink, before placing it inside a small black capsule which she then deposited in the tumbler. The process was then repeated for the other half of Youth Gone Wild as Chase continued. "By the end of show, one lucky wrestler will have their name drawn and automatically qualify for the World Championship Battle Royal..." Leaning far enough forward to get the money shot of cleavage, Chase gently spun the tumbler as the balls containing both Wolf Hawkins and Stevie Grayson's names rattled around in the otherwise empty drum. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/Liberty.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcvs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/HumanArsenal.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U] Liberty versus. Wrestling Machine #1[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] It would take a far bigger man than Danny Jillefski not to lead-in with an Emma Chase 'I'd show her where to place my balls' line as The Machines made their entrance. In a rematch from the season premiere of TNW, the-superstar-formerly-known-as-Human-Arsenal would once again pit his wits against those of Liberty. This time however, as Azaria pointed out, the happy-go-lucky Floridian could book himself and the Giant Tana a Tag Team title match at Malice In Wonderland, courtesy of a win tonight. Liberty and the fun-loving Samoan soon emerged, the crowd warming to the rather unique double-act in recent weeks, although as evidenced in their first encounter with The Machines, their teamwork could use a little polish. The contest itself proceeded in a similar vein to their first meeting, only this time Tana neutralised the effectiveness of Wrestling Machine #2 on the outside. Kyle Rhodes seemed to enjoy calling Human Arsenal’s array of suplexes as much as Liberty regretted being the recipient of them, a northern lights suplex securing only a nearfall for the Tag Team Champion. As his Samoan partner thumped the ring apron in encouragement, Liberty decided to illustrate he could mix it up with his more technically-minded opponent. A back suplex pin resulted in a two count, followed a charging roll-up that almost had Wrestling Machine #1 down for the count. Sensing the match was slipping away, the-superstar-formerly-known-as-Brent Hill grabbed one of the title belts and tried to encroach on the ring with it. Applying his authority, the referee snatched the foreign object, but as he went to return it to the timekeeper, Hill entered the ring anyway… but Tana was waiting and delivered an aptly-named Samoan drop on the intruder. A Liberation Slam on Wrestling Machine #1 shortly resulted and sure enough, Tana and Liberty had set a date with the Tag Team champions for Malice In Wonderland. [B] Winner: Liberty (via pinfall) Match Rating: B+ [/B] The Machines retrieved their belts, but remained confident that the rag-tag pairing would be no match for their combined expertise on Sunday. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Donnie J is stood somewhere in the Hollyweird Back Lot. His treasured orange surfboard rested against a nearby wall, covered in graffiti that James Prudence was apparently responsible for last week. Ricky Dale Johnson approached the former Fly Boy, his ribs freshly bandaged with another night of competitive action in store for him. “Look man, about last week… I didn’t know that by beating the surf out of Jimmy, I’d set Dread loose on ya.” Donnie said apologetically, raising his sunglasses to appear as sincere as he could. “Don’t sweat it, fella. Dread’ll get his.” RDJ replied, slapping the far smaller worker on the shoulder before continuing down corridor. “Nice board.” “Pfh! It [B]was[/B]!” Donnie sighed, before turning back to find the surfboard in question hurtling towards his face. “Thunk!” Donnie hit the deck, having been knocked for six whilst Prudence stood over him, holding the board. Flicking back his hair back, Jimmy P issued a statement of intent. “This Sunday, we’ll see who the better Fly Boy is!” [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Rocky Golden and Freddy Huggins made their down to the ring, once again accompanied by women. These women however, weren’t the ring rats from last week, but BSC’s own Heather Halo and Officer Goodhead. The crowd were at least partially responsive to Halo, seeing as the more clued in members of the audience were aware of the brother-sister connection between her and Ice Man Clark Alexander (currently assigned to NCW), however Golden and Huggy received the usual torrent of abuse. Unusually, both members of Gold & Delicious were wielding supersoaker’s, Huggins on more than one occasion threatening to douse jeering individuals in the front rows with a high-powered jet of h2o. As Golden sat on the middle rope to grant the women easier access to the ring, another vignette aired from their recent expedition to BSC, which due to GNN’s broadcasting standards, was highly censored as the pair enjoyed the unique delights Honey Golightly’s promotion provided. “You people don’t deserve this, but seeing as myself and the Hug-inator are men of the world, we’re gonna provide you with a little dose of culture! This will be the FIRST supersoaker match in HGC history!” Golden promised once he had got hold of a microphone. “Ladies if you will…” Huggins handed a supersoaker to both women, who pumped the weapons as only the girls of BSC could leaving Golden to outline the rules of the contest. For those uninitiated, the ‘match’ basically consisted of the two women spraying each other with water until their assets were visible through their skimpy white t-shirts. There was as much point to the contest as nominating Dread for the ‘Humanitarian of the Year’ award, but it would cap off an enjoyable segment for Golden and Huggins. Jillefski’s on-air comment that he had a few fluids of his own he wouldn’t mind soaking the two women with, would likely lead to a few complaints to the network. Golden then kept the tone of the evening low with a comment that Officer Goodhead was like a female version of Rick Law, only with more balls. It was provocation like that, which drew the combination of Rick Law and Chance Fortune from the back. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RockyGolden.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcvs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/ChanceFortune.