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Hollyweird Grappling Company: Revenge Of The Nerd

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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;241286]This is one half of the joint diary of the month for June, congratulations. There's two DOTM's because I couldn't decide between them :p[/QUOTE] Joint DOTM!? What the!? Why has the Lord of TEW forsaken me!? I don't think the Peter Valentine in me can handle sharing a spotlight... I'm kidding of course, it's a very pleasant (and unexpected) surprise to come home from a pretty sucky day at work and be pinned for June, especially with all the top quality C-Verse dynasties floating around these days. Congrats to eayragt, my fellow pin-ee and thanks for the support and comments guys, it's much appreciated. I guess, I'd better pull my finger out a bit now and wrap up the second half of TNW 004 to move onto Malice In Wonderland. So, the end of TNW should be posted either late tonight or early-ish tomorrow. Then there's one story post I'll need to make as well as a MIW prediction and hype thread... then the pay-per-view itself. Go Team!
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[QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="1"][B]PART II (10:03PM EST) TUESDAY NIGHT WRESTLING, LIVE on GNN Total Sports[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] When Tuesday Night Wrestling returned, Troy Tornado couldn't have cared less. He was too engrossed in the World Of WarForce, having requested his designated personal assistant to hook him up with the fastest PC they could acquire. The one-time lead singer of Painful Procedure sat forward on a leather couch, jabbing at a keyboard and clicking on the mouse from the comfort of his locker room. A set of knuckles rapped on the door, something apparently not deserving of his attention. The knocking repeated though, forcing Tornado to at least invite the person inside... anything to stop the incessant banging. "Troy, can I get you thoughts on your match tonight?" Blonde Bombshell asked, dangling a microphone in the direction of the former International Champion. "Can't you see I'm pwning here?" Tornado snapped, twitching as the bright flashing from the monitor intensified. "Erm... ex-excuse me?" She stammered, before Tornado suddenly rose from his seat and flipped the keyboard over in state of aggravation. "Freakin' LAG!" He complained, kicking the keyboard across the floor. "Dammit! Are you happy now!? I just lost me a level 26 character!" "I..." "This server is slower than Billy Jack-ass Shearer trying to work out the time from a digital watch!" Double B took a moment to allow Tornado to let off a little more steam. He slumped back onto the couch and finally displayed some signs of limited attention, prompting the interviewer to quiz him on a new topic. "Speaking of Billy Jack Shearer... are you aware he and the other members of Painful Procedure have challenged you to a match at Malice In Wonderland?" "Last week I beat the legendary Bryan Vessey, single-handedly I might add." Bragged Tornado, his recollection of events differing to those that aired seven nights ago. "My place in the Battle Royal is 'tight', locked on... why would I waste my energy dealing with a curtain-jerking house band?" Picking the keyboard back up (minus a couple of keys) and setting it back down, the former lead singer resumed his online gaming. "So you're turning it down?" The interviewer asked. "What?" Tornado uttered, concentrating to a far greater degree on his 733t game playing. "I mean... yeah. I can take them anytime I want... the night after the PPV, when I'm World Champion... you can line'em up! I'll go through them all in one night! BOOM! HEADSHOT!" “I’ll leave you to it.” Blonde Bombshell sighed, conceding defeat and leaving the room. “Oh I can feel the FOOOOOORCE, baby! YEAH!” [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] With vivid memories of Dread's rampage on the last edition of TNW, it was understandable that those in the Back Lot gave the former PGHW'er a wide berth as he tracked down Ricky Dale Johnson, finding the big Texan talking to referee Sam Sparrow about nothing in particular. RDJ stood defiantly in front of the four hundred pounder, knowing full well that he'd stoked the fire between the pair by instigating the turn of events that saw Dread humiliatingly pinned by TJ Bailey. The monstrous superstar spoke first. "Like I told Cornell..." Dread snarled, his eyes fixed on those of Johnson. "Your time will come." "I'll look forward to it!" RDJ retorted as Dread walked away, only to be replaced by Tommy Cornell who approached, cracking his knuckles ahead of his imminent encounter with Rick Law. "Life of the party, ain't he?" The former TCW figurehead smirked, loosening up next to the lone star state's favourite brawler. "Wish me luck out there, bucko!" Cornell gave his title rival a friendly nudge, before jogging towards the gorilla position to leave Johnson wondering which out of Rough Justice and Dread he'd opt to punch in the mouth first this coming Sunday. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TommyCornell.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcvs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U] Tommy Cornell versus. Rick Law[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] For a man stripped of his treasured World Heavyweight Championship only a fortnight ago, Tommy Cornell had been extremely chipper in recent days. It was almost as if 'Rough Justice' knew something that those watching didn't as he waved up to J.K. Stallings Jr's personal skybox and even acknowledged some of the fans. Azaria commented on the former champion going through a whole gambit of moods since the fateful Last Man Standing match with Ricky Dale Johnson and recapped the psychological warfare he was engaged in with RDJ and Dread. Rick Law's entrance followed. He was far more downcast, sporting a gash on his forehead from the blow dealt by Rocky Golden and his International gold. Surprisingly, Cornell began the match with a handshake, wishing man justice good luck for the bout that followed. Acting as a paragon of virtue throughout, Cornell instigated clean breaks, open handed blows and adhered to the referee's five count with unprecedented obedience. Having been superkicked in the face earlier, Law didn't need the added headache of trying to fathom his opponent’s behaviour, but he kept the contest clean on his part too. At one point Cornell even clapped Law for his execution of a sustained suplex, despite favouring his back from the impact. Jillefski speculated that the former TCW figurehead might have suffered some sort of nervous breakdown ahead of Malice In Wonderland as Cornell scored a nearfall with a sunset flip and made a 'thumbs up' gesture to his opponent for kicking out. Seven minutes into the contest, Law knocked the British superstar through the ropes with a flying shoulder tackle and followed him outside... "CRACK!" In the blink of an eye, Cornell brought a steel chair into play and crowned Law with it, right in front of the referee's eyes. [B] Winner: Rick Law (via DQ) Match Rating: B [/B] The former TCW figurehead dusted his hands together, content to take the losers share of the match purse if it meant keeping fresh for the pay-per-view. Rick Law on the other hand, was left seeing stars for the second time in the broadcast, although looking at the outcome with a glass-half-full perception, he did now have ball in the Emma Chase's tumbler. