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Quick question about worker overness

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I've been fiddling around with creating a database, and have stumbled across my first problem. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get guys in a regional fed to be pushed to main event slots, without seriously upping their Overness to levels I seriously don't think it needs to be at. If anyone's got any clue about how this works, I was hoping someone could help me with the Overness levels needed to fit into positions for each promotion size.
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Overness isn't always the main reason where people are placed in a fed. For example, in my MAW game I'm regional and Adam Matravers is a D- in popularity. The recommended push is [I]still[/I] an Enhancement Talent. Things like position quotas, style, and wrestling stats have an effect also.
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Card position is roughly determined in a manner like this. 1. Rank people by the overness in the country the promotion is based in. 2. Based on ideal roster, certain numbers of people will be assigned each push. 3. Depending on product, some people will be pushed higher or lower. For example, high mainstream in your product will push Entertainers higher up the card. 4. After these modifiers have been taken into account, you have an approximate list of people based on national overness. Most over at the top, least over at the bottom. If you want someone at a certain level, you have to take into account their [b]National[/b] overness no matter what level your promotion is at. With small promotions this can be a pain, since even a little National exposure (say, E across the board) is going to be a LOT more over nationall than a F- across the board but a C in your region.... A pain if you only have shows in one region and your title prestige is plummeting because your top star is outshone by someone with comparatively little overness in your region. Derek B
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