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]Non-Title Match: Rocky Golden versus. Chance Fortune[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] The women of BSC exited the ring, still bone dry as Fortune and Golden squared up for their pre-arranged match. Rightly dubbing it as a champion-vs-champion encounter, Azaria apologised for Jillefski’s earlier comment to which the former USPW announcer replied with a ‘and you wouldn’t?’ line. Fortune seemed really on his game, rocking Rocky in the early stages, before the International Champion powered back. The finale didn’t take too long to roll around. Having already got in a couple of cheapshots on Fortune during the match, Huggins snuck around the side of the ring and lay in wait for Law who Golden had goaded onto the apron. Being an upstanding citizen, Law displayed great restraint to not involve himself with his rival and incur a DQ on the part of Fortune, but he met with a nasty surprise when he hopped down from the apron… Freddy Huggins nailed Law in the temple with his trademark superkick (Huggins Kiss), leaving him down and out on the padded floor. Back inside the ring, a questionable counter by Golden saw him hoist Fortune up in The Rack and ultimately win by submission when the All Action Champion could take the pressure no more. [B] Winner: Rocky Golden (via submission) Match Rating: D+ [/B] Post match, Huggins treated Fortune to a belt-shot with the International Championship before fastening it around the waist of the holder, Rocky Golden. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Tommy Cornell contorted his face in an over-exaggerated fashion having just watched his opponent for later in the evening (Rick Law), being assisted up the ramp by the officials via the monitor in the locker room. Only it isn’t his locker room, it actually belonged to Peter Valentine who, upon his return, understandably wanted an explanation as to why ‘Rough Justice’ was in there. “Easy now…” Cornell said, raising his hands to indicate that he didn’t enter the room looking for trouble. “I just want a chat, big man.” It was clear that Valentine didn’t trust the former TCW figurehead as far as he could throw him, which was probably a considerable distance, but he did still want that explanation. “Talk then…” Valentine grunted. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/Dread.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcvs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TJBailey.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U]Handicap Match: Dread versus. Bruce The Giant & T.J. Bailey[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] In a rematch from last week, only with the added twist of T.J. Bailey, Dread headed to the ring for the second time in the first hour of TNW. Tossing Bailey to one side like a rag doll, the match began with Dread and Bruce slugging at one another to see which would flinch first. Whilst Bailey recovered at ringside and straightened his visor, Dread avoided a butt smash in the corner from the giant Australian by pulling referee Eugene Williams into the firing line. With the official pancaked against the buckle, the former PGHW’er levelled Bruce with a Dread Smack. Eager to end the match early, as was his general strategy, Dread signalled for the end only to be interrupted when Ricky Dale Johnson charged down the aisle. The big Texan slid into the ring and began lighting up Dread with right hands. Dodging a clubbing blow and then a Dread Smack, RDJ gave the four hundred pound superstar a little taste of Southern Justice. With Jillefski protesting at the announce table, Johnson went to revive the official as T.J. Bailey scrambled up the turnbuckle and landed a guillotine legdrop on his massive opponent. Almost not knowing what to do, Bailey hooked one of Dread’s tree-trunk-like legs for the most unexpected of triumphs. [B] Winner: TJ Bailey & Bruce The Giant (via pinfall) Match Rating: C- [/B] Unable to believe his luck, Bailey rolled out of the ring and leapt into the arms of Bruce The Giant who placed the light-heavyweight on his shoulders. Azaria turned to Rhodes to ask whether we’d just seen T.J. Bailey’s finishing move… Rhodes answered that he didn’t even know if Bailey had a finishing move. RDJ was already a good distance away from the ring when Dread sat up, his eyes burning with rage having suffered his second defeat in HGC due to outside interference, even if his own actions last week had spurred Johnson into seeking revenge. This issue however, was far from resolved. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] “Get it over with then, Floyd!” The American Buffalo slumped against the wall impatiently. The veins in his thick neck became more prominent as he grew more irritated with his manager. “I’m sorry Buffalo, but when you need to go… you need to go!” Floyd Goldworthy headed towards the nearby toilet block, realising that he had indeed drank too much coffee in the course of the day. He was edgy enough handling his clients affairs, without twelve cups of caffeine to add to the equation. “I can’t meet with Phil Vibert with a wet pair of slacks now can I? That wouldn’t… URGH!” The former manager of Painful Procedure collided with a production assistant exiting the same facility he intended to use, causing both men to fall to the ground in a heap and apologise to one another furiously. Being keen to get past this embarrassing meeting of the minds, Goldworthy helped the assistant pick up the items he had been carrying, which now lay scattered on the ground. “Hold on a minute…” Goldworthy exclaimed, mainly to himself as he picking up a video cassette labelled ‘Strong/Chord Hospital Vignettes 1-5’ in black biro. The production assistant quickly took it from him, and hid it under his arm amongst the rest of his belongings. “Thanks. I’m ever so sorry!” The assistant repeated for the forth time as he scuttled into the distance, beyond American Buffalo who once again, instructed his manager to stop wasting time. Floyd Goldworthy entered the toilets and unzipped his fly. He was slowly beginning to appreciate just how the world of Hollyweird worked… and it wasn’t a comfortable realisation. [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="1"][B]END OF PART I (10:00PM EST) TUESDAY NIGHT WRESTLING, LIVE on GNN Total Sports[/B][/SIZE] In Part II – Tommy Cornell faces Rick Law, Fumihiro Ota makes his motives known to Phil Vibert, Charlie Thatcher tries to make amends for last weeks security failings, one lucky superstar’s name gets drawn from the tumbler and entered in the Battle Royal, while four of HGC’s top names square off in the final main event ahead of Malice In Wonderland. All this and more in the final hour of Tuesday Night Wrestling! [/CENTER][/QUOTE] OOC notes: I borrowed a little inspiration from berrysi with the versus graphic, so I made my own. On another note, as always, any comments are greatly appreciated, I'm interested to know what people are thinking thus far. Personally I'm loving the game so far, I might update with a few ingame goings on either before or after I wrap up the final part of TNW004, although even with edited data, January 2007 is still pretty much a much of a muchness in terms of what's happening in the TEW world.