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] "Busy?" Phil Vibert spun in his seat, caught off guard by the voice and the fact that Fumihiro Ota now stood before him. "I didn't hear you come in..." Vibert stopped mid-sentence and gazed door he'd locked several minutes ago. "How in God's name [B]did[/B] you get in!?" Ota spoke slowly, but with perfect clarity, his arms folded across his chest. "In a world were every second of existence is captured on film, the methods of the ninja transcend technology... and sealed rooms." The founder of DaVE looked at Ota blankly. It was an answer of sorts. "Nevermined..." Vibert sighed, massaging his brow. "Why are you here?" "I want to offer my services to you." The ninja said, offering his hand to the General Manager. "The knowledge of the observer, who watches those that in turn watch his master, is a priceless commodity indeed." "But you have a price I assume?" Vibert asked. "I have my demands, but none that you will be unable to meet." "That may be the case Fumihiro, but I'm yet to be convinced you have anything I require. Despite the knowledge you propose to hold." "Help me, to help you Mr Vibert." Ota said, maintaining his cryptic tongue. "For a man willing to mortgage his position on the hire of a personal assistant, I would have thought the offer of my assistance on less complicated terms would have proved an attractive prospect, no?" Vibert felt his heart skip a beat. He pulled at his collar to loosen it, as if the previously comfortable fit was now tightening like a noose around his neck. "Thud, thud, thud!" "Mr Vibert, I have matters I urgently need to discuss with you!" Floyd Goldworthy hollered from the other side of the door, after pounding on it with his fist. "One minute, Goldworthy..." The flustered General Manager replied, swivelling back around in his chair to where Ota had been standing previously, only to find the super ninja had vanished without a trace. Puzzled, Vibert scanned every inch of the room as he rose to unlock the door for the equally flustered Goldworthy who strode into the makeshift office with purpose, making grand gestures with his arms. "Make yourself at home..." Vibert said with a hint of sarcasm, seeing as the American Buffalo's manager had already deposited himself on a nearby black leather couch. "I suppose this is about your client?" "Long answer yes, short answer no." Goldworthy answered as the General Manager returned to his desk. "First, I'm seeking an explanation." [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Another vignette shot from Sam Strong's bedside aired, showing the legend still hooked up to a drip and other various pieces of equipment. After the footage had concluded, Azaria stated that Rip Chord was a 'sick individual', not convinced by the MAW owner's earlier protestations that he was not responsible for the recordings. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/AmericanBuffalo.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcvs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TanaTheMighty.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U] American Buffalo versus. Giant Tana[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] This time it was Liberty's turn to support his partner from ringside when Giant Tana took on the equally sizable American Buffalo, his corner being staffed by his manager. Revelling in the crowd's more vocal support since siding with the psychedelically clad Floridian on the outside, Tana had mixed up his offence with the odd dance move. His current favourite was 'big-box-little-box' after watching Freddy Huggins trying (and failing) to impress Heather Halo in the Back Lot earlier. Unfortunately, the American Buffalo wasn't out there to put a smile on the faces of the fans. He was there to bulldoze his way through the friendly Samoan. Having flattened the jigging Tana with a big boot, Buffalo took him into the corner for a dose of repeated shoulder charges, followed by a full nelson. Using his considerable rump to break free, Tana took on a more business-like approach and lashed his opponent with a couple of Mongolian chops. A minute or so later, a Big Fat Samoan Avalanche squished American Buffalo against the buckle, much to his manager’s horror as Goldworthy flapped his arms around at ringside. Tana was enjoying himself again, but a second avalanche attempt proved a huge mistake as BLZ Bubb's former tag team partner caught the fun-loving Samoan as he leapt. Struggling to keep his balance initially, American Buffalo raised Tana onto his shoulder and ran forward, planting him with The Stampede. Jillefski got to call his favourite move as the International title hopeful recorded an impressive victory here on TNW. [B]Winner: American Buffalo (via pinfall) Match Rating: C+ [/B] Floyd Goldworthy punched the air in delight as his client was announced the winner. Liberty meanwhile climbed into the ring to try and wake Tana, using a small bag of jelly beans as encouragement. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Joel Bryant was shown stretching backstage, with Azaria informing the viewers that like the American Buffalo, Bryant had his sights on the International Championship at Malice In Wonderland. Like American Buffalo, he had the chance to enhance his credentials against the young pretender, Aaron Andrews later in the evening. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Liberty stood backstage, consoling Giant Tana with the aid of a freshly delivered pizza. On the whole it had still been a profitable night for the pair, despite Tana's comprehensive defeat at the hands of the American Buffalo. As the slices of pizza disappeared in the cavernous gullet of the lovable Samoan, The Machines strode into view, brandishing the very gold that Liberty and Tana hoped to acquire this Sunday. Using this opportunity to belittle the unorthodox tandem, Wrestling Machine #1 told the Floridian that he wouldn't have the same luck at Malice In Wonderland that he had benefited from earlier tonight. "Chill out!" Liberty told the champions. "I'm feelin' some real negative vibes here!" Those valuable words didn't ease the situation as Wrestling Machine #2 slapped a slice of pizza from Tana's hand. The Samoan had been eating throughout the 'discussion'. Upset by this, Giant Tana recalled an expression he'd heard a few times around the Back Lot in recent weeks, thinking its correct usage definitely applied here. "FUNK YOU!" Tana bellowed, much to the amusement of his partner who was about to correct him when The Machines jumped the pair. The superstar-formerly-known-as-Human Arsenal threw Liberty into the adjacent wall, whilst the superstar-formerly-known-as-Brent Hill clubbed Tana with a broom handle and took him towards the table where he smeared the Samoan's face into the remnants of the pizza. "No, f**k you!" Wrestling Machine #1 sneered, having administered a thorough kicking to the Floridian as he lay prone on the marble floor. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/JoelBryant.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcvs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/AaronAndrews.