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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TnaWebcopy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Impact Preview[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE="3"]Tonight on Impact, The Victory Road Tournament continues! This week "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe faces off against one half of the TNA Tag Team Champions "The Notorious 187" Homicide. The winner of this match will advance to the semi-finals and will face Rhino at Victory Road. Last week we learned that AJ Styles will defend his TNA World Heavyweight Title at Victory Road against...CHRIS JERICHO! This match has been a dream match of many fans, the two competitors will be on hand at Impact so things could get interesting. Abyss has been plagued by James Mitchell for a long time. Abyss has been out of action for over two months. This Thursday, Abyss returns to the ring against Christian Coalition member, Joey Matthews. Will James Mitchell be watching? Last week Mick Foley issued a challenge to Kurt Angle. At Victory Road Mick Foley wants Kurt Angle in a Barbed Wire Massacre match. This week Mike Tenay will talk to Kurt Angle via satellite to get his response. Also The Motor City Machine Guns take on the team of "Wildcat" Chris Harris and "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams, plus Shadow of Serotonin goes head to head with Sharkboy![/SIZE][/CENTER]
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Quick Picks Victory Road Tournament Quarterfinal Match "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe vs. "The Notorious 187" Homicide w/Konnan "The Monster" Abyss vs. Joey Matthews The Motor City Machine Guns vs. "Wildcat" Chris Harris and "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams w/Gail Kim Shadow w/Raven vs. Sharkboy Tie Breaker: Who pins who in the tag match Prize: Winner gets to name the team of Harris and Williams Results should be up later today so make your picks now!!!
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"[B]The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe [/B]vs. "The Notorious 187" Homicide w/Konnan [B]"The Monster" Abyss[/B] vs. Joey Matthews The Motor City Machine Guns vs. "[B]Wildcat" Chris Harris and "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams w/Gail Kim[/B] [B]Shadow w/Raven [/B]vs. Sharkboy Tie Breaker: Who pins who in the tag match. Harris pins Shelley Prize: Winner gets to name the team of Harris and Williams
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[FONT=Arial Black]Samoa Joe [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]vs Homicide[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black]Abyss [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]vs Joey Mathews[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black]Shadow w/Raven [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]vs Sharkboy[/FONT] The Motor City Machine Guns vs [FONT=Arial Black]Chris Harris & Petey Williams[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][/FONT] Tie Breaker: Harris pins Sabin
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Victory Road Tournament Quarterfinal Match [B]"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe[/B] vs. "The Notorious 187" Homicide w/Konnan [B]"The Monster" Abyss[/B] vs. Joey Matthews The Motor City Machine Guns vs. [B]"Wildcat" Chris Harris and "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams w/Gail Kim[/B] [B]Shadow w/Raven[/B] vs. Sharkboy Tie Breaker: Chris Harris pins Alex Shelley Prize: Winner gets to name the team of Harris and Williams
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[B]Samoa Joe [/B]over Homicide [B]Matthews[/B] over Abyss Due to some kind of Mitchell involvement [B]Machine Guns[/B] over Harris & Williams Shelley pins Petey [B]Shadow[/B] over Sharkboy I lreally ike your prediction/prize contest, If you dont mind, I think I'm going to do something similar to see if I can actually get some feedback on my diary
