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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/INTERNETTEMPLATEVictoryRoad.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"][B][I]Victory Road Card[/I][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="blue"][SIZE="4"]TNA Heavyweight Title Match "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles (c) vs. "The Lionheart" Chris Jericho TNA Tag Team Title Match The LAX w/Konnan (c) vs. The Naturals w/Cheerleader Melissa TNA X Division Title Match "The Lethal Weapon" Jay Lethal (c) vs. "THE" Austin Starr Victory Road Tournament Finals "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe vs. "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage w/Trish Stratus vs. "The War Machine" Rhino Barbedwire Massacre Match "The Wrestling Machine" Kurt Angle vs. "The Hardcore Legend" Mick Foley "The Icon" Sting vs. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels "The Monster" Abyss vs. Kensuke Sasaki w/Father James Mitchell[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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Victory Road Quick Picks TNA Heavyweight Title Match "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles (c) vs. "The Lionheart" Chris Jericho TNA Tag Team Title Match The LAX w/Konnan (c) vs. The Naturals w/Cheerleader Melissa TNA X Division Title Match "The Lethal Weapon" Jay Lethal (c) vs. "THE" Austin Starr Victory Road Tournament Finals "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe vs. "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage w/Trish Stratus vs. "The War Machine" Rhino Barbedwire Massacre Match "The Wrestling Machine" Kurt Angle vs. "The Hardcore Legend" Mick Foley "The Icon" Sting vs. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels "The Monster" Abyss vs. Kensuke Sasaki w/Father James Mitchell BONUS: Who will be pinned/submitted in the Victory Road Tournament Finals PRIZE: Create and Impact Main Event!
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Victory Road Quick Picks TNA Heavyweight Title Match [B]"The Phenomenal" AJ Styles (c) [/B]vs. "The Lionheart" Chris Jericho TNA Tag Team Title Match [B]The LAX w/Konnan (c) [/B]vs. The Naturals w/Cheerleader Melissa TNA X Division Title Match [B]"The Lethal Weapon" Jay Lethal (c)[/B] vs. "THE" Austin Starr Victory Road Tournament Finals [B]"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe[/B] vs. "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage w/Trish Stratus vs. "The War Machine" Rhino Barbedwire Massacre Match "The Wrestling Machine" Kurt Angle vs.[B] "The Hardcore Legend" Mick Foley[/B] "The Icon" Sting vs. [B]"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels[/B] [B]"The Monster" Abyss[/B] vs. Kensuke Sasaki w/Father James Mitchell BONUS: Rhino PRIZE: Create and Impact Main Event!
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Victory Road Quick Picks TNA Heavyweight Title Match [B]"The Phenomenal" AJ Styles (c)[/B] vs. "The Lionheart" Chris Jericho TNA Tag Team Title Match The LAX w/Konnan (c) vs. [B]The Naturals w/Cheerleader Melissa[/B] TNA X Division Title Match [B]"The Lethal Weapon" Jay Lethal (c)[/B] vs. "THE" Austin Starr Victory Road Tournament Finals "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe vs. [B]"The Instant Classic" Christian Cage w/Trish Stratus[/B] vs. "The War Machine" Rhino Barbedwire Massacre Match [B]"The Wrestling Machine" Kurt Angle[/B] vs. "The Hardcore Legend" Mick Foley "The Icon" Sting vs. [B]"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels[/B] [B]"The Monster" Abyss[/B] vs. Kensuke Sasaki w/Father James Mitchell BONUS: [B]Christian pins Rhyno[/B] PRIZE: Create and Impact Main Event!
