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Quick Picks KOTM Qualifier "The Icon" Sting vs. "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles KOTM Qualifier "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe vs. Psychosis Damaja vs. "The Notorious 187" Homicide Number 1 Conteders Match To The X Division Title Petey Williams vs. THE Austin Starr vs. Senshi vs. Sonjay Dutt TIE BREAKER: Who will be the last person eliminated in the X Division Match PRIZE: Winner will get to name the tag team of Basham and Damaja
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Quick Picks KOTM Qualifier [B]"The Icon" Sting[/B] vs. "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles KOTM Qualifier [B]"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Psychosis Damaja vs. "[B]The Notorious 187" Homicide[/B] Number 1 Conteders Match To The X Division Title Petey Williams vs. THE Austin Starr vs. Senshi vs. [B]Sonjay Dutt[/B] Petey will be the last elimination
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Very good results and card there. KOTM Qualifier "The Icon" Sting vs. [B]"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles[/B] KOTM Qualifier [B]"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Psychosis Damaja vs. [B]"The Notorious 187" Homicide[/B] Number 1 Conteders Match To The X Division Title [B]Petey Williams[/B] vs. THE Austin Starr vs. Senshi vs. Sonjay Dutt
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KOTM Qualifier [B]"The Icon" Sting [/B]vs. "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles KOTM Qualifier [B]"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Psychosis Damaja vs. [B]"The Notorious 187" Homicide[/B] Number 1 Conteders Match To The X Division Title Petey Williams vs. [B]THE Austin Starr [/B]vs. Senshi vs. Sonjay Dutt TIE BREAKER: Who will be the last person eliminated in the X Division Match [B]Senshi[/B] PRIZE: Winner will get to name the tag team of Basham and Damaja Good looking card brother!
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KOTM Qualifier [B]"The Icon" Sting[/B] vs. "The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles KOTM Qualifier [B]"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Psychosis Damaja vs. [B]"The Notorious 187" Homicide[/B] Number 1 Conteders Match To The X Division Title [B]Petey Williams[/B] vs. THE Austin Starr vs. Senshi vs. Sonjay Dutt TIE BREAKER: Who will be the last person eliminated in the X Division Match Austin Starr
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KOTM Qualifier "The Icon" Sting vs. [B]"The Phenomenal One" AJ Styles[/B] KOTM Qualifier [B]"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe[/B] vs. Psychosis [B]Damaja[/B] vs. "The Notorious 187" Homicide Number 1 Conteders Match To The X Division Title Petey Williams vs. THE Austin Starr vs. Senshi vs. [B]Sonjay Dutt[/B] Starr last to be eliminated. On a sidenote, this diary needs more Alex Shelley. Shelley=God
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[U][/U][CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TNASPikead3copy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]LIVE! From The Impact Zone with 1,000 fans in attendance[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE][SIZE="3"]The Show opens with a video featuring what Christian Cage, Sting, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, and AJ Styles[/QUOTE] [U]1 Minute B+[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage where Tomko, AJ Styles, Mick Foley, and Christian Cage are beating down on Sting - Tenay: This is despicable! They’re trying to get an upperhand for the main event tonight! - Taz: That’s smart thinking Tenay! If Sting can’t make it to the match with AJ then AJ automatically qualifies. - Cage: Don’t mess with us Sting…or next time it’ll be worse - AJ: Yeah worse! - Cage: Good job buddy…you sound menacing - AJ: I know…I’m awesome! - Tenay: Let’s go to the ring![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Winner Gets A Shot at The X Division Title at Slammiversary Sonjay Dutt vs. “The Canadian Destroyer” Petey Williams vs. “The Warrior Senshi vs. “The” Austin Starr[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Four of the best X wrestlers that ever lived are here in this match - This match is fought under elimination rules - Dutt and Starr start it off - They exchange a series of fast reversals and the fan applaud in appreciation - Starr reaches out to shake Dutt’s hand - Dutt is apprehensive - Dutt shakes and gets pulled into a clothesline! - Starr begins to dominate Dutt - Starr tags out to Petey - Petey goes to pick Sonjay up - Sonjay rolls Williams up - 1……..2………..3! - Petey Williams is eliminated at the 3:54 mark - Starr is back in the ring and back to beating up Dutt he continues an onslaught of offensive maneuvers for the next 2 minutes - Starr sends Dutt into the ropes double clothesline - Dutt is able to recover and he tag Senshi - Senshi begins to unload on Starr with vicious kicks - Senshi is dominating Austing - We’re now at the 6:30 mark - Senshi whips Austin into the corner and charges connects - But Senshi falls out unconscious - Starr just stuck something in his tights… - 1……2………3! - We’re down to Dutt and Starr at the 7:00 mark - The two begin to slug