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Well Sebsplex, remember YOU asked for this... I'm enjoying this dynasty immensely! Very well written, IMO. I could be wrong, but I imagine that the write-ups take quite a while, so know that your work and effort is greatly appreciated by me, at any rate. I'm also glad you decided to put the eye candy back up! I was going to ask why you took it down in the first place. But no big deal. Keep up the great work.
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[QUOTE=Actarus;239449]Well Sebsplex, remember YOU asked for this... I'm enjoying this dynasty immensely! Very well written, IMO. I could be wrong, but I imagine that the write-ups take quite a while, so know that your work and effort is greatly appreciated by me, at any rate. I'm also glad you decided to put the eye candy back up! I was going to ask why you took it down in the first place. But no big deal. Keep up the great work.[/QUOTE] I'll sentiment what Actarus said , and I'll say this diary adheres to the saying of quality over quantity. It's going to be a little slow-moving because of the sheer amount of content but when you do post the shows up they are both very rewarding for yourself and the reader(s). Which brings me to this point ...I can't believe there was a couple of numbskulls who gave this dynasty one star ?!! I'll admit this one is not going to be to everyone's taste, it takes actual brain-power to read it, it's not one you can skim over. But giving it one-star is saying that the dynasty is really badly written and unreadable. It's voting like this which makes the star rating system somewhat defunct in terms of gauging how good/popular a dynasty is.
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[QUOTE=Actarus;239449]I'm also glad you decided to put the eye candy back up! I was going to ask why you took it down in the first place. But no big deal.[/QUOTE] Well I uploaded it a while after posting the story, added it for an hour, then decided to take it down and maybe edit it to use on the next TNW. I'd saved the text over the original .png though and it was too much hassle to then try and re-edit, so I put it back on here. [QUOTE=Actarus;239449]I'm enjoying this dynasty immensely! Very well written, IMO. I could be wrong, but I imagine that the write-ups take quite a while, so know that your work and effort is greatly appreciated by me, at any rate. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Tigerkinney;239449]I'll sentiment what Actarus said , and I'll say this diary adheres to the saying of quality over quantity. It's going to be a little slow-moving because of the sheer amount of content but when you do post the shows up they are both very rewarding for yourself and the reader(s).[/QUOTE] Thanks guys, that means a lot. The write-ups take a reasonable amount of time to compile, depends on whether I can get into a groove or not. It does make things a little slow moving, but then there's quite a lot going on, so I don't think that hurts too much. Breaking the shows into halves definitly helps in that regard. Sometimes I do envy those dynasties with much more compact write-ups, but still, as long there are other people enjoying it, it makes the effort that much more worthwhile. [QUOTE=Tigerkinney;239449]Which brings me to this point ...I can't believe there was a couple of numbskulls who gave this dynasty one star ?!! I'll admit this one is not going to be to everyone's taste, it takes actual brain-power to read it, it's not one you can skim over. But giving it one-star is saying that the dynasty is really badly written and unreadable. It's voting like this which makes the star rating system somewhat defunct in terms of gauging how good/popular a dynasty is.[/QUOTE] Heh, for some reason the star system makes people insecure, but I've had some inside info on who's responsible. ;) [QUOTE=Jehovah;239449]Wow, Liberty brings that fire once again! He's kind of forcing you to do something notable with him.[/QUOTE] Yeah, another B+ rated match from Liberty. That's one of the things that makes running a game and a dynasty extra enjoyable... having to write to accomodate the curveballs the game throws at you. Somehow I think my original notes got leaked to Liberty and he's now pulling out all the stops just to give me a headache.
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Finally got a chance to catch up. The last show was tremendous. Liberty is not my favorite character but the way you use him and his interactions with Tana are great. Also really like the way you write Cornell, Chord, and Dread. Love the way your graphics add to the lay-out. Good stuuf. Can't wait til the next show gets posted.
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