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ictory Road Quick Picks TNA Heavyweight Title Match "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles (c) vs. [b]"The Lionheart" Chris Jericho[/b] TNA Tag Team Title Match [b]The LAX w/Konnan (c[/b]) vs. The Naturals w/Cheerleader Melissa TNA X Division Title Match [b]"The Lethal Weapon" Jay Lethal (c)[/b] vs. "THE" Austin Starr Victory Road Tournament Finals "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe vs. "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage w/Trish Stratus vs. [b]"The War Machine" Rhino[/b] Barbedwire Massacre Match [b]"The Wrestling Machine" Kurt Angle[/b] vs. "The Hardcore Legend" Mick Foley [b]"The Icon" Sting[/b] vs. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels [b]"The Monster" Abyss[/b] vs. Kensuke Sasaki w/Father James Mitchell BONUS: Rhyno pins joe
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TNA Heavyweight Title Match "[B]The Phenomenal" AJ Styles (c)[/B] vs. "The Lionheart" Chris Jericho TNA Tag Team Title Match [B]The LAX w/Konnan (c)[/B] vs. The Naturals w/Cheerleader Melissa TNA X Division Title Match "The Lethal Weapon" Jay Lethal (c) vs. [B]"THE" Austin Starr[/B] Victory Road Tournament Finals "[B]The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe [/B]vs. "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage w/Trish Stratus vs. "The War Machine" Rhino Barbedwire Massacre Match [B]"The Wrestling Machine" Kurt Angle[/B] vs. "The Hardcore Legend" Mick Foley "The Icon" Sting vs. [B]"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels[/B] "[B]The Monster" Abyss [/B]vs. Kensuke Sasaki w/Father James Mitchell BONUS: Who will be pinned/submitted in the Victory Road Tournament Finals [B]Rhino[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"][B]TNA VICTORY ROAD 2007[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="blue"]Live From the Impact Zone with 1,000 Fans in Attendance[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE]- The show opens with a video set to the Victory Road Theme Song, “Whispers In The Dark” by Skillet. The video focuses on the TNA Title Match between AJ Styles and Chris Jericho, the Barbed Wire Massacre Match between Mick Foley and Kurt Angle, and the main event Victory Road Tournament Finals featuring Rhino, Samoa Joe, and Christian Cage. [/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- The music of Christian Cage hits the arena! - Cage emerges from the back with Trish Stratus on his arm - Tenay: Christian cheated his way into the Victory Road finals thanks to the she-devil on his arm, Trish Stratus! - Taz: That’s the hottest devil I’ve ever seen! - Christian has a microphone - The crowd is mixed with boos and cheers - Cage: Thank God this is our last show in this suck hole known at the Impact Zone! - The crowd turns on Cage and begins to boo him! - Cage: That’s right after I become the number one contender tonight I will never have to step foot in this god forsaken place again! - Trish has a microphone - Trish: Christian these rednecks are not worthy of looking at me week in and out so it is a good thing that I don’t have to be here anymore…besides if I stayed here I may begin to become as ugly as all these guys girlfriends….wait….they don’t have girlfriends! - The crowd has now totally turned on Cage and Stratus - Crowd: SLUT! SLUT! SLUT! SLUT! SLUT! - Cage: You shut your mouths about my girlfriend! Now onto business! Tonight…The Victory Road finals…I’m facing off against two fat out of shape morons who have a combined IQ of 7! I am the Instant Classic, Captain Charisma, The Main Event, The biggest star in the history of this great sport…and tonight I continue my legacy when I go through those two morons and guarantee my spot in the Bound For Glory main event…then I’ll take what’s rightfully mine…the TNA….Heavyweight…..Championship….of The World! - The crowd boos - Stratus: Cause that’s how he rolls! - The music of Christian hits and he and Trish begin to make out in the ring[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 4 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage to see TNA Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles, arriving at the Impact Zone[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- James Mitchell is standing in the back with Kensuke Sasaki by his side - Mitchell: ABYSS! Tonight your pain will finally be over! You are stepping into the ring with a man that’s even more dangerous than you…Kensuke Sasaki! Sasaki has been destroying people all over the world for years and to him you are just another victim, but you are so much more to me…you are the gnat that is stuck in my house that I can’t manage to kill…you are the rodent that lives in my garage and no matter what I do, I can’t kill you. ABYSS! TONIGHT WE GET THE JOB DONE!!! CLICK! DOOMSDAY!!!!!