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[CENTER][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/banner_break_05_02_2007_15_09_18_53.gif[/IMG] [U][B]RQW – Real Quality Wrestling Tour (Saturday)[/B] Attendance = 376 Held at York Hall[/U] [U]Marty Scurll & Damon Leigh w/Sarieha vs. James Tighe & Paul Robinson[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/MartyScurll.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/DamonLeigh.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/Sarieha.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/JamesTighe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/PaulRobinson.jpg[/IMG] A very disappointingly rated match considering all of the talent involved. Damon Leigh came to the ring bouncing with energy, but to be honest most of the fans were focused on Sarieha. Tight & Robinson showed some good teamwork in the early going, while Scurll & Leigh seemed to be in totally different worlds, with Leigh being happy and bouncy, while Scurll was down to business. Tighe tried to keep Leigh down, and tried to use his technical ability to slow him down, but Leigh was too energised. He managed to keep out of holds, and even synched in a couple of his own on Tighe. However, Tighe managed to push Leigh away at one time, which allowed Scurll to get the blind tag. Leigh was told to leave the ring by the referee, and did so without hassle. Scurll then pointed towards Paul Robinson, as if to tell Tighe to tag him in. Tighe did so and they began to lock up. They then wrestled a long mat game, making sure neither got any advantage. After 3 or so minutes of this, Robinson managed to hit a nasty looking DDT on Scurll, and tagged out to Tighe. Who used the opportunity to lock in the Texas Cloverleaf. Robinson bounded across the ring and took Leigh off the apron, while Scurll tapped out madly. [b]Winner:[/b] Tighe & Robinson in 9:42 with the Texas Cloverleaf on Marty Scurll [b]D[/b] All of a sudden we cut to the back where a brawl is taking place. After a minute or so of frantic following, we see Jonny Storm lying unconscious against a wall. Who attacked him? What does this mean for the main event? [b]F+[/b] [U] Ross Jordan vs. Bubblegum[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/RossJordon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/bubblegum.jpg[/IMG] Jordan was no-nonsense here tonight, while Bubblegum constantly tried to reason with him to get an explaination. But Jordan kept kicking him away and taking him out of the ring. It eventually turned into a battle of wits, as both men showed a previously unseen amount of technical wrestling, to see who could get the other in the most painful hold, in order to say something. Bubblegum tried as much as he could to make Jordan tap out, but Jordan refused. After countering a leg lock, Jordan went up top and hit a leg drop on one of Bubblegums knees, causing him to writhe in pain. He then picked him up and began to kick at him wildly. He seemed possessed as he hit move after move on the unsuspecting Bubblegum. But the referee was knocked out of the ring by a wayward dropkick, and Jordan headed outside of the ring to reach for a weapon of some kind. Out of nowhere, Red Vinny ran to the ring, and began to brawl with Jordan, with Vinny getting the upperhand. Jordan managed to fight out it though and hit a Dragons Wings on the outside, causing the fans to gasp. He then got in the ring and hit the Twisted Crystal on Bubblegum, who’d only just recovered. The referee came to and made the count. Jordan got up and surveyed the carnage he had wreaked. He headed to the back with a grin as the referee checked on Vinny. [b]Winner:[/b] Ross Jordan in 10:59 with a Twisted Crystal. [b]D+[/b] [U]Tex Benedict w/ SOS vs. Drew Galloway[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/texbenedict.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/SOS.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/DrewGalloway.jpg[/IMG] SOS made sure he had his eyes on Galloway all match, and helped Benedict whenever he could. Tex tried to fight the bigger man off as much as he could, but Galloway showed the power that made him a star across the UK, and basically destroyed Benedict whenever he went up top. SOS was smacking his head against the canvas every time Benedict was hit, which was a lot. Tex tried to take Galloway down to the mat, and almost did, after kicking away at Drew’s knees, but the bigger man showed resilience and just powered out of it, dropping Tex to the mat. Tex scrambled up and tried to fly off the top rope but Drew Galloway punched away at him. He then picked him up and put him in an Argentine Backbreaker Rack position. He pointed at SOS, then did a throat cutting motion with his right hand. He then nailed Tex with a Reverse DVD, which he now calls Scottish Pride. The pinfall was definite, and SOS could only look on as Galloway emerged the victor. [b]Winner:[/b] Drew Galloway in 12:09 with the Scottish Pride on Tex [b]D+[/b] We are told that Pac is taking Jonny Storm’s place due to Storm being unable to compete after his fight earlier. Ricky Knight then revealed his partner. JON RYAN, one of the most deadly superstars in the UK today. [U]Pac & Lionheart vs. Ricky Knight & Jon Ryan[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/pac.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/LionheartUK.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/RickyKnight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/JonRyan.jpg[/IMG] Pac & Lionheart were equally nervous about facing Ryan, and each tagged the other in multiple times, to make sure they didn’t have to. Ricky Knight was on the outside laughing. Ryan eventually tied up with Lionheart, and instantly put him in a headlock, he was then bounced off the ropes by Lionheart. Ryan came back with a huge lariat, which almost destroyed Lionheart. He then hit big move after big move on Lionheart with an unseen amount of intensity. Everytime Lionheart got up, he was sent right back down by Jon. There was one instance where he hit a huge DDT, then he picked up Lionheart and drove him down with another, then hit a big Exploder Suplex, practically destroyed Lionheart again. Pac fled the scene after seeing the wreckage, and Lionheart just stayed put on the mat, but Jon Ryan would have none of it, he picked him up and nailed him with a T-Bone suplex for the pinfall. Ricky Knight had a huge smirk on his face as he watched from afar. [b]Winner:[/b] Ricky Knight & Jon Ryan in 17:37 with the T-Bone Suplex on Lionheart. [b]C[/b] [b]Overall = C- [/b] [i]Dissapointing first few matches, but I found out Ryan & Knight had excellent tag chemistry, so I got one good thing out of this as well as a popularity boost. [/i] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://4.UploadMirror.com/uploaded/9/259/banner_break_05_04_2007_17_45_25_70220.gif[/IMG] We're heading for the Midlands on Wednesday, and what a set of matches we have for you: [U][B]Wednesday Show[/B][/U] [QUOTE][U]Damon Leigh w/ Sarieha vs. Ricky Hype[/U] Two great young talents have their second matches for RQW here. [U]Cheerleader Melissa vs. Jezebel[/U] Melissa hopes to take down Jezebel in order to challenge for the title, will she succeed? [U]Ross Jordan vs. Quiet Storm[/U] Who is Quiet Storm? Will he be able to stop the seemingly mad Ross Jordan? [U]European Slam vs. Tex Benedict & Sheamus O'Shaunessy[/U] The Tag team champs face a relatively new tag team that has acheived great recent success. Will Drew Galloway make an appearance? Will Tex & Sheamus be able to get the win and a future title shot? [U]Pac vs. Jon Ryan[/U] Ricky Knight demanded this match after Pac fled his last match after seeing his partner destroyed. Can Jon Ryan be stopped?[/QUOTE] [I]Predictions always welcome[/I][/CENTER]