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[U][/U][CENTER][CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Live From The Impact Zone with 1,000 Fans In Attendance[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B][B][U][COLOR="Red"]Shadow w/Raven vs. Sharkboy[/COLOR][/U][/B][/B] [QUOTE]- Impact starts and we go straight to the ring! - Last time we saw Shadow he was being beaten down by him manager, Raven - Sharkboy is the resident TNA whipping boy - This one wasn’t even close! - Sharky was beaten down from the time the bell rang - Shadow nails a big boot followed by a Pump Handle Slam for the W![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Shadow Time: 4 Minutes ~ 1:31 Match Time Rating: D[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage to see Samoa Joe stepping out of a car - Tenay: Later tonight Samoa Joe takes on Homicide of LAX in a Victory Road Tournament Match![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- The camera cuts to Mike Tenay sitting at the announce table - Tenay: At Slammiversary Kurt Angle faced off against Mick Foley in a Music City Massacre match. Angle was beaten mercilessly by Foley and was admitted to the Nashville General Hospital, he has been in the ICU for a week and is just now beginning to recover. Tonight we have Kurt Angle via satellite to speak to us…Kurt are you there - Angle: I’m here Mike. - Tenay: Let me start off by saying that it is great to see you recovering from that vicious match you had with Mick Foley. - Angle: Thank you Mike. - Tenay: Kurt, you won that match, however it was because Mick Foley pulled your unconscious body on top of his to give you the win. Kurt do you feel like you won that match? - Angle: No! I was bleeding badly…I had to have twenty-five stitches in my head…my neck injuries were reaggrivated…no I felt like I was going to die after that match. - Tenay: And you almost did. Kurt you have been in ICU for over a week now, have you been able to look at the tape from Impact last week? - Angle: No, I haven’t had a chance to yet Mike, why? - Tenay: Well…Kurt…Mick Foley had some strong words for you last week…here take a look (THE VIDEO FROM LAST WEEK PLAYS) - Foley: We are animals Jeremy! Kurt Angle is a wounded animal! An animal that I intend to kill! - Borash: Isn’t that a bit extreme? - Foley: I AM THE KING OF EXTREME JEREMY!!! I’VE BLED FOR THIS SPORT!!! I’VE BEEN BLOWN UP FOR THIS SPORT!!! WHAT HAS KURT ANGLE DONE! - Borash: Well he is a multi-time former world champion. - Foley: You see Jeremy that’s where you’re missing it…this isn’t about wins and losses…this isn’t about championships…this is about respect! And Kurt Angle I have no respect for you! You’ve pissed on this business! When you were supposed to be promoting wrestling, you’ve promoted your non-existent MMA career! You’ve talked about how you want to be in the UFC…**** the UFC! - Borash: You can’t say that on TV! - Foley: I just did ***hole! Kurt I know you’re in a hospital right now nursing your wounds…Kurt…I am going to destroy you! I am going to beat some respect for this business into you! Kurt Angle…I am challenging you…at Victory Road…you…me…BARBED WIRE MASSACRE!!! If….you have the testicular fortitude!!! (THE VIDEO ENDS) - Tenay: Your thoughts Kurt? - Angle: I thought this was over…I thought that Foley would be happy. Foley you say this isn’t about wins and losses…well you’re right…you aren’t worth me losing my career or my life over. - Tenay: What are you saying Kurt? - Angle: I’m done with Foley…I refuse his challenge at Victory Road…this interview is over![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 5 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- A camera cuts backstage and Chris Jericho gets out of a limo - AJ Styles walks into the picture - The Champion and Challenger are nose to nose - AJ extends his hand… - Styles: May the best man win! - Jericho shakes his hand and the two walk off together[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- Sting is in the back in his interview area - Sting: Fallen Angel! You won at Slammiversary, but you didn’t beat me! The ref stopped the match because I passed out! I will never submit to you! I will never be pinned by you! Daniels! This isn’t over!!! You will be stung by The Stinger!!! But right now my eyes are on the prize The Victory Road Tournament! Next week I have my quarterfinal match. I don’t know who I will be facing, but be rest assured next week….IT’S SHOWTIME FOLKS!