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Hollyweird Grappling Company: Revenge Of The Nerd

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[QUOTE=Jehovah;245859]Great show! The main event delivered. Dread will make a fine dominant champ, and whoever finally knocks him off that pedestal, if anyone CAN, will get a hell of a rub from it. [/QUOTE] Thanks Jehovah, glad you thought so. I probably would have gone into even more detail with the main event but decided to restrict myself a bit and focus on the main players rather than every single worker in there. Dread's career is coming to a close so if he were to have one final run, there was no time to waste really. [QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;245905]Oh, and I really dig William Hayes, great to see him playing a part in the dynasty. [/QUOTE] Yeah, I'm quite partial to Hayes as well, but I've never really invested that heavily in him whilst running one of the bigger promotions, so it'll be interesting to see how he goes. [QUOTE=Wallbanger;245944]Bruce did come to mind, but it seemed 'too obvious' and I anticipated a curve ball. A really solid show, though. Great job![/QUOTE] Thanks Wallbanger. I was slightly concerned that I might see 13 people calling Jack Bruce, but then I guess sometimes it's a curve ball not to throw a curve ball... no, that makes no sense. [QUOTE=daveyfire;245991]They say ties are like kissing your sister, but it's not true. I've never been so happy about anything in my life. Great dynasty.[/QUOTE] Thanks, although I'm an only child so I'll take your word on the sister part...
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Fantastic show. Fantastic. I love the level of detail you put into these shows, though I have no doubt that it's exhausting. In terms of moment to moment detail, you're far and away the most sophisticated C-Verse diary on the board - it's a diary you have to commit to, but it's one that can be really immersive, and that only happens when you're willing to put in the hard work to write immersive paragraphs. This thing is epic, for sure. Loved the main event.
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;246201]Fantastic show. Fantastic. I love the level of detail you put into these shows, though I have no doubt that it's exhausting. In terms of moment to moment detail, you're far and away the most sophisticated C-Verse diary on the board - it's a diary you have to commit to, but it's one that can be really immersive, and that only happens when you're willing to put in the hard work to write immersive paragraphs. This thing is epic, for sure. Loved the main event.[/QUOTE] Yeah it's a bit of a grind to write at times. Now that Malice In Wonderland is out of the way, I might toy with a new format for the next edition of TNW. I've been thinking of reverting to script format - it's a bit breezier to write and read. I don't think the dynasty would lose to much by doing it... I don't know, I guess it's something akin to altering my product settings midgame. I'm undecided at the moment.
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That was a great show! I liked Dread winning the title. Tommy Cornell being preoccupied now can be a great story. William Hayes is relatively unknown so him being the first guy unmasked was not very climactic and could be seen as somewhat of a letdown. It can however turn into something great.
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;246798]William Hayes is relatively unknown so him being the first guy unmasked was not very climactic and could be seen as somewhat of a letdown. It can however turn into something great.[/QUOTE] It's part of a seperate story-arc to get Hayes over slightly differently. As you pointed out, he's relatively unknown and not particularly popular in game terms, but I'm hoping to establish him as more of his own character as opposed to just building up the mystique and revealing... 'HUZZAH! It's William Hayes!' to what would be a dead crowd. As a progress report, I've ran the next edition of TNW and discovered something horrible using my dark match time, which has led to quite a bit of rewriting for the next month. Apart from that, work's bogging me down a little bit too, but the next write-up is in the works... which so far is being penned (ok typed) in script format.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;248598]Nice read![/QUOTE] Very to the point, thanks Capelli King. Minor update, I've PM'ed both daveyfire and Rob4590 regarding their prediction contest prize(s), which will determine which one of three potential subplots will be taking place over the course of February. Apologies for the slow progress as of late, I haven't really made the most of my last week or so of pinned status. Apart from WMMA renders, I've been busy doing a few other bits and pieces as well as trying to plot a course for HGC and correlate the 101 different ideas I have rushing through my head. This will be back on track soon enough. Also I might as well add that a fullbody Rip Chord is in the works... here's an early stages work in progress screencap from Poser. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/TEW%20Diary/chordinprog.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Recreating current posers takes a while, but as long as he doesn't retire on me or anything, Rip has an interesting few months in store so it should be worth the effort.
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[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][COLOR="Black"]act4:[/COLOR][COLOR="Gray"]broken unions and green beer[/COLOR][/I][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT] Clutching the Styrofoam cup, Craig Prince swirled the brown muck inside, which going by the machine's description, was supposed to resemble coffee. The one-time International Champion checked his watch, an expensive timepiece Prince had treated himself to following the veritable windfall that joining the Hollyweird payroll resulted in. It was almost 2AM. Granted the responsibilities of developmental duties in the promotion's feeder league, Northwest Championship Wrestling, his current assignment amounted to little more than a 'meet and greet' exercise. From that point, Prince would assist in chauffeuring Jack Bruce's replacement to the accommodation provided by the Stallings Corporation in Beverley Hills. The billionaire had snapped up several lucrative properties in the area to serve as hospitality or temporary accommodation, ideal for wooing prospective business partners and wrestling megastars alike. Then first thing Tuesday morning, Prince was set to share breakfast with the man he once shared the squared circle with and chaperone him to the fifth edition Tuesday Night Wrestling where Stallings himself would give the potential recruit a guided tour of the Hollyweird facilities. The software mogul was really pushing the boat out to gloss over the farce that Bruce's short-lived return had become. [I]"Plane's just touched down."[/I] Rip Chord announced, returning to his seat next to the retired superstar in the 'Arrivals' area. [I]"They should be through here in a few minutes."[/I] Chord was suited, but being only three hours removed from competing at Malice In Wonderland, clearly wore the battle scars sustained earlier in the night. The freshly stitched wound on his forehead that Peter Valentine had inflicted proved a typical physical example, although inside the MAW Owner was likely concealing damaged pride due to his early elimination from the World Championship Battle Royal at the hands of Rick Law no less. Despite not looking his suave best, Chord still held an air of undiminished 'coolness' about him as he reclined backwards with no sense of urgency. [I]"So Jack Bruce..."[/I] The MAW Owner said, having not stopped grinning since Prince informed him of the whole debacle. [I]"Stallings went and filmed that flashy vignette before Bruce had even inked a contract? Didn't pencil-neck learn anything in those previous nine years in the business?"