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U] Joel Bryant versus. Aaron Andrews[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Those inside the business knew that Aaron Andrews was something special. His 'holy trinity' of skills had barely been on display outside of dark match time, aside from his cameo role in the L.A. Street Fight that Phil Vibert threw together a fortnight ago. Tonight he had the chance to showcase his undeniable talents against Joel Bryant; a worker who many believed would have been the current International Champion had Rocky Golden not fled the ring during their match fourteen days ago. Clad in white and black half-tights, Andrews jogged down the aisle and rolled into the ring to await the entrance of his vastly experienced opponent who followed. The pair meshed together well during the contest, with Andrews displaying some solid mat skills of his own to deal with the veteran's offence. Bryant however, always gave the impression of being the superior of the two athletes, confirming this with an inverted Russian legsweep for a long two count. Flipping Double A onto his stomach, Bryant looked set to lock in a Boston crab, despite the youngster doing his utmost to resist. Positioned near the ropes, the veteran knew Andrews chances of escape would be bleak once he turned his opponent over, but he didn't realise Double A was about to receive a surprise reprieve from an unlikely source. Like Rick Law before him, Rocky Golden clocked Bryant with the International Championship. Andrews had no reason to believe he wasn't responsible for turning the tide of the bout and headed upstairs as the punch-drunk Bryant stumbled into a flying crossbody. Hooking the leg, Andrews sealed his first victory on TNW and regretfully had the International Champion to thank for it. [B]Winner: Aaron Andrews (via pinfall) Match Rating: B- [/B] Golden could tolerate Double A's celebrations if only to rub more salt into Bryant's wounds and fastened the International belt back around his waist having made his point to his would-be challenger. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Charlie Thatcher had kept a low profile throughout the broadcast, his personal pride and professional integrity still smarting from the lapse in security, which saw Dread evade his detention and subject his violent will on those inside the squared circle at the close of last week's TNW. This week, he remained posted outside the room housing Emma Chase and small tumbler, which would provide one of tonight's lucky victors with a spot in this Sunday's Battle Royal. His name however, wouldn't be in the mix with the likes of Liberty, Rip Chord and TJ Bailey. His only task for the pay-per-view, would probably involve patrolling the parking garage or further door duty, perhaps outside Stalling's skybox if Thatcher were lucky. "Mr Vibert..." The bodyguard acknowledged the founder of DaVE as he approached. Phil Vibert's feet were aching. He must have covered at least two thirds of the arena on foot tonight. The renovation of his office caused some inconvenience. The General Manager wore the fatigue surprisingly well considering the increasing burden of business heaped upon him since his appointment with Hollyweird. Fumihiro Ota's words had provided him with some food for thought, but his discussion with Floyd Goldworthy had been of equal concern, not to mention Stalling's disclosure that unknown talent was inbound in the very near future. "Nevermind this. I've got a job for you to do." Vibert instructed Thatcher, beckoning him from the doorway. "I want you to enforce tonight's main event... we're not going to have a repeat of last week's farce, understood?" Thatcher didn't utter a word. He just nodded slowly as confirmation. "Take some extra personnel out there with you if needs be, but ensure you deal with any unauthorised involvement... with excessive force if necessary." Having dispatched his head of security, Vibert entered the room to join his personal assistant, wary of prying eyes, whether they belonged to a mysterious ninja or not. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RipChord.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcvs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RobertOxford.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U] Rip Chord versus. Robert Oxford[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] In a rematch from the season premiere of TNW, Robert Oxford was set to lock horns with Rip Chord once again. A brief vignette aired in the bottom corner of the screen, with Oxford vowing that he'd be damned if he was going to be overshadowed by any of HGC's new blood or in Chord's case, the old guard. Unlike when the veterans first clashed, the fan support Chord previously held had long since evaporated following his shocking attack on Sam Strong. It could be considered a minor miracle that this contest actually lasted the duration without the referee throwing it out due to the excessive rule-breaking by both competitors. Oxford recalled how underhanded Chord's approach had been and made sure to match him, low blow for low blow, eye gauge for eye gauge. An inside cradle and a handful of tights saw Oxford come within half a count of scarring Chord's renewed legacy with a defeat, but the MAW owner would capitalise on his fellow veteran's momentum after a mistimed lunge that shortly resulted and nail the Rip Chord DDT. Having pinned Joel Bryant only last week on TNW, Chord covered the other half of the Tag Team Specialists to chalk up another mark in his personal 'wins' column. [B]Winner: Rip Chord (via pinfall) Match Rating: A [/B] Paying close attention to his surroundings should Peter Valentine be preparing to renew their hostilities from earlier, Chord headed back up the aisle with a degree of caution, intending to make it to Malice In Wonderland in one piece. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcclacker1.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] The announcers ran down the Malice In Wonderland card, revealing that three further matches have been confirmed during the broadcast. Aided by an assortment of high-end graphics, they discussed the newly added All Action Championship match between Chance Fortune and Freddy Huggins, before moving onto the 'falls count anywhere' clash between the former Fly Boys and finally the inclusion of American Buffalo in an International Fatal Four Way. Azaria remarked that it made for a stacked schedule, when added to the Steel Cage bout, the return of the Vessey Brothers and of course, the World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal. With that lead-in, the feed switched back to Emma Chase to see whose luck was in and whose ball would be plucked from the tumbler, automatically qualifying them for the Battle Royal. "The superstar joining Tommy Cornell, Ricky Dale Johnson, Troy Tornado and Dread as the only men guaranteed a Battle Royal spot prior to the pay-per-view is..." Having already spun the handle, Chase reached into the tumbler and began fumbling with the balls inside. Somehow, Jillefski managed to let the moment pass without another wisecrack as Chase made her selection. Supervised by Phil Vibert, who stood in the background, she opened the capsule and revealed the name concealed inside. "Rick Law!" The secondary caption window displayed the chosen worker elsewhere in the Back Lot, his delight very much apparent as the nearby TJ Bailey and Chance Fortune congratulated him. Elsewhere backstage, Bryan Vessey observed the scene play out on a wall mounted monitor, distinctly unimpressed. Sensing that his stomach would churn over and force its contents upward through his throat should he watch another moment, the multi-time Tag Team champion made his way to the gorilla position in anticipation of the main event. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcvs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/PeterValentine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcvs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/hgcvs.