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[center][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/banner_break_05_02_2007_15_09_18_53.gif[/IMG] [U][B]RQW – Real Quality Wrestling Tour (Wednesday)[/B] Attendance = 28 Held at the Grimsby Auditorium[/U] First off we have Sarieha come out, which instantly gets the fans watching, she has a microphone on hand, “Tonight Damon Leigh is supposed to be competing against young Ricky Hype, but he is sick with the flu today, so I managed to convince his friend Marty Scurll to take his place.” [b]F[/b] [U]Marty Scurll w/Sarieha vs. Ricky Hype[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/MartyScurll.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/Sarieha.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/RickyHype.jpg[/IMG] A rather disappointing match. Scurll & Ricky Hype didn’t seem to click much, but they really brought there all to make sure that they earned their point. Sarieha did her part as a manager by cheering Scurll on from ringside, although Scurrl seemed slightly perturbed at being associated with her. Ricky Hype spent most of the match trying to wear down Scurll, as he knew if he got momentum, he would find himself inside a lock he couldn’t break out of. Hype hit a nice snap suplex, and pummelled away at the head of Scurll. The referee reminded him to stop so Ricky stopped, but then started to kick away. Marty suddenly caught his leg and flipped him over, he then kept hold of the leg and synched in a nice reverse leg lock. Ricky Hype tried to reach the ropes, but Sarieha kept pushing his hands away from them. The referee noticed and warned Sarieha, but this just gave Marty the opportunity to get up and drag Hype away from the ropes, then kicked him in the head before locking it in again. Hype couldn’t stand it anymore, and tapped out. [b]Winner:[/b] Marty Scurll by submission. [b]D[/b] [U]Cheerleader Melissa vs. Jezebel[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/CheerleaderMelissa.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/EdenBlack.jpg[/IMG] Cheerleader Melissa really disappointed me here tonight, as she had no chemistry at all with Jezebel, which led to a worse than it should have been match. Cheerleader and Jezebel played a mainly technical match, not seen often in the UK. Melissa concentrated on Jezebel’s legs, taking away her ability to hit the Snake In The Grass. She locked in many different leg locks, and even managed to lock in a STF on Jezebel. Jezebel managed to reach the ropes thankfully. Melissa got angry and lifted her up, before hitting a Samoan Drop. She didn’t let up and picked Jezebel up and took her down again with a vicious German Suplex. Jezebel managed to roll out of the ring and got some resting time. Melissa was ready for her in the ring. Jezebel ran in, with a noticeable limp. She then punched Melissa in the gut, and out of nowhere, she hit The Snake In The Grass. But she instantly grabbed her leg in pain, and so couldn’t capitalise. She took a while to get back up, but was then picked up and was caught by Melissa in the Kudo Driver, which ended the match. Melissa is sure to get a shot at Jezebel’s title in the near future. [b]Winner:[/b] Cheerleader Melissa with a Kudo Driver. [b]D+[/b] [U]Ross Jordan vs. Quiet Storm[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/RossJordon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/QuietStorm.jpg[/IMG] A very short match, in which unknown Quiet Storm was soundly beaten by Ross Jordan. Storm took to the top rope and nailed some beautiful moves, but it turned out to not be enough to get the win, when he found himself in a Twisted Crystal. [b]Winner:[/b] Ross Jordan with the Twisted Crystal [b]D+[/b] [U]European Slam vs. Tex Benedict & Sheamus O’Shaunessy[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/HadeVansen.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/SamSlam.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/texbenedict.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/SOS.jpg[/IMG] A disappointment again considering who was in it, but both teams showed great chemistry, and had many fluid tags made. Vansen & Slam showed their skills by separating Benedict from SOS, and made sure he never got anywhere near SOS. Vansen knocked Benedict around the ring which his aerial assault, mainly dropkicking Tex, or using a head scissors takedowns. Tex eventually managed to dodge a move and launched himself at SOS, getting the hot tag. SOS then ran in and took Hade down with a big boot, he then elbowed Slam off the apron. He then used his momentum and picked up Vansen and drove him back down with a chokeslam. Vansen bounced off the mat, but Sam Slam charged in and took out SOS with a monstrous Spear. He then draped Vansen’s prone body over SOS and made the referee count it. [b]Winner:[/b] European Slam with a Spear. [b]D[/b] [U]Pac vs. Jon Ryan[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/pac.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/JonRyan.jpg[/IMG] Pac didn’t stand a chance against Jon Ryan here tonight. Pac tried to go up top man times to attempt to gain momentum from Ryan, who tried to overpower the weaker Pac. Pac couldn’t knock Ryan down with his moves, he just seemed to slightly unbalance Ryan. There was a distinct moment where Pac went for a corkscrew SSP, but Ryan hopped up and hit Pac with a clothesline, practically knocking his head off. He then picked up Pac and dropped him with a T-Bone Suplex. He went for the pin and got the 3 count. [b]Winner:[/b] Jon Ryan with a T-Bone Suplex [b]C[/b] [b]Overall = C- [/b] [i]Dissapointing first few matches again. [/i][/center]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://4.UploadMirror.com/uploaded/9/259/banner_break_05_04_2007_17_45_25_70220.gif[/IMG] We're sticking to the South next week, and we are preparing to head into our next Big Event - End of An Era. [U][B]Wednesday Show[/B][/U] [QUOTE][U]Ricky Hype vs. Max Voltage[/U] Will Ricky be able to get his first win here in RQW? [U]Cheerleader Melissa vs. Jetta[/U] Melissa wants to state her case here, by pinning one of the former contenders for the belt. Will she be able to? Or will Jetta get the upset? [U]Ross Jordan vs. El Ligero[/U] Ligero is said to be sticking up for his partner here, whereas Jordan sees it as another step towards the cruiserweight belt. [U]Jonny Storm & Pac vs. Jon Ryan w/Ricky Knight[/U] Will the two high fliers be able to take down the brute that is Jon Ryan?[/QUOTE] [I]Predictions always welcome, and just to let you know, I'm already feeling as if my match descriptions are getting repetitive, and I'm already feeling burntout for some reason, so I'm going to cut down the amount of shows. I would very much appreciate your opinion on how I write the matches, as it would help me as well as make it better for you.[/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/banner_break_05_02_2007_15_09_18_53.gif[/IMG] [U][B]RQW – Real Quality Wrestling Tour (Wednesday)[/B] Attendance = 294 Held at Ferneham Hall[/U] [U]Ricky Hype vs. Max Voltage[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/RickyHype.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/MaxVoltage.jpg[/IMG] Ricky Hype came off with a head of steam here tonight, and made a relatively decent opening match. Max sold his offence perfectly, which made Hype look much better than he probably is. Ricky started off the match with a tie-up, before locking in a headlock, he then brought down Max’s head, and kneed him straight in the temple, this sent him flying. Ricky then put Max in a tight rear chinlock. Before flipping over and snapping his head back. He drove several knees into the back of his head while he writhed on the mat, and then put him into a modified Camel Clutch, with his arms held higher than usual. Max nearly tapped, but Ricky punched him down before he could, wanting to inflict more punishment. He picked up the prone body of Max and put his head under Max’s arm, then drove him down with a Flatliner. He went for the pin, which was academic. [b]Winner:[/b] Ricky Hype by pinfall with a Flatliner. [b]D+[/b] Hype then demanded a microphone: “I’m sure you all now know who I am, but I haven’t just come here to be the next guy who tries to get popular and then loses, no, I’m here to prove a common prejudice amongst British people wrong. Many of you, who know me from my IPW days, will know I am Welsh, and with that, I always get ridiculed. Get called a Sheep ****ger on the street by fans. I am here to make a statement, that guys like me, from a place where we get ridiculed 24/7, can beat the best Britain has to offer. So I am offering an open challenge, anybody who wants to face me, come to the ring next week, and I will make you suffer, just as I did to Max.” Ricky dropped the microphone and headed to the back. [b]F+, damn the 90% match rating, a change is in order.