it out - Dutt hits the float over inverted DDT! - Dutt goes up to - HINDU PRESS! - 1………2………..3! - Dutt is the new number 1 contender - Tenay: Folks that why the X Division is world renowned and is where every major star wants to be! - Taz: What a match and now the two friends will go one on one at Slammiversary![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Sonjay Dutt Time: 8:01 Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]A Graphic is shown promoting the matchup between Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal at Slammiveresary[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: D+[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage - Borash: Jeremy Borash standing by with Samoa Joe who will take on Psychosis tonight in a qualifying match for The King of the Mountain match at Slammiversary - Joe: Slammiversary…the 5 year anniversary of TNA…and the 2 year anniversary of my arrival here! In Nashville it will be the greatest night of my career when I become the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion! But first tonight I will ensure my spot in the match…tonight Psychosis…YOU WILL BE BROKEN![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating B-[/U] [QUOTE]- Roode Inc. make their way to the ring - Tenay: 2 weeks ago Eric Young turned his back on the fans and Jeff Jarrett when he joined up with Robert Roode to attack Jarrett after JJ had won his freedom - Young: I’m sure you’ve all been wondering why I did what I did…it’s simple…Robert Roode made showed me the error of my ways and made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. He doubled my salary and promised me my own Personal Assistant if you know what I mean…Jarrett what did you ever do for me! You put me down! You made me look like a fool! And you fans…you were laughing at me the whole time! - An ***hole chant starts in the crowd - Young: You guys are the ***holes! You aren’t my friends…you are jackasses! - Roode: It pays to be Roode![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 minutes Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- The music of Jeff Jarrett hits and he sprints to the ring - Jarrett hits Roode with the guitar and sets his sights on Young - JJ and Young begin exchanging right hands - JJ gets the upper hand and goes for The Stroke but Young slips out and exits the ring[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 minutes Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Jarrett has a mic - Jarrett: Eric Young at Sacrifice you made the biggest mistake of your life! At Slammiversary I’ve already got it signed it’s gonna be Eric Young and Robert Roode against JE double F..JA double R..A double T and my mystery partner! Choke on that Slapnuts! - Tenay: Who could Jeff’s mystery partner be? - Taz: Maybe it’s you Tenay! - Tenay: I can guarantee you it’s not me Taz - Taz: ………..I don’t believe you[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 minute Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage where Konnan is standing with Homicide behind him - Konnan: Damaja…Basham…Hemme….you’ve made a huge mistake! You’ve decided to mess with the strongest force in wrestling! You can’t stop The LAX and you won’t take these belts off of us! Tonight your end begins! Damaja you wanted Homicide you got him! Tonight we go 5150 all over you @**! - Homicide: BBBBLLLLLAAAAAAT! - Tenay: Homicide versus Damaja next on Impact![/QUOTE] Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B- [COLOR="red"][U][B]“The Notorious 187” Homicide w/Konnan vs. Damaja w/Christy Hemme[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- This is a preview of the tag title match at Slammiversary - A good brawl - The match is fought with Damaja having the advantage for the majority of the match - At the 3:30 mark Konnan trips the ref - Hernandez comes down to the ring - Hernandez nails Damaja from behind……..BORDER TOSS - Cide makes the cover - the ref comes to - 1………….2………………3![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Homicide Time: 4:47 Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Konnan, Homicide, and Hernandez celebrate on the entry way[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 minute Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Christian Cage is backstage with Tomko - Cage: Tomko we’ve got it all taken care of! Next week you’ll get your chance to qualify for The King of the Mountain match. We’ve made and open challenge for anyone in the company to step up and take you on! More than likely no one will so you’ll get a free pass! Then you can help me defend my title! - Tomko: What if I want to win it myself! - Cage: Whoa…whoa…whoa big man! Don’t be selfish don’t make this about you! Do what’s best for the group! Come on man - Cage walks off - Tomko: Sorry… - Cage: (from off screen) Not cool…Not cool man![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 minutes Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- The music of Kurt Angle hits the arena and he makes his way to the ring - Tenay: I can’t wait to hear what Kurt Angle has to say! We haven’t heard from him since he was screwed out of the NWA World Heavyweight Title! - Angle: Mick Foley! You think must be proud of what you’ve done! You kept the greatest wrestler of this generation from becoming World Champ…well let me tell you Foley becoming champ is no longer my priority…my new priority if breaking your ankle! FOLEY I WANT YOU! You think you’re so great…so hardcore…I’m gonna beat you at your own game! Foley I’m issuing a challenge to you! Me…You…Music City Massacre Match at Slammiversary…anything goes! Foley…do you have the balls?