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Chris Harris and Petey Williams[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- The last time we saw The MCMG’s their team was on the winning end at Slammiversary - Harris and Williams have just begun to team together - A good back and forth match with lots of action - Harris capitalized on his strength and gained control of the match - The Wildcat worked Sabin over in the corner allowing for quick tags in and out for the team of Williams and Harris - Sabin was finally able to get a tag to Shelley following at huge enziguri on Wildcat - Shelley and Petey are the legal men - Shelley rolls Williams up…he has the tights - 1…..2……3! - The Motor City Machine Guns steal this one![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: The Motor City Machine Guns Time: 11 Minutes ~ 8:35 Match Time Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage - Borash: This is “JB” Jeremy Borash standing by with the man who tonight will compete in a quarterfinal match in The Victory Road Tournament! What are you thinking heading into this match tonight Joe? - Joe: What am I thinking? I’m thinking Chris Jericho doesn’t deserve a shot at AJ Styles and his belt! I’ve beaten Styles on more than one occasion! I was unstoppable for over seventeen months in TNA! I had Christian Cage beat for that belt! Now Chris Jericho gets to walk in here and take my title shot! It’s not right! But whether it is AJ Styles or Chris Jericho…know this…I’m coming for what is mine! Tonight in the Victory Road tournament match…HOMICIDE!!! YOU WILL…BE BROKEN!!!! - Borash: That’s coming up in your main event “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe versus “The Notorious 187” Homicide right here on TNA Impact![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- The Christian Coalition Is Backstage - Cage: Foley! You need to do something to make Angle accept that match with you! I want him out of TNA! With him gone that’s one less person I have to worry about getting in my way of winning the TNA World Heavyweight Title! - Foley: You got it boss…I’ll think of something! - Cage: Joey! Tonight you have a chance to get the biggest win of your career! You can defeat “The Monster” Abyss! Embarrass him! - Matthews: I won’t let you down Christian! - Cage: You better not! AJ Styles let me down look what happened to him! - Foley: He won the title??? - Cage: Well…that too…but he is without the help of a great mentor like me! - Matthews: That’s true! - Foley: Hey boss! - Cage: What Foley? - Foley: How’s everything going with the insurance policy? - (Cage smiles really big) - Cage: Oh…everything is a go![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]“The Monster” Abyss vs. Joey Matthews[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Abyss returns to the ring tonight! - Joey Matthews is looking to drive Abyss out of TNA - Abyss comes out on fire and sends Matthews retreating - Matthews allows the refs count to get to 9 before re-entering the ring - Abyss bulrushes him as he gets back in the ring and continues to beat him down - Crowd: OOOOOHHHHH OOOHHH OH ABYSS! - Tenay: Abyss appears to be distracted by the cheers of the crowd! - Taz: I don’t think he’s used to them Mike! - This distraction allows Matthews to take control of the match with a low blow - Matthews begins to work the leg of Abyss - Taz: He’s chopping the big man down - Tenay: Great strategy by Matthews - Matthews runs off the ropes…BLACKHOLE SLAM!!! - Tenay: Abyss came out of nowhere with that move! - 1….2…..3! - Tenay: Abyss is back and he’s better than ever![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Abyss Time: 10 Minutes ~ 8:07 Match Time Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Tajiri and Kensuke Sasaki come sprinting to the ring! - Tajiri nails Abyss with the chair! - Kensuke Sasaki nails him with one as well - James Mitchell comes walking to the ring - Tajiri and Sasaki are putting the boots to Abyss - Mitchell has a microphone! - Mitchell: Abyss you should have stayed at home! At Victory Road you are going to face Kensuke Sasaki one on one! - Tenay: What a huge match! Two strong guys locking it up…I can’t wait to see that - Taz: I bet you can’t…….. - Tenay: Huh?