[/b] [U]Dan Head vs. Aviv Maayan[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/DanHead.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/AvivMaayan.jpg[/IMG] It appears that when given the right opponents, Dan and Aviv both shone, which will hopefully brighten their careers. Dan managed to get an early advantage with a couple of alternating elbows to the head. He then drove Aviv down to the mat with a spinning elbow to the temple. He then dropped to the mat and tried to keep Aviv down, but putting pressure on his neck, but Aviv managed to flip out of it, and kicked Dan right in the back of the head, switching the momentum to him in a split second. Aviv then picked him up and drove him down with a quick suplex, but picking him up in the same hold, he tried to go for another, but Dan put his leg round Aviv’s, stopping him doing so. Dan then began to punch away at Aviv’s ribs, before kicking him in the knee, and dropkicking him in the chest. The momentum shifted several times, before Dan managed to spring out of nowhere with a Headucation and got the pinfall on Aviv. [b]Winner:[/b] Dan Head by pinfall with a Headucation. [b]C-[/b] [U]Cheerleader Melissa vs. Jetta[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/CheerleaderMelissa.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/Jetta.jpg[/IMG] A great match, with Melissa showing why she is one of the brightest prospects and one of the greatest female wrestlers in the world, where, after a near 13 minutes struggle against Jetta, she nailed the Air Raid Crash and got the pinfall. Melissa dominated the early part of the match, using her superior skills to overwhelm the younger Jetta, and began to lock in an array of painful holds, from a Camel Clutch, to an Inverted Boston Crab. Jetta managed to fight back out of it though, and kicked Melissa off her, before standing up and whipping Melissa off the ropes, she then nailed a nice dropkick before hitting a basement kick to Melissa. She went for a quick pin, but only got a 2. Melissa then came back and managed to nail the Air Raid Crash as mentioned, and got the 3. . [b]Winner:[/b] Cheerleader Melissa by pinfall with the Air Raid Crash [b]C-[/b] Suddenly, Greg Lambert: [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/GregLambert.jpg[/IMG] Came to the ring with a microphone in hand: “I’m here to tell you idiots of the next great sensation across the whole of the UK. You already know them as your Tag Team champions, but now they are my students. European Slam!” Slam & Vansen emerge from the back and join Lambert in the ring. “You see, I have heard a lot of guys in the back want a shot at these titles, or they just want to see if they can beat the powerhouse Sam Slam behind me.” Sam then poses. “Of course, I couldn’t just let that happen. So I am now taking a place at their side as their manager, and as a tutor.” A fan heckled something from the audience. Hade Vansen snatched a microphone. “Shut up you ****, if you think you have such a smart mouth, come back next week and be in a tag match against me and Sam.” The fan instantly sat down. Hade handed the microphone back to Greg. “Anyway, I wanted to warn all of the locker room, that in order to get a shot at the titles or at my clients, you have to earn it first, so I am booking a tournament to begin at End of an Era, where tag teams from all across the UK compete for the chance to face my champions.” He then drops the microphone as both members of European Slam pose before following Greg to the back. [b]E+[/b] [U]Ross Jordan vs. El Ligero[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/RossJordon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/ElLigero.jpg[/IMG] Jordan proved why he is such a hot prospect by pulling out the match of the night alongside an almost equally as talented man in El Ligero. Ross quickly tried to gain the advantage, hitting a total of 3 enziguri’s, before following up with a DDT. He went for a quick pin, but only got a 2 count. Ligero rolled out of the ring, dazed by the sudden attack, and tried to catch a breather. However, Ross wouldn’t allow him time to breath, and hit a beautiful running plancha over the top rope, into Ligero, colliding with him and driving them both into the barricade. The fans cheered after seeing an amazing move, and the referee began to make the 10 count. Both men climbed back into the ring before 7, and went at it with high flying antics. Before long, Jordan managed to nail Ligero with a Dragon Wings, and got the pinfall after putting his legs on the ropes. The referee didn’t notice and counted it. Jordan ran up the ramp while Ligero tried to explain what happened. [b]Winner:[/b] Ross Jordan by pinfall with the Dragons Wings. [b]C[/b] [U]Jon Ryan vs. Pac & Jonny Storm[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/JonRyan.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/pac.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/JonnyStorm2.jpg[/IMG] Ryan pretty much dominated here again, using his superior power to batter away at Storm, keeping him away from Pac. Storm almost got the tag on many occasions, but Ricky Knight either pushed Pac off the apron whenever he did so, or Ryan came up from behind him and beat him down. Needless to say, Ryan won convincingly with a T-Bone suplex on Jonny Storm. [b]Winner:[/b] Jon Ryan with a T-Bone Suplex [b]C-[/b] [b]Overall = C- [/b] [i]A great all round show today, with bad segments, but that can be easily sorted. [/i][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://4.UploadMirror.com/uploaded/9/259/banner_break_05_04_2007_17_45_25_70220.gif[/IMG] We're sticking to the South again for Sunday, as End of an Era hits the York Hall. [U][B]End of An Era[/B][/U] [QUOTE][U]Ricky Hype vs. ???[/U] Who will answer his open challenge? [U]Cheerleader Melissa vs. Jezebel For the RQW Womens Championship[/U] Melissa dominated both Jezebel and top contender Jetta in recent weeks, and so has earned this title oppurtunity, what will the end result? Will we still have a British champ? Or will we have an American hold a title for the first time in RQW? [U]Ross Jordan vs. Red Vinny Lumberjack Match for the RQW Cruiserweight Title[/U] Ross Jordan has appeared more devastating each week, what will the turnout out be? At ringside will be, El Ligero & Bubblegum, Paul Robinson, Marty Scurll, Majik & Dragon Aisu [U]Hubba Bubba Lucha vs. ??? & ???[/U] The first of the tournament tag matches for contendership start with HBL facing mystery challengers from anywhere in the UK. Will the do RQW proud? [U]Hated Heroes vs. ??? & ???[/U] Another tournament match, will the formerly unimpressive team of Andy Simmonz & Aviv Maayan pull out the win? [U]Martin Stone vs. ??? For the RQW Heavyweight Championship[/U] Following the controversy over recent weeks, and the fact Jon Ryan decimated Pac last Wednesday, the contendership has been thrown up for grabs. It is said that the new #1 contender will be decided over the course of the night, depending on who comes to Greg Lambert, director of Authority, with the best reason Plus much more[/QUOTE] [I]Predictions always welcome.[/I][/CENTER]
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[B]Ricky Hype[/B] vs. ??? [B]Cheerleader Melissa[/B] vs. Jezebel For the RQW Womens Championship [B]Ross Jordan[/B] vs. Red Vinny Lumberjack Match for the RQW Cruiserweight Title [B]Hubba Bubba Lucha[/B] vs. ??? & ??? [B]Hated Heroes[/B] vs. ??? & ??? [B]Martin Stone[/B] vs. ??? For the RQW Heavyweight Championship
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Predicted winners in [B]bold[/B] [B]Ricky Hype[/B] vs. ??? Cheerleader Melissa vs. [B]Jezebel[/B] For the RQW Womens Championship [B]Ross Jordan[/B] vs. Red Vinny Hubba Bubba Lucha vs. [B]??? & ??? (I am predicting the UK Pitbulls)[/B] [B]Hated Heroes[/B] vs. ??? & ??? Another tournament match, will the formerly unimpressive team of Andy Simmonz & Aviv Maayan pull out the win? [B]Martin Stone[/B] vs. ??? For the RQW Heavyweight Championship This is a good dynasty, current UK real world dynasties are hard to come by so it is nice to see a good one come along. I will keep checking back.