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Black"][U] Four Way Match: Bryan Vessey versus. Peter Valentine versus. Troy Tornado versus. Ricky Dale Johnson[/U][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Vessey entered first, Azaria taking the opportunity to remind those watching that the final match featured two superstars who had successfully overcame their opponents in their qualification matches and two who hadn't. Bryan Vessey fell into the latter bracket. His body language suggested he wanted little part of this pre-pay-per-view exhibition. He trudged down the aisle, past Charlie Thatcher and four other members of his security force who had taken their position at the base of the rampway in order to intercept anyone intent on compromising the main event. Troy Tornado sashayed out next, followed by Peter Valentine with the final entrance cue being reserved for Ricky Dale Johnson. Preceded by a stirring blast of pyro, the big Texan made up the remainder of the quartet as TNW headed into it's final round of commercials. The show returned to join a match already in progress. Tornado had managed to forge some form of alliance with Vessey, assisting him on wearing down Valentine as part of the tried and tested divide and conquer routine. The security personnel kept watch on proceedings throughout, with Vibert's words very much fresh in the mind of Thatcher, in his enforcement role. Given that Tornado advanced to Malice In Wonderland at the expense of Vessey, it was only a matter of time until the HGC legend turned on the former Painful Procedure lead singer. Their in-fighting allowed a resurgent Valentine to double shoulder-charge both men, only for the former bodybuilder himself to be felled by a leaping lariat from RDJ. Having deflected a Star Maker attempt from Tornado, Johnson squared up to the younger Vessey sibling when the wall of security outside were about to endure their first test of the evening. Dread lumbered out from the entrance, bearing down on the thin line of personnel blocking his access to ringside. The former PGHW monster stood his ground, his glare directed towards RDJ, the man responsible for TJ Bailey's monumental pinfall on the four hundred pound worker earlier. Dread weighed up his options, only to be cut off at the pass by Rick Law who had decided to involve himself with affairs in the main arena and become more acquainted with one of his World Championship rivals. A stand off ensued until Rocky Golden and Freddy Huggins blindsided the unsighted Law, despite Azaria's vocal warning from the announce desk. Chance Fortune and Joel Bryant played the role of the immediate cavalry only for American Buffalo to complicate matters by wading into the brawl. Thatcher sensed that the situation was slipping from his control and tried to call on the other rent-a-cops he had positioned around the barricades at ringside, but they too had their hands full pouncing on Stevie Grayson who had tried to cut a path through the crowd in order to get to Vessey. Where he had failed however, Wolf Hawkins leapt over the railings behind the announce table and hit the ring… or more specifically, Vessey with a springboard clothesline. "Welcome to pier six!" Azaria piped up, referencing the familiar line of commentary that referred to such an escalation of prohibited violence. [B]Winner: No Contest Match Rating: B [/B] The referee signalled for the bell when following Hawkins intervention, eager to head for higher ground as the situation threatened to get out of hand. Had he waited a moment longer, he could have made the same call when Rip Chord snuck into the ring, packing heat in the form of a steel chair. Valentine was alert and punched the 'equaliser' from Chord's hands as further bodies piled forth from the locker room to join the melee. Painful Procedure tried to push their way beyond Thatcher's vulnerable line of security, but were held back for the time being. Turning to his earpiece in desperation, the head of security pleaded for reinforcements as Dread laid waste to his remaining colleague, leaving Thatcher as his only obstacle. The former PGHW'er smiled wickedly, deducing how best to dispose of the enforcer, until the need to remove Thatcher no longer remained. RDJ exited the ring and bundled into both men, knocking Thatcher to the ground as the Texan launched himself at Dread. Looking for his headset, Thatcher could only watch in horror as the integral piece of communication equipment was crushed underneath Billy Jack Shearer's boot as he made a charge for the ring. HGC superstars continued to pour through the curtain as if the floodgates had been opened. It was a mixture of workers with varying motives, some targeting the participants in the main event , some running out simply to fight with a foe already out there and some just looking for a fight, period. “This is pandemonium Azaria! Call the LAPD!” Jillefski cried as Tommy Cornell followed Kazuma Narato out as the latest additions to the chaos. Azaria nodded in agreement. “They're fighting all over the Stallings International Entertainment Arena! We're getting reports that fighting has spilled backstage now and if somebody doesn't do something to quell this situation, then they're going to be fighting on the streets soon!” To demonstrate the sheer scale of this post-main event skirmish, the camera travelled from the main arena, through the entrance way and into the Back Lot. It was a lot like the end of Titanic when the camera zoomed through the sunken boat, although instead of murky wreckage getting restored into a luxury ocean liner, it's just various individuals beating the tar out of one another. The basic execution is the same. Like in and around ringside, several superstars are using the melee as an excuse to settle a few personal scores while others have seemingly just stepped straight into a brawl like ducks to water. The roaming camera comes to a stop in a large lobby-like area where Phil Vibert has been drawn from the nearby suite by the commotion, with Emma Chase hovering nervously in the background. “I've seen enough of this!” Vibert snapped as Wrestling Machine #1 took a ‘Liberty Big Left Hand’ from his Floridian foe. “It's obvious we don't have the security manpower to break all of this up... call the police, Emma.” Chase turned to walk in one direction, only to see her boss turn to go the opposite way… towards the main arena. She pleaded for the former DaVE owner to reconsider his actions, but Vibert’s mind was already set. Retreating with the other members of the production staff, she tried to locate the nearest phone as the feed switched back to the main arena bowl. The heart of the warzone. [CENTER][B][Overrun: 11:14PM EST][/B][/CENTER] The General Manager marched down the aisle, his facial expression torn between utter dismay, total disbelief and unbridled fury. How dare the overpaid members of the Hollyweird alumni reduce his show to such disarray. Further members of the security force fanned out from behind Vibert, joining their colleagues in running battles with the out of control superstars. Casualties were strewn as far as the eye could see and perhaps farther. Even the crowd had bought into the anarchy, trying to hand the workers additional weaponry over the barricade or circling combatants whose fighting had spilt into the front rows, yelling their beer-driven encouragement. He gazed upward at Stalling's skybox and wondered what the billionaire and his executive guests made of the scenes below, witnessing the fans explode when Tommy Cornell slapped the monstrous Dread in the Guilt Trip amidst the flailing limbs and bodies inside the squared circle. How well would this reflect on the host? Somehow, order had to be restored. Finding a bloodied Charlie Thatcher slumped against the ring apron, Vibert urged him to draft some of the arena stewards from the stands, his instruction partially lost in the ether when TJ Bailey crashed against the ringsteps with a dull, metallic thud. Only a few feet away, RDJ suckered Valentine into a charging clothesline only to sidestep and used the former bodybuilder's momentum to propel him over the ropes in a fashion that would have sealed Valentine's elimination had this been the main event at Malice In Wonderland. Caught on his heel on the outside, the General Manager found himself unable to avoid the impending collision, his feet frozen to the spot as Valentine's carcass came crashing down upon him. There was a howl of pain, preceding the snapping of bone and succeeded by the merciless roar of the partisan crowd. Phil Vibert felt himself drowning in a sea of humanity, his left leg crumpled beneath the frame of Sam Strong's best friend. There was no question that something had broken, not that it concerned the baying members of Joe-public. Thatcher pulled the former DaVE owner free, recognising his clear discomfort and crouching over his boss in an attempt to shield him from further harm. Vibert could feel his grip on consciousness slipping as the sights around him began to blur into a single orgy of colour. Clenching his teeth, he made a solemn vow that only his bodyguard could barely hear though the raucous atmosphere that swirled around them. This would be the beginning of the end. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/tnwclose.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE="4"][B]FINAL SHOW RATING: [COLOR="royalblue"]B[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B]TV Rating:[/B] 30.49 [B]Closing Notes:[/B] Back up to a solid B rating overall and a new record regarding the rating on GNN. The show finished hot with the last two matches scoring well as well as a final A-rated segment to close. Who would have thought that a six minute, barely storyline-driven contest between Rip Chord and Robert Oxford would bring the first ‘A’? A match of the year candidate? Well not how I wrote it, but whatever the pair were lacking in their first encounter, they certainly brought it for the rematch. Aided by the same great chemistry note, I guess the difference resulted from the wave of momentum Chord is now riding as well as the stronger segments and bouts leading up to theirs… alas, it was a pleasant booking quirk. No other chemistry notes to make at this point other than Liberty continuing to bring the goods home in his matches. The other results levelled out the momentum’s of all the main players ahead of Malice In Wonderland. Again, a very story-laden show, but there’s a lot of groundwork to lay for the events to come. As I mentioned before, a ppv hype post and prediction key will follow. I’m hoping to add some form of ‘prize’ to the contest, which would be some form of say in the next chapter of the HGC story… I’m not quite sure how workable that will be yet, but hey, predictions are fun anyway right? Finally, credits… World of WarForce appears courtesy of Actarus’s The Faces of Force: JIM FORCE! ([url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=22440)[/url]. [/QUOTE]
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Just wanna say, I'm a long-time lurker on these boards and this diary impresses the hell out of me. A lot of people will look at the length of these results and think you're being long-winded and overlong, but the fact is nearly every word written relates to the characters. The sheer amount of depth is amazing. I've read a lot of diaries here on the boards and the ones I enjoy the most are the ones with a definite sense of character definition. I love how you write Ota, but in some ways it pains me, as I was planning on writing him similarly in my new diary, but can't possibly live up to that. I'm also a big fan of diaries with a sense of humour to them and I laughed out loud at Liberty trying to wake Tana with a bag of Jelly Beans. I'm easily amused, though. :D
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[QUOTE]Again, a very story-laden show, but there’s a lot of groundwork to lay for the events to come.[/QUOTE] Yeah, and what a lot of groundwork setting there was. Sounds like Vibert needs some enforcers - but so far he's got Charlie Thatcher. Either JK's mysterious signing is [I]huge[/I], or I see a faction beginning to be built up.
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Sebs congrats on getting pinned. I am still reading. Been busy with my own personal stuff with my dad, grandma, and ex gf lately which is why I haven't said anything or posted my own entries. Vibert and Charlie being allies is interesting. I love the use of BSC. Do you have a working agreement with them and what propelled you to do that? Just for storyline reasons or were you feeling generous in trying to boost the ladies popularity? I am just curious to why you used them. Its all working really well and I am always anxcious for more from you.
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Great ending. How far will Vibert go to maintain control of his show? Does he establish his own set of enforcers? A kind of inner circle? And if he does declare war on his own roster, will heels and face ignore their own personal conflicts to fight back. As wrestling fans, the Authirity Conflict angles has sort of lost its impact..because its done to death. But with the blend of kayfabe and storyline here it really adds a level of depth to the idea of the Authority Figure. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
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[QUOTE=markish;241631]I'm also a big fan of diaries with a sense of humour to them and I laughed out loud at Liberty trying to wake Tana with a bag of Jelly Beans. I'm easily amused, though. :D[/QUOTE] You and me should get along just fine then. ;) Thanks for the insight and congrats on coming out of the lurking closet. The more people that give Ota a more defined character, the better I say. [QUOTE=Clarity;241707]Finally got chance to read the whole thing and DAMN! im impressed. Its quite possibly the most thought out diary on here. Oh and thanks for the nod to my old diary a few shows ago[/QUOTE] Thanks Clarity and no problem, I couldn't not acknowledge the creator of the Hugmeister, now could I? :cool: [QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;241752]I love the use of BSC. Do you have a working agreement with them and what propelled you to do that? Just for storyline reasons or were you feeling generous in trying to boost the ladies popularity? I am just curious to why you used them.[/QUOTE] Well, I like to try and work in other parts of the C-Verse universe where possible and seeing as BSC are based so nearby, I thought it made sense to draft in a couple of their 'ladies' to add to the Golden/Huggins segment, that and to work in the tie between Heather Halo and Ice Man CA. I didn't check to see if they got any overness boost from it, I don't know how much of a favour one segment would do for them. If I'd have actually held the supersoaker match, the HGC/TCW fanbase would have probably dumped all over it. [QUOTE=Monkeypox;241687]Wow. Broken legs on Vibert! Hard to tell what was worked and what wasn't in a segment like this... curious to see how far kayfabe really goes in this one...[/QUOTE] I hope you have a heavy conscience after reading that. If you hadn't have shipped him out for Cuban, none of this would have happened. ;) Somewhere along the line, I'll have to do a piece that goes beyond the kayfabe nature of HGC to explain some of the key incidents and lay out just there where's and why's of certain elements. Probably some form of sitdown interview with Stallings, but not for a while yet though. [QUOTE=PeterHilton;241799]As wrestling fans, the Authority Conflict angles has sort of lost its impact..because its done to death. But with the blend of kayfabe and storyline here it really adds a level of depth to the idea of the Authority Figure. Can't wait to read the next chapter.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I've always been a sucka for Authority Figures, but in real life terms, most of the ground has been covered and then recoverd numerous times. In HGC/TCW terms, it's probably a bigger issue since I can't see Cornell ever playing that sort of role during his tenure and Stallings' stats/skills are so poor, I doubt he ever held an on-screen role either, so Vibert should be something new for them. Hopefully it's a dynamic I can prevent from becoming too stale or familiar.