[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- A video plays hyping Konnan, Homicide, Hernandez, and Psychosis…THE LAX!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Victory Road Tournament Quarterfinal Match “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe vs. “The Notorious 187” Homicide w/Konnan[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Joe is still in pursuit of the one thing that he craves…The TNA World Heavyweight Title - Homicide is already wrestling in one match at Victory Road…if we wins he’ll pull double duty - These two men waste no time and begin to exchange huge blows! - The two men brawl for the next three minutes - Tenay: This may already be the stiffest match in the history of Impact! - Joe goes off the ropes…Konnan nails him in the back - The ref saw it - Rudy Charles just ejected Konnan from ringside! - The fans cheer loudly in support - Tenay: Now we’ll get a clear winner! - Homicide doesn’t waste any time taking it to Joe - Cide nails a top rope elbow drop - 1……2……KICKOUT - Tenay: Joe just barely kicked out of that one! - Cide puts the boots to Joe! - Cide picks Joe up…T-BONE SUPLEX - 1…….2…..KICKOUT! - Tenay: Joe just won’t stay down! - “The Notorious 187” picks Joe up…GRINGO KILLA!!! - Tenay: This has got to be it… - 1……2………………..KICKOUT!!! - Taz: What does he have to do to keep Joe down!? - Crowd: THIS IS AWESOME!!! THIS IS AWESOME!!! THIS IS AWESOME!!! - Homicide goes to pick Joe up… - Joe explodes nailing rights and lefts - Homicide is backed into the corner - Huge kicks landed by Samoa Joe - Joe sits Cide on the top rope - MUSCLE BUSTER!!! - Tenay: We all know what that leads to…THE CLUTCH! - Joe has it locked in deep! - Homicide is trying to hang on… - Cide taps! - Tenay: Samoa Joe advances to the semi-finals of The Victory Road tournament! Now we’re going to take you backstage where Eric Bischoff is standing by.[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Samoa Joe Time: 15 Minutes ~ 12:38 Match Time Rating: A*[/U] [QUOTE]- Bischoff: Matches like that are the reason that we are having this tournament! The competition in TNA is great! Samoa Joe now advances to face Rhino at Victory Road with the winner of that match facing the winner of the other semi-final match later in the night. Next week one more semi-finalist will be decided when “The Icon” Sting goes one on one with……………………………………….. “THE INSTANT CLASSIC” Christian Cage! Cage you better be ready because next week…It’s Showtime! - Tenay: What a huge match Sting versus Christian next week right here on Impact! [/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] Final Rating: B TV Rating: 18.01
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Well, since I just got my picks in before you posted the show and am still on the boards... My review thoughts are: I love the vicious Mick Foley, his promo kind of reminds me of his promo from his ECW Cactus jack days Joe is right in his promo and that sets up for things down the line with Jericho Shelley gets the pin on Petey, just like I thought... Motor City Machine Guns are by far my favorite tag team Looking forward to the icon Sting v "Instant Classic" CHristian Cage... BTW I haven't seen much of TNA recently... Did you come up with "Instant CLassic" If so, thats great? Almost right with Abyss/Matthews match... I thought Mitchel was going to cost Abyss the match, but this makes more sense in establishing him again... BTW I like Tajiri & Sasake with Mithcell I just love the fact that Joe & Homicide bust out an A* match, being that I'm a huge ROH mark and I love but hate seeing them in (real life TNA) here we get to see what their made of
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I'm going to be doing a "diary interview" you (the reader) gets to be the reporter! Ask whatever questions you would like about booking, talent, storylines, misuse of talents, etc. and I (the booker) will answer them in an "internet" interview! Just PM me your questions with the title "A New Era Questions" I look forward to answering all your questions! No subject is off limits and ALL questions will be answered! The deadline for submitting questions is 10pm on Saturday!