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C[/U] [COLOR="blue"][U][B]“The Monster” Abyss vs. Kensuke Sasaki w/Father James Mitchell[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Abyss has been dying to get his hands on Mitchell’s new protégés - Mitchell is looking to take Abyss out of TNA - The two men begin to brawl from the opening bell! - Abyss gets the upper hand in the opening minutes - Abyss tries to end it early with a Black hole Slam, but Sasaki slides out of the ring - Tenay: Abyss is a man on a mission and Sasaki looks rattled by the early barrage of offense that “The Monster” is coming at him with! - Abyss takes after Sasaki and begins to beat on him outside the ring - Mitchell cracks Abyss over the head with his cane…it barely phases Abyss - Abyss is now going after Mitchell who is running around the ring - This gives Sasaki time to recover and nail Abyss from behind with a huge clothesline - Sasaki takes control of the match and Abyss appears to be in trouble - Kensuke Sasaki is throwing every move he knows at Abyss, but he continues to get up! - Sasaki throws Abyss off the ropes……ABYSS reverses! - BLACK HOLE SLAM!!! - 1….2…3! - Tenay: What a huge win for Abyss! You can bet he is still looking to get his hands on Father James Mitchell that’s for sure! - Taz: Yeah Abyss may have beat one of Mitchell’s new protégés, but he still hasn’t faced off against Tajiri. - Tenay: I’m sure Abyss would take that match any time…anywhere![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Abyss Time: 11 Minutes ~ 8:48 Match Time Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut to the back where Jeremy Borash is standing by with Mick Foley - Borash: Mick Foley tonight at Victory Road you go one on one with Kurt Angle in Barbed Wire Massacre match! What are your thoughts right now? - Foley: My thoughts are this Jeremy! Kurt you are getting ready to entire my domain once again! I’ve been in matches involving barbed wire with everyone from Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman, Sabu, Edge, Randy Orton, and a bunch of crazy guys from Japan! Kurt Angle you think you’re tough! You think that you have what it takes to beat me! Well guess what Kurt…….you don’t have what it takes to beat me! After the match is over tonight Kurt you will be picking barbs out of your flesh for the next month! I’m going to put you back in the hospital Kurt….and this time….It’s not going to be in ICU…..No…..You’re going to the morgue! HAVE A NICE DAY![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [COLOR="blue"][U][B]6 Man Tag Hardcore Match Serotonin (Raven, Havok, Shadow) vs. Team 3D[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- This match is a bonus match that wasn’t announced before the PPV - A decent hardcore match with a lot of weapons involved! - Raven looked really good and is in much better shape than he was a year ago - The finish comes when Kaz and Martyr come to the ring to make it five on three - Since there is no DQ Serotonin exploits this and destroys Team 3D - The finish comes when Raven Evenflow’s Brother Runt onto a bed of broken glass! - 1…..2….3![/QUOTE]- Serotonin wins in a cheap fashion [U]Winner: Serotonin Time: 11 Minutes ~ 8:24 Match Time Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- After the bell rings Serotonin focus their attacks on D-Von and Ray - They get tables and bring them in the ring - Shadow lays vicious chair shots onto the heads of Team 3D busting them wide open! - Tenay: This is deplorable! - Taz: Normally I like Raven and Serotonin, but I can’t stand watching this be done to my brothers! - Tenay: Well why don’t you do something about it? - Taz: This isn’t the right time Mike…it just isn’t the right time. - In a final blow D-Von and Ray are both put through tables after Raven orders them to be destroyed![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: D+[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is standing by with Kevin Nash - Borash: Kevin Nash you’re partnership with Jay Lethal has appeared to end! Tonight you’re FORMER protégé is defending his title against “THE” Austin Starr. Do you have any thoughts for Jay heading into this match? - Nash: Jay Lethal…you were like the black son that I never had, but you went and threw it all away! I created you…I made you…you’re the X Division Champion because of Kevin Nash. We we’re friends Jay…now we’re enemies! You better be watching your back because Big Sexy is coming for you![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [COLOR="blue"][U][B]TNA X Division Title Match “The Lethal Weapon” Jay Lethal © vs. “THE” Austin Starr[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- These are two of the best X Division athletes in the world - The match starts with a quick wrestling exchange - The crowd claps - Starr extends his hand - Lethal hesitates…. - He shakes it - Starr pulls him in for the clothesline! - Austin is working on the leg of Lethal trying to ground him - Tenay: What! Kevin Nash has just walked onto the ramp; this can’t bode well for Lethal. - Nash walks down to ringside - Starr distracts the ref while Nash chokes Lethal on the ropes - Tenay: Now this isn’t fair! - Taz: It’s amazing if Nash was interfering for Jay Lethal you would think it was fine Tenay! - Starr continues his assault - Starr throws Lethal off the ropes…Huge Yakuza kick by Lethal - Both men are down and Rudy Charles starts the ten count - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - Both men are beginning to move - 5 - 6 - 7 - Jay Lethal is on his knees - 8 - 9 - Lethal and Starr are both up - They’re exchanging punches - Lethal gets the upper hand - LETHAL COMBINATION! - Tenay: We all know what that sets up for…THE LETHAL INJECTION! - While Lethal is getting it set up Kevin Nash gets in the ring - BIG BOOT ON LETHAL! - The ref calls for the bell - Nash picks him up…JACKNIFE! - Tenay: Lethal was getting ready to put Starr away! - Taz: He still wins Tenay; I don’t know what you’re complaining about.[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Via DQ and STILL X Division Champion Jay Lethal Time: 14 Minutes ~ 11:55 Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Kevin Nash helps Starr up and they celebrate for the fans which is greeted by boos[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- A Video plays hyping the rivalry between Christopher Daniels and Sting[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- Sting is in his area backstage at the Impact Zone - Sting: One last time…One last time for these great fans in the Impact Zone! Tonight I will do my best to give you the best match of my life! Whenever I came out of retirement you accepted me! I can still here it now…You Still Got It! You believed in me even when I didn’t, and for that I say thank you. DANIELS! You beat me last month at Slammiversary, but I wasn’t pinned and I didn’t submit! Tonight I can tell you this much my friend…in that ring you will be begging for mercy! Tonight Daniels…IT’S SHOWTIME FOLKS! WWWHHHHHOOOOOOOO!!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [U][B][COLOR="blue"]“The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels vs. “The Icon” Sting[/COLOR][/B][/U] [QUOTE]- The Sting and Daniels rivalry continues tonight - The bell rings and the men go a completely different route from last month and begin to wrestle each other - Daniels is the younger and quicker of the two so he takes an advantage - The Fallen Angel is systematically working over the leg of Sting - Sting begins to use his power advantage and takes control of the match - Sting is favoring his leg that Daniels worked over heavily - The Icon has Daniels in the corner - STINGER SPLASH - followed by….SCORPION DEATH DROP! - Tenay: It looks like Sting is going to beat Daniels right here - 1……2……KICKOUT! - Sting looks frustrated - He whips Daniels back into the corner - He has him mounted in the corner - He’s raining down with punches on Daniels - The Crowd is counting along - 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9 - Sting bites the head of Daniels - The Icon goes to pick The Fallen Angel up…LOW BLOW! - ANGELS WINGS - 1…..2……KICKOUT! - Now Daniels is arguing with the referee - Sting is getting up - Daniels sees it and goes to kick Sting - Sting catches the leg - The Icon trips Daniels - He’s got both of The Fallen Angel’s legs - Sting lock it in….SCORPION DEATHLOCK! - Daniels is screaming in agony! - Sting has got him right in the middle of the ring - Daniels has been in the hold for over two minutes - Sting locks the hold in even deeper and is now sitting on Daniels back - Time continues to pass - Daniels is trying to get out of the hold - He’s trying to power out…he gives out - Tenay: Daniels looks like he’s totally out! - Taz: I’m getting Déjà Vu here Tenay! - The ref goes to check Daniels arm - 1…………. - 2………… - ……………3! - The ref calls for the bell Daniels is out! - Sting begins celebrating, but then notices Daniels is passed out and looks disappointed[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Sting Time: 16 Minutes ~ 13:38 Match Time Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is standing by with Samoa Joe - Borash: Samoa Joe tonight you have a chance to become the number one contender for the TNA Heavyweight Title and go on to the Main Event of Bound For Glory Three! - Joe: Jeremy tonight I begin my ascension to the throne of TNA! Tonight one last time I step into the Impact Zone! Over two years ago I debuted here in this building in that ring out there…tonight…I destroy those in my path! Christian Cage…Rhino…today isn’t your day! It is my destiny to become TNA Heavyweight Champion at Bound For Glory Three and anyone who gets in my way…well…you’ll find out later tonight! I don’t care if it’s AJ Styles or Chris Jericho who win here tonight…just know this…at Bound For Glory…JOE IS GONNA KILL