[/I] Prince nodded and tried to take another sip of barely consumable coffee. The former Painful Procedure member's last minute change of heart was nothing short of PR humiliation for the Hollyweird Grappling Company. Having committed himself to a return in word only, Stallings authorised shooting for the vignette to take place in Manhattan, to Bruce's convenience at the time. Following its subsequent airing, HGC representatives contacted the high profile defector regarding arrangements for his televised return on TNW only to be told that Bruce was set to sign a one year extension to his SWF deal after several (albeit late) reassurances and guarantees from Richard Eisen. The patriarch of the Eisen family's bargaining posture had shifted drastically once the opportunity arose to tear a chunk out of Hollyweird's credibility in the process. Naivety had always been the Achilles heel of his nerdy business adversary. [I]"And you're here to insure that Plan B comes to fruition."[/I] Chord said in an understanding tone made it clear his statement had not been a further question. [I]"Good coffee?"[/I] [I]"Hardly..."[/I] Prince replied as he dispensed of the cup and its remaining contents by tossing it into the nearest waste container. [I]"But enough about me, you still haven't explained why you're here."[/I] Having waited together in the adequate facilities of the Los Angeles International Airport for well over an hour, Prince had been content to enter into conversation with the MAW Owner to while away the time. Coincidental or not, it appeared that whoever Chord was waiting for, was booked on the same flight from Ottawa as the individual for whom Prince anticipated meeting. Chord however is a hard man to read, especially in recent weeks, which made him even harder to fully trust. [I]"Like I said, I'm doing a fellow pro a favour."[/I] The MAW Owner responded, giving an answer that only begged further questioning. [I]"Call it... family crisis intervention."[/I] [I]"Which means?"[/I] [I]"One of his offspring has strayed from the rest of the brood and is destined for a downward spiral that would mirror by own. He wants me to take him out of his little Canadian comfort zone and straighten him out... set him back on the path to glory and righteousness.”[/I] The last part was tongue in cheek. Prince could tell by the mischievous glint in Chord’s eye. The MAW Owner had a fortified reputation for walking so far off the aforementioned path, he’d someday come full circle. However, Chord had adopted a dual persona when it came to his maintaining of Mid Atlantic Wrestling, nurturing some of the industries brightest talents with the guiding hand that his own career had cried out for. It his motives were true, he could well prove a beacon of hope in this youngster’s spiralling fortunes, but then, who these days knew of Chord’s true motives? [I]"In other words, I've got myself a new protégé."[/I] Chord concluded, rising from his seat as the first of Flight 46’s disembarked passengers emerged from the tunnel. Prince joined him, standing on the perimeter bodies that were all waiting to greet loved ones, family members, business colleagues, acquaintances and so forth. The former International Champion cast his eyes over the oncoming huddle, trying to identify the greying fringe that bobbed amongst the travellers. It had been a good few months since he’d last seen Victoria Stone’s husband, but the pair recognised one another instantly. [I]“I fly all this way and not even a smile Craig, eh?” [/I] Despite the personal turmoil in Sean McFly’s life, he maintained an upbeat exterior and grasped Prince’s hand with a warm handshake. Prince noted that his wedding ring was absent. [I]“Better late than never.”[/I] McFly softly laughed. The enlarged bags under his eyes suggested he hadn’t slept much in the past few days, let alone on the plane. [I]“I wasn’t expecting a welcoming committee, though.”[/I] [I]“He’s waiting for someone else...”[/I] Prince replied, referring to Chord who simply nodded in return, although the cogs in his head were grinding at a vastly increased rate. [I]“What was the hold up anyway?”[/I] [I]“Some jackass had to be escorted off of the plane… completely intoxicated apparently. I couldn’t tell. He was in the other carriage.”[/I] McFly answered, grunting as he lugged his bags onto a nearby trolley. [I]“And you know how it is with aircraft safety and all that. It was another hour before we finally took off.”[/I] The former NOTBPW colleagues continued their conversation as they shifted towards a different portion of the building, closer to where their transport to Beverley Hills was situated. Chord remained behind, growing anxious as the crowd continued to thin out with his new protégé nowhere to be found. He felt his pocket vibrate; a call was inbound on his cellphone. [I]“Yes?”[/I] The MAW Owner answered after flipping open his Nextel. [I]“What? You’re [B]still[/B] in Ottawa? What do mean they won’t let you fly until tomorrow morning?”[/I] The wrestling legend did his best to decipher the slurred ramblings on the other end, but was clearly growing more agitated as the prolonged explanation continued. [I]“I see. Very well then.”[/I] Snapping the phone shut, Chord navigated his way towards the exit as the rain began to fall. Edd Stone was in for a rude awakening if he ever made it south of the border. [QUOTE][B]OOC Notes:[/B] Thanks to both daveyfire and Rob4590 for returning their PM's. Both opted for plotline A, which will begin on the next show. As for ingame notes, a friendship relationship has been added between Craig Prince and Sean McFly. Also Jack Bruce's contract duration with SWF has been increased to 365 days to reflect the dynasty. [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Jehovah;252928]I find it crazy how well you're able to recreate these images. You didn't do the originals, right?[/QUOTE] No, the originals (as in circa 2004-2005) were pretty much all done by KetsuekiKarasu and Ed Royale. It's nigh on impossible to exactly recreate any due to the immense number of dial combinations in poser. It's just a case of trying to latch onto key features of the image and replicate those as best you can. Also I should have added in the post above that Edd Stone has been primarily assigned to MAW, not HGC.
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Chord should teach Edd Stone a thing or two! If anyone can break down Edd's huge ego, it'd be Rip frickin' Chord. :D By the way, I took the time to finally read all of this diary. Took me a bit, but great stuff, by the way, to keep a lot of things in kayfabe. Also good to see you picking up Hayes, as that's always a good choice to fill the roster. Dread's reign better be good. ;)
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Man, I'm going to miss having you pinned. I like Clarity's effort and I think it's an interesting new take on the idea of the archetypical "dynasty", and something that this board doesn't get enough of. On the other hand, it was nice knowing where I could find you at any given time. Plus, if you're like me, after you're unpinned you'll have something of a posting frequency drop-off... ... and you already don't post enough. :confused:
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[QUOTE=Alex Gariepy;253915]Chord should teach Edd Stone a thing or two! If anyone can break down Edd's huge ego, it'd be Rip frickin' Chord. :D By the way, I took the time to finally read all of this diary. Took me a bit, but great stuff, by the way, to keep a lot of things in kayfabe. Also good to see you picking up Hayes, as that's always a good choice to fill the roster. Dread's reign better be good. ;)[/QUOTE] Yeah, it should be interesting to see what lies in store for Stone in MAW. Kayfabe plays a stroll role in this dynasty, although I will (and have somewhat) blurred the lines deliberately. Explanations will come eventually when they're appropriate. I've always been a fan of Hayes, as for Dread... is that a threat, lol? Thanks for the comments, Alex. [QUOTE=Monkeypox;253915]Chord On the other hand, it was nice knowing where I could find you at any given time. Plus, if you're like me, after you're unpinned you'll have something of a posting frequency drop-off... ... and you already don't post enough.[/QUOTE] Yeah it's strange having to delve through the pages to find my work again. Posting frequency shouldn't change really. I was disappointed with how little I got done in the last week or so of being pinned, but hopefully that will pay dividends in the long run. I wish I could write well, quickly. I'll be trying to amend my style a bit to allow me to get through things a bit faster, but I doubt it will make too much difference.