[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- Mick Foley’s music hits and he walks out onto the stage - Foley: You know Kurt they say be careful what you wish for…at Slammiversary you and me in a Music City Massacre Match…you’re on! Kurt…YOU WILL NOT HAVE A NICE DAY! - Tenay: My God! What a huge match! Foley and Angle at Slammiversary! - Taz: Angle better be ready because no one fights the hardcore style better than Mick Foley.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 minute Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is backstage with Sting - Borash: Sting, how are you feeling following an attack by The Christian Coalition earlier tonight? - Sting: Let me tell you there is nothing in the world that can keep me from becoming World Champ again that includes Christian and his cronies…AJ!...tonight….IT’S SHOWTIME![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 minute Rating: B+[/U] [U][B][COLOR="red"]KOTM Qualifier “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe vs. Psychosis[/COLOR][/B][/U] [QUOTE]- Joe and Psychosis make their way to the ring - Tenay: Joe is probably one of the greatest wrestlers in the world to never be World Champ - Taz: You’ll get no argument from me Tenay - The match starts with Psychosis trying to use his speed to his advantage but Joe will have nothing of it - A good back and forth match - In the end Psychosis comes off the top attempting the Guillotine Leg Drop but Joe moves - Tenay: Joe was playing possum! - Joe locks in The Clutch - Psychosis is attempting to hang on - …………he’s been in the hold for about 30 seconds - HE TAPS! - Joe is going to the Main Event at Slammiversary![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Samoa Joe Time: 5:55 Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- Backstage Sting is walking to the ring[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]KOTM Qualifier “The Icon” Sting vs. “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Styles makes his way to the ring with Tomko and Christian Cage - Sting comes down to the ring alone - Earl Hebner is your referee for this Main Event match - AJ jumps Sting before the bell and gains an early advantage - AJ begins to work over Sting’s legs - Tenay: AJ is one of the best in the ring today - Taz: The only person better in TNA is The Instant Classic - AJ is beginning to get ****y - Sting looks in bad shape - AJ whips Sting into the corner - Styles hits the Stinger Splash - Styles begins to mock Sting - He doesn’t notice that the move has had no effect on Sting - Styles turns around and looks as if he’s seen a ghost! - Styles punches…nothing…again….nothing….kick….nothing - The adrenaline is pumping through Sting’s veins - Sting begins to attack Styles with chops and kicks - Tomko is on the apron - Sting pulls him in the ring and nails him with the Scorpion Death Drop - AJ goes to attack but Sting reverses! - He whips AJ in the corner - Sting goes to the opposite corner - The Fallen Angel just came out from underneath the ring and nails Sting with the baseball bat - Styles sees is and capitalizes - He climbs to the top rope - Spiral Tap - 1………2………..3! - AJ Styles is going to the Main Event at Slammiversary! - Tenay: Damn you Daniels! This is the second time he’s screwed Sting out of a chance to wrestle for the World Title[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: AJ Styles Time: 6:49 Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- Sting sees Daniels holding the bat and takes off chasing him[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 minute Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- Christian is in the ring - Christian: We’ve given the TNA locker room enough time…who’s wants to face Tomko for a chance at a spot in The King of the Mountain match - ……………………….. - Christian: No One! That’s what I thought - BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!!! - Tenay: Oh My God! It can’t be… - CHRIS JERICHO emerges on the stage - Jericho charges towards the ring - Cage and Styles bail - Jericho begins exchanging punches with Tomko - Y2J gets the upperhand and takes Tomko down - Tomko rolls out of the ring[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 minute Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- Jericho grabs a mic - Jericho: TNA IS JERICHO! Christian you better take care of my belt for me because at Slammiversary I’m going to take it from you! - Tenay: Oh My God! Chris Jericho has arrived in TNA! - Taz: Anything can happen here in TNA![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 minute Rating: B[/U] Total Show Rating: B[/SIZE]
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Of course you do... your diary is one of the best TNA Diarys on the board! I just read through the whole show waiting to see what would happen with Raven/Serotonin and was angry when nothing happened... Then I reread it and the show was kickass!!!