YOU![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- Cheerleader Melissa is backstage with The Naturals by her side - Melissa: LAX tonight your time is over! Our time is now! It’s time for The Naturals to once again become TNA Tag Team Champions! You think you’re the best…you think you’re the baddest…but my boys are going to prove to you tonight that they are the best team in TNA! The pink and black attack is back baby![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: D[/U] [COLOR="blue"][U][B]TNA Tag Team Title Match The LAX © w/Konnan vs. The Naturals w/Cheerleader Melissa[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- The Naturals have been enjoying a resurgence in the tag ranks lately - LAX continue to be dominate - The match starts with Andy Douglas and Homicide - Douglas is on fire! - Tenay: WOW! We haven’t seen The Naturals with this much fire in a long time! - Taz: I’ve never seen them with this fired up! - Andy tags Chase in and Stevens continues where Douglas left off! - Chase nails a big dropkick but Homicide stumbles backwards into a tag to Hernandez - The big man is in the ring - Chase punches him…nothing! - Hernandez doesn’t even move! - Again…nothing! - Again…nothing! - Hernandez grabs Chase by the throat and throws him across the ring! - He picks Stevens up…HUGE CHOPS TO THE CHEST! - Tenay: Hernandez is probably the strongest person on the TNA roster! - Taz: Probably? He definitely is! - Hernandez continues to dominate Chase for the next couple of minutes - Konnan chokes Stevens from the outside - This prompts Cheerleader Melissa to go after Konnan - She nails him with a big kick! - Konnan and Melissa are now fighting - Homicide gets off the apron and grabs her by the hair! - Douglas runs over and hits Homicide from behind - Douglas and Cide are fighting while Konnan and Melissa are fighting as well - Here comes Hernandez……. - FLYING BODY PRESS onto Konnan, Melissa, Homicide, and Douglas - Taz: OH MY GOODNESS!!!! DID YOU SEE THAT TENAY?!?!?!?!?!?!?! - Tenay: You bet I did Taz! Even though I disagree with the tactics of LAX, I must admit they are great athletes! - The pile on the floor takes a minute to get up - Crowd: TNA! TNA! TNA! TNA! TNA! - Chase Stevens gets up in the ring as the pile is getting back up - Stevens goes to the top rope… - SHOOTING STAR PRESS! - Crowd: TNA! TNA! TNA! TNA! TNA! TNA! - The ref begins the ten count as both Stevens and Hernandez are on the outside - 1…2…3…4…5…6…7… - The teams are now up and brawling on the entry way - 8…9…10! - The ref calls for the bell![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: Double Count Out Time: 11 Minutes ~ 8:45 Match Time Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- Tenay: This match may be over but apparently the fight isn’t! - Andy Douglas and Chase Steven nail Homicide with a Natural Disaster on the stage! - Konnan just nailed Melissa with a chair - Douglas and Stevens now have chairs and they are going after Hernandez - It takes 6 shots to put the big man down! - They now notice that Konnan is beating Melissa up and they turn their attention towards him! - The Naturals go after Konnan who runs to the backstage area[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: D+[/U] [QUOTE]- A video is shown of Rhino training for the Victory Road Tournament Finals[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- A Video is shown hyping The Barbed Wire Massacre Match [/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [COLOR="blue"][U][B]Barbed Wire Massacre Match “The Hardcore Legend” Mick Foley vs. “The Wrestling Machine” Kurt Angle[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- These two are dying to get their hands on each other - We are shown the ring ropes have been replaced with barbed wire - Foley’s music hits and he comes walking down the ramp - Angle attacks Foley from behind and the ref rings the bell - Angle and Foley are brawling all around ringside - Neither man is getting the upper hand and both are exchanging wild punches - Angle whips Foley into the guard rail - Kurt goes to splash Foley but he moves causing Kurt’s ribs to come crashing down on the rail - Mick has Kurt by the head and is attempting to rake his head against the bottom strand of barbed wire - Kurt is blocking it - Kurt hits Mick in the gut - The Wrestling Machine just slammed Mick Foley into the barbed wire head first - Foley screams in pain as blood begins to trickle down his face - Angle rolls Foley in the ring - Tenay: Here is where it will get interesting! - Taz: These guys are now surrounded by six sides of barbed wire! - Angle goes to irish whip Foley into the ropes but it is reversed and Angle goes into the barbed wire! - Tenay: It’s a good thing Kurt Angle is wearing a shirt or that would have even been worse! - The Hardcore Legend rips Angle’s shirt off and throws him in again! - Taz: It just got worse! - Foley is a man possessed and he goes under