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[CENTER] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v120/Payne666/logos/eoae.jpg[/img] [U][B]RQW – End of An Era[/B] Attendance = 779[/U] We start off with Ricky Hype coming down to the ring with a microphone in hand: “Tonight is the first edition of the Hype Open Challenge, every single week it will happen until somebody can successfully beat me. I want to prove my skill for all to see, and this seems to be the only damn way to do it here in RQW. So I want whoever is going to face me to get his ass down here immediately so I can get this over with.” Damon Leigh then hopped out of the back with Sarieha. “Hold on bro, you won’t find it so easy when you face me. You think that it’s just so damn easy to just walk into this ring and think that to become known you have to decimated possible unknowns. To be honest man, I think you’re looking for nothing more than a hug. So come here.” Damon tries to lean in and give Ricky a hug, but Ricky punches him to the mat. “I guess you’ll be my opponent then.” That’s all that was needed, as Ricky dropped the microphone and the bell rang to start the match. [b]E for argument[/b] [U]Ricky Hype vs. Damon Leigh w/Sarieha[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/RickyHype.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/DamonLeigh.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/Sarieha.jpg[/IMG] A good starting match for these two. Hype and Leigh went for a tie-up after circling each other. Hype managed to get the early advantage and hit Damon with a sequence of elbows and forearms right to the skull. Damon begins to rock so Ricky whips him into the ropes. He comes back and is met with a short-arm clothesline, causing Sarieha to wince at ringside. Ricky then locks in an armbar, keen on wearing away at Damon before putting him away. But Damon flips over and out it, and then nails Ricky in the face with a basement dropkick. He then waits for Ricky to get up, and drops him again with an enziguri. Damon then begins to get energised and drops the legs across the throat of Ricky. He tries for a quick pinfall but only gets a 1. Later Damon to go up top, but Ricky stops him and throws Damon across the ring with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Ricky then begins to stalk Damon and when he gets up he boots him in the gut, before spiking him with an Implant DDT. He then picks up Damon again and ends the match with a Flatliner. [B] [b]Winner:[/b] Ricky Hype by pinfall[/B] [b]D-[/b] [U]Paul Robinson vs. Jack Storm[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/PaulRobinson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/JackStorm.jpg[/IMG] Robinson and Jack Storm instantly circled each other, and tried to overpower each other, but neither could and it ended with a stalemate. Storm managed to eventually push Paul into the ropes and whipped him to the other side of the ring. Robinson came back and was met with a dropkick, and gets put in a tight leglock. Robinson manages to get to the ropes after a brief struggle and kicks Jack away. Near the end of the match, Dave Moralez tried to enter the ring, but Robinson head scissored Jack Storm into him. He then went up top and pulled off an almost picture perfect Shooting Star Press. He bounced off the mat with the impact and went for the pin. 1…2…3 [B][b]Winner:[/b] Paul Robinson by pinfall[/B] [b]D+[/b] We then see Pac walking down the corridor, and entering Greg Lambert’s office. “Come on Greg. We all know I deserve the title shot tonight, I won that contenders match almost a month ago fair and square.” “Ah Pac, indeed you did, but in recent weeks you have been beaten by Jon Ryan twice.” “What has that go to do with it?” “I think he probably proved himself more worthy of the shot than you did.” “That’s bull…” But before he can finish the sentence Jon Ryan comes out of nowhere and knocks Pac into the wall, before throwing him out of the door. Greg laughs and looks outside at the crumpled body of Pac. “I think you have more pressing matters at hand Pac.” [b]D+ for Appeal and Confrontation [/b] After coming back from a commercial, we see Cheerleader Melissa in the ring with a microphone: “For a long time I have been seen as the greatest womens wrestler possibly in history, but almost certainly in America. Yet for some reason I only just got given a title shot at Jezebel last week. That’s some bad management in my opinion. Because clearly if I am that good I should already be the champion. And I have proved before that I am indeed that good, when I beat that Jetta girl last week. So Jezebel, I hope you bring your best game with you tonight, for you don’t stand a chance anyway, I want the match to be entertaining at least.” [b]E+ for hype[/b] [U]Cheerleader Melissa vs. Jezebel© For the RQW Womens title[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/CheerleaderMelissa.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/EdenBlack.jpg[/IMG] Jezebel was ready to give her all to retain her title here tonight. She concentrated on the legs of Cheerleader Melissa to start off with. She hit a nice dragon whip but kept hold of the leg and tried for a one-legged Boston Crab, making Melissa reach for the ropes in pain. Melissa was able to roll through and make Jezebel bounce off the ropes. She stumbled back into a German Suplex from Melissa, who kept it bridged as she tried to go for the pinfall, but only got a 2 count. Jezebel struggled to her feet and was met with some forearms, and was backed into the ropes once more. She was whipped off the ropes once more, and Melissa nailed her with a back elbow. She then went for an Inverted Texas Cloverleaf on Jezebel. Jezebel struggled but managed to reach the ropes and forced Melissa to release the hold. Jezebel got up and went for a clothesline, but Melissa bridged backwards to evade, and Jezebel was then locked into a front to belly suplex, and crashed to the mat. Melissa went for the count but wasn’t able to get more than a two count. She was beginning to get really annoyed and put Jezebel across her shoulders. She tried to go for a Samoan Drop but was punched several times by Jezebel, who then spun round and spiked Melissa with a DDT. She then went for a cover herself, but also couldn’t get more than a two count. Melissa then got up as well and tried to go for a big Air Raid Crash, but Jezebel reversed it and nailed a beautiful enziguri, sending Melissa crashing to the mat. Both women were down, and the referee began to make the count. He reached 7 before both women got up. Melissa got the quick advantage with several chops to Jezebel, before taking her to the mat with a Kneeling Side Slam. Melissa began to pose for the crowd as she felt very confident. She turned away from Jezebel and was receiving applause, when out of nowhere; Jezebel sprang up and nailed the Snake in The Grass on Melissa. She then went for the pin and got the win to retain her title. [B][b]Winner:[/b] Jezebel by pinfall, Jezbel retains the RQW Womens title.