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/tewweb.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]The Online Home Of The Hollyweird Grappling Company[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="4"][FONT="Tahoma"]Coronations, Executive Consultants, A McFly In The Ointment And A Night Of Malice [/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="1"][B]The Official Tuesday Night Wrestling Preview, February Week 1 (from hollweirdgc.com)[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Two days removed from Malice In Wonderland, the Hollyweird Grappling Company move into a second month of operation with its World Heavyweight Championship residing with the four hundred pound, destructive force known as Dread. The former PGHW monster now rules Hollyweird, but despite having eliminated half of the Battle Royal contingent alone, his triumph would be marred by controversy. The fans departing from the Stallings International Entertainment Arena this past Sunday were left lamenting the actions of the four masked intruders who actively sought out Tommy Cornell, resulting in his eventual elimination at the hands of the new champion. Unmasked in front of the world, William Hayes was the only one of the assailants to be identified at this time and despite being unfamiliar to the Hollyweird fans, they could soon grow more accustomed to the relative unknown as it emerges Hayes is now a contracted member of the talent roster, pulling out of INSPIRE and PGHW to ink an exclusive deal. ‘Rough Justice’ has been harbouring grievances since Phil Vibert stripped the belt from him, but this latest development is sure to leave Cornell craving explanations first, followed by retribution. Hayes is surely in his immediate firing line, along with Dread, but the former champion is expected to cast his wrath further. Critical of the regime now in place, the former TCW figurehead may suspect involvement from the hand of management or perhaps Ricky Dale Johnson, who Cornell suspected from the outset, had been involved in some grand scheme to pry the World Championship from his grasp? To add salt to Cornell’s already gaping wounds, it was announced this afternoon that Dread will be crowned as the new champion in an official coronation ceremony to open this week’s edition of Tuesday Night Wrestling. Furthermore, in one of wrestling’s worst kept secrets, Sean McFly is expected backstage as the corporation go on a charm offensive in an attempt to acquire one of the best workers in the industry today on a permanent basis. Uncomfortable north of the border following a rumoured split with Victoria Stone, HGC could offer McFly a permanent escape from his frost-bitten marriage and it’s understood that Stallings himself will meet with the NOTBPW superstar to persuade him that his future lies here in Los Angeles. “I just hope he’s brought his wrestling gear with him!” Joked Archie Judge, who was unable to provide further insight on what lay in store on TNW. The promotion however, is still reeling from the Jack Bruce affair, on which topic Troy Tornado has promised to comment on later tonight when he pays ‘tribute’ to the former Painful Procedure singer. Meanwhile, it is believed that the now wheelchair-bound Vibert has not ventured from the arena premises since Sunday Night. Security records confirm that the General Manager has yet to ‘clock out’, with some insiders concerned about his state of mind following the close of last weeks TNW and his reluctance to adhere to medical advice. Hollyweirdgc.com was given the short shrift by his personal assistant, Emma Chase, who has refused to answer any questions on the subject and even went as far as shutting off her company cell phone. In business news, HGC has recruited an executive consultant to oversee the production of the promotion’s televised content, despite ratings for TNW steadily increasing since the season premiere. “The Hollyweird Grappling Company remains a constantly expanding project and whereas other brands may have become complacent with such short-term success, we will always welcome new ideas and expertise on board when it has been identified.” A corporation spokesman explained in a prepared statement. “This individual has a proven track record in the entertainment field and we look forward to a long and fruitful business relationship.” The new hire is expected to step into the fold during tonight’s broadcast in a supervisory role. Finally, two matches have been confirmed ahead of the event. Despite barely escaping with his belt forty eight hours ago at the pay-per-view, Rocky Golden will be forced to defend the International title against Rick Law. Having hunted the evasive champion since Psycho Circus, it appears Law may have finally got his man. Plus, a massive eight man tag team contest has been booked involving The Machines, Youth Gone Wild, Team Funk You! and the legendary Vessey Brothers. All this and much, much more. [B][SIZE="1"]TUESDAY NIGHT WRESTLING (9:00-11:00PM EST, LIVE on GNN Total Sports)[/SIZE][/B] [/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]Filler here.[/COLOR]
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I find I've generally enjoyed the Pinned CVerses Diaires. This one was no exception. By the time I caught up on things Malice in Wonderland was in the books with a fitting champion crowned. I say fitting because the Unstoppable Monster gimmick only works once and the first time that Monster is Stoppable... it seems like a demotion and resurrection are required for the character. (See Vader - WCW after Hogan kicked out of the powerbomb or Umaga - USPW after Devine finally took the title.) Dread doesn't have the luxury of being a young monster, he's a spooky olde school monster and if this is indeed his last hurrah, then at least he enjoys one last destructive run with the title. I didn't peg the four masked henchman as Dread's as he seemed a solitary slaughterhouse, but now with three lackeys and a Hayes it should be interesting. The line between kayfabe and shoot in this diary is twisty in a wonderful way. I can't figure out exactly if it's meant to be 'real' competition or if it's all a work. Is Chord so hated? Vibert so paranoid? Stallings so nerdy? Cornell so embittered? I don't know, but it's one of the strongest reasons to revisit this diary. Oh, and one random thought. Huggy Freddy Huggins needs to add this signature or finishing move. "Hug it out, bitch." (I see a submission type manuever) Come on... you know you want to. As Remi stated pages ago, some dynasties are short form and some benefit from the full wordsmithery. This is clearly the latter. Continued success
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Thanks for the extensive thoughts Beeker. The twist of kayfabe and shoot content is really my 'thing' for this dynasty. It's what (I hope) seperates it slightly from a lot of the other strong C-Verse dynasties out there. Hopefully it's something I can keep juggling well as this (albeit slowly) continues. [QUOTE=Beeker;255596]Oh, and one random thought. Huggy Freddy Huggins needs to add this signature or finishing move. "Hug it out, bitch." (I see a submission type manuever) Come on... you know you want to.[/QUOTE] I'll admit, it is tempting. I need some reason to keep Huggins upwardly mobile this month. You may be onto something with that. ;) Now on with a show update... huzzah!
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Tuesday Night Wrestling rolls around again, although it seems a little more than two days have elapsed since the promotion’s last televised offering. [B][U]Dark Match: Robert Oxford vs. Paul Steadyfast[/U][/B] A warm up match between two workers who have been lost in the shuffle in recent times. Whilst Oxford at least had a couple of memorable bouts with Rip Chord to his name, Steadyfast has only featured in the LA Street Fight and shown brutalised backstage by Dread. This proved a reasonably solid affair between two technically sound competitors… so it figured that Oxford would take victory with the aid of some brass knucks. [B]Winner: Robert Oxford (via pinfall) Match Rating: D [/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TEWlogo2.png[/IMG] [FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][COLOR="Black"]Tuesday Night Wrestling:[/COLOR][COLOR="Gray"]Scene 005[/COLOR][/I][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/FONT][COLOR="Gray"]After a month of operations the Hollyweird Grappling Company has started to see considerable success, but a dark cloud has formed over the multi-million dollar roster. Perhaps it is possible to have too much star power, too many egos and agendas that threaten to overshadow the corporation’s attempts to push HGC to the forefront of the market. Each week, security personnel appear to outnumber the talent and yet each week control of the asylum seems to rest with the inmates. For all his efforts to stem the flow of disorder, Phil Vibert sits, confined in a wheelchair and struggling to regain his focus for the fear of those conspiring against him in a hi-tech jungle that now recognises a new, four hundred pound, king.[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="2"][I]'Dread - 28th January 2007 to ???'