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[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][COLOR="Black"]act3:[/COLOR][COLOR="Gray"] the good doctor[/COLOR][/I][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT] "Where am I?" blurted Phil Vibert as the dazzling light flooded his optic nerves. He clawed blindly at his surroundings trying to identify where he was, with his fingertips becoming his eyes. All he could determine was that he was laid upon a steel table, although he also sensed the presence of others around him. [I]"Ah... you hast awoken Mr Vibert."[/I] The voice didn’t register immediately. The General Manager’s current state of semi-consciousness made it difficult to try and attach the pseudo-German accent anyone in his memory, the tingling sensation as he regained feeling in his body taking precedence. That was when the former DaVE owner was reacquainted with the dull pain that consumed his left leg. [I]“UURRRRRGGGHHHH!”[/I] Vibert grimaced, despite the painkillers taking the edge off of the unpleasant sensation. [I]“Tell me where I am!”[/I] Vibert made his enquiry as he attempted to sit up. His vision was gradually stabilising, finally he could see once more, not that it provided him with any further answers. The face of elderly male appeared, probably bordering his late-fifties and cloaked in the pale blue lighting emitted from nearby equipment as he leant over the General Manager. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/Getex1c.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]“ W-what's going on? What is this place?”[/I] Vibert continued, now able to adopt a sitting position on the table. He glanced down at his exposed upper body and noticed the numerous marks he had sustained prior to his bout of memory loss. Before he could remark on his own appearance, the General Manager realised there were numerous individuals draped in white lab coats around him, presumably doctors. He deduced that he was currently in some sort of medical bay, although the equipment and general surrounding seemed leagues ahead of traditional hospital or similar medical facility. [I]“You are still in the Stallings International Entertainment Arena.”[/I] The unknown voice reassured. [I]“So please, relax.”[/I] The delayed answer took Vibert’s attention from his surroundings. [I]“I’m still at the arena?”[/I] [I]“I will explain everything to you in due course, sir. Just concentrate on your recovery for now.”[/I] [I]“My r-recovery?”[/I] Vibert groaned, barely noticing as one of the doctors stepped in to unhook some wiring from the back of his neck. [I]“Ya, you came to us rather worse for wear following a nasty incident at the end of show. I’m afraid you’re not going to be walking for a while, but it was a clean break so you schedule or healing is a good one.”[/I] Despite being conscious, the General Manager is still somewhat incoherent and confused. The glazed expression on his face was a testament to that. Slowly he tried to assemble the fragmented memories of the mass brawl in his mind, like a mental jigsaw. [I]“Where’s Emma… is she ok?”[/I] Vibert asked with concern. [I]“I need to know!”[/I] He started to get up, but one of the doctors quickly moved forward to forcefully encourage him not to. [I]“Your personal assistant is not authorised to access zis facility, Mr Vibert, but I promise you she ist fine. Now rest. We will talk more, later.”[/I] The General Manager flinched as he felt the needle of a syringe pierce his arm. The elderly gentleman began to walk away as Vibert was overcome by wooziness from whatever substance had just been injected into his bloodstream. [I]“W-wait… w-ho are you?”[/I] Vibert murmured, weakly. [I]“My name is Doctor Getex, Hollyweird’s chief physician”[/I] The good doctor answered, turning his attention to the counter nearby. [I]“I tend to meet people in de verst circumstances.”[/I] Situation analysis over, Phil Vibert blacked out. [QUOTE][B]OOC note:[/B] Please excuse the on-off German accent typing. I was torn between trying to type out the whole thing with v's replacing w's, etc, but it seemed a little too much so I kinda compromised in places. MIW hype and predictions to follow later.[/QUOTE]
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Great write-ups as usual! Thanks for the World of WarForce plug! Greatly appreciated. You know, with Vibert laid up in the hospital now, he has a good excuse to do nothing but play WoW 24/7. Also, sweet render of ze German doctor. Anxiously awaiting the continuation!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/tewweb.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]The Online Home Of The Hollyweird Grappling Company[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][I][B]MALICE IN WONDERLAND 2007 - Official Preview [/B][/I][/SIZE][/CENTER] Nearly one month on and four nationally syndicated episodes of Tuesday Night Wrestling later, the Hollyweird Grappling Company reach the first pay-per-view of 2007. Since Psycho Circus wrapped up the 2006 calendar year and subsequently the era of Total Championship Wrestling, the reborn Hollyweird franchise has lurched towards Malice In Wonderland arriving with no designated World Champion and a fractious locker room that saw the last tumultuous edition of TNW end in arena-wide-warfare. Early indications suggest that Phil Vibert is determined to oversee this Sunday’s event, despite suffering a broken leg in this past week’s anarchic ending. The General Manager has so far not been reached for comment, but his Personal Assistant (Ms Emma Chase) has confirmed that come hell or high water, he’ll seek to regain control of the runaway Hollyweird jugganaught. Returning our attentions to what’s happening inside the ring, the final Malice In Wonderland card has all but been set in stone: [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/LarryVessey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/StevieGrayson_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][Opening Match]: The Vessey Brothers versus. Youth Gone Wild[/B][/U] In a feud that started from a seemingly innocuous television bout, Bryan Vessey took exception to the manner in which Wolf Hawkins competed against him on the season premiere of TNW. One busted lip later and Vessey decided to send Hawkins packing on a stretcher following a heinous Vesey Plex from the ring to the padded floor. Not satisfied with that, Vessey handed out a similar beating to Hawkin’s close friend Stevie Grayson… an act he would then repeat a week later. Little did the six-time Tag Team Champion realise that his actions would eventually cost him his qualification match against Troy Tornado, sending him and his elder brother on a mission for further retribution. The match was set, but not before the Vessey’s got another post-match assault under their belt, leaving their younger foes smarting ahead of Malice In Wonderland. Can youth overcome experience and possible ring rust or will the legendary Vessey Brother’s cut down yet another tandem and add to their illustrious list of victims? [I]Additional Notes: Winner qualifies for the World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/ChanceFortune.