[/B] [b]D+[/b] We are then shone a vignette detailing the recent happenings between Red Vinny & Ross Jordan, including Jordan turning on Vinny during a tag team match a few weeks ago. [b]E[/b] [U]Red Vinny© vs. Ross Jordan For the RQW Cruiserweight Championship[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/RedVinny.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/RossJordon.jpg[/IMG] These guys never fail to disappoint. Vinny and Jordan circled each other, and the fans really got into the match, with the crowd split down the middle in terms of support. Vinny managed to get the early advantage after locking up, and twisted Jordan’s arm, then wrenched it twice, he then pulled him down to the mat, and proceeded to keep dropping the knee into the elbow time and time again. Jordan managed to flip out of it after being hit the 5th time, and nailed Vinny with a kick to the side of the head. Ross then began to favour his elbow, and hurt himself when he elbowed Vinny to the mat. A mat control competition then followed, with Vinny again targeting the arms, always managing to slow down Jordan by damaging that arm much further. Vinny and Jordan then tried to best each other with big aerial moves, but they kept avoiding the others moves, until Jordan hit a huge cross body to Vinny and almost got a 3 count. Vinny then whipped him into the corner, and dropkicked him into the turnbuckle. He then went up top as Jordan staggered out of the corner. Vinny span in mid air and nailed Jordan with an enziguri in mid-air! He went for the pinfall, but Jordan was able to kick out at just 1. Vinny then got angry and went up top again, trying to nail a Shooting Star Press, but he crashed and burned when Jordan rolled out of the way. Jordan then picked him up and nailed the Dragons Wings. 1… 2… But somehow Vinny kicked out! Jordan went livid in the ring. Vinny hopped up and whipped Jordan into the turnbuckle. He then constantly kicked away at him until he appeared unconscious. He then placed him up top, and posed for the crowd, who went nuts as they realised what was coming. Vinny grabbed hold of Jordan and flipped backwards, hitting the Triple 6 (A one-man Spanish Fly), he then went for the pin and the referee counted it. The lumberjacks on the outside, although disappointed about not having a part in the match, cheered for Vinny as he held the belt aloft. [B][b]Winner:[/b] Red Vinny by pinfall. Red Vinny retains the RQW Cruiserweight title.[/B] [b]C-[/b] Jody Fleisch is then seen with Greg Lambert. “Greg, since Jonny Storm hasn’t shown up tonight, Pac is out cold still, and Lionheart is nowhere to be seen. I truly believe that I deserve to get the title shot tonight, I have worked with Stone in the past, and the matches have always been classics. Think about it, if you name me the challenger, you will get way more money and ratings than with Pac or Jonny Storm.” Greg thought for a moment and smiled. “I’ll think about it Jody. I’ll make an announcement later tonight.” Jody then smiled and left the office as we center on a smiling Greg Lambert and go to a commercial. [b]D+ for Request[/b] [U]Hubba Bubba Lucha vs. The Lady Killerz[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/bubblegum.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/ElLigero.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/ChrisCharizma.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/ChrisRenfrew.jpg[/IMG] A quick and easy match, as the Lady Killerz made their second appearance for RQW, but much like their first appearance, they were defeated in relatively easy fashion. El Ligero hit the C4L DDT. Charizma bounced right off of the mat with that move, and the pin was academic from there, as Hubba Bubba Lucha once again found themselves in the position of a chance at the RQW Tag Team titles. [B][b]Winner:[/b] Hubba Bubba Lucha by pinfall.[/B] [b]D[/b] After a commercial, “The Pale Rider” Gabriel Grey: [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/GabrielGrey.jpg[/IMG] Came out to a chorus of boos, although a large part of the crowd was quiet as they didn’t really know who he was. He was followed behind closely by two hooded figures. “I am here once again in RQW to also once again complain about my team not having a place in the tag team tournament. They can be one of the greatest teams around the world when given the chance. So I find it disgusting to see they don’t have a match.” Suddenly Aviv Maayan & Andy Simmonz come out, obviously having a problem with this team. They then tell GG to get out of the ring. Gabriel just laughs. “You want me to leave? What other choices do I have? Because I have two options for you. You either stay in this ring and wrestle your damn match against my team. Or you die. You’re choice.” Before they can answer, the hooded figures reveal who they are. It’s Damned Nation! They’re together in RQW!! [b]D+ for hype[/b] [U]Hated Heroes vs. Damned Nation[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/AvivMaayan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/AndySimmons.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/DragonAisu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/Majik.jpg[/IMG] Damned Nation showed amazing team work here. They managed to level out Hated Heroes relatively easily. Aisu and Maayan started out. Aisu dominated quickly, levelling Maayan with a clubbing blow to the back. He then kicked away before clambering over and begin to hit rear crossface punches. Aviv’s head swung viciously after each blow, and he appeared to be knocked out after the final shot. Aisu dragged him over to Majik and tagged him in. Majik leapt over the ropes, and nailed Aviv with a stomp to his back. Majik then locked him in a modified rear naked chinlock, adding the arm to the mix. Aviv tried to reach for the ropes, and eventually did after a minutes of intense suffering. He tried to crawl over to Andy, but Majik wouldn’t let him, pulling him back and stomping on his skull. Majik then stood him up and set him up for a snap suplex, delivered amazingly quickly. Majik then tagged back out to Aisu who almost literally steamrolled over Aviv when he hit him as he tried to stand over. Aviv tumbled down, and Aisu began to stalk him. Majik ran in and took out Andy on the apron, causing Andy to fall and bounce his head off of the side of the ring. Majik then joined Aisu in picking up Aviv for what seemed like a Double Front Slam, but they then just drove him down to the mat, and folded him up like an accordion. Aisu got the pinfall as Majik made sure Andy didn’t get in the ring. Gabriel Grey celebrated on the outside as Damned Nation celebrated their win. [B][b]Winner:[/b] Damned Nation[/B] [b]D+ [/b] After another break we see Greg Lambert in the ring with a microphone. “Since Jody Fleisch is the only person who came to me tonight and survived more than a minute in my office before