[/I][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] TNW opened with the shot of a draped banner that proclaimed the former PGHW superstar as the current HGC World Heavyweight Champion. Similar banners adorned steel poles that had been erected in parallel on both sides of the aisle and stretched the length of the walkway to honour the fallen champions in chronological order, which evidently saw Tommy Cornell's abruptly ended fourth reign marked behind the second (and current) of the man who eliminated him from the Battle Royal at Malice In Wonderland. Tonight, the new king of the star-studded jungle would be officially crowned in an opening ceremony as decreed by management, although as was typical in Hollyweird, few were sure where or from whom the initial decision had originated. If this occasion were Phil Vibert's handiwork, then the General Manager had decided not to attend. His absence was made apparent by the presence of his personal assistant Emma Chase, who stood in the ring next to a glass display case that contained the grandest prize in Hollyweird. A cache of unidentified dignitaries and officials stood with her, protected by security personnel who lined the squared circle as a precautionary measure, partly obscuring the announce desk from which Jason Azaria was trying to introduce the broadcast. [B][Jason Azaria]:[/B] Welcome to Tuesday Night Wrestling! We're only two nights removed from the highly controversial Malice In Wonderland and personally I think the opulant display we're about to witness is inappropriate given the manner in which our new champion achieved his victory this past Sunday. The fans here in the arena certainly don't seem enthused by the prospect of this pomp and 'ceremony'. [B][Danny Jillefski]:[/B] Y'know what Aslan? Dread bathes in the tears of these fans and then dries himself off with the broken dreams of his opponents! He's the World Champion! The new altar at which we all worship! [B][Jason Azaria]:[/B] Well here's a little something you might not have known; Dread is the fifth superstar in HGC history to win one of the promotion's championships in a Battle Royal match, the first of course being Sam Strong almost twelve years to the day. The individual in question parted the curtain, the smoky residue of the opening fireworks still evident as Dread strode onto the stage, the mere sight of whom cajoled the fans from their preshow daze. Derision rained upon the four hundred pound worker as fans raised various placards that symbolised their feelings towards Sunday's climax, most of which bore negative slogans towards Dread. 'Bull****' and 'Cornell got screwed' were common variations of the same theme. Once inside the ring, Chase entered into a one-sided exchange of pleasantries before getting into the real meat of the segment, the coronation. The dignitaries looked on with hollow approval as Vibert’s personal assistant built up to the central moment, withdrawing the championship belt from its holding case. [B][Emma Chase]:[/B] And it is with great honour that I crown you, Dread, the… The screen cut elsewhere abruptly as a black vehicle tore past the security checkpoint outside and cornered sharply to enter the Back Lot via the loading dock. Scattering random workers as it drove straight into the backstage hub, the driver braked hard, causing the tyres to screech on the marble floor. Inhaling the gratifying scent of burnt rubber, Tommy Cornell emerged from the premium BMW-style car, his eyes narrowed to slits. The vehicle had deliberately been modified to resemble a Mafia Sentinel by Cornell, harkening towards the ‘TCW Godfather’ label he’d once applied to himself in a seldom online interview. In true wrestling lore, his theme began to blare over the speakers almost as soon as his boots touched upon the floor and under the gaze of several onlookers, the former TCW figurehead embarked on his direct course towards the main arena where the ceremony had predictably hit the buffers. Dread nearly ripped Chase’s arm from its socket by yanking the microphone towards him. [B][Dread]:[/B] Who dares to interrupt my coronation!? Get out here Cornell and meet your end! [B][Tommy Cornell]:[/B] Coronation, Dread? This is more like bad comedy… Sure enough, Cornell appeared on the stage having somehow acquired a microphone of his own and was instantly set upon by security personnel who formed an iron-clad circle around the former champion, much to Dread’s increased rage. Throwing the display case aside, the former PGHW monster grabbed one of the male dignitaries and smothered the middle aged man’s neck with his massive hand. [B][Dread]:[/B] Stand down! Reluctant to adhere to Dread’s demands due to their instructions from higher authority, security maintained their position, which in turn saw the four hundred pound superstar hoist his suited victim into the air and chokeslam the unfortunate soul into oblivion. With one casualty already notched up, Dread turned his attention to a screaming brunette and dragged her into harms way. Doubling the female over, the World Champion reiterated his demand and forced her head between his thighs, intent on delivering the Dread Bomb should his wishes not be fulfilled. This time, they were and security parted to allow Cornell a clear passage to the ring. The former TCW figurehead barrelled down the aisle and dived into the squared circle, where Dread had tossed his hostage aside. The pair traded punches, before Dread outgunned Cornell and hurled him into the turnbuckle. The former PGHW monster then charged in for an avalanche, but Cornell sidestepped and plucked the fallen championship belt from the mat, lining it up with Dread’s cranium when William Hayes hit the ring and tackled the former champion. Seemingly acting alone, the unmasked Hayes wrapped his arm around Cornell’s neck and tried to deliver his trademark Hayes Fever Backbreaker only to be judo-thrown to the canvas. Cornell slapped the third party down with a Blade Chop, but was then flattened as Dread blasted ‘Rough Justice’ in the side of the skull with faceplate of his prestigious belt. Emma Chase shook her head in dismay, standing behind the announce desk for refuge as Ricky Dale Johnson hit the scene. The crowd went crazy as the big Texan charged in and hit Dread with a clothesline that packed such force, it sent both men crashing to the padded floor outside where security had regrouped, swarming over the combatants. As the rent-a-cops fought to restore order, Hayes gleefully took advantage of a golden opportunity to make his mark and planted the bloody Cornell with a Slick Trick to close out the chaos. [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/GilThomas.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]Was I Consulted About This?[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] The Hollyweird Grappling Company's return hailed a complete overhaul of the production department. Management considered it progress, although the figurative gutting of the team responsible for production in the days of Total Championship Wrestling was always set to put a few backs out of joint. For those members of the original team the corporation had opted to retain, nearly all faced some form of demotion as new names with bigger reputations and bulkier resumes were drafted in. This is after all Hollywood and experienced producers aren't exactly at a premium, although cherry picking the cream of the crop certainly incurred some premium-rate salaries. Gone too is the production trailer of old that would once occupy space outside of whatever arena the promotion was holding an event, consigned to history and replaced with a designated hold where the walls were lined with the most advanced equipment on the market, to the envy of many surrounding studios. In conclusion, the best that money could buy. The broadcast was barely quarter of an hour in when the new executive consultant took his seat, delayed by extensive discussions with the personnel or production 'foot soldiers' as he referenced them, who would criss-cross the Back Lot a mind-boggling amount of times during course of the show, carrying out their respective tasks. Introducing himself briefly, Gil Thomas wasn't much to behold in person. The glow from multiple monitors contrasted with his pale, pasty skin and ruddy complexion, whilst his greased black hair glistened like oily seal hide. His credentials though, were more impressive. Having amassed a fortune in the cut-and-thrust world of knitwear, Thomas became involved in the wrestling business by fronting different investment consortiums on the West Coast, intent on making his mark by backing 'the next big thing'. The rewards reaped were minimal, but Thomas reinvented himself and made the transition into television, financing and co-producing the critically acclaimed 'Stephie & Amber' amongst other projects. The accolades that followed drew the attention of a certain billionaire software mogul who intended to use this newly established reputation and media nuance to develop Tuesday Night Wrestling into an attractive proposition for the biggest network in operation, CBA. The same network that provided Thomas with a platform for his success, incidentally. In other words, Gil Thomas was here to 'grease the wheels' as Troy Tornado accurately put it. Hardly commanding authority in his leather chair, the executive consultant gave a few basic instructions and added that from this point on, he'd be making personal notes on each segment as the commercial break concluded. Business as usual… for now. [QUOTE][B]CBA Notes:[/B] No comments applicable... instruct intern to fetch a cup of coffee.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/PhilVibert.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TommyCornell.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/CharlieThatcher.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]In Control… Really?