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/InternetPg.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="red"]IMPACT MATCHES![/COLOR] TNA Victory Road Tournament Quarterfinal Match "The Icon" Sting vs. "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage "The Lionheart" Chris Jericho vs. Chris Sabin The Can-Am Connection (Petey Williams & Chris Harris) and "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal vs. Roode Inc. and "THE" Austin Starr Ron "The Truth" Killings vs. Havok Tie Breaker: Who pins who in the six man tag match PRIZE: Name A Victory Road Match
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TNA Victory Road Tournament Quarterfinal Match "The Icon" Sting vs. [B]"The Instant Classic" Christian Cage[/B] [B]"The Lionheart" Chris Jericho[/B] vs. Chris Sabin The Can-Am Connection (Petey Williams & Chris Harris) and "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal vs. [B]Roode Inc. and "THE" Austin Starr[/B] Ron "The Truth" Killings vs. [B]Havok[/B] Tie Breaker: Who pins who in the six man tag match [B]Starr pins Harris[/B]
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TNA Victory Road Tournament Quarterfinal Match "The Icon" Sting vs. [B]"The Instant Classic" Christian Cage[/B] [B]"The Lionheart" Chris Jericho[/B] vs. Chris Sabin The Can-Am Connection (Petey Williams & Chris Harris) and "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal vs. [B]Roode Inc. and "THE" Austin Starr[/B] [B]Ron "The Truth" Killings[/B] vs. Havok Tie Breaker: Robert Roode pins Petey Williams
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TNA Victory Road Tournament Quarterfinal Match "The Icon" Sting vs. [B]"The Instant Classic" Christian Cage[/B] [B]"The Lionheart" Chris Jericho[/B] vs. Chris Sabin [B]The Can-Am Connection (Petey Williams & Chris Harris) and "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal[/B] vs. Roode Inc. and "THE" Austin Starr [B]Ron "The Truth" Killings[/B] vs. Havok Tie Breaker: petey williams pins austin starr
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TNA Victory Road Tournament Quarterfinal Match "The Icon" Sting vs. [B]"The Instant Classic" Christian Cage[/B] [B]"The Lionheart" Chris Jericho[/B] vs. Chris Sabin The Can-Am Connection (Petey Williams & Chris Harris) and "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal vs. [B]Roode Inc. and "THE" Austin Starr[/B] [B]Ron "The Truth" Killings[/B] vs. Havok Tie Breaker: Robert Roode pins Chris Harris
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TNA Victory Road Tournament Quarterfinal Match [B]"The Icon" Sting [/B]vs. "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage [B]"The Lionheart" Chris Jericho[/B] vs. Chris Sabin [B]The Can-Am Connection (Petey Williams & Chris Harris) and "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal[/B] vs. Roode Inc. and "THE" Austin Starr [B]Ron "The Truth" Killings[/B] vs. Havok Tie Breaker: Who pins who in the six man tag match Lethal pins THE austin Starr
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[U][/U][CENTER][CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Live From The Impact Zone with 1,000 Fans In Attendance[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]- The music of Mick Foley hits and he makes his way to the ring - Tenay: Mick Foley absolutely disgusts me! - Taz: I think he’s awesome! - Tenay: You would Taz! - Foley gets in the ring and grabs a microphone - Foley: So Kurt…you refused my challenge…well let me say this…YOU JUST MADE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF YOUR PITIFUL LIFE! Kurt I’m going to hurt someone! Since I can’t hurt Kurt Angle…I figured…why not hurt your brother Eric Angle! Watch this! - Some footage begins to play from an independent wrestling show in Pittsburgh. Eric Angle has just won a match and Mick Foley runs out from the back! He nails Eric with a chair multiple times while screaming “blame your brother”! Foley goes under the ring and gets a barbed wire wrapped bat! Foley beats Eric Angle mercilessly until his face is covered in blood. - Foley: Kurt that blood is on your hands! Kurt all you had to do was accept the challenge! All you had to do was say yes…but you didn’t so now you have forced my hand! Kurt Angle you have one week to accept my challenge for a Barbed Wire Massacre Match at Victory Road…if you don’t…well…I think you can guess what might happen! - Tenay: Foley is absolutely insane! I can’t believe he would do that to Kurt Angle’s family! - Taz: I’m actually going to have to agree with you Mike, Mick Foley is taking this to far. - Tenay: I wouldn’t want to be in Kurt Angle’s shoes right now.