being attacked, by no order of mine I might add, by Jon Ryan, it seems only fitting that he gets the title shot. But should he win the belt, I’ll warn him that when he does, Jon Ryan will be after him, as he seemed to demand to face the winner of the match tonight next month at Mid Summer Murders.” [b]D for Revealing [/b] [U]Martin Stone © vs. Jody Fleisch For the RQW Heavyweight Championship[/U] [[IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/MartinStone-1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/JodyFleisch.jpg[/IMG] Stone and Jody circled each other intently, with Stone getting the crowd to clap to get them into the match. They locked up and Stone twisted Jody’s arm, only to have Jody flip over and pull Stone to the floor. He then hooked the arm behind the back of Stone, before Stone himself flipped over, showing great skill for a big man, and backed off of Fleisch. The fans clapped as they began to circle each other again. They locked up, and Stone once again came out on top with a tight headlock on Jody. Jody managed to force him into the ropes while still in the headlock and bounced him off the ropes. He readied himself for Stone, but Stone powered through him with a shoulder block. Stone then ran to the side of the ring, and bounced off the ropes, but Jody Fleisch moved around the mat to evade any kind of move. Until he suddenly popped up when Stone came a third time and tried to arm drag him, but Stone stayed still and tried to arm drag him himself. Jody showed his strength as well, staying still, before flipping over and ducking a clothesline. Stone kept running, and once again Jody ducked under his legs, but when Stone came back a second time, he managed to arm drag the big man down, but was hit with an arm drag himself. He then tried to knock down Stone, but Stone stood still and didn’t move, before forcing Jody away. Jody turned around and began to run at Stone, Stone then went for a clothesline, and Jody rolled underneath it, causing Stone to run into the corner. The crowd clapped again, and Stone shook the hand of Jody as it was offered. They then locked up again, with Stone gaining the advantage and kneeing Jody in the guy three times before whipping him off the ropes. He then came back and was met with a massive back elbow. Stone then picked him up and kneed him once more before flipping him over with a huge snap suplex. Jody bounced off the mat as Stone went for a pin. Jody kicked out at two. Stone got angry with the referee, and picked up Jody. He went to whip him off the ropes, but Jody reversed it and whipped Stone to the ropes instead. When Stone reached the other side he hung on. Jody then ran, Stone flipped him over his head, but Jody’s amazing balance allowed him to land on the apron on the outside. He then pulled the unsuspecting Stone down to the mat and went for a Phoenix Star Press already. Stone managed to roll under and evade it, but Jody landed on his feet. He then turned and hit a huge enziguri on Stone, causing the latter to topple to the outside. Jody noticed the chance and ran to the other side of the ring, and when he came back, he flew over the ropes with a flipping senton to the outside, colliding with Stone, causing both men to crash to the floor. After getting up, they both brawled, with Stone getting the upperhand with his superior strength by chopping away at the smaller Fleisch. Stone sets up a chair from the crowd along a pathway. He then grabs hold of Jody and tries to whip him into it, but Jody reverses and sends Stone in that direction. He just steps over the chair and poses of the crowd. But when he turns around he is met by Jody flying off the chair and connecting with a head scissors takedown. Jody leads Stone into the ring, and Stone once again manages to reverse a whipping attempt by Jody, and pulls him into a lariat. Stone then rolls the body of Jody into the ring, and steps in himself. He then tries to reach down to pick Jody up, but Jody kicks him away, and then shoots up from lying down and hits a beautiful hurricanrana on Stone, sending the bigger man tumbling to the mat. Jody senses the momentum shift and goes up top, and waits for Stone to get up. He leaps for another head scissors, but Stone catches him and drives him down with a thud to the mat with a powerbomb. Stone falls back from the impact as the fans go nuts. Stone then takes Jody and places him on the ropes and nails the London Bridge, making Jody stay vertical for a couple of seconds. He then collapses on Jody for the pinfall. The referee slaps the mat. 1…2…3 Stone has picked up the well-deserved victory in a hard fought battle. Before he goes to celebrate he helps Jody up and embraces him. [B][b]Winner:[/b] Martin Stone in 28:08. Martin Stone retains the RQW Heavyweight title.[/B] [b]C[/b] Stone then goes and celebrates with the fans as Jody leaves the ring. [b]C[/b] [b]Overall = C- [/b] [i]Popularity increase. With a slight product change of 90% to 80% match ratio, our segments are really getting good ratings. Comments appreciated on the Main Event, as I tried to give it that Main Event feel.[/i][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://4.UploadMirror.com/uploaded/9/259/banner_break_05_04_2007_17_45_25_70220.gif[/IMG] We're venturing to the Midlands on Wednesday, and it looks to be a great show, as he are hot off of the heels of End of an Era, where we saw an amazing match between Martin Stone and Jody Fleisch, and also Ross Jordan vs. Red Vinny. [U][B]RQW Wrestling Tour - Wednesday[/B][/U] [QUOTE][U]Ricky Hype vs. ???[/U] So far Ricky is 1-0, can he make it 2-0? [U]Ms. Chif vs. Cheerleader Melissa[/U] Ms. Chif has been away from RQW for a long time, will she be able to overcome Melissa? Or will Melissa be too angry about her loss on Sunday? [U]Spud vs. Damon Leigh vs. Bubblegum[/U] Cruiserweight action here tonight. Who will get the spotlight? [U]Storm & Moralez vs. JP Monroe & Mad Man Manson[/U] 3rd Match of the quarter finals, who will get that ever important semi-final spot? [U]Pac vs. Doug Williams[/U] In what is sure to be a big main event, 'The Man that Gravity Forgot' Pac faces 'The Anarchist' Doug Williams, will Jon Ryan make an appearance? [/QUOTE] [I]Predictions always welcome.[/I][/CENTER]
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[B]Ricky Hype[/B] vs. ??? So far Ricky is 1-0, can he make it 2-0? Ms. Chif vs. [B]Cheerleader Melissa[/B] Ms. Chif has been away from RQW for a long time, will she be able to overcome Melissa? Or will Melissa be too angry about her loss on Sunday? [B]Spud[/B] vs. Damon Leigh vs. Bubblegum Cruiserweight action here tonight. Who will get the spotlight? [B]Storm & Moralez[/B] vs. JP Monroe & Mad Man Manson 3rd Match of the quarter finals, who will get that ever important semi-final spot? [B]Pac[/B] vs. Doug Williams In what is sure to be a big main event, 'The Man that Gravity Forgot' Pac faces 'The Anarchist' Doug Williams, will Jon Ryan make an appearance?