the ring and pulls out a barbed wire wrapped bat - Mick Foley nails Kurt Angle right in the head with the bat! - Tenay: This is sheer brutality! - Both Angle and Foley are bleeding profusely from the head - Foley punches Angle…blocked - Again…blocked - Kurt Angle has turned this match around as he begins to pummel Foley - Angle whips Foley into the barbed wire - CLOTHESLINE OVER THE TOP! - Crowd: HOLY ****! HOLY ****! HOLY ****! HOLY ****! - Tenay: I’ve never seen anything like that in my life! - Angle and Foley are both lying on the outside - Angle gets up and slides a barbed wire board into the ring - Tenay: That board is at least six feet and wide and eight feet long - Kurt slides Mick in the ring - Angle is taunting to the crowd - Tenay: I think he’s going to go for the Olympic Slam - Angle picks Foley up and takes him to the corner - Taz: What’s he doing here? - Angle sets Foley on the top turnbuckles with his back facing the ring - Tenay: I think he’s setting up for a Super Olympic Slam onto the barbed wire! - Angle climbs up top… - ELBOW! To Angle’s jay - ANOTHER… - ANOTHER… - Angle looks wobbly - Foley turns around - He punches Angle again - The Hardcore Legend hooks Angle’s arms - SUPER DOUBLE ARM DDT ONTO THE BARBED WIRE BOARD!!! - Tenay: OH MY GOD! - Crowd: HOLY ****! HOLY ****! HOLY ****! HOLY ****! - Taz: He’s still got to make the cover - Foley rolls on top of Angle - 1…….2…….3! - Tenay: Foley just picked up the win![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Mick Foley Time: 22 Minutes ~ 15:42 Match Time Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Foley takes a minute to recover and get to his feet - Crowd: THAT WAS AWEOME! THAT WAS AWESOME! - Angle is recovering as well - Foley has propped himself up on the corner - Angle is up to his feet - The Wrestling Machine attacks Mick Foley - Tenay: What is he doing? - Angle hits Foley with a Release German Suplex onto the barbed wire board! - Taz: That was brutal - Angle picks Foley up and throws him out of the ring! - Angle follows and rolls the mats on the outside back - Tenay: The concrete floor is exposed! - Angle picks Foley up… - PILEDRIVER ONTO THE FLOOR - Tenay: Oh My God! Mick Foley may be paralyzed! - Taz: I can tell you this much Tenay…this isn’t over yet![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- A video is shown to hype the TNA Heavyweight Title Match between AJ Styles and Chris Jericho[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is backstage with Chris Jericho - Borash: Chris tonight you have the chance to become the TNA Heavyweight Champion of the World when you face AJ Styles! What are your thoughts heading into this dream match? - Jericho: Simple…I’m going to be the new TNA Heavyweight Champion because…TNA IS JERICHO! AJ Styles I respect you and your accomplishments, but you’re not “The Lion Heart”! You are not Chris Jericho! And you will never……EEEEEVVVVVVVVEEEER be as good as me. I came to TNA with one purpose in mind, and that was to become the TNA Heavyweight Champion. Tonight I have my chance…I have my chance at greatness…at immortality…AJ no hard feeling but tonight you will tap to The Walls of Jericho! Then at Bound For Glory…Joe I hope you win tonight because you and me have unfinished business! Nothing would make me happier than to show the world what an ***-clown you are on the biggest stage in TNA! But that’s later…right now…I’m going to go become TNA Heavyweight Champion…of the World! [/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: C-[/U] [COLOR="blue"][U][B]TNA Heavyweight Title Match “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles © vs. “The Lion Heart” Chris Jericho[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- These two come to the ring - This should be a huge match - Fans have been dreaming about this match for quiet some time - The two start off by shaking hands - Tenay: A great show of sportsmanship and respect by these two athletes. - Taz: Yeah yeah…let’s get to the fighting! - The two lock up and neither man is able to get an upper hand - The two exchange a great chain wrestling sequence - The crowd claps in appreciation - AJ and Jericho lock up again - This time Jericho gets the upper hand and takes control of the match - Chris Jericho begins to work on Styles’ legs to take away his flying ability - Tenay: Great strategy by Chris Jericho to try to take away AJ’s ability to fly. - Taz: AJ definitely has a speed advantage over Y2J - Chris Jericho continues to dominate Styles over the next seven minutes - Jericho picks Styles up - PELE! - Tenay: Styles pulled that out of nowhere! - Taz: It’s a good thing he did because things were looking bleak for him. - Styles begins to actually WRESTLE Jericho as he lock in an Indian Death Lock - Tenay: We are actually seeing a technical masterpiece here! - Styles puts the boots to Jericho and locks in an STF - Tenay: A great move by Styles, but