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage to see Sting arriving at the building - Tenay: Tonight Sting faces off against Christian Cage in a Victory Road Tournament Match in our main event![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/U] [B][COLOR="Red"][U]Havok w/Raven vs. Ron “The Truth” Killings[/U][/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE]- Ron Killings is a former world champ who is looking to get back on the winning path - Havok is under the guidance of the maniacal Raven - Truth dominates the match - Killings hits the Scissors Kick - Raven distracts the ref not allowing him to count the pin fall - Martyr, Kaz and Shadow come from the crowd and attack Killings - Shadow hits the Pump Handle Slam!!! - Kaz pulls Havok on top of Killings - Raven shows the ref - 1….2….3! - Havok steals the victory[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Havok Time: 6 Minutes ~ 3:50 Match Time Rating: D[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Serotonin destroy Killings - Raven hits repeated Evenflow DDT’s on Killings - Shadow nails him with the Singapore Cane several times as well[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D-[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage with Jeremy Borash - Borash: I’m standing here with one of the participants for the main event tonight, Christian Cage. Christian we’ve heard you talk the past couple of weeks about a secret weapon The Christian Coalition have…what is the secret weapon? - Cage: Not what……..but whom………… - Christian smiles at Borash and walks off leaving Jeremy with a puzzled look on his face[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- Kevin Nash is backstage with Jay Lethal who isn’t in his Black Machismo gear - Nash: Come on Jay put the gear on… - Lethal: NO! - Nash: It’s who you are! - Lethal: No I’m not! I’m “The Lethal Weapon” Jay Lethal…I’m not Randy freaking’ Savage - Nash: Yes you are I bought the rights from Savage…..he was cheap….I gave him a sandwich; he gave me the rights to the Macho Man character. - Lethal: I don’t think you understand Kev…this isn’t who I am! I can’t do it anymore! - Nash: Look Jay…this is your last chance…put the **** gear on…NOW! - Lethal: I’m already dressed! I’m not putting that retarded outfit on ever again! - Nash gets mad and grabs Lethal - Nash: Listen here you little prick! I made you! I am the reason that you are X Division Champ right now! The same way I made you…I can break you! If you walk out that door without the Black Machismo gear…then you are making a HUGE MISTAKE! - Lethal punches Nash right in the jaw knocking the big man backwards! - Lethal: LISTEN HERE YOU EGO INFLATED POMPOUS JACKASS! DON’T YOU EVER THREATEN ME AGAIN! I AM JAY LETHAL…AND I’M YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE! - Lethal leaves the room and Nash is fuming with anger![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [U][B][COLOR="red"]The Can-Am Connection (Williams & Harris) & “The Lethal Weapon” Jay Lethal vs. Roode Inc. w/Ms. Brooks & So Cal Val & “THE” Austin Starr[/COLOR][/B][/U] [QUOTE]- A fast paced match that had a lot of quick tags in and out of the ring - This is the first match that Jay Lethal has wrestled as himself in a long time - Lethal and Starr will go one on one for the X Division Title at Victory Road - At the end of the match the Can-Am Connection and Roode Inc. begin to go at it - Starr and Lethal are the legal men going at it in the ring - The ref goes outside trying to restore order and get Roode Inc. & The Can-Am Connection back in the ring - Kevin Nash comes out from the back - Nash is heading towards the ring with a look of determination - Lethal doesn’t see him coming - Nash spins Lethal around - Boot to the gut……..JACKNIFE!!!! - Nash leaves the ring - Starr goes up top - 450 SPLASH!!! - The ref is back in the ring - 1……2……3! - Tenay: You could have counted to fifty, Jay Lethal wasn’t getting up! - Taz: I think Jay Lethal has just awoken a sleeping giant![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: “THE” Austin Starr & Roode Inc. Time: 11 Minutes ~ 9:20 Match Time Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Chris Sabin is warming up backstage - Alex Shelley walks up - Shelley: Chris! My brother! Huge match tonight! You go one on one with “The Lionheart” Chris Jericho. Let me tell you Jericho may have the experience advantage, but we have youth! Let me tell you when I was wrestling as Super Calo back in WCW I wrestled Chris Jericho many times…heck I beat Jericho