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/banner_break_05_02_2007_15_09_18_53.gif[/IMG] [U][B]RQW – Real Quality Wrestling Tour (Wednesday)[/B] Attendance = 94 Held at St.Johns Community Center in the Midlands[/U] --------------------------------------------------- [U]Pre-Show[/U] Tommy End def. Dragon Phoenix [b]D-[/b] Notes: [i]Looks promising if he can get a D- already[/i] --------------------------------------------------- [U]Main Show[/U] We see Ricky Hype in the ring with a microphone: [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/RickyHype.jpg[/IMG] [color=green] “Once again I am here to prove that I can beat the very best Britain has to offer. And tonight I will go 2-0, I only hope my opponent is actually skilled, unlike Damon Leigh, who was less than a weak opponent.[/color] [b]E for hype[/b] Marty Scurrl then makes his way to the ring and begins to point at Ricky Hype, before shaking his head to show he won’t be beaten here tonight. Behind him was Sarieha, who interacted with the fans, causing Marty to look behind and shake his head in dismay. --------------------------------------------------- [U]Ricky Hype vs. Marty Scurll w/ Sarieha[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/RickyHype.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/MartyScurll.jpg[/IMG] Ricky Hype and Marty locked up right away, and Marty went for a headlock. Marty then flipped Ricky over with a takedown before locking in the headlock tighter. Ricky countered and put Marty in a head scissors, and not letting Marty budge an inch. Marty eventually was able to muster the skill to reverse the move and dropkick Ricky right in the jaw. Marty then quickly got on the case of Ricky, locking in a one-legged Boston Crab, and constantly punching away at the knee whenever Ricky tried to escape. Ricky reached the ropes after struggling, which angered Marty. Ricky managed to push him through the ropes and gain a moment to breathe. When Marty got back in, Ricky begged him to stop, before pushing him into the referee, who crashed to the mat. Marty looked on in shock at what had just happened, but that look changed to sheer pain as Ricky came up from behind with low blow. He then spun Marty around as Sarieha protested on the outside, and dropped him with a Flatliner. He then woke the referee and made the pin, before posing to a chorus of boos. [b]Winner:[/b] Ricky Hype by pinfall with a Flatliner. [b]D[/b] --------------------------------------------------- [U]Cheerleader Melissa vs. Ms. Chif[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/CheerleaderMelissa.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/MsChif.jpg[/IMG] Melissa & Chif have a storied past together, especially in SHIMMER. The fans got a good womens match, but it was still slightly disappointing for me as it got a low rating considering the amazing talent these two have on their own, let alone together. Melissa and Chif started out with a staredown then locked up, with both trying to gain the upper hand almost immediately. Melissa eventually got the control by showing her anger over what happened at End of an Era. She then twisted the arm of Ms Chif, and kept yanking at the joint to cause Ms. Chif great pain. Ms. Chif fought it for a while before reaching for the ropes and moving towards them. She grabbed hold of the top rope, and flipped over in a very majestic manner, before twisting Melissa’s arm, and throwing her into an arm drag. She then held the arm tight at the joint, not allowing Melissa any space to move. Melissa then showed her own agility by rolling out of it and backing away. They locked up again, with Chif getting the control and whipping Melissa into the ropes. Ms. Chif took down Melissa with a clothesline, then bounced off the ropes to try and go for an elbow drop, but Melissa rolled under her when she was running, then leapfrogged her, before dropping Ms. Chif with a dropkick when she came back a third time. Melissa then went for a Camel Clutch, to try and psyche out Ms. Chif, but Ms. Chif fought it and stopped it from being locked in. She then pushed Melissa away, and rolled through to lock in an inverted Boston Crab. Melissa was in a huge amount of pain from this hold, and tried to reach for the ropes desperately. She struggled and struggled and eventually reached the ropes. Ms. Chif got angry at this and began to argue with the referee over making her break the hold. Melissa used this time to take a break, and kicked Ms. Chif in the gut before dropping her with a Kudo Driver out of nowhere. She then rolled onto her for the pin, and got the victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Cheerleader Melissa with a Kudo Driver [b]D+[/b] --------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/CheerleaderMelissa.jpg[/IMG] Cheerleader Melissa then got a microphone and began to speak. [color=blue] “Jezebel, lately I have grown to respect you for your amazing matches in the ring as of late, but there is one thing that you have that even I need. I have all the talent in the world, so it can’t be that at all. It is what hangs around your waist or on your shoulder every time you come out to the ring. So I want to challenge you to a title match once again, this time at Sudden Suffering. I want to hear from you by next week, or else I will get an answer out of you one way or another.”[/color] [b]D for challenge[/b] --------------------------------------------------- [U]Spud vs. Damon Leigh vs. Bubblegum[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/Spud.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/DamonLeigh.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/bubblegum.jpg[/IMG] Spud and Bubblegum constantly tried to one up each other here, with Damon getting in the occasional offense, before being taken down. Spud and Bubblegum started off throwing kicks at each other, before Spud whipped Bubblegum to the mat with a Dragon Screw, and then hit a standing moonsault for a quick two count. Damon then moved in and locked up with Spud, getting the upperhand, before being whipped off of the ropes and being met with a dropkick, and when he got up, an enziguri that spun him over. Bubblegum had recovered and locked up with Spud, before getting the advantage and locking in a headlock, he then got whipped off of the ropes, but when Spud recovered from the headlock and turned to hit Bubblegum, Bubblegum had bounced off of the top rope and came crashing down with a flip DDT. This got a great amount of applause from the audience. Damon then focused on Bubblegum, as he had been biding his time, he twisted the arm of Bubblegum, who promptly flipped twice and kicked Damon straight in the head, before dropping him with a DDT, spiking his head into the mat. Spud came over and picked up Damon, and then for a split moment, Bubblegum worked with him and they both whipped Damon off of the ropes. They then caught him as he came back and took him overhead with a Double Hip Toss, they then both climbed up top, and Bubblegum hit a moonsault, followed by a Spudsault from Spud, who tried to go for a pinfall afterwards, but Bubblegum tore him off and tried for a pin himself, before Spud did the same. Bubblegum and Spud then stared each other down before punching away at each other. This ended when Bubblegum connected with a back kick to the gut and hit a head scissors takedown on Spud, which took him to the outside. Damon Leigh had just recovered, and stood up to try and face Bubblegum. But Bubblegum connected with a Vanilla Thrilla, driving Damon into the mat, and getting the pinfall as Spud lied motionless on the outside. . [b]Winner:[/b] Bubblegum by pinfall with the Vanilla Thrilla on Damon Leigh. [b]D[/b] --------------------------------------------------- [U]Jack Storm & Dave Moralez vs. Madder Than You (Monroe & Mad Man Manson)[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/JackStorm.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/DaveMoralez.