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[QUOTE=Chuck;232827]I just read through the whole show waiting to see what would happen with Raven/Serotonin and was angry when nothing happened... Then I reread it and the show was kickass!!![/QUOTE]Don't worry I haven't forgotten about Raven and Serotonin...it's difficult to put everything I want to in a 1 hour show.
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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"][U][SIZE="4"]WWE Week In Review[/SIZE][/U][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="red"]Raw Results[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]From Chubu[/COLOR] Eugene def. Rory McAllister E Michelle McCool def. Micke James E- Victoria def. Maria and Torrie to retain the WWE Women's Title E+ Hardy Boyz def. Mudoch and Cade to retain the WWE World Tag Team Titles E Kenny Dykstra def. Khali to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title Randy Orton def. Shelton Benjamin D Show Rating: D- [COLOR="Purple"]ECW Results[/COLOR] [COLOR="purple"]From Toronto[/COLOR] Stevie Richards def. The Sandman D+ Balls and Robbie McAllister against Knox and Snitsky No Contest D Carlito def. Kenny Dykstra C RVD against Ric Flair No Contest C Show Rating: C [COLOR="Blue"]Smackdown Results[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]From Ontario[/COLOR] The Boogeyman def. Mizanin and Funaki D+ Deuce 'n' Domino against Scotty and Kendrick NO Contest C- Gregory Helms def. Daivari D+ MVP def. Paul London C Benoit def. Regal to retain the WWE US Title B- Kane and Kennedy def. Undertaker and Batista C+ Show Rating: C+ ========================================================== A decent week for the WWE despite the terrible Raw. This week we got to see another classic between Benoit and Regal...why aren't these guys in the Main Event, and we we got to see Khali get beat by someon with talent.
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/BannerWWE.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Last night at Raw during a tag match against Rated RKO, Matt Hardy broke his ankle. Hardy will be missing about 2 months of action, this forces The Hardy Boyz to relinquish the WWE Tag Titles. We wish him a speedy recovery.[/SIZE]
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TnaWeb2.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Impact Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR] Last week the wrestling world was shocked with the TNA debut of Chris Jericho. This week Jericho attempts to qualify for the Main Event of Slammiversary when he steps in the ring against the enforcer of The Christian Coalition, Tomko. Also in qualifying action former NWA Tag Team Champion and King of the Mountain competitor, Chris Harris, takes on a mystery person who has been hand picked by the still unknown new Director of Authority. Last week it was announced at Slammiversary it would be Mick Foley taking on Kurt Angle in a Music City Massacre match. This week we get to see our first look at Foley in the ring when he takes on Shark Boy in a hardcore match...I wouldn't want to be Sharky for this one. The alliance of Roode Inc. will take on Jeff Jarrett and his mystery partner at Slammiversary, but on Impact they have a warm up match when they face former NWA Tag Team Champions, The Naturals. All this and more this week on Impact!
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Quick Picks KOTM Qualifier Chris Jericho vs. Tomko KOTM Qualifier "Wildcat" Chris Harris vs. ????????????? Roode Inc. vs. The Naturals Hardcore Match Mick Foley vs. Shark Boy Tie-Breaker: Who is the mystery man that Chris Harris will face. Prize: Winner will get to add a match to Slammiversary from the remaining competitors without a match.
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KOTM Qualifier [B]Chris Jericho[/B] vs. Tomko KOTM Qualifier "Wildcat" Chris Harris vs. [B]?????????????[/B] [B] Roode Inc.[/B] vs. The Naturals Hardcore Match [B]Mick Foley [/B]vs. Shark Boy Is this match a joke? Tie-Breaker: Who is the mystery man that Chris Harris will face.... ummm i am guessing its someone NOT on the TNA roster! Prize: Winner will get to add a match to Slammiversary from the remaining competitors without a match.