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/FreddyHuggins.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][All Action Championship Match]: Chance Fortune (c) versus. Freddy Huggins[/B][/U] Chance Fortune declared his intention to be a fighting champion and has so far lived up to his billing. Freddy Huggins on the other hand, seems more focussed on skirt-chasing than competing, but nevertheless, has a strong desire to take Fortune’s title. This Sunday there will be no supersoakers, but there could possibly be a new champion, especially if Huggy’s partner in crime (rocky Golden) has anything to do with it. [I]Additional Notes: Winner qualifies for the World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][Falls Count Anywhere Match]: Donnie J versus. Jimmy P[/B][/U] Since their early days in the HGC Cruiserweight division, the former Fly Boys has gone from being the best of beach-buddies, to the most heated of rivals. Striving to prove that his former partner was nothing more than a hindrance on his career, James Prudence has stepped up his efforts in recent weeks to draw Donnie J into a match to settle the score between them. Backed by their bad blood in CZCW and a vandalised orange surfboard, the pair will do battle at the pay-per-view in a match that could span the Stallings International Entertainment Arena, but which man will be the one to ‘wipe out’? [I]Additional Notes: Winner qualifies for the World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TanaTheMighty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/HumanArsenal.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][Tag Team Championship Match]: Liberty & Giant Tana versus. The Machines (c)[/B][/U] Brought together by their love of snacks, vending machines and all things shiny, the unorthodox pairing of Liberty and Tana have provided a stern test for The Machines in recent weeks, albeit in singles competition. As a team however, their record is less impressive and surely their inexperience will prove their downfall at the hands of such a well oiled unit as the Tag Team Champions. Still, the attack on the fun-loving pair last week indicated that The Machines (despite their protestations to the contrary) do consider their opponents a threat. Can the psychedelic tight-wearer and the playful Samoan possibly climb atop the tag team heap here in HGC? [I]Additional Notes: Winners qualify for the World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/CharlieThatcher.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/BrucetheGiant.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][Standard Match]: Charlie Thatcher versus. Bruce The Giant[/B][/U] Judging by the alarming incidents over the past fortnight, the head of security could well fear for his job. Unable to protect the General Manager from harm or prevent consecutive main events from being compromised, Charlie Thatcher has been handed the unenviable task of facing Bruce The Giant in what many suspect could be the seven footer’s final match in Hollyweird. Unsure of whether this match is a reward or a punishment, Thatcher will have to try his utmost to make sure that this isn’t his last match in HGC also. [I]Additional Notes: Winner qualifies for the World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/AmericanBuffalo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RockyGolden.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/JoelBryant.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][International Championship Match]: American Buffalo versus. Rick Law versus. Rocky Golden (c) versus. Joel Bryant[/B][/U] Rick Law may already have a spot in the main event, but he also wants his title back from Rocky Golden. The evasive champion has done his best to avoid defending the belt and managing to retain it by the most dubious means on the occasion he couldn’t sidestep the challenge. This Sunday, he’ll have to face up to those chasing him, especially since his belt could be taken from him even if he isn’t the individual who loses the fall. Having gotten himself counted out against Bryant on TNW and been hounded by Law, Golden also has to contend with the emerging threat that is the American Buffalo. Buffalo has bulldozed his way through all comers to force his hat into the ring for the second highest prize in Hollyweird. His success hasn’t been achieved alone though, with his manager Floyd Goldworthy determined to bring home the gold and keep his favourite (and only) client happy. Eyes in the back of your head? No? Get them. [I]Additional Notes: Winner qualifies for the World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/PeterValentine.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][Steel Cage Match]: Rip Chord versus. Peter Valentine [/B][/U] You’d struggle to find a substance bitterer than Rip Chord since the legend stepped back into the squared circle fulltime. On a quest to redefine his legacy, Chord has been racking up victims since the season premiere when he shocked the world by DDT’ing his old nemesis Sam Strong on the entrance ramp. Even taking apart one of his own MAW students in a disturbingly calculated manner, Chord will find himself locked inside a steel cage with the uncompromising Peter Valentine. Spurred on by the sickening vignettes shot from his best friend’s hospital bedside, Valentine is intent on sending the disgraced legend (Chord) to accident and emergency, himself. [I]Additional Notes: Winner qualifies for the World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal[/I] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]**[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][SIZE="2"][B][U][World Heavyweight Championship Match]: Fifteen Man Over-The-Top-Rope-Elimination Battle Royal [/B][/U][/SIZE][B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]**[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Already Confirmed Participants:[/B] Troy Tornado, Dread, Ricky Dale Johnson, Tommy Cornell & Rick Law [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/Dread.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TommyCornell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG] When Tommy Cornell and Ricky Dale Johnson took that fateful tumble from the scaffolding beside the entrance set, few would have believed the ramifications would be so severe. By default, Cornell should have kept his title following the double ten count in their Last Man Standing match, but Phil Vibert had other ideas. Perhaps too gung-ho in making his mark in the new promotion, the General Manager declared the World Championship vacant and aimed to recreate the same match that crowned Sam Strong as HGC’s first champion in the company’s original inauguration back in 1995. Spited by the decision, Cornell set on a course of dangerous mind games with RDJ and a chain of events that would see Dread get caught up in the feud and set him on a path of destruction the following week. Proving that he can play mind games of his own, Dread decimated half the ranks of Hollyweird, leaving Cornell unscathed yet on borrowed time. This in turn saw RDJ humiliate Dread by allowing TJ Bailey to pin the former PGHW star in the centre of the ring following a dose of Southern Justice this past week on TNW. Whilst bad blood between the trio has been spilt in abundance, other players have stepped into the game, despite also being engaged in their own conflicts. Troy Tornado exists as a dark horse for the match, whilst whatever happens to Rick Law during the ppv, he knows that a slot in the Battle Royal awaits him, win, lose or draw. Over the course of the night, another ten superstars will book their place in the match and once the dust has settled, a new, undisputed World Heavyweight Champion will be crowned. [SIZE="4"][B]PLUS!!![/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/JKStalkingsJr-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][Special Feature]: J.K. Stallings Jr Reveals HGC’s newest signing! [/B][/U] [B][U][Bonus Match]: Pre-Show First Fall Takes All Match [/B][/U] Those members of the HGC roster yet to be handed qualification matches will scramble for a slot in the main event in a pre-show encounter where the first fall really does take it all.