this won’t put him away! - Taz: Right! Who taps to an STF? :wink: - Styles continues his submission spree as he puts Jericho in the Crossface! - Jericho is in severe pain now! - Y2J refuses to tap and Styles picks him up - The Phenomenal One whips Jericho off the ropes… - Jericho reverses and dropkicks the hurt knee of AJ Styles - Jericho seizes the opportunity…… - LIONSAULT!!! - 1…….. - 2…….. - KICKOUT - Tenay: Chris Jericho was a fragment of a second from becoming TNA Heavyweight Champion of the World! - Taz: AJ Styles is really showing guts here tonight! - CROWD: THIS IS AWESOME! THIS IS AWESOME! THIS IS AWESOME! - Tenay: They’re right this is awesome! - Jericho is beginning to look frustrated - Y2J locks in a figure four leg lock - AJ is screaming in agony - Tenay: He’s right in the middle of the ring! - Taz: AJ can’t survive this! - AJ attempts to move but he can’t - Jericho is screaming for AJ to tap! - AJ is able to muster some strength and reverse the figure four - Now the pressure is on Jericho and he is screaming! - Y2J releases the hold - Jericho gets up and looks to lock in the Walls of Jericho - Styles uses his free leg to kick Jericho in the mouth! - Jericho stumbles backwards… - Styles kips up and catches Jericho with a hurracarana sending Y2J to the outside - Styles is up on his feet… - He runs the ropes…FOSBURY FLOP! - Tenay: Now AJ is playing his game! - Taz: That move gets more amazing every time I see it! - The ref begins the ten count… - …both men roll into the ring at the last minute - Over twenty five minutes has elapsed now - AJ Styles takes control of the match - The Phenomenal One nails a Backbreaker into a Gutbuster - COVER! - 1…2…KICKOUT! - Tenay: Styles can only get a two count! - Taz: Both these guys are showing such resilience! - Styles hits a crucifix DDT! - AJ is going up top! - Tenay: Could it be… - SPIRAL TAP! - Taz: All he’s got to do is cover him! - AJ crawls over and throws him arm on Jericho - 1……….. - 2……….. - KICKOUT! - Tenay: Neither of these men want to lose this match! - Taz: Thanks a lot captain obvious! - AJ picks Jericho up… - Tenay: He’s setting up for the Styles Clash! - AJ has him in position…REVERSED!!! - WALLS OF JERICHO!!! - Taz: What an amazing reversal! I feel like I’m watching myself in there! - Jericho is sitting back on Styles back deep! - Tenay: This is it Jericho is going to become TNA Heavyweight Champ! - Styles is in the hold for over a minute and a half - Tenay: How long can AJ hold on?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? - AJ taps and the bell rings! - Tenay: Chris Jericho is the new TNA Heavyweight Champion! - Jericho gets the belt… - Rudy Charles takes it from Jericho! - Taz: WHOA! What’s going on here! - Rudy says something to David Penzer - Tenay: What did he just say to Penzer?!?!?!?!?!?!?! - Taz: I think we’re about to find out! - Penzer: Ladies and Gentleman, Senior TNA Official Rudy Charles has informed me that AJ Styles tapped a second after the thirty minute time limit expired. So the match is a draw…AJ STYLES IS STILL TNA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Time Limit Draw Time: 32 Minutes ~ 30:00 Match Time Rating: A[/U] [QUOTE]- Tenay: These guys should get five more minutes! - Taz: That’s not the rules Tenay! - Jericho looks flustered in the ring - AJ Styles makes it to his feet! - Crowd: FIVE MORE MINUTES! FIVE MORE MINUTES! FIVE MORE MINUTES! - Styles hobbles over to Chris Jericho… - The two are nose to nose… - Taz: Oh boy…what’s going to happen here?!?!?!?!?! - AJ extends his hand… - Jericho accepts and the two shake hands - Tenay: What a show of respect! - The two raise each others arm and celebrate for the fans - Tenay: I think we’ll see these two in the ring again very soon![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- A video is shown to hype the Victory Road Tournament Finals it focuses on the wins each man got to get here[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [COLOR="blue"][U][B]TNA Victory Road Tournament Finals “The War Machine” Rhino vs. “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe vs. “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage w/Trish Stratus[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- All three competitors make their way to the ring - Joe and Rhino look focused and intense - Cage looks ****y as always and is blowing kisses to Trish outside the ring - Cage’s ****iness soon fades and Joe and Rhino double team him when the bell rings - Rhino and Joe beat Cage mercilessly for three minutes and throw him out of the ring - Joe and Rhino stare each other down… - Joe and Rhino exchange punches with Rhino getting the upper hand - Rhino slams Joe to the mat - Rhino off the ropes…knee drop to the head of Joe - Rhino goes for the sleeper on Joe - Tenay: Rhino showing some technical wrestling ability - Cage gets back in the ring and hits Rhino from behind breaking the hold - The Instant Classic is kicking Rhino repeatedly in the gut - Joe gets up and locks THE CLUTCH on Christian - Rhino quickly breaks it up - Rhino begins to beat on both Joe and Cage - Tenay: The War Machine is on fire tonight! - Rhino sends Joe to the outside… - The War Machine continues to dominate Christian inside the ring - Trish Stratus approaches Joe on the outside… - Joe is on his knees - Stratus pulls back to kick Joe - She goes for it… - Joe catches her foot… - The Samoan Submission Machine waves his finger at her… - Joe spins her around…CLUTCH!!! - Taz: This is ridiculous! She’s a woman! - Tenay: If she wants to get involved then this is what she gets! - Joe puts Trish to sleep and she is unconscious on the outside! - Back in the ring…GORE!!! - Rhino nails Christian with the Gore! - He pins him - 1….. - 2…. - KICKOUT! - Joe barely made the save! - Joe now is on a rampage forcing Rhino into the corner with brutal chops and punches - Rhino is raised to the top turnbuckle by Joe - Tenay: I think I know what he’s looking for here! - Rhino attempts to fight Joe off, but Joe nails him with the roundhouse kick! - Taz: He’s got him up! - MUSCLE BUSTER! - Me makes the cover! - 1….. - 2….. - ………3! - Tenay: Samoa Joe has secured his spot at Bound For Glory!!! - Taz: What an amazing match - Crowd: JOE! JOE! JOE! JOE! JOE! JOE! JOE! JOE! JOE! - Tenay: What an amazing moment as we have our final show in The Impact Zone![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Samoa Joe Time: 19 Minutes ~ 15:53 Match Time Rating: A[/U] [QUOTE]- Samoa Joe climbs into the stands and celebrates as the show fades to black![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/U] [U]Final Show Rating: B+ Buy Rate: 5.62[/U]
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Sorry it took me so long to get this up...last week I was on vacation and this week my wife's Grandfather passed away on Wednesday so this is the first chance I've gotten to do the full write up! I hope it was worth the wait! I'm really interested to hear your feedback for this one as I feel it was my best yet!
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[QUOTE=Dustin;248505]Damn, I love this diary.[/QUOTE] Thanks Bro! If you don't mind me asking...what is it that makes you love it so much? This is still my first ever diary so I'm trying to improve as I go...I want to highlight what the readers enjoy!
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[QUOTE=BIGJOSH;248507]Thanks Bro! If you don't mind me asking...what is it that makes you love it so much? This is still my first ever diary so I'm trying to improve as I go...I want to highlight what the readers enjoy![/QUOTE] Where do I begin? I love this thing from top to bottom, you're doing great, dont change anything.
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Awesome PPV. The six-man match went better than I would have thought. Loved that the numbers game came into play. Now if Team 3D could find themselves two more people than they could have a hell of a 10 man match. Best match was by far Styles & Jericho with Foley & Angle a close second.
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]HUGE IMPACT! MAIN EVENT!!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"] [CENTER]Today, the day after Victory Road 2007, Eric Bischoff has created a huge TNA Impact Main Event! This Thursday The TNA Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles, will team with former Christian Coalition Partners, Mick Foley and Christian Cage, to take Chris Jericho, Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle in a SIX SIDES OF STEEL MATCH! Can AJ and The Christian Coalition Coexist? Can Jericho and Joe not kill each other? What kind of condition are Mick Foley and Kurt Angle in following their hellacious match at Victory Road? Find out the answers to all of these questions on Impact![/CENTER][/SIZE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/SSOS-1.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"] [B]Confirmed Impact Matches Six Sides of Steel "The Wrestling Machine" Kurt Angle, "The Lionheart" Chris Jericho and "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe VS. "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles, "The Hardcore Icon" Mick Foley, and "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR="red"][CENTER][B]Hardcore Match "The King of Extreme" Raven VS. Brother Ray X Division Triple Threat Match "The Lone Hart" Teddy Hart VS. Shark Boy VS. Psychosis[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR]
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Impact Quick Picks SSOS Match Angle, Jericho and Joe vs. Styles, Foley and Cage Hardcore Match Brother Ray vs. Raven X Division Triple Threat Match Teddy Hart vs. Shark Boy vs. Psychosis Tie Breaker: Who pins who in the X match Prize: Create a Hard Justice Match
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