[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Tommy Cornell barged into the General Manager's temporary office and found Phil Vibert situated behind his desk with his back to the former TCW figurehead, facing the wall. With his rage subsiding slightly and the gash on his forehead still fresh, Cornell examined the ramshackle facilities. Blankets had been hastily thrown over light fixtures, giving the room a dull glow whilst several hundred sheets of papers were strewn across every available surface, including the floor. Eventually Vibert rotated his wheelchair to face his visitor who was decidedly taken aback by the charge's appearance. The DaVE founder's hair was unkempt, his usually clean-shaven face shaded by presence of coarse facial hair and his eyes bloodshot, yet piercing as part of the crazed expression that seemed to be etched on his dishevelled features. Furthermore, the stench of bourbon hung in the air. [B][Tommy Cornell]:[/B] Listen Vibert, I can see you're in the middle of something, but TC is not a happy Hollyweird camper right now... The General Manager nodded, before dragging a detailed sketch from across his desk and focussing on dog-eared paper on which it resided. Withdrawing a pen from the same suit he'd been wearing since the weekend, Vibert began to scribble feverishly at the design, which Cornell established as representing some form of cell construct. [B][Phil Vibert]:[/B] That's the problem with this business. There's never enough hours in the day to sit down and truly clear one's mind... that was, until I came to Hollyweird. I used to spend countless hours securing permits, adjusting technical cues, organising everything to adhere to local city standards, altering set details, safety checks... do you have any idea how much preparation is required for the average promotion to hold an event? Cornell didn't really reply, his attention diverted by the significant amount of white powder residue that laced the table surface amongst the rest of the clutter and lead to a clouded glass tumbler. It appeared Vibert had ground up a whole packet of aspirin in the past forty eight hours or so. [B][Phil Vibert]:[/B] Here though, everything's done for me. I haven't left this room in two days and yet, the HGC Express just keeps rolling on! I don't need this... The General Manager sent his phone crashing to the floor, before knocking a planner off of the opposite side. [B][Phil Vibert]:[/B] ... or this! The corporation takes care of everything here, Cornell... and I mean, [B]everything[/B]. [B][Tommy Cornell]:[/B] Yeah, we've all got problems... [B][Phil Vibert]:[/B] But that's the thing, it isn't a problem! I've been sealed inside these four walls, without distractions or the trappings of everyday living and in that time, conceived some of the innovative concepts this industry will ever know. This blasted chair might restrict my movement, but it can't restrict the creative genius of my mind! I'm a visionary! I've plotted the course for this company, the future... [B][Tommy Cornell]:[/B] Let's stick with the present now shall we? Look, I'm going to make this simple... I want Hayes tonight and then I want Dread at this month's pay-per-view. The East Coast survivor took a moment to ponder the request. [B][Phil Vibert]:[/B] Done and done, although there may be one additional hoop to jump through first. [B][Tommy Cornell]:[/B] Fine, stick it on a memo and staple it to the head of my personal assistant... but you'd better stick to your word Vibert, because you owe me that much! Exiting the office, Cornell shut the door behind him and looked up at the stone-faced Charlie Thatcher who stood outside, keeping guard as per duty. The former World Champion mouthed something along the lines of ‘Vibert’s broken’ before heading down the hallway. All the while, Thatcher had one hand caressing the edges of his belt-attached, freshly recharged taser. [QUOTE][B]CBA Notes:[/B] Not Aired [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/EmmaChase.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]A Texan-sized Dose Of Honesty[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Ricky Dale Johnson was the focus of attention when TNW returned, standing front of the Hollyweird backdrop to provide that nostalgic aura of the old school interview. Resident music video star turned interviewer, Blonde Bombshell was positioned alongside the big Texan, although the feed cut to them abruptly and the conversation suggested a few seconds of the piece had been cut short. Someone in the production room had probably been fired by now in all reality. [B][Ricky Dale Johnson]:[/B] I could come out here, whine an' bitch about Tommy Cornell and all, but at the end of the day I've only got myself to blame. I never trusted Cornell... never have and never will, but I let my guard down enough for him to throw me out of the Battle Royal. That was my fault... but it doesn't mean that I'm not going to beat the living daylights out Cornell in the near future. [B][Blonde Bombshell]:[/B] Well we saw earlier when he gatecrashed Dread's coronation ceremony, that he obviously considers himself the first in line for a shot at the new champion, especially given the controversial ending of Malice In Wonderland. Where do you believe you figure in all of this? [B][Ricky Dale Johnson]:[/B] Cornell's no better than me. I proved that at the season premiere. Sure, he's been flappin' his gums for a month that this has all been some plot to take the World Title from him and I'm on it, but the fact of the matter is, we're after the same prize. If he's next in line for a crack at the championship, then so am I. The clicking of heels on the marble floor drew RDJ's attention as Emma Chase approached the set. Clutching a few files in her arms, Phil Vibert's personal assistant angled the interviewer's microphone towards her own soft pink lips. [B][Emma Chase]:[/B] Please excuse my interruption, but I've been instructed by Mr Vibert to make an announcement and address the current World Championship situation. Next week, right here on TNW, it'll be Ricky Dale Johnson squaring off against Tommy Cornell for the number one contendership slot and a subsequent title match at War To Settle The Score. Tonight however, you (RDJ) will be in action when you team up with Cornell in the main event to face the combination of William Hayes and the new World Heavyweight Champion, Dread. Uttering a sharp 'good luck' to the brawler from the lone star state, Chase departed with an air of authority as Johnson turned back to Double B who had been twirling her hair around her forefinger throughout. [B][Ricky Dale Johnson]:[/B] Am I the only one around here who thinks that little lady is on a power trip? [QUOTE][B]CBA Notes:[/B] Ricky Dale Johnson comes across well in promos, pushing that good 'ol Texan boy drawl, but only to a point that somehow makes him more endearing. The fans love him. Blonde Bombshell on the other hand is wooden enough to give my eyes splinters while I watch, but at least by coupling her with superior talkers like Johnson and Chase should help her improve over time. She does look good though, even as a microphone stand.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RandallHopkirk.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]Randallised Backstage[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] The broadcast cut backstage to show several officials crouched around the fallen form of Randall Hopkirk. Deductive logic pointed towards a premeditated attack, with Troy Tornado the most probable culprit. [QUOTE][B]CBA Notes:[/B] Whodunnit angles are always an easy way to spark interest, but outside of his grudge against Tornado, there’s little reason for the fans to care about Hopkirk as a separate entity. [/QUOTE] The opening match… [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/BryanVessey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/LarryVessey.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/HumanArsenal.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TanaTheMighty.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/StevieGrayson_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Eight Man Tag Team Match: The Machines & The Vessey Brothers vs. Team Funk You! & Youth Gone Wild [/U][/B][/CENTER] Having opened with the World Championship coronation, the crowd were buzzing for the first contest of the evening that would encapsulate two Malice In Wonderland bouts in one neat, opening package. As with matches involving so many bodies, each participant only had a limited opportunity to showcase their abilities before either they or their opponent tagged out. The Machines brought the clinical efficiency, The Vessey Brothers the intensity, Youth Gone Wild the agility, whilst Team Funk You! provided the comedy double act. The story of the contest primarily revolved around the Bryan Vessey and Wrestling Machine #1. Fresh from their dual elimination on Sunday, neither man seemed willing to cooperate for the good of their collective cause, despite their partners trying to quell the tensions. With Liberty on the ropes, the younger Vessey brother aggressively tagged in the superstar-formerly-known-as-Human-Arsenal and instructed him to finish the match, as if he’d already completed the hard work. Taking exception to this, Wrestling Machine #1 pie-faced Vessey and foolishly turned his back to his irate partner of convenience. Vessey spun Human Arsenal around and dropped him with a Vessey Driver, to the bemused delight of their opponents and the Hollyweird faithful. Jillefski heaved a dismayed sigh from the announce desk as Bryan Vessey departed from the ring, followed by his elder brother who tried to provide a voice of reason. Larry Vessey hated to lose in any fashion, let alone to some young upstarts and Team Funk You!, a combination that the Vesseys considered the lowest common denominator of tag team wrestling. Minus half their team, The Machines soon succumbed as Liberty tagged in Tana. Between them, the fun-loving pair put away Wrestling Machine #1 with Tana heading to the dizzy heights of the top rope, whilst Liberty stood below and helped propel the giant Samoan for an assisted body splash. Hawkins and Grayson made sure Wrestling Machine #2 could affect the resulting pinfall as Tana made the obligatory cover on the pancaked Tag Team Champion. [B]Winners: Team Funk You! & Youth Gone Wild (via Giant Tana pinfall on Wrestling Machine #1) Match Rating: B- [/B] Azaria enlightened the viewers that Team Funk You! had been working hard on their teamwork in recent weeks and that the tandem finisher used to put away Human Arsenal was called the ‘Funk Shuttle’. Jillefski muttered that he wished Azaria would shut the funk up as Team Funk You! and Youth Gone Wild celebrated together in the ring.