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KOTM Qualifier [B]Chris Jericho[/B] vs. Tomko KOTM Qualifier "Wildcat" Chris Harris vs. [B]?????????????[/B] [B] Roode Inc. [/B]vs. The Naturals Hardcore Match [B]Mick Foley[/B] vs. Shark Boy Tie-Breaker: Who is the mystery man that Chris Harris will face. I'm hoping it's gonna be Shelley but I doubt it. So I'll go with Steiner maybe, but it'll most likely be a new signing. Prize: Winner will get to add a match to Slammiversary from the remaining competitors without a match.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TNASPikead3copy.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]LIVE! From The Impact Zone with 1,000 fans in attendance[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE][SIZE="3"]- The show opens when The Christian Coalition arrives backstage - Tenay: Welcome to Impact! The Christian Coalition is here! - Taz: Tonight Tomko is gonna show Chris Jericho why he should have stayed out of wrestling[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B-[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Roode Inc. w/Ms. Brooks vs. The Naturals[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Roode Inc. is going to face Jeff Jarrett and a mystery partner at Slammiversary - Both teams are former NWA Tag Team Champions - A good back and forth contest - Neither team really is able to get an upper hand for the first 5 minutes of the match - The finish comes when Roode and Young begin to double team Douglas - Young gets Douglas set up - SHOWSTOPPER - Roode takes Stevens out - 1…….2………3! - Tenay: Great team work shown by Roode Inc. - Taz: These guys are great. - Tenay: I hate to say it, but Jeff Jarrett has his work cut out for him at the Pay-Per-View[/QUOTE] [U]Winners: Roode Inc. Time: 6:46 Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- The music of Jeff Jarrett hits and he comes out onto the entry way - Tenay: It’s Jeff Jarrett he’s here! He’s got a mic what does he have to say to Roode Inc. - Jarrett: You guys looked awfully good in there…but not good enough! Let me tell you something, I’ve been looking all over the world looking for the perfect tag partner, and I haven’t found one. - Roode Inc. begins to laugh in the ring. - Jarrett: That’s why I’ve made a decision! - Roode: Who’s it going to be Jeff? - Jarrett: I don’t know…I’ve made a decision to let the fans decide! You can vote for who my tag partner is going to be on tnawrestling.com! Choke on that Slapnuts! - Tenay: How about that! Jarrett is putting this match in the hands of the fans! The same people who hated him only 8 months ago. - Taz: What a stupid idea…the fans don’t know anything![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage where Raven is sitting in a dark room with Serotonin behind him - Raven: We’ve been waiting…they’ve been waiting…you’ve been waiting…now the time has come! The time for Serotonin to dominate TNA! The time for you to feel the pain that we feel! The puzzle is complete… - Lance Hoyt walks in looking different than we’ve ever seen him look. - Raven: The last piece has been added…Shadow! With Kaz and Martyr prepared to take the tag team titles, Havok taking the X title, and Shadow taking the World Title…Serotonin will reign…we will reign…and we will help you…whether you want it or no…Quote The Raven……Nevermore![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: C-[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]KOTM Qualifier “Wildcat” Chris Harris w/Gail Kim vs. ????????????????????[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Chris Harris comes to the ring - He’s competed in a King of the Mountain match before, and almost won the belt - Unfamiliar music begins to play over The Impact Zone - Tenay: Who could this be??? - Taz: If it’s half as surprising as last week I’ll be shocked. - JOEY MATTHEWS - Tenay: My God! Joey Matthews is here in TNA - Taz: What an awesome signing by TNA! - Matthews if the former JOEY MERCURY of WWE - Chris Harris doesn’t wait for Matthews to get to the ring he jumps out of the ring and takes the fight to him - Matthews hasn’t even got a chance to take his coat and glasses off - Harris whips him into the guardrail! - These two don’t seem to click and the timing is all over the place - Harris dominates the majority of the match - Harris is going for the Catatonic - Matthews slips out and kicks Harris below the belt - I’m not sure why the ref didn’t disqualify him - Matthews takes control - VIRGINIA NECKTIE - 1……2……….3! - Joey Matthews if going to the main event at Slammiversary - Tenay: What an impressive debut for Matthews - Taz: This kid is good![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Joey Matthews Time: 6:32 Rating: D+ (ouch)[/U] [QUOTE]- Christian Cage walked out during the closing moments of the match - Cage gets in the ring - He and Matthews are nose to nose - They are jawing at each other - They both smile - The Instant Classic and Matthews shake hands - Tenay: Oh My