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/JPMonroe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/madmanmanson.jpg[/IMG] Storm & Moralez were really eager to decimate their opponents, due to their unfortunate loss in the tournament for the crowning of the first champions back in May. Mad Man Manson started off against Jack Storm, they locked up, but Manson proceeded to break off and begin to slap an imaginary person. Monroe began to hop around on the outside, trying to get Manson back into the match. But Manson kept trying to grab hold of an imaginary wrestler. Storm looked on in bewilderment as Manson did this, before kicking him in the back of the head and driving him down with a DDT. But this seemed to anger Manson, who hopped up and began punching wildly at Storm. Storm covered up and managed to push away Manson. But Manson then became insane once more by weakly slapping and poking away at Storm’s chest. Storm shook his head and just walked back to his corner, Manson still poking him. The crowd laughed as he calmly tagged out to Moralez, and climbed onto the apron, with Manson STILL poking him. Moralez then whipped Manson across the ring and flattened him on the rebound with a clothesline. He then pummelled away at Manson, whose head kept bouncing off of the canvas with each punch. He then picked up Manson and threw him in Monroe’s direction, allowing Monroe to get the tag and enter the match. Manson then just walked around on the outside, before crawling onto the steel steps and going to sleep. Monroe then promptly started to dance in the ring, and tried to continue a Wave with Dave Moralez, but Dave just stood there and looked at him, Monroe tried again, but was met with a punch, and a spinning clothesline from Moralez. Moralez then picked him up and drove him down with a Powerbomb, and that got the pinfall. Manson was reportedly still sound asleep on the steps at this point. [b]Winner:[/b] Storm & Moralez by pinfall on Monroe. [b]D-[/b] --------------------------------------------------- [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/dougwilliams.jpg[/IMG] Doug Williams came out with a microphone: [color=orange] “For the last few weeks, I have seen some pretty weird title challengers for the RQW Heavyweight title. People like Pac, who while no doubt talented, is not a Heavyweight. Jody Fleisch, talented, but again not a heavyweight. Same with Jonny Storm, and this Lionheart guy, who I never even heard of before he appeared here. So, I would like to make a friendly challenge to Martin Stone for his RQW Heavyweight title, for a match at Sudden Suffering.”[/color] [b]D+ for challenge[/b] --------------------------------------------------- [U]Pac vs. Doug Williams[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/pac.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/dougwilliams.jpg[/IMG] Pac & Doug were of completely different styles, but this allowed for them to mesh almost perfectly, producing a fantastic main event. Doug initially, after locking up, put Pac into a tight headlock, then switched to an arm wrench, and then into a hammerlock, and then drove Pac to the mat with a tackle, he then grabbed Pac’s leg and began to twist it, but Pac began to claw at the face of Doug due to the pain, so Doug just stood up and began to kick at the leg. He then dropped 3 elbows onto the joint, causing Pac to suffer great pain. Pac desperately tried to get out of the hold, and used all of his strength to reach for and grab a rope. Doug was forced to break the hold, but he picked up Pac, he then hit three elbows to the side of Pac’s head, before driving him down with a snap suplex. He then dragged Pac over to the ropes, and proceeded to hit three knees, each time going to the second rope before dropping down. He then tried for a pinfall on Pac, but Pac managed to kick out. He then picked up Pac and whipped him into the corner, causing Pac to grab his bad leg. Doug didn’t allow him any time to relax and ran into the corner, driving his knee into the face of Pac. Pac stumbled out of the corner, so Doug ran into the ropes and came back with a huge flying knee, which caused Pac to flip backwards due to the momentum. Pac rolled to the outside to nurse his injured leg. Doug took a moment to relax in the ring before grabbing Pac and throwing him inside the ring. After Pac got up, he chopped him three times, but Pac began to trade chops with Doug, which only seemed to help Doug get more angry and ready to end the match, as he whipped Pac, who limped, into the ropes, he tried to go for a clothesline, but Pac ducked, and then bounced off the ropes, coming back and going into a head scissor on Doug, before spinning round like a satellite, and then dropping Doug with a DDT. Doug bounced off of the mat, and Pac almost got a 3 count. Doug then jumped up and whipped Pac into the ropes again, trying to gain momentum again, but Pac stopped before the ropes again, and did a feint flip into the ropes, before coming back and flipping once more into a head scissors position on Doug. Doug pushed him off, but Pac landed on his feet, he then turned around and nailed a beautiful enziguri. Pac then went up top and went for the corkscrew 450 splash, and bounced off of the mat, as Doug had moved. Pac tried to regain his momentum, but Doug gained control with a few quick chops. He then tried for a German Suplex, but Pac rushed to the corner and tried to grab onto a turnbuckle, but Doug pulled him away and rolled him up, before carrying on and hitting a devastating Chaos Theory. The referee’s hand slapped the mat 3 times, awarding Doug Williams the win, and a point to his challenge before the match started. [b]Winner:[/b] Doug Williams with a Chaos Theory [b]C-[/b] --------------------------------------------------- [b]Overall = D+ [/b] Notes: [i]Good show for the midlands. I tried to do a different layout for this show, so I would appreciate comments on what people think. [/i][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://4.UploadMirror.com/uploaded/9/259/banner_break_05_04_2007_17_45_25_70220.gif[/IMG] We're are once again going to good ol' York Hall this week, and it looks set to be a fantastic show, as Ricky Hype hopes to continue his streak during his invitational, and the Tag Team contendership tournament continues with the final team being selected. [U][B]RQW Wrestling Tour - Wednesday[/B][/U] [QUOTE][U]Ricky Hype vs. ???[/U] Ricky went 2-0 last week, can he successfully get another win? Will Marty Scurll make a protest to how he lost last week? [U]Saint & Sinner vs. ??? & ???[/U] Once more, a team from anywhere in the UK will have a chance at entering into the tournament when they face off against the talented team of Saint & Sinner. [U]Sheamus O'Shaunessy vs. Lionheart[/U] The Irish Curse faces off against Lionheart, a win here could get either a chance at a belt. [U]Drew Galloway vs. Doug Williams[/U] Doug Williams looks to further his claim to getting a Heavyweight title shot by overcoming the Scottish Phenom. Will Drew manage to stop him? Or will The Anarchist be too much? And more.[/QUOTE] [I]Predictions always welcome.[/I][/CENTER]
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i'm liking this, good to see 3CW are getting a mention aswell, hopefully we'll see Team Dormanstown (Kid Richie and Chris Whitton) being pushed into the tag division later down the line (that is of course if they're included in T-Zone, and also whether you want them in your game lol) keep it up, i'll be reading this :)
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[I]Thanks hurricanendp, good to know you're reading. I just watched some matches of Team Dormanstown, and I have to say they are pretty good. In T-Zone they are quite highly rated, so you can almost definitely expect them to be a part of the roster soon. This post is just a news of RQW thing, as it contains some good news. Show should be up tomorrow, as soon as I get home from my GCSE RP exam lol.[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://4.uploadmirror.com/uploaded/9/259/banner_break_05_04_2007_17_45_25_70220.gif[/IMG] Today some very important news has come in. Real Quality Wrestling has been contacting promotions around the world to try and produce working agreements, so that the RQW Fans who we love so much can see some of the best international talent, be it from Japan, Mexico or America. So far, the following have fully accepted the agreements: [U]Kaientai Dojo[/U] Japan, home of Taka Michinoku and his students, contains some very good up and coming wrestlers, including our very own Quiet Storm. [U]Nu Wrestling Evolution [/U] Big Kishi's promotion in Italy, contains some good talent. [U]CHIKARA [/U] Home of some very interesting characters and none other than 'Lightning' Mike Quackenbush. Good talent is evident in a lot of their workers. [U]Pro-Wrestling NOAH [/U] A well-known promotion in Japan which has some very talented young workers. [U]Ring of Honour [/U] One of the most well-known independant promotions in the world today. Those are the only ones to accept our agreements so far. ------------------------------------ Current workers signed for 3 appearances for RQW due to talent trades: [U]Gran Akuma[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/GranAkuma.jpg[/IMG] Akuma is known for his heavy hitting and can also take it to the air quite comfortably. Will most likely fit right in for the fans. Was brought in from CHIKARA in exchange for Hade Vansen. [U]Erick Stevens[/U] [IMG]http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Hobgobbo/RQW/ErickStevens.jpg[/IMG] Erick is considered one of the next breakout stars on the Indy scene, as despite not being technically amazing, he is charismatic and can work a good match almost every time. Was obtained from ROH in exchange for Jody Fleisch. [/CENTER]
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