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Random name generator

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The hardest part for me when creating a lot of "people' is the names. So I dunno if anyone needs this or wants this, but found a pretty neat random name generator (for both men and women). [URL="http://www.xtra-rant.com/gennames/"]http://www.xtra-rant.com/gennames/[/URL] Hope this is helpful to someone.
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[QUOTE=praguepride;224912]The hardest part for me when creating a lot of "people' is the names. So I dunno if anyone needs this or wants this, but found a pretty neat random name generator (for both men and women). [URL="http://www.xtra-rant.com/gennames/"]http://www.xtra-rant.com/gennames/[/URL] Hope this is helpful to someone.[/QUOTE] Awesome man. This will helpout alot.
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