God! Joey Matthews is part of the Christian Coalition - Taz: YES! - Tenay: This means three members of The Christian Coalition have qualified for The King of the Mountain match, and a fourth will get a shot later tonight! Christian is stacking the deck! - Taz: That’s exactly what I would do Tenay! - Tenay: We know[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 minute Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- Christian has a mic - Christian: I almost had all of you! You thought I was going to fight my good friend Joey…no we’re best buds! He’s my best friend in the world. Joey Matthews is the newest member of The Christian Coalition - Tenay: Dammit Joey! - Christian: That’ right 3 members of my coalition have qualified for The King of the Mountain match, and later tonight Tomko will make it four when he takes out Y2GAY. Then we will make sure Sloppy Joe isn’t able to take this belt off the man…The Instant Classic![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage to see Chris Jericho arriving - Jericho: Tonight Jericho takes his first step to becoming NWA Heavyweight Champion[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 minute Rating: C- (WTF)[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is backstage with Sting - Borash: Sting, last week Christopher Daniels cost you a shot at challenging for the NWA Title, your thoughts? - Sting: Really JB…you want to know what I think… - Borash: Yes. that’s why I as.. - Sting: Daniels is a piece of excrement! Daniels you piece of trash…you want to dress up like me…you want to talk bad about me…well I’m laying this challenge out to you! At Slammiversary I want you Daniels! I want to hurt you! I want to make you bleed! I want to end your career! So Fallen Angel if you have the guts then at Slammiversary…It’s Showtime Folks! - Sting walks off - Borash: Strong words from The Stinger[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- The music of The LAX hits The Impact Zone - Out comes Homicide, Hernandez, and Psychosis…and Homicide has Christy Hemme - He’s dragging her out by her hair - Tenay: Konnan isn’t here tonight, but The LAX is still just as vicious…what do they want with Christy Hemme? - Homicide motions for Hernandez to get something - Hernandez gets a table - Tenay: Oh My God! They wouldn’t… - Taz: Yes they would Mike, and it looks like they are - Psychosis and Homicide set up the table in the ring - Hernandez picks Christy up and goes to the top rope - Tenay: What a cowardly act…someone get out here - The music of Basham and Damaja hits The Impact Zone - The run down the ramp in a hurry! - They begin taking the fight to Homicide and Psychosis - Hernandez still has Christy - BORDER TOSS THROUGH A TABLE - The crowd begins to chant Holy **** - Tenay: Oh My God! We need medical out here now! Christy’s neck may be broken - LAX flee the ringside area with smiles on their faces - Tenay: Things just got a lot more personal between these two teams.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 5 minutes Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is backstage with Kurt Angle - Borash: Kurt last week Mick Foley agreed to a match with you at Slammiversary. It’s going to be you Kurt Angle against Mick Foley in a Music City Massacre Match. Kurt can you tell us what is a Music City Massacre Match. - Angle: It’s quite simple JB, two men, no rules, one winner. The only way to win is to make your opponent submit or knock him out. JB I’ve never given up! I won a gold medal with a broken freaking’ neck, so Foley won’t be a problem for me. Foley! At Slammiversary you better make sure you have life insurance, because your family is going to need it after I’m through with you! It’s Real…It’s Damn Real! - Borash: It’s an intense night here on Impact let’s take you to the ring[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 minutes Rating: B[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Hardcore Match Mick Foley vs. Shark Boy[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Foley comes to the ring with a chair - Shark Boy never stood a chance in this one - Shark Boy hits Mick and Foley laughs at him - Foley begins a barrage of offense on Shark Boy - He hits him with 8 chair shots in the match - Foley hits the double arm DDT - Mick locks in The Mandible Claw and Shark Boy taps - Tenay: Foley is possessed! - Taz: I’ve never seen Foley so focused in my life. - Tenay: It won’t be pretty at Slammiversary when Foley and Angle get in the ring together[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Mick Foley Time: 3:39 Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- Backstage Alex Shelley walks up to Chris Sabin - Shelley: Chris what up homeboy! - Sabin: Nothing much Alex just sitting around. I haven’t been booked to wrestle since I lost my belt - Shelley: That’ exactly why I’m here! - Sabin: Really? - Shelley: Really my friend…we’ve both been abused and underused by management. So I propose that we team up. You