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]CBA Notes:[/B] Team Funk You! are an endearing, family friendly combination. There’s marketing potential there, especially on CBA. The Vessey Brothers on the other hand might be legendary, but we could really do with assigning an image consultant to Larry Vessey. Overall a good opening TV bout that should set us up nicely for the rest of the broadcast. [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]Enter The McFly[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Reminiscent of scenes from the Season Premiere, hundreds of fans lined the driveway to give Sean McFly a true Hollyweird welcome in footage shot prior to the broadcast. The youngest champion in SWF history stepped onto the tarmac and straight into a barrage of exploding flashbulbs, with each camera capturing this historic moment from a different angle. Having to cloak his eyes with his hand, McFly allowed security to escort him through the razzmatazz and into the state-of-the-art structure that would provide the stage for him to exhibit his almost unequalled talent, at least temporarily. The screen then cut to a LIVE feed in the Back Lot. Hollyweird's billionaire founder, J.K. Stallings Jr himself is giving McFly a guided tour of the facilities, introducing him to various personnel who carry out their duties behind the scenes and generally trying to make Victoria Stone's husband of six years feel at home. Even with Craig Prince in the background, propping up the group, there's still an element of 'fish out of water' about McFly as he tries to acclimatise. [B][Jason Azaria]:[/B] There you have it folks. The red carpet has been rolled out for one of the biggest names in our industry and I for one have my fingers crossed that Sean McFly likes what he sees tonight! [B][Danny Jillefski]:[/B] If I'd have changed promotions as many times as I changed wives, I'd be in Mexico by now... [QUOTE][B]CBA Notes:[/B] McFly is instantly recognisable and still incredibly over in North America [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/JamesPrudence.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]A Feud Beached?[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Sat in the Back Lot applying another coat of wax to his beloved orange surfboard, Donnie J glanced upward as Bryan Vessey stormed through the hallway, with his elder sibling in tow. The Vessey Brothers were locked in the post mortem discussion that followed their loss in the opening match. The former Fly Boy however had little interest in their beef with The Machines and returned to his handiwork until a familiar figure bore down on him. Instinctively he balled a fist, ready to defend himself should the situation turn ugly. [B][James Prudence]:[/B] Look man, there's no need for hostilities. You were like, totally the better man last Sunday and it got me thinking... [B][Donnie J]:[/B] S'yuh? (translated from surfer as 'yes?') [B][James Prudence]:[/B] We've been at each others throats since like, you won the title in CZCW and I'll admit, I was wayyyy jealous! I still reckon I'm better than you, but I think this whole rivalry thing ain't healthy. I mean, if we keep going with this, we're not gonna achieve anything else in HGC... we could both wipe out! [B][Donnie J]:[/B] So you like, totally wanna end this and whatever? Outstretching a hand to his former partner, Prudence nodded. [B][Donnie J]:[/B] Radical. [QUOTE][B]CBA Notes:[/B] That was like watching a conversation between a surfing valley girl and a reject from Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. It’s about time that these two realised the need to branch out as workers… the CBA audience won’t be interested in seeing a rerun of their CZCW feud. [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/AmericanBuffalo.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]The Lone Buffalo Hunt[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] The American Buffalo slowly prowled through the Back Lot, thumping open doors in search of his manager, Floyd Goldworthy. The man behind Painful Procedure had become highly illusive since the International Championship Four way at the pay-per-view, a match from which his client had not emerged victorious as promised. [B][American Buffalo]:[/B] Come out, Floyd... don't make me tear this place apart trying to find you! Having proved fruitless thus far, the powerhouse bashed his fist against the side of the nearby cargo trailer in frustration, trying to decide in which direction he would hunt next. [QUOTE][B]CBA Notes:[/B] I’m just glad the American Buffalo isn’t looking for me, but this incident aside, he could be a big player given some real direction.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]The Jack Bruce Tribute[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] TNW returned with Troy Tornado occupying the squared circle, microphone in hand and what looked like a guitar of some form wrapped in a black bin-liner, resting against the ropes. The former Painful Procedure member was decked out in street clothes, which in his case was a tight beige t-shirt and faded blue jeans. Azaria commented that this was strange, considering his 3 on 1 handicap match against his former bandmates was next, although Tornado obviously didn't think there would be enough physical exertion on his part to warrant changing into his ring gear. [B][Troy Tornado]:[/B] Please, if you'll just give me a New York minute I'd like to talk about a subject that has become a taboo around here in the past two days... Jack Bruce. The two cursed syllables draw a negative reaction from the crowd, which included a smattering of chants which were too disjointed to be clearly audible to the viewers at home. [B][Troy Tornado]:[/B] That's right. Over at hollyweirdgc.com, Jackie B's name is being dragged through the dirt on the forums with thread after thread loaded with hate and bile. Ok so maybe he did betray this company... AGAIN, but you people are fickle and judgemental... probably bigoted as well! You seem to have forgotten all the wonderful memories he left us with. Why I remember when I first started out here three years ago. Jackie on his way to that 'other' promotion... *cough* freakin' traitor *cough*... and took the time out to talk to me, instantly recognising my immense talent and realising that I would completely surpass him as the lead singer of Painful Procedure. I asked him about the lifestyle of a rock star and he in turn gave me some advice... most of it was useless, but one piece stuck in my memory... Pausing for a moment, Tornado pulled out a headband bearing the words 'JACK BRUCE BAY-BEH!' and affixed it to his cranium. [B][Troy Tornado]:[/B] (adopting a higher pitched voice) Troy, you're better looking and more talented than I ever was and that'll bring you lots of things. Fame, money, chart success, an article in TIME magazine and literally thousands of women throwing themselves at you. The thing with is Troy, for all my experience, no matter how many women I slept with, none of them could offer me the same satisfaction that Ronnie V Pain provided! TNW shifted more towards Jerry Springer for a few moments, much to Tornado's rising amusement as he went to the garbage bag behind him and withdrew a bright purple electric guitar. [B][Troy Tornado]:[/B] He even gave me this personally autographed guitar... The camera zoomed in on the instrument and evidently disproved Tornado's claim, revealing that he'd mere daubed Bruce's name on in black marker, along with an expletive that someone in the production room had wisely blanked out. [B][Troy Tornado]:[/B] Let’s be honest. It was a good thing that Jackie didn't come back. I mean, what would he have done? He'd probably waltz in, apologise to the fans for leaving in the first place... which you morons would probably eat up. He'd beat some nobody in his first match, then probably apologise to his former bandmates for leaving them high and dry. Then I'd have to come along... we'd probably argue over who was the best vocalist Painful Procedure ever had... I'd beat the freakin' crap out of him a few times and then he'd probably just walk out again with his tail tucked between his legs anyway. Yup, this way is far more convenient all round and as for my tribute to Jack Bruce... Propping the guitar up, Tornado stomps on it with enough ferocity to severe the fret board and with the remains lying before him, started to undo his belt when the surviving two/thirds of Painful Procedure make their way out. [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/BillyJackShearer.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RonnieVPain.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG] [U][B] 3vs1 Handicap Match: Painful Procedure vs. Troy Tornado [/U][/B][/CENTER] Billy Jack Shearer and Ronnie V Pain march towards the ring with a purpose, whilst Azaria mentioned that he's pleased Tornado is re-hooking his belt. The 733t World Of WarForce pro tried to intercept his opponents as they entered, but the far larger men soon overpowered him with their sheer bulk. Sending Tornado into the ropes, Painful Procedure slammed into their former singer with a double shoulder block before a referee emerged and sent Shearer to his corner. Jillefski pointed out that the format of this match would force the Painful Procedure members to tag in and out, before the topic of Randall Hopkirk arose. Azaria added that Hopkirk was still backstage receiving treatment following the earlier attack that once again, Tornado was assumed responsible. The match itself stuttered along with Tornado trying to outsmart his larger, less skilled foes who in turn, would deliver the odd big offensive move to put the outspoken worker in his place. Business picked up when Randall Hopkirk joined the match around the five minute interval, his head bandaged, but his desire to dish out punishment to Tornado crystal clear. Shearer went to the corner to make the tag, when Hopkirk suddenly pulled away his hand and clocked Pain, knocking the guitarist from the apron. Before Shearer could react to his team-mate’s actions, Tornado moved up on the drummer's blindside and delivered the Star Maker. During the cover, Hopkirk gave Pain a running boot to the head for good measure, leaving Tornado free to pick up the win. [B]Winner: Troy Tornado (via pinfall) Match Rating: C+ [/B] Hopkirk re-entered the ring to raise Tornado's hand and to twist the knife further, executed the Randallism on the already beaten Shearer. Locating his headband, Tornado stuffed the fashion item down his opponent's throat, before slapping the smirking Hopkirk on the back and vacating the scene. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]CBA Notes:[/B] The early portion of the match might have encouraged some of the more infrequent viewers to channel-surf, but it was brief enough to retain the majority. The pre-fight segment highlighted the risk of having a live mic available to someone like Troy Tornado, but despite skating on thin ice at times, the content would just have adhered to CBA standards. Controversy makes for ratings, but I’m relieved the viewers weren’t subjected to whatever he intended for the guitar! [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RipChord.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]I'd Phone A Friend If I Had One[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] A brief recap of Rip Chord's elimination from the Battle Royal aired, which foreshadowed the MAW Owner's arrival. Chord made his usual journey through the Back Lot, i.e. bereft of welcoming gestures or acknowledgement from those situated in the same vicinity. This did however make it easier to hold the cell phone conversation he was currently engaged in. Azaria remarked that we were expecting another chapter of the 'Rip Chord Invitational' later on during TNW. [QUOTE][B]CBA Notes:[/B] Rip Chord... past his best perhaps, but undeniably charismatic and therefore marketable. Maybe a word or two to the right person could get him a cameo on Crime Lab?[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/WilliamHayes.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]A Room Full Of My Nearest And Dearest[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] William Hayes returned to the locker room and walked through into the adjoining facilities to wet his face in the basin, gazing at his reflection in the mirror. Cornell’s patented chop had left a searing red mark behind, but it mattered little. Hayes had been the one left standing tall, at least for now. He returned to the previous room where three hooded figures stood before him. [B][William Hayes]:[/B] Don’t look at me like that. [B][Masked #1]:[/B] Considering what happened at Malice In Wonderland, we’d assumed you might keep a low profile tonight. Can you not comprehend the jeopardy you’ve placed us in? [B][William Hayes]:[/B] It was business. The individual addressing Hayes pulled back his hood to reveal shortly trimmed black hair, before pushing his face in close proximity to Hayes’ as the argument escalated. [B][Masked #1]:[/B] No, last Sunday was business. You screwed up and now, you break protocol and involve yourself in matters that do not yet concern us. [B][William Hayes]:[/B] Us… now that brings a smile to my face. There is no [U]us[/U]. I don’t have the same job security that the three of you do. My employment hinges on more conditions… beyond Dread moving to bring me here, I have nothing. The three of you are completely set-up! [B][Masked #1]:[/B] And through you, they can now trace back to us! Our objectives are yet to be completed and your conduct is threatening to derail everything! If we fail, then our future here will be as bleak as yours! [B][Masked #2]:[/B] Enough! This is getting us nowhere! Clad in the yellow hooded top, one of the previously less vocal members steps forward, forcing himself between the pair. He turned to address Hayes alone. [B][Masked #2]:[/B] I suggest you keep your distance from us until we’re next called upon. From now on, you don’t speak to us, you don’t run with us and you sure as hell don’t associate with us. I am [B]not[/B] losing my opportunity for anyone! Agreed in principle, Hayes grabbed his gear and took his leave. Once it was clear that he had left the group members talk amongst themselves inaudibly. [QUOTE][B]CBA Notes:[/B]Not Aired [/QUOTE] In the main arena bowl, Chance Fortune completed an ill-fated entrance routine. [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/AmericanBuffalo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/ChanceFortune.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]American Buffalo vs. Chance Fortune [/U][/B][/CENTER] The manager-less American Buffalo stomped down to the ring with his opponent already inside. It seemed 'Lucky' Chance Fortune had struck out tonight and been handed the dubious pleasure of sharing the squared circle with the snarling powerhouse. Fortune tried to start the bout on the front foot, but Buffalo was in no mood for such resistance and literally tossed the All Action Champion into the corner and followed up with a thunderous bodysmash. As the American Buffalo continued to hurl Fortune around like a rag doll, Azaria pointed out that the All Action title was not on the line here, even if the champion's long term physical wellbeing was. Toying with his victim, Buffalo caught an unexpected face full of leather boot as Fortune connected with his newly utilised 'Good Luck Kiss' superkick, which on this occassion was only good for a two count. Powering out from the pinning predicament, American Buffalo bulldozed through his physically mismatched opponent and retrieved a steel chair from the outside, placing it around Fortune's right ankle. Raising his left hoof, Buffalo looked set to stomp down on the chair and snap the All Action Champion's limb when the referee bravely intervened. Such an act barely deterred the aggressive powerhouse, but it did buy Fortune enough time to take possession of the chair, remove it from his leg and crown Buffalo with it, warranting the disqualification. [B]Winner: American Buffalo (via DQ) Match Rating: C [/B] The American Buffalo took the chairshot in his stride and caught Fortune mid-hurricanrana, countering with a fierce powerbomb. The All Action Champion had presumably taken exception to his opponent's cruel intentions and wanted to make him pay, although he would have been better advised to have left the vicinity whilst he had the chance. The Stampede duly followed to conclude post-contest the carnage, leaving BLZ Bubb's former tag team partner standing dominant in the center of the ring. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]CBA Notes:[/B] Nothing to write home about. American Buffalo was intense with unbridled aggression; Fortune was plucky yet ultimately doomed from the outset. The untold story lies with the proliferation of All Action Championship or rather, the lack thereof. Perhaps I've found myself a side-project? [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/TroyTornado.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RandallHopkirk.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]The Fixer [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] To the delight of the male audience, Blonde Bombshell bounced down the corridor in order to catch up with Troy Tornado and Randall Hopkirk who were some distance in front. [B][Blonde Bombshell]:[/B] Randall, please wait! The whole of Hollyweird wants to know why you turned on Painful Procedure!? [B][Troy Tornado]:[/B] Isn't it obvious? He's sick of wasting his career with a couple of overweight, no talent session musicians. Since the start of the year, his career has gone nowhere, whilst mine… I’ve put on clinics inside that ring, I headlined TNW last week and had it not been for Dread getting lucky, I’d be standing here holding the World Championship. Hopkirk's joined the winning team, Team Tornado! [B][Blonde Bombshell]:[/B] I was speaking to Randa... [B][Troy Tornado]:[/B] Yeah? Well I'm speaking to you, so keep those freakin’ floatation devices in your top for two seconds and listen to what I... Hopkirk reached forward with minimal fuss and grabbed the microphone for himself. Stroking the facial hair that hung from his chin, Hopkirk smirked to himself before speaking his gruff, almost monotone voice. [B][Randall Hopkirk]:[/B] Why? Because I’m a fixer. Being in Painful Procedure had become problematic for me… I fixed it. Troy has had a problem acquiring championship gold since Psycho Circus… I’m going to fix that and then… then it’s [B]my[/B] time. The pair turned to leave, but the intrepid interviewer managed to fire off one final question. [B][Blonde Bombshell]:[/B] So you’re a problem-solver? [B][Troy Tornado]:[/B] No, he’s a [B]fixer[/B]… have got silicone in your ears or something!? With that insult dispensed, the pair disappeared down the passageway. [QUOTE][B]CBA Notes:[/B] Hopkirk has a personality… who would have known? [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RickLaw.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/RockyGolden.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]International Championship Match: Rick Law vs. Rocky Golden (c) [/U][/B][/CENTER] Sirens blared and Rick Law stormed into this contest with the intention of dethroning Rocky Golden, fuelled by the miscarriage of justice that led to Golden retaining the gold two nights ago. Dominating the champion from the opening bell, Law nearly ended the contest within a minute following an abrupt Squad Car Slam. Stationed at ringside, Freddy Huggins intervened by dragging Law's leg... an act that saw the bringer of justice and all round good guy exit the squared circle and take Huggy down with a jaw-rearranging 'Justice Jam' uppercut. Exasperated by Huggins continual meddling in recent weeks, Law brandished a pair of handcuffs to the delight of the fans who vocalised their approval as they glistened white under the hot lighting. Law cuffed the subdued Huggy to the bottom rope and then ran him into the ring post for good measure before climbing back into the ring where Golden laid in wait with a power bodyslam. For the next few minutes, the champion assumed control of proceedings and tried to put Law away on several occasions only to be frustrated at every turn as his opponent soaked up the punishment, refusing to stay down for the mandatory three count. In-between picking at his hand restraints, Huggins told his 'boy' to give Law 'the rack', referencing Golden's finisher that had been effective in dispatching Chance Fortune only a week ago on TNW. Golden hoisted Law onto his shoulders, but Law slid down again just as quickly and dropkicked the champion... who then collided skull-first with referee Sam Sparrow. Enter the disgruntled legend. Barely seconds removed from the official hitting the deck, Rip Chord slid into the ring almost as casually as he had walked down the aisle. The MAW Owner took one look at Law, before spinning on his heel and planting Golden with a debilitating Rip Chord DDT and to the confusion of everyone in the arena, told the challenger to cover the prone champion with the referee stirring a few metres away. Being the upstanding individual he is, Law refused to collude with Chord and forced the wrestling legend outside where Chord would gradually retreat to the stage. Locking his eyes on the MAW Owner's departure, Law left himself open to a roll-up from Golden that true to wrestling lore, he was unable to escape from. [B]Winner: Rocky Golden (via pinfall) Match Rating: C [/B] Golden groggily fled the scene with his belt, as was the order of things in HGC, leaving Law to reflect on what might have been. On the outside, Huggins tugged at his cuffs so that he too could leave, but Law wasn't interested in either him or Golden at this point in time. His world now revolved around Rip Chord. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]CBA Notes:[/B] Decent TV match, although probably ran a minute or two longer than it needed. The fans are more willingly buying into Golden as a champion due to his tactics and Huggins as a sidekick, but the interaction between Rick Law and Rip Chord was the real money connection here. That stuff is made for CBA. [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j178/sebsplex/HGC/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="1"]Simple Men And Basic Pleasures [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] For the second time during TNW, the cameras caught up with Sean McFly as HGC’s billionaire owner continued with the charm offensive with his entourage in tow. Stallings was mid-sentence when the audio kicked in, recounting the number of personnel housed inside his multi-million dollar, purpose-built arena. [B][J.K. Stallings Jr]:[/B] And this area will become the communal locker room… when the workman have finished of course. It’s one of Phil’s concepts. Now if we take a walk down here I’ll show you the… Raising a hand, McFly let slip an embarrassed smile. [B][Sean McFly]:[/B] I don’t mean to be rude, this really is an amazing complex, but I’m a pretty basic guy Mr Stallings. All you need to do is point me to an empty locker to store my stuff and send me out to the ring. That’s where I’m in my element, between the ropes. That’s why I came to HGC, the competition. Anything else is a bonus as far as I’m concerned. Stallings snorted his familiar nasally laugh to the extent that he had to prop his glasses back up once he was done. [B][J.K. Stallings Jr]:[/B] Boy, I haven’t felt this silly since I got stood up at my high school prom! Of course, Michelle here can take you to your allocated dressing area… am I right in thinking you’re ready to compete tonight? [B][Sean McFly]:[/B] I’ve got everything I need in this bag. I’m ready to go. [B][J.K. Stallings Jr]:[/B] Well alrighty! The software mogul clapped his hands together in delight and then ushered in one of the production assistants who would lead McFly to his new chambers. It was hard to fathom Stallings at times like these, his demeanour was as upbeat as his first appearance on TNW three weeks ago, yet could he really be that blissfully unaware of the turmoil behind the scenes? [QUOTE][B]CBA Notes:[/B] Mcfly debuting tonight? That has ratings written all over it and as long as no one makes the mistake of announcing exactly when in the show that will occur, few fans are going to risk tuning out for the time being. [/QUOTE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="1"][B]END OF PART I (09:58PM EST) TUESDAY NIGHT WRESTLING, LIVE on GNN Total Sports[/B][/SIZE] In Part II – Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson are forced to put their differences aside to deal with the combined threat posed by Dread and newcomer William Hayes, the Rip Chord Invitational continues, Wolf Hawkins eyes a greater prize, Floyd Goldworthy adds a new client to his books, Peter Valentine accepts his place with the people and Sean McFly makes his Hollyweird debut. All this and more in the final hour of Tuesday Night Wrestling! [/CENTER][/QUOTE] OOC Notes: A wordy first half I realise, but as you can see I've tried out a new format and added a couple of additional creative touches and I'm yet to really decide whether they're an improvement or not. Time will tell I guess.
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;258839]I like the CBA notes, it's another unique twist to this diary and it gives you the perspective from the network. The newly formed Troy Tornado/Randall Hopkirk alliance definately reminds me of a Christian Cage/Tomko type of relationship.[/QUOTE] The CBA notes play a part in the overall story of HGC, plus give me a handy vehicle for inserting some OOC and more game-based comments into proceedings. They also provide me with something to do with Gil Thomas, someone who I usually never touch or use in any fashion, whatever promotion I'm using at the time. There's definitely an element of the Christian/Tomko unit involved, but it was the best way I could think to severe Tornado's ties with Painful Procedure. His bio involving PP really provides a ready-made storyline when using HGC/TCW, but there isn't really an obvious pay off to it. I mean, Tornado can't exactly headline a show against Billy Jack Shearer. Plus from the trio, Hopkirk has some reasonable skills that I thought I'd try to find a decent way to use him and wrap up this history.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Just as confirmation (as I pull this thread from the top of page eight), this dynasty is on hiatus for the time being. Unfortunately I've fallen into the trap of trying to do too much, with too much of the C-Verse. One of the C-Verse's strengths is the freedom to writers and bookers to mould and manipulate characters from the basic blueprints provided by Adam. In recent weeks, this dynasty has grown into a sprawling creative beast for which I have an insane amount of ideas and directions... and I just can't assemble them properly and continue writing this epic at this point in time. I do intend to return to this and as not to lose my writing groove, I may well venture into a new dynasty to allow a few creative juices to flow... possibly even a real world work so the temptation to try and flesh out 40+ characters isn't sitting in front of me. So yeah, apologies to those waiting on the continuation of this and I'd like to just take the opportunity to thank people for reading/replying and hopefully I can pick this up again in the not too distant future and move full steam ahead with it.
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