[/CENTER] [B][Prediction Key][/B] The Vessey Brothers vs. Youth Gone Wild Chance Fortune (c) vs. Freddy Huggins Donnie J vs. Jimmy P Liberty & Giant Tana vs. The Machines (c) Charlie Thatcher vs. Bruce The Giant American Buffalo vs. Rick Law vs. Rocky Golden (c) vs. Joel Bryant Rip Chord vs. Peter Valentine World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal (points awarded for guessing each of the final four as well as the overall winner) And for a bonus point: J.K. Stalling Jr’s newest recruit is: [QUOTE] [B]OOC Notes:[/B] I haven’t ran the show yet. I don’t like getting ahead of myself, but I’ll be running Malice In Wonderland tonight. The write-up will also soon be in progress so expect the results… sometime during the week. Like I said, I’m hoping to work in some storyline choice as a prize for the prediction contest, although I still have to figure out how exactly that’ll work… [/QUOTE]
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[Prediction Key] [b]The Vessey Brothers[/b] vs. Youth Gone Wild [b]Chance Fortune (c)[/b] vs. Freddy Huggins Donnie J vs. [b]Jimmy P[/b] - [i]I swear these two spend every dynasty going at eachother[/i] Liberty & Giant Tana vs. [b]The Machines (c)[/b] - [i]Intensity over comedy[/i] [b]Charlie Thatcher[/b] vs. Bruce The Giant - [i]I'm surprised to see myself writing that, but you've all but promised Giant is going to leave after this match, so there's no point in qualifying him for a later rumble. American Buffalo vs. Rick Law vs. [b]Rocky Golden (c)[/b] vs. Joel Bryant - [i]Would've gone with Law until I saw that he'd already qualified[/i] [b]Rip Chord[/b] vs. Peter Valentine - [i]Chord will probably be unstoppable for a while longer before hitting whoever it is you want to push. Thinking that ain't Valentine.[/i] World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal (points award for guessing the each of the final four as well as the overall winner) [b]Tommy Cornell, Rick Law, RDJ, Rip Chord[/b] Champ: [b]RDJ[/b] And for a bonus point: J.K. Stalling Jr’s newest recruit is: [b]EDDIE PEAK[/b] [i]What can I say, I'm a mark...[/i]
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[B]The Vessey Brothers[/B] vs. Youth Gone Wild [I]I have the feeling that Vessey's will become serious threats in the tag division, Hawkins is a star in the making but needs to break-away from Grayson.[/I] [B]Chance Fortune (c)[/B] vs. Freddy Huggins [I]Fortune to retain on a DQ, Huggins gets caught trying to play dirty.[/I] Donnie J vs. [B]Jimmy P[/B] [I]I have the feeling this could be a lengthy feud, so the heel takes the first match. [/I] Liberty & Giant Tana vs. [B]The Machines (c)[/B] [I]Liberty has been performing very well and could be an asset in the battle-royal but I don't see The Machines dropping the tag titles[/I] Charlie Thatcher vs. [B]Bruce The Giant[/B] [I]Bruce will destroy Thatcher in about 3 minutes[/I] American Buffalo vs. Rick Law vs. [B]Rocky Golden (c)[/B] vs. Joel Bryant [I]This is the hardest match to call, I'll go for Golden to retain....Law doesn't need the title and already has a spot in the main event, Bryant is a good solid veteran but is not the sort of person you'd put championship gold on, and I just get the feeling that Buffalo's manager Goldworthy will involve himself in the match, but his 'help' will backfire . [/I] [B]Rip Chord[/B] vs. Peter Valentine [I]I know Chord is the heel, but I'll be cheering Chord all the way, to putting Valentine in the same hospital ward as Sam Strong. [/I] World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal (points award for guessing the each of the final four as well as the overall winner) [B]Eliminated 4th: [/B]Rick Law [B]Eliminated 3rd:[/B] Dread [B]Eliminated 2nd:[/B] Tommy Cornell [B]Winner:[/B] Ricky Dale Johnson [I]Dread will be dominant in the match , but Cornell and RDJ will team up to take Dread out, and it will come down to those two. [/I] And for a bonus point: [B]J.K. Stalling Jr’s newest recruit is:[/B] Jim Force
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[B]The Vessey Brothers[/B] vs. Youth Gone Wild - but I think this feud may continue. Maybe YGW get DQed? Chance Fortune (c) vs. [B]Freddy Huggins[/B] - after Golden interferes Donnie J vs. [B]Jimmy P[/B] - yeah I like heels winning, apparently.. [B]Liberty & Giant Tana[/B] vs. The Machines (c) - They love shiny things. Like tag belts. [B]Charlie Thatcher[/B] vs. Bruce The Giant - Thatcher needs (though maybe not deserves) to rebuild his credibility, and beating the Giant would do that American Buffalo vs.[B] Rick Law[/B] vs. Rocky Golden (c) vs. Joel Bryant - With Fortune's help. Thereby leaving an open space in the Main... [B]Rip Chord[/B] vs. Peter Valentine - Kick his ass Rip. World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal (points award for guessing the each of the final four as well as the overall winner) [B] Cornell, RDJ, Dread[/B] and the winner [B]Nemesis[/B]! And for a bonus point: J.K. Stalling Jr’s newest recruit is:[B] Nemesis[/B] Okay, so it's not likely... But it'd be fun, huh?
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[Prediction Key] [B]The Vessey Brothers[/B] vs. Youth Gone Wild - Like 'em better. Chance Fortune (c) vs. [B]Freddy Huggins - [/B]I sense a change. [B]Donnie J[/B] vs. Jimmy P Liberty & Giant Tana vs. [B]The Machines (c)[/B] - Liberty will still put on great matches even when he takes the loss here. [B] Charlie Thatcher[/B] vs. Bruce The Giant [B] American Buffalo [/B]vs. Rick Law vs. Rocky Golden (c) vs. Joel Bryant - Goldworthy makes good. [B] Rip Chord[/B] vs. Peter Valentine - Like Pox said, the streak-beating victory will probably be used by someone better. World Heavyweight Championship Battle Royal (points award for guessing the each of the final four as well as the overall winner) Final Four: [B]Dread, RDJ, Tommy Cornell, Rick Law[/B] The eventual winner: [B]Rick Law.[/B] I get the feeling you might do something bigger than just the cop gimmick. Oh, and Stalling's new recruit: [B]Rich Money.[/B] Makes sense to me. Can't wait!
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