watch my back, I’ll watch yours, and we take over the tag division! - Sabin: Sounds good…lets’ do it bro! - Shelley: The Motor City Machine Guns rise again! - The two partners shake hands[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- BREAK THE WALLS DOWN! - Jericho makes his way to the ring - Jericho has a mic - Jericho: TNA is JERICHO!!! Tonight you will all witness the in-ring debut of the man who will take the World Title away from The Instant **** Christian Cage - Taz: Can you say that on TV - Tenay: I don’t think so - Jericho: First though I’ve got to defeat his man servant Tomko…so big boy why don’t you get out here so I can beat your *** and go home![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]KOTM Qualifier “The Lionheart” Chris Jericho vs. Tomko[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Tomko comes to the ring - Jericho flies over the top and nails Tomko as the bell rings - Jericho dominates the opening minutes of the match - Christian Cage has come to ringside along with Joey Matthews and AJ Styles - Styles distracts the referee while Cage and Matthews get in the ring and assault Y2J - They pull Tomko on top of Jericho and Styles gets the ref to turn around - 1…….2………..KICKOUT - The Christian Coalition is shocked - Tomko goes to pick Y2J up but Jericho nails him with and Enziguri - Lionsault - 1…….2……….3! - Jericho is going to Slammiversary[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Chris Jericho Time: 8:27 Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Cage, Styles, Matthews and Tomko begin to beat down on Jericho - All of a sudden Samoa Joe and Scott Steiner run out from the back - Joe and Steiner clear the ring - Tenay: What an Impact! The Christian Coalition has been cleared from the ring…folks I can’t wait to see what happens next week! We’ll see you then![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 minutes Rating: B-[/U] [U]Show Rating: C- Notes: I think this show might have hurt our popularity overall TV Rating: 15.29[/U] [/SIZE]
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/BannerWWE.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Today WWE increased the size of their roster by signing TNA star Simon Diamond. Simon had not been used by TNA for some time so they don't consider it a big loss. Today WWE has also signed Ricky Banderas and Danny Doring to written contracts.[/SIZE]
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TnaWeb2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]The Jeff Jarrett Partner Poll You vote and decide who Jeff Jarrett's partner will be when he faces off against Roode Inc. at Slammiversary. Vote as many times as you want! Brother Devon Brother Ray Brother Runt "Wildcat" Chris Harris Chase Stevens Andy Douglas "The X Division Pioneer" Jerry Lynn "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams "The War Machine" Rhino Ron "The Truth" Killings "The Warrior" Senshi Shark Boy Get your votes in today![/SIZE]
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[SIZE="2"]OOC: Since we have a tie for the picks contest both men will get to select 4 men from the roster list that I PM them and those two teams will go head to head at Slammiversary! Since Nick got his picks in first he will select the first team.[/SIZE]
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/BannerWWE.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]In a strange turn of events, just one day after signing Simon Diamon the WWE have released him. Today the WWE also signed Chris Hero, PJ "Justin Credible" Polaco, Sean O'Haire, and Nora "Molly Holly" Greenwald to contracts.[/SIZE]
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[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]WWE Week In Review[/SIZE][/COLOR] [U][COLOR="red"]RAW Allstate Arena 7,473[/U] Torrie Wilson against Mickie James NO CONTEST C- Murdoch def. JTG, Cade, and Venis D+ Kenny Dykstra def. Masters to retain the WWE IC Title C- Victoria def. Maria to retain the WWE Women's Title D+ Rated RKO def. The Hardy Boyz B- John Cena def. Umaga to retain the WWE Heavyweight Title Overall Show Rating C+[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="Purple"]ECW Tokyo Korakuen Hall 3,796[/U] The Sandman def. Mike Knox E+ Marcus Cor Von def. Elijah Burke E Kenny and Lashley def. Nitro and Carlito D- RVD def. Ric Flair D+ Overall D[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Smackdown Tokyo Korakuen Hall 4,461[/U] Domino def. Deuce E Chavo def. Scotty 2 Hotty to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Title D- Finlay def. Gregory Helms D Brian Kendrick def. Matt Striker E+ Benoit def. Regal to retain the WWE US Title C Undertaker def. Ken and Kane to retain the WWE World Heavyweight Title Overall Rating D+[/COLOR] ========================================================== WWE continues to get bad ratings in Japan...one has to wonder why they are still going over there so much?
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