at least fifty times, let me tell you…you are way better than him! Go get em’ Chris![/QUOTE] [U] Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- James Mitchell is backstage with Kensuke Sasaki standing beside him - Mitchell: Abyss I just got word from Eric Bischoff that it is on at Victory Road, you will face off against Kensuke Sasaki! Abyss you have never faced a competitor like this! Kensuke Sasaki has traveled the world; he’s beat everyone there is to beat! Abyss he will see to it that you never step foot in a wrestling ring again! - Sasaki says some things in Japanese - Mitchell: CLICK! DOOMSDAY![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Borash: This is Jeremy Borash standing with me is the man who will face AJ Styles for the TNA World Heavyweight Title at Victory Road, Chris Jericho. Chris tonight you face Chris Sabin what are your thoughts? - Jericho: TNA IS JERICHO! Let me tell you Jeremy tonight Chris Sabin will just be like the zit that I had on *** earlier this week…I will eradicate him! Sabin you made a mistake when you asked Eric Bischoff for this match. Tonight you will find out what it feels like to be trapped in the Walls of Jericho! AJ Styles I hope you are getting that belt shined up real good…real pretty because at Victory Road I’m going to take it from you![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- AJ Styles walks up to Chris Jericho - Styles: Hey Chris! I just wanted to wish you good luck in your match tonight. If Shelley tries to get involved just know that I have your back - Styles and Jericho shake hands[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]“The Lionheart” Chris Jericho vs. Chris Sabin w/Alex Shelley[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Chris Jericho will go one on one with AJ Styles at Victory Road - The Motor City Machine Guns have been on a roll as of late - Sabin and Jericho showed great chemistry together - These guys engaged in a great back and forth match - Alex Shelley tried to get involved several times’ - Jericho hits a huge suicide dive to the outside - Jericho throws Sabin in the ring - He goes off the ropes LIONSAULT! - 1……2……3![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Chris Jericho Time: 11 Minutes ~ 9:10 Match Time Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- Jericho is celebrating when Shelley nails him from behind - Shelley and Sabin are beating Jericho down - Tenay: Here comes AJ Styles with a chair! - Styles nails Shelley and Sabin with the chair! - Tenay: Styles made good on his promise! He was watching Jericho’s back![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- Backstage The LAX attack Andy Douglas! - Douglas is without his tag partner and they took advantage of it - Homicide takes the fork to Douglas’ head and busts him open - Hernandez hits the Border Toss into a concrete wall - Andy Douglas appears to be hurt![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- A video plays showing the history between Christian Cage and Sting[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Victory Road Tournament Quarterfinal Match “The Icon” Sting vs. “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Sting comes out on fire nailing Cage with rights and lefts - Cage retreats to the outside but is greeted by a big splash from Sting! - Sting dominates Cage for the next several minutes - Christian gets a low blow and is able to get the upper hand - Cage begins to work over Sting’s leg - Christian hits the Unprettier! - Cage is showboating to the crowd! - Sting pops right up! - Tenay: When Christian Cage turns around he is in for a shock! - Sting whoos in Cage’s face and begins unloading on him! - Cage is in the corner… - Sting whoos to the crowd - Tenay: That woman just jumped the rail and handed something to Christian Cage - Sting runs in - Stinger Splash! - Sting falls backwards and Cage falls on top of him! - 1……2……3! - Tenay: Christian must have hit Sting with what that woman handed him![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Christian Cage Time: 10 Minutes ~ 7:33 Match Time Rating: A[/U] [QUOTE]- The woman gets in the ring with Cage - Tenay: That’s not just any woman! - Taz: Oh my God is that who I think it is? - Christian grabs a microphone - Christian: Allow me to introduce to you…my secret weapon…the sexiest woman alive…my girlfriend…TRISH STRATUS!!! - Tenay: Trish Stratus is in TNA and she’s part of The Christian Coalition[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B[/